Stunning Stones Secretly Shining All Around My Toes #rockhounding #hiddengems

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone it's my channel Rock mom welcome to my rockhounding channel it's spring the floods are coming it's going to be probably 65 today and the river is rising so I'm going to try to take advantage of a couple of the last days maybe that I can get some rock hunting in before the all the snow melt happens and all the gravel it's covered for like two months and I'll go find rocks in the desert all right so come along and let's see if we can find anything cool today tell the river is going up because it's so muddy so muddy and I have to cross this and it's very cold Icy snow melt water well my Beaver friend has been busy wow my Beaver friends living somewhere in here I think okay that's oh that's cold not too deep but I'm mean deep enough to that mud that mud makes you sink a little bit oh gosh okay all right okay that's cold that is cold okay at least that deep hey just walking through some brush here get around another little Crossing okay as long as the Sun keeps peeping out just a little bit I'll be fine I'll warm up and I'm starting to see gravel and when the floods come in they'll really Expos more of this gravel cuz right now you kind of have to get down pretty low to see some of these some of these agots popping out which are small little ones but it will Ex it will clean off and expose a lot of this stuff this might be my first agot of the day it is I love when they're dark like that with nice quartz pocket here are some of my favorites to find pretty good pretty good size pretty solid okay I can see a colorful either agot or agatized piece of wood can't tell from here but wondering if you can see it I think it's agatized wood you can see that oh yeah that's that's pretty agatized piece of wood look at that so Jimmy he let's this looks like it was fractured at some point but oh that's so pretty but look at the Colors oh I'm loving that a little bit of a storm coming in like the winds are coming in not necessarily like a rainstorm right now but I want a rainstorm to come in because I like it like it to give the Rocks a shower a little little power wash on nice little fortification agot like [Music] this crazy Jasper well look at the pattern on [Music] here that almost looks like a fossilized bone or something interesting okay I can see a darker agot it's a little bit little bit tricky way the light is but let's spray that off a that's so pretty way that catches the light dendritic agot okay wondering if you can see the fossilized coral pretty cool now that is a chunk of agatized wood if you can see that sticking out over here look at this look at that look at that beauty wow wow that is awesome holy moly Hoy that is beautiful and the wood color just never stops amazing me awesome petrified wood looks like some type of wood Burl maybe petrified really don't know what this is but some kind of Agy Rock it's has some great pattern in it so going to keep it it's pretty solid taking that okay that just that just looks nice dry before I even wet it I mean it's that's just beautiful agatized something oh my goodness look at that wow definitely looks like some kind of petrified Palm so I see these long columns maybe some tubes at the top or the openings of the tubes to bring the water up okay I'm about to spray this Jasper off oh look at that wow wow all that is that's one for the backpack that's worth taking oo oh that's great can clean that off a little bit and show you how nice that is a this looks like another one right here look at this it's another good one let's look at this lovely yellow wood it's great he see green Jasper that looks pretty solid like it's got a lot of like it's like almost like a green caldy some translucent properties some red in there yellow pastel colors okay this looks very blue without even spring it it's like a limb cast so it's it's like filled in probably some petrified wood but that is that is gorgeous I love limb casts look at that oh I see nice looking agot with some banding on it some bluish color look at that oh my goodness that is so pretty there's another OT laying right right next to it here but I really like this one oh boy oh my goodness wow what a face what a face oh and this looks like just a just a Montana agot I mean I a dendritic agot I really can't take it after I just found the other one oh I love that this is another piece of Kel sney trying to be very Agy [Music] I did this limb cast so once probably a branch on a on a tree it's now agatized this one's sticking out oh yeah some nice color on that that is small but so blue so blue look at that hematite that iron hematite running through this Jasper makes for very colorful polishing this Jasper stromatal oh that's really really pretty that is really nice stromatal light okay then let's rain this off a little bit because it's looks like a petrified limb cast or agatized wood look at all that green in there this is another pie piece trying to be a Jasper here or a Jasper agot least has a little bit more color in it and the last one I found okay look like some petrified wood oh look at look at that little quartz pocket well that's unique okay I think I nailed it right before the floods right before the snow belt floods oh that was a great day Rock hounding I hope you guys enjoyed the hunt as well we'll see you on the next one rock on
Channel: Montana Rock Mom
Views: 192,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agate rockhounding, finding valuable rocks, how to find agates, how to find jasper, river rock hunting, stunning stones, valuable river rocks, valuable rocks, montana, rocks, rockhounding, yellowstone river, agatized wood, montana rockhounding, yellowstone river rockhounding, valuable rocks in your backyard
Id: e6ytcSQBzek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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