The Gospel of Matthew EXPLAINED in 60 Minutes | The Gospels in HD

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okay everybody welcome back to part number two in the gospels in hd now last night we focused our attention on the gospel of mark and you might ask the question why is it that we started with mark since matthew is the first book of the new testament and that is the reason the reason for this is because most scholars would agree that mark was the first gospel written and matthew and luke and the other gospels came after that and so last night if you missed it don't worry because you will be able to go back and watch that i cut out some of the parts and some of the fluff so that you can watch it and go directly into that gospel okay but also we also did an overview of the gospels a background to the gospels so that you have an understanding of why do we have four gospels how are the gospels written and how are they each unique from one another and we talked about all of that yesterday so we're not going to waste your time we're going to jump right in to the training tonight we're going to study the gospel of matthew all right so we're going to jump in and uh we're going to look at the gospel of matthew here we go so uh first and foremost each day that we do this we're going to complete this chart for you and if we can review just a little bit we said that yesterday mark was peter's scribe and we said that mark more than likely wrote peter's account of the gospel more than likely what we see in mark is peter's gospel but it's called the gospel of mark and peter as you can see was more than likely the earliest of the four gospels that were written and peter excuse me mark paints this picture of jesus being a suffering servant and you remember yesterday that essentially mark was painting this picture to the romans because he knew that romans were very very impressed with an action and and power rather than a whole bunch of words and discourse so mark under the inspiration of the holy spirit he decided to strip away all a whole bunch of the talking the genealogy of jesus the birth narratives and all these things that he knew that a roman mind would not necessarily be impressed with he knew that romans would be more impressed with a man of action and power and could do supernatural things so that's the reason why whenever we go and look at mark's gospel the literary theme or the the dominating theme in mark's gospel is doing miracles because mark wanted to convey the idea that this jesus is the son of god and he did that mostly by focusing not so much on what jesus said but what jesus did right and his goal was to prove that jesus was the son of god and we said that about seven percent of mark was unique to mark the other 93 of mark is also found in the other gospels now tonight we're going to focus on matthew and tomorrow at 11 a.m it's a different time so it's not going to be in the evening but 11 a.m central standard time i know that's a quick turnaround we're going to come back and we're going to focus on my favorite of all four of the gospels which is luke it was a hard one because i love all four of them but you'll see why tomorrow why i really love luke all right now let's focus on matthew matthew was a hated tax collector we'll talk about why tax collectors were hated in just a moment uh we see that matthew was written probably between 75 and 90 a.d and as we're going to see tonight matthew's main focus you've got to get this if you don't get this then it's going to be hard for you to understand the book of matthew the main focus all right is he wants to prove that this jesus christ was indeed the messiah that the old testament had promised prophesied and predicted that jesus is the king of the jews so this is the picture that matthew has got to paint for his primarily jewish audience that jesus was the promised messiah and so 42 of matthew is unique to matthew it's only found in matthew and it's not found in the other gospels now yesterday we went over this a little bit but we're going to just briefly touch on it today uh matthew mark and luke are called the synoptic gospels synoptic sin means with or together optics eyes to see so when you put those two words together it means to see together right and so we group matthew mark and luke together because we see them as being kind of together right they have similar content in them they're arranged in a similar order in terms of its structure john is completely different and unique from the other three and so these are the synoptic gospels and the idea is that if mark was the first gospel written then scholars believe that matthew and luke borrowed much of what they have in their gospel from mark's gospel right so they borrowed quite a bit from mark's gospel but there is some information in matthew and luke that is not in mark's gospel so the question becomes where did they get that information where did matthew and luke get that information and scholars believe that there is some unknown hypothetical document called q which is short for collect which is the word for source in the german language and in this hypothetical document there were parables miracle stories healings sermons signs wonders sayings events and all sorts of potpourri stuff about the life of jesus christ that each gospel writer basically under the inspiration of the holy spirit took a parable here took a healing here took a sermon here took a saying here took a story here and used that information in a different way to try to convince their specific audience that jesus was who they wanted them to believe okay now all of that is background let's jump in to matthew now who was matthew all right we know who mark was but who was matthew all right now matthew he was a hated tax collector he was a hated tax collector who was one of the 12 apostles all right and he was hated because he swindled his own jewish people by collecting taxes for the roman government and he wrote his gospel while living in palestine now we're going to talk about that okay why were tax collectors so hated and the reason why i'm going through this is because whenever you see tax collectors for the rest of your life i want you to get a picture in your mind as to why the jewish people hated these tax collectors so much now the first reason is because let's be honest nobody likes to pay taxes right especially to their oppressors so you have to understand that during this time the roman government was heavily oppressing the jewish people which is why they thought that jesus right they thought that when jesus was going to come when the messiah was going to come that he was going to be a strong king and he was going to free the jewish people from the roman oppression this is the reason why many of the jews rejected jesus christ because he did not come in a way that they had expected him to come i don't want to get too deep into this but essentially the big error is that the jews even to this day they confused the first coming of jesus christ and the yet some second coming of jesus christ see if you look at the old testament prophecies many of the prophecies of the old testament are prophesying about the second coming of jesus christ and him being a king and being a ruler well jesus came as a carpenter and as a docile lamb right and so they were like this can't be the messiah this can't be the king right and as a result they missed it right so they were being oppressed another reason why tax collectors were hated because these tax collectors were working for the roman government and they were seen as traitors right they were seen as traitors now i want you to imagine this for just a second let's just say it's 9 11 a little bit after 9 11 and i am working for the islamic government and i live here in the states but i but everybody knows that i work for the islamic government and i am paying i am charging collecting taxes for the islamic government and people know that i'm working for the enemy right that would be a reason why people may not like me because they see me as being a traitor how could you work for them when they are the very people that are oppressing us right and so these tax collectors were hated for that reason and they often cheated people by collecting more taxes than what was owed right so not only that right let's just say you owed a thousand dollars in taxes well guess how i made my money as a tax collector i would charge you about thirteen hundred dollars in taxes and you couldn't say anything or do anything about it because i've got the roman government behind me protecting me and so therefore yeah i'll take your thousand dollars and i'll give that thousand dollars to the roman government so your taxes can be taken care of and i'll keep the other 300 for myself and that's how i made the money and everybody knew this was what's going on everybody knew that's how tax collectors made it and they cheated people and swindled people out of their money hold that thought until later on in matthew we're going to come back and you'll see why i'm asking you to hold that thought okay but not only that these tax collectors were considered well-to-do or wealthy or upper-class thus separating themselves from the common class of men so for this reason and others tax collectors were hated all right they were hated now let's keep going and let's look at why matthew wrote his gospel right now matthew as i said you have to get this you have to get this matthew's purpose was to clearly prove that jesus was the long-awaited messiah who the king of the jews or who is the king of the jews that the old testament prophesied that's it that was his mission because he was speaking to primarily a jewish audience he said how do i get into the mind of a jew how do i convince these stubborn stiff-necked jewish people who crucified jesus that the very jesus that they just crucified indeed was god the king of the jews so let's just see exactly how he went about doing that okay so this is the basic structure of matthew the basic structure is that there's a prologue first three chapters or so that includes the genealogy the nativity of christ jesus and his family fleeing to egypt john the baptist and jesus baptism now on the back end of of matthew there is a climax or an epilogue and this includes the basic things like the plot to kill jesus jesus is betrayed peter denies jesus jesus is crucified and then jesus is resurrected now in between these two things are sandwiched five sets of teachings okay and each set includes some narratives or some stories followed by a discourse or a sermon or a lengthy teaching and and then you have another narrative and a lengthy teaching and then a third set of narratives and a lengthy teaching and the fourth set of narratives and a lengthy set of teaching and then the fifth set of narratives and a lengthy discourse or sermon or teaching and this is the structure of matthew so you can see here that the focus the focus right of of matthew is sermons his teachings the focus of mark was miracles as we're going to see tomorrow the focus of uh luke was primarily parables we'll get to that tomorrow okay i always want you to make sure you come back all right here we go so how does matthew how does matthew accomplish this how does he accomplish this oh it's gonna get fun here we go here we go let's start with the genealogy all right just like we did yesterday now you will remember yesterday mark's genealogy was just jesus was the son of god he did not go into all the names why because he knew that romans could care less about any of the names of the jewish people they didn't know any of those people but matthew knew that his audience was well acquainted with these names so i want you to notice how he does it matthew's genealogy says this an account of the genealogy of jesus christ the son of david the son of abraham now i want you to catch that matthew ties jesus lineage back to two of the greatest figures in israel's history the son of david and abraham so i want you to think about the three greatest leaders in israel's history you have abraham okay you have moses and you have david these are the three greatest figures the greatest leaders in the history of israel and so what matthew is going to do is matthew is going to try to prove and show how jesus is the fulfillment of he supersedes he is greater than all three of these great leaders in israel's history he is the promised messiah who supersedes all of their greatest leaders in the past how's he going to do that let's start here matthew first had to prove that jesus was a jewish man right and therefore needed to trace jesus lineage first back to abraham to prove that he had the legal right to be their king you see what i'm saying so he first had to say well you know what if i'm going to prove that jesus is indeed king of the jews i have to prove that he is a jewish person right and how do we do that we have to show the lineage to make sure that we can see that jesus indeed is a descendant of abraham so that's the first thing that he does now the reason why this is important is because matthew proves that jesus was the fulfillment of the abrahamic covenant from genesis 12 who would bring blessing to the nations i know you're like well hold on brother allen you're going too deep let me explain that in genesis 12 3 there's something called the abrahamic covenant now this is just a covenant or a promise that god made with a man named abraham what was this promise this promise is that i will bless those who bless you i will curse anyone who treats you with contempt and notice all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you now i want you to notice this it doesn't say all the jewish people it doesn't say all of the uh it doesn't say all no it says through you abraham all of the nations on the earth will be blessed you see so matthew is painting this picture that jesus is the fulfillment of the abrahamic covenant the idea that through jesus ministry he is going to bring salvation to all the nations of the earth and not just the israelites all right let's keep going now let's that takes care of abraham but what about david now next matthew had to prove that jesus was related to david as the fulfillment of the davidic covenant from 2nd samuel 7. he said brother allen you're going too deep what is all these covenants well let's look at it in 2nd samuel 7 god made a covenant with another man named david and basically the promise that god made to david was this he says your house and kingdom will endure before me for ever and your throne will be established forever so this is the promise that god gave david and he said david i'm just going to make a covenant with you as long as there is a king on the throne of israel they will always be a descendant of yours and this king will have a kingdom or a throne that will be established forever so if jesus is going to be a king that has a throne or a kingdom that is established forever then matthew had to make sure that he traced jesus lineage back to david so that he could prove that jesus indeed had the right to have the kingdom that would be established forever everything is intentional you see okay now let's go back as a matter of fact several times in the gospel of matthew we see people referring to jesus as the son of david they knew that their that that that this the son of david was a messianic term right so whenever they called jesus the son of david they understood what they were saying they were saying that you are the king you are the messiah notice as jesus went on from there two blind men followed him calling out have mercy on us son of david so they understood that that that this man was the fulfillment of the prophecy of david then a demon-possessed man who was blind and unable to speak was brought to him he healed him and so that the man could both speak and see all the crowds were astonished and said could this be the son of david do you see what i'm saying like there was this idea that could this be the messiah could this be the king that would be able to have a throne that lasts forever and so they were they were asking that right okay now that takes care of david but what about this middle character moses ah here we go how was jesus a fulfillment or a uh how was jesus a type of moses well if you go back to deuteronomy chapter 18 there was a promise that there was going to come a prophet like moses one day and it says here i will raise up for them a prophet like you moses from among their brothers i will put my words in his mouth and he will tell them everything i command him i will hold accountable whoever does not listen to my words that he speaks in my name right so do you see here that the israelites understood that there was some sort of coming prophet like moses but they didn't know who it was matthew is going to prove that this prophet that you've been anticipating to come like moses is indeed jesus and let me show you exactly how he does it okay notice the rest of it but the prophet who presumes to speak a message in my name that i have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods that prophet must die okay let me show you this beautiful symmetry between moses and jesus watch this this passage says that i will raise up for them a prophet like you moses well guess what jesus was very similar to moses in his ministry which i'll show you on the next slide notice that jesus said well i know you've heard that moses has said this but now i say this okay now it also says i will put my words in this prophet's mouth well what did jesus say in john he said this and i quote for i have not spoken on my own but the father himself who sent me has given me a command to say everything i have said sounds like jesus is a fulfillment of moses and then it says i will hold accountable whoever does not listen to my words that he speaks in my name well notice it says here truly i tell you anyone who hears my word jesus says and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life hmm that's interesting right so jesus says hey i'm gonna you if you do not listen to my words you will be held accountable now let's also look at some other parallels between moses and jesus now i'm going somewhere with all of this all right all right it's raining pretty hard out here so you could probably hear that in the background moses pharaoh tried to kill at birth notice that herod also tried to kill jesus at birth moses came out of egypt matthew 2 says jesus came out of egypt moses went through and passed through the waters of the red sea jesus passed through the waters of baptism in the jordan river moses was in the wilderness for 40 years jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days moses receives an old law from a mountain jesus delivers a new law on the mountain which we're going to see tonight moses delivered the people from slavery jesus delivers people today from spiritual slavery moses had five books called the torah or the pentateuch jesus had five major teachings that we're going to look at here in the gospel of matthew moses established the old covenant jesus established the new covenant so we see all of these parallels right all of these parallels between moses and jesus so in this matthew shows that jesus is the fulfillment of israel's three greatest leaders okay so let's jump into the content now and this is where things get really fun okay so in matthew four through seven we have this first section right where there are narratives and followed by extensive teaching all right and these are called discourses or sermons now let's take a look at matthew's structure once again matthew 4 7 we're going to call this part the revelation of the kingdom where jesus is revealing his kingdom he's showing people he's presenting his kingdom to the nation of israel and ultimately to the world all right let's keep going now jesus sermon on the mount this is critical jesus sermon on the mount notice what it says here three things that are accomplished in the sermon on the mount jesus describes the people of his kingdom right so remember he's presenting his kingdom he's revealing this kingdom of of god or kingdom of heaven to his people and he says these are the types of people that are going to be part of my kingdom all right and these are the principles that my kingdom will be governed by and then he says i'm going to show you the pathway into the kingdom if you want to be part of my kingdom here is the way in which you get in now let's break all of that down and let's take a look and see how jesus did this in the sermon on the mount who are the people in his kingdom in this first section jesus is describing the types of people who will inherit this kingdom that he's building this goes against the grain of what people would expect for a quote-unquote kingdom right and everything that jesus is going to say is cultural to what the people would have anticipated and expect notice this who are the people that jesus describes in the sermon on the mount blessed are the poor in spirit wait what poor people are going to be in the kingdom no that can't be humble people no meek people no those who hunger and thirst no those who are pure in heart well maybe peacemakers uh those who are persecuted so every group of people that jesus discusses and presents to them goes against the types of people that they would expect to be in the kingdom so these are the people of the kingdom now that jesus has described the types of people he then moves to describing the principles of what scholars have called this upside down kingdom this upside down kingdom is this kingdom that is totally opposite totally different totally out of the ordinary of what people would actually expect from a king now what are the principles of the kingdom well he positions jesus as a greater teacher than moses i want you to notice this matthew is positioning jesus as a greater teacher than moses with statements like well you've heard that it was said implication i know what moses said but now i come to tell you what it really meant and notice it says here don't think that i came to abolish the law or the prophets i did not come to abolish but to fulfill for truly i tell you until heaven and earth pass away not the smallest letter or one stroke of a letter will pass away from the law until all things are accomplished now this brings in the question how did jesus actually fulfill the law what does that really mean when jesus says i've come to fulfill the law i mean we read all this stuff right we read it as we're studying the bible but what does that actually mean well let's take a look at that okay jesus fulfilled the law in the following ways number one through his teachings jesus further explained the true essence of the law as we're going to see in just a moment so essentially jesus is like you know what i know that you think the law means this but i'm now coming to you telling you this is what it really means so your understanding of the law was incomplete it might have even been incorrect so now i have to come along and fulfill it i have to come along and further explain to you what was behind the actual law we'll get into that in just a second but the second way that jesus fulfilled the law was through prophecy jesus fulfilled every single prophecy that was written about him so every time jesus did something to fulfill a prophecy he was fulfilling what the old testament had spoken about him and the third way that he fulfilled the law was to demonstrate how to live perfectly according to the law right i mean we know that it's imper it's impossible for us to obey the law and to fulfill the law but jesus came to show this is how you obey the law perfectly because i am a perfect man all right so let's keep going now jesus go here in this sermon you have to catch this or you're going to miss the point of the sermon on the mount his goal here is to transform the hearts of his people from mere external obedience to internal transformation now let me explain that let's just take anger and murder right so jesus is saying you know what i know that you've heard that murder you should not murder but i'm gonna now take it a little bit further and explain to you what that really means it really means that you shouldn't have any anger in your heart what was jesus doing jesus was now taking them from the place of external obedience only to where they could say at the end of the day i'm a perfect person why because i have not murdered anyone so therefore i am perfect but jesus said no no that's not what the law is all about right the idea is that even if you are angry with someone in your heart you've already committed murder what did this do it forced them now to take a look at their own heart without being so quick at the end of the day and check off a box and say you know what i didn't murder anybody i'm perfect with god no now you have to think did i have any angry thoughts and any unforgiveness any hostility any slander any malice any gossip any ill will towards anybody and now jesus is saying this is a matter of the heart right now lust and adultery same situation it would be easy to say you know what i didn't sleep with another woman or another man today therefore i'm perfect and no need to do anything or make any changes but what if you lusted right jesus says you have to look at your heart and then also marriage and divorce he talks about that right you can't just divorce somebody for any reason that you want to taking oaths you don't have to go through all these things and take all these oh he said no no just check your heart and say is your heart pure when you say yes to somebody and is your heart pure when you say no to somebody that should be enough if you say yes or no that should be enough you shouldn't have to take an oath once again getting to the heart of the issue going the extra mile right loving your enemies say what i'm supposed to love people who are persecuting me yes because this is the upside down kingdom these are the principles by which my kingdom is going to run and be established giving praying and fasting these are the principles of the kingdom relationship to money and possessions see in these days it was it was it was all about trying to get more and have more money and that's what people wanted similar to today but jesus says no no in my kingdom you have to give it away you cannot love money you can't be so consumed and focused with money that money comes before your relationship with me so everything is topsy-turvy everything is upside down all right let's keep going now jesus then ends this first sermon with laying down the pathway into the kingdom terry washington thank you so much for the super chat i appreciate that all right so how do you get into the kingdom right and jesus says this it ain't easy matter of fact he says enter through the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction and there are many who go through it how narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life and few find it notice he says you know what to get into my kingdom it's not easy because it's a it's a it's a narrow road that you have to walk so much so that he says not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but only the one who does the will of my father in heaven you see that jesus is trying to shake them up he's trying to shake them up to understand that his kingdom that he's getting ready to establish is a whole lot different than what they expected so much so he says that many of you in this crowd right here are going to say to me lord lord and jesus says that's not gonna be enough one day because you have not done the will of the father you've not had a heart transformation okay and he also finishes this statement with this therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock so jesus is saying hey you have two options if you want to be in my kingdom right if you want to be in my kingdom he says hey you got two ops you can build your house on rock or you can build your house on sand and one of them is going to stand when the winds blow like it's raining out here right now right one of them is going to stand and one of them's not that's the pathway into the kingdom now with that being said let's just pause for a second before we go to this next section and let's look at how matthew used the old testament to prove that jesus was the promised messiah you've got to get this understand this now matthew knew that his jewish audience was well aware and well acquainted with the old testament prophecies so what did matthew do every chance he got he referenced back to the old testament to show these jewish people who were rebellious and stiff-necked many of whom were probably supportive of jesus being crucified he references back to the old testament and says hey do you not see this jesus fulfilled all these things that the old testament has promised that's why he's the messiah so let's look at it okay let's look at some ways that matthew used the old testament notice mark didn't do this john didn't do a whole lot of it now there are 53 quotations from the old testament and there are 76 references not quotes but references to old testament passages totaling 129 references or illusions matthew refers to 25 of the 39 old testament books wow let's look at some of them the virgin birth when jesus was born of a virgin it says here she will give birth to a son and you are to name him jesus because he will save his people from their sins now all of this took place notice matthew says to fulfill what was spoken by the lord through the prophet see the virgin will become pregnant and give birth to a son and they will name him emmanuel which is translated god is with us remember that for later so here we have matthew reaching back to isaiah 7 14 and saying that when you see jesus being born of a virgin he is fulfilling the prophecy from isaiah chapter 7 verse 14. let's keep going he stayed there until herod's death so that what was spoken by the lord through the prophet might be fulfilled out of egypt i called my son you see so do you remember that jesus family matthew uh jimmy uh jesus joseph and mary they had to go to egypt right they had to go to egypt because herod was trying to kill all of the babies right and so they had to flee to egypt well out of egypt then jesus came right and so matthew sees this as a fulfillment of prophecy and now let's look at this because many of the children were being killed right because many of them were being slaughtered matthew sees the weeping of the women in the jewish community as yet another fulfillment of prophecy notice it says then then what was spoken through jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled a voice was heard in ramah weeping and great mourning rachel weeping for her children and she refused to be consoled because they are no more so matthew sees this and he sees these women weeping because their children had just been slaughtered by a herod and he says that's actually a fulfillment of old testament prophecy right that's actually a fulfillment of old testament prophecy even jesus speaking in parables jesus told the crowds all these things in parables and he did not tell them anything without a parable why so that what was spoken through the prophet might be fulfilled i will open my mouth in parables i will declare things kept secret from the foundation of the world okay so matthew uses old testament prophecy now let's move this thing along so we're not here all night okay so matthew 8 through 10 we're going to now call the rise of the kingdom matthew 4 through 7 jesus reveals his kingdom 8 through 10 we see the kingdom on the rise now let's take a look at this because in this section jesus shows how he is going to bring this coming kingdom that he's talking about from heaven to earth with nine stories of hurting and broken people thank you ian i appreciate that jesus is going to show in physical tangible form how does the how does my kingdom how how am i going to demonstrate my kingdom in actual real time well notice this there's nine stories of jesus healing there's a story of jesus heals a man with leprosy then jesus heals a centurion's son then jesus heals peter's mother-in-law and then jesus calms the winds and the waves thank you pamela and then jesus drives out a demon from a man then jesus heals a paralytic in nine chapter nine then jesus heals a bleeding woman then jesus heals two blind men then jesus heals a man who was mute and sandwiched in between these sets of three are these sections where jesus challenges them now follow me you've just seen me heal a man with leprosy you've just seen me heal a centurion's son you just saw me heal peter's mother-in-law now come follow me come follow me based on what you've seen now you just saw me calm the winds and the waves you just saw me drive out a demon from a man you just saw me heal a man who was paralytic who couldn't walk so you know what come follow me come follow me and he says all of these things in this next section so now after putting his power on display he then delegates his authority to the disciples and sends them out to do the same thing and this introduces the second sermon of five in matthew remember the first one was the sermon on the mount matthew 5-7 the second sermon or second discourse is a shorter one and this is where jesus gives his disciples specific instructions summoning his 12 disciples he gave them authority over unclean spirits to drive them out and to heal every disease and sickness now let's move into the third section of matthew 11 through 13. oh my goodness here we go now we're going to call this the response to the kingdom you see the first three first matthew 4 through 7 jesus was revealing his kingdom and then in matthew 8 10 the kingdom was rising jesus was healing and doing miracles now we see how people are responding to the kingdom that jesus is trying to bring from heaven to earth so in this section matthew highlights various responses to jesus kingdom message now some are positive right notice when jesus had finished giving instructions to his 12 disciples he moved on from there to teach and preach in their towns so these people received him he preached he taught some some were positive right now some were just neutral and they were like wait could this be the son of david i'm not convinced yet but i'm not sure it's not so could it be the sun they said they were confused they were trying to figure out and so they were neutral and others okay others were negative you see when the pharisees heard this they said this man drives out demons only by beelzebub the ruler of the demons right so they were accusing jesus of casting out demons by using satanic power which doesn't make any sense why would satan cast out satan that wouldn't make any sense and jesus basically says that now matthew now includes jesus response to their responses to his person and work so remember some are positive some are neutral some are negative so what does matthew do he includes a chapter matthew 13 where he is going to highlight how jesus is going to respond to their response to him let's look at it there's a parable of the sower we went over that yesterday in mark and then there's a parable of the wheat and the tares there's a parable of the mustard seed there's a parable of the hidden treasure and then there's another parable of the net now all of these represent his kingdom they all represent his kingdom and this is the third of five discourses so you see how it's happening right this is the third of the five discourses it's just a long long long section where jesus is teaching about the kingdom we call this the kingdom discourse let's look at one of these little parables again the kingdom of heaven is like a large net thrown into the sea it collected every kind of fish and when it was full they dragged it ashore sat down and gathered the good fish into containers but but throughout the worthless ones right throughout the worthless points so it will be at the end of the age the angels will go out separate the evil people from the righteous and throw them into the blazing furnace where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth do you see what jesus is doing are you catching this right jesus is talking to the people some of whom are positive some of whom are negative some of whom are neutral and he's saying the kingdom is going to be like a big old net filled with fish and in this net right in this net some going to be good fish some be bad and so we're gonna keep the good fish and throw the bad fish out he said that's how it's gonna be later on in the judgment some of y'all gonna be good fish we'll keep you some of bed are gonna throw you out to a place where it's gonna be weeping and gnashing of teeth can you imagine how they were interpreting and understanding what jesus was saying at this time now that leads us to the fourth section of the book matthew 14 through 20. the fourth section of the book now we're going to call this the retirement of the king and i call it that because jesus essentially is saying you know what i've done a lot of public ministry and a lot of public teaching i'm going to retire to some degree and focus more of my time on preparing my disciples in a smaller group of my followers for what is about to actually happen and so he retires to some degree okay he retreats he invests more intimate time with his apostles teaching them about his overall mission and that he must suffer here we go now what's interesting is in this section matthew once again tries to show that jesus is a fulfillment or a type of moses you see matthew shows the parable of jesus feeding the five thousand which would include mostly jewish people based on the region and where that miracle happened with five loaves of bread and then a little bit later on a couple chapters later he shows how jesus fed another group of four thousand people mostly non-jewish based on the region and where he did that miracle well if you look back in the wilderness moses was also feeding the people bread manna from heaven right he was feeding the people through god obviously right and so once again i want you to see these deep parallels that matthew is trying to subtly sneak in there to show that jesus is indeed a greater moses okay now jesus teaches his disciples if anyone wants to follow after me let him deny himself take up his cross and follow me now we looked at that yesterday when we looked at mark's gospel now similar to mark as we looked at yesterday the strip disciples are still very confused about jesus mission it makes sense because it's the same story they're very confused about this and for that reason now jesus launches into a fourth teaching and this is the fourth discourse we'll call this the discourse of the church and he talks about things like humility right he says hey he calls a small child and had them stand among them truly i tell you he said unless you turn and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven so he says you know what you're very much like you need to be much like a child humility but then he also says this he says the way you handle conflict in my kingdom he says if your brother sins against you go tell him his fault between you and him alone if he listens to you you've won your brother he also teaches them things about forgiveness because he's trying to teach them the principles of his kingdom and this new group of people called the church how are we supposed to relate to one another humble resolving conflict and forgiving he said lord how many times do i have to forgive my brother and sister who sins against me as many as seven times she said no no not seven seventy times seven right and that's just one for one sin right so he is establishing the new order of this kingdom that leads us to the fifth and final section of matthew the fifth and final section of matthew we're going to call this the rejection of the king you see the progression matthew 4 through 7 the revelation of the king matthew 8 through 10 the rise of the kingdom right matthew 11 through 13 the response to the king matthew 14-20 the retirement of the king matthew 21-27 the rejection of the king and this is where jesus experiences significant rejection so jesus presents himself as he comes into jerusalem the whole city was an uproar saying who is this the crowds were saying this is the prophet jesus from nazareth in galilee and notice that jesus straight up exercises authority by casting out and cleansing their temple notice what he does it says here jesus went into the temple and threw throughout all those buying and selling he overturned the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves he said to them it is written my house will be called a house of prayer but you all are making it a den of fees you know what these people were doing they were taking advantage of the fact that people were coming into town for uh the passover and these people were not able to bring animals that they could make appropriate sacrifices for right because it was a long journey for many people so they couldn't bring a whole bunch of animals so that they would have enough animals to sacrifice while they were there that means that while they were there in jerusalem they had to purchase animals to then make sacrifices well these people at the temple they were jacking up the prices so they could get rich it would be like you and i going to a movie theater and having to pay five dollars for some junior mints that's just wrong when you can go to the dollar store and get that for one dollar you are inflating the price and jesus says no that's you're not gonna do that now not only that there was some money changers the money changers basically were there to uh exchange different types of money or currency well what they would do is instead of making it an even exchange they would jack the price up once again jesus knew this was happening he stormed into the temple and he said i'm gonna put an end to this y'all are not gonna use my house for for your own financial gain and purposes now let's get back as a result of this the religious leaders were like up in arms they're like who is this fool flipping over tables and like who does he think he is this is our temple for god's sake right so when he entered the temple the chief priests and elders of the people came to him as he was teaching and said by what authority are you doing these things who gave you this authority jesus why are you doing this who told you you could come in here and do all this stuff now i know i love this because they can't outsmart jesus notice notice what he says jesus answered him i will also ask you one question and if you answer it for me then i will tell you by what authority i do these things did john's baptism come from heaven or was it of human origin jesus said before i answer your question i want you to answer my question did john's baptism come from heaven or was it of human origin well they discussed it among themselves and they said to themselves what man if we say from heaven he will say to us then why didn't you believe in john why didn't you get baptized when john told you to get baptized why didn't if you say it's for if you if you say it's from heaven right and then they said well uh uh they said well um but if we say of human origin we're afraid of the crowd because everyone considers john to be a prophet so they say well if we say john's repentance was from human they say well you know man that's not going to work because everybody in the crowd is going to be angry at us because everybody respected john to be a prophet so they said they said jesus we don't we don't know we don't know you stumped us and he said well neither do i know about the authority that i have that i'm not going to tell you about these things that i'm doing right and jesus straight up embarrasses these guys and they are offended so much so that they begin to plot to have jesus killed this then leads into the fifth and final sermon teaching or discourse remember five books of moses five teachings or sermons of jesus jesus calls these religious leaders hypocrites he spoke to the crowds unto his disciples the scribes and the pharisees are seated in the chair of moses therefore do whatever they tell you and observe it but don't do what they do because they don't practice what they preach they're hypocrites they don't practice what they teach and as a result jesus is so distraught that he weeps over his he weeps over the city his people jerusalem jerusalem who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her how often i wanted to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings but you were not willing can you hear it in jesus voice he's crying out he's weeping because he's saying oh i wanted you to believe in me i wanted you to accept me i wanted you to love me but you just weren't willing and he cries because he knows what is going to take place and this is what he predicts jesus basically says this do you see all of these things liz thank you so much god bless you for that do you see all of these things truly i tell you not one stone will be left here on another that will not be thrown down he says judgment is coming this temple is going to be destroyed and now he finishes this discourse we're almost done guys by essentially saying until i return this is what i want you to do i want you to stay alert i want you to watch for my kingdom and i want you to work for my kingdom notice he says things like who then is the faithful servant who his master has put in charge of his household to give them food at the proper time blessed is that servant whom the master finds doing his job when he comes he says hey if you just don't worry about when i'm coming back just be diligent to be faithful to work and to do what i've called you to do and he says if you do you'll be like that servant who is working when his master returns he says but i truly tell you he who put him in charge of all his business but if that wicked servant says in his heart well my master he'll he won't be back for a long time i can fool around and waste time he starts to beat his fellow servants and eats and drinks with drunkards that servant's master will come on a day he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know he will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites where there will be a weeping and gnashing of teeth you see that and guys that is a great application for you and i if we have this mentality you know what i can do what i want to do because jesus isn't coming back anytime soon jesus no we should not have that mentality we should be working and should always be staying alert because jesus could return at any time okay and he gives them these instructions we don't need to read through this this is the parable of the talents some had five others had two another had one they went on a journey and as a result the one that used the five and uh made five more was blessed the one had two and used two more was blessed but the one that said well i only have one i can't do anything with my gift he said hey you know what you're going to be separated to a place of utter darkness now just like yesterday we're not going to go through this much but jesus then explains how he is the fulfillment of the passover by sharing a meal with them if you want the details on that go back and watch yesterday's series or a video on mark all right but essentially jesus is explaining to them just like you observe the passover i am actually the fulfillment i'm the passover lamb now i want you to notice a couple other things here that matthew references more old testament scripture here to further show jesus life and death was a fulfillment of old testament prophecy thank you so much dennis notice here it says here then jesus said to them tonight all of you disciples are going to fall away because of me all of you all who think you're going to they're going to be with me all of you are going to fall away right and matthew sees that as a fulfillment of prophecy for it is written i will stripe the shepherd and the sheep of the flock will be scattered so you see how matthew is trying to show every chance he gets that jesus is the fulfillment of old testament prophet here's another one then what was spoken through the prophet jeremiah was fulfilled they took the 30 pieces of silver the price of him whose price was set by the israelites and they gave them for the potter's field as the lord directed me he sees judas betraying jesus as a fulfillment of old testament prophecy now this is the last thing we're going to look at tonight and we'll be done guys thank you for hanging with me the concluding couple of verses in the gospel of matthew bring this entire gospel full circle notice what it says jesus came near and said to them all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth go therefore and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit now watch this teaching them to observe everything i have commanded you and remember i am with you always to the end of the age thank you michael for that super chat appreciate that notice this even all the way to the end of the verse of the book rather matthew is going to show how jesus is a fulfillment of old testament prophecy look what it says all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth how did jesus fulfill that he is the king or the son of david right kings have all authority so in this statement he's showing how jesus is a fulfillment of the son of david go therefore and make disciples of all the nations what is the fulfillment watch this abraham why genesis chapter 12 the promise to abraham was through abraham all the nations of the earth will be blessed abraham a covenant through jesus and those disciples who follow after him all the nations of the earth will be blessed why because we're supposed to make disciples of all the nations teaching them to observe everything i have commanded you you know who this is this is fulfillment of moses who was israel's greatest teacher who taught them the torah the pentateuch the first five books of the old testament now watch this and remember i am with you always to the end of the age here it is emmanuel god with us he says you're not in this by yourself you're not in this by your self he says as you go about making disciples teaching people to observe all that i've commanded you to do he says remember one thing i will be with you i will never leave you nor forsake you god with us emmanuel and my friends that is the story that is the gospel of matthew
Channel: THE BEAT by Allen Parr
Views: 92,297
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Keywords: expository thoughts on the gospel of matthew, gospel of matthew, overview of the gospel of matthew, sermons from the gospel of matthew, summary of the gospel of matthew, the gospel of matthew, the gospel of matthew audio, the gospel of matthew bible project, the gospel of matthew explained, the gospel of matthew king james version, understanding the gospel of matthew, what is the gospel of matthew, who wrote the gospel of matthew
Id: Uec6eD_Y2js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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