Rosh Hashanah // The Feast of Trumpets

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[Music] jesus jesus [Music] [Music] is just from sin and self to cease just from jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] i'm so glad i've learned to trust the precious jesus [Music] the end [Music] [Music] exactly well good morning everybody i gotta i gotta tell you i um i didn't expect so many people this is pretty awesome um this is this is really cool um you know as a pastor just saying hey we're gonna have an extra bible study come on out and you know you don't know what to expect but as a pastor to see so many people thirsty for the word of god this just warms my heart and gives me a lot of hope for um for the future and and i'm just so grateful so thank you for being here and we even have people out there the overflow and and i do want to say hello to people that are tuning in online welcome to 412 church in marietta glad you're with us and glad that we're going to be going through god's word here on this rosh hashanah day and we're gonna explain what that is and uh let me get to my my notes here but definitely uh exciting times we are living in right um this is uh let's see here this is um an important day for sure and it's this day we call the feast of trumpets i have here a trumpet this is a shofar and uh this is what they would blow and has anybody here know how to blow one of these any okay i'm gonna i'm gonna ask who's gonna who's a volunteer that's not right now but at the end of the message who's gonna come up and blow this because i don't know how to do it anybody okay so sir okay at the at the end we're going to ask you to come up and blow the shofar okay um yeah i wish i knew how to blow the show far but i don't know how um but this is definitely one of those days that's that's exciting and it's important for us to understand and i've got a slideshow i'm going to share with you as we go through and i just want to kind of explain some of the things that that are pertaining to this day because maybe maybe you already know this but i'll throw it out there for those who don't is there is an expectation that the rapture could possibly happen on rosh hashanah on on the day that we're celebrating today there's a thought and i'll explain why we believe that uh but many prophecy teachers uh myself included do believe that so i'm gonna just kind of go through our slides here um first of all this this is a feast of the lord this is something that god told us to do um when he told the the jews to do in uh leviticus chapter 23 that's kind of where we're going to spend our time today if you want to make your way in your bibles to leviticus chapter 23 and we're going to go through these feasts but there are seven of the feasts that god appoints here in leviticus 23 and at the end of this also if any of you uh want i can we can post this slideshow out for you and you're welcome to to use it um we've got it on um keynote for for mac users and we can always also put it on uh what is it what's the other one for powerpoint there you go um so anyways there's seven of them all seven of them point to jesus and all seven of them are fulfilled in jesus and there's an initial fulfillment there are the rehearsals and there are the ultimate fulfillments let me explain that so when we see what god does prophetically what we see is he'll do an initial fulfillment of that whatever that event is then there will be a rehearsal of that event and then you find the ultimate fulfillment of that event in christ i'll take just the passover briefly just as the explanation because most people understand the passover you know they they killed the lamb they would hold a lamb and this was in the book of exodus they would hold the lamb and then they slayed the lamb they took the blood from the lamb they put it over their doorpost and whoever had the blood of the lamb over their doorpost the angel of death would pass over that home so they were passed over in death now after that the the feast uh leviticus 23 they were told to practice that right so every year there is a rehearsal year after year is passover right and they would do this until when until christ the passover lamb be like john the baptist said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world um when christ was that sacrificial lamb we are now covered by the blood of the lamb we are now passed over in death so the ultimate fulfillment of passover is found in jesus christ so all of these things have an initial fulfillment there is that yearly rehearsal and then we find that ultimate fulfillment in christ that's important for us because we're going to see that there are several feasts that have not been um fulfilled now they're they're broken down into different categories actually two categories of feasts you've got your spring feasts and the spring feast is uh the passover the unleavened bread the first fruits and the feast of weeks and those are the ones that we're really gonna go through today excuse me and then um then we'll find ourselves landing on the feast of rosh hashanah at the end but the passover like i said we we see that the the lamb of god jesus in his death we find the ultimate fulfillment but jesus perfectly fulfilled those first spring feasts he fulfilled it with his death his burial his resurrection and the day of pentecost which is the day that the church was born then we've got the the fall feast those are the feasts that we're on right now the feast of trumpets the day of atonement and the feast of tabernacles so we're at this point right now where the fall feasts have not seen their ultimate fulfillment right christ did the ultimate fulfillment on those first spring feasts but we haven't seen the rapture of the church we haven't seen the the second coming of christ and we haven't seen the millennial kingdom so god is a god of order we know this god is a god that wants to be known so when he puts things in his word a lot of people try to you know they try to act like like the word of god is only com you know comprehendable by just a few people that are these elite people and then then they can just share some stuff with that that's not how it works the word of god is is put there for us to read and to know and the holy spirit teaches us so these things aren't something that we can't understand god put them there so we would see who he is know that he's a god of order and that he will complete things just like he always has he's always fulfilled things um in a way where he's the one that gets the glory so as we look at this i also want to explain one more concept is the uh the idea of the dispensations how many of you have heard of dispensations okay every once in a while i bring it up and i usually say hey we don't have enough time here on a sunday morning to to you know to unpack that so just briefly i want to share a little bit um i am a person who's a dispensationalist many of you if you don't know what dispensational dispensationalism is you after this might go well i'm a dispensationalist too you just didn't know um so there's seven dispensations first one is the dispensation of innocence this is the time when adam and eve were in the garden so they they hadn't fallen yet they were there in the garden we know they were naked and walked around on a shame they hadn't sinned and that was that time and when we say dispensations it's it's a way that god interacts with people and god does not change but his way of interacting with people does change and we've seen that over time and we see this in the different dispensations god wasn't dealing with adam and eve in the garden as though they were sinners why they hadn't sinned right and it wasn't until they sinned then then god says okay things have changed now that things have changed on earth now i'm going to interact with you in a different way and he has to interact with them differently now that since entered right you god god has to deal with sin so there's the the dispensation of innocence after that you have the dispensation of conscience and during this this begins at the expulsion from the garden so so sin enters god says okay gotta gotta deal with you differently now you're gonna be put outside the garden we know that the angel guarded the entrance to the garden and now they can't go back in and that began like i said when they left and that went all the way up until the worldwide flood that was that time the age of conscience then you you have the dispensation of the human government now when i say dispensation another word people use is age christ uses that he says until the end of this age we talked about that yesterday in church the end of the age is the end of that dispensation so that next one is dispensation of human government that began just after the flood and it lasted all the way up until the call of abraham so god interacted with humanity in a certain way during that time after that you have the dispensation of promise and the dispensation of promise begins with the call of abraham and it ends with the exodus of the jews from egypt once that happens we know that things changed after that right i mean the way god interacted with people in the way he dealt with sin changed why because he gave the law now briefly the law when we look at the law and this is going to be important for later on in our discussion the law is god's grace upon his people and that's a weird thing for us to think about because you know when we think of law we think oh man well if i break the law i'm getting a ticket i went through the speed sign the stop the stop sign i got a ticket for rolling through you know that we think of it in terms of that but when you think of it in terms of they were enslaved the jews were enslaved for hundreds of years they didn't have any rights they somebody could come into their home and take their possessions or take their wives do whatever they want why because they were slaves and so to all the sudden have a law written by god himself to say you now have rights nobody's allowed to covet your belongings nobody's allowed to murder you nobody's allowed to take your wife nobody's allowed to to you know bear false witness against you now you have rights and that is an act of grace for somebody who didn't have rights before and now all sudden they do that's grace and that is truly what happened in that that period in that dispensation the dispensation of the law god shed his grace on the people but that began with that exodus and it ended with the crucifixion and the resurrection of jesus christ that at that point we began what's known as the dispensation of grace or the church age which is the time we're in right now we're in the church age it started with the resurrection of jesus christ it continues to today and dispensationalists like me and probably you like i said at the end of this you make okay yeah i am but um we believe that the church age is going to end with the rapture of the church which makes a whole lot of sense because if the church isn't here anymore then the ages have it has to be over right so the dispensation the next one what we have after that is the dispensation of the millennial kingdom of christ and that begins with the defeat of satan we see that in revelation chapter 20 and then it ushers in a thousand years of peace where christ is going to reign here on the earth and that is something that some people you know debate over and it's a hard concept for us to wrap our minds around but one thing we have to remember is if we believe the word of god to be inerrant and infallible and we can believe the history in the word of god then we can believe the future in the word of god and one thing we know in these different dispensations as god interacted differently with humanity not only did he interact different with humans but the the earth itself and all the fullness in it was different during these different times prior to the flood the people didn't eat animals it wasn't until after that that they ate animals and we know isaiah tells us that during that millennial reign the earth is going to be fundamentally changed again now we know that the wolf is going to lie down with the lamb during that time what does that mean means animals aren't going to eat animals you know that fundamentally the earth is going to be changed during that time god's done it before he can do it again so things are literally going to change the way the earth works and how all of god's creation works is going to be totally different during that final thousand years so i don't know to me these kind of concepts are exciting and and it's fun to dig into god's word and see these things so i'm sorry sorry it's still uh i need more coffee is what it is oh by the way more coffee is brewing so feel free you guys get up go out get coffee come back in it's very informal today um so you guys are at leviticus 23 right we're going to pick up in verse 21. um let's see so let's see verse 1. so the lord spoke to moses saying speak to the children of israel and say to them the feast of the lord which you shall proclaim to be holy convocations these are my feasts so i want to i want to stop there for a moment and talk about feasts because if you're anything like me i love to eat when i think feast i'm thinking we're eating you know that's like hey we're gonna have a feast you know and and um i want us to understand that that's really not truly what this is when we when we look at it for what god is is showing us the the word for feast is this hebrew word um the hebrew word is um well i'm showing it there to you in hebrew but the the word itself is mo aid now this this word mo-aid is literally when we translate it into english is literally translated divine appointments so when god says i'm going to have these beasts he's saying i'm going to have divine appointments these there's going to be a pointed place there's going to be a pointed time there's going to be a pointed sign and a signal it's going to signal to the world something that is to happen just like in the initial passover right there's this signal to the world that god's people by the shedding of that innocent blood and being covered by it god's people are passed over in death it signals to them that what happened right so then every every year he says i want you to do this every year what is this going to do it's going to be a sign to the world what is still to come so he's saying rehearse it every single year there's still something coming and then of course when christ came it it completed that the other word in that that i want us to to focus in on is the the hebrew word that um explains the idea of proclaim right so it's right there in uh in verse two he's saying i want you to proclaim these right there's gonna be an appointed time and i want you to proclaim it to people now that word for proclaim literally means to summon or to invite or to call for somebody to be there we see that same concept in matthew chapter 22. matthew 22 where jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son and sent out for his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding then they were when and they were not willing to come again he sent out other servants saying tell those who are invited see i have prepared my dinner my ox and my fatted cattle are killed and all the things are ready come to the wedding but they made light of it and went their ways one to his own farm another to his business so that's that same concept that he would send out his servants and proclaim that the time is now and that is the idea with that so these feasts are to proclaim to people the things that are to come and this is this is important for us because we look at the book of daniel and in the book of daniel we're told that there that literally they're going to try to confuse the times and the seasons and we see this pope gregory who changed the calendar changed it from the hebrew calendar and moved it to a which was a lunar calendar moved it to a solar calendar so the calendar we're on right now is is a gregorian calendar solar calendar it goes based on on the earth's rotation of earth's uh yeah rotation around the sun now that being said there's 365 days but on the hebrew calendar there's only 360. so what this does when you get people's minds off of the hebrew calendar you get them off of understanding the calendar the way god designed it and what he put in his word and how we're supposed to proclaim these things and celebrate them every year well then your mind's not on that anymore you're not proclaiming what's about to happen and this is what's happened all over the united states and all over the world lots of pastors have even stopped talking about the rapture altogether and that doesn't bring comfort to the people we'll see that later in our message today this is supposed to bring comfort to us to proclaim what is coming and to be prepared for those things verse uh three verse three it talks about the sabbath so we're gonna kind of get into what these these seven different feasts are these things that we proclaim these appointed times the first one is that sabbath verse three six days shall work six days shall work be done but the seventh day is the sabbath of solemn rest a holy convocation you shall do no work on it it is sabbath of the lord and all your dwellings so what we see in that right there is god establishing something very important and we see it all the way from the very beginning as well with the with the six days of work and then rest on the seventh day what god is showing us is he's setting up intervals we saw it in his creation he worked for six days on the seventh day god rested from his work of creation now here we say okay human beings in our physical bodies we're gonna work for six days on the seventh day we're gonna rest from our work but not only did he do that he also showed that there are seven year intervals okay you've got six years where you work the land now this has to do with the earth itself you work the land for six years on the seventh year you let the land rest and that seventh year so the sixth you know the six days for us seventh day is sabbath for the humans for the earth you have six years seventh year is um shemitah that is the shemitah year it's that year of rest for the land but not only that you go seven times seven that's 49 years and on the year after that the 50th year you have what's called the year of jubilee and during the year of jubilee god restores back to the people what was theirs their inheritance so he restores it back and what we found as you study history on years of jubilee god has always done amazing works of restoration he's always done incredible things and then there's the seven years for the fulfillment of all so when we come to the end of the church age and you look at the the bible and what the bible says on how old the earth is how how old's the earth right now six thousand years right so roughly six thousand years so when we come to the end of the six thousand years we begin the seventh year of basically the seventh year of our seventh seventh thousandth year of rest that final thousand years where jesus christ is ruling and reigning from jerusalem that'll be the the final seven you know that'll complete the seven thousand years so we're going to see that god has put this in his word for a very specific reason that we're supposed to understand the signs the seasons we're supposed to be able to calculate certain things we even know when we come to the 70th week of daniel that during those seven years the fight you know this seven year tribulation period you can literally count down the days he gave us everything we need to know to literally precisely count them down you know we can count down when the lord will return we don't know the day nor the hour when he will rapture us but once once those seven years start going you can count down the days to the day that the antichrist is going to come into the temple sit on the throne of god demand to be worshipped as god we know that as the the abomination of desolation and then from that point we count down even more days and you count down to the day that christ will return and he set that all up for us because he wants to be known he wants us to be able to do this type of research and have a closer relationship with him and yet like i keep saying churches aren't teaching this and i don't know why to me i've heard some pastors go well it doesn't really edify the body well how does it not edify the body we're supposed to i mean most of the bible is prophetic most of it's prophecy how is it not edifying to teach these things and some people well it's real it scares people it doesn't scare me it gives me hope it gets me excited about what's going on when you start seeing things going on like everything going on all around us right now if i didn't have the hope of the prophetic things in god's word i would be freaked out right now i'm not freaked out i'm excited this is exciting times i know where i'm going i know where my wife's going i know where my kids are going my granddaughter is not born yet but when she's born if he hasn't come back i know where she's going like i don't have fear these things don't scare me they excite me um but this is this is truly what's happening god has set up those six and seven periods they you know for mankind for the earth and for all that is to be fulfilled to take a look if you would at verse four this talks about the passover and um this we've kind of already gone over this but i wanna i to share with you first force is these are the feasts or the appointed times of the lord holy convocations these holy convocations are the rehearsals going on every year which you shall proclaim there's that that proclamation right we're going to invite people and tell people what is to come at their appointed times verse 5 on the 14th day of the first month at twilight is the lord's passover and verse 6 on the 15th day of the same month of is the feast of unleavened bread to the lord seven days you must eat unleavened bread on the first day you shall have a holy convocation you shall do no customary work on it but verse 8 you shall offer an offering made by fire to the lord for seven days the seventh day shall be a holy convocation you shall do no customary work on it so there's this holy period of time that begins one day after the feast of passover so that's the 14th day of nissan that's the first month of the spiritual year on the hebrew calendars passover we know when christ died he had the last supper and oftentimes christians we don't realize what that is is the passover and we celebrate communion but oftentimes we don't go back to what is what is communion when jesus took the bread what was he taking when he took the cup he took a very specific cup he took the cup after supper so if you ever had a chance to go through a an actual passover supper it really is pretty cool and there's there's several cups of wine that you drink during that time of passover and each wine signifies something else the cup after supper is the cup of redemption we are redeemed in the blood of christ so when he takes the cup after supper and says this is my blood he's saying your redemption is found in this so do this in remembrance of me so that unleavened bread you guys know the jews when they they still practice this they go through their entire house they strip everything any any bit of leaven or yeast they get it out it's a symbol of sin um and we know that that during that time jesus had that supper and right afterwards we know he was sacrificed he was that sacrificial lamb so again we had that initial fulfillment in the exodus we had that rehearsal every single year then christ was sacrificed once for all no longer a need for the passover because the passover was fulfilled not that there's no longer a need to to understand the passover and be reminded of it every single year when it comes but we're supposed to do that and remind ourselves of that every time we have communion is he is that passover lamb so um take a look at verse nine verse nine is the feast of first fruits it says in verse nine that the lord spoke to moses saying speak to the children of israel say to them when you come into the land which i give you and reap his harvest then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest he shall wave the sheaf before the lord to uh to be accepted on your behalf and the day after the sabbath the priest shall wave it so let's just track for a moment first you've got thursday evening through friday evening right that is the passover we know that christ was crucified then you've got friday evening to saturday evening is unleavened bread jesus was then buried and then you've got the first uh the feast of first fruits that is verse 11. it says that it happens the day after the sabbath in other words sunday so we see the initial fulfillment bringing them out of slavery then you bring them into the newness of their inheritance this is the jews right bring them out of slavery bring them into the newness of their inheritance and then they bring offerings that's what they did so now they're rehearsing this every single year so you've got these rehearsals year after year and then the ultimate fulfillment was in jesus christ we see in first corinthians first corinthians paul talking about the comfort of christ coming oh wait i went past it did i go past it i did go past it oh wait nope there it is right there okay so um paul talking about christ being the first fruit so this is first corinthians 15 that as in adam all all die even so in christ all shall be made alive but each one in his own order christ the first fruits afterward those who are christ at his coming so he was the first fruits the first of many why he was the first to be resurrected from the dead and then from that point forward everybody who dies in christ is going to be resurrected from the dead those will be the fruits so it's initial fulfillment rehearsals and then ultimate in jesus christ just like the jews had been delivered from their slavery we are in christ delivered from slavery to sin and we see all this everything lines up every single one of these feasts points to jesus every single one of them is fulfilled in jesus take a look at the feast of weeks this is verse 15. verse 15 says that the lord says you shall count for yourselves from the day after the sabbath from the day that you were brought that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering even uh seven sabbaths shall be completed so let me pause there for a moment seven sabbaths shall shall be completed that's seven weeks right so seven of those times seven is what 49 on the 50th day on the 50th day verse 16 says count 50 days to the day after the seventh sabbath then you shall offer a new grain offering so remember initial fulfillment rehearsal ultimate fulfillment the initial fulfillment was given when god's law was given and that's why i said we had to remember that for later on so we we look at the 50 days that went by on the 50th day god gave the law what was god's giving the law what was that it was an act of grace on the people then we look at the day of pentecost what this says is count 50 days to the day of the seventh right well when you count 50 days after that sabbath we come to the day of pentecost what happened on the day of pentecost the spirit was given god's grace was poured out on the people of god so again the in the old testament pointed to to the grace of god and and what christ would do in the new testament fulfilled by christ grace given to the people so jesus in his first coming he perfectly fulfilled those first four feasts then you've got the final three the final three begins with rosh hashanah which is where we're at today and during this verse 23 it says that the lord spoke to moses saying speak to the children of israel saying in the seventh month on the first day of the month you shall have a sabbath rest a memorial blowing of trumpets a holy convocation you shall do no customary work on it and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the lord so why do we think that god is going to fulfill those three things through jesus christ well he did the first four he wants to be known he's a god of it order to reason he's going to fulfill the final three this first one the feast of trumpets well what do we know about the feast of trumpets we know that paul speaking to the church at thessalonica he said i don't want you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen asleep who are those who have fallen asleep it's christians it's people who have a faith in jesus christ they're filled with a spirit and they die but a person who dies in christ isn't really dead right so they've just fallen asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope this is this is so important for us as well you know a lot of people myself included have suffered the loss of a loved one like i talked about in church yesterday my my brother at five years old died he died in my mother's arms i don't sorrow as other people do i don't sorrow as people who have no hope because i have hope i know where he is and i know where i'm going so for we believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him those who sleep in jesus and then it goes on to say for this we say by the word of the lord that we who sorry that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god amen yeah so then it goes on to say that the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus we shall always be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words again why are pastors not talking about this if god says comfort one another with these words why aren't we comforting one another with these words you know and it really does bring a lot of comfort to know that at some point christ is going to call us up to be with him whether we are alive when that happens or we've died already doesn't matter the people who have died already they're going to be resurrected from the dead they're going to be given a body much like the body christ had when he was resurrected i think that's kind of cool when you read about the the body christ has in his resurrection he's not bound by the laws of physics i mean he can still eat we know that he had food but he could walk through walls he could disappear in one moment in one place reappear in another place at another moment and this is pretty cool and we're gonna have a body like that pretty cool so if we die we're resurrected and if we don't die we're transformed we know this first corinthians 15 that we are we are transformed in a moment in a twinkling of an eye and what this says is christ will call us up to the clouds and this is an important delineation a lot of people they they try to take the rapture of the church and the second coming of christ and put them into one one event and they're not one event there are literally two events why because when christ calls us up in the rapture he doesn't come back to the earth he calls us up to him he doesn't come down to us so he he comes to the clouds calls us up to the clouds the second coming isn't until the end of that seven-year period that's that's important for us to understand the difference between those two things so when what's going to take place in that i'll share with you just briefly and i i do talk about this quite a bit daniel chapter 2. in daniel chapter 2 there's this great image that's given and daniel's the one that's able to interpret it by the power of god's spirit so um king nebuchadnezzar had this dream he you know he had this dream of this great figure of a man it's got a head of gold it's got chests and arms of silver it's got a belly and thighs of bronze and legs of iron feet of iron and clay and then there's this crushing rock i talked about yesterday and we see that this is that rise and that fall of all these great empires of man all these governments of human beings that we think are so grand and mighty right but when we look at it in in this terms when when we see that it starts off with babylon being the head of gold gold is pure gold is valuable but gold is weak right i mean isn't iron much stronger than gold absolutely so we see that as it goes down the body the different governments of man they become less valuable but they become stronger we see this going all the way down it begins with that head of gold being babylon then you've got that chest and arms of silver this is the medo persians then you've got the belly and thighs of bronze that is the greeks and then you've got the legs of iron this is the romans and we know this is why when you get to the to the legs that you've got the two sides you've got the western empire and the eastern empire and that's the roman empire also the legs are the longest part of the body and it was the longest lasting empire the roman empire then we've got the the feet and iron of clay this is the ten toes right you've got this iron mixed with clay that's not very good mixture that comes apart pretty easily and what we know about these ten toes is this is the revived roman empire and in that there's a crushing rock of course the crushing rock is christ and the crushing rock is going to hit this statue that's going to hit this figure of this person that represents all the governments of mankind it's going to hit that and it's all going to come crumbling down because only the kingdom of christ can stand and that's what this is showing us so this is going to begin at a very specific time first thessalon or second thessalonians chapter 2 tells us that he who restrains now who's he who restrains the holy spirit right now how does he do that work of restraining he does it in and through you think about it i mean we we go to school board meetings and we tell them you're not going to teach that stuff to our kids this is a restraining force you know we go to city council meetings we tell them you're not going to divide us up on race that's a restraining work of the holy spirit when we raise up godly children and tell our children you are going to represent god in our community you're going to be the two things that christ told us that we are we are salt and we are light light is a revealing agent it reveals the wickedness that's all around us salt is a preserving agent it stops the spread of disease so the idea is it's stopping the spread of sin so we we preserve our community that is what christ told us that we were going to do so what second thessalonians says is that the antichrist the man of lawlessness cannot be revealed we're actually warned don't don't be fooled don't don't let anybody fool you into thinking that that seven year period the final seventieth week of daniel's prophecy in daniel chapter nine don't let anybody fool you into thinking that's already happened and a lot of people been fooled into thinking that there's actually a doctrine called preterism that's very popular in this valley that those things have already happened either antiochus prior to christ or even what took place in 70 a.d with the romans so some people think these things have already happened what is being told to us in second thessalonians is don't be fooled don't let anybody trick you into thinking that that has happened why because the man of lawlessness needs to be revealed and the man of lawlessness we know is the antichrist he's the one that's going to confirm that covenant first for those seven years and we know that that covenant has not begun yet we know that the temple has not been rebuilt we know that sacrifices are you know in the temple of god have not been fully we know they're practicing already but that hasn't fully been reestablished and so we know that those things are yet to take place and we know that the antichrist cannot be revealed until he who restrains is removed well if he who restrains is the holy spirit of god is removed how can we still be here right i mean god says he'll never leave us nor forsake us god said that we are the light of the world we are the salt of the earth now how can we be a restraining force on earth without the holy spirit how can we be salt without god we can't how can we be light without god if the light is not in us because the spirit has been removed how can we be left here the obvious answer is we can't we have to be gone so when he who restrains is removed the rapture has taken place then the man of lawlessness can be revealed and he can confirm that covenant and the final seven years can begin and that is what we're looking for what is going to happen who's that going to be a lot of speculation on on who that's going to be i'll tell you this i don't believe it's the pope but if the pope isn't the false prophet from revelation 13 that man sure is auditioning for the role this is he's incredibly wicked he's got even catholics up in arms over some of the stuff he's doing um and we know this that the false prophets can be somebody who's able to pull all people together to worship the beast and what is this pope doing he's kissing the feet of imams he's saying that homosexuality is okay he's even now saying even atheists are good this is what he's doing so he's he's trying to reach out to all people and bring all people together regardless of what you believe we're all together and he's that's that is what that false prophet in revelation 13 is going to be able to do is bring everybody together and cause them to worship the antichrist so this is the stuff that we're looking for on a world scale and all of the things that christ told us in matthew 24 all the things that we see in first and second thessalonians all the things we saw in daniel chapter two daniel chapter nine i mean all these things are so prevalent we look at ezekiel 38 there's this war that's going to take place with russia and turkey and syria and iran against israel well when in the history of the world has russia come against israel it's never happened and what god says i'm going to put a hook in their jaw and drag them into this they've never had a beef with israel but now that they have this desire to control the oil trade and this lust for power and putting their bases all around israel and now that we see the power vacuum that's taken place in afghanistan that's going to bolster the you know iran's you know their idea of what they want to do with israel which is wipe them off the face of the planet we're seeing ezekiel 38 becoming a very close reality so all of these things that we were told to watch for are happening all around us and like i said it's very very exciting so the question for us is then when are we gonna get raptured because it's so close and we have to be ready you know we look at the parable of the ten virgins five were wise and maintained their vessels filled with oil five were foolish their vessels were not maintained and that the idea is you have to be watching for the groom to come and that the idea is we're the church we're the bride we're supposed to be watching for jesus coming to get his bride we're supposed to be awake and aware and ready for that time we want to be filled with the holy spirit and ready to go and when that time comes people who aren't filled with god's spirit they're not gonna go and that's the thing is we need to be filled with god's spirit we need to be filled the oil is a symbol of god's holy spirit we need to be filled and ready and be looking and watching and so this is again it's not scary stuff but it really truly is exciting because this is where we're at and i don't know anybody that could convince me that that's not where we're at at this moment of time that somehow we've got another 200 years that's just an impossibility scripturally we know matthew 24 says that the the generation which my grandparents are this generation the generation that sees that budding of the fig tree what is the budding of the fig tree it's the big the birth of israel well some people say well when was that well could have been 1897 the beginning of the zionist movement could be 1917 the balfour declaration that allowed jews to come from all around the world back into the holy land could be may 14th 1948 when they were re-established as a nation some say it could be 1967 when they recaptured jerusalem but i think the the logical explanation is if it's the budding of the fig tree is where israel comes back to life that would be may 14th 1948 and that generation will not pass well how long is a generation you know there's several biblical definitions of generation but no matter how you look at it all of those are about to expire no matter what definition you use some of them have already expired you know a generation biblically could be 70 years well that was what 72 years ago 73 years ago so that's already passed so no matter how you slice it up and no matter how you define it biblically it's almost over you know we don't have much more time if it's a hundred years well 100 years from 48 would be 2048 we still don't have that much time so the thing is we're almost there and and i think it's kind of fun when we look at that even the book of daniel that that explains this this figure here they didn't understand it then daniel was told sill it up till the time of the end and when we get to that time of the end the wise are going to understand well here we are and we understand and we have the privilege of looking back on the history and seeing the rise and the fall of these great empires we have the the privilege to see what jesus told us to be looking for happening all around us so it really it is quite amazing where we're at and i just wanted to share these things with you and i'll hang out after this and and answer questions for you guys but i wanted to walk us through this because here we are on rosh hashanah and i'm not saying it's going to be today i've never i will never set a date um but and some people will god says no man knows the day nor the hour i understand that but what we do know is that on rosh hashanah how do you declare rosh hashanah does anybody know there's the trumpet but how how do they know when to blow the trumpet the priest has to walk outside and look up and see the new moon and declare it there's been several times throughout history where the priest walks out and it's covered with clouds he has to see it with his eyes if it's covered he has to wait until the cloud moves and he could see the moon there's times where it's it didn't happen on that day or that hour it was the next day and they had to declare they had to wait to declare it so we that that shows you we don't know you know today we we celebrate because this is what it is on the calendar but technically the the priest has to go out and declare it and so no man knows the day nor the hour but we do know that god is a god of order that god wants to be known and god has put these things in here for us to know him so i want to pray right now and then i'd like to have you come up and blow the shofar for us and then then we'll hang out and love to to talk to you you know answer questions more after this so let's pray father i want to thank you for having so many people come out so many people to to hear what your word has to say about these things and lord we're excited to live in the times that we're in we're excited to to be able to open your word and then look all around us and go yes god's right and we're thankful that we have been able to bow our knee now confess with our tongues that you are your son jesus is lord and we can bring glory and honor to you now and we get to be with you forever so bless us as we seek after you and lord would you purify our hearts in this season right now would we fast would we pray would our hearts be prepared for for your return and lord would you take us at that perfect moment so we thank you lord in jesus name amen amen all right i have mine all right if there's another brave soul that wants to blow the other twos like i said i don't know how to do it so i've tried and it just sounds like i'm spitting so i cleaned it afterwards you mind though i'll give it a try this mouthpiece is a lot different okay i am no expert but i told a friend of a christian friend of mine i felt we should be watchmen and the watchmen used the show car to learn to warn people and so he bought me one about a year ago and i've known it a few times [Music] all right i can't wait to hear that from the lord won't that be fun we're ten hours ahead of jerusalem right so rosh hashanah has begun there at sundown right and ends wednesday at sundown so wednesday nine o'clock in the morning is the end of it right so we should all be gone by then wouldn't that be awesome that's actually why i wanted to do this at this time was because sun went down at this time in jerusalem and we can't go oh it's it's it's here in america that's what we as americans like to do is it's all about us but we have to be looking towards israel because israel is god's time clock we know that israel as a whole is that is that our hand and then jerusalem is that minute hand and then the temple mount is that second hand and god has shown us what he's doing he's unveiling these things for us so thank you sir for blowing the shofar for us all right thanks god bless you thank you all right you guys well happy raj hashanah thank you so much for coming out like i said we're going to hang out okay we're going to hang we can hang out you don't have to leave yet i'll hang out and answer questions for you guys but god bless you and we're going to end our our livestream now but god bless you and enjoy the rest of your day
Channel: 412 Murrieta
Views: 9,730
Rating: 4.8842974 out of 5
Id: s4O5sNBbnXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 46sec (3346 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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