The Book of Daniel - Chapter 12:1-4

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[Music] right now it seems like the whole world is fascinated with the apocalypse and Hollywood proves it doesn't it The Walking Dead is the most-watched television show in American history and it's about the endtime and a bunch of zombies walking around the earth and then you have movies popular movies like I don't know I am Legend Mad Max The Hunger Games you got the Book of Eli you have the Terminator I'll spare you any Arnold Schwarzenegger bad impressions I won't do that to you maybe Shaun of the Dead and zombie land is more your style I don't know but we know those stories are all fiction and if you really want to know what happens at the very end of time then you open up to the Book of Daniel amen recently we've been talking about what happens during the last seven years of world history right before Jesus makes his physical return to Earth this period of time that involves the Antichrist is known as Daniels 70th week it's also known as the day of the Lord Jacob's time of trouble the seven-year Great Tribulation Period and it's also known as the time of the end we see this phrase that time of the end twice here in Daniel chapter 12 in verse 4 and in verse 9 and this phrase becomes the central thought as we begin our study today we're only going to cover four verses but they're jam-packed full of goodies so let's read these four verses and then we'll unpack it verse one says at that time Michael shall stand up the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was an even to that time and at that time your people shall be delivered every one who is found written in the book every one say the book many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever but you Daniel shut up the words and seal the book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase I've divided these four little verses up into five sections just to help you who are taking notes and to just compartmentalize and separate the thoughts from one another five things here that deal with the time of the end so if you guys are ready then let me hear you say point number one first the time of the end deals with Michael the Archangel the beginning of verse one tells us at that time Michael shall stand up the Great Prince who stands watch over the sons of your people now it says at that time which connects us to chapter 11 remember we ended last week at the end of chapter 11 looking at how the Antichrist will take his army and will be camped out in the valley of Megiddo there in northern Israel and all of the Earth's armies including China will be coming over to oppose him but Staton strategy is he's trying to get all of Earth's weapons into one place because he knows this time is short and when Jesus comes back to battle he's gonna try to get Jesus by turning all of Earth's weapons against him and it's like oh my gosh really are you serious it's almost laughable but that's what he does and Michael is mentioned here he's the only Archangel mention in the entirety of Scripture the work Archangel is a classification he's the chief of all the angels he he stands watch or he protects Daniels people the Jews he's the protector angel over the nation of Israel during the Great Tribulation Period now there's a great correlating passage that gives a way more in-depth look at this we just get this little snippet in verse one here but there's a whole chapter kind of dedicated to this scene in this moment and it's in Revelation chapter 12 so I gave you a heads up earlier keep your place in Daniel we'll be back but we're gonna skip over now to Revelation chapter 12 a more in-depth look at this and I'm just gonna go ahead and we're gonna cover the whole chapter by the end of the day because I want you to see the context of how this is all setting up so let's read verses 1 through 5 1 through 5 revelation 12 now a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the Sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a garland of twelve stars then being with child she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth and another sign appeared in heaven behold a great fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven diadem's on his heads his tail through a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth and the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth to devour her child as soon as it was born she bore a male child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron and her child was caught up to God and his throne now there's a lot of symbolism taking place here but first the woman is represented as Israel the Bride of Christ the 12 stars always represent the 12 tribes of Israel that goes back to Joseph in his dream twelve stars represented the 12 tribes of Israel the red dragon here is Satan and when it says he he causes a third of the stars to fall from heaven he's talking about the Fallen Angels who are now called demons that he was able to deceive and they lost their place in relationship with God and in service to God he caused a third of the Angels to fall and 2/3 of the Angels stayed in heaven committed to God now this is talking about angels who fell back in the beginning around Genesis chapter 3 the male child but the woman is laboring to give birth to is Jesus and you know Israel was in labor they went through so many things in the Old Testament before Jesus was finally born and him ruling with the rod of iron is a messianic phrase from the Old Testament and when it says he's caught up to the throne it speaks of his ascension so Jesus has ascended back up into heaven and verse 6 then brings us to where we want to be there's a big gap a time in between verses 5 and 6 to where verse 6 now speaks to what's happening in the middle of the seven-year tribulation period and it says then the woman fled into the wilderness where she has a place prepared by God that they should feed her there 1260 days the place prepared by God is what we spoke about in detail last week Petra located in the country of Jordan this rock fortress in the desert that they will be going through I showed you a whole bunch of pictures last week which were fun and they will be protected there for 1260 days or in other words three and a half years the last three and a half years of time before Jesus makes his return now verses 7 and 8 are directly linked to Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 read with me war broke out in heaven Michael and his angels fought with the Dragon and the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer so during the time of the end there's gonna be this gnarly battle in the heavens between angels Satan is angels attack in battle with Michael and his angels and that's what Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 is talking about this battle is yet to come verse 9 tells us so the Great Dragon was cast out that serpent of old called the devil and Satan who deceives the whole world he was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him and you might be saying wait wait wait a second I thought Satan was already cast out of heaven well yes and no Satan lost his privilege he lost his classification he lost the ability to serve on the the stones leading up to the throne of God the Old Testament tells us whatever that looks like it is he was cast out of the highest place of heaven but do you remember a job chapter 1 where Satan comes and he knocks on the door of heaven so he surpasses outer space in the stars and he has this court case against Jobe yeah Jobe follows you but let me afflict him physically he'll curse you let me take away some of his kids he'll curse you and the whole way through his sufferings Jobe did not do any of those things and he came out refined blessed and you you know you look at the end of the book and he had far more than in the beginning and so Satan has this ability to knock on the front door heaven like a really annoying solicitor that you just want to go away in a moment it's gonna call him the accuser of the Brethren he's before God day and night accusing you look this person isn't following you like they should let me at him let me at him he's calling he's calling God on his justice his righteousness and he's always accusing accusing accusing us and that's why Jesus is always always always praying for us mediating for us as our high priest because we need it and so he at this point is cast out of that place and he's cast down to the earth that tells us look at verse 10 then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now salvation and strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ have come for the accuser of the Brethren who accused them before our God day and night has been cast down and they overcame him every one say we overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony and it says they didn't love their lives to death which means they would die for their faith in Christ if it came to it verse 12 therefore rejoice o heavens and you who dwell in them woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down to you having great wrath because he knows he has a short time only three and a half years left so at this point we see like a party's throne in heaven the angels are like we don't got to listen to this dude anymore we know got to see his ugly mug coming around and they party they rejoice but woe to the earth because Satan at this point has lost his domain in the heavens among the stars and it seems like for the last three and a half years of the tribulation he is solely confined to earth and he's really really ticked off about it and this is where many scholars believe if you remember back to her study in Revelation 13 that this is when Lucifer Satan literally possesses the body of the Anti Christ and for the last three and a half years of the tribulation Satan is walking on the earth in the body of a man keep your place in Revelation and let's go back to Daniel chapter 12 everyone say point to the time of the end also involves great trouble look at the middle of verse one there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that time now we have already talked extensively about this Jesus said it would be the worst time of human history ever but let's think about this in relation to Israel and the Jewish people have the Jews experienced times of trouble before oh yeah anyone who knows anything about history knows the Jewish people are the most persecuted people in world history because it's satanic in Egypt they tried to kill all the Jewish babies at one time remember when Haman tried to exterminate every Jew on the planet King Herod was killing Jewish babies the Crusaders in the year 1099 ad were killing a bunch of Jews Adolf Hitler killed six million Jews but all of that still does not compare to the trouble that Israel will go through during the time of trouble Zechariah chapter thirteen verse eight tells us it shall come to pass in all the land says the Lord that two thirds in it shall be cut off and die but one-third shall be left in it after the abomination of desolation two thirds of all the Jews will die at the hands of the Antichrist these are Jews that do not make it to Petra Zechariah chapter 14 verse 2 says I will gather all the nations to battle against Jerusalem the city shall be taken the houses rifled and the women ravished that means raped half of the city shall go into captivity but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off for the city I suggest it will be far worse than the Holocaust what happens to the Jewish people at this time moving into point number three though the time of the end also involves great deliverance it's a time of trouble but it's also a time of deliverance because at the end of verse 1 it says at that time your people shall be delivered every one who is found written in the book so as we just saw in Zechariah 13 two-thirds of the Jews died but one third of them are divinely protected by the hand of God so I want to show you this verse again Zechariah chapter 13 verses 8 and 9 it shall come to pass in all the land says the Lord that two thirds in it shall be cut off and die but one-third shall be left in it I will bring the one-third through the fire will refine them as silver is refined and test them as gold is tested they will call on my name and I will answer them I will say this is my people and each one will say the Lord is my god these people who will be delivered our believing Jews which means they have come to believe that Jesus is their Messiah that the only way they can get to heaven is through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ and it says they will be found written in the book and this is important the book this is known as the Lamb's Book of Life there are eight references in the Bible of this term the book of life I'm going to show you two of them Revelation chapter 3 and verse 5 says all who are victorious will be clothed in white I will never erase their names from the book of life but I will announce before my father and his angels that they are mine can you imagine dying I mean we can't but it's gonna happen to us and the moment of transfer between this realm and the next realm and the moment we come to the doors of heaven and we see Jesus and we realize it's him it's him it's really him and can you imagine the moment when he looks at you as he stands between you and the father the father who announced the whole world is separated from him because of sin and rebellion a father who says the only way human beings can be in my presence is if there is a great sacrifice and can imagine the moment when Jesus looks at you and he looks at his dad and he says this one is mine father because he said no one can snatch you out of my hand I know my sheeps voice and I know theirs and you are made righteous through your faith in Jesus Christ and your faith alone and for the rest of your life the enemy is going to be trying to rip you off of that rip you off from your faith in Christ getting you to doubt God getting you to think God's angry with you God doesn't love you because you know you had a bad season or maybe some unexpected news you weren't awaiting life isn't gonna be all peachy God has a great way of reminding us earth is not heaven and it never was meant to be heaven and as long as we think that heaven you know earth is going to be kind of something that fulfills us God will remind us over and over and over and over again till we get it I can't live for this world I'm not supposed to we live for heaven and we're made righteous not through our deeds not through our works but by our faith in Jesus Christ there is a book I know my name is written in it do you amen amen look at the next verse though Revelation chapter 20 verse 15 says anyone whose name was not found recorded in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire the eternal lake of fire full of torment weeping and gnashing of teeth Jesus called it outer darkness because there's no light in fact there's nothing of God's creation God created air that you and I take for granted every second we're alive food ground to walk on a person to talk to they will be living did you know everyone lives forever annihilation is not taught in the Bible it just depends on where you'll be that is a trip outer darkness Jesus called it for those whose names are not written in the book of life if you don't have that assurance if you don't have that security then I want you to know God loves you and he's an equal-opportunity God and he doesn't want any human being to be left out but only you can make the choice to believe in him only you can make the choice to open up your heart and let him invade you and make his home inside of you you don't have to force you don't have to talk him into that all you got to do is open up and accept the free gift and he'll be all over it that's what he came to do to save us and come into us and so if you don't have that assurance if you if you don't know if you're truly saved then I'm gonna give you an opportunity later on at the end of this message to make sure you know that you know that you know you are born again you're a child of God your name is written in the book of life I want your name to be written in the book of life you're too valuable God loves you too much for you to be in that awful place and you know sometimes when I have like a great moment with God where I feel his pleasure over my life it almost seems like he's he's taking his pin and he finds my name and he's like I'm just gonna itch it just a little bit more it's like anyone feel that just like right just write it in a little yellow highlighter God over my name now like that's what I want amen this time of deliverance for the Jews it's also mentioned in Revelation chapter 12 so let's skip back over there revelation 12 and we're just picking up where we left off so in verse 13 we see after the abomination of desolation Satan immediately goes after Israel and it says now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth he persecuted the woman Israel who gave birth to the male child but the woman was given two wings of a great Eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place where she is nourished for a time one year times two years and half a time time times half time three and a half years from the presence of the serpent so the wilderness they go to Petra they're protected are they really flying on I have no idea I mean I don't know how they get there you know we'll know one day verse 15 so the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood do you know what it is that the Satan spews out of his mouth I have no idea I have no idea I haven't a clue but it doesn't sound nice he goes out it seems like he does attack he tries to attack these Jews who were in Petra but verse 16 the earth helped the woman and the earth opened up its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the Dragon had spewed out of his mouth and the dragon was enraged with the woman and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ so these believing Jews will not be harmed as Daniel said it's the time of their deliverance so at that moment Satan then goes on a rampage against anyone who has not received the mark of the beast according to Revelation chapter 13 now when Jesus makes his return at the Battle of Armageddon he shows up to Petra first he goes there first and shows up to his people now this is amazing because Petra is located out in the desert nearby the place where remember in the Old Testament when all of the Israelites were snake-bitten and they were gonna die and Moses set up a pole in the ground standing up and then he got a bronze Serpent and he fastened it to it and it was because of their rebellion and sinning he says if you just look at this pole it was really the shape of the cross if you acknowledge why you're being snake bitten if you would acknowledge your sin Moses said just look up and you will be healed and now we find his people thousands of years later in the same spot in the wilderness and you know what Jesus says out of his mouth when he comes back according to Luke 21 to these people look up for your salvation is here God taking his people did the same play saying just look up and I'm gonna save you it's fascinating amazing God and his deliverance for all his people if he's delivered you from some gnarly things give them a big Amen okay let's go back to Daniel chapter 12 we're done with revelation for today it's gnarly man you know it's just I just take a step back sometimes like my goodness everyone say point number four the time of the end involves the resurrection look at verse 2 of Daniel chapter 12 many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life some to shame and everlasting contempt notice God teaches us there are two kinds of resurrect those who are resurrected to everlasting life those are people who will be in heaven and those who are resurrected to shame and everlasting contempt that's the eternal lake of fire now we're gonna focus on both groups first group let's focus on those of us who will be resurrected to everlasting life did you know that this resurrection comes in four phases four stages let me give these to you the first phase was the resurrection of Jesus Jesus was the very first person to ever rise from the dead who never died again you might think it was cool to be Lazarus but homies like manna had to die twice and we're getting to heaven he's like yeah okay rapture Church awesome I made up for you not I don't know Jesus the firstfruits of the resurrection the proof of God's resurrecting power the proof that death has lost its sting over the human race the second phase comes at the rapture of the church if you have a loved one who is now with Jesus they are with him but they are not in their resurrected body yet but they are with him they will be given a body at the rapture of the church according to first Corinthians chapter 15 verses 51 and 52 behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep which means die so Paul says not all Christians will die but we all will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible and we we who don't die shall also be changed in a moment he will snatch us away and we will all be given our resurrected bodies together the third phase of the resurrection comes because of the murdered tribulation Saints we've spoke about this before remember that after the rapture of the church there might be the greatest revival in world history because I pathetically speaking if not all of you are truly born again in this room and if Jesus comes and we hear that trumpet and we vanish from this earth like spider-man the blip if we get blips you catch that the world's gonna explain it away so easily we just we go and we're gone and if there's a handful of y'all who show up next Sunday and we're all gone you're like man pastor Josh is gone my high school pastor is gone my you know you're gonna be like oh I'm getting right with Jesus now you're gonna realize you dance the edges you're gonna read your Bible like never before you're gonna pray you are gonna get right with God you know what I'm saying and these people are those because the church will be gone and the church age will be over God's hand to protection over non Jewish believers he's not doing that and so a bunch of Gentile believers get murdered at the hands of the Antichrist that's what we see in Revelation chapter 6 verse 11 a white robe was given to each of them and it was said to them they should rest a little while longer until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who would be killed as they were were completed John's having this vision of in heaven and all of a sudden all these Souls start to appear before the altar and they're people who are being murdered because they would not take the mark of the beast and they believed in Jesus unto the death those people at that time will be given their resurrected body and then the fourth phase of the Resurrection comes for those who died during the Millennium also known as the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth read Revelation chapter 20 it's all there not everyone dies at the Battle of Armageddon there will still be people on earth after the Battle of Armageddon we're going to talk about that next Sunday and the passages that deal with that and so there will be natural people meaning they don't have glorified bodies who start repopulating the earth having babies and everything you and I will be in our glorified bodies ruling and reigning as kings over the whole earth under a new government where Jesus is king he told the disciples they would be ruling over each one of the 12 tribes of Israel maybe you'll be over here in Canyon Hills when he all will be in this neck of the woods we're gonna be raining and so these people will die but look at the environment Isaiah 65 verse 20 no more shall an infant from there live but a few days nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days a child will die at 100 years old which means people start living longer lives so it seems that at this point when Jesus comes to the earth the earth is restored to its pre fall maybe pre-flood condition where the hyperbaric chamber that surrounded the earth comes back more oxygen levels are into the earth why did Methuselah live 969 years the whole world was a hyperbaric chamber it never rained until Noah and so there was protection people grew taller lived longer and we see right here if someone dies 100 years old they'll be considered young so this is so but we see people die so those believers who died during the Millennium they're resurrected because the four phases the Bible teaches us about concerning the resurrection to life now there's a second group of people who will also be resurrected those who are resurrected to everlasting contempt this is an awful resurrection it will take place after the 1,000 year rule of Christ on the earth but before God creates a new heaven and a new earth and before eternity begins we're told in Revelation chapter 20 verses 11 and 12 I saw a great white throne and him who sat on it from whose face the earth in the heaven fled away and there was no there was found no place where than me no one can escape this people can run but they can't hide I saw the dead small and great standing before God and books plural were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead were judged according to their works by the things which were written in the books you have a book dedicated to your life for the moment you are born I have a book we all have a book and in that book everything good and bad is written in it every sin every act of rebellion everything that could separate us from God and then all the good things we did - when you believe in Christ and when your name is written in the book of life do you know what happens to your individual book a whole bunch of erase marks start to appear I got a hole in my book probably between the ages of 13 to 21 just a whole bunch of erase marks amen you got some erase marks - forgiven redeemed God's seeing none of those sins none of them and the only thing that remains is what good we've done what treasures we've stored up for heaven for our real life heaven is going to be so much more real and tangible than anything this life could offer this life is so mysterious there's no mysteries in heaven it will really really be life and Jesus said if you give someone a cup of cold water you're gonna have a treasure for that you know any loving parent likes to give gifts to their kids it's just like a fun thing man God's best day is when he gets to give you all your presents all your purchase present present present present it reminds us what she we should be living for but those whose name is not written in the book of life there's no erase marks and they will give an account for every single sin they've ever committed nobody will walk away from the great white throne judgment saying but but or I don't think I agree everyone will walk away knowing 100% they're getting exactly what they deserved that for their whole lifetime they rejected and blaspheme the voice of the Holy Spirit who daily was trying to point them to a holy God and a whole lise savior and talking to them about judgment and obedience and faith and that is scary praise God when I get to heaven I will not have to answer the question of when you know ice when you were 15 I saw you do this awful thing can you tell me why you and I won't have to do that because Jesus took all that on the cross he took that so that we could have magic erase marks in our book amen let's move on to verse 3 this is amazing those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament and those who turn many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever so in verse 3 God classifies two kinds of believers both of them will be resurrected everlasting life the first group says those who are wise it speaks of those of us wise enough to believe in God wise enough to know we didn't come from a monkey but we came from him wisdom understands we can't earn our salvation we can't work our way to heaven and get heaven like a paycheck wisdom understands there's a loving God who grants righteousness and forgiveness by His grace and mercy say oh that's me you're wise but the second group there's more it's those who lead many to righteousness this speaks of those of you who grow in your salvation who become disciples true disciples of the word who are used for the kingdom of God who end up being involved in the work of God which is leading people to Jesus Christ and his kingdom check this out guys God distinctly classifies two kinds of believers people who are saved and people who are saved but end up being really involved in the world of God in leading other people to Jesus I'm sure you've seen believers you know they're believers you know they'll end up in heaven but they are not being used by God maybe they were at one time but they've chosen things of the world and people of the world over Jesus Christ they're not being used anymore they're in a funky season they're not growing in the grace of God they're not in the word like they used to and they just haven't really surrendered their life for the service of God they don't realize they have a spiritual bank account full of treasures in heaven and instead they're living for the earthly bank account which is gonna go away and won't last if you ask them you know what's your ministry or how are you serving Jesus they wouldn't have anything to say or maybe they'd nervously lie and just make something up look at the different results for these two kinds of people verse 3 those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament beautiful but those who turn many to righteousness like the Stars forever and ever now the word firmament in Hebrew means the blue sky beautiful definitely but the firmament and the Stars have a different appearance from one another there's a different glory stars are much more brighter they're much more brilliant in their appearance than the plain blue sky especially with the Hubble telescope we see men's stars are majestic they're crazy awesome and they shine brighter than the blue sky God is saying when we get to heaven we're not all gonna look the same now granted we're just going to be happy to be there and thankfully we won't have a in us to be jealous of other people but based on what we did for Christ we will look more brilliant there will be more glory to God even in our body as we walk around the Apostle Paul taught about this check this out first Corinthians chapter 15 verses 38 through 42 God gives the new body he wants it to have a different plant gross from each kind of seed you see it's dependent on the seat and orange seed will always produce oranges and your and my life as a seed okay similarly there are different kinds of flesh one kind for humans another for animals and other for birds and fish there are also bodies in the heavens and bodies on the earth the glory of the heavenly bodies is different from the glory of the earthly bodies and it goes on the Sun has one kind of glory while the moon and stars each have another kind and even the stars differ from each other in their glory it is the same way with the resurrection of the Dead our earthly bodies are planted in the ground when we die like a seed but they will be raised to life forever and according to what you did for Christ after the Cross came into your life will determine your treasure your riches your reward and even the appearance of your own glorified body now I suppose when I get to heaven I might have like a little flicker I'm just gonna be how if I'm just blue if I'm like the Smurf guy and everyone smile you see like a little like it's like I'm cool with that but my prayer this week has been Lord I I want myself in this church to shine like stars whatever it takes for us to get there do it in each person do each show up like stars radiating with the glory of Christ those of you who will shine like stars are those of you who contribute to the work of God it's those of you who have progressed farther than just coming to church you're committed to serving God whatever it looks you you have those wrestling matches often with God Lord what are my gifts what do i do how do i what do you want me to do I want to be in your will your you're always doing that instead of just getting in the routine rut of life not being ripped off by the things of the world but just committing yourself over and over to the work of God and how can I be used god I don't want to be idle when that happens you're a blessing to God's people and people recognize that about you you contribute by tithing may remind you that tithing is one of the most worshipful sacrificial things you could ever do to bring pleasure to God because usually money is like the last thing we give up and it's a sign of full surrender of a Christian it's those of you who have missionary prayer cards on your fridge you know it's like when you go to get milk or your apple juice whatever you got it's like I'm just gonna say quick prayer you're involved in the work of God you don't just go to work but you realize you're a full-time minister at work there's a difference some Christians just go in and they bug out and there's no ministry there there's no trying there's no prayer and then others of you you go and it's like you're looking for opportunity you realize this is a ministry that people in my church could never reach these people and so you you you try to talk about Christ when it fits and you're praying and and you're trying to throw a little salt out there when you can that's being involved in the work of God you're a missionary in your home home some of you a missionary to your own family members a missionary to your your street that you live on involved in the work of God it's very simple you've prioritized God's kingdom and his home over your own did you know that God only gives us things in order to share God has never given you anything for you to hoard and hold on to for yourself that's the Nate he's a sharing giving God he puts it in you so it can come out of you giftings resources what friendliness he puts it in you so it can go he wants it to go out and share and so just remember this where we don't work for salvation but we are working for God we're called soldiers were called fleets and we're storing up treasures in heaven where moth and rust will not corrupt faithful servants never retired by the way you may retire from your career but you never retire from serving Jesus Christ amen we have an example of that in our church it's our own pastor Russ he's retired and he didn't just go he's not golfing on the beach he's serving he's a pastor the Lord's raised him up this man has had prostate surgery he got a brain tumor removed from from his head his wife Shirley monthly has physical issues problems he's in the ER every month a couple times a month helping his wife serving her and you know in all of these years of serving with Russ never once ever has there ever been a Ross Russ kind of dropped the ball moment Russ is late rusted in here Oh Russell supposed to do that and he did it never once it's all we boom but just faithful faithful quiet service to the Lord I Love You Man give russa him he deserves in there you're a great example to me brother so it's fun to serve the kingdom of God back to the text so far we've seen that the time of the end involves Michael the Archangel great trouble great deliverance it involves the resurrection our last insight point number five the time of the end involves an increase of knowledge lagaa verse for you Daniel shut up the words seal the book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase now first of all the book is being sealed up to Daniel you see Daniel didn't understand many of the things he prophesied about but for you and I the closer we get to the time of the end the time of the end actually started in 1948 when Israel became a nation again then the more Bible prophecy will be understood God is saying at the time of the end people are gonna understand the Bible more than you do Daniel and that's true we ever since February get into Daniel we've seen how much we actually can understand now about Bible prophecy we don't know everything some things we we won't know until they actually happen but this is what God said here's some marks Daniel of what it's gonna be like in two thousand five hundred years from now many shall run to and fro that means people will be traveling at a very very busy pace at a fast pace and isn't this a sweet prophecy when you think about how we have cars and airplanes now if you would have told Daniel back then hey in one day in one 24-hour time period you can be anywhere else around this globe he would have just flipped out he's like well I can't even I can walk a little bit I can ride a camel here's a prediction from 2005 and years ago at the end of time travel will be so fast knowledge shall increase since 1998 I read this since 1998 technology has doubled every two years that means from the time Adam and Eve were created until 1998 whatever technology was at that point two years later in the year 2000 it doubled and it keeps doubling and doubling and doubling things like smartphones and YouTube and Facebook and Instagram have revolutionized the world but the ultimate knowledge that will increase is the knowledge of God found in his end times prophecies isn't it amazing that the further we get away from the original writings of Scripture the more accurate they become it should be the more that time goes on we should be able to find the mistakes Oh see that didn't happen the opposite is true the further away we get from the original writers the more accurate Bible prophecy gets because God is dope he's the king he's awesome and he's just so fun to follow amen it just makes God even more cool that he does stuff like this he becomes more believable he becomes more accurate and it's just off to get to serve him amen in closing today you know maybe you just need to pray that prayer Lord I want to I want to shine like stars because it's not for your glorious for his its it'll be a sign of your involvement in the kingdom and whatever you did for Christ as you die that will be a seed your whole life wrapped up in a seed and it will resurrect according to your works for Jesus so keep going keep praying be stirred for the kingdom of God what kind of believer do you want to be I think that arises not in a condemning sort of way but in an encouraging way I mean God is the one who says yeah there's gonna be there's two kinds of believers I want to mention them as a challenge to us and I definitely am challenged by that I want to be faithful I want you guys to be faithful to what God has called you to and also I told you if if you didn't know Jesus I want to give you an opportunity right now it's very simple God loves you so stinking much he wants none to perish but all to come to repentance in order for you to get saved you have to acknowledge you're a sinner you have to acknowledge that you could never get to heaven on your own and you must believe that Jesus is the name above all names that he is the way the truth and the life there is no way to heaven and the Father except through Jesus Jesus is the door to heaven and the door is found on the cross the cross is at door arms open wide on the cross never close to you always open come enter into my Scourge --is my blood my sacrifice for you pass through come and have an encounter with me because on the other side is my loving father you can't you can get close to it you could try to dip around it but you got to go through that door to believe in Jesus alone for salvation he took your sins upon himself so that you would never have to be punished for them [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Victory Calvary Chapel
Views: 2,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aAaydeZ-E1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 3sec (3063 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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