The Book of Daniel in 90 Minutes | LIVESTREAM

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well hey hey hey everybody happy tuesday super excited to be here with you guys today you guys know this is my favorite type of bible teaching to do is just that straight bible teaching not all this other stuff that we do although i love all the other stuff that we do but this takes me back to my element of just getting into the word of god teaching it looking at some practical application this is going to be an awesome time so some of you may remember back in april i did a kind of a flyover of the book of revelation in 60 minutes and i asked you guys hey what's the next book that you want me to cover and many of you said the book of daniel and i said okay that's really cool so i'm gonna go into uh study mode prep mode and see if we can get through the book of daniel in a similar time frame so uh once again you guys know how i do this i'm not gonna waste a bunch of your time with a whole bunch of fluff and all that but do me a favor and let me know where you're coming from as well as let me know if the audio in the video is is good and that way i'll know to proceed and we will jump right in because we've got a whole lot of stuff to cover y'all we got to go through an entire book of the bible 12 chapters in a relatively short period of time but we're going to try to make it as detailed as interactive as fun and as exciting as possible so let me know if you can hear me okay see me okay everything is good and if we are good i will open up in a word of prayer and uh we'll get started guys everybody says sound is good audio is good you're good people are coming in from ohio oakland california norway nairobi india houston texas in the house arkansas pine bluff this is amazing you guys don't have any idea how pumped up and excited i am that you would choose to hang out with me for just a little while to learn the bible online how cool is that guys so we're gonna go ahead and jump in guys with a word of prayer and i'm gonna reward those who came on time so let's jump in wherever you are around the world let's do a virtual touch and agree as we surround the global campfire of god's word and let's jump in heavenly father we thank you so much for this day i give you praise glory and honor and god i pray that you would fill me with your spirit to be able to teach this word today in a way that's clear in a way that's accurate in a way that's relevant and in a way that is interesting and god i pray that the words that we speak today would fall on good ground lord and i pray that we would be in a place to receive it and god i pray that you would have your way in jesus name we pray and give thanks amen all right so you guys know if this is not your first time here i do primarily use slides whenever i go live for a couple reasons number one it keeps me focused on what i'm trying to cover but number two uh studies have shown that people memorize um 50 more of what they hear and with what they see and if they read it that's even more so that's the reason why i like to use slides so i'm going to jump on over guys to my slides and we're going to jump right in so today june 15 2021 we are going to do an overview of the book of daniel which in many parts is connected closely with the book of revelation because as we're going to see today there's a lot of prophetic literature and different things going on in the book of daniel so a couple things that we want to do first and foremost uh is we want to kind of set some levels here and the first thing are some ground rules guys the first thing is uh read along with me so this isn't something that i want you to just listen to alan parr for the next 60 to 70 minutes i want you to get your bible out and as we go through these bible verses you can highlight them you can underline them but i want to encourage you to go on this journey with me all right and then not only that i want you to use your imagination as you're going to see today this is a story this is a narrative there's prophetic literature going on so i want to encourage you i want to invite you into the story and i want to encourage you to use your imagination and then number three i encourage you to be respectful okay uh understand that people may have different views different opinions and please make sure that the comments that you're leaving are respectful they're kind and you guys are keeping the in the uh the comment section um you know a respectful place so that's another thing and then guys commit to reading this book on your own okay just know that we're not going to couple everything about the book of daniel so hopefully as we get into this today it's going to whet your appetite so that you will be more excited to go back and actually study this book out for yourself and with all of that being said guys i want to encourage you to remember that this is an overview this is an overview okay so if i don't cover every little nuance in every little aspect that you may have studied in the past of daniel trust me i'm aware of it i've studied this book it's just that i had to make some hard decisions in terms of what i was gonna include in this and what i had to exclude so this is an overview we're gonna do the best we can to get through this book as quickly and as efficiently as possible all right now if you're watching this on the replay just know that the timestamps for each chapter that we go into in the book of daniel are in the description of this video so if you would like to skip to a particular chapter hopefully you won't do that hopefully you'll watch the entire thing but if you just need to timestamps are in the description okay guys so let's start with some background details about the book of daniel first and foremost scholars pretty much agree that the book of daniel was written by daniel right and he also even self identifies in daniel chapter 8 verse 1 where he talks about i daniel had a vision and he talks about that so he speaks in the first person in some parts of the book also the date of writing is somewhere between 605 bc and 536 bc more than likely somewhere in that time frame and we'll talk about that in just a moment and then the place of writing is none other than babylon because as we're going to see in a moment that is where daniel spent the majority of his life all right now another thing guys first and foremost we are going to delve into the context of the book first before we dig into the individual chapters and the first thing that we have to understand about the context is that these people the the god's chosen people the israelites they were steeped in all sorts of sinful practices one of which was idolatry which was a practice that they got from some of the pagan nations that they were intermarrying with which is another thing that they were doing wrong but not only idolatry also you can look at the oppression of the poor there were poor people in the land and instead of loving them and welcoming them and and uh treating them with respect they were oppressing them uh there was an obstruction of justice and all these different things that the nation of israel was guilty of doing and so what god did is instead of just wiping his chosen people out he sent prophets after prophets to warn them he sent people like jeremiah he sent people like isaiah he sent people like uh all these different prophets that he sent to the nation of israel to warn them and say hey if you don't shape up i'm going to allow all of the curses that i warned you about in deuteronomy chapter 28 i'm going to allow that to happen i'm going to allow some evil nations to come in and dispossess you from the land well guess what they ignored jeremiah they ignored isaiah they ignored all of these different people and as a result god ended up having to evict his chosen people from their land and that's what we're going to read about here so daniel chapter 1 verses 1 and 2 gives us the context it says here during the third year of king jehoiakims reign in judah king nebuchadnezzar of babylon came to jerusalem and besieged it the lord gave him victory over king jehoiakim of judah and permitted him to take some of the sacred objects from the temple of god so let's just kind of slow down here use your imagination for just a moment i want you to imagine that you are an israelite and this land of israel is the land that was promised to your ancestors abraham isaac and jacob and then one day out of nowhere this evil nation of babylon comes in comes to the temple the temple out of all places this is where you do your worship this is where you offer your sacrifices and they come to the temple and they steal all of these cups and goblets and plates and jars of gold and silver and just totally ransack the temple and they destroy it and actually start burning the city down and all of these different things so it says so nebuchadnezzar took them back to the land of babylonia and placed them in the treasure house of his god all right then the king ordered ashbanez his chief of staff to bring to the palace some of the young men of judah's royal family and other noble families who had been brought to babylon as captives select only strong healthy and good looking young men all right so if you could imagine basically what king nebuchadnezzar did is that he investigated and identified some of the best some of the cream of the crop some of the brightest some of the ones that had the most uh ability to learn and the most disciplined and he said i'm gonna select these men and i'm gonna bring them into my sphere i'm gonna bring them into babylon and i'm going to totally brainwash them so that i can get them to think and act like a babylonian all right and so we see here that he says make sure they are well versed in every branch of learning make sure they're able to learn and grasp things quickly they're a quick learner they're able to be gifted with knowledge and good judgment and are suited to serve in the royal palace train these young men in the language and literature of babylon so basically king nebuchadnezzar says whatever you knew about your god whatever you knew about jerusalem and israel and judaism scratch that i'm going to completely rewire your brain i'm going to completely brainwash you to learn our literature and our language all right so much so that he actually changed the names of daniel and his three friends daniel's name means god is my judge and he actually ended up changing daniel's name to beltashazar which is a name that refers to one of their pagan gods all right so imagine for just a moment you are daniel and you get tied up you get locked up and you get dispossessed you get evicted you get taken captive you get kidnapped from your land you leave everything that's been familiar to you and now you get taken across the world on the other side of the world to an unknown place called babylon and that is the context that we find daniel in now that's the background of the book now let's look at the structure of the book because the structure of the book is super important for us to understand how the book of daniel is actually broken down the reason why daniel is such an exciting book to study is that it's a very unique book in that the first six chapters of daniel contain narrative literature narrative and then the final six chapters daniel 7 through 12 contain prophetic literature so that's what we're going to go over today right we're going to look at the first six chapters which is primarily story and narrative and then the last six are the ones that get a little bit more confusing because you have to discern what in the world is going on with all these visions and dreams and symbolism and things like that and we'll get to that so just kind of be patient with me as we go through but that's the overview and structure of the book now with all that being said i'm going to break this up into two acts act number one is the narrative daniel 1 through 6. act 2 is the prophetic and that's daniel 7 through 12. let's jump in here we go chapter 1 we're going to go through and by chapters and each chapter i've got a name chapter one i'm gonna call sticky faith sticky faith you'll see why in just a moment and so as we go through here it says here train these young men in the language and literature of babylon the king assigned them a daily ration of food and wine from his own kitchens they were to be trained for three years and then they would enter the royal service okay so i want you to imagine for just a moment that you have been trained in your entire life that there's certain foods that you don't eat there's certain things that you don't drink there's certain things that that you don't put into your mouth because it is an offense to the lord this is an unclean thing and now this king of babylon is saying hey you need to eat our food you need to drink our wine right so daniel now has this this decision right do i allow the faith that i had in in israel to come to the forefront or do i kind of shy back and kind of shudder away because i'm afraid that if i take a stand for righteousness then the faith that i have is going to be challenged and it may cost me something right so instead of daniel says okay yeah i'll eat this pig i'll eat this pork chop i'll eat all this stuff daniel comes up with this plan and he says you know what no no that's not we're going to do that i'm going to go on what's called what we know is called the daniel fast right for the next 10 days i want you to challen i'm going to challenge you uh mr chief officer to just let me and my friend my friends and i just let us eat only vegetables right for the next 10 days and we're going to prove that after 10 days our guys are going to be stronger than any of the other people that are eating the king's food all right so basically basically what happens he says test your service for 10 days let us be given vegetables to eat and only water to drink that's it and miraculously after this time what we can see here is that after 10 days daniel and his friends looked stronger they were healthier than the people that ate the king's food and drank the king's wine so what we see here guys is a question that i want to first and foremost ask you as we look at daniel chapter one does your faith travel with you no matter where you go even when it's unpopular to stand for christ you see daniel and his three friends understood that it was unpopular for them to take a stand for god they knew that it was going to cost them something they knew they would be in the minority but they had enough faith and courage and boldness to stand for god no matter what my question to you is is your faith pretty much local to where you are are you a christian in church but then you're a worldly person on the other five six days of the week right whenever you go to your school when people are bringing up things that are ungodly or they're talking about things like abortion or they're talking about same-sex marriages or whatever are you willing to take a stand for christ and what is unpopular or do you kind of shy away because you know it's going to cost you something right we see that the the sticky faith daniel and his friends were willing to have whatever faith they had in israel was the same faith the same conviction that they were going to have here in babylon all right so now we're going to move into chapter number two and i'm going to call this a troubled dream a troubled dream all right so here we go so what happens here in chapter 2 is that there's this king his name is nebuchadnezzar and as we're going to see here he has this dream that just troubles him have you ever had a troubling dream at some point and you woke up and you just didn't know what it was all about and you were kind of frantic that's what happened to nebuchadnezzar so let's read it together one night during the second year of his reign nebuchadnezzar had such disturbing dreams that he couldn't sleep he called in his magicians enchanters sorcerers and astrologers and he demanded that they tell him what he had dreamed okay so i want you to imagine here it says as they stood before the king he said i have had a dream that deeply troubles me and i must know what it means right so he calls these guys together right so if you can imagine he gets all of his magicians together all of his sorcerers and he doesn't just tell him the dream he says hey i want you to not only tell me the interpretation of my dream but i also want you to tell me what i dreamed as well so tell me what i dreamed and then tell me what that dream meant so he gathers around all of his best magicians and sorcerers and chanters and basically they're all looking at him like he's crazy right they're like man you must be crazy i have no idea there's nobody in the kingdom that's going to be able to tell you not only what you dreamed but also the interpretation of the dream so they're all saying that's not going to work but the king said to the astrologers i am serious about this if you don't tell me what my dream was and what it means you will be torn limb from limb and your houses will be turned into heaps of rubble can you imagine here is this egotistical maniac maniacal king and he's basically saying hey if you don't tell me what my dream was and what it meant i'm going to destroy you and all of your household right and because of this king's decree the men were sent to find and kill daniel and his friends so now we see the now we see trouble about to come on daniel and his friends because of this egotistical king so daniel now because of his faith because of of what he learned in israel because he has sticky faith daniel didn't panic his first reaction when trouble came was to pray his first reaction was to go to god and say god i need help with this i'm in a sticky situation it says here then daniel went home and told his friends hananiah michelle and azariah what had happened he urged them to ask the god of heaven to show them his mercy by telling them the secret so they would not be executed along with the other wise men of babylon that night the secret was revealed to daniel in a vision then daniel praised the god of heaven let me just stop right there for an application point whenever you are dealing with a difficult situation in your life is your first instinct to run to the phone is your first instinct to run to the throne right because sometimes our first instinct is to call up our friends and complain and and do a pity party and have a victim mentality but daniel's first instance was his first instinct was okay let me go to somebody who can fix my problem my friends are good but they can't fix my problem but notice he went to his friends but he went to his friends to tell them to go to god so that they could all come together and intercede and seek god for wisdom and counsel okay so now we see here that he goes now up to this this this king this king of nebuchadnezzar and he goes to his throne and this is what happens all right the king said to daniel also known as belta shazar is this true can you tell me what my dream was and what it means and daniel replied no i can't do that bro i can't do that there are no wise men chanters magicians or fortune tellers who can reveal the king's secret he says no no it's not humanly possible for any human being to do what you're asking them to do but there is a god in heaven who reveals secrets and he has shown king nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future now i will tell you your dream and the visions you saw as you lay on your bed okay so now we're going to make up some ground here and we're going to skip through because this chart right here basically summarizes the rest of chapter 2. let me explain what happens here nebuchadnezzar has a dream in his dream he dreams of a statue different body parts of that statue represent different world powers that god is going to allow these these powers to reign and rule in the world for a period of time now in this statute basically daniel says hey king nebuchadnezzar that gold head that head of gold that you saw in your dream at the top of that statue that's you bro that's you that's you the head of gold of your statue that you saw in your dream that's babylon you are reigning and ruling and you are the world power and nobody can stop you right now you are as strong as gold but then he says you know what let's move down the body a little bit because he says there's a chest and and there's arms of silver and so he says at some point your kingdom is going to be destroyed and the next kingdom that comes along is going to be the kingdom of the medes and the persians right so you have two arms meads and persians so keep that in mind as we go on in this journey a little bit later now let me just stop right here and just say this this prophetic literature in the book of daniel is absolutely creme de la creme it is the highest level of prophetic literature you have anywhere in the world and anywhere in the bible because of its specificity and how daniel was able to see the the the world empires just laid out for him in chronological form hundreds of years before any of these things came to pass let's keep going down and then he says uh the kingdom of the medes and the persians they're going to last for some time but then they're going to be destroyed by another group called the greeks all right and so the the uh the belly and thighs of bronze is the kingdom of ancient greece but then greece is going to be around for some time but then they're going to be ultimately destroyed by the strongest and greatest kingdom that has ever lived in the history of time in the past or so far up to date and that is the roman empire the roman empire and the roman empire is symbolized by legs of iron legs of iron and feet that are mixed with iron and clay now i love this because as strong as all of these kingdoms are daniel says there's another kingdom that's coming that's going to destroy them all and so he visualizes this rock that's cut out of a mountain if you just can visualize this and and daniel visualizes that this rock that's cut out of this mountain is going to come and crush this statue and crush every part of it which is symbolic of the fact that the kingdom that you and i are gonna reign and rule in one day called the kingdom of god is gonna one day be much greater and much stronger than any earthly kingdom could ever be and this is what uh daniel explains to nebuchadnezzar this is what the vision means one day as strong as all these powers are they're all going to be destroyed by an even greater kingdom all right and later on in daniel 7 hold on with me we're going to look at what that all looks like all right so that my friends is gen excuse me uh daniel chapter 2. now let's move on to daniel chapter 3 and keep this thing moving daniel chapter three i'm going to call it some bold boys right some bold boys shadrach meshach and abednego so let's take a look at it so it says here king nebuchadnezzar maybe he was inspired by his dream but now he builds a gold statue 90 feet tall and nine feet wide and set it up on the plain of dura in the province of babylon i want you to imagine for a second do you really think the god of heaven is going to let this joker get away with this right like setting up a a a statue of himself and then a moment we're going to see that he's going to tell people that you have to worship the statue of himself do you really think god's going to let him get away with that then he sent messages to the high officers officials governors advisers treasurers judges magistrates and all the provincial office officials to come to the dedication of the statue he had set up right so he invites all of the highest people in the land he says come see my statue that i made of myself and i want everybody to bow down and to worship me because i am supreme right so he sets up this amazing statue of himself and makes an order for people to bow down and worship it and so the three young boys shadrach meshach and abednego they're like nah bruh we don't care who you are we only serve god yahweh we only serve we only serve an audience of one so it says here if we are thrown into the blazing furnace the god whom we serve is able to save us so let's stop right there basically he says hey i'm going to throw anybody who does not worship the statue that i erected into the furnace and as a matter of fact i'm gonna raise it up seven times harder i'm gonna make it even harder for you hebrew boys he says and then they say he will rescue us from your power your your majesty but even if he doesn't now this brings up an interesting point and a question that we need to ask about in prayer uh we want to make it clear to you your majesty that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up now is this them exercising no faith i'm gonna do a video in them in a little while where i talk about if you end your prayers and okay uh if it be your will does that negate the prayer of faith right because they're saying hey we know and trust that our god is able to to to save us but if he doesn't right so i don't think that them by saying if he doesn't demonstrate that they don't have the faith they're just saying even if god decides not to we're still not going to bow down and worship you all right so these three boys get thrown into the fiery furnace they're bacon they're baking but their clothes are not being uh burned up and as they go into that fire uh the next day they say you know what i thought we threw three boys in there and now i see that there's a fourth one in there so i see four of them walking around many scholars believe that fourth person in the fire is a pre-incarnate um uh appearance of the lord jesus christ okay so uh god miraculously saves these men from this fiery furnace and so my question that i want to ask you is this before we move on to chapter four would you have that level of faith to risk your life for what you believe in i would suspect that god would have forgiven them if they would have just been like god i want to live i don't want to be thrown in this this fiery furnace and so i'm just going to bow down to this image i believe that god would have forgiven them because they're they're human and he knows we're human but the fact that these young men had enough faith to say you know what even if we have to die for what we believe in we believe in it so much that we're willing to do that all right so uh then i want you to notice here how their level of faith influenced the faith of nebuchadnezzar and the faith of all those who were in babylon check this out then nebuchadnezzar said when he saw that these three hebrew boys went into a fiery furnace that was turned up seven times harder and they came out without their clothes even smelling like smoke when he saw that miracle this is what he said praise to the god of shadrach meshach and abednego he sent his angel to rescue his servants who trusted him here is a pagan king that because of the the faith of these three young men now his faith his appreciation if you will in their god has been taken up and not because of the faith of these men it says here they defied the king's command that was my command nebuchadnezzar's command and were willing to die rather than serve or worship any god except their own god therefore i make this decree if any people whatever their race or nation or language speak a word against the god of shadrach meshach and abednego then he says they will be torn from limb from limb and their houses will be turned into heaps of rubble there is no other god who can rescue like this you see god may be putting you in a position right now with your faith that god wants to use your demonstration of faith in the midst of the test that you're going through simply to put your faith on display so that other people in the world who see you going through a difficult thing can gain some encouragement whenever they see what you're going through and their faith can be taken up a level because they see the faith that you have exhibited in your own fiery furnace in your own trial okay so here we go let's keep going so now chapter 4 we're going to call this when god humbles you all right because here's this pagan king nebuchadnezzar and and even though he now claims to believe in god he's got a lot of pride and god's got to humble this fellow all right so let's take a look at it verse 4 i nebuchadnezzar was living in my palace in comfort and prosperity and by the way this portion of daniel is written in aramaic thank you for the super chat i appreciate that guys for all those who are giving super chat i appreciate that all right but this portion of daniel was written in aramaic which was the primary language that was spoken and written in the in babylon and so we can see here that nebuchadnezzar seems to be writing this portion right here i nebuchad was living in my palace and comfort and prosperity but one night i had a dream that frightened me here's another dream he has i saw visions that terrified me as i lay in my bed the tree grew very tall and strong reaching high into the heavens for all the world to see it had fresh green leaves and it was loaded with fruit for all to eat wild animals lived in its shade and birds nested in its branches all the world was fed from this tree let me just break it down for you this is a happy scene this is a this is a this is a an exciting scene right like like he visualizes this beautiful tree right this this beautiful tree if you will that reaches into the heavens all right and and and so in this tree uh you can see here that uh it's loaded with fruit wild animals are under its shade birds are chilling in its nests and all the world is being fed from this tree and then it goes on to say then as i lay there dreaming i saw a messenger a holy one coming down from heaven the messenger shouted cut down the tree oh no oh no cut the tree down that doesn't sound too good right and lop off its branches shake off its leaves and scatter its fruit chase the wild animals from its shade and the birds from its branches okay but i want you to notice this which is why i have some of the stuff bolded and in red but leave the stump and the roots in the ground leave the stump and the roots in the ground that's important we'll come back in just a moment bound with a band of iron and bronze and surrounded by tender grass now let him be drenched with the dew of heaven and let him live with the wild animals among the plants of the field so basically guys this is what's happening all right there's this beautiful tree and that tree that daniel's getting ready to explain to nebuchadnezzar he says basically that tree represents you that tree represents you that people are being fed by you people are taking protection and finding comfort and it's very prosperous and that tree is you but if you don't repent from your pride that that tree is going to be chopped down you nebuchadnezzar are going to be chopped down right but notice he says here leave it leave it as a stump and the roots that's important because basically what's going to happen is this that god is going to allow nebuchadnezzar some time to repent of his pride so that if he does repent of his pride he'll be able to be restored and his kingdom will be regrown and he'll be able to return to prosperity which is the symbolism of leaving the stump and the roots of the tree there and not completely getting rid of the tree itself he's saying hey i'm going to cut you down i'm going to cut you down because you need cutting down because of your pride but i'm going to allow you to grow back again now i want you to notice this god is patient with us whenever god decides to discipline us notice it says here but all these things did happen to king nebuchadnezzar why because 12 months later 12 months later he was taking a walk on the flat roof of the royal palace in babylon thank you so much for the super chat so he's walking on this roof right and it god has given him 12 months to repent of his pride even after he saw these dreams as he looked out across the city he said look at this amazing kingdom that god has blessed me with no he said look at this great city of babylon by my own power i have built this beautiful city as my royal residence to display my majestic splendor he still after 12 months king nebuchadnezzar did not repent of the pride and the arrogance of his own heart right and so as a result this is what happens while these words were still in his mouth a voice called down from heaven o king nebuchadnezzar this message is for you you are no longer ruler of this kingdom right and then it goes on to say after this time had passed i nebuchadnezzar looked up to heaven so there was some time that has elapsed there is some time that has passed and nebuchadnezzar he goes out and and he's crazy right he's living as an animal he's drenched with dew he's banished from the land but after some time he comes to his senses he repents of his pride and it says here i nebuchadnezzar looked up to heaven he knew that it was the god of heaven who was judging him for his pride my sanity returned and i praised and worshipped the most high and honored the one who lives forever you see you may have some pride in your life that god might want to deal with guess what the good news is that god may give you time to deal with it but eventually god's patience runs thin and he may have to chop us down like a tree but the good news is that he'll more than likely leave the stump and the roots because god's the ultimate desire is not to destroy you it's to humble you so he can build you back up again all right so we can see that from the life of nebuchadnezzar now i'm nebuchadnezzar praise and glorify and honor the king of heaven all his acts are just and true and he is able to humble the proud say he knows that by now he knows that god in heaven is the god who humbled him okay now here's the idea guys god will often give us time to repent before he chooses to discipline us the key is for you and i to pay attention to those signs to pay attention to the things that god may be trying to show us in our lives to get our attention so that we can repent from whatever sin we're dealing with chapter five we're moving on we're almost at the halfway point of this of this amazing book chapter five the hand writing on the wall you may have heard that phrase right i see the handwriting on the wall it comes from daniel chapter 5. let's jump in all right now daniel chapter 5 many years later king balshazar gave a great feast for 1 000 of his nobles well let's talk about that for just a moment nebuchadnezzar had died and now there is a new king who refers to king nebuchadnezzar as his father but it's actually his grandfather it's somebody that's a couple generations back all right but this is the new king of babylon his name is bell chazar and there's been about 60 some years that have passed since daniel was a teenager when we saw him in daniel chapter one now we are in daniel chapter five and there's been about 60 some years now so daniel is probably closer to 80 years old at this point in the journey so imagine this now this king he has a big party huge party right where he invites a thousand of his nobles and he drank wine with them while thou shalt was drinking the wine uh-oh he gave orders to bring in the gold and silver cups that his predecessor nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in jerusalem he wanted to drink from them with his nobles his wives and his concubines all right let me let me just break that down for a second even nebuchadnezzar knew that that was a no-no these had been locked up right i mean he stole them from jerusalem's temple but he never he knew that you don't drink from them belshazzar says hey we're going to throw a big party and we're going to take the articles of gold from the jewish temple that nebuchadnezzar took many years back and we're going to drink from them we're going to throw a big party it's more than likely going to be some sort of orgy where there's his wives and concubines and and um nobles and officials and everybody filled with all sorts of sensualism and lewdness and debauchery and drinking and all this stuff but they made one mistake they took the sacred objects from the temple of god's people and now they are actually trying to drink from them okay so let's keep going here all right so it says here so they brought these gold cups taken from the temple the house of god in jerusalem and the king and his nobles his wives and his concubines they started drinking from them uh-oh when they drank from them they also started to worship them they praised their idols made of gold silver bronze iron wood and stone so they weren't praising the the they weren't praising the uh the the cups that they were drinking from they were praising all of their own idols right that were made of these things gold and silver and bronze and so they're in this idolatry so they're tempting god and from heaven to to intervene because of their extreme idolatry okay so let's keep going uh so they're having this party right they're drinking they're having all sorts of lewd behavior and the king is having a good old time his wives his concubines his nobles and they're just partying having a good time and while they are partying there is his hand that starts to write something on the wall and you can go back and read it in daniel 5. it basically writes four words mene mene tekkel parsine mene mene tekkel parsine okay so this hand starts writing something on the wall and and if you can imagine for just a moment so you got to put yourself in these shoes the king himself saw the hand as it wrote and his face turned pale with fright his knees knocked together in fear and his legs gave away because beneath him this dude was terrified you imagine in the middle of a party people are drinking having a good time women are all over the place and you see a hand writing on the wall some stuff that you can't figure out what it's doing this terrified the king he was frantic so much so that he said hey if anybody in the kingdom can tell me what's going on here if you can tell me what this means i'm gonna give you a a purple robe and i'm gonna give you a gold chain around your neck can anybody here tell me what in the world is going on right and so uh through a series of events the queen who was really his queen mother not his wife she remembered daniel was in the kingdom he's been an old man for a while so she remembers that there's somebody here named daniel that nebuchadnezzar used to use whenever he wanted his dreams to be interpreted so she says hey belshazzar go find daniel go find daniel because daniel can help us understand this hand that's writing on the wall so he brings daniel in summons daniel in and he says daniel i'm going to give you some rewards i'll give you a purple robe i'll give you a gold chain i'm going to give you all these things like can you tell me what is actually going on here and daniel's like nah man look check it out yo like i don't need your gifts because i'm not doing it for material gain all right so so you can keep your gifts or you can give them to somebody else but i will tell you what the writing means but i don't need any gifts i don't need any rewards i don't need any favors okay i'm just going to tell you straight up what god is trying to tell you he says you are his successor o bow shazar talking about nebuchadnezzar and you knew all of this yet you have not humbled yourself he says you knew what god did to humble nebuchadnezzar when he was filled with pride you knew all of this and yet you did not humble yourself and he says for you have proudly defied the lord of heaven and have had these cups from his temple brought before you he says you have defied the god of heaven you and your nobles and your wives and concubines daniel's calling them out have been drinking wine from them while praising gods of silver gold bronze iron wood and stone gods that neither see nor hear nor know anything at all he said you're this is a slap in the face of the only true god so he says here but you have not honored the god who gives you the breath of life and controls your destiny so god has sent this hand to write this message to you king bal shazar basically the message is this time's up your time is up your kingdom is ending guy brother your time is up so basically what happens is that very night daniel chapter five balshazar the babylonian king was killed and darius the mede took over the kingdom at the age of 62. okay so we see here that time is up for balshazar and the babylonian empire which was prophesied in daniel chapter 2 in nebuchadnezzar's dream of the of the head of gold being babylon what was the next nation that was going to take out babylon and rule it was the medes and the persians so now we see the prophecy from daniel chapter 2 coming into fruition now in daniel chapter 5 because now the medes and the persians are going to basically be controlling the empire so now we move on to chapter six here we go an extreme step of faith is what i call daniel chapter six so here we go darius demi decided to divide the kingdom into 120 column cities if you will uh states if you will and he appointed a high officer to rule over each province the king also chose daniel and two others as administrators to supervise these high officers and protect the king's interest so imagine this for a second you got 120 i don't know we'll call them mayors and you got i don't know three people governors if you will whatever you want to call them and they are the main people that are going to be looking over these 120 rulers of these 120 provinces and daniel is one of them but what happens here is this daniel soon proves himself to be more capable than all the other administrators and the high officers and because of daniel's great ability the king made plans to place him over the entire empire so basically if you can imagine these these guys are kind of jockeying for position but daniel wins out because his work is just that much better he's just stellar he just got it like that right and so now what happens is these guys are jealous and i'm going to show you in a moment what they do but first before i get there i just want to throw a question out to you are you so excellent at what you do at your job that you distinguish yourself from other people you see christians have this idea that we can be lazy at work and not put our best foot forward at work because oh you know what i'm a christian whatever christians should be the best employees at our jobs why because the bible says that everything we do should be done unto the lord you do it not as if you're working unto men but you're working unto god so if you're working as god as being your employer that means everything that you should do on your job should be done with the spirit of excellence because you know god is the one that is going to be evaluating everything that you do so he says hey daniel distinguishes himself so what happens the other administrators get jealous of daniel because they're like hey we thought we were going to get this job and now daniel's going to be made over us all nah so these guys say you know what i'm going to find some fault in the way daniel is handling the government affairs but they couldn't find anything to criticize or condemn why because daniel was faithful always responsible and completely trustworthy let me just stop right there for just a second if people try to find some stuff about you to try to discredit you from getting a promotion or a higher position how hard would they have to look how hard would they have to dig up stuff if they looked at your phone if they looked at your pictures if they looked at the things that you like and support and comment on and share on social media if they looked at the history on your website or should be on your internet browser and looked at all the different websites that you visited if they went and did that type of thing if they lived in your home and saw how you talk to your spouse would they be able to come up with some reasons why you are not fit for the job daniel led a life of such high integrity that they weren't able to find anything that would discredit daniel okay so notice it says here uh that daniel says okay you know what i'm gonna do business as usual i'm gonna continue to pray to my god because these guys basically came up with the rule they said okay king i want you to institute a rule that nobody in the kingdom can pray to any other god but you and the king said okay that sounds pretty good so let's go ahead and just put that and make that a decree well daniel said well i don't care who's king i pray to god and only god so they knew that these guys knew that daniel's faith was so strong that daniel would continue to pray to his god all right and so now they go back to the king and say the king hey daniel your blessed beloved servant who you're getting ready to promote he's praying to somebody other than you so because you made a decree you're bound by that decree what are you going to do about it and the king had no choice but to adhere to the decree that he had put forth which is that anybody who prays to any other god but him is going to have to be put in the lion's den so hearing this the bible says the king was deeply troubled and he and tried to think of a way he could save down he's thinking oh man daniel is my my most faithful servant like how can i come up with a loophole to get him out of this because i don't want to destroy daniel daniel's never done anything wrong he's always been great he's always been a top notch guy he's been faithful he's been he's been had integrity i don't want to destroy daniel but he couldn't find any way out of his decree that he had made he spent the rest of the day looking for a way to get daniel out of this predicament all right but unfortunately there was no way and so as a result daniel ended up being thrown into the lion's den a pit of lions this is probably one of the most famous stories that you probably learned growing up in sunday school and as you know you know the story at the next day uh the king couldn't sleep all night he was distraught and he was so glad to know that daniel was unharmed because of these lines and god had protected him supernaturally in this lion's den and so because of this the king is so happy now and he says i decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the god of daniel for he is the living god and he will endure forever his kingdom will never be destroyed and his rule will never end this is the second pagan king that has been influenced to worship the god of daniel because of the faith of one of god's chosen people right i just hope you're getting this the power that when you exhibit your faith in a public and bold way it can embolden other people to have the same faith that you have all right guys we're going to take a 30 second pause and i'm going to grab some water are you all enjoying this hopefully you're enjoying this because now guys we're going to get into the difficult part of the book of daniel all that stuff was probably stuff that you are somewhat familiar with it's story it's narrative but now we're going to transition into the more prophetic aspect of daniel that's seven through 12. so hang on with me all right because now we're gonna dig in deep and i promise you guys i'm gonna do my best to explain it but it is a difficult portion of the book for us to really wrap our minds around but don't worry i got you all right we're gonna break it down all right here we go daniel chapter seven starts on the sec starts the second half of the book of daniel and so everything that we're going to read here is more prophetic literature versus narrative here we go in chapters seven and eight we're going to cover both of those chapters together i'm going to call this gentile world history now it's important to understand that there is a strong connection between what we read in in daniel 7 and 8 as compared to daniel 2. remember in daniel 2 we had a statue head of gold was babylon and then you had the other parts of the body which was the medes and the persians right you had the chest and the arms then you had the belly in the thighs excuse me the belly which was the grease and then you had uh the legs of iron which was rome okay so you have all these things daniel 7 and 8 is a more descriptive explanation of these world empires here we go okay so let's read it earlier during the first year of king belshazzar's reign in babylon so remember now we're in daniel 7. but chronologically daniel 7 actually happens before daniel 5 because who is the king that we see here king belshazzar that is the babylonian king when we left off in daniel at the end of daniel 6 there was a uh darius the mede or actually uh the persian or it was a persian king that was in control at that time all right so what we're reading here in is the vision that god gave daniel but the vision happened before daniel chapter five when king baal shazar was in control let's keep going he reigned in babylon daniel had a dream and saw visions as he lay in his bed he wrote down the dream and this is what he saw okay so now daniel's the one that has the dream and the vision and he wrote down what he saw now i'm going to try to to make up some ground here as time basically because i have this chart right here and what we have here i'm going to try to break this chart down for you on the left of the screen you have the statue that nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream the head of gold arms of silver the chest of bronze and the the uh the legs of iron that represents babylon murder media persia greece and then rome daniel comes back and he has another vision of four beasts and each one of these four beasts represents a different world empire stay with me here we go okay so the first one is uh what we're going to see here the first in daniel 4 7 4 was like a lion and had eagle's wings then as i looked its wings were plucked off and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man and the mind of a man was given to it let's break that down for just a second okay the first was like a lion and had eagle's wings a lion is a sign of strength symbolic of strength an eagle is fast babylon captured the the world in under its power with strength and with speed and because of that a lion with eagle's wings was an appropriate symbol for the nation of babylon but notice his wings were plucked off now what do you think that was symbolic of go back to daniel chapter 4 where nebuchadnezzar had a vision of a tree and what happened to those leaves the leaves and the branches were what plucked off but what was left the stump and the root why because after he got done with his craziness right god allowed him to rebuild him his kingdom that's what daniel saw the same thing guys that's what i'm trying to get you to see is that the prophecy in the word of god is so precise that you cannot deny that the holy spirit was a divine author because there's no way man can think this and can come up with this hundreds of years before it happens so notice it was lifted up from the ground which speaks of nebuchadnezzar's res restoration and made to stand on two feet like a man and the mind of a man was given to it okay so that's the first beast that daniel sees in his vision is the beast that represents babylon a lion with eagles wings but the second beast that he sees is that of a bear and this bear represents the the kingdom of the medes and the persians okay let's let's read about it and it corresponds to the arms of silver in nebuchadnezzar's vision and dream in daniel chapter 2. i hope you're tracking with me here alright let's keep going and behold another beast a second one like a bear it was raised up on one side here we go one of the two kingdoms was more powerful the persian kingdom was more powerful than the mede the media kingdom of media right that's why every single single thing is symbolic here that's why the the bear was raised up on one side implication that the persians were more powerful than the medes it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth and it was told arise devour much flesh now what is the symbolism of these three ribs that are in the bear's mouth well guess what guys if i were to ask if if we were to ask daniel that question when he wrote it he'd say i have no idea i'm just telling you what i saw i have no idea what the three ribs in the bear's mouth even represent but we have the blessing of looking back down the corridors of time and we are able to see that secular historians have validated everything that daniel has seen as it relates to gentile world history and what they have told us is that the medes and the persians have three major conquests obviously babylon in 539 bc and then lydia in 546 bc and egypt in 525 bc those are three major kingdoms that the medes and the persians destroyed which is the symbolism of the three ribs that are in the bear's mouth symbolizing that these are three kingdoms that the medes and the persians have completely destroyed are you seeing the symbolism that daniel is trying to communicate to us okay so now let's jump up to chapter eight because chapters seven and eight basically go hand in hand chapter eight of daniel focuses in and zooms in on two of the four beasts the beast that represents the the nation of media and persia and then it also focuses in on the beast that represents greece so let me repeat that again because i know i'm going fast daniel 7 daniel saw four beasts in daniel 8 he zooms in and focuses a little bit more on two of those kingdoms the kingdom of media persia and the kingdom of greece so notice in daniel 8 he goes a little bit deeper and he says as i looked up i saw a ram with two long horns standing beside the river who do you think the ram is with two horns it represents media and persia two-horned ram all right one of the horns was longer than the other even though it had grown later than the other one do you see how descriptive daniel is he said one of the horns was bigger even though it grew up later you see the medes came into power first and but then over time the persians came into power and they were greater than the medes even though they were a kingdom together but the persians end up being in greater power so as a result it says here that he sees one one horn that's raised up higher than the other all right now to take any and all uh uh confusion out of it when daniel gets the interpretation of his dream he basically just comes out the angel space that comes out and say look the two horn ram it represents the kings of media and persia so there's no confusion here about what this two-horned ram represents it's the kings of media and persia let's keep going because we have a whole lot more to go so now let's move on to this third uh beast which represents greece all right which is the uh uh the belly of bronze from nebuchadnezzar's vision in chapter two hopefully you're hanging with me here after this i looked and behold another like a leopard with four wings of a bird on its back and the beast had four heads and dominion was given to it now what do you know about a leopard a leopard is swift it's fast which was an appropriate symbolism a symbol for greece because you see alexander the great came and conquered the entire world in scholars say about 10 years but really did some serious damage in 334 to 330 bc so in about four or five years he conquered the entire world and that's the reason why the symbol of a leopard is appropriate because it was quick he came on the scene and alexander the great just conquered everything right and so now let's keep going so while i was watching this is now jumping ahead to chapter eight because remember chapter eight and chapter seven you gotta read together as a unit so now as he's watching this this uh this ram this two-horned ram that represents media and persia as he's watching this it says here suddenly a male goat appeared from the west crossing the land so swiftly there's the leopard that he didn't even touch the ground the this goat which had one very large horn between its eyes who do you think that very very large horn is on that goat it's alexander the great right because he is the he was the premier leader of this greek dynasty headed towards so he sees this goat with this one long horn between its eyes and it's headed towards this two-horned ram that he saw standing beside the river rushing at him in a rage imagine this this this male goat that's running that's running with this horn right between his eyes he's running faster and faster this goat charged furiously at the rim and struck him and broke off both his horns what do you think the symbolic symbolism is of of him breaking off both of his horns is symbolizing that these the nation of media and persia is now destroyed those horns are broken off now that the now the ram was helpless and the goat knocked him down and trampled him no one could rescue the ram from the goat's power okay so um now just to take any confusion out of it the interpretation is clear in verse 21 the shaggy male goat represents the king of greece and the large horn between his eyes represents the first king of the greek empire that's none other than alexander the great you see all of this is tying together here in the prophetic word now we see here the fourth kingdom which is the kingdom of rome all right and this is the fourth beast and for this particular beast there's not a particular beast that we know of it just says here that in my vision that night i saw a fourth beast terrifying dreadful and very strong it devoured and crushed its victims with huge iron teeth and trampled their remains beneath its feet it was different from any of the other beasts and it had ten horns now guys if you know anything about history you know that the roman empire was the most dominant the most feared and the strongest empire that has ever existed in the history of time before now or up to this date the roman empire was strong very strong and so that this is the fourth beast that we see that daniel is is seeing here in his vision as i was looking at the horns suddenly another small horn appeared among them now guys stay with me here because this is going to get confusing you got to stay with me three of the first horns were torn out by the roots to make room for it this little horn had eyes like human eyes and a mouth that was boasting arrogantly now i understand there's some different interpretations of this okay some people see this as being antiochus epiphanes okay but a lot of scholars see this as being uh the antichrist a prophecy that describes the anti-christ okay so the antichrist is the little horn that emerges out of all of these other horns now uh i wish i have time to kind of break all this stuff down but when you compare scripture with scripture you'll see that this is appropriate because the bible talks about the antichrist speaking pompous words and speaking against the god and and being arrogant and all of these different things so it's important for me to uh to break this down for just a second because you may be asking the question wait a second didn't the roman empire rule during christ christ time and isn't the antichrist going to come in the future right so isn't the antichrist going to come during the tribulation period yes here is the key that locks it all that unlocks everything you must get this you must get this in the mind of an old testament prophet they had no understanding of what's called the church age the church age is a gap of history that no old testament prophet ever understood they never predicted it they in their minds the roman empire was going to start uh and and it was going to go through the time of christ and then there was a continuum and then the antichrist would come uh and that roman empire would just continue to dominate and then ultimately would be destroyed be destroyed they didn't understand that there was going to be a gap of time between the messiah's first advent and the messiah's second coming they didn't understand that why because god told paul that this was a mystery that was kept hidden from every other generation except paul god has revealed it to paul what is that mystery this message was kept secret for centuries and generations past but now it has been revealed to god's people what is the mystery that god would allow gentiles to now come into his family and use them as agents to bring other people to god that was never in the mind of an old testament jewish prophet they never imagined that there'd be a thousands of years of time where god would use the gentiles that was a mystery so that's the reason why when we go to daniel and we see okay well there's this roman empire that's going to destroy the greeks somewhere in 63 a.d right and then the antichrist comes on the scene that's because they didn't have any concept of the fact that there's going to be a gap of time right god kept that hidden from them and revealed it to paul okay i could go on more and more to that but let's keep going okay now 725 he will defy the most high and oppress the holy people of the most high this is the antichrist he will try to change their sacred festivals and laws and they will be placed under his control okay i got to pick this up i'm a little bit behind all right and for a time times and half a time now if you know anything about prophecy you go back and watch my video on revelation mo many scholars believe this refers to the first three and a half years of the seven year tribulation period time that's one year times that's two that makes three years half a time three and a half years right all of this is consistent with everything else that the bible says about the prophetic timeline that there that that these jews are going to be put into his control for three and a half years but then the court will pass the judgment and all his power will be taken away and completely destroyed okay so once again some people see this as being uh fulfilled through antiochus epiphanes which we'll get to in just a moment when we get to chapter 11. hold on we'll get there all right but many scholars believe this is a prophecy relating to the antichrist all right let's keep going now let's go to chapter nine guys once again i'm not able to cover everything but hopefully you're getting an idea now chapter nine here's the idea call this jewish history because see while the other prophecies in the book of daniel focus on god's plan for the gentiles chapter 9 focuses more specifically on god's special plan for the jews god's plan for the jewish people right so that's the idea with chapter nine so the first 23 20 some verses or so daniel is praying he's praying he's praying to the god of uh the god of abraham isaac jacob he's praying and as he is praying god gives him a vision now guys i'm just trying to tell you we do not have time to go through daniel's 70 weeks we don't have time i wish i did maybe i'll do another live stream only on this okay but i'm putting it on here and i'm going to give you a very high level very high level of daniel's 70 weeks okay so for some of you who love math you're going to love this for some of you hate math going to give you a headache all right but here's the idea guys if you daniel 77 weeks really is not a good translation if you take 70 sevens that's 490 years 490 years now see if i can break this down here for in just a little while basically uh daniel says there break it up into three sets the first set is a set of sevens okay so you have seven sevens then you have 62 sevens then you have one more seven so you have seven sevens that's 49 years then you have 62 sevens that's 434 years that gives you 483 years what about the last seven years the last seven years many scholars believe that is the seven year tribulation period we'll get to that in a second okay now what's this first seven years well basically the first 49 years the bible says that from the time when uh uh king arked xerxes i don't want to lose you here from the time when king art and xerxes gives the command for the jewish people to go back and rebuild the land okay and from that time there's going to be 49 years it's going to be 49 years and then the temple will be rebuilt but we know from history that it took nehemiah 49 years to rebuild the temple so that's consistent with secular history which is the reason why in daniel's vision he broke it up into he didn't just say 69 year 69 sevens and then one more he said seven sevens 49 years and that's the time to rebuild the temple and then now there's going to be 434 years okay now you can do the basic math because when you start looking at how many years we're in between the the rebuilding of the temple in the old testament and the coming of christ okay scholars have gone down and literally broken this down into the day down to the day something like 173 000 something days okay where you can say that okay between the re when the temple was rebuilt and when the messiah is going to come there is going to be 434 years down to the day right and so then the messiah is going to come but if you go and read daniel 9 it says the messiah is going to be cut off he's going to be cut off which is verbiage for him being crucified right he's going to be cut off from his people right now some see that as when he came in to jerusalem on uh the triumphal entry so on and so forth but the point is guys that this takes us to the time of christ now there's still seven years remaining because that's 483 years so the other seven years is going to be the tribulation period now why is that important because basically god is trying to tell through daniel that i've got about 490 total years left that i'm going to deal with you right my dealing with my chosen people is going to extend 490 years you may say brother allen it's been a whole lot longer than 490 years yes but you're forgetting the gap you're forgetting the gap of time see remember god is not dealing specifically with his people right now he is dealing with the gentiles that's what paul said that was the gap that was the mystery right the mystery was that there was going to be a gap of time where god was going to do what as romans says set israel aside so that the gentiles can be grafted in but then at some point during the tribulation period god's focus is going to focus back in on his chosen people and how he deals with them hence the 144 thousand people that are going to be jewish evangelists during the time of the tribulation period they will be the ones who will be evangelizing all right i hope i'm not going too too crazy here right but the point is that god tells daniel my dealing with my people is going to total 490 years he didn't say 400 consecutive 490 consecutive years just 490 years total right and so so far we have seven more years and that's the tribulation period now once again guys we have we don't have time to dig into this there have been studies that have been done on this there's various views on it but i'll leave it right there for the sake of time okay all right here we go so now guys we are moving into um the rest of this so it says the ruler who's the antichrist will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven see this is the tribulation period one set of sevens the antichrist is going to make a treaty what's this treaty it's the treaty that he's going to take care of the jews he's going to be their main cheerleader and he's going to basically allow them to rebuild their temple and start sacrificing again to their god and it's going to sound like the antichrist is on their side but it says here but after half this time that refers back to the time times and a half of time three and a half years see one set of seven half the time of three and a half years in the middle of it he's going to put an end to the sacrifices and offerings he's going to change up he's going to say no you can't offer your sacrifices anymore because i'm not really for you i just want to get you on my side and and and then he's going to turn on them okay so that is going to happen and uh so he signs this peace treaty with the nation of israel for three and a half or for seven years but he's gonna break it in three and a half years okay now as a climax to all his terrible deeds he will set up a sacrilegious object that causes desecration until the fate decreed for this defiler is finally poured out on him this is called the abomination of desolation and this is the idea that the antichrist according to second thessalonians and some other scriptures in the new testament um second sentence is two i believe it is the antichrist is going to do something so heinous and so vile in god's temple that it's going to desecrate the temple of god now hold on because we see something similar to this happening in 167 bc with another king called antiochus epiphanes and that's who many people see this is referring to in terms of the fulfillment of it so just hold on all right all of us my scholars you're probably raising your eyebrows at me all right here we go so now guys we're going to move on to chapter 10. we're almost there hanging with me we got three more chapters spiritual warfare this is going to be a quick one okay spiritual warfare so the idea is this guys this is daniel's final vision his final vision and in this vision he has given further insight into the spiritual battle that exists between god's people and the forces of darkness right if uh news flash if you don't if you're not aware we are in the midst of a spiritual battle right and so if you don't know that the enemy's already got you where he wants you to be we're in the midst of a spiritual battle and daniel now gets a glimpse of what's happening in the spiritual realm in chapter 10. notice it says here in the third year of king cyrus in the reign of king cyrus of persia daniel also known as baltisr had another vision this is his last vision in the book he understood that the vision concerned events certain to happen in the future times of war and great hardship here we go verses 12 through 14. so daniel has this vision and if you read the chapter he's so distraught he's literally sick he's not eating he's he's he's so afraid because of this vision that he saw it rocked him so much that he was just he was just panicked right and and and this some people believe it's an angel some people believe this is a pre-incarnate uh appearance of jesus christ people can argue about that but whoever this person was they said don't be afraid daniel since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your god remember daniel was praying your request has been heard in heaven i have come to an uh an ant and answer and answer to your prayer so do you see this daniel had been praying for some time and it says that his prayer requests had been heard in heaven and as a result this man or this angel more than likely an angel said i have come that's actually an angel all right it's an angel that says this it says i have come an answer to your prayer now watch this all right so daniel now understands that there is an evil versus good there's this spiritual battle that's happening even though he's praying and his prayer is being heard in heaven the answer to his prayer was delayed because the messenger to get his prayer answered was detained let's keep going it says here but for 21 days the spirit prince of the king of persia blocked my way then michael one of the archangels came to help me this is the reason why people believe that this is an angel and not jesus because why would jesus need help from an archangel it makes sense for one angel to make to have to need help from another angel it doesn't make sense for jesus to need help from another archangel right so then michael one of the archangels came to help me and i left him there with the spirit prince of the kingdom of persia so guys this is this is interesting because even though daniel was faithful to pray the answer to his prayer did not get to him for 21 days because of spiritual warfare so guys let me encourage you today when we pray there are spiritual battles that are occur that are occurring in the heavenly realm in spiritual places ephesians chapter 6 talks about this that may hinder the prayer or the answer to our prayers that we have no idea about that's why you have to continue to pray continue to fast continue to see god because there could be some spiritual warfare that's going on that may hinder the answer to your prayer all right so now guys we're going to move on now to chapter 11. i told you chapter 10 was quick chapter 11 we're going to call this grecian wars we're not going to spend much time on chapter 11 either all right because uh it's too much to get into here but guys this is the idea do you remember that the greeks uh the the picture of the uh greek had the greek um was it the leopard had four wings well history tells us that when alexander the great died the greek empire was broken up into four parts the ptolemies took control of the southern part of palestine and the seleucids took control of the north these two groups were fighting over control of palestine and the conflict between the king of the north right and the king of the south is described in perfect detail in chapter 11. so chapter 11 kind of zooms in on what's happening as these two uh kingdoms of greece are fighting over the land of palestine now let's keep going okay so one specific evil king from the north his name is antiochus he gave himself the surname epiphanies which means the illustrious one so antiochus epiphanes wasn't his name he called himself that it's really antiochus iv he persecuted god's chosen people and desecrated their temple uh i'll get to that in a second okay now watch what happens guys watch this at the appointed time he shall return and go toward the south who are we talking about we're talking about antiochus the king of the north at the appointed time he will return and go down south why because he's trying to battle the kingdoms of the south so that he can have control over palestine but it shall not be like the former or the latter meaning he's not going to have success this time for ships from cyprus shall come against him therefore he shall be grieved what's happening guys this and king antiochus is trying to gain control of palestine he goes down he's been successful in the past he goes down but this time it's not working too well for him so he's going to be grieved and he's going to be angry because he did not win his battle so as he is traveling back up right from the south angry because he just got beat down returning enrage against the holy covenant and do damage he is now going to take his anger out on god's chosen people and how does he do this let's read it so he shall return and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant and forces shall be mustered by him and they shall defile the sanctuary fortress they are going to defile the sanctuary then they will they shall take away the daily sacrifices and place there the abomination of desolation stay with me promise you this is going to make a lot of sense in just a second i promise you okay so here's the idea guys i know that's a weird image but in 167 bc this is what happened this king antiochus took a pig which is an unclean animal and he offered a pig on the altar that was on just on the outside of the temple the jewish temple now you know that has to be a desecration of god's holy temple because the jews weren't allowed to offer anything let alone touch a pig or they would be made unclean but this man knew that it was an offense to their their people and their god he took a pig and offered a pig on the altar and i believe that history is correct he actually forced other people to do the same and offer more pigs on the jewish altar just outside of the temple this is a desecration of god's temple which is the reason why some scholars see and think that antiochus epiphanes was the antichrist and these are people that are called historic historicist they they have a different view of the prophetic timeline i don't agree with that but they see many of the things that we see coming in the future as being already fulfilled primarily in events like this antiochus epiphanes right so what we believe is that yes this did happen but antiochus epiphanes was a foreshadowing of the real antichrist who has not yet come right we believe that antiochus just was a picture or a type or a foreshadowing so we believe that the true antichrist is going to also desecrate the temple of god as well hope this is making sense so yes some of these prophecies were fulfilled at 167 bc through antiochus epiphanes but those many scholars believe that there's there's a coming antichrist who's going to be the greater fulfillment why because there's many things that describe the antichrist in the scriptures that do not describe antiochus epiphanes so that's the reason why we believe there's a there's a greater antichrist that's coming okay so chapter 12 guys you guys have hung with me all the way through daniel i'm sorry it took me lord more than 60 minutes who knows what i was thinking to try to get through this book in 60 minutes i tried i failed i embraced that all right but chapter 12 we're gonna call this the end times and let's bring it all to a close at that time michael the archangel who stands guard over your nation will arise then there will be a time of anguish greater than any since nations first came into existence this is what the bible calls as jacob's trouble this is what the bible calls as uh the day of the lord right or um the tribulation period the great tribulation period see daniel foresees that there's going to be a time of great anguish unlike any other time since nations have come into existence he doesn't go into detail about what it's going to look like john does that in the book of revelation but we see here that he says there's going to be a time of great trouble but at that time every one of your people whose name is written in the book will be rescued you see so all of the jews that are that are going to place their faith in christ during this time of trouble are going to be saved they're going to be rescued now let's keep going daniel now also sees a resurrection in the future verse 2 many of those whose bodies lie dead and buried will rise up some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting disgrace so you see here daniel sees that there's going to be a future resurrection where those who have died and did not place their faith in yahweh did not place a faith in christ for those who who knew about christ right they're going to uh they're going to be resurrected they're going to stand before the throne by the way if you go back and read daniel 7 we'll talk about thrones being set up then get a chance to go into that right but uh they're going to go and they're going to be sent to everlasting disgrace but those who are placing their faith in god will rise up be resurrected to everlasting life now let's keep going now do you want to be a star don't try to be an instagram star don't try to be uh you know a star in hollywood or an entertainment star or an athletic star daniel tells us what a true star is if you want to be a star in the kingdom of god look what it says those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever if you want to be a star in god's kingdom lead people to righteousness lead people to god lead people to christ he said that's how you're going to shine like a star forever now let's keep going this is the last slide guys the vision is complete the book has come to an end god says but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret a seal or simply seal up the book until the time of the end when many will rush here and there and knowledge will increase so he says daniel right now you may understand everything that you're writing but just write it down seal it up because this is complete this prophecy is is done right seal it up but over time many will rush here and there and knowledge will increase see we are able to look back because our knowledge has increased because of history we're able to look back and see everything that daniel has predicted has come to pass so far and that's why he says hey this uh this this has not yet come to pass seal it up okay guys and that is how the book of daniel ends whoo guys i know that was a lot all right i know that was a lot guys but um that is the book of daniel as best as i describe as best as i understand it i know that was an overview and i obviously didn't get a chance to go into all of the depth that i would have loved to go into and i didn't answer any of your questions here all right but hopefully you got a much much better idea about what the book of daniel is all about guys i literally just scratched the surface all right somebody says we need the song of solomon explanation all right song of solomon okay maybe we'll put that up there next time actually no i did saw the solomon already about last summer or two years ago i have a whole series on song of solomon okay so go check that out on my channel all right but let me answer a couple of questions that you guys have and then we'll call it a day guys i'm trying to fast forward through all of the comments thank you guys so much for all the comments what are your thoughts did you enjoy this do you want me to do uh what book do you want me to do next uh what what books do you enjoy uh that you would want me to do a flyover kind of like this as it relates to doing kind of an overview all right let me take a couple questions that you may have about the book of daniel okay uh oh man rosa says so good rosa thank you so much i appreciate that i did the best i could today hopefully uh you guys got some value out of it all right the book of jonah now that'll be a whole lot easier for me to do in one hour all right so i'll try to do that uh next time say 90 minutes you know what i'm going to change the thumbnail shortly after this video to uh be 90 minutes instead of 60 because yeah this was closer to 90 minutes all right uh somebody said thank you allen you are welcome uh all right london says amen yes i'm about to sign up for your master class wonderful london uh we can't wait for you to sign up if you're looking to learn how to study the bible that is awesome i'd love for you to join us on that journey uh not impressed with a capital k says amazing job thank you so much uh not impressed with the capital k hopefully you guys got an overview of the book of daniel today all right uh sanazo says thank you for this praise god uh these were not questions just people babbling and fighting well that's unfortunate so hopefully uh next time guys we will have somebody who moderates the chat uh uh we've hired somebody that's gonna help us with that and so uh hopefully it won't we won't see a whole lot of that but if that bothers you guys just ignore the chat and just focus on the teaching all right monique says i was blessed awesome yes vanessa says please do a study on 77. that's going to be a whole separate study right there i'm gonna have to gear up for that one all right but yes that's a good one that's a good idea all right uh let's see cassie says i love your videos alan you're such a blessing could you consider doing a video on the pre-millennial versus post-millennial view yes that is a great video to do something tells me i may have done a video on that so check that check out my playlist on end time events and i may have actually done a video on that so that might be possible okay let's take a couple more questions and then guys we will call it a day here um okay lisa shaw says well done thank you would love another video on the 70 weeks yeah the 70 weeks of daniel okay that deserves a completely a complete different live stream so maybe we'll come back sometime in the near future and actually do a live stream on the 70 weeks of daniel that would be fun because today we just we didn't do any justice to it at all and it was impossible to do it okay all right so i will i give you my word i will do that in the near future all right 1g white says part two please this is all right well part two is gonna be the 70 weeks of daniel thank you so much uh samuel says just one word wow thank you alan guys i hope that you got this today i hope that you really enjoyed this awesome guys the abomination of desolation is revealed great job this was great encore uh thank you all so much you all are so kind thank you so much for the uh for the kind words i try to put a lot of time effort and time away from my kids and my family to bring these uh teachings to you guys uh it's not just uh get up in front of you guys i try to prepare time putting together these uh these these slides and things like that it all takes time so hopefully you guys appreciate it as well thank you all of those who gave super chats i wasn't able to uh to comment during the time but um for all of you who are looking to support us um you know you can do so a couple ways if if the lord is if you blessed you know if if this ministry has blessed you in any way no pressure guys okay this is not a money money type of thing but you know if if the lord puts it on your heart and you want to support us financially guys we'd be honored if you would consider prayerfully consider partnering with us because we have a staff that we have to pay right we've got equipment we've got a whole team of seven people that we that way that we pay and we want to we want to we want to pay them what they're worth right like we want to we want to bless them so they can continue to help us fulfill the mission of christ and and get the word of god out there right so just know that when you do give um you're giving to you're given to the kingdom of god and you're given to an organization it is non-profit so you can write your gifts off but you're giving uh to help us advance the gospel if you were interested in partnering with us you can do that at for slash support and you can pledge either one time gift or you can pledge a monthly be one of our monthly partners okay also if you are looking to take your bible study up to the next level and you want to learn how to study the bible like i did today break it down do us a favor and join us on the journey right um bible study made e z will take you to our website and you can join our bible study program it is a paid program but uh everybody that's been in that program has had immense value and people say it's one of the best purchase they could have ever made in their life so hopefully you guys will join us on that journey and um so yes guys that's enough of that we'll get rid of all that stuff but um let's see if i could take any other questions you have uh man i love things like this william carter carpenter says could you do one on acts and the new covenant that's a great idea as well i'll consider the book of acts that would be a great book to do a fly through actually that would actually be a great fly-through book truly enjoyed thank you awesome sir book of matthew yes i loved this congrats spirit warrior won't uh get in touch with me i want to see your podcast okay all right so that's something else all right so guys uh thank you so much for the super chat gordo 13 371. enrique says that was fire i hope so enrique i did the best i could all right um let's see here uh will the antichrist come as a jew or a christian well he won't be a christian that's for sure because just hence the name antichrist so he won't be a christian and uh we don't know if he's gonna be a jew uh that the bible doesn't give us that uh level of clarity but we just know he's gonna be an evil figure that is going to um lead the world astray but my belief is that we will not be around because we will be raptured and taken up to be with the lord now that's my pre-tribulation pre-millennial view some people have different views on that i respect their views but that's my view okay um okay so gentiles are us christians no gentiles are anybody that's anybody that's not a jew is a gentile anybody that's not a jew is a gentile okay whether you're christian or not that is a gentile okay all right uh let's see we'll take maybe a couple more how can we be ready for jesus return uh yeah great question gird yourself up be prepared to give an answer for the hope that you have to skeptics to progressive christians to uh atheists to people of other uh uh faiths in the world and uh um you know spread your faith make disciples spend some time discipling other people doing all the things that the word tells us to do that is how you're going to make yourself ready for christ's return okay uh let's see job please do job okay job would be a great fly-through to do so i'm going to write some of these down uh and so we have job we have the 70 weeks of daniel you guys are giving me some great ideas here and we have the book of acts all right jeremiah is a good one isaiah i enjoyed it uh it makes thirst to keep learning and reading the scriptures thank you alan thank you all so much guys so guys we've been on here already uh for almost two hours so i'm going to call it a day here all right and um uh but continue to leave your comments in the comments section of this video and do me a favor guys if you know somebody who might benefit from our ministry from this channel or from this particular video share this video share this this this channel with them guys because we're trying to get the word of god out to as many people as possible we believe in what we're doing so we would be honored if you would take some time to share the link to this channel to people that you know that i might not be able to reach but if you know that there's a video that i did that might help them we encourage you to share it with them okay guys so thank you all so much for being on here today god bless you all i love you and uh i will see you next time and you don't want to miss the video that we have on friday i'm not going to tell you what it is but you don't want to miss that one all right god bless guys bye
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 145,034
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Keywords: allen parr, book of daniel, book of daniel and revelation, book of daniel audio bible, book of daniel bible project, book of daniel bible study, book of daniel explained, book of daniel interpretation, book of daniel nkjv, summary of the book of daniel, the book of daniel, the book of daniel explained, the book of daniel overview, the book of daniel summary, understand the book of daniel
Id: zuc6YIV4S6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 25sec (6505 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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