FFXIV Lore- The Tragedy of Eureka/Baldesion

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this video is rated b for you'd better back on out of here if you don't want spoilers buddy eureka throughout history this word has been a playful exclamation to many normally seen as a response to a great discovery or realization its definition is seen as positive but in the last hundred years this word has become a warning a danger and an endless source of pain today my friends we will explore the tragic disappearance that befell the isle of val the fate of those upon it and the reason for its sudden reemergence as the forbidden land of eureka to fully understand this story we need to start at the very beginning let us explore the life of a hearer named galif baldessian like the levayer family those of house baldessian are well respected in old charlieian considered a prestigious family galif baldessian was born into power and like many respected charlenes galv proved to be a very clever man with a knack for etheric research his younger days were spent learning and gathering an academic name for himself eventually even becoming an archon but that's not where his heart was in truth galif was very whimsical proven to sudden urges to travel as the siren song of adventure was one he couldn't ignore eventually he couldn't take it anymore and he decided to do just that he wanted to see everything the majestic world of hyderlin had to offer for the majority of his travels he had three companions a here an aura and a wolfish lupine that helped him in his adventures as well as his research this group of friends went on many adventures together discovering the beauties and dangers living within the world they loved so much but nothing in their experience could prepare them for what they eventually discovered it's during these travels they stumbled upon something an entity a primal but this primal was nothing they'd ever seen or heard of there were no records of its existence or any classification that would suggest a society that would summon it it was a completely foreign and even alien entity given its near limitless power and practically ancient existence it was given the designation of elder primal but the primal being itself gave them its name it called itself eureka surprisingly despite looking like an etheric cube this elder primal was talkative it would protect an avatar of itself draped in black that would stand around and speak to those it wished to communicate with galif probed the avatar for answers who created it and why to this it gave vague answers but most commonly claimed that it existed to cast down the wicked being men of learning gallop and his party knew that the word wicked could be interpreted in countless ways thusly they could not trust this elder primal's baseless statements but one thing that eureka said stood out to them namely that the prison eureka was found in was created by one who beared the light most likely a forgotten champion of heidelin this realization shocked them the idea that a champion of heidelin might have gone so far to seal this elder primal away and scrub any record of its existence meant this entity was beyond mortal control they immediately went on the defensive trying to learn all they could about this primal and its powers thankfully eureka seemed to be incapable of harming anyone or anything on its own but it was always trying to tempt gallop and his friends with promises of power primarily to fulfill their desires to cast down the wicked eventually they did discover the nature of eureka and its powers but it was worse than they feared eureka was a primal that couldn't do anything on its own but when controlled by a willing master had the ability to create anything the person desired this elder primal was a perfect creation engine and seemed to specialize in making magical weapons of devastating power this might not seem all that bad to some people but allow me to explain these weapons were just as strong if not stronger than primals themselves with similar abilities possess a weapon made by eureka would be to forfeit your soul as the weapon itself would temper you and turn you into a vessel of its will or more specifically the reason for its creation these weapons were completely autonomous from eureka so once it was created it couldn't be controlled however these temptations for power weren't the worst part as stated eureka had the power to convert aether into anything for example if eureka's master wanted to create a new mother crystal a new heidelin then eureka would oblige but the aether it would consume to do so would starve and destroy our world before the task could even be completed this was the true threat eureka posed as a potential world ending elder primal galif and his friends immediately agreed that this thing needed to be destroyed but as they continued their research they learned why it was sealed away by the champion of heidelen before them eureka may not be able to harm anyone on its own but it also cannot be harmed either no amount of magic or weapons would be enough to wound or slay it in addition it seemed to possess the greatest pool of aether of any entity in the entire world which meant it was in no danger of running out of aether and disappearing like most primals would frustrated at their lack of options gallup's party then opted to seal eureka away just like the champion before them but they needed a new place to hide it eventually galif got a fantastic idea he would not only create a prison for eureka but have people dedicate their lives to finding a way to destroy it without even knowing using the wealth and connections he gained from his adventures as well as the influence of the baldessian family name galif purchased the isle of vall which was located off the coast of charlene the isle of val was considered an undesirable location due to its overgrown and unforgiving terrain but to galif this was perfect he and his friends moved eureka to a hidden lab on the island and then set about containing it while they were preparing the island as a prison galif realized that they might be able to use the island itself to starve the elder primal of aether and eventually kill it by strategically placing a vast ethernet over the island they could essentially create a massive inverted magic seal one that would steadily drain aether from eureka whilst in its prison but galif didn't stop there with the support of the forum he gained the political aid he needed to form the students of baldessian and the isle of vall officially became an etheric research center of course this was a cover up in truth he was testing methods to accelerate eureka's demise however he had to face the reality of the situation it would take a lifetime for eureka to be thoroughly drained to the point of destruction they also gathered as many of eureka's weapons as they could and sealed them away but even they don't know how many weapons the elder primal may have made over the years in fact one such weapon still wanders the black shroud to this very day but eventually galif and his friends relaxed content that their prison and secrets were safe and that all they had to do was wait for the seal on eureka to starve the primal over the following decades galif remained on the isle of vault to not only watch over eureka's prison but to encourage all those who studied under him you see galif never lost that adventurous side to himself and he was always excited to help others experiment and learn new things because of this the students of baldessian earned a respected reputation for gathering powerful mages and innovative intellectuals some other things golf became known for was creating an orphanage on the isle of all to raise and teach those without families or loved ones he even created a scholarship program for those who had great talent but no support arkhan galif baldessian like archon luis sua oliveira was considered a brilliant hopeful and kind man at some point galif adopted an orphan named kryl and raised her as his own daughter she took his last name becoming kryl baldessian at age 12 she awoke to the power of the echo the echo granted her a special power allowing her to hear the whispers of people's souls being able to hear the thoughts and feelings of other people tormented the young cry to no end making her believe her existence to be a cruel and cursed one but her father consoled her and dedicated an entire research team to study the echo that kryl had gained through kryl the students of baldessian learned much about the secrets of the echo and with gallup's help kryl learned to better control her unique powers and accept them to celebrate galif gifted kryl with the cloak of nine lives the big ears of this yellow robe were symbolic of kryl's unique talent to hear things others couldn't kryll proudly wears similar robes to this very day ten years later kryl would become a studium graduate and respected expert in curative and support magicks she even began to help gallop in his research alongside another talented lalafell named ajika had become one of galv's most promising students and together they learned much about aether and the world but all good things must come to an end eventually by some unexplainable means an asean had found eureka in its prison her name was emma roloff and as you can guess her intentions involving eureka were nothing less than insane gallup and his comrades would rather die than let the assians have eureka and that's exactly what happened they ordered everyone to evacuate the island and get as far away as possible at the same time they began to invoke a massive spell this particular magic caused the entire isle of val to disappear off of the face of the world and be viciously thrown into the life stream the ethereal realm but they didn't wait long enough almost everyone on the island was cast into the live stream with them causing instant death for many and the others to become hopelessly lost before fading away whilst in the life stream galif and his allies made one final stand against emma roloff together they defeated her and since they were in the live stream her weakened body was ripped asunder and her essence was scattered never to reform again but the isle of val was now trapped in the life stream with galif his allies and many students still on it galif wept at what they had to do to save the world but was hopeful that eureka had been weakened to the point that it would disappear into the live stream with them and the island but just in case the unthinkable happened he wrote his last words and testament if the isle of wall ever reappeared on the material plane he begs whomever is reading his message to keep eureka sealed and to seek out the scions of the seventh dawn hopefully with their aid eureka can finally be destroyed if not sealed for eternity but as you all know the worst case scenarios just kept happening even after the massive sacrifices galif made to kill eureka and the asean the isle of wall still re-emerged on heidelin but this time was located in the glass ocean in the far east even after being steadily drained for decades and imprisoned eureka still had the power to act as an anchor and drag the island back into the material world any who set foot on the isle of vall now can tell just how powerful the ravages of aether can be having been trapped in the live stream the island became warped the elements became inverted acting in ways that other elements behaved or downright wrong in terms of natural physics this unstable energy gave rise to many powerful and dangerous monsters and due to these fluctuations portals to the void became so frequent that extremely powerful void scent managed to make their way onto the island it's only through the current efforts of adventurers and other groups that the island is steadily getting reclaimed it's a slow process but eventually the island might become a seat for knowledge once again but first the final wishes of galif baldessian and his friends need to be honored and eureka must be dealt with but you won't be alone while most of the students of baldessian perished during the island's movements into the live stream kryl baldessian ejika sunjika and grahatia are among the students that either survived the spell or weren't there when it was cast with their help we might just carry gallop's wishes for a better future for him and that is the complete story of the island of val and the ravages of the elder primal eureka no matter what choices you make on your journey be prepared to live with the consequences just like galif did till next we come together be well and stay safe my friends hello everyone thanks for staying to the end of the lesson if you enjoyed this and want to see more subscribe and like this video to let me know i'm doing well if there is a topic you'd want me to cover in the future leave a comment about it and i'll see what i can do until next week me i'll be researching even more of our world's rich lord to share with you till then stay safe my friends
Channel: Synodic Scribe
Views: 25,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, FFXIV, Final Fantasy 14, mmorpg, mmo, lore, gaming, educational
Id: XYk67_IRK9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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