Pastors Earl + Oneka McClellan // The Breakup

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we're so excited about today and to have the opportunity to be with all of you if you brought your bibles you can pull them out you brought some no something to write with or your phone you can you can pull that out uh as well hopefully some of the things we're going to be sharing today are really going to impact your heart and your life honestly we believe that god is trying to push all of us forward in every single area of our life and uh not just in like our romantic relationships but every relationship uh roommates co-workers family members we all need relationship handles yes we're all in some type of relationship exactly so we're going to be pushing uh you forward we got pushed forward as we were working on this uh this past week but we're thinking about it and it's really hard uh i know in my personal life to preach off stupid like when i'm stupid you can't just preach it off you kind of gotta talk to me and walk me through stupid right so whenever i'm doing something that doesn't make sense uh it takes someone going hey do you understand that's stupid and we're going to have some things today that i i think hopefully will be some light bulbs that will go off in our hearts and our minds and prayerfully god will be able to expose the things in our hearts and in our lives that might be taking us the wrong direction uh hebrews chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 it says therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our fate for the joy set before him he endured the cross scoring its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of god this uh passage of scripture here is a is a great one uh it's talking about this great cloud of witnesses you got to read chapter 11 of hebrews to know who the writer is talking about here but there's all these individuals that have gone before us all these people that have lived lives of faith that maybe for some of you that's been your grandmother or your mom or your dad or your grandfather or maybe you might be the first like generation like follower of jesus in your family and you're the one kind of starting the new legacy uh no matter where you may be on that journey understand that there's a cloud of witnesses that are around us there are a bunch of bunch of individuals that have gone on before us and have paved the way for us in every single area of our lives and just like we would celebrate military people that have gone before us and maybe have laid down their lives for our freedom so it is in our faith as well there are people that have laid down their lives so that you and i would have the freedoms to worship and the freedoms to have the scriptures how we have them and the freedoms to be able to study and have to have the bible and this this great cloud of witnesses is all around us and because of that the writer here tells us throw off every single weight the word weight here uh in the greek means a bulk or mass similar to how some of you guys are when you lift too much you know you get real real real bulky and real you kind of like well you see somebody it's like wow they have seven necks that kind of that that kind of bulkiness that kind of mass and if you are that type of weight lifter please be in our security team we would love to have you but throw off you said kid security security yes every every weight that is on us the extra bulk the extra mass and what it says throw it aside it means to to put off to renounce it to stow it away to to take those weights and to get rid of these things all of these words are trying to paint a picture for us so that you and i will run the race that god has given us and he wants us to run this race with perseverance wants us to run this race with endurance wants us to run this race of life this race of becoming more of who god has called us to be with perseverance and with patience we're waiting for god to complete something that he started in all of us but you and i you and i keep on putting on so many weights and sometimes sins that keep on holding us down but we're trying to figure out why in the world would we keep on running with weights when we don't even have to yes life in general is pretty hard regardless so why add additional weights with the race that you're called to run i think we have a little girl her name's elle and she's six years old and as cute as ever but also very strong very she's a leader she's a force to be reckoned with but sometimes when we're bringing her upstairs to put her to bed she wants us to carry her and so carrying her up the steps it's she's heavy now and so i'm i think about that and i think about her character i'm carrying grayson oh grayson yeah he's now 11 practically yeah and yeah he's he's full built like a truck yes exactly exactly but when i carry her up the steps versus when we just walk up the steps without me carrying her it's night and day and so think about what you're carrying into your relationships with your relationships at work your relationships with your roommates your relationships you know with your significant other your relationship with your friends when you have additional weight it just makes things heavier than they need to be and so our prayer today that by the end of this message that we'll be able to identify some of the weights that we're carrying that are just making our relationships harder than they need to marriage is hard regardless of a weight being single is hard regardless if you have weights or not being on a job in an environment that you don't love is difficult enough but adding additional weights to that we're talking about lightening our load so that we can stand stronger we can have a clear perspective in that way when someone speaks into our life or challenges us we're not putting on them something somebody said to us five years ago and adding even more weight so hopefully we can lighten our load so that we can have clear vision today yeah it's so so good we we wrote it down like this i can do bad all by myself i think that's like a tyler perry show or something like that when you have an individual who is adding extra weight to you but you already have enough things you're dealing with you already have family drama you're dealing with you already have work drama you're dealing with it's like why am i inviting your drama into my life when i already have enough drama i already have enough things that i'm trying to put in order why would i willingly invite you into all of this mess we want to identify some of these weights and begin uh to move forward uh we we were wondering about this good weights or bad weights honey you want to we wrestled with this one a whole bunch okay we wrestled with this because um not every single thing that's heavy is bad for you some things that are weights that are actually good for you but how do you identify if it's a good weight or if it's a bad weight because we have seen people have bad weights but they thought well i'm getting stronger i'm getting better so i'm supposed to keep this in my life and we look at them we go well yeah you might be getting stronger but we think that's actually not wisdom that you have that's in your life so so can we get nuanced here for just a second can we can we live in this gray area some because there are some things that are really really easy are there like some things that are just sins right it's like hey if you're married uh to this person you don't flirt with this person you don't go to sleep with this other person that's called adultery that my friend is a sin we don't do that that's black and white there are some things we don't have to wonder about if you are verbally abusive that's black and white you don't have to you don't have to wrestle with that one but some people don't know that that's black and white you know what some people have lived with weights their entire lives and have endured abusive verbally abusive relationships because they actually don't know any better i remember when i was in college i was not um yes before i met you way before i met you pre pre earl instead of bc you know be and i was in a very unhealthy relationship you were messed up before me i was i was broke down on the side of the road i didn't know my value you didn't know i mean thank you lord for sending me into her life i just kept thank you i am thank you that was me that was me i was but all that to say you know i was in college i had a good head on my shoulders but i was dealing with things that i did not need to be dealing with and i was in a very verbally abusive relationship but i didn't know that i knew does that make sense like i thought i was supposed to put up with it so i don't think it's a no-brainer for people because it wasn't a no-brainer for me it took someone it took me going to church hello it took me having someone speak into my life and me that person say to me you don't deserve this you deserve better and i'm so thankful for that person's courage and boldness because i thought that that's what i deserved and i'm so thankful that that person in love spoke into my life encouraged me and reminded me that actually god had better for me and so you do i say that to say this is for someone you do not have to settle you do not have to endorse somebody tearing you down with their words somebody making you feel less than that is not what god designed for you to walk in that is a weight and it's not something that you have to carry that is so so good thank you for saying that so so let's break to the practical handles if you will on how to determine whether or not something is a good weight or a bad weight and here are three three words we want to submit to all of you first one is scripture next one is the spirit and the third one is surrounded scripture spirit surrounding scripture meaning the bible how do i know something is a good way or a bad way you if you and i can familiarize ourself even more with scripture what does god say in the bible and and for some of you thinking wait the bible i don't even ever read this thing you gotta read it this is god's book to you to humanity this is him giving you and i direction on his character and who he is and how he speaks and how he interacts and it's important the type of church and the people you're listening to because some people have taken the bible and have made it say a whole bunch of things that the bible doesn't actually say and you could end up getting a lot of distortion so you got to be in a great bible believing christ centered jesus lifting up church family and listening to that type of communicator those types of speakers so you're pointed the right direction this is one of those churches we're not a perfect church but we're a bible-believing church we're a church that believes that god's word is inerrant we're a church that believes that god speaks through the scripture so that's why we encourage you to read your bible to memorize scripture we encourage you to we even have some master classes that we're going to be starting up here soon to help you understand how to interpret scripture correctly because there are actually different types of writings in the bible some writing is poetry some writing is narrative some writing is history there's all these different types of writings in the bible so you can understand what is the writer even trying to communicate so i don't distort what is being said so you don't have to sit in some corner somewhere and figure it out all alone yes go through scripture but then you also have this holy spirit the holy spirit that called you and sealed you in the very first place you cannot even say yes to jesus without the holy spirit you cannot even you can't be saved without the holy spirit you it is the holy spirit matter of fact today when we were worshiping and even when you leave this place and you turn off your computer or your phone it'll be the holy spirit that'll be leading you and guiding you into all truth every person who is a follower of jesus christ has been sealed by the holy spirit this is not just for some spiritual elite this is for every follower of jesus christ and you and i need to continue to open ourselves up to his leading and his guiding but he's always going to be confirming what was said in the scriptures not contradicting that but then thirdly because i've seen some people say the spirit told them to do some crazy stuff and you gotta be surrounded and this is what onika was talking about with some people that actually understand scripture the voice of the spirit and they have an authentic love for you like they they have your best interest in mind they don't have just their best interest in mind they have his the lord's best interest in mind for you there are individuals i i'm even thinking about you know we talked about the identities a little bit earlier who moved uh to california wait guys how many weeks ago now a couple months ago a baby and uh they just got married uh kyle and chandler and a beautiful couple and god's doing great things in them and through them it's been wonderful to see he's a entrepreneur and she's right there by his side they're building some great businesses and uh they had only been they've been married just a little bit had just bought a house here but they really felt like god was calling them to move to california it was like quick i'm talking quick they were probably they're watching right now like yep it was quick it was i mean it was fast drawn they came to us and they said hey we really feel like this is what god is asking us to do but we have our home here that we just bought but we just think that this is the step we're supposed to take and we sat with them and it's it's better for us personally if they stay because we love having them around they are great for this community this church family standing at the door beautiful couple filled with life and faith and joy but what was going to be better for the kingdom of god is for them to take that step of faith and to move to california like they did we're so incredibly proud of them my point is you need to have some people in your life that aren't just about themselves they are about god fulfilling his will and his purpose in your life even if that might not be best for them surrounded who are you surrounded by right now who are the friends that are in your life who are the people that are speaking into your life the ones that are giving you insight and wisdom and direction for your life do you even want your life to be like theirs do you want your marriage to look like they're married do you want your finances to look like their finances do you want your business to even look like their business do you want their mental your mental health to even look like their mental health and if you're getting advice from people and you look around you're like oh my gosh i don't even want i don't want my life to even look like yours my friends you and i have to trust god to surround us with the right people so that we can be propelled forward in the destiny that he has for us this is what we're talking about here in good weights and bad weights oh where's our duffel bag where's our duffel bag oh thank you oh very strong thank you very much okay this right here this uh this is a nice bag it was a gift it was a gift yes it was a gift uh i don't even know what the w stands for but it's uh really it's like this saw the leather really supple yes that's a great word okay so this right here honey you want to hold this for a second yeah just kidding it's really heavy you got it give it a try yeah okay so curl that the whole time you want me to hold it yeah i told you this is not planned i'm just rolling with it okay so curl that okay i don't know if i can curl it you try it [Laughter] oh fairly barely that's not that that it's it's heavy heavy it's heavy do you want it on the floor the whole time or talk to me no i think you could i think you just hold it the whole time you're gonna be really mad at me uh okay so this right here oh nika you really want me i'm trying to track with you what's happening yeah i think it's better for you to hold on i think i think it works i think it works so she's like honey this is awful how much is in here i'm not you know i'm not in my fitness right now so i don't know how much is in here but it's like you look good you look good okay so if not you can put it down you can put it down i don't want to get in trouble but i love you that's right this is probably a good i don't know 30-ish pounds this but no actually it's only it's four pounds no kidding um you got jokes today this this first one is a 10-pounder this bag is nice um but on the inside of it are just honestly a bunch of different weights just a bunch of different weights it just makes it heavier it just makes it harder so you can't always go this is just a freebie you can't always go on the outside yeah yeah because it looks nice on the outside this is like really beautiful caramel supple leather it's just soft to the touch and sometimes we go by the outside on who we're gonna hire we go by the outside on who we're going to date we go by the outside when we're praying about what school we're going to go to but what we don't realize is sometimes that thing is carrying a lot of weight that you then inherit by just by going off the outside that's so so good so what we want to do both you know you want some this is free for my single people just because you want supple caramel you want supple caramel yeah yes you're supple karma thank you honey but don't always no no no no no no no but yeah i'm not nice then no no you're not i'm like wait a second it's like before coffee onika yeah before coffee but all that say no matter what you're dealing with in life you can't always go by the outside yes so because there's some hidden weights so as we have these these weights in here uh understand this every weight might not necessarily be a sin but it really could be a distraction so we're trying to help us discern and live in some of the tension and the nuances because many of us are carrying things that we should not be carrying but in our minds we say well it's not a sin and yeah it might not be a sin but it's still slowing you down and not allowing you to run the race with perseverance that god has marked out for you so so we want to just kind of dig into some of this here so let's look at some of the different weights that we have one of them we talked about could be media oh definitely media is not necessarily a sin but it really could be a weight that slows you down from being able to fulfill the call of god on your life yes we talked about a little of this last week but i feel like we can't say it enough because you can be putting pressure or weight on your relationship on your friendship on your marriage on yourself by being immersed in too much media because if you're online all the time and that's your guide that's your gauge it can mess you up and then you can put pressure on that person that you're in relationship with because you're going off of the wrong picture and so this can actually weigh you down slow you down if it is if you're spending hours on netflix or hours on online but you're not spending time making your relationship better strengthening your co-workers strengthening your spouse strengthening your roommate it's no matter you feel frustrated and overwhelmed so media can encourage you or it can weigh you down because you have unmet expectations you get lost in someone else's life and you get lost in the fantasy of that person on life and you start comparing them and then you end up being disappointed and then then the person's in trouble with you before they even said anything do you ever step into something with someone and you're thinking wait a second how did that get put on me and sometimes that can happen when you just get lost in a fake false world and start comparing i want to add to this too uh last year was incred well shoot last year this year maybe a couple years ago was incredibly difficult for you but one of the things we discovered with media is you know um those little sound bites those little sound bites that are out there um i discovered rather quickly last year that i actually and onika and i uh weren't people's pastors that was actually uh people on talk shows that were their pastors so when i came to bring the truth of the gospel i was actually competing with somebody they had been listening to on the news or on the radio for so long and they actually gave more authority to that voice than they did to my voice so so yes media can be great for us to get information about what's going on in the world but many times we will take those people's voices and we will take those voices and they will usurp other voices that god has put in our life and no wonder i can't help you become more like jesus because that person is trying to help you become more republican or more democrat or more libertarian or more this or more that and i'm trying to help you become more like jesus and and i'm saying jesus first and like no not jesus versus other things first and no wonder no wonder we're having conflict i'm all please vote please be out there and you know we've already talked about how crazy it is in our church because we've got folks from all over the place so i'm i'm not this enough i'm not that enough i'm too this i'm too that this you all know i've already heard it all so you know it doesn't bother me jesus we love people yes i mean come on the world is broken we're aware yeah it's we we get it there's issues going on everyone why didn't you well why didn't you so i can go back and forth with all of us over and over and over again i'm just gonna throw this out for free because you know it's just a free flowing morning today or evening whenever you're joining us if someone says to you i'm leaving because this person said that my first question this is this is for church people this is for church people our house right now quick family meeting quick timeout for shoreline city family meeting if someone says to you i'm leaving shoreline city because this person said that can i just first challenge you to challenge that person to say have you prayed for that have you prayed for that person have you prayed for your pastors have you put yourself in their shoes leading a diverse church during a very trying season in our world and have you asked god to give them wisdom have you asked for the benefit of the doubt have you asked god if that's what you're supposed to do that's just free wow okay okay free family you were light too you were light on that you could have gone you could even go on yeah i was like you're gonna go on gangster don't forget to pray for your leaders don't forget to pray media media can be a weight not necessarily a sin just just a weight and again onika was in the news business for gosh how many years when we got married so that's where she really cut her teeth was did a little bit of reporting and then uh did producing and all this stuff so she's been in that whole space for years and years i'm just letting you know uh everybody there's definitely an agenda there is an agenda people aren't sitting back they're going hey how do we help everybody become more like jesus that's not the goal okay you might think that's the goal but but but it's not the goal we can still get information i want to encourage us to do this i think it's healthy i think it's good but understand that some stuff can be a weight what's another thing that could be a weight some mindsets that can be oh wait we wanted to talk about this first uh mindset uh we we called it self-talk right the the self-talk thing really mattered tony can you read that verse i think it's on your next page uh which is romans chapter 13. yes number the commandments you shall now get that one okay the commandments you shall not commit adultery you shall not murder you shall not steal you shall not covet and whatever and whatever other command there may be are summed up in this one command love your neighbor as you love yourself so we wanted to talk about mindsets and self-talk for a second because as zonica put it how can i love you if i don't love me and and so many of us we're talking about weights here we're talking about weights not necessarily a sin but a weight so many of us have such terrible self-talk we when we're looking at ourselves in the mirror when we go to apply for a job when we're thinking about going to a happy hour when we're going to hang out with friends that our self-talk is so incredibly toxic that it is hindering us and being able to run the race that god has for us and this is not to put any shame on you at all all of us are battling some type of insecurity or deficiency that we feel is in our life but we feel it incredibly important to let you know god is asking you to learn to love your neighbor as you love yourself so here is god giving you permission to love yourself well he's given you permission to care for yourself well not in a way that puts you at the center in a way that puts jesus at the center and your life is now understood through the reality of his sacrifice his death his burial his resurrection for you if he puts you at the center that's called idolatry but when you put him at the center and you begin to understand your life through his sacrifice for you then you begin to see yourself the way he sees you and you can love properly and serve properly and give properly and encourage properly because you see yourself the way god sees you this is a weight that we see all the time people hating themselves but being called to love the world and it just is a disconnect time in time again i was thinking about i just have business leaders on my heart this morning for those of you that lead a business or starting a business or have had a business for years and i just have it on my heart this morning that you're trying to get a healthy culture in your environment and in your workplace and you're wondering why the culture is not it's toxic or just unhealthy or not the type of toxic you know not the type of peaceful life-giving culture and environment that you want and i just ask as you listen to this put yourself in the lens of well how am i about myself what's my mindset when i'm driving to the office what's my mindset when i'm thinking about my team what's my mindset when i think about my goals and we can self-sabotage ourselves and our relationships and those we do life with when we have so much negative self-talk that we don't even like ourselves so then the aroma that we put off the fragrance for those that work alongside of us are picking up on that and then it creates a culture that you wake up one day and go how did i get this culture and so i just encourage us no matter what season you're in whether you're leading a business or you're a stay-at-home mom or you're in school and you're a dorm leader on your floor that listen to your self-talk and make sure your words are filled with life make sure your words are filled with jesus make sure your words are filled with hope when you think them over yourselves and even if you don't believe it sometimes you have to repeat god's word over and over again until you believe it and honey i think that'll be a great point with your cards that you have up here you've been doing this for a long time definitely so years ago i started reading scripture over myself so i've been married for over 20 years i have three babies and i still have not arrived i have so much still to learn so much still to grow but i have days just like you where i feel like my mind needs to be renewed where i feel overwhelmed where i feel discouraged where i feel frustrated but what resets me every single time is god's word and i do not take it lightly i realize that i have to have it in order to survive so these are my little note cards literally i have them in my nightstand sometimes on crazy weeks i keep them in my purse and i just read them over myself or over my family over my situation over and over and over again and i do it before i scroll because i also love instagram i love social media i'm thankful for it but like i said before we have to put it in its proper place and social media does not have more authority and power over my life over my marriage over this church over my kids and the word of god does so i keep this with me it's my sword it's my weapon it's how i it's how i'm able to function actually because i'll just be honest right after we had our first child parker our oldest um something for the new parents is really if you've never dealt with fear become a parent and then all of a sudden you become fearful so that was my story and so the thing that got me through that very vulnerable time was scripture and i started with a book of scriptures it was a book that she would have all all the time i would just pull it out all the time and read it i was just renewing my mind and i'm continuing to renew my mind and so i just encourage you renew your mind constantly because it helps with the weights that try to just jump back into your bag because sometimes your weights get empty and you feel better in a certain area of your life but then a new weight jumps in so keep renewing your mind this is so so good thank you for that practical piece honey what we want yeah you can clap for that for sure what we the san antonio spurs our basketball team here in the united states of america for those who don't are aren't aren't from the states and uh the spurs uh we don't like them in dallas because we're dallas mavericks fans and uh but it's a great it's a great organization and they've won so many championships and their their head coach uh has a quote uh on the wall that talks about a stone cutter and the stone cutter hammers the stone uh 100 times but it's on the 100th time that the stone breaks but the stone cutter realizes that it was actually the 99 hits beforehand that actually made that stone break and what the world tends to do is they tend to just want to look at that one final hit and go that's what i want and uh the coach says what we want to do is we want to pound the rock here at in san antonio we want to keep on hitting that rock over and over and over and over again the difficulty with that mindset is in our day and age we are more of a posting generation than we are a process generation we like to post but we don't want the process and what in order for you to have anything healthy and strong in your life you have to be willing to go through the process i think it's pretty fascinating that when jesus came into the world he didn't just come into the world as a grown man he came in as a baby he went through the process as a matter of fact we only hear about him doing one thing when he's 12 years old we don't hear about anything until he's about 30 years old he went through a process then it was another three years of him doing ministry it was a process if jesus himself would go through a process and paint that picture for us why would we think we don't have to go through a process for our relationships to mature for our mindsets to change for us to become who god is calling us to be keep on pounding that rock we had a couple of really really quick handles that we wanted to give to let's see if we can do these in just a couple of minutes to help us with our breakup from the weights that are in our lives number one we have here is hear and believe the truth hear and believe the truth we want you to break up with your weights today we want you to break up with the weights that are trying to hold on to you we want you to break up with the things that are trying to hinder you from continuing to run your race how are you going to do that you got to hear and you got to believe the truth that is why onika has these cards with scriptures on it she's trying to hear and believe the truth it's not we don't want you just to hear you got to add your faith to that saying yes i am a child of god yes i have been made new yes my sins are forgiven yes i have purpose and destiny in jesus christ all of these things are necessary for you and i to develop and grow the next one here is confess your secrets confess your secrets you want to break up with your weight you're going to have to confess your secrets because we are as sick as our secrets the thing that you are hiding is a thing that will always come to your mind whenever you're trying to take steps forward in your walk with god or in every any other area of your life it's the secrets that will keep on coming up and trying to hit you this la this uh next one is don't ring the bell uh honey i know you you love talking about that one yes i think so many times we're supposed to push through something and we're ready to quit before we're supposed to quit and that's why it's so important that you are planted in church that's why it's so important that you are in community that you are in connect groups that you do have mentors people who have gone before you to help you know do i need to ring the bell or do i need to keep going and i just think that that's so important because sometimes we quit too soon i think about when we first started this church if we would have just quit because it was hard and it's still hard but if we would have quit at the beginning we wouldn't see all of y'all we wouldn't know all of y'all had we rung the belt just because it was hard but that's because we had other people in our life that said you know what that's normal that you feel this way i'm going to pray you through and so i just encourage you to surround yourself in community i feel like in this season right now we're all very vulnerable because we've come out of a really rough season or in a rough season and so it's so important that before you ring that bell that you get wisdom that you allow the holy spirit to lead you and guide you to say do i need to ring the bell or do i need to keep swimming yeah because we've had some friends in our lives that had to say you know what i'm supposed to stop this matter of fact we've got a guy on our board here at shoreline city was a lead pastor for for years started the church and was going for years and years and years and just felt like um things weren't going the way that we totally wanted it to and he had to make a decision to to ring the bell to say hey i'm going to stop and now he's flourishing and in amazing and beautiful ways it's amazing what god has done but you got to have scripture you got to have the spirit and you got to be surrounded by the right people and if you don't have those those boundaries in your life you and i can make a mess of our lives we are trying to say friends let's break up with the weights that are hindering us so that we can run with perseverance the race that jesus has marked out for us so we can complete and finish the plan and the purpose that he has for our lives god has so much he wants to do in you so much he wants to do through you and so many of us are adding some extra weight to our lives and it's hindering us from where god is wanting to take us what is the weight that is coming to your mind right now what is the thing that you are thinking about what relationship is it what job what mindset might happen what habit are you thinking about that is holding you you know it's in your bag it's extra weight and you're supposed to break up with that thing we're gonna believe that god is gonna give you the grace and the strength that you need to break that so that you can run the way jesus has called you to run yeah you can definitely clap for your clap i'm gonna ask everyone uh antigua north in this room just bow your heads for a moment right now if you would not mind i ask you to bow your heads not because it's like [Music] requires that in order to talk to god god loves you so much and you can have your head up and your eyes open and he can still hear you but i just wanted you to focus for a second because if you're under the sound of my voice right now whether online or in the room and and your heart is just not in god's hands he's just not first in your life maybe even all the things we're talking about today you're like this is brand new to me i don't even know all that's going on in my heart but i sense i sense something different i know right now that god is trying to do something significant and real on the inside of me and i want i want to respond i want to respond to him calling me i want to respond to this grace that i'm sensing i want to respond to this love that i'm sensing if that is you you've never given your heart to christ you've never gotten on the path of following jesus or at one point in time you did and you slipped away and you've gone another direction and you're saying i don't want to go my own way anymore i want to go his way on the count of three i do want you to do something simple but it is rather bold i literally want you to throw your hand in the air and say yes that's me i want to give my heart and my life to christ ready one two three just friends in the balcony on the floor yeah just lift your hand up right now you're saying yes that's me i want to get on a path i want to begin to follow jesus now i don't want to go my own way friends online you're saying yes i don't want to go my own way i want to go his way i want to respond to his grace and his love right now i'm going to ask everyone to do me a favor put your hand over your heart if you would not mind put your hand over your heart again would you mind repeating this prayer out loud after me say dear jesus i ask you to forgive me of all my sins i admit i made mistakes and today i give you my heart i give you my life give me the power to live for you in jesus name amen and amen can we lift our heads up here friends and clap our hands amen amen what an incredible message yeah that was incredible hey if you just gave your heart to jesus we want to know about it we want to link arms with you and we want to be able to cheer you on in this journey and so we want you to text the message jesus first to 97 000 that way we know and we can just link arms with you like i was saying make sure you do that right now absolutely and your next step would be gross track yeah right we have growth track happening this wednesday at 8 pm central standard time and so we want you guys to hop on the journey with that and also we have connect groups hop onto connect groups and join relationally and grow and get connected with other people yes we love you so much and also we just want to remind you that we're a generous church on mission to make it on earth as it is in heaven there's four ways to give make sure that you just take advantage of that have that posture to just pour out into the things that god's just poured back into you and let's celebrate our generosity we love you so so much absolutely we see you guys next week yes love you guys
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 4,292
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 28sec (2368 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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