Pastor Earl McClellan // Victory

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come on are we ready for a great day today or what i think god is going to meet us exactly where we are give somebody a fist bump and give him a kiss on the cheek if you know him well enough we're doing something really exciting today too not only are is james river all together we got west and north and joplin and online actually our church shoreline city we're tuning in as well so we're live streaming to dallas our north campus antigua guatemala everybody online at shoreline city i love that we all get to be together today uh i i'm at james river church shoreline city i'm at one of the best churches the best churches the best churches in the entire world pastors john and debbie uh i mean come on are they even real are they even i am we sit across some of them at dinner last night and i'm like honey can you believe these people they have the audacity to be kind and loving and generous and authentic and just love people they're talking to the waiter they're talking to the folks pouring the water and they're just pouring life and love and hope and i left there going i'm not even a christian i've got to give my heart and my life to jesus christ after this give it up for pastors john and debbie i honor them so much 37 years in the ministry loving god loving people we are so inspired by them yes i brought my beautiful wife with me she makes everything better so we were uh hanging out last night at dinner and just spending some time with pastors john and we can give her a round of applause shoreline city i think you're seeing her right now too she is my fine piece of dark chocolate god bless me with i just love her so much we've been married 24 years now it has gone by incredibly fast we've got three fantastic kids that uh we just have stolen our hearts parker grayson and elle and it's been a joy this past year we all made it through 2020 didn't we made it through now in 2021 and i know life is trying to hit us here and i actually felt a very particular assignment today i thought a very particular assignment for james river for shoreline city for everyone who is online you are a part of this family no less the church than those that are sitting in buildings and we know that god wants to meet every single one of us and i felt i thought an assignment that i needed to i needed to confront and attack discouragement and distortion discouragement and distortion these things that are trying to get into our heads and our hearts and whether you're married or single whether you are an older person or a younger person all you have to do is live a little while and discouragement and distortion will try to get in there if you're a business owner discouragement and distortion will try to get in there if you're a student if you got parents shoot if you got kids discouragement and distortion will try to get in there but we're going to leave today we're going to leave this moment and now that things can live on demand who knows when someone might be watching this but god might have you stumble on this at the right time in the year 2078 should jesus tarry and this is the message that you need and god is saying i want you to leave this moment knowing that you've got courage in your soul to be who i've called you to be and do what i've called you to do and you'll have the clarity that you and i need to see jesus for who he actually is if you have your bibles go with me to to a beautiful verse of scripture first corinthians chapter 15 verse number 57 first corinthians chapter 15 verse 57 it's a short verse but a great one it says but thanks be to god he gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ i wanted to have a sexy title for today but the only word that kept coming to my mind over and over was victory that's it so that's the title for today's message just just victory just victory victory victory victory victory victory victory victory victory that's all that i keep hearing in my spirit that's all i keep hearing in my head that's all i keep hearing in my heart is victory victory victory victory in every single area of your life victory in your mindset victory in your family victory over your physical body victory in your kids victory at your job victory in your physical body victory everywhere you walk there's not a place that you can go where victory does not go victory victory victory victory over your shame victory over death victory over disease victory over fear victory over mental illness victory victory victory victory victory where discouragement has tried to get in there we're declaring today victory over every area of your life that's what god is saying i feel god in this place today i feel hope rising up oh my goodness victory you're taking notes you're taking notes you can jot this down i think we've got a screen for yourself victory in the scene and unseen victory in the now and the not yet so what you can see we're believing for victory there what you can't see what i can't see victory there too victory in our now and victory in the not yet the place where we haven't even arrived but god already is victory in that spot too but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ the the problem with victory is it requires a battle i wish we could just have victory and there'd be no fight but in order in order for there to be victory you you you've gotta you gotta have a battle you gotta have something that that's coming against you some type of fight some type of struggle some type of some type of difficulty and and again if you've lived for any period of time you you've experienced this some of us are in some battles right now some of us are in some battles with our health right now some of us are in some battles with our spouse right now some of us are in battles with our singleness trying to beat our singleness it's like i need a ring immediately lord get this singleness off of me there's so many different things that can come against us so many different things that we can be facing and if you're eight years old you can be facing some battles and and sometimes to an adult that might seem insignificant but to an eight-year-old that might be their whole world and maybe it might not just be they're being bullied at school or maybe it might be their parents are talking about divorce so they hear lots of arguing in the house and this is weighing on this little boy a little girl's shoulders some of us are in marriages right now that we don't like it's just but we're coming up for prayer and we're asking god to work a miracle and we're getting ready to pray and fast and we're trying to do all that we know to do but things just have not turned around and it's been one year or two years or five years and just a person is not changing he or she is not keeping up their end of the deal it's just it's a battle some of us have some dreams to get some businesses off the ground and and just the financing is not coming together or the team is not coming together or someone said they were going to be with you and they decided they're not going to be with you anymore and they were a necessary component for you to get what you needed to move forward so it could be looking like everything is falling apart in front of you in order for there to be victory there has to be some type of conflict some type of battle some type of struggle some type of war go with me to the book of colossians if you have your bibles go with me to colossians chapter two we're gonna break this down today i got i got i got maybe too many verses okay just so you know so if you like bible today you're about to get a bunch colossians chapter 2 verses 13 through 15. it says when you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh fascinating imagery god made you alive with christ he forgave us all our sins having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness which stood against us and condemned us he has taken it away nailing it to the cross having disarmed the powers and authorities he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross can we break down verse 15 just a little bit here okay verse 15 again those who have your bibles and i know folks don't bring their bibles all that much anymore because we got our phones and then you can check scores and pretend like you listen to the preacher too i know how this works oh like oh oh amen ooh amen verse verse number 15 he says it says having disarmed having disarmed so this word disarmed this word disarmed means to take off or strip off clothing so i'm about to get a picture here of what jesus did to the powers and the authority this is what jesus did in his finished work on the cross this is what jesus did for me and for you this is what jesus did for me and for you did it for people in missouri and for people in texas and people of guatemala and people in africa did it for me and for you what he did is he disarmed he stripped off he he took the clothes off he thoroughly renounced he he said hey i'm stripping you i'm stripping the powers and the authorities i'm stripping everyone who has who has that first rank and i'm stripping every authority every single thing that has a state of control over you and what i'm going to do is i'm going to make a public spectacle this public spectacle means to cause someone to suffer public disgrace or shame you ever been uh ever been pantsed in public come on remember this remember this remember you know you're talking to your girl in high school and you're like hey what's up girl you're so beautiful and then your buddies that you know that your your your teammates they want to choose you know they want to mess with you so they walk up my son my oldest son does this my youngest son way too much in the house it happens all the time and every single time grayson goes crazy every time parker does this parker stop panting your brother i need you to stop this we're sitting there in the kitchen and we're we're just all hanging out and all of a sudden we hear parker and we look around and grayson's grayson's shorts are by his ankles there's something about it he hates it because we don't we're not we're not trying to be exposed in front of everybody ever been shamed this is what jesus did to the powers and authorities he pants them come on this is exegesis right here he he he said hey hey uh you you've got this power you've got this authority you've got you got this first rank but all i'm going to do is i'm going to make a public spectacle of you and what i'm going to do is i'm going to triumph over you here's what triumph means it's it's publicly exalting the victor who leads a victorious procession and he puts the conquered on display as totally defeated what what what what what what this word means is christ comes in and he says i am in charge and every single thing that is trying that's been trying to hold my people captive all the sin and all the disease and all the discouragement and all the fear and all the anxiety and all the worry and all the heaviness and all the weights and all of the lies and all the discrimination and all of this distortion all the stuff that's been trying to hold my people back for all these years i need you to know that i'm putting you on public display i'm pantsing you i'm disrobing you i'm doing this in front of everyone and we learn in this passage of scripture christ is the victor he's the victor now now if the enemy can distort our view of then he can distort the truth of now follow me here the enemy can distort our view of what happened back then on the cross that he can distort the truth of now uh any kansas city chiefs fans uh around okay we got we got a few we got a few we still have dallas cowboy fans in yeah we do we're believing god for a miracle this is the year this is the year this is the year a couple years ago of the kansas city chiefs uh they were super bowl champions they were super does anybody remember this they were super bowl champions they beat they beat the san francisco 49ers they beat him got the i mean patrick mahomes he's the man andy reid i mean one the nfl those who are in other parts of the world right now this is um basically sports are kind of a god in america and we are trying to dismantle this god but we like to still watch so so this national football meaning football throwing a football not kicking a football like other parts of the world this this football team beat the san francisco 49ers now do you know they don't know who's going to win the game so they make hats and shirts for both the teams so the 49ers are playing and the kansas city chiefs are playing and and they've made hats that say kansas city champions and san francisco champions they've made shirts that say kansas city champions san francisco champions well when kansas city wins the super bowl they don't destroy all of those shirts in the hats of the 49ers they send them somewhere maybe you've seen an espn documentary on this they send these shirts to other parts of the world to help clothe people so there's some parts of the world you could go to and people are walking around with a san francisco 49er shirt that says champions and a hat that says san francisco champions and these guys they are they think the san francisco 49ers won the championship and they only think that because they got the wrong information there are some followers of jesus [Music] that do not understand the power and the authority of our savior and all that he did in his death burial and resurrection and because we don't quite understand it we think that the enemy is the champion and we're wearing that hat and we're wearing that shirt in our marriages and wearing that hat at our jobs we're wearing that hat and that shirt in our relationships we're wearing that hat and that shirt everywhere we go and we think there'll be a day i'll be victorious in jesus not understanding that you're actually wearing the wrong jersey you're wearing the wrong hat jesus actually did for you what he did for all of humanity you have victory in jesus but if the enemy can distort he can twist he can confuse he can mess with if you and i can see enough prayers go unanswered the way we want them to if you and i go to enough funerals and see enough people buried when we were hoping that they wouldn't be if you and i carry enough discouragement if you and i deal with enough things in this world maybe we'll start to wear the wrong hat in the wrong shirt they will start to believe god's not all that good because how could he be good if all these bad things are happening how could he be so faithful if all these difficulties are going on in the world how could he be so just and you and i slowly start taking the hats of the losing team taking the shirt of the losing team and wearing it we're on our way to heaven but we're not living in victory this side of heaven because we've allowed the enemy to say no no that's the hat and that's the shirt that you wear this this word uh this word triumphing is is is important here okay let me let me let me break this down okay um this this word is is really taken because the bible wasn't originally written in english okay it was written in some other language you got hebrew and greek and aramaic uh so when we're reading it in english we're taking some words in these other languages and we're translating them so they have some meaning to the people who were hearing it originally this word triumphing is an interesting one uh because this one actually denotes and it connects with the roman triumph celebrated by victorious generals on the return from war so this is what would happen when a roman general would come back for more number one number one the general entered the city on a chariot so i want you to see jesus on a chariot and then when he comes into the city on this chariot the captives and the spoils of war they're they're all in front of him so everybody can know this this general he meant business then this general was also followed by his own troops on the way to the capitol and their spears many times would be adorned with laurels as they as they all shouted the word all the all of them shouted triumph triumph triumph triumph and here is the general on the chariot sometimes his kids and his close friends would be in the chariot with him sometimes there'd be a slave behind him with with a crown over the general's head as a general rode through town in victory and everyone's shouting triumph triumph triumph triumph i don't want you to see your savior as weak and anemic i don't want you to see your savior as wilted and worrying i need you to see your savior as a mighty general that's on a chariot and he's got the captives chained to his chariot and death hell on the grave do not no longer hold authority over him and nothing in this world holds authority over him and you and i are shouting triumph triumph triumph and so many individuals you guys remember when whenever whenever a uh uh let's go back to the kansas city chiefs for a second well let's say this past year they lost bad they lost bad right that was terrible it's terrible what happened come come on chiefs gave tom brady is 48th ring right so here but whenever whenever one of these teams when the world cup the euro cup uh the nfl uh you you name it the nhl whenever they win there's always this massive parade i need you to see that in colossians chapter 2 the the writer here is trying to paint the picture that what jesus did on the cross is he created this massive parade that was happening and you and i have to get this picture in our head whenever we're fighting and battling different things we cannot see ourselves just in some corner or some cave we need to see our savior as high and lifted up we need to see him on the chariot that he's on we need to see him rolling through the town and individuals shouting triumph triumph triumph so this is what i need you to begin to say to each other when you are facing battles when you see a friend that is weighed down that is heavy laden you remind them that their savior is on a chariot and you say to them triumph triumph triumph triumph and they might be crying and their hearts might be heavy but you are the one to keep on reminding them that their savior is no longer in a grave their savior is not defeated their savior is not worrying their savior is not broken their savior is not defeated you need to remind them that their savior is on a chariot i wish i had a chariot right now and i was rolling through here with some stallions around me because this is the inheritance of the kids of god you are part of this victory in jesus go with me go with me go with me i got more i got more i got more i got more go with me to isaiah chapter six i'm not gonna talk your ear off today come on we're almost done we're almost at isaiah isaiah chapter six go with me oh man i like this okay isaiah chapter six verse number one here here's here's what the bible says in the year in the year that king uzziah died i saw the lord high and exalted seated on the throne and the train of his robe filled the temple okay uh english majors and teachers let's give it up for teachers once again ha ha can we say just thank you to every single teacher we so appreciate you so uh so english majors you'll like this uh this word train actually can have multiple meanings a train can be a verb right like i'm i'm training you like you could have a trainer how many of us need a trainer in jesus name god get this back fight off of me uh you need a trainer you need somebody to train you they they teach you a skill they teach you a behavior that's what train can be a verb training can also be a noun i mean we had our kids and thomas a train right i mean it's it's a noun it's a it's a it's a thing it's a it's a bunch of railroad cars it could be it can be that but it also a train can also be that beautiful flowing piece that's behind the bride like like her train and it just it fills the whole aisle when she's walking down some ladies are seeing it right now they're like yes lord let this happen in my life in jesus name let him be handsome let him be godly let them have good credit lord in jesus name you got this train coming behind you this passive scripture here in isaiah isaiah 6 it's referring to the monarchs the rulers in egypt in egypt and assyria and these individuals had elaborate thrones then they would have these trains as well and what they would do after a battle and they would defeat another king another general another monarch is they would go to that individual and they would cut his train they would cut his robe and they would take his robe and they would sew it onto their robe signifying i beat you i defeated you so i want you to i want you to read isaiah 6 1 with the understanding that that these kings would do that in isaiah's day so when he says i saw the lord seated high and the train of his robe filled the temple he's saying he has so many victories he has been in so many battles and he has won so many battles and he has cut the train off of so many defeated folks that when i saw him in the temple and i was looking at him his train was not short his train was not small the train of his robe actually filled the entire temple signifying that he went from victory to victory to victory to victory to victory to victory to victory i'm trying to give you the right picture of your savior he's victory to victory to victory to victory [Applause] man man i'm preaching harder than i probably need to right now this image that isaiah sees is actually an image of jesus i'm going to prove it to you from the bible go with me to john see those who like the bible i'm giving i'll give you more scripture we've got more scripture john chapter number 12. verse number 40. i don't have time to break down this verse number four you have to do it another time but listen he says he has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts so that they can neither see with their eyes nor understand with their hearts nor turn and i would heal them verse 41 isaiah said this because he saw jesus's glory and spoke about him you see john chapter 12 verse number 40 is an excerpt pulled from isaiah chapter six in isaiah chapter six in the year king use i died i saw the lord high and lifted up in the train of his robe fill the temple when he goes down you can read it later it's powerful it's amazing and then it begins to speak some more that what's what we find in john chapter 12 verse number 40 came from isaiah chapter 6. it's all right there and now john tells us john tells us that isaiah said all of that because he saw jesus's glory and spoke about him so when you and i go back to isaiah 6 1 and we see the lord high and lifted up i want you to see jesus high and lifted up and i want you to see the train of his robe filling the temple i want you to see the train of his robe filling the temple of your life not just some temple in some faraway place not just even the temple of a campus you might be sitting in whether that's north or joplin or antigua or where white rock wherever it may be not just not just that place you might be sitting not even just your home i want you to see the the temple i want you to see the glory of the lord i want to see the train of his robe filling the temple because now in the new testament god's presence does not just dwell in some building somewhere it's been changed and now you and i are the temple of the holy spirit that is telling me that within me right now within you right now when you've given your heart and your life to jesus christ when you've surrendered your life to serving him within you right now is a train that keeps going and going and going and going and going and going that's telling me that within me and within you is this train that is announcing victory after victory after victory after victory so i walk into a board room and i walk into an interview not with my head down and my shoulder's over and going oh excuse me please would you please just just a cup of cup of tea i don't even know what i don't even know what accent this is right now i have no idea it's not even it's a weirdest accent and i'm so hunched over right now i have no idea what this looks like to all the other campuses okay to me it feels awkward but but this is how i feel some of us are going through life someone's going through life oh no no i don't need no no blessings for me no no no not me i don't deserve it i don't deserve it you i made so many mistakes no no no not me not me i just i just want i just need a little touch of god's grace that's it that's it and jesus is like uh oh hey my i need my train to flow i need my train so i need you to stay i need you to stand up because i need my trained i need my train to flow i i need you to give my train some space i need you i need to give my train some room to i need you to understand who i am it's not it's not this world is greater than you it's greater that greater is he that's in you that he that's in the world you need to understand that there's there's the train of my glory okay okay i'm almost done i'm almost done can i give can i get a couple more verses that's a couple more verses okay okay you'll be out you'll be out in time you'll be out in time you'll be on time okay the train of israel i don't know why i'm doing training like this i don't know hey okay so train of this robe it's filled it fills the fills temple temple phil's [Music] fills the temple i got victory flowing all through me in the train of his robe i breathe in i breathe in victory i might be in the hospital but i got victory still flowing through me right now man i might be fighting some things i'm gonna be fighting some old demons but when i got victory flowing through me right now my pornography might be trying to attack my family but i got victory it's flowing through me right now i already gave my heart to jesus i got victory the train of his robe is flowing through this temple i feel it i know it's here and even if i don't feel it i believe it by faith the train of his robe fills the temple but isaiah said this he said this in the year that king uzziah died so he sees the glory of jesus and the victory of jesus in the same year that someone he cares about has passed go with me to first corinthians chapter 15. first corinthians chapter 15 verse 26 this is a short verse an important verse first first corinthians chapter 15 verse 26 it says the last enemy to be destroyed is what the last enemy to be destroyed is death it is possible it is possible for something to be defeated but not yet destroyed because sometimes we like to think well i thought jesus defeated death he did but first corinthians chapter 15 teaches us that the last enemy to be destroyed will be death okay um um you know you know whenever uh the sporting event i'm i'm on sporting events today i like sports okay alex but but a sporting event uh let's take uh let's take like a usc fight a ufc fight and and and um uh like conor mcgregor uh any all ever heard conor mcgregor uh and if you haven't fine okay filthy mouth uh but but his fights can be fun to watch uh floyd mayweather just is somebody who's a boxer who's a fighter and uh but conor mcgregor just had a fight and uh and at the end of the first round he got tko'd it it was done the ref came in and said uh it's finished herb dean came and was like it's done it's over i it's finished okay so that happens at the end we all can watch the score at the end of the game the milwaukee bucks of the nba team they just won the the championship they just beat they beat the phoenix suns and the game is over we can all see that they won but after they win there's always this moment where where they all kind of come together in the middle and they kind of make the official really official they kind of make what happened what we all know happen they make it like really really know that it happened and what happens in a ufc fight is they'll come into the middle and the two fighters will be standing there and the announcer will say hey hey hey i just want everybody to know in the stoppage of the first round so and so just beat so and so now we all already saw who won but they're just about to make an announcement so there is no no one has any issue understanding who the victor is conor mcgregor who just lost his last fight he was still in the ring after he lost before the announcement and he was yelling he was shouting he was cussing this is the season that you and i are living in in humanity the devil has already been defeated we already saw the tko but a time is about to come when the the heavens will part and the trumpet will sound and bruce will get on the microphone and he's going to say something like uh this bout was stopped on the third day after the cross of calvary jesus the son of god the king of kings the lover of humanity the healer of the sick the one that brought darkness to light though the one that defeated death hell and the grave and the devil that jesus is now or he is the victor he forever will be the one who reigns and you and i will stand and we already know that it happened but we'll shout and we'll dance and we'll know that victory is secure in me and in you because it's found in him [Applause] [Music] i when the perishable you can stay standing if you stand when the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable and the mortal with immortality then the saying that is written will come true death has been swallowed up in victory whereo death is your victory whereo death is your sting the sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ therefore therefore my dear brothers and sisters stand firm let nothing move you always give yourselves fully to the work of the lord because you know your labor in the lord is not in vain can we at every campus shout victory at the top of our voices because that's what god has given to us i'm gonna ask you do me a favor bow your head for just a moment in dallas in missouri online about your head for just a moment if you've heard this today and you would say you're not a follower of jesus you have not put your head your heart in his hands you are not following him going his direction doing what he asks you to do how he wants you to flow if you would put it this way you're on the driver's seat of your life jesus christ is not and you're saying you don't want to go your own anymore you want to go his way you don't want to be first you want him to be first you want to turn you want to repent you want to get off of your own path and get on the path to serving jesus if that's you at any location whether that's north south west white rock antigua online wherever you are if that's you you've never given your heart in your life to christ or you did at one point in time you slipped away in today you're ready to give your heart to him on the count of three i want you to do something simple but something bold i just want you to throw your hand in the air and say yes that's me ready one two three just throw your hand in the air you're saying yes that's me want to get my heart and my life to christ i want to make him first i want to make him number one i don't want to go my own way i want to go his way this is beautiful this is miraculous i'm gonna ask everyone to do me a favor put your hand over your heart everyone under the sound of my voice put your hand over your heart repeat after me say dear jesus i ask you to forgive me of all my sins i admit i've made mistakes and today i give you my heart i give you my life give me the power to live for you in jesus name amen amen
Channel: Shoreline City Church
Views: 4,310
Rating: 4.9642859 out of 5
Id: -fAyQjefV9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 8sec (2468 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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