How I found my biggest amount of gold in the California desert. GPAA Claim Cajon Summit / Crystal.

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oh man all right hey good morning everybody well guess what it's coffee first this is my first time back to to the summit claims uh I don't know how long it's been feels like feels like a full year but I think it's really just been the most of the winter I'm going to rip up this mountain today and see what I can get coffee yeah all right everybody so this is my dry washer I have a uh Keen uh dw12 um I use solar connectors for my wires cuz they're waterproof not that you can run water with a freaking drywasher but I also use them for my wet plants now I'm plugged in power so how I set up is I uh level the back sitting in an old spot um I'm leaning too far forward so basically with the puffer machine all I got to do is level out the base I've got three three adjustment holes for the box and then we have uh multiple adjustments for the hopper box depending how fast you want to run your material right now I got to level out the box so I'm going to just throw some tailing down there hopefully I can get enough enough tailing love this bad boy out cuz today we're going to find a lot of gold today I've moved some big boulders already ready and uh you know what they say big rock big gold gold is where you find it all right so there's my pay dirt I'm going to pick this up pile me some dirt under there just that there close enough for me right now as I get some more of my tailings we're going to do that so that's how I set it up nice [Music] [Music] there's my spot I was digging this morning I still have some dirt I'm going to run later but about two years ago I found gold here and a friend of mine found gold there um there's a trend that happens here so what I found there is on one side I'd have hardly any gravel and on this side I have a lot more gravel obviously because um that's what shows up that's why I really like this pick right here when you pick it into the ground and it hits the gravel bars it makes a distinctive sound so it actually gives you an indicator that you're slicing into a nice piece of material otherwise it just kind of slides in like a butter knife and anyway uh here I'm prepping so I'm uh I don't know I'm up here I don't remember how high so what I'm going to do is I'm going to run this stuff up here through the drywasher cuz I carried it up and uh show you some gold that we found out of here I'm trying to chase the what we're calling the trend of the gravel line so it obviously flows across like in a load line like this and like that probably up and over cuz the boulders shoot directly straight up this mountain and then there's another path uh another section over there that is very similar and there's one more over there so there's like there's three of them that go up and down these mountains and then of course people dig in the anyway I tell you what enough uh rambling on let me set this bad boy up right [Music] here and uh we're going to run some dirt [Music] all right all right everybody all right one thing I forgot last time I usually use a bun to prop up my Hopper box that way it's kind of hand free I'm doing a clean out on an up or upper part that I worked uh I worked this spot about 2 years ago found some some pretty good gold it was one of my spots where I was doing some metal detecting and I actually they found a really tiny tiny piece like a picker with my uh gold monster that's in one of my other videos I think I watch videos back I think it's just in a photograph somewhere but uh right now I'm going to check this spot and then I'm going to draw a straight line from where I'm getting gold down there to where I'm getting gold up here I'm going to do a straight line and I'm going to dig that I'm going to focus on that channel that's what I think I'm going to do as far as right now so let's go pan this out and see what we got [Music] okay everybody I've done quite a few clean out so far I still have a tailing pile here I'm going to run all my tailing piles one time after I'm finished with my uh dig of running so uh if you remember I did a I did a run from up there I found some great gold up there I did some work here this morning by this bush so I took I took a run from this side and I took a run from this side this side had very little gold this side is the side that I actually showed everybody because it had two nice size pieces for this clim and then uh so what I did uh you can call me crazy but I've got here's my tailing pile it's coming from up here filled in some big old holes I moved all these Boulders today man it's good to work out but what I figured out is from the section I found there and the section that I found right there I'm going to draw or I've already done it a straight line and I'm just going to channel and take all the gold before anybody else does happy pants everybody I love this claim all right look who we found we found ourselves a friend right here on lizard Hill there he is he's really pretty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right everybody this was such a great day did a lot of work moved a lot of dirt if you can't tell by what we're looking at there was a lot of Hill hiking and moving Boulders and rocks and guess what there's a lot of gold that came out of here heavy pans [Music] everybody all right everybody I'm running the got probably two gallons of cleanout from the dry washer on Sunday at lizard Hill there's a piece lingering right there I can see it I know you can um anyway can't wait to see what I got for 2 and 1/2 hours or three I can't remember what it was yeah 6:30 to 10 it's [Music] [Music] oh yeah there it is [Music]
Channel: One Day Off Prospecting
Views: 2,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BUWC1E37ggg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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