NEVER trust Ross in Among Us...

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and who's got fried eggs on their head that looks awesome test me super jealous why don't you go and get it buddy fried egg people are hanging out together they're just rubbing it dude yeah you could be a fried egg yeah put an egg on your head dude oh you guys hey eggheads this is sick guys this is so sick all right let's go first ever recorded session why is my name red oh i'm scared dan mu your mute your mic how do i do that i'm a discord you're a genius he still hasn't done it yet he's still unmuted this is the first ever recorded session of uh of among us and i'm dead immediately wow i hate it you hate to see it oh deary oh my a body has been found i saw who went that direction and i forget who the second one was where was it where was that where was the body right hand side in nav i think dan is safe because i feel like he would have outed himself as imposter right at the beginning i don't even know what i'm doing and you're doing it so well that that's the excuse that people use that is the uh the deflection that people use when they're new players okay in that area do we have anything to go on oh do we i saw jaden for a second and of course that's why because they're dead um and me and alpha were together at o2 that's all i saw i was always wrapped in alphabet i believe in electrical i was with jack in o2 okay somebody was with me in electrical adornment and it was me because you killed me alana this double kill was fresh because the round was pretty new yeah i think someone killed and went into nav i think i know who it is and it's not because of jayden on the right side of the map but it's because ethan is dead on the left side of the map oh i know what's on the left side because i passed him on my way over to admin aaron saw me an admin he can confirm that i was there and not doing anything suspicious but i saw ethan head to the left side of the map where chara was yeah i was literally i'm going to do this i'll vote on it yeah yes i voted for ross because frankly i've never trusted him fair fair i think so this is the first time yourself dan has played and i don't i don't think it was a good [ __ ] i don't think it was explained to him at all how the how the game is played or what to do um so this is going to be very interesting for for for a one dan avadan oh my little friend my boy guy oh god dustin this is gonna be great for you because you don't have to edit down a four hour stream it's gonna be only like an hour maybe a two hour recording and you could zoom in on my full whole [ __ ] face without losing resolution ross did you self-report because he voted you no i ran up to it with aaron okay so you both both saw that the other one wasn't the killer drumsy was pointing a lot of fingers i was on the cameras that's i would be too if i didn't have tasks i'm voting for you no i was on the cameras you could see the blinking light the whole round i promise you alpha sought you saw the blinking light you walked near nav yeah does that mean you're not the imposter well because i've been on the camera the whole round i would too if i had no tasks yeah i would do it oh come on guys don't do me dirty i think it's drunk dude why would i accuse my other empire i just saw ross there yeah we we walked up on the body together okay at the same time i'm sort of distracted by other [ __ ] oh okay just got to finish my task that's all i've got to do just finish my task like the good good boy that i am and i am such a good boy don't you think so don't you think that i'm a good boy i think so awesome who ah it is ross and alana ross can never be trusted dan was right he said right off the bat to not trust ross damn dawg that's crazy wow [Laughter] and then super calmly said okay i found a body in the reactor [Laughter] alana coming into electrical being like i saw somebody else in electrical oh was it my dead body alana no it actually was someone else but i did also about it yeah i'm so sorry yeah whatever okay how do i kill just kidding i don't think he is kidding here's the thing i don't think he is kidding let's do this for a million years okay sean why are you just standing there that was weird i didn't like that oh oh oh no oh med bay let's do med but why not all right immediately a little sausage dan for saying that and i'm also a little sean for him just standing there why was he just standing there like that it's weird oh no the oxygen jaden would you like to explain to me why you were hanging out in the lower left engine and their body right in front of security oh i wanted to see if anyone would pop out of the vent that's honestly a really good defense yeah it's not a bad strategy i don't know john at the beginning of the round you were just standing in an admin over in the corner what was that about yeah i was trying to see if people were doing the thing and then the bar was all confusing because everybody was doing things at the same time goddammit i got no information out of that yes i will say i was at the vent a long time and i didn't see anyone else there so they had to have come from the top okay well i'm cess on jaden uh keep that in mind i'm doing my duty as a crewmate i never trust australians anyway well your duty as a crewmate is to do your task jayden not necessarily watch for the event i can do that too okay uh let's go to nav get all that done no alana scares me a little bit to be if i can be completely honest with you and am i right to have that mindset i might be right to have that mindset actually okey-dokey okay let's go uh sean i saw you were watching me do the navigation test did you see the bar go up yes oh your bar billies i don't i didn't see the bar go up but i'm ross and sean period i think i'm sure that you're fine because you did the download the exact same amount of time as i did yeah and that's a bit weird the body right yeah yeah um i saw i was in security on cams lights go off and then i go to lights and there is a body right in front of electrical okay well it definitely can't be rocks then or even well yeah it wasn't me because i was already in a electrical standing on the vent that's a solid alibi i kind of want to just let this one ride but all arrows are pointing i don't think she would confess to that if it were i don't think so either this is a tough one maybe she knows that you would think that why would i go into electric be on the vent go down kill and then go back to the event i should just stay on the just throw off everyone's trail i trust jayden that's all i'm saying i don't trust you i think ross and sean are suss because they're defending each other yeah because we're on the opposite side of the map each other i don't think that they could be the imposters because they were in o2 with me and they would have they would have killed rumsey what were you up to so i did the card swiping admin aaron saw me and then i left towards cafeteria you're on cameras the bar did go up because i was one of the guy again and alpha saw me leave and go up these are facts wait who's on cams i was on camps i saw you and ross actually in the right together okay but i don't know how long that body was there i will say that okay um so jaden and aaron maybe no i don't think aaron would turn on jayden so quick i honestly don't think aaron trying to do it he turned on me and ross yeah he turned him into a figure here's the thing if aaron dies next round the imposter is trying to kill aaron to bring a sus on us i think it's probably aaron though because i haven't seen aaron that's ridiculous all right it's ross and sean period okay it's aaron oh god i don't think period with a t why do you think that jade i think it might be i don't know just the vents told me have the lights been fixed they have been fixed okay i'm almost done with my oh didn't get away from me report okay okay i found uh i found sean's body in electrical and i don't know aaron if you came out of electrical but you were coming from that holloway care to explain where you were aaron please uh uh what was your pathing i i ran in this i went left and then i went down and then i went right i don't go on electrical those are all real with all my [ __ ] i can we talk about aaron's whereabouts what was that aaron i was just i was just saying that ross is still alive i think that uh well it's kind of weird that uh sean seemed to have confirmed me and now he's dead i think i i think we should vote for erin yeah come on man yeah yeah that's really crazy that's really crazy when you're the imposter and you just let ross say it's aaron that's crazy how that works yeah that's crazy there he goes okay damn it oh you're very thus aaron but but what was he doing you know what was he doing who is it the imposters are playing a good game this round please get the other one somebody somebody please jaden please don't kill me jane's the imposter isn't she okay good whoa gosh ding dong that was and then immediately reported it and i was dead in a hallway and nobody suspected a thing wow you guys are really good imposters you shouldn't have been paired together it's all about keeping a calm voice and letting everybody else do the job for you that's true well i got a show to do and i have to be bombastic by nature so understand what's against me yeah completely by failing as a youtuber more than anything i will guard you with my life this next round thank you you know the important thing is that we had fun if i am a problem i'm killing you [Laughter] oh good thing i'm a crewmate then immediately sus immediately suspicious all right all right all right i'm gonna do these wires real quick right here all right all right nobody's got the boss to kill me right here it's too out in the open two on the old pun uh reactor let's do electrical and [Laughter] oh my god i know who it is again who is it but you have to listen to me this time it's alana again hey what i'm a med baby okay oh well you can smoke okay i last saw ross in electrical how else would i know that it's in there unless it was me that killed him but [ __ ] i shouldn't even said that anyways alana was the last person to walk in there when i was leaving dan was that used for me yeah i'm kind of upset along with getting voted out because i was trying to kill dan that entire round [Laughter] what were you laughing at i i was i was just trying to figure out where i was going and i was getting followed everywhere listen all i'm saying is i didn't think you could find us that boss okay so all right oh no there it is baby wait so is it out is it alpha or or what because because alpha did alpha did say but you know it's one of those things where it's like you wouldn't but then you would because reverse psychology and such you know nobody's going over to o2 come on gamers what's up with that [Music] okay a lot of people hanging out over here a lot of people hanging out it's like everybody's over here on the on the left or the right it's like weird just a little weird hey calm something sabotaged dan dan dan why don't you know how to got sabotaged and giggled mind you those are those aren't giggles of happiness they're giggles of like maniacal evil they all watched it happen i will dan was say the last one the only one who skipped last around two wait dan what's your defense i'm gonna defer i'm gonna uh well good job you're going to jail [Laughter] it was just so it was just so funny because like i was trying to get i was trying to get away from everyone so i could kill someone but so many people were trying to protect me that they kept it i was following you when i was dead that whole round just being like what you doing buddy what's the plan here dan do you know how to assign mute to a to a hotkey uh no okay okay go to the little cog by your name in user settings it says user settings and then go to keybinds oh wait hold please this is already beyond the scope of what i'm capable of okay you found keybinds i can't even find discord just uh just alt tab until you find discord oh tab i got it i get all tab was the key cool i did it okay go to go to the little cog by your name on the bottom left user settings and then go to keybinds and then press add a keybind up on the top right got it and then on the action thing find where it says toggle mute excellent select that and then next to it it'll say keybind and then you press edit keybind and then you make it whatever you want so like my toggle mute is five so you can just put it to any key that you want i would just not put it to a key that you press along put it on [Laughter] how's this you did it wrong perfect the point is that we had fun we got to figure this out okay go back to your keyboard thing show us your mute okay i don't think it's working i haven't done it yet okay okay now you press it again and then you're on yeah oh that was funny that was good stuff what a lovely what a lovely soul a lovely soul guys i am getting those electrical swipes getting them good sean septic man making me a little anxious so speedy very speedy i just came into frame where was everybody dan hey everyone [Laughter] all right so i went i was in admin and sean and i were pretty much together the whole time i was an admin and then i went down into storage and uh yep it was in storage by the by the gas can tell you the name of the place because i don't know what it was but ross you just passed me where am i i'm doing the leaf thing oh you're an o2 so i appreciate it sorry i wasn't looking i was on cam sorry someone saw me on cams who was that yeah who is the cutie on cams me and jaden okay oh where's the body storage storage okay left side who saw it i didn't oh ethan right so like who's been in storage asking for a friend i mean me and ethan but we've been i've been in together the whole time drumsy what was your path uh so went to med bay turned on the 62nd countdown and then went through cafeteria to the top right and ross saw me yeah you you looked at me and then ran left what were you why were you i just didn't want to like i didn't want to stand close to you in case you were there i'm going to be a good crewmate and i posted a detailed map in general on discord if you knew one people oh it shows how all the vents connect and where the cameras show oh you're the killer aren't you you're just trying to make us happy with kindness what can i say these are the vents i'm gonna kill you with definitely something a murderer would do you're all the rest it's like a boss fight right here are all the resources to figure me out all right all right you forgot to eat you're back here later though because the killer's going to return to the scene yeah i agree that's understandable aaron yeah well i do not fault you for helping us all out yeah yeah i understand all right everybody keep your papers peeled and uh keep your uh keep your dicks wet or whatever i'm gonna be mute [Laughter] uh i'm gonna do much of these things gonna do much of these download i'm gonna take 23 hours that's okay we got time you know we got time we got time okay let's do this okay let's do that let's come down here and let's fix these lights real quick there we go fix the lights good good good good good good i'm being a good boy doing my good boy tasks if anybody kills me that's a sin and i will not oh boy oh boy oh caught your red-handed aaron was in electrical the the lights went out i turned him back on and then drumsy came in aaron came in right behind me or right behind aaron uh wait no drumsy came in aaron came in right behind drumsy i left and then i went back up i saw aaron kill drumsy and then he vented i like the confusion conviction yeah hey dan are you the imposter i don't know [Laughter] i trust him okay uh okay yep well that that so that's what happened okay well it couldn't have been elena for this kill because she was in the hallway well it's because it was aaron is why it couldn't be here that's that's very true too actually yes yes i was on the admin table and i saw three people then twos and three then two very uncool eric he was actually a bad guy or he was just guys say i don't know because they had the grumps as imposters maybe maybe there's possibility there's a possibility i got an email from my accountant murdered bro and that's my song i hope that you enjoyed it oh no oh no oh no oh no dan oh no damn dan please please the love of god dan dan i'm a little afraid i'm a little afraid boy do i have anything in here yes i do dude i'm so good at this game getting all my tasks done i got aaron red handed or shall i say blue handed dan get away from me i think it's dead i'm gonna i'm gonna ping the emergency button hello hello maybe time somebody did that yeah i've called this meeting today because we know that aaron uh is deceased because he's an imposter and i called him out uh now i would like to toss a question to dan dan what have you been doing this round i've been running around i can actually vouch for that yeah we come and run past multiple times yes the council but what what tasks have you been can run around you can do tasks all right i voted for dan because there was a couple there was a couple of times here's why i think he sucks because there was a couple times where dan and i crossed paths and he was going one way and then he turned around to try and come and get me and then somebody else would come in the room and then he would go back again just now in the cafeteria i was doing wires and dan came to go and get me i'm assuming and then i started running away and then he turned away again so i'm just i can i can confirm with like 99 certainty it's not alpha ross me or ethan so if it's not dan i'm fine to kill alana i i will say hey i saw i saw dan vent why did you just mention this now because do you remember that dan venting is like expressing my feelings in a wrong way yes yes how are you feeling i'm all right yeah he's feeling venti yeah i'll be honest that was a shot in the dark i was just hoping he'd say oh darn it you got me let's play fan based on that no well well you know oh fun okay chasing you i wanted you to kill me [Laughter] i knew i probably wasn't doing well when ali texted me the map on my phone i knew it i knew it i knew it dan report my body i don't think he knows how and listen dan what are you doing dan oh no i think he thinks that he has to go and press the button oh i think he thinks no he must oh he's the imposter dan dan why you do wow that's so sad oh oh someone left a drumsy in admin was that jaden on cam uh that was me actually okay in front of the cam jayden was technically on campus i just so aaron alana and drumsy were in nav and jaden jaden was on cam's looking uh herself in the reflection um aaron was kind of hovering around and then alana went down i think i did shields um but drumsy also went that direction and now he's dead right before me yeah and then i went to electrical and then i ran up to uh security and that's when i went yeah well you know what nobody asked you ross ross acting kind of suss right now he is okay i also think aaron is acting weird with his music yeah i think that's bombastic internet funny man nonsense are you here are you voting for content what no i just that's my thing i just vote really quickly for like no reason to confirm that i do that i don't know why are we voting i skipped it's me i'm just quirky i frame people for murder [Music] not saying anything all right just gotta try and do my tasks complete all of my chores that mommy has set out for me and if i don't her daddy's going to be mad when he gets okay [ __ ] hate myself i hate myself i love it when the wires are like this can i just say i love it someone killed him right on oxygen yeah me and john walked on it uh in the upper o2 not not the admin one okay so it's not me alana shawn or ross yes have you cleared ross i know it's not you oh wait no it's not ross i was just so sean and i were kind of following each other and then alana was in storage so unless it's not well but two people are dead actually yeah if you are to be believed then it's ross and dan in my opinion why isn't it you yeah why isn't it you are i didn't do it but he didn't wait was going off alana was coming up from storage it kind of looked like she just joined us for the sake of joining us well i i just called admin to do the o2 and then waited until i cleared that jaden had done it all right i want everyone to know that the good job that i've been doing on this ship as a crew member okay i went menu that they have and i had to upload it to admin so that everyone could get it on their little tablets and know what's for lunch today oh my god thank you hey then i i didn't read it i just saw the truth of your transformation [Music] i think it's aaron ross or alanna i don't know why he's suspecting me when i've been doing such a good job all around i i placed you with drumsy last and that's the only reason and then you okay i'm actually nobody putting the finger on dan i haven't seen dan once this whole [ __ ] game and he hasn't said anything it's true because he's a nice puppy dog and i don't want to i don't think i will ever put the blame on dan unless he murders someone in front of me again i wanted him to actually kill me last time [Laughter] oh my gosh what that was really good that was sweet that was good stuff once again i stumble ass backwards into victory [Music] foreign
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 345,242
Rating: 4.9881101 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, among us, among us funny moments, among us memes, among us all kill animations, among us gameplay, among us live, among us funny, among us imposter, among us impostor, funny moments, among us game, among us best imposter, imposter, among us with friends, among, us, among us twitch, crewmate, among us how to play, Among us kill animations
Id: MuKp4Sk_8-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 33sec (1893 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 19 2020
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