Pastors Earl + Oneka McClellan // Copy That

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well today today we are talking relationships that's right we are excited about this oh nick and i are going to double team we don't know everything about relationships but we know a little bit about relationships she and i have been married 24 years now i can't believe how fast it has gone by incredibly fast we were on vacation uh this past week and uh we were sitting in a bar and i picked him up i was like hey you chocolate caramel i'm chocolate he's caramel i'm like come here you caramel macchiato yep and i immediately said yes ma'am and so uh but we're sitting hanging out in this little speak easy uh place and i got to meet this other mom and daughter that were there for the first over there uh at the spot they're like oh so how long y'all been married you know people always think we're we're newlyweds you know like we saw you together at the pool and what is this your first year are you on your honeymoon we're like nope 24 years 24 years and it's because black don't crack [Applause] and onika has looked the same since college y'all she has not changed it's amazing you're still beautiful inside and out but we are going to talk relationships today obviously all of this is going to be centered around our relationship with jesus christ who he is we're not just talking you know good thoughts and good ideas here we really want to make sure we're centered no matter if you're married single if you're a teenager if you're online wherever you may be all of us are in some type of relationship right with co-workers roommate spouse all of it friends there there are relationships in every single one okay this is for the old people but there used to be a song [Music] friends we have to remember the old people too that's true that's us [Laughter] well we today are going to jump into this and the title of today's message is copy that copy that i can't wait honey i'm so excited uh if you go to the doctor and i almost need it too because i twisted my ankle they won a vacation i was like saints y'all ain't praying yeah he's limping it's only been day one somebody had to have a four-hour basketball game but i'm not upset about it we were running the court we were running the court so hey you got to keep on playing until somebody beats you uh but like the last play the game i kind of twisted my ankle and i tell myself so didn't kyrie so didn't steph curry so didn't trey young okay putting on an ankle brace the other day and he's like you know what the professionals were steph where's one of these steph wears one of these so it's not because i'm old it's not because i'm old it's not because i'm old i'm not because i'm uh so twisted my ankle and uh you know initially like is this thing broken it was not i'm fine now uh our league starts on tuesday thank you jesus so uh i'm going to continue to play but if you go to the doctor and say you know something is wrong something you know you know something is wrong and actually the doctor might even know your leg is broken maybe you even know your leg is broken you're sitting there with the doctor and the doctor says hey i want you to know i think you're wonderful i think you're great maybe the document says you're loved you're valued and believed and the doctor says something like that i mean that'd be a great doctor to have and that doctor whether he or she they say all these great words to you but they do not perform any surgery they don't give you any cash all they tell you is take a little bit of i don't know take some advil and call me in the morning and you find out later that this doctor knew they knew all the problems and the pain that you were in but they didn't really want to do anything about it you didn't go to the doctor to get a friend you went there to get fixed you went there to get have something be made better in your life and for us as pastors and leaders we recognize we want to be connected we want to be friends we all want to be in relationship but that is not our number one priority our number one priority is that every one of us are raised up to be the christ-like leaders that god has called us to be that we are shaped and transformed from the inside out that the things that are broken in our life are actually fixed that if your marriage is messed up that you actually get it fixed if your mindset is messed up you actually get it fixed that if your uh heart is messed up you actually get it fixed and that might not happen in a moment but we do believe being in the environment and in this this atmosphere of faith whether you're uh north home uh in the the space at white rock that god will meet you exactly where you are so we believe that god has something for you today we believe that our question is will you have ears to hear what god has for you will you have a heart that is open to receive what god has for you if you do i believe every one of us can leave change and transform because there's so much brokenness in our world oh everywhere you look i think that's why conversations like today are so critical because it's not really working us all trying to figure this out by ourselves as trying to figure out the stress at work and dealing with toxic relationships just on our own or as trying to fix our marriages by ourselves or us trying to navigate being single in 2021 by ourselves and when we just find ourselves buried in social media like many of us do because number one it's fun but also if you don't use that tool correctly you can think that what you see and all of what you see is real life it's very intoxicating because you get you get caught in it and you're just enjoying it and then before you know it you start to think every single thing you see is real and then you match your relationship against the relationships that you see on instagram then it makes you depressed because you're like i want somebody to love me like that or i want to be able to spiralize noodles like that or i want to have that commitment at the gym like that some of it is totally real but a lot of it it's not real it is not real and you see it over and over again where you see something that looks so picture-perfect then later on someone opens up and says you know what that's not even really my life what you see is a mirage and because of that i feel like we have an epidemic we have an epidemic of anxiety with an epidemic of depression and it's spiraling and getting out of control because we're a lot of us are putting a mirror on social media and making that the pattern that we model our lives after and it's fun to be inspired don't get me wrong i love getting inspired it's one of my hobbies but i think where we fall and where we trip up is when we think all of it is real and i just think we can't say that enough is not real our world is broken it needs help us trying to do relationships the way we see relationships on instagram it don't work so there must be a different way right there must be and that brings us to romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2. if you have your bible so that you can open there if you don't have your bibles to put the scripture on the screen for you so you can follow along romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 therefore i urge you brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god this is your true and proper worship do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is his good pleasing and perfect will we that's in the new international version i'm going to read another translation the niv uh is more of a word for word translation this next translation is more of a thought for thought translation uh just like when you get a text message from someone you might kind of paraphrase it or put it in some other words this is what is happening with this message version of the bible and it says this this is the same verses just written more thought for thought it reads like this so here's what i want you to do god helping you take your everyday ordinary life you're sleeping eating going to work and walking around life and place it before god as an offering embracing what god does for you is the best thing you can do for him don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking instead fix your attention on god you'll be changed from the inside out readily recognize what he wants from you and quickly respond to it unlike the culture around you always dragging you down to its level of immaturity god brings the best out of you develops well-formed maturity in you this is romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2. when we were reading that in that first translation the new international version it says do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world uh those of us who have kids or we have a puppy some of you all got a new puppy and when you're ever house training a puppy it is kind of like having a kid a little bit like that except you can't put a kid in a crate you get arrested if you do that's a problem okay so some things don't translate uh but i remember we had our our first dog years and years ago a little bichon frise that dog cost like 500 i couldn't believe that it was crazy this is a long time ago now it might be even more expensive but if you get a dog we got a book called puppy preschool we're like oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna raise our dog right i took one of my t-shirts and put it in the crate so it could smell me i mean we had all this stuff that we were doing that's whimpering at night like like okay no let the dog cry it's okay we can't go get it we don't want to train it that we just get up every time it whimpers you know i don't know all this ridiculous stuff we're walking through uh but as we were training this dog we had to let it know you don't pee in the house you do not pee in the house you do not pee in the house i remember one time we had a dog growing up the stray dog my mom let come in to the house for a second that dog was there for about 45 minutes the second that dog peed on my mother's furniture she whooped that dog's behind and kicked that dog out of the house do not do not do not do not do not you're trying to train it you can't do this you can't do this i don't want you doing this here there's a place for that but the place is not here there are yeses and there are no's there are some boundaries that i've set up because i don't want my house smelling like dog i don't want my life smelling like that and god doesn't want your life smelling like some things it ought not smell like so he is saying to you do not do not do not conform do not allow your life to be conformed to be molded to be shaped to be fashioned to look like the pattern of this world what's the pattern of this world it's the it's the systems of this world first john chapter 2 those of you who want to dig some more into the bible a little bit later you can read this first john chapter two i think it's verse number 16. he talks about what the world is it's the the desire of the flesh the deceitfulness of life it's it's the pride of life there are i'm sorry the lust of the flesh lust of the eyes and the pride of life these are the things that are are built the world system is built around all of this stuff you and i are living in a world that yes god is the ultimate authority of but you also need to understand that there's brokenness and darkness in this world so we ought not be surprised when bad things happen because there there are demons and darkness in this world there is so much perversion in this world and there will be a day that god's gonna make every wrong right but until that time you and i are living in a world that has fragmented and broken systems because there are fragmented and broken people that have put those systems in place people that are about themselves people that are about their ego people that are about their own desires people that are not about the ways of god the things of god the way of christ they are about their own way their own a prophet their own desires and i'm not i'm not telling you something you don't know anytime anyone in this world has set up a system if it was not jesus christ setting that system up himself there is some type of brokenness and messed upness within that thing because there is brokenness and messed up miss on the inside of us so it gets out of the things that you and i are leading and god is trying to let us know do not conform do not conform to the system systems of this world there is another way i want you to live do not conform to the pattern of this world because there's so many different patterns yes you see them all the time i remember when i was little and our little girl does this to this day where you trace your hand you put your hand on a piece of paper and you trace the outline of your hand and i think of that as a pattern and i think sometimes instead of doing things god ways god's way we put our life on the pattern of this world and we draw the outline based on the pattern of the world instead of the pattern of what god's way is and there is a different way and there is actually a better way a healthier way it doesn't mean when you do things god's way that you never have problems it doesn't mean that you don't have difficulty but there is something beautiful about being surrounded in community having a place to go when life does hit and i think when we follow the patterns of this world for dating and we formulate a dating relationship all on through dms okay so that would be the pattern of this world if the only way that you communicate with someone is through dms y'all you do it all the time you know what i'm talking about and you have those conversations those conversations that disappear late at night on dms i'm talking to my single friends in the middle of that married folks too true well oh okay now you're just going there true married and single and i don't even look at my uh dms because i recognize you get some of those crazy things that will come from other parts of the world it's like hey it's like in another language i'm like no i ain't opening this one i know i know i know what that is so that stuff is coming to married people single people it's true it's so true and so i say all that to say that that's not real life like real life you can't have a relationship on the low and expect for it to flourish that's not real life that is this pattern of the world for a minute it's fun it's fun for someone to like you to pay attention to you to tell you the things that you want to hear but in real life you have to do life out on the open because out on the open that's when you have accountability that's when you have your girlfriend who's out to lunch with you saying hey how come you haven't written me back in a long time hey you don't seem the same now that you're in your relationship does that make sense like that's real life i'll tell you this when you go to a club uh and and you come on stick with me here if you're like i don't know i don't know what you're talking about pastor i've never been i will not go i have no desire to go not this church this church was there last night okay we love it we love it you all cheered louder for that than for jesus so when you go to a club it is dark meet in the lights and you find yourself talking to someone in the dark and you think um yeah yeah yeah he's fine yeah she's fine then you get out in the light and when you get to the light you're like what was wrong with me that i thought you and i ought to be a thing there's some there's a pattern of this world keep it dark keep it secret keep it hidden yep don't don't let anybody know about it don't let anybody speak into it and then i'll bring it to the light and then people see it in the light they're like whoa whoa that's not you that doesn't even line up with the character that i that doesn't line up with the call of god on your life at all there's a pattern that we see in this world we see patterns in marriage all the time where people just think i'll say whatever i think yep i'll tear down this person with my words i'll if i if i feel i just want to be real i'm going to say whatever i'm feeling i brought up it's my background we just say what we think when we think it and that stuff tears down it it pulls the life out of the relationship there are words that we have spoken to our spouses that are still there's still a scar from those words that were spoken and sometimes our apologies are wack that's a pattern of this world um i'm sorry you feel that way i'm sorry you were sensitive that's not an apology that's the pattern of the world you and i got to own our stuff when you hurt i hurt when you're sad i'm sad we're one flesh in this thing right here and all of us have not gotten this right all the time but there's a pattern of this world you see it in movies you see it on netflix you see it on tv even in friendships the pattern of this world is being passive aggressive in and saying all the feels instead of telling the person so you put it all in a post or on instagram but then you don't have the conversation oh you don't say their name you don't say their name yeah you just give enough of an enough person to smell what you're saying you know that like you're like oh i know what they're saying without saying it that is a pattern of this world in real life the way that god intended us to have face to face you have that conversation in person that's not the pattern of the world the power of the world is you're just passive aggressive you just let give off little signals and hints and do random posts instead of doing the harder work the harder work is saying you know matthew 18 how jesus laid it out for us if your brother has or your sister has a fault with you you bring it to them you have an issue with them you bring it to them face to face if that doesn't work then you go get somebody else in the church and you bring them with you if that doesn't work then you bring it to leadership in the church and then and then if that doesn't work then you can go by felicia but you got three other steps that you walk through in matthew chapter 18 and none of them say post your feelings jesus did not say go tell the world first then go deal with the person he said go deal with the person first there is a pattern of this world and it does not match the pattern of scripture and it's so healthy for us to have this conversation because for many of us this is the first time that we're learning some of these things i think sometimes you grow up thinking oh when i'm mad at you i'm just going to tell you what i think and i'm going to tell you off like that's just how some of us grew up others of us grew up were in creative families where you write your feelings you don't say your feelings so i think it's so help this is going to build healthier relationships healthier roommates healthier staffs healthier marriages but it's just doing the hard work and not taking the easy way out is when you're going to have something that actually lasts yes uh whenever i'm on vacation i always try to read at least one book i try to get through one this book i was trying to get through was social the one that uh i talked about a few few weeks ago and uh this doctor is talking about so many different things in the book i actually did not finish it i got about another 75 pages uh because onika just kept she couldn't keep her hands off of me so uh this vacation i'm like it's for the glory of god yes honey yes so we are i'm trying to get through uh this book and as i'm reading it uh he's talking about his he's not a christian from what i can what i can tell um perhaps he is but his his world view definitely talks more about you know um this the brain is wired this way for our survival and one of the ways our brain is wired is he talks about something you may have called called mirror neurons i believe i'm getting this right which is uh if you are watching me and i uh hurt my hand like i slam the car door on my hand and you see it you go but you didn't get hit i got hit but you felt it there's something in our brains that connects us with the pain of other people now sometimes you turn off that pain like you know you're scrolling on instagram and you see like a world vision like hey feed this child you're like oh there's pain you keep on scrolling that happens sometimes or other times you're moved you want to participate you want to help you want you want you want to help alleviate that pain but these mirror neurons i just i share this because i want you to know all of us are kind of wired to copy it helps us connect with each other it helps us be able to empathize with each other it helps us understand what other folks are going through that's why i was so shocked in 2020 when all the craziness was going on in our world and the ability that people had to disconnect from the pain of others it wasn't making sense to me especially for us as followers of jesus christ but these mirror neurons are are are a part of the way you and i are designed to connect with each other so i want you to know your brain is actually trying to copy your brain is actually trying to feel what other people are going through so that's why it's important that you and i have the right pattern here's another scripture for you philippians chapter two verse number five philippians chapter two verse number five it says in your relationships with one another follow the pattern of jesus christ in your relations with one another have the same mindset as christ jesus this is the pattern that you and i are called to follow here here is the pattern just to say it really bluntly jesus is the pattern he's the pattern that you and i have been called to copy now nick and i were talking about this and we were saying most people are going to like wolf that's the pattern then i might as well quit right now because i'm not going to be able to be him uh we want to unwrap that we don't have time to unwrap it but i do want to say this first thing just because we look at jesus and we see his standard being so high and we think we can't reach that standard does it mean you and i get to now push his standard aside and pick up another standard because we're more comfortable with it you and i don't get the options uh the option as a follower of christ north i'm talking to you white rock i'm talking to you everybody online i'm talking to you right now you and i don't get to make the rules for this relationship that we have with jesus christ he says i am the way the truth and the life i am the pattern and even though this pattern might be daunting to us you and i don't get to say jesus i'm sorry that's too much i'm going to put you over here and i'm going to pick up the pattern of this world because that feels more comfortable to me that is not the option for the follower of jesus you and i are empowered by the spirit to live our lives for the glory of god and even when it's hard and difficult and we don't feel like we measure up understand that his grace is sufficient his power is made perfect in weakness and he will be there to strengthen you and pick you up every single time but that is that is the uh the pattern that we're called to follow and this is the pattern that transforms our minds yes even when we look here at verse two it says do not conform we're sticking on this today to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will be able to test and approve what god's will is then see that right there where it says then but first we have to not conform to the world but we have to be transformed by the renewing of our mind and our mind is renewed in moments like today our mind is renewed when we read the bible our mind is renewed when we have healthy conversation in connect group our mind is renewed when we spend time with god in the car on the way to work our mind is renewed when we listen to worship music it helps reset you it helps strengthen you it helps you approach things not the old way but the new way because god is transforming you i remember growing up i didn't grow up in a home with a mom and a dad like a healthy family to learn oh this is what it means to be a great wife i didn't see that growing up so my mind had to be renewed i had to understand that there's a different way to go about things that there's a kingdom way there's a godly way it's harder it's a higher road but it's why i've been able to be married for over 24 years it's not because i had a pattern i had a family photo album that i looked through the pages and thought oh that's what it means to have a healthy family no i had to be transformed by the renewing of my mind i had to plant myself in church i had to learn to read my bible i had to interview couples that had healthy marriages to learn how do you not quit how do you not give up how do you not lose your mind i had to be transformed i couldn't follow the pattern of my family i had to get a new pattern and that pattern came from being planted in a healthy church and so there's hope for you today if you haven't had a good pattern god has a new pattern for you or if you've seen healthy relationships but you've just messed up in your current relationships guess what you can start fresh you can approach this with a healthy wing that is so says it then you will know god's will and i think what's just so fascinating is i was reading this scripture as we were studying yesterday i was leaping off the page is so many times we lose our purpose in our marriages we lose our purposes in our careers with our companies we lose our purpose as a single person and it's because many times we're approaching it without a renewed mind so if you approach your single life without a renewed mind that's there's a reason why you're not able to put one foot in front of the other if you approach your marriage without a renewed mind there's a reason why you're always losing your temper if you approach your company or your business or your job or your boss or your root you have to have your mind renewed because if you don't here's a hot mess you say whatever you think you lose your cool all the time and it just doesn't work but it actually gives you the grace to not quit it gives you the grace to make the breakup when you need to make the breakup it gives you the grace but there's a secret you got to renew your mind so you see this verse right here it keeps saying do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind then you will know god's will god god what you will from life what you will from life do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the newing of your mind then all of us are trying to skip to i want to know your will i want to know your will i want to know your will but we don't want to go through the process of getting a renewed mind so we want the fulfillment of his will without the application of his process we're like god give me just give me the dessert at the end but i don't want any vegetables in the beginning and that's not the way god laid it out for us right here romans is he's saying it so so clearly we want the fulfillment of his will without the application of of his promise i want to go here to uh some practical tips was going to run through some really really practical tips okay this is just some bullet points to some handles before we uh get ready to go uh back to one last verse of scripture one first practical tip make your decisions in regarding relationships based on patterns not promises let that sink in make your decisions based on patterns not promises oh he promised me he's gonna he promised this is the last time he's ever gonna cheat he she promised it's the last time she's gonna cheat he promised me this is the last time he's ever gonna hit me he promised me this the last time she promised me this is the last time but you've seen the pattern the same thing keeps happening over and over and over and over you do not make those long-term relationship decisions based on a promise he promises never she promised she's never no you look at the pattern and if the pattern keeps telling you this person is lazy if the pattern keeps telling this person cannot control their temper if the pattern keeps telling you that this individual is stingy if the pattern keeps telling you this person is dishonoring if the pattern keeps telling you this individual is about themselves if the pattern keeps telling you they're egotistical and narcissistic do not believe do you believe the words that are coming out of my mouth no i don't because i have seen your pattern i can't hear your promise i have to go ahead and follow the pattern number two you want to say this one yes my prayers may be able to get you out of a pattern but your mind will keep you in a pattern so i can pray for you all day long god i thank you for breakthrough god i thank you that the scales would fall off their eyes god i thank you that anything that's you know that they're bound up in would fall off but it's up to the individual to turn away to be transformed by the renewing of their mind to do the hard work to get the counseling to show up to ask for prayer to have the tough conversations that's what the person has to do we can pray for you all day long you can pray for a breakthrough for that person all day long but it says right here that you're it's the mind your mind the recidivism rate uh is what uh happens when a person leaves prison and they go back and i i think that rape might be high for some of us as followers of jesus we're prayed out of a situation but our mind puts us right back in the prison that god delivered us out of [Applause] let me keep on going here transformation means the new me didn't save a seat for the old me write that down transformation means the new me didn't save a seat for the old me so when you are transformed when god has been doing this work in your life do not make a space in your home for who you used to be that bedroom is now occupied that bedroom is now off limits you are not looking for a new roommate that person is now dead and in the past because god is changing you and rearranging you uh the comfort of the world is at odds with the carrying of the cross the comfort of the world is at odds with the carrying of the cross and this brings us to romans chapter 12 verse number one it says therefore brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy and pleasing to god this is your proper act of worship this whole thing we've talked about with do not conforming in verse number two you don't get to verse number two without verse number one and this verse number one is the verse that is skipped most often when we're trying to get into the pattern of being like jesus we're like okay i'm not gonna conform my mind i'm gonna be transformed but before you get there you gotta go through verse one and verse one says in view of the mercy of god you'll have to read all of romans chapter 1 verse chapter 1 over to verse 11 to know all the mercies that he talked about for 11 chapters that there is therefore now no condemnation for those that are in christ jesus that you now have the spirit that you've been sealed as a son or a daughter that you've been adopted by god that you were brought into the family of god when you didn't even deserve it that god picked israel but then he said hey i'm gonna allow you to be to share in the blessing of israel there was mercy after mercy after mercy after mercy after mercy that you're justified by faith that your your works no longer are the thing that make you right with god but the sacrifice of jesus is what makes you right with god that while you are still a sinner christ died for you that you that god died for you even before you wanted him he wanted you over and over and over we get to see the mercy of god on display and in view of all of that mercy what he says to you is you got to pay a price and what's the price your whole body your whole body the emotional side of you the sexual side of you the race the skin side of you the mind side of you the gender side of you the gift side of you the weaknesses side of you all of it you got to present all of it and if you and i keep wanting god i want your pattern i want your pattern we're going to follow this pattern first the first pattern in the pattern of jesus is that he gave his life in obedience to god that's your first step that's my first step brothers and sisters in view of god's mercy present your bodies what would it look like if we had roommates teenagers married people single people lawyers doctors students managers that before we were trying to get god's will we first said god i present my body to you we wrote it down like this too many of us are following a partial pattern hoping for total fulfillment too many of us are following a partial pattern hoping for total fulfillment our focus is not trying to sacrifice to each other our first focus is saying god i sacrifice my life i give my life a living sacrifice to you flesh that out this week talk about this in your connect group write about this in your journal spend time in prayer about this this week in your drive to work let this run through your mind and see how we're not transformed as we begin to present our bodies to god go ahead and copy that that's what we want for us as a church family hey i'm going to ask all of us up north everywhere bow your heads for just a moment if you would not mind i ask you to bow your heads just so that we can all focus for a second [Music] just focus if you're under the sound of my voice and you have never given your heart and your life to christ you've never actually said jesus i want you to be first in my life i want you to be number one i want you to be the ruler of my life i want you in the driver's seat of my life i want you to be the final authority in my life if you've never said that or at one point in time you did say that but you went another direction you've gone your own way you've been doing your own thing you're saying i don't want to go my own way and i don't want to do my own thing anymore what i want i want to respond to the mercy of god and i want to give him my heart or my life maybe there was a time you're following jesus but you slipped away you've gone your own direction you just right now you're just far from god you like believe in god but you're far from him this is just an opportunity for you to get back on the path his arms are open to you in this moment whether you're online or at one of our campuses so i'm going to ask everyone who wants to get in on this prayer you want to give your heart to christ for the first time or you want to rededicate your life to serving him on the count of three i just want to do something simple but something bold i literally just want you to throw your hand in the air and say yes that's me want to give my heart and my life to christ ready one two three just put your hand in the air you're saying yes that's me i want to give my heart i want to give my life to christ's friends all over the room raising their hands right now saying yes i don't want to go my own way i want to go his way i don't want to be first i want him to be first i'm going to ask everyone to do me a favor put your hand over your heart right now and i want you to repeat this prayer out loud after me everyone say dear jesus i ask you to forgive me of all my sins i admit i've made mistakes and today i give you my heart i give you my life give me the power to live for you in jesus name amen amen amen wow so good today has been a phenomenal day i do want to say okay if you have made the decision to put jesus first in your life we would love to know so if you text jesus first one word to 97 000 we would love to follow up with you and help kind of push you forward in your walk with christ yes we want to come alongside of you in the best decision that i have ever made eric and his wife and his family has ever made and so we want to cheer you on and all that god has called you me so that's exactly why after you said yes to jesus your next step is growth track okay so we take this moment every single week to say it not just because it's a thing to say but because it's literally gonna transform your life so head on over to our website so that we can see every single one of you live out the calling and the purpose and the passion over your life yep now i do want to remind you church family we are a generous church that's right because you have said yes to putting jesus first in your finances literally families and individuals around the world have been impacted and pushed forward and made better so let's just continue to be generous you can give online through our app you can get there's a qr code that we'll put on the screen text to give there are a number of different ways that you can give but i just want to say thank you so much for your generosity and that's a wrap yes it's going to be literally the best way to ever be short ahead of growth connect groups but we love all of you so we love you so much bye ciao
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 4,275
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Id: jaJhX4vVLaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 53sec (2453 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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