Pastor Earl McClellan // Talk Is Cheap

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and let's clap our hands we got north campus with us right now online antigua we got folks all over i met a family from fort worth yesterday or at least i met the husband of cameron andrika they've been watching tuning in online every week i every single week i keep hearing about people like in idaho or in kenya or all over the world that are joining in together and i just want you to know we love you a ton so whether you're in the room here at white rock or you're online or wherever you are god is going to meet us today north antigua dallas all over the place i got to say this though i'm proud of you okay i'm already proud of you matter of fact tell the person next to say i'm proud of you say i'm proud of you some of y'all might start weeping you have had no one say that to you for years my dad never said it to me uh i'm proud of you here you are here you are took some time brushed your teeth got in the car good job well done well done uh or you roll out of bed and you're sitting at home uh right now but wherever you are you took the step to say hey i i want to grow and we got a lot of folks that you know will end up watching on on on demand later on youtube and somehow they just kind of stumble onto a message and honestly i'm going to chalk that up to not algorithms but the sovereignty of god that's what i'm going to do and saying god is interested in meeting you exactly where you are he loves you so very much so whatever brought you here you need to know that god wants to meet you uh there's a pastor scripture in luke luke chapter 6 verses 17 and 19 jesus has just walked down uh from picking uh there's a there are a bunch of disciples we always say 12 disciples but actually a bunch of disciples and jesus chose 12 out of them to kind of be like his executive team or like his lead team if you will so he's got these uh these 12 and he's just chosen them and they come down uh from uh from this mountain and there's a large crowd that gathers around a ton of people everywhere and these individuals are like clamoring towards jesus they are they're trying to get something from him and when you read the scriptures it talks about how individuals had impure spirits and individuals had sicknesses and diseases they had so many issues that they were dealing with and when i was reading that this week i could not help but feel that's our story as well that you and i even though we might uh be cleaned up it might look halfway decent on the inside a lot of us are dealing with a lot of different things and there's battles that are raging and there are some issues with our family and with our friends and maybe even some mental health issues that we're battling and we just want you to know that jesus just like he did in luke chapter six he's still healing people now he's still bringing restoration now he's still bringing hope now and i i don't know what you're carrying today but i really want your heart to be filled with expectation and know that jesus will meet you at the level of your expectation i wish i had the power in and of myself to make everything right i don't today i'm just a delivery person i'm just here with a message from the god of all gods the king of all kings the lord of all lords the sovereign one saying he loves you and he is for you and he is ready today to meet you exactly where you are so teenagers i need you to know that god is trying to meet with you single people i need you to know that god is here he's right and he's right where you are ready to meet with you divorced whether you are married older younger it does not matter at all today today is going to be a day that god is going to meet you so i want you to have your heart wide open i i've got a title for today it is not a fun title but it's a title nonetheless talk is cheap talk is cheap if you have your bibles why don't you turn with me to luke chapter six oh talk is cheap i thought that title was rather aggressive you know i i sent it to a i sent it to parker my wife i sent it to my mom as well and and they're all i gave him a couple different options like no no talk is cheap so i guess they that's what they want so that's what i'm doing luke chapter 6 verse number 46 why this is jesus speaking here okay oh boy why do you call me lord lord and not do what i say okay here's jesus that part you know what people say oh that part right there who started that i don't know jesus why why why do you call me lord lord and you don't do what i say like you're you're saying i'm with you i love you i'm following i'm following you okay okay okay talk is cheap why do you say lord lord but you don't okay let me keep on going here some of y'all like i picked the wrong day to come to church no no we're going to leave in courage we're going to leave in courage as for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice okay some of your english majors and is a conjunction oh you weren't ready for that so it's not just it's not just hearing the words it's hearing and it's hearing and and puts them into practice i'll show you what they're like i'm gonna show you what that man or that woman is like they're like a man or a woman building a house who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock when a flood came the torrance struck that house but could not shake it because it was well built verse 49 but the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man or a woman who built a house on the ground or on the sand without a foundation the moment the torrent struck that house it collapsed and its destruction was complete okay so i'm reading this this week and i'm like dang lord this is what you want me to talk about this this is this is what you want me to share with your kids and god loves us so much he is so forced i told you i'm proud of you i i actually think i'm just honestly being a representative i'm i'm here representing god saying i believe he is proud of you so we got you got to understand we're not a shame church we're not a guilt church we're not trying to beat people now of course we believe in sin because jesus died for it ah duh but but talking about sin and putting shame and guilt on people are two very different things jesus says there is therefore now no condemnation for those that are in christ jesus that does not mean there's no conviction there are some times where you and i gotta go oh okay okay you love me and this is why you're pushing me forward you know i don't get a trainer you don't you don't get a trainer so that you stay the same right it's not you don't hire someone at the gym and say you're like wait you can do that yes you can can hire an individual to put you through pain but it's all for your benefit like if you got the right trainer the trainer is there to help you not to hurt you now it might hurt but the hurt is to help so here we have the word of god being our trainer we have the spirit of the living god the holy spirit being our trainer helping us to become who god has called us to be helping us to get that six-pack spiritually if you will helping us to get off some of that back fat come on somebody in the name of jesus colbert get behind me covet you cannot have my back fat god this week so this week we had a uh i never know what i'm gonna say when i get up here so uh my wife's not here right now so honey you can't stop me no love you so much honey love you she she's at home because we had some bug come through our house this week y'all this bug this stomach bug i've been hearing that it's been going around so it came to our house you know started with one of the kids who are watching right now too love you guys but dang those kids will get you and came through the house like a vengeance i mean earlier this week i weighed one amount and now y'all i'm feeling good i mean it's according to the scale it's like 5.2 pounds okay i don't think it's healthy but i'm taking it so i have no idea where i was in my sermon here a trainer we're wanting to grow and develop get better get stronger spiritually wanting to move forward none of us are wanting to stay the same but jesus here says you're calling me lord but you're not doing what i say you're like you're just you're posting it but you're not following through and it's not an issue sometimes an issue of us not knowing what to do and that's one reason to not follow through but there are times that you and i know what steps to take and we go i'm still not going to follow through so this scripture here this scripture here teaches us that the best looking building may not be the best building that the marriage that looks great on instagram may not actually be the best marriage ladies let me talk to you for a second let me talk single ladies not married ladies okay this is i'm talking single ladies single ladies you see him and you see your shoulders first some of you'll notice other things first but keeping it holy you you see you see his shoulders but but that the best looking man might not be the best man where where where's my where's my where's my shovel where's my hook me up here hook me up okay give me my new one get my new one i might get my new one okay thank you all so so much okay thank you thank you kelsey thank you thank you okay i'll i'll take my old one you bring bring my old one over here too please okay this this right here okay thank you okay shovels ladies you judge him based on his shoulders but you need to look for his shovel this is actually what will help you know whether or not he's worth your time okay okay because somebody's like dang it [Applause] because the scripture here teaches us fall scripture here teaches us that that with you and i in our world in our life we can hear good stuff but if you hear good stuff and you don't know how to dig down deep with what you heard then you're taking your life and you're just building it on a foundation that is not sturdy or strong and whenever the storm comes and the reality is they always come they always come i don't care if you have your phd they come i i don't care if you're single they come if you're married they come if you got kids they are coming if you have a job if you have friends if you are alive if you okay if you're breathing the storms come and we are so enamored in our society with stuff that looks good and we don't take the time to find out if it's actually good [Applause] now let me talk to barry folks let me see if i can get this instead of here okay okay you can you know you see those couples you see them the angle's right my wife's talking to me about angles and stuff you know all the time and i'm like take the picture she's like earl no earl no earl no higher okay okay like this no no not higher like that higher like i mean i'm trying to do everything i can you know i'm trying to be a good husband to just kind of figure it out you can look great on the ground great marriages are not built on the ground great marriages are built with shovels you you want to see a married couple you want to get advice from a couple that has a shovel that has like some dirt on it like they have been through some stuff and built some muscles because they decided to hear and to dig down deep and to put their marriage on something that is greater than a filter i'm trying to help us here okay i'm trying to help us i think jesus here is trying to help us he's trying to help us understand that there are plenty of people that are hearing but they're not end in on it they're hearing but they're not taking that next step to put into practice what i'm telling them to do and how in the world can you and i keep being surprised when jesus is telling again what to do wait i'm waking you all up telling us what to do and you and i are like i heard dave ramsey say the other day he was talking you know dave ramsey little radio show if you know who dave ramsey is your money's probably in jeopardy right now [Laughter] find out who he is okay and he's got like these baby steps like these seven baby steps uh my wife and i uh have gone through financial peace i encourage you to do that uh as well we used to offer it here at the church i don't know if we still do but we need to do it again let's offer that as much as we possibly can go go through the baby steps but he's talking about how somebody has these seven steps this is how you walk through it and people will switch them up or they'll do one piece and not all of it and he goes oh you're not working my plan you're working your plan and i feel like this is what we do with jesus let me read okay i like that verse let me take this other one out that makes me uncomfortable okay it makes me uncomfortable and i don't feel like in our day and age people can understand that so let me take that verse out let me take this other verse because all of these make me feel really really good about myself why do you call me lord lord you can call me advisor you maybe can call me buddy but if you're gonna call me lord if you're gonna say if you're gonna say i'm your lord you're gonna have to grab a shovel you're gonna have to hear what i say and put it in to practice uh for all of us here i i want i want you to understand that the digging is connected to doing okay digging is doing let me break it down because some of y'all's still like why's he got a shovel in his hand okay i i i hope the metaphor is sticking i hope the analogy is is making sense and again not everybody starts off with a worn shovel if your shovel's new that's fine just show me that you have your shovel just show me that you're saying god i'm hearing what you're asking me to do and i'm willing to take the step and to do what you're calling me to do i do not want to uh us to be a church family okay and i felt like covet did this to us that's why one of the reasons i feel like god put this uh scripture on my heart last year we found out what we actually put our foundation on we found out that when the storms hit a lot of us were not on rock we were on sand a lot of us had tall buildings but we had not dug down deep so for you and i i'm asking us i am imploring us i'm all of us together us me i'm in this too i do not want to be a church that has a lot of people with no depth i'm grateful for all the people we have i love how the church continues to grow but but i don't want us just growing taller without growing deeper now deeper some people like oh deeper i need to a greek and the hebrew no that's not what deeper means according to scripture you know that right jesus says they will know you're my disciples by your love for each other that's what he said so if you know greek and hebrew and you're mean and nasty don't bother don't talk to me about being deeper okay that's not deeper that's not deeper that's prideful that's ego i'm all good with greek and hebrew i encourage it do it learn as much as you possibly can context backstory oh i love to get into all of that stuff it is so so healthy and good but as you and i continue to allow our knowledge to increase but our love does not increase our shovels don't get more worn then my friend we are missing it because jesus did not say i want you to dress really pretty i want you to look really good i want you to appease all the people he says no i want you to hear what i'm saying and i want you to put it into practice and we've already talked about the greatest commandment is to love the lord your god with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all your strength and to love your neighbor as yourself it's in these two things that the whole law is fulfilled if you want to do what god is calling you to do it really is summed up in love now in our day and age you like to take love and meaning there's no challenge my friends that's not what love means because sometimes you love someone so much and you see them headed towards a hell towards a pit towards destruction and love does not stay silent love gets on a cross love says i'll get in the way love says i'm for you love says i'm not gonna let you ruin your life without me speaking up praying for laying down my life for you that's what love does shovels okay who can i get these back to you you guys got this thank you so much good job dee thank you dee thank you okay let's keep on going here let's keep on going um let me go to matthew let me go to matthew okay i'll give you man let's go to matthew okay um matthew it's the first book of the new testament i think i'm in matthew 20 1-ish is that right 21 28 yeah put it up 21-28 okay yeah yeah y'all gonna like this you don't like this 21-28 okay here's jesus speaking again what do you think there was a man who had two sons i have two sons he went to the first son and he said hey son go and work today in the vineyard verse 29 i will not okay so okay okay so if this is a black family there there's like a or something that happens right after this her latinos as well i heard that as well it's like hey hey i'm go i will not he answered but later he changed his mind and he went after his behind got tore up okay no no just get it no no no that's not true don't tear up your kid's behinds okay don't you don't have to do it like that anymore uh then the father went to the other son and he said the same thing how much you'd go out and work he answered i will i will sir i will i'm gonna do it dad but he did not go which of the two did what his father wanted now you you know the answer it's not the one that said it and didn't do anything it's actually the one that said no and then changed their mind and went and did it but see nowadays i'm just telling you nowadays i mean i'm thankful for social i'm thankful for social media okay it's beautiful social media is a good thing i know it is but it's all a test right we've never had this kind of access before we've never it's it's it's all new we don't know actually what we're going to be like 35 years from now we all might be like we don't know jury's still out but nowadays all i have to do is say it and that means i'm about it i don't actually have to be about it i can actually go to wherever i want to go and if i curate the i can make everyone think i read my bible all i got to do is get angle take this water and put this give my little string come on follow me north take my little string drop it okay hold up hold on okay yeah yeah there it is i get my my water my coffee okay i gotta get my pen put my pen right be as hateful be as mean be as prideful be as selfish be as stingy [Applause] nothing's changed except the picture and jesus you're saying who did my will who did my will who did my will we all know the one who did it now there's plenty of things that god asked of us that i want to go i will not i will not i was thinking about this jesus and the kingdom of god is not a corporation it is not but just to help us understand a little bit more okay just go with me for a second it is not a corporation okay you're not like hired to serve the lord okay there are benefits but no they're preaching no there we're not we're not a corporation but i was thinking what if we treated jesus or what have we treated our jobs like we treat jesus your company says hey hey here you go uh glad you're here glad you're here uh we need to show up on time uh we need you to i don't know be nice you need to do your job need you just kind of list it out whatever whatever industry you are in what healthcare law uh education uh entertainment or maybe you're creative whatever you you got the stuff it's written on the wall here's what we do with our company could you keep going into your company and going uh i'll take that one i'll take that one but the rest of them i ain't doing and your boss comes to you like hey hey just so you know we don't just have two things on our list we got ten things on our list not two ten not two ten so i like for you okay you're working here right i like you to do all ten you're like nah the other eight make me uncomfortable the other eight i'm just sorry these the other eight they just really bother me the other eight i'm not sure if i can really you know you know how i was raised okay you don't know what i've been through you you don't know my struggles huh you don't know so these other eight i just and your boss keeps having this conversation with you and then later on you go to your boss you're like hey boss uh can we talk about that promotion let's talk about the promotion boss your boss is like okay yeah let's do promotion she's looking at your eyeball to eyeball she's like okay can we bring out can we review some stuff real quick i've been talking to you about this stuff and you are ignoring the things that i'm bringing to your attention why do i want to give you more influence in this company if you're not doing the things that i've asked you to do now please again understand i don't want us to get into a corporate mindset when it comes to jesus okay do not do that i'm just trying to help us under stance because here's the reality there's plenty of things that jesus is asking us to do that again that are hard for us to do all right can we just acknowledge that there are some things it's like oh love your enemies okay nope no i'm i i don't do that okay i appreciate it turn the other cheek that ain't me okay that's not my story okay i'm just i just don't do that okay so jesus if you know me you know you have to change that one okay we're gonna be struggling with that one for a very long time here jesus because if somebody slaps me on this cheek yeah i'm gonna give him the other one like i'm turning i'm turning like this that's what i'm doing okay so there are plenty of things that jesus is calling us to do that don't feel good serving doesn't always feel good giving our money doesn't always feel good praying for our enemies doesn't always feel good laying down our lives for others doesn't always feel good saying jesus i want you to be first in all these areas of my life doesn't always feel good forgiving does it always feel good but it keeps on calling so now what do we do what do we do when we kind of want to do but don't feel like we have the strength to do what he's calling us to do i got a great verse this is a good verse let's go philippians chapter two go go with me philippians chapter two i like this one i like this one this is good is any of this making sense any just making sense to y'all philippians chapter two philippians chapter two this is one of my favorite verses i need to preach on this verse more philippians chapter two follow me north follow me uh online listen up here philippians chapter two verse number 12. therefore my dear friends therefore my dear friends as you have always obeyed okay you you're doing you're obeying you're following through you're digging you're doing you're hearing and then you're doing you've always obeyed not only in my app in my presence but now much more of my absence like you're not just doing it when i'm there you're doing it when i'm not there you're not just honoring your spouse when i'm with you you're honoring your spouse when there's nobody with you much more my absence continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling what a powerful he's saying hey take what god has given you keep on working it out keep on doing keep on following through but then he gives this promise oh my goodness i love this verse 13. for it is god who works in you you got to catch this you you have to get this piece if not you're going to leave here thinking you have to do it in your willpower for it is god who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose this okay some of you all clapping you're like yeah i'll be like why are they clapping let me break it down to you okay okay you've obeyed not only my presence but now in my absence he says now keep on working out your salvation like okay some of us are looking we're eights right or we're threes we're like yeah we're we're ones on the end of your ground we're like perfection perfection perfection perfect and we're ready to go and go and go or you're too and you're a helper you're like well i'm gonna help and help and help and help it help and help and you're just ready to go and go and go and god's like okay listen i need you to slow down time out time out this is what i'm gonna do i'm going to give you the power to do the very thing that i'm asking you to do because it is god who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose god orally already gave us what we need to do what he desires this is a huge it is a massively important piece to you being a follower of jesus because everything that i'm talking about here us keep grabbing our shovels everything i'm talking about here of us following through everything i'm talking about here of us doing all of this stuff you have to understand that what god did is he fixed the game in your favor he fixed the game for your benefit and what he said is if you will rely on me so when you have a person that you can't stand you can actually pray this prayer god i can't stand them it's all through the bible read psalms something like killing people's families he's just like so honest so god's not intimidated by those kind of prayers god i don't like him or her can't stand him the breaths thinks you know whatever you want to say i put ref b with an f on the end can't stand them but lord you called me to love them so i'm going to ask you to work in me what you want to come out of me because i acknowledge i don't have the power to do it myself and if we could get some more followers of jesus praying these kind of prayers i think we'd have less homes falling i think we'd have less families falling i think we'd have less churches falling i think we'd have less mindsets and single people and teenagers falling but so many of us are just trying to do it in our own strength and power you don't have enough strength to do what god has called you to do he put the bar too high that's why he said i need to empower you by my spirit i need to fill you up with the holy spirit so that you can do the very thing that i've called you to do let me okay i i think i wrote it down like this god god's power is greater than our mistakes but it's not but it's hindered by our excuses greater than our mistakes so no shame but his powers hindered by our excuses and we keep giving ourselves passes to not live and love like jesus because we're taking our cues from people that are not living and loving like jesus here's here's our standard here's our guide points us to jesus and you and i are trying to live our lives for his glory if you want um i referenced it earlier but the there is uh an impossible possible call for the christian it's impossible and possible and later on today i want you to read all of luke chapter six or even read after like start at verse um 20ish or so just start reading has the beatitudes there blessed are the poor blessed of this blessed woe to you who are this woe to you who are that so i start reading keep on going it starts talking about love your enemies do good to them that hurt you and what we do in our day and age is we dismiss it before we dig we dismiss it we dismiss it and i just wonder what it would look like what would our lives look like if before we dismiss because we saw it as hard we decided to dig by dig i mean do i'm gonna do i'm gonna hear and oh i'm not going to hear you and i will not be the person the leader the business leader the husband the father the mother the friend you and i will not be who god has called us to be we're loved cared for forgiven but we will not be who god has called us to be if we just keep being hearers and not and picking up our shovels and digging down deep i have not yet many marriages that have fallen apart because they were doing the and but i sat with plenty of couples i go i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i know i go okay you can know how to eat but if you don't throw a and on that back fat but maybe god will bless you with a stomach bug and you'll be free no i'm not praying that on anybody do not get your eyes on me do not focus focus your eyes on you you start your eyes on jesus his sacrifice what he did then because you're so enamored and in awe of with what he did you and i can hear what he has called us to do and now we are able to respond to his call not out of guilt but out of a response to his sacrifice and when you get that down right oh you're cooking with gas at that point in time you're getting a flow and a rhythm and you and i don't have to have it all figured out right away god's probably just got one thing he's working on you about one thing it might not even be a sin thing might not be where you're missing the mark it might be a phone call you need to make a book that you need to write a business you need to start something you need to step away from some guilt you're holding on to be a host of different things but just he's doing it all to help you develop and grow to become who he called you to be talk is cheap but the grace of god is real and powerful are we ready to keep on growing church family are ready to become all that god has called us to be hey if you wouldn't mind north here in the room online by your heads for just a moment if you're under the sound of my voice and you've never made jesus christ first in your life you never made him number one you never put him in charge you've never said jesus i i want you to be in the driver's seat of my life you never said that you never even said jesus i want you to be lord or there was a point in time you did say that but you slipped away you've gone your own direction you're doing your own thing you're saying god i don't want to go my own way anymore i want to go your way i don't want to be first i want you to be first i don't want to be in the driver's seat i want you in the driver's seat whether you are online north you are at white rock wherever you may be right now sitting at your kitchen table it does not matter god's grace is right there if that's you you've never given your heart and your life to christ at one point in time you did and you slipped away and today you are ready to give your heart and your life to him for the first time or rededicate your life on the count of three i want you to throw your hand in the air and say yes that's me you're ready one two three just put your hand in the air you're saying yes that's we want to give my heart and my life to christ i don't want to go my own way anymore i want to go his way it's a powerful moment transformation a new beginning just raise it up high you're saying yes it's me i'm not going my own way anymore i'm putting him first i'm gonna ask everyone to do me a favor put your hand over your heart everyone under the sound of my voice repeat this prayer out loud after me say dear jesus i ask you to forgive me of all my sins i admit i made mistakes and today i give you my heart i give you my life give me the power to live for you in jesus name amen what a day oh snap that's okay phenomenal hopefully you've been pushed forward hopefully you've been inspired hey i do want to say if you gave your heart and life to christ please let us know you can text jesus first one word to 97 000. we would love to follow up with you and give you some clear next steps in your walk yes totally one of those next steps is actually going to growth track which we talked about a little bit before but if you want more information we're going to put it up on the screen but also there's some links below this um for you to click on or even head on over to our website because we want to make sure that you're informed and plugged in and we want to see you there for sure for sure now i do want to remind you we are a generous church and we actually all get to participate in giving so i want to encourage you to go ahead be generous with your finances because of your generosity so many lives are impacted and the gospel is pushed forward so church family let's continue to stay generous yes well we love every single one of you it has been a phenomenal life-changing day so we can't wait to see all that goddess in and through it throughout the week love y'all
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 4,777
Rating: 4.9379845 out of 5
Keywords: shorelinecity, earlmcclellan, talkischeap
Id: yU-vf-AZFCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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