The Book of Daniel | Chapter 9:24-27 | The 70 Weeks of Daniel

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[Music] honest-to-goodness when I first announced to you guys that we were gonna be going verse by verse we were gonna cover every single verse for the Book of Daniel secretly in the back of my mind I'm thinking I can't wait till I get to Daniel 9:24 because it is one of my favorite passages to teach it is I wish I could teach it more I was trying to think when's the last time I taught this I don't know but whenever it comes up I'm just like ooh this is juicy this is good I hope people come today because it's gonna rock your world Daniel chapter 9 I mentioned to you last week that it's divided into three sections and so I'll show these up here for you again section 1 in verses 1 & 2 we saw Daniel's understanding of Jeremiah that Jeremiah pinned a Bible prophecy and the prophecy was that Israel would be conquered but that they would regain their land in 70 years that they would only be in exile for 70 years and and so Daniel stumbles upon the Book of Jeremiah and at this point 66 years have gone by and he starts tripping because he's like oh my gosh we got four years left and this prophecy will be fulfilled and so it turns Daniel to prayer if you want to know the right response of receiving the Word of God it is prayer back to God and so the second section verses 3 through 23 the longest recording prayer Daniel and and it's a beautiful prayer it teaches us about what prayer is as Daniel aligns his will with the will of God and he starts praying the Lord's will and we see in this prayer how eager God is to answer because as soon as he starts praying God commands Gabriel to go to him with a message there you like that that's good news that when you pray something happens in heaven and even if you can't see it happen you need to be reminded God answers every prayer God answers every prayer you've ever made now he hasn't answered him the way you wanted him to he has a answer damn winning you wanted him to but he answers every prayer and so we stopped short right there where the angel Gabriel is sent from heaven he has a message for Daniel and it concerns the third section verses 24 through 27 Daniels vision these four verses is what we call the seventy weeks of Daniel prophecy everyone say seventy weeks the seventy weeks of Daniel prophecy this is the foundation and the centerpiece of all Bible prophecy what I mean by that is if you have everything the Bible has to say about prophecy but if you take these four verses out myself and every Bible teacher every scholar whether they're there you know a Bible eschatology expert or not we just wouldn't be able to speak with certainty like we can because we have this passage of Scripture it'd be kind of like let's say someone gave you a tricky puzzle you know usually as you you get most of the puzzle pieces together you can you can make out what the picture is gonna be but what if you had this puzzle and you put all the pieces together and you're like I still really can't see what it is where's that missing puzzle piece because I can see some of the things but I can't make conclusions to what this this is I need the puzzle piece and then all of a sudden you get that puzzle piece and you're like oh there it is now I know that is what this section is for the rest of Bible prophecy it's that important it's that awesome let's read it all and then I'll break it down Daniel 9 beginning in verse 24 Gabriel is speaking this to Daniel and he says seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the to restore and build jerusalem until messiah the prince there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble sometimes and after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary the end of it shall be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined then he everyone say he he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering and on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate so let's go up to the top we'll go through this slowly verse 20 for seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city the messages to Daniel and Daniel's people is Israel and his city is Jerusalem which means this prophecy is not - nor does it concern Gentiles which means non-jews none of this has to do with any Gentiles it has to do with God and his relationship and his final plan for the nation of Israel seventy weeks are determined for the nation of Israel now when you and I say the word week it means seven days but this word does not mean that in Hebrew it's the word shabooey when the Old Testament was translated into Greek that's called the Septuagint this word Shibui is the word kept ad it means a period of time commonly used as a period of seven years we know that Shibui means seven years because of in Bible study what called the the principle of first mention the principle of first mention is whenever a keyword appears in the Bible if you really want to know more about that word find out the first time it's ever mentioned in the Bible and go back to the original context of when it was used and you'll learn a lot and so we find this word Shibui week appear for the very first time back in Genesis chapter 29 you don't got to turn there it's in verses 18 through 20 a a little story about Jacob and Rachel do you remember that story Jacob loved Rachel and he was told well if you want her you got to work for and he says well okay I'll do that and the guy says in the text work for her for one week that week went by and he realized okay this is a little bit longer than seven days he worked for her for seven years and in the text that in English it says a week but it's a Shibui now he was tricked right he worked for seven years and he was given the other daughter Leah he's I've you want Rachel you got to work another seven years another Shibu and he's like I'll work another week another seven years and he did that and so we see right there from that story the word shabooey means a period of seven years for us in English for example if I told y'all I was gonna go get a dozen donuts you know I mean the number twelve if I say a half-dozen it's the number now how do you know that it's just a culture thing we just all learn it we all know it same thing in Israel there's words and phrases that if you say it a need you would know you say the word shabooey oh seven years it's as common as knowing what a dozen means so seventy weeks or seventy Shibui or seventy seven year periods I'm going to show you this on the screen cuz math is a lot easier when I can see it seventy times seven equals four hundred and ninety years these four hundred and ninety years are a period of time determined for Daniel's people the Jews and so this prophecy is basically detailing God's final plan for the Jewish people and their City Jerusalem and what he's gonna do with it in totality finally at the end of time so then after these 490 years have passed then the following things mentioned in verse 24 will take place and by what the verse says we not only know what will happen when the 490 years are fulfilled we also know when this will take place it's very clear the things mentioned in verse 24 take place after the seven year Great Tribulation Period and the second coming of Jesus Christ to this earth at the Battle of Armageddon verse 24 mentions six things that will happen when this prophecy of 490 years is fulfilled so I want you to understand just so you don't get confused I need every I need all y'all to be tracking with me so just one more time what takes place after the prophecy is fulfilled is revealed first in verse 24 before the actual content of the prophecy is given we're gonna look at the content of the prophecy here in a little bit in verses 25 through 27 but first let's take a look at the six things God promises to happen after these 490 years are fulfilled in verse 24 seventy weeks are determined for your people and your for your holy city number one to finish the transgression so the transgression will be completed the transgression remember applies to the nation of Israel this deals with their apostasy in their rejection of Jesus as their Messiah but when Jesus comes back the Jews nationally and wholly with all their hearts are going to embrace him their Messiah that's gonna be a good day when we see Israel as a nation embrace Jesus as their king the second thing that will happen were promised it says to make an end of sins now the phrase end more correct more correctly means to seal up or to restrain sin and so this is pointing us forward to a new redeemed world under Jesus Christ that the world will no longer be in rebellion against God number three it says he'll make reconciliation for iniquity God recognized our God reconciles his his people back to himself and the Bible is very clear the work of reconciliation for iniquity was accomplished at the cross this is not because they were born Jewish reconciliation deals with the cross this speaks of all Israel finally embracing the gospel embracing the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and being born again by his spirit number four it says everlasting righteousness will be ushered in and this points to the kingdom of Jesus Christ finally coming down the fifth thing this is interesting it says he will seal up vision and prophecy I like this one because this means when this 490 year prophecies fulfilled all Biblical prophecy concerning the nation of Israel will be fulfilled when this prophecy is fulfilled there's nothing else the Bible says about Israel that will still be in prophecy mode waiting to be fulfilled this is the final prophecy for Israel he says all vision and prophecy it'll be done it'll be sealed up done and the sixth thing that will happen is that the most holy will be anointed the most holy is another common phrase among the Israelites if I say hey what's the most holy I might get a few different answers from you but if I said it to a Jew I'd get one answer they would say the Holy of Holies in the temple that is the most holy it's a place the most holy the Holy of Holies where the Ark of the Covenant was behind the veil no one can enter in except the high priest once a year to anoint the most holy refers to Jesus and his presence walking into that temple this future temple will exist during the Millennial Kingdom it's called Ezekiel's temple the details in the dimensionless of this temple are given to us you can read it in Ezekiel chapter 40 verses 43 and you know what it's really interesting is that when Jesus was here on the earth the first time he never walked inside the temple now when I say that understand there are different levels of entry to the temple was Jesus standing next to the temple yes was he teaching on the temple grounds yes Jesus never walked inside that temple because his priesthood is not of the Aaronic priesthood his priesthood is of the order of Melchizedek if you remember the book of Genesis his priesthood is altogether different he didn't he didn't want to build up that temple in fact he destroyed that temple I mean when he died on the cross the veil was shredded in that temple and there will be a new temple for his new covenant and for his new kingdom and that will be the temple he walks in and ministers out of and it will be anointed because he is the Anointed One and wherever Jesus comes and enters inside that place becomes anointed did you know that when Jesus entered your heart you became anointed to share the good news of Jesus with others you already have that anointing to tell people about Jesus it's in you it's just scary like get it out of the cage get it out spread the salt just go shaking get the message of Jesus out amen amen all right you're awake so okay these six things will be these will happen at the end of this prophecy so next now we're gonna look at the content of the prophecy look at verse 25 no therefore and understand it's important when before God tells you something he says you need to understand what I'm about to tell you it's a way to just make sure the Gateway of our ears is opened to processing therefore understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build jerusalem until messiah the prince there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks the street shall be built again and the wall even in trouble some times now when this prophecy was written down Jerusalem was completely destroyed it was a wasteland it was inhabitable m'as no government there was nothing that was all destroyed but God here in Daniel chapter 9 is telling Daniel it's gonna be rebuilt here's a little fun fact for you did you know this just shows the power of God - there's never been ever ever ever a nation or a people to lose their homeland and regain it again once you lose your homeland there's no come about those people become extinct I mean you ever heard of a Philistine walking around anyone of a Philistine race here that in your genealogy or any of you of a Hittite Kingdom he was once your great king they lost their land no more Hittites it doesn't happen except it's happened to Israel twice twice Israel has lost their homeland and regained it back because God is God and they're his people amen only God God's done it that's crazy so when this was written wasteland notice carefully in verse 25 God tells Daniel specifically that the walls of this city would be built again that becomes important because a couple different people worked on rebuilding Jerusalem but in this prophecy it's talking about the walls will be built and so the play button inserting this 490 Year prophecy would begin whenever a command is given for Jerusalem's walls to be rebuilt and restored so here's my question for you who ended up rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem anyone Nehemiah good Bible student whoever you where I don't know who you are but yes there's a whole book dedicated to it Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem so when Nehemiah was commanded to go back to his homeland when he was commanded to build the walls of Jerusalem that marks the beginning point of the timeframe for this prophecy so if God's holding a stopwatch where's my there we go he pulls it up he's like 490 he's got the 490 here he pushes play the moment Nehemiah is commanded to go rebuild the walls and the countdown begins now the pause button the pause button of this prophecy would be pushed according to verse 25 at the first coming of Jesus Christ to the earth look at verse 25 know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until everyone say until until Messiah the prince until messiah the prince so from whenever the command would be given to Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem until the first coming of Christ the Messiah it says there shall be seven weeks and then another sixty-two weeks the streets will be built again and the wall will be built even in trouble sometimes when the command was given until Jesus comes there will be seven weeks and then sixty-two weeks again I'm not a major math student I'll show this up here for you you can take a picture you can jot it down real quick Oh computer guy where ya there nope next one where yeah nope next one yep that one's good seven weeks equals 49 years right seven times seven I think sixty-two weeks sixty-two times seven is 434 years he says there will be seven weeks and then sixty-two weeks so 7 plus 62 equals 69 weeks or if you do it in years 49 years plus 434 years comes to 483 483 of the 490 years would be fulfilled whenever the Messiah comes which leaves for us one week left one shabooey is left one period of time how long is it it's a period of time it is seven years long Dunton time that's why we call it the seven-year Great Tribulation Period this is why we know it's not six years five years it is seven years long this is why we know it now check this out in the year 1894 a very very smart man named Sir Robert Anderson wrote a book sir Robert Anderson very smart man he worked for Scotland Yard very decorated man he wrote a book called the coming prince 1894 Sir Robert Anderson did all the math and he had to use a Babylonian calendar see Daniel was using a calendar we don't use today the world uses a different calendar the Babylonian calendar that the Jews used that Daniel used is a 360-day calendar it's similar to ours but it's enough where you can't do the math on our calendar you'll get the wrong conclusion so in doing the math using the Babylonian calendar Sir Robert made a pretty incredible discovery now first off if God says you know you can push play when the commands given if we know Nehemiah rebuilt the walls do you think God is gonna leave out the detail of when Nehemiah actually received the command no of course not of course not because God is into fact and God doesn't call us to a blind faith he says check the facts it stacks up I'm God follow me so look at this Nehemiah chapter 2 judas reader with me I'll show it to you on the screen Nehemiah 2 verse 1 in the month of Nisan in the 20th year of king artaxerxes when wine was brought for him I took the wine and gave it to the king remember at Nehemiah is the King's cup Bearer so you know the king never knew if someone was trying to try to kill him they didn't have technology back then so he had you know someone would basically taste the food and drink the wine wait about 15 minutes if Nehemiah is not dead I can eat so you're kind of like the it was a really good job though you know is it actually was a really really high profile job so if you did die you save your king from dying you know and anyways he took the wine he says I had not been sad in his presence before so the King asked me why does your face look so sad when you are not ill this can be nothing but sadness of heart he says I was very much afraid but I said to the King may the King live forever why should my face not look sad when the city where my ancestors are buried lies in ruins and its gates have been destroyed by fire the king said to me what is it you want he says okay I prayed is that one of those little desperation prayers okay I hope I hope he doesn't kill me Lord Jesus I pray to the Lord God of heaven he answers if it pleases the king and your servant has found favor in his sight let him send me to the city and Judah where my ancestors are buried so that I can rebuild it then the king with the Queen sitting beside him asked me how long will your journey take and when will you get back it pleased the King to send me so I set a time two things to point out here real quick first has nothing to do with the prophecy content but I want you to notice the Queen right there this Queen if she's still alive is our beloved Queen Esther her husband Xerxes was dead at this time but if she was alive she would have been in her 50s it could be earlier mid 50 she was chosen to be Xerxes wife as a teenager you put the timeframe here and I think this is God's little nod to the favor that the king had towards towards nehemiah that there was a Jewish queen on the throne at that time and you know she's sitting right next to him now if Esther was dead by now then our exact cease wife would have been the Queen I like to think it's Esther because I just want it to be Esther I don't know but I think I throw it out there it might not be but I just to me I like to think yeah this is probably this is cool anyways now the the prophecy part Kay Nehemiah he's told to go build the walls of Jerusalem during the month of Nisan it wasn't driving a Nissan in the month of Nisan in art exerts ease 20th year as king which means that on our calendar it's march of the year 445 BC Robert Anderson figured out the exact day to actually be March 4th 445 BC that was when King Artaxerxes gave the command to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem so the Bible actually reveals the exact time in history when the command was given to Nehemiah that's when you push the play button on this prophecy then supposedly if there really is a God in the universe then this should probably pretty accurate if he's you know God and is over everything and it should mean that you know 69 weeks later or 483 Jewish years later Messiah would come and you know that's what happened sir Robert Anderson by using the 360-day year Babylonian calendar refills oh my goodness 483 Jewish Babylonian years later or 173,880 days later it brings us to a very very very specific day on our calendar April 6th 32 ad what day was that what happened anyway no April 632 ad Palm Sunday yes Palm Sunday the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem riding on the back of a donkey he was crucified one week later but this day is very precise and specific for Daniel's prophecy because on that day for the very first time Israel nationally and publicly declared Jesus to be their Messiah why is that important because the prophecy of Daniel regards Messiah the prince do you remember reading those stories when people wanted to exalt Jesus as king and he says no no my time has not yet come don't do that yeah I'm not gonna accept it no no I got my guys I'm on a time frame and then they wanted to do it he's like I I can't tell you this cuz you want to understand it but there's this prophecy in Daniel and I got to make sure it's fulfilled to the day it's not time but then there came a day when Jesus said my time the time has come the time has come and Jesus knew exactly what he was doing on this day to the tee the prophecy is fulfilled when they held him and cried Hosanna save now 69 of the 70 weeks of Daniel prophecy were fulfilled do you understand men could not do that no secret society on earth could do this do you believe you can trust your Bible do you guys believe you can trust your Bible does this help you to believe it because God isn't just trying to show off this message is not here to make you an eschatology Bible expert that is not what this teaching is for that is not why has given this to you God has given this to you so that you will fully overcome your doubts in him and his ability to be who he says he is for you to be able to trust everything the Bible has to say and so that your heart will turn towards him in a way that is more radically in love and devoted to spend intimate time with Jesus Christ because that's what he really wants with you he wants relationship he wants your worship he wants you to follow him he wants to pour love into your heart he wants to invade you do you realize Jesus is on a mission to conquer you that when Jesus came to this planet it was an invasion it was an invasion of heaven to make right with the devil screwed up and as he comes into you he's invading you and you know what he's broken past the gates and the lines but he has still not fully conquered anyone of us because I still send you but he's conquering and he's conquering with love he's conquering hopefully this passage today allows you the faith and the belief to just open up even more to say Lord come conquer oh my goodness this prophecy just makes me want you to have me all okay that's that's what the point of this is not just to have you to be able to you know show off to your friend look at this prophecy but to bring you to a place where where you trust him more fully more fully next up in our story only a week after Palm Sunday Jesus was crucified and that makes the text make a lot of sense because in our very next verse in verse 26 it says after the sixty-two weeks Messiah shall be cut off but not for himself Messiah was cut off how is he cut off what happened to him he's crucified he was cut off and way back then over five hundred years before it actually happened God wants to say he's not doing this for himself do you realize Jesus did not have to come down do you realize Jesus could have stayed in heaven and had a perfect life with the father and the spirit in perfect harmony and happiness he did not die for himself he died for you he died for you he was cut off God allowed himself to die God allowed himself to face injustice and cruelty gossip awful things pain the God who allowed suffering in this world did not absolve himself from it the God who allows death did not say yeah you have to endure it but not me and every pain you could ever think to go through God has felt it and more and that's why Jesus is such a sympathizer that's why he's the only one for us to really go to because he's the only one who gets it you know his counsel his advice his warmth his love it's Jesus it's Jesus it's Jesus he was cut off for the sins of the whole world to redeem us back to God so again at this point 69 of the seventy weeks of this prophecy have already been fulfilled or 483 of the 490 years God pushed the pause button on Palm Sunday we know there's one week of time left there's one seven year period of time left and that seven year period is what we call the seven-year Great Tribulation Period the rest of verse 26 says and the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary the end of it shall be with a flood until the end of the war desolations are determined it says the people everyone say the people so the people who came and destroyed Jerusalem and the temple were the Romans verse 26 is talking about Rome Titus their commander came the the year was 70 AD lot of blood everything just demolished once again it says the end of that war the end of that time shall be with the flood the word flood everyone say flood it's not the greatest translation a better word if you just want to take your PIN and just like put a line through it right dispersion that's the more correct translation the end of this gnarly devastation will be a flood will be a dispersion okay not talking about water not at all it's talking about the dispersion of the Jews that is well documented in human history after Rome destroyed Jerusalem after Israel lost their homeland for the second time they dispersed all throughout the world - Russia - Poland there's Jews in Argentina there's Jewish speaking people in Mexico City I mean they're just dispersed everywhere keeping their culture keeping the Old Testament not having a homeland so what we have right here then in between verses 26 and 27 is where there is a massive gap of time okay so with your pin in between verses 26 27 just draw a little arrow like my Bible say massive gap of time in this gap we would put the entire book of Acts and the last 2,000 years of church history in this gap of time why isn't that mention then well Gabriel warned us in this prophecy I'm not gonna talk about the Gentiles I'm not gonna talk about the church age I'm talking about the Jews I'm specifically talking about the Jews and when Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again and on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 and the Spirit was poured out and the church age was born a new age began and God pushed the pause button on what he was going to do with Israel nationally and he'll pick that back up during the seven-year tribulation so there's still one week left to be fulfilled for the nation of Israel at the rapture of the church God will take us away into heaven and then the seven-year time period that is left which concerns Israel can begin the church has to be raptured first one last thing in verse 26 it talks about the prince who is to come and we know the people mentioned here is Rome it says they will have a prince but the prince didn't show up back then the text says here the prince is still yet to come he is to come this is the Antichrist the figure we've been studying about a lot from Daniel chapter 7 revelation 13 revelation 17 and 18 this is the Antichrist he didn't come when Rome destroyed the temple back then but he will come later under the revived Roman Empire which we've spoken about verse 27 then he Antichrist this is the he the Antichrist shall confirm a covenant with many for one the last shabooey the last seven-year period so now you know exactly why this is called the 70th week of Daniel or or the last week of Daniel whenever you hear that term now you know you know what they're talking about we also know this period of time as the seven-year Great Tribulation Period we also know it as Jacobs time of trouble it's also referenced in the Bible as the day of the Lord the Bible talks a lot about this period of time he the Antichrist makes a peace treaty that's what this is talking about he's making a peace covenant with many which means it's on a worldwide level there will never ever ever ever be no matter who our president is no matter if Netanyahu stays elected or not nobody will be able to bring peace to the Middle East until the Antichrist comes there will not be peace in the Middle East until the Antichrist comes especially when we have a president who rightfully moves the embassy to Jerusalem away from Tel Aviv that was dope that was amazing that was huge to honor Jerusalem as Israel's rightful capital that is not going to lead to peace those kind of moves it won't so the Antichrist will and you know what the Antichrist is gonna allow the Jews to rebuild their temple it's gonna only gonna take him six months when they get the green light the Antichrist is going to give the whole world a sense of false peace and false security he will be the man with all the answers a world hero assuring in this one-world government assisted in this one world religious system and everyone will just hell him and and love him and everything like that I do want to mention one thing to you there's some time I get questions about and people get confused about so listen to this the rapture of the church does not automatically mark the beginning of the seven year Tribulation Period the Antichrist signing the peace covenant and signing the dotted line that day marks the beginning of this last seven-year period of time okay now hypothetically could we get raptured out of here and the Antichrist be signing this treaty simultaneously yes that's the only way the tribulation starts the day we are taken out of here so I'll put it simply the seven-year tribulation must begin after the church is raptured but it doesn't necessarily happen that day the church is raptured in fact there's a lot of scholars Chuck Smith actually leaned this way that he thought there's probably going to be a significant period of time in between the rapture of the church and when the Antichrist signs the dotted line a lot of scholars put Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 and in that equation which simply is a unification a unified army made up of Russia Turkey and Iran it's right there invading Israel it's gonna be over oil and that's weird because you know Turkey is now mostly their Muslim nation we know Iran has you know a lot of trouble a lot of terrorists there I was shocked to find out half of the men enlisted in Russia's military are Muslims now there are different types of Muslim I think there's over 150 sects of Islam and we obviously know not everyone is a terrorist and I I need to throw that out just because I don't know sometimes sometimes people are just like oddly racist and and just see one person and they put them in a group and and that's just not the case but there are wicked people there are evil people who want to see the annihilation of Israel so they put that whole chapter right in there we don't know for sure but check this out check this out back into our text we know the Jews today have rejected their Messiah right they're still awaiting him to come I'm fascinated when I go to I've been to Israel six times I love talking to the Jews especially the rabbis I like going to the Western Wall and just striking up some friendly conversations with them if you ask any rabbi today okay when is the temple gonna be rebuilt when is that gonna happen you know what their answer is well when the Messiah comes Messiah is gonna build us our temple this is intriguing because we know there will be a temple during the Tribulation Period and they think they're gonna recognize their Messiah because the Messiah will rebuild the Jewish temple on the Temple Mount that's scary therefore some scholars believe that the Jews will fall for this guy and he'll him as the Messiah the only way that could happen is that this man was born of Jewish blood I don't know if that's gonna happen for sure but it seems fitting to the character of Satan because he just wants to hurt the heart of God and wouldn't that be a slap in the face to God to like make a false messiah of Jewish blood so that's a scenario that could happen what Jesus did say in John 5 verse 43 is I have come in my father's name and you do not receive me if another comes in his own name him you will receive and then the last part of verse 27 says in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering on the wings of abominations shall be one who makes desolate even until the consummation which is determined is poured out on the desolate now because you've been studying eschatology with me the last few months you're already putting the puzzle pieces together in your mind we know that the week is a period of seven years the middle of the week points us to three and a half years in three and a half years in the Antichrist an end to the Jewish sacrifices and offerings because in the middle of the week I've told you we've studied this there's an event called the abomination of desolation when the Antichrist walks into the temple he claims that he is God he sets up the mark of the beast Revelation chapter 13 and he tells the world get rid of your your God your one-world religion I'm the only god of this planet I'm the only God worthy of worship take you the mark of the beast or you will die any changes and then after that there will be three and a half years of death war and the total outpouring of God's wrath on the earth the word consummation here in the text means the completion of destruction it is a total outpouring of God's wrath and at the very end of that seven years Jesus will make his return at the Battle of Armageddon and then after that battle after he throws the Antichrist and the false prophet into the eternal lake of fire Zechariah 14 says he will step down on the Mount of Olives just east of the Temple Mount it will split in half and not long after that Jesus will walk up into the Temple Mount and his presence will anoint the most holy as he says I'm the king of this planet and father what we have in the Garden of Eden we got it back and at that point everything in verse 24 will be finished finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up vision of Brett no more prophecy concerning Israel's left and Jesus his presence anoints the most holy pretty fantastic isn't it god is so good hey as Johnny and the band comes up I want to I just have one more thing to say to you guys and I want you to think to me think with me to when Jesus rode into town on the donkey remember that I think of this think of this it's Luke chapter 19 you can read this Jesus is knowing he's fulfilling Bible prophecy people are worshiping him and he starts uncontrollably weeping and sobbing I mean we're talking about like you like he's weeping wheat why why is he weeping why is he so sad he looks out and he says you should have known this was your day Daniel gave you the tae-hyun exact prophecy if you just use your brainpower a little bit you gotta figure it out I'm here just as Daniel announced it I left you the book of Nehemiah left you a whole book of Nehemiah to clue you in on the timetable of my arrival and he's weeping because he knows all of these people are just excited outwardly they are defining for themselves who their Messiah should be you're gonna over Furlow Rome you're gonna do this you're gonna do this and I will follow you when you do all these things you know what they weren't really following Jesus they were following their good feelings about Jesus have you have you ever made that mistake you weren't actually following Jesus but you were following some good emotions you have about Jesus there's a difference they went from one week in one week's time Jesus I love you I'll follow you forever and one week later they're saying crucify him get him out of here and we might not be that vehement but there's been times when we all have said Jesus Jesus I love you and one week later by our actions it's as if we're just saying get the heck away from me I'm killing you from my life today because I don't want you around we are the crowd we are the crowd we are not like the disciples like John who faithfully followed Jesus all the way to the cross we are the Pharisees we are the crowd but the good news is that because Jesus is a great Savior and hero from the cross he looked at these people and he says Father forgive them because his mercy is greater than we gots in his mercy is greater than we got pain there's a difference between being a fan of Jesus and being a follower of Jesus we follow him when it's hard we follow him when we face cruelty or gossip or injustice or whatever it may be our unstable emotions we we just keep going that's my encouragement to you the people came up to G what do we gotta do Jesus what do we do and he just says believe in me and that is your instruction once again believe in him that should be so comforting it's not go fulfill the law go say 128 helmet are they called Hail Marys I don't know you don't got to do that go have a holy man perfect no you don't got to do that belief let's exercise our belief the way we worship the way we stink and take communion let's believe in Jesus with all of our hearts because he says if we do if we believe when we seek Him first his promise his package as our King I'll take care of everything else I know what you need before you even ask me intimacy intimacy cheese [Music]
Channel: Victory Calvary Chapel
Views: 14,448
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: leZHQOiicjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 2sec (3002 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2019
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