This Bugatti Engine Has a Top Speed That you Won't Believe

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it's a beautiful day but we're not in havu we're in the middle of nowhere so uh we're headed for court site if we can ever get there I talked Brad into hitchhiking like like hippies and uh I don't know if a car would come by we could put our thumb up but we're in the wrong side of the road I haven't seen anybody for hours but uh we're going to work on catching us a ride down to Courtside we made it to here through one ride but they didn't want us filming so we didn't film with them maybe we can film with this second ride and uh we'll show you what we're going to do Brad how do you ever expect to catch a ride if you don't have your thumb up I will one of those cars um sign says P site 21 miles good thing we're not going to Yuma right stoop well if there was more traffic on this road it looks like all the traffic's going the other way yeah we could definitely get a ride the other direction yeah everybody trying to get out of court site push you who hey we got a stopper this Van's stopping check this out heck yeah dang hey it's a girl in a van what's up y'all well we're we're trying to get to court site that's where I'm heading well heck yeah if you can give us a ride that'd be awesome that would be awesome I need the company cool oh boy let's get in right on what's your name I'm summer nice to meet summer I'm Merlin this is Brad Merlin and uh we're uh we're just Trucking trying to uh get down to the uh down to the impound yard to buy a car really really why are you going look at this van dude this van is cool this is a clunker too a clunker yeah this thing is awesome well it's better than what we have can't roll the window down good thing I you guys I I'm like does the door handle work I like I feel like I'm in a teana taxi right now it was better than the shoa Bakers better than the shoter Bakers on your lames we're lucky we have AC oh yeah AC's good in the desert he than spam [Music] well we've made our destination thank you for the ride summer you're very welcome and uh you have a good day out there State Journeys and uh we're going to go get our piece of junk here and see if we can get back to [Music] havu all righty we've made it here to court site to Everett Towing and uh check this thing out look at the bullhorns look at the bullhorns on this you got to see the sign what does it say Crown hicoria crown Victoria I love [Music] it this thing is sweet so anyway ever's Towing been in business forever down here and uh we're trying to purchase a car out of their impound yard so this is their their shop and their main tow yard with Mark Mark who are you related to in this operation how do you run this program let me let me know what's going on here I am the oldest grandson of Everett Everett is the owner that started this back in 1979 with my grandmother Janette she still works in the office and I in the process of trying to take over and run the business so that my grandpa's Legacy lives on for another few decades at least so you guys have two two tow operations right right we got this one here in Courtside and then we got another impound yard out on vickburg road okay Vicksburg Road cool so uh yeah Mark's a fan of the channel and uh I I met one of his tow truck drivers uh Glenn love and that's kind of how I first found out you know I I knew about Everett Towing cuz I mean if you're local to this desert area you know about Everett Towing but um they're always hitting me up for some of these uh basically projects that are probably going to The Crusher and seeing if I'm interested at all but anyway they come across something cool the other day and uh I managed to make a deal on it and they saved it for me and we're going to go check it out um after we take our tour of the yard so this is a what what kind of shop do you run here I mean obviously you do mechanic work here you have a mechanic on duty we have three at at the current moment once summer actually hits and all the snowbirds kind of leave it might drop down one or two but uh yeah we got three mechanics three Bays we do anything and everything except for RVs and big diesels um they don't really have the facility for that right but and towing yeah obviously Towing you can tow them in and fix them and send them on their way we're the oldest shop in town oldest company um so are there other repair shops in yep there's P site one other actual repair shop and then there's a tire shop on on the other end of town that does both they kind of dabble in a little B Tire and repair yep well this is pretty cool so this is this is kind of off the beaten path a little bit what is this road that runs out here this is Plymouth so this is Plymouth Street so we're over off of Plymouth Street in court site if you ever broke down in the area you want to stop in and say hi to Mark cheer cheer him on for taking this project on and or if you break down on the highway give us a call yeah you break down anywhere in the area they'll send the flat bed out and pick you up so pretty cool class SE we can we can SE with the big red over there see yeah I see that that's the one Glenn likes to drive huh that's Glenn's baby that's I knew that was Glenn's baby cuz uh he's talked about that quite a bit cool well we're just going to check around and uh see what you got going on here and then we'll go see what we purchased here it's a fine machine let me tell you [Music] so these are the Pearly Gates yes sir we're going through the Pearly Gates dude you got another four-wheel drive what's the Cadillac so I had gotten that what the hell Mark you're holding now and you got a Jaguar I'll sell it to 800 bucks a Jaguar got a V8 for $800 what is it got V8 Chevy no it's got a V8 Jaguar oh I think I'm gonna be sick dude you got a Country Squire wagon that is mine yes sir dude I I grew up in a wagon just like that that was green with wood there's nothing cooler than an old massive wagon that goes fast I don't know that van was pretty [Music] cool Brad he's still talking about his ride this morning was awesome with with summer so uh ooh small block Chevy so the story on this was uh and old questionable fell around town used to run this thing and had run-ins with the law a few times they finally got tired of him ran him up to the jail the car ended up at a buddy of ours Scrapper Dave and I told him man I want that car I want that car we worked a deal that gave it to me when we first looked at it the engine bay was complete by the time he let me have it it's how it now they've Y yarded and parted so I took a couple things out of it and I gave it to Matt and Matt is making a bigger monster than I ever would have made out of it but it's going to be cool yeah it's pretty cool pretty cool old Cadillac 4x4 love it it's on well you got a Willies monster truck back here too what the heck you're holding out on me Mark you're hiding all the good stuff hey I told you about that no you showed me a picture of it I think you showed me a picture of it it's a cab literally ratchet trapped to a chassis to a Blazer chassis yeah you need to get this going mark this this needs to be moved up your list this is pretty cool my girlfriend says the same thing she's dying to get in this thing it needs to be moved up your list well guys what do you think this is this is what we've come here for I don't even know I'm just going to leave it right there you let me know in the comments what you think of this we're going to try to get it to run and I don't know I think me and Brad are going to try to drive it back to havu if it'll run not sure what all this is down in here let's look oh it has a clock and the clock is working oh there's a gas tank up there still sideways I don't know what this is this is some kind of an Tani ey some kind of anten it's got a locking gas cap we'll have to deal with that yeah tires are a little rock but they'll be all right it's not like little motorcycle fenders on it um steering's kind of hooked up I think it'll [Music] uh I don't know what that is that's the parking brake yeah I guess that's the parking [Music] brake very interesting anyway we're going to uh start whittling on this thing and see if we can get it running and maybe try to make it back to hav a ah Brad he's going to be so mad we're going to be broke down the whole way I love it I just H you can't even make stuff like this up it's just good [Music] okay so this thing I don't really see a trunk Brad made a crazy observation it has a Volkswagen engine but Brad is really Disturbed on why it has a thermometer and a radiator that is an actual radiator yeah it's it's not just for looking it's it's radiator yeah I wonder what it's hooked to I don't know I do not know there is some room up in there but I think if it gets up in there it's lost like it's gone what is this what's all this Christmas decoration that clock works we better save that dude that's kind of a cool clock yeah what does it say oh dude it tells us when high tide is oh yeah what is that thing that metal thing we don't need that we can take that out I don't know we don't know what we need yet dude the pedal feels like I don't know we might have to check the fluid in that's good cuz there's no e bra well I think there's one on this side there's a spare washer we may need that later somehow we got to get to this engine I don't know how this thing comes off these are fake rivets in fiberglass so 1927 Bugatti oh he gave me a key he says this key kind of works the thing a [Music] little oh it does work [Music] actually that's funny okay well the seats a little bit ripped up but we're going to try to figure out how to get this off this thing is I don't know it's got a broken bolt or [Music] something we're have to get up inside there and hold it or something I don't know tail cone so when we're broke down on the side of the road and I say hey Brad get could you get the tail cone off the tail cone it's got a tail cone what else would it be what is it it's a tail cone [Music] try [Music] it this thing off it's off fiberglass working the vaults wagon this lines definitely question where's the where's the other fuel line it's right here is it o it's kind of sketchy looking it's kind of way sketchy looking throttle stuck halfway open no spraying that's kind of a spraying what's the oil look like Bradley what do you got look horrible it's a little low but no it's good it's good now it's good well it looks like it's probably a little 1,500 or something that ought to get us about 10 m hour what all the tires what is this oh that's the wires to the lights to the light all right well let's have a look here battery you think we have any battery what are the chances of the battery being [Music] up SMS good [Music] huh woo sounds like it don't have no compression sounds like it's it's just a wing in the motor wing wing wing wing wing wing wing no compression hold your hand over that tail pipe what do you got tailpipe there tailpipe yeah pumping air out M huh well I think we need to deal with these fuel lines [Music] [Music] she don't have much compression I've never heard a Volkswagen Wing that hard unless it's a 6vt and it's running on 110 I don't know well in our evaluation of our current situation what we've decided is uh it's Volkswagen through and through it's 1966 Volkswagen it's Bugatti Volkswagen which makes it even worse Bugatti the infamous Bugatti dude I got adjustable Windows over here if you laid those down that's probably worth a couple miles an hour okay so I'm guessing there's probably no fuel in that tank can you reach it to thunk thunk on it o that SC over just tap on it that sounds pretty empty that's promising yeah that's very promising and it doesn't really stink right no it smells like good gas well I don't think we have a key for this cap so I don't know that I really want to put it on in fact maybe we'll take it apart and pull the tumbler out of it um let's dump a little bit of gas in it get the key and see if it'll [Music] fire all we got to do is get gas here we got to get we got to get gas going to it gas and we roll I think we got us I think we got us a way back to hav woo all it all it is is thirsty well let me uh I got to get this line off I either need to blow back through try it that way I'll tell you what I hear well I I the problem is getting a line off this hose isn't the right stuff and if I try find some hey never mind feel is terrible we need to get a gallon we need to get a at go ahead and fill it up actually hold on let's get a let's get a quart of ATL see if they got a quart of ATL you want to put in the tank yeah I do I want to put it right in the tank and then we'll dump the the fuel in and fill it that's a good sign the engine fired it doesn't sound like it's knocking sounds like it runs on all four cylinders all I did was just dump a little fuel down the throat so now we're going to get this fuel system figured out the fuel is really nasty yellow so what we're going to do is put um some ATF in it so it doesn't stick the valves I just don't want to stick the valves on it so other than that I think this old girl is going to make it to have a sup it looks pretty good I don't know what all this wiring is here and uh we probably need to check the brake fluid but uh otherwise I think we're pretty good so I'm going to get in there and check the brake fluid Brad's got some uh ATF coming he'll put the rest of the fuel in we'll pull it up to the shop and air the tires up I see no reason not to hit the road for havu let me know what you think if we're going to [Music] make I'm going tear this thing apart back of this here little car we'll bring everybody in close here we'll give them a closeup of the carburetor so Brad he's cleaning the oil out of the toolbox I set the oil bath air filter on the tool bag and it filled it up with oil Brand New Bag Brand New Bag like I just barely just barely put that together for this trip special for this trip and this little car said nope not having it it's got fuel in it and I didn't bring no Rags so we have one rag we're using that's going to be our gas cap that we found literally [Music] so this is the idle Jet here but I think we're more plugged up than just the idle [Music] Jet and the idle Jet seems to be free looks good she's got a little gum in the bottom little bit of [Music] gum all right we are going to put the carburetor back on and then we'll run it again see if we can get the fuel up to the [Music] carburetor yeah we're preheating right now that's what the guy up front said we're preheating to run uh the rest of the uh snowbirds out of Arizona cuz it'll be 120° here in another 30 days get her done I want see if I can get it TI okay go ahead and start it [Music] yeah man it just shuts off go ahead [Music] [Music] ahead have plugged idle circuit somehow ke [Music] off a drill it or something [Music] that was good with the J out yeah [Applause] that's the first time we had that problem having to get up to go shut it off that's a good problem to have that's are idles jet we'll go see if we can unplug these so we got a main jet Idle Jet and I think both of them have got a little bit of blockage we're going to go put our tail tone back on not a nose it's tail Bugatti the American dream the Bugatti this is what is this is this French they're originally made in Germany now it's French I don't know look it up let me know what you think it is is it German is it French Austrian I don't know it's idling it doesn't run real great but it runs good enough I think we can put some air in the tires and head towards havit I don't think that works going to town now it out yep bit of break flu oh we got everything you need what flavor do three and a half 3.5 yeah that'll work and then uh we need to adjust the clutch Brad yeah all right so what do you what do you give our chances of making it 100% 100% yeah cuz it's Volkswagen power it might take us a minute but it's going to we're going to get there we're no quitters how about you guys what what chance you give us being that you got it running as quick as you did it's going to you're pretty good yeah yeah I'm biased cuz I go I get to go tow you if not so we may see you again here in just a little bed yeah so uh yeah we're going to you know this brake line over here I got to show you guys this brake line we put brake fluid in it we steep down on it look at this brake line fix we got a hose clamp with a piece of wire got a hose clamp down here it's all good we're going to pretend we didn't see that cuz it could blow up right there that could could be where our leak develops but anyway let us know in the old comments what you think are we going to make it or are we going I mean we're going to make it either on a tow truck or drive it yeah 100% yeah so I mean at least we got a clock we can tell when high tide is like hey Brad it's high tide we thumbed it down here we can thumb it home we have too leave the title on the dash and thumb it back so we're going to hit the road and uh head for havu and take you to see some cool stuff along the way see you guys just got these okay first here boom we're moving almost lost the phone yeah I do that I do that from time to time yeah woo we're going to have to fix this vender over here is that rubbing on something I'm scared to put my finger on it the lift which way is uh make a right dud it's kind a throtle responding now I'm afraid you touch the bra we're missing it Brad dude this thing ain't got no brakes see going have no brakes hey brakes are optional on Volkswagens that's true Drive till you hit something right this shifter is terrible worst Volkswagen shifter I've ever encountered hey it's got oil pressure yeah take pressure all the gauges work I don't dare shut it off do not shut it [Music] off I shut it off there I shut it off hey Brad I'll get the windshield can you get [Music] mine yeah sure I'll get yours too thank you it was hard to see out those windshields are awesome I don't know guys this may have been like the worst decision of I don't know forever these these thank you industrial but these hats choice for this ride they catch air they do so we got these hats so that we would be out of the Sun but I think we're going to be wearing our uh our new free Everett hats um thank you Everett Towing Mark um but yeah we're uh dude this thing had a top on it it had a hard top on on it this nose cone it may have to get left in the desert too I don't know this this whole thing is it needs brake work I think we got one wheel braking and if if it comes down to it we can dump water in the brake system cuz water is the safe thing to put in your brake system if you ever run out of brake fluid you can put water in your brakes but we've got a leak on the front wheel over there the rears it sounds like you're throwing an anchor out when you step on the brake so there's metal on metal it doesn't feel like that it doesn't feel like that it doesn't feel like it has brakes but anyway we're going to go in here and get us a cold beverage and I want to wash my hands maybe and prepare for our journey are you prepared like what do we need jerky snacks drinks or something to drink as we sit on the road and wait for the tow truck I don't know gosh anyway way hope nobody steals that while we're inside I'd hate to have to call Hagerty and report it okay so audio just got interesting I dropped the camera and the microphone it broke let see if I can show you this whoa there it is right there broke that off so it is broken off in the uh Ich chingaso so we got no fluff fluff my daughter calls this fluff anyway so the audio is going to be messed up from here on out we do have a GoPro 360 we're going to mount on here we have some Drone footage we're going to do these louvers they're fake they're fake lers but anyway we're having an apple Danish and some Pringles Pringles we're going to try to find some food before we roll out of this area and uh we'll get back at you your guys pretty quiet you got a over here but I can't see a dang thing out of I'll just turn around and look for you if I if I lean in I kind of oh there's a car coming more importantly there's a red light yeah this is our road huh yes sir turn here we're turning we're turning we're turning speedometer works we're moving yeah that's second gear see that's third yeah 73 miles Brad 100% or no quitter or ties around a little we're just going faster through the black this Bender sounds like going to come off this one is coming off get your hand got in it how that doing now what you got going on over there the the vendor seems to be on the wrong side you're gonna have to come over here and get the vendor I'm gonna have to back up my vender my vend oh my goodness oh my goodness that that was priceless your Fender's upside down let me see if it'll back up terrible I don't think that one's any good anymore I don't think that one's this spring a little we stretched it just a little bit we tiny issue we ran our Fender over B thing is we sheared our brake line off BR what's that would you guys like a Bugatti Fender yeah would you like a souvenir well we uh well that was just a p yeah it did break it right there didn't it that bracket good thing is the the brakes uh I don't think the brakes were working on this wheel anyway it has the parking brake on it and I think they drove with the parking brake on I see yeah um doubt that the big Market I'm getting it you want some smaller ones I think I brought smaller ones I think I got her now I'm just getting her pinched over one more time I think we'll be good well we got pretty good flat spot here yeah you Brad he decided he's going to pull this Fender off we'll probably just leave him here yeah we were just getting up to speed when uh went sou yeah all hell broke loose i r the 51 Grand so oh yeah you know what all hell breaking loose is you know all about that okay well attempt number two will be rolling here shortly oh yeah Tire's got a horrible flat spot now I don't know what we lost but uh we lost our mind we've lost something okay look I think I saw I'm getting out of this thing yeah that's I want out it's happening I want out of this car we're losing our marbles Brad Brad's lost his marbles he's only got one marble left this car is so hard to get in and out of yeah I got a little brake fluid leaking here probably going to have to pinch that a little better um we stopped here to adjust the timing but we're probably going to have to fix the brakes cuz we got no brakes when that Fender came off it chopped the only brake line that was probably working and we're going to have to get it pinched off but I don't know we are uh going to adjust the timing on the car so I'll set you guys up right here see how long that lasts yeah we're just working on her yeah we'll probably work on it the rest of the trip yeah work on it all the way back to have a SE or so where you guys from California big bear thank you [Music] I'm going to put the Bonnet back on Brad he's working on our brake line we're trying to get it pinched off and then we'll be on the road all right here we go with more of that bad audio sorry I apologize now I broke the microphone anyway um Brad's got our brake line shut off feeling pretty good about them brakes now we're good yeah yeah he's he's good confident better than we were we were going to adjust the fronts but they welded this plate to hold the fender over the top of the adjuster did you see the speedometer cable I was talking about so this is the speedometer cable the speedometer actually works oh yeah and that's the speedometer cable coming out of the middle of the wheel so speedometer actually works pretty close to Accurate anyway we uh we backed the timing down a little bit so now we can kind of stuff our foot in it and we're going to head this way for a minute and then get off this busy road take you back country through the fields of Parker and then we're going up the California side this thing I'm telling you this thing you don't get in this you put it on like seriously like I have torn this here rubber molding this rubber molding right here I have torn this off a couple times will she start like a champ cars you're good [Music] think seem like a b yeah we're spilling all of our gas a little bit of gas we have so we stopped to show you guys some really cool stuff here old building pull up here and get us a picture of the old girl hey I F brakes if you think that feels like breaks Brad you got another thing coming that's the best we had all clear to the floor and nothing happen I want out I want out of this car oh my goodness we've been fighting a head win and a cross win and a side win and now we've turned but look at that ain't she a thing of beauty so yeah look at this place so what's the what's what the story behind this place there's like a there's like a story behind this Wyatt herb does that sound right the town's called her yeah cuz Wyatt her Wyatt her's family owned this and it's called her California and there is population maybe two over here in this house but yeah it's pretty much an abandoned little set setup here but this was like an old gas station so they had a a couple pumps over here um but uh they were old visible pumps they were bolted right here big old tall things but yeah they've been gone for probably 50 years but yeah kind of a cool uh kind of a cool old place watch for rattlesnakes it's not really hot enough for him to be hiding in here but you never know you never know yeah pretty cool there's an old uh pit here like full of cars over here that's where they uh basically would change the oil or whatever there's old leather shoe but uh yeah nothing but trash Dey this I guess was of the shop it looks like a garage but that would have been the shop and then I don't know this was probably some kind of little general store then on around here's the gas station so pretty cool [Music] well we've made it here to Parker Dam Parker Dam Brad Parker D without a problem yeah we can we'll be in Arizona as soon as we cross that Dam we're still in California but we'll be able to cross over this here uh River and head right on up beautiful Lake havu back there so Brad was uh just pointing out this is the deepest dam in the world when they they dug this Dam out they couldn't find bedrock and they just had to keep digging and I don't remember how far they dug but they went a long ways the Lake's only 80 ft deep but the dam goes down a long ways to hold all that sediment back but yeah what a beautiful place this is the uh Colorado River Parker Strip pretty awesome the little car is doing good we had something that was kind of making some noise not sure what it was developing underneath we heard but ah we're just going to keep going cuz our lunch spot is literally right over there so we're going to stop for lunch and then we're going to just kind of head on up the road tires are all cracked up they don't look good but we're just trying to ignore that um I don't know thing's just so cute it's the Freedom [Music] Express first fuel stop and I'm not sure we have to make it you think we could probably squeeze it to have a suit we're just in a bad spot if we can't yeah we'd be in a really bad spot on the highway with no brakes out of gas so we're going to put some gas in it just for the fun of it 87 that's why I was pinging [Music] IU we probably put some 91 in it be a lot better a whoa whoa whoa whoa apparently this fuel sweeps when you don't have it in there just right just below half tank that's where we rolled into let's say didn't evaporate out we'll just let it evaporate I think it needs some fuel filler work to say the least fuel filler I think the fuel filler's leaking it looks like they just welded something to the original see way up in there you can see it clear here it's coming right out of the yeah well the way that cap twists on like it's it's just all screwed up where that skinny neck goes into that first fat spot yep that's where it's coming out looks like it's welded to the original calf and then Twisted on yeah and it's coming out the top of that like there's a almost like there's a Rubber seal or something piece of Hose missing or something yeah yeah it needs a it needs a little filler neck work pretty hard to so yeah if you can get so what what you were doing when you had the can earlier is you had it past that point Y and I was feeling slow and yeah yeah well we'll we'll let it uh develop that bottle can go in the trash so we're going to get something to eat here at this station I don't know what they got but we're going to eat something and uh then we're going to motor on up the road see if we can make [Music] havu take our cameras and just go I mean what can go wrong [Music] I SC [Music] TI [Music] well we made it to havu well it's developing so we've made it into town the wind's still blowing like crazy and uh we've lost the tire we came around that turn back there and I don't know we've hit something it's starting to kind of separate right come apart if there's a nail in it she's uh she's in bad shape so I guess we're going to get to see if the spare is any good there's the spare Merin the spare is no good it's better than what we got over there see it roll I don't know how the hell we're going to pick it up that's the problem look at these wheels how cracked up they are they're so broken anyway they'll make it 4 miles four miles 4 miles an hour with no brakes that's all we need yeah that's all we need right that's all we got to go unbelievable we lost that tire at the last minute like we could get home we just need to get the car home right now well we could probably drive it on that but we're just going to make the rim worse and Travis is just right here so we'll we'll wait for Travis from Camel Towing to come and give us a hand and uh we'll get our spare on we didn't plan on using our spare but hey at least it's there does have air in it right yeah it's it's good actually of course it may come apart by the time we get home like you're on the road I'm like no going to hit us Travis what are you doing besides saving my day isn't it sweet 1927 Bugatti replica replica this guy doesn't just break Jack he bring the Jack I should have brought you a uh I should have brought you model and we could his Cho real quick yeah I know right it's model a uh Model A wheels on this thing Miner forite to here and this is where the flat yeah with the wind no it's 136 yeah that's just all I had was a 78 yeah right it's just trying to slide well you don't need to worry about us we don't even have brakes like we don't even have brakes Travis we uh lost our brakes FL yeah yeah whopping 40 horsepower maybe even 36 I don't know little tiny P yeah there's air it's good haven't got a dewal air compress my truck so if there's nowhere there there could be in a minute but yeah we drove it from Portside we got it from ever's Towing down there that's awesome it is pretty sweet it was just an impound for S yeah it was impound and you drove it back on cour yeah we didn't even know if it would run this morning neither did they they were like uh yeah we don't know much about it yeah we did here what are you doing did you come to change my tire yeah yeah no oh are you really filming yes I'm filming say hi to the world hey world it's a Volkswagen Bugatti it's adorable they went down to Courtside Arizona made it run in a tow yard and they drove it [Music] home that's awesome an yeah it's quite the car that's that's what the fender did that it was kind of exciting actually it was really exciting I was laughing so hard I couldn't get the car off the road I was crying I was laughing so hard you think uh the temperature in the that's well look there's a radiator up there Travis it actually has a radiator was it going to cool your sodas I don't know we were trying to figure out what the radiator does but it is a legit radiator or at least the core maybe it keeps the gas cool well it needs it the gas leaks woo maybe yeah maybe it's your maybe it's your feet maybe it's like a heater core but a irradiator core for your feet yeah with a thermometer they thought that was pretty funny too down there they were laughing I'm not even going to tell you what I'm driving right now what are you driving even oh yeah yeah no I couldn't I couldn't share that with you if I would have said a Bugatti your mind would have exploded and then you would have laughed twice as hard when you got here oh that's great why didn't you m on the okay so look at this it wouldn't fit it's been drilled out so this is your Volkswagen engine trans axle you sit right over the the axle but so I've got a turbo k for Volkswagen you should put the turbo dude this this car it don't steer there's no it needs weight in the front or you need a turning brake yes it needs that's it it Brad a turning brake we'll put turn brakes on it there you go I turned break on some hard River Tires so I was thinking I want to put wide axles in it cuz I was looking for a set of these narrow axles anyway and I want to put Rzr tires on it and take it and do a video out on the island then I want to put like some street tires and take it to chucka Wala and slide it out through the desert this is fancy they Harbor Freight CH fancy they uh they have those cushions on so you don't knock up some makes it got to break these are protectors so they don't mess up wheels yeah fre most of the time though if you get really skinny Wheels you got to pull these off anyways cuz oh they don't clear they're they're thick yeah I think we're good they're thick like a socket they're still in gear oh he's got a block this guy runs a tow yard he knows how to do it I was going to say we're official well I guess uh we can send uh AAA the bill or something I don't know for triaa look at back like yeah that that one's destroyed I'm going to do the rainstorm as a good time two more miles and we'll be home thank you Travis Camel Towing and Crystal Camel Towing Happ H [Music] burlin Ram did you think we'd make it did you think we'd make it back huh I know you just want to go attack the neighbor neighbor's puppy yeah I know um yeah not much trouble other than the flat tire that was the major and the fender running the fender over that was a good time anyway thanks for [Music] watching where you going Speed Racer I'm going to the [Laughter] river what are you driving I'm driving a b what do you think of the little Bugatti I love it I'm going to the lons in it l yep
Channel: Merlins Old School Garage
Views: 112,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2XAakGJ5n_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 35sec (3575 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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