The Bethel Church Live Stream

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you know with this misogynistic interpretation of the bible she's a jezebel she's a delight delilah ain't the problem why because delilah wasn't the one with the god-given instructions for a god-given assignment [Music] the problem wasn't delilah being who she was the problem was samson not being who he was she she was acting in a way that was consistent with her identity the hooker was acting in a way that was consistent with her identity it was samson who forgot who he was he's a nazarite i know i'ma get in trouble now please understand you you you know who you are you're a christian you're a believer you're a faith walker and and it don't matter what anybody else didn't cuss you out they say oh man of evil against you they can lie they can do whatever you it doesn't matter who they are if you know who you are god help me today you ain't got to prove nothing to nobody because people who don't understand you won't settle for proof and people who know you don't need it me should be not ready for this one yeah yeah people who who who don't know you won't settle for you proven it so why are you trying to prove you don't need people's approval to be who god called you to be you were born pre-approved so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he knows the thoughts he thinks toward me and the thing is an accident i'm alive because there's more god knows the plans he has for me he knows the thoughts he thinks toward me and the thing is i'm alive i'm alive i'm alive and this is not an accident i'm alive because there's more [Music] [Music] is [Music] is i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] and this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] and this is [Music] [Music] [Applause] there is more there is more and this and is is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'm still here and this is not an accident i'm alive because there's more oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well listen if you know that jesus has risen if you know that he is alive can you give god a great praise all over this sanctuary come on if you're watching on stream and you know that jesus is alive can you give god a great praise if you don't know by now hey if you glad to be in the sanctuary where you haven't been in a long time can you give god if you just glad to be alive can you give god a good praise because the reality is we serve a risen savior he's in the world today i know that he is living whatever people say i see his hand of mercy i hear his voice a chill and just the time i need it he's always there he lives he lives christ jesus lives today he walks with me he talks with me a long life's never he lives he lives salvation to his heart you ask me how i know he lives he woke me up this morning he put food on the table he put running in machines he put clapping in my hands he put joy in my heart you asked me how i know he is you ask me how i know he lives because when i woke up this morning i woke up clothed and in my right mind you asked me how i know he lives cause i looked at my hands and my ass looked new i looked at my feet and they did too so if you know he lives i know you got a mask on but at home you ain't got nothing on so let the redeemed open up your mouth and give god in your own soul open up your mouth let us see you clapping your hands because you know that the lord i see you on facebook i see you saying he lives i see you right and he lives come on you ain't getting here in 13 months you ought to just shout because god kept you and held you and sustained you [Music] hallelujah i said hallelujah so this is the day that the lord has made we will hey hey [Applause] [Applause] listen for the last 13 months we've been doing this by ourselves to praise team to ban us and every now and then we'd get a good dance and we wouldn't be able to look at nobody we'd just be dancing by ourselves but since i got a crowd this morning since some of your feet ain't got light in about 14 months and this is why we're here six weeks since we're here we might as well might as well give god take about 120 seconds i know you're out of practice but it's like riding the bike [Music] i see y'all clapping on too i see you on facebook you might as well go and give it [Music] we might as well foreign i see you stacy i see y'all people in the brains [Music] show us you driving don't you hurt yourself [Music] damn you're right we might as well dion i see your little dance emoji felicia i see you giving him glory i'm gonna give you about 60 more seconds miss joanne i see you antoinette i see you i see y'all giving him glory lisa you working you want to be dancing like that i see you at your job [Music] [Music] so all right you haven't just had something you just had to get out that that's that's that's one of the things you just had to all right y'all y'all stop we'll be here all day we'll be here all day we got a bunch of zoomers watching lord have mercy there you there they go break it down real quick so i don't know i don't know if y'all are basketball fans but last night was one of the best games i'd ever seen but two teams i don't even care about ucla and gonzaga and sports for me that i don't really watch unless bishop is watching but when i tell you that was a good game that was a good game so they went into overtime and grant hill said it's been this good it would be a shame for it to have to end this quick he said something this good deserves overtime [Music] [Applause] [Music] that praise was so good i think it deserves a little overtime so we gonna give you another minute of overtime to thank god for his goodness his grace and his love and to thank god that jesus is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i see you all on zone giving god the praise i see you joyce you driving don't hurt yourself so hahaha oh sit down if you can't [Music] [Music] [Music] and i [Music] all [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh it's so good to see y'all lord have mercy so listen we welcome everybody that's watching on facebook hey hit the share button if you're watching on facebook hit that share button because if we just starting like this you know what it's going to be like hit the share button everybody watching on the website to everybody watching on youtube into all our zoomers bishop singing first look we got to give god a shout for the healing of bishop senior yeah lord [Applause] hallelujah so listen we not doing a whole bunch of announcements but one thing we've got to do right up front god has blessed through the years um this church with an amazing team amazing staff amazing ministry um but i say without fear of contradiction [Music] i've i say without fear of judgment and you can debate me that the greatest children's pastor on the planet has been pastor rosemary wind bush no doubt about that [Applause] no doubt about that [Music] and i thank god that [Applause] she's not the only servant in the house because the amazing men's pastor of this church is pastor wyman who has served our men so strong and faithfully that they they are just one of the most faithful couples you will find anywhere i mean anywhere um the book of ecclesiastes says it's a time in the season for everything um and we know that god works in seasons he doesn't work in cycles he works in seasons you'll get that later and so um something has been in the works for a while rosemary's been talking to me talking to me and then weiman talked to me and talked to me um but they are resigning as children's pastor and men's pastor they're not leaving bethel y'all relax but they have an amazing ministry kairos um and and they feel that god has put them in a season of intentionality um wyman you may not know travels not just with ibm and with the navy but he travels all over doing leadership um all over the place in the marketplace and even in churches and rosemary does the same with him uh and just hadn't been able to be with him like she won't so wyman said you better quit that church and get on the road that's what he said no he didn't really he didn't really say that um but i need you very clear that they're not leaving they're not going anywhere they'll still be engaged but because they believe that this is the season where god is calling them to that intentional marketplace ministry that they've already had and doing incredible with even with couples um they felt this was the season um to slip out and so i want both of them just come here because i'm gonna pray with them can we salute the wind bushes [Music] yeah i don't know uh because wyman's dad lives with them now so they may have to slip out um before so now so you're saying well so what you gonna do what we're gonna do well but god always has a ram in the bush he always sins well this ram really ain't been in the bush because both these people have been working with them and both of these new pastors were recommendations of them uh and so i'm going to ask these couples and i want to introduce you to these new pastors on our team our new children's pastor is reverend barry young and i want karma to join him up here we're going to pray with them [Music] and man this one i'm trying not to cry this one really this one i mean i don't know if anybody has a servant's heart um like this person i really i'm trying not to cry um a new men's pasty just he's finishing his religion degree and going right into seminary with his mdav our new men's pastor is reverend kendall oliver tammy come up here with him [Music] [Applause] i i we know kendall and kendall and tammy's heart probably more than we know just about anybody's heart in this church because of how faithfully they have served us and loved us and when wyman said it it was in my spirit and wyman said it to me and it was like okay that's confirmation so we're in this pandemic and so i can't do what we would normally do but today i'm officially elevating barry and kendall to elder status the elder young elder oliver our new children's and men's pastor so here's what i need you to do stretch your hands towards them for me god i i thank you for faithful servants in a in a day and time in culture where selfishness seems to be the norm thank you that these three couples that stand before me represent what it means to have servants hearts thank you for wyman and rosemary bush i thank you for their heart their spirit their mind their amazing love for you that has been manifested in their love for this church and now god as you are shifting their season of ministry i speak favor that now the name of the ministry is coming to pass this is their chirotic moment lives are going to be changed because of them marriages and men and women people in the marketplace i i i thank you for them and god i i i i know your word is true when we've been faithful over the few you make us ruler over many and so often times we only use that about heaven but i believe it applies to earth so because they have been faithful i believe you're about to elevate them in ways they have never seen you're about to bring blessings upon their life in ways they have never seen god i thank you today for their children i i thank you today oh god for how you have blessed them to see their children grow into a young man into young ladies who love the lord and we thank you oh god for the ministry and the purpose that you have placed them into i thank you for their families on today oh god i pray a special prayer for wyman's father today that healing is the children's bread that's what your words declares and so god strengthen him on every side open up creativity to wyman and to rosemary as they step into this new season let them begin to see unlimited blessings come forth in ministry and in their home and in their family today and now god for for barry and for for kindle and for karma and for tammy and for their children i thank you for their heart i thank you for how they have served i thank you oh god for their marriages and on today i'm reminded of that leader that came to your son that needed a touch for his servant and told jesus you don't have to come to my house just speak a word and so because i can't put my hands on them today as their bishop o god i just speak a word and i ask that their faith receive the word that you elevate we elevate them now god today help them not to take the title too seriously it's a man-given title and so god help them that while they may be given this elevated title by man help them to continue to walk in the only title that matters servant i pray over our children's ministry and our men's ministry that now it will explode even beyond where it has been under wyman and rosemary thank you for children that are going to come to the saving knowledge of jesus christ thank you for children who will begin to understand what it means to be a child and love jesus thank you for families that will come to this church because of the amazing ministry that happens for their children thank you today thank you for burying give him creativity and discernment oh god thank you for kindle and i declare that men are going to begin to further take their rightful place that men under his leadership and his teaching and his guidance will come to know who they are husbands will be drawn to you men will be drawn to you not just the men who are in the church but i declare men who are rocking it in the streets will come and rock it in the church the drug dealer the gang banger the one who's come back from the prison the one who gave up on church the one who got sick of church the drunk i declare that men are going to be drawn into this place and we give your name the praise for it [Applause] in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name we pray every believer says amen amen elder young elder oliver we bless god on you all on today pastor rosemary pastor wyman i ain't saying nothing because you ain't going nowhere i'll just see y'all later come on let's thank god for them this morning give god praise for them this morning hallelujah take your seats hey we got something for y'all oh i seen that you know yeah after got something for you here's how you know you get no because you have to take your glasses off really see what you want to see i don't know a zoom facebook website y'all ready for this i don't know a better sunday than resurrection sunday because resurrection represents when god raised up somebody government tried to kill [Music] oh i i got light in my feet right there come on bishop the roman government tried to kill jesus resurrection is god telling the government you can't kill who i put my hands on guess who's in church today x x don't work for me i've never used that word congresswoman corrine brown is in the house hey we got to give god a real shout for that y'all we got to give god a rip ain't no media ain't nothing like that they be trying to find us but we got her in church looking good baby baby look at that fancy mask she has to see that fashion she got on today come on can we really celebrate that our congresswoman is in the house today ain't nobody mad but the day hey congresswoman meacham got his flag right there his friend corrine delivers in jesus day what better sunday than resurrection sunday for her to be in the house on today ain't nobody mad but the devil and he wasn't coming to church anyway so listen uh just couple quick things and we're going we're going to move um this is autism month and uh we're doing some special things that i want you to tell everybody in here and watching us about so this is autism awareness month and we want to salute mia baldwin who so eloquently and passionately advocates for autism because her son is autistic and so for this month we want everybody to bring an unwrapped toy don't go home and try to wrap it and unwrap toy and place it in the receptacles that will be outside and so the center car the center for autism and related disabilities are asking that we bring unwrapped toys to uh bring about awareness for autism so we're asking that you do that when you bring your ties even if you're not bringing your ties every sunday between 10 and 12 on sundays bringing unwrapped toy and dropping in the receptacles that will be outside right so that's everybody who's listening as well you see the flyer uh we do it every year we didn't do it last year um but we want to be a blessing and so um we're going to even i think one sunday jocelyn is going to decorate the pulpit uh and so we want to make sure that we are because the last year has taught us how to be a church that gives a church that does for the community we've learned that over the last year and uh yesterday was absolutely amazing again on yesterday y'all we were able to bless so many different families all right mia i got your texts um see last year this kind of what we do it almost like we ain't in church i'm just talking to folk but no but what she sent me is important um yesterday we were able you see the video now we were able to be a blessing to so many uh 650 families we blessed on yesterday right here at the church but then because of your faithful giving and how much we had uh groceries in the life we were able to go to these agencies and bless clara white mission the soles barca center the salzburg village gateway city rescue hubbard house boys and girls club and families we were able to bless all of those agencies on top of the 650 families because of how faithful you are uh in your giving and so that's what we that's what we've done and we thank god for that i got my notes here y'all in case you're wondering uh and so we thank god for that now uh mia wants me to remind everybody and and i think it's worth it um agape uh where she holds leadership they are doing vaccinations how many all got in in sanctuary how many of y'all got your shot look at y'all all right now look at y'all so if you've got family um edward waters is doing shots today from nine to five um nine to five now y'all done started something cause y'all in this sanctuary i gotta go back next sunday walking in here and it's empty like the empty tomb of jesus christ so so you know so i need everybody to get vaccinated so we can come back to church um you know i know a lot of churches are opening and i'm not i'm not knocking anybody i'm not judging anybody i don't pastor there so if that's what the lord has led anybody to do to fully open that's fine as for me and this house we're we're just going to follow the science and i'm going to listen to the spirit and every now and then we're going to drop in stuff like this to test and make sure but i need y'all get them shots so we can open this church all the way back up and have have a good church amen so nine to five today y'all make sure that you uh do that listen um this past week has been amazing with prayer hadn't it my goodness that 7 14 declaration is this a praying woman for all y'all that's been on the prayer this is a praying woman right here i mean a praying woman and uh it it was an amazing week the lord led me to that last week to call the church into prayer and so what we're going to do see i see right there what we're going to do starting tomorrow our intercessors will go back to our daily prayers but we're going to keep 7 14. god just said stay on that until i heal the land stay on that this land needs healing racism political polarity misogyny crime this land needs healing and god said stay on that 7 14. one of the things i asked everybody to do that's that i haven't said this in so long jesus linwood could you pull that receptacle out for me i said that i don't even know how to act telling folk to pull it you just put it right there linwood yeah that's good and let's get this one over here lynwood get that one for me over there you just get a little exercise get your steps in get your steps in bring that let's just put it right there i haven't said that in so long um i can't begin to tell you thank you so much how amazing your giving has been over the last year the things we've been able to do because you have been so faithful in the sanctuary those of you watching me on facebook all of my zoom i like this all of my zoom everybody you have been absolutely um absolutely so faithful in your giving i asked everyone that would today we know that sowing of seed is a statement of faith and there are people who are bringing their tithes um and so you can bring it now don't think you're gonna get in church if you bring your tithe at this point you're gonna sneak in you just bring your tithe if you normally bring it the trustees are outside but i asked everybody to bring a declaration seed i've got mine in my pocket on behalf of our family a declaration see that everything we have prayed about and for god is already bringing it to pass and i told everybody that the lord laid on my heart and this is what he laid on my heart i don't i don't argue with god anymore when god says something i do it tell the people to bring a seed of dollars then the lord said to me and those that just aren't able because there's some people who are not able tell them to do a seed of 71.14 that's on top of your tithe 714 dollar seat you're not able to do that 71 dollars and 14 cents for everybody that's watching me for every partner that's watching me for everybody in the sanctuary put our giving platforms up on the screen y'all have gotten used to this now most of us in here give that way i'm old school i write a check i just i believe in writing the check for the lord i don't know what that is ain't nothing spiritual i made it spiritual i i just made it spiritual i believe you ought to write a check for the lord it just sounds spiritual ain't nothing spiritual to it um but these are our giving platforms this morning um y'all give a shout for jerome and his team were up here late last night no i'm serious they were up here late last night setting all of this up and uh y'all don't know the stuff that goes on behind the scenes man and so uh i don't want so if you see folk like rhonda's running over there they working stuff they're doing stuff because this is what we do on sundays so we ain't gonna change just because y'all here we gonna do what we do um uh all right yeah they got that working something happened to the zoom okay hey if you don't zoom don't go no they back up jay i see them they back up zoom they can't see me okay if you hear me oh they can hear me can you hear me so if you hear me on zoom don't go anywhere we had a little technical diff this first time doing it so you know we got to work on it a little bit get it going uh hey antoinette i see you waving you can see me answering that andrew that says she can see me jerome say you can't see me now i don't know how tanya is saying no latonya you're supposed to be up here serving what you doing oh on facebook okay cool in the game but if you can hear me that's cool because i need y'all to get that seed offering too so put that put the giving platforms back up for all of you in the sanctuary you know those now if you are a giver through your tithe or if you're going to sow that seed in your tithe i want you to just come and put it in one of these receptacles uh on this morning we've got this new uh this new way of giving with gimplify y'all put that qr is it qr yeah there it is let me tell you what's deep about this y'all see that all you have to do and this is real if you're in the sanctuary you want to give on giblify you just have to point your camera uh towards the screen yeah can you do it and enlarge it and if you're watching on line put the qr code back up there you go you just point your camera towards it and give life automatically comes up in our you'll see it at the top you hit it and bethel's giblify automatically comes up you can do that now i y'all keep it up why does it keep going away y'all keep that up from oh it's looping is that what it's doing it's acting loopy okay um so all you have to do now i don't know how far away it works they were supposed to test it this morning i don't know if they got a chance to do that for those in the sanctuary but you who are watching anybody able to get pull it up in here y'all got it look at that look at that and so i want us to prepare to give this morning and then right after that we're going to do communion because the choir is going to slay us and then i'm going to preach so we're going to do communion now so if you're watching on facebook on the website on youtube get your communion ready because we're going to do it uh right after this this giving moment and of course you can give any time throughout the worship service that's the beauty of this virtual space but if you're in here this morning and you want to bring uh your tithe if you are given through the envelope then we just put these here for you to go ahead and bring them down we're not going to pass the trays because of cdc regulation that that's why you picked up your communion out front because we're trying to be as safe and and smart as possible so one more time put the giving platforms up for for me so everybody can make sure that they have the giving platforms again our cash app our gimplify uh our text to give if you're on the website you can go right there and give and of course you give any time throughout the worship experience let's get ready for the lord's supper let's get ready for the lord's supper you all have you all have your yeah i see y'all shaking them you got them all right when we're done with them just don't you know just kind of leave them leave them there watching on stream i'll give you a minute to get yours give you a minute to get yours i see some of y'all got the qr code i see you on facebook all right the word of the lord says that on the night that our lord savior and savior jesus christ was betrayed he took bread and blessed it took the cup likewise and gave it unto them told them this is my body broken for you then he said this is my blood shed for the remission of sin if you have yours this morning i want you to just stand with me in the sanctuary if you don't mind at home to do the same i thank god for his body that was broken i thank god for his blood that was shed that old florida masquerade song said it was the blood that made the difference at calvary the blood that came streaming down for me it was the blood that made the difference at calvary anybody thankful for the blood today and so on that faithful night hallelujah thank you god as the lord jesus told those disciples on that night i say to each of us let us eat together thank you god thank you god [Music] i know it was the blood [Music] i know it was the blood i know we gotta go i know it was the blood for me one day [Music] he died [Music] on that cross we gotta go and i know it was the blood [Music] the blood came streaming down i thought i had a baptist church the blood came streaming down blood came streaming down me one day whenever he [Music] he's coming back again we're gonna take it in a minute he's coming back again it's been 13 months y'all he's coming back again me one day when i was long he died on the cross and i know was the blood let us drink together i know it was the blood [Music] i know you got to sing behind the mask but just do the best you can one day when i was long he died i know [Music] i y'all ready for this word this morning well that declaration see they pierced i know if you watch it online you ought to go ahead and show your seed right now and your time well one day i know hallelujah knowing i'm crying not dancers are gonna bless us go ahead take your seat you can bring that seed anytime come on and clap your hands right there in your seat everybody clap song says let's self lubricate our king he's the ruler of everything let's lift his name on high come on zion we praise our king everybody sing let's set the praise break he's the ruler of every [Music] [Music] he praise our king he's awesome and glorious ex-sunderland king he's worthy of allah his name the lord god he's awesome and glorious excellent king he's reigning over us he is a great god righteous and glorious ever you want to stop and celebrate with the great cover of jesus righteous and glorious ever victorious he's ringing over us he's a great god sake right earth and glory of never victory he is a great taking up his jesus is righteous and glorious ever victorious he's raining over he is [Music] the greatness of the lord is [Music] yes [Music] he is a great god praise the lord [Music] not [Music] just [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just [Music] [Music] down [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] not a word not a word not a [Music] him in his hands but he never said a mumbling word they [Music] is [Music] is [Music] but he never said [Music] is [Music] oh not one word [Music] is [Music] me [Music] awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] awesome [Applause] can you all help me thank god for our worship in arts ministry under the wonderful leadership of meacham clark come on can we celebrate the creativity the musicality the diversity come on i know y'all have been in church in a long time but can we what you saw right there was top-notch absolutely top-notch hallelujah i see you clapping on zoom god thank you now release your word in this place thank you for risen savior god today if there's anybody watching that does not know this risen lord of hours then today let them make a decision that will change the rest of their life use me for your pleasure today anoint me afresh consecrate me anew in jesus name amen take your bibles watching on stream if you and i hadn't said this in 14 months if you're in the sanctuary stand with me take your bibles y'all gonna make it hard going back empty next week where's for those of you watching if you just tuned in on facebook share share your screen so that others will join in with us philippians chapter three beginning at verse one i'm reading from the new international version though i myself have reasons for such confidence if someone else thinks they have reasons to put confidence in the flesh i have more circumcised on the eighth day of the people of israel of the tribe of benjamin a hebrew of hebrews in regard to the law of pharisee as for zeal persecuting the church as for righteousness based on the lie on the law faultless but whatever gains to me i now consider loss for the sake of christ what is more i consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing christ jesus my lord for whose sake i have lost all things i consider them garbage that i may gain christ and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law but that which is through faith in christ the righteousness that comes from god on the basis of faith here it is i want to know christ yes to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings becoming like him in his death and so somehow attaining to the resurrection of the dead i just like that king james that i may know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering being conformed to his death you may be seated in the presence of our god once again to all of our streaming family we thank god for your faithfulness every week and to everybody that made it in the sanctuary this morning we give god praise i want to preach this morning about becoming the me i was meant to be becoming the me now you know y'all got masks on you cannot take them off so that means you got to yell louder when when preachers when preachers talk about uh preaching one one of the things we admit is that the hardest days to preach are those special days on the christian calendar like mother's day father's day and even easter um and the irony the irony of it is in a very transparent moment the irony of it is preaching is only made possible because of easter and yet because east is only one story it's made challenging to try to do it over and over every year we often hear people who love church and i saw it all on facebook all yesterday and and this morning we hear it all time that it's the job of the preacher to get him up on easter and the reality is i tell preachers all the time if that's all you do then you have failed in your preaching to be very clear now there is enough simply in the resurrection of jesus to preach there is but at the end of the day real preaching is not simply telling the story of what happened in the bible but it's talking about what it means for life today it's not simply about what happened early on sunday morning but what it means for us every morning paul lets us know here that real resurrection power has a result and the result of resurrection power is change because here's the reality the life of faith can't just be about church it has to be about change i can find something else to do with my sunday y'all been going a long time so y'all not happy over here i'll come back see two too many of us want to have church but we don't want change we want celebration void of transformation but if resurrection is going to mean anything to you it can't just be knowing the story it's got to be knowing what the story means to appropriate it in your life if paul were to be interviewed i think based upon the verses i've read to you today paul would tell us that he had some expectations that he was living them out only to discover that the expectations he was living out were not a part of the expectations he was born to fulfill he he was paul tells us in these verses he was being somebody he wasn't born to be and what changed it paul says what changed it was jesus and the power of his resurrection see resurrection power gives you the strength you need to become who you were born to be it gives you what you need to fight through the change that comes with the shift because let's be honest it's not easy becoming who you were meant to be especially when who you have been is who you thought you were supposed to be um change isn't easy i heard about three amends behind those masks change isn't easy we don't like change i mean when you have a set expectation based on who you think you are and when you try to meet expectations of those who think they can tell you who you are it takes a power to crucify who you have been in order to raise who you can become preach rudolph mckinsey let me say that one more time it takes a power to crucify who you have been in order to raise who you can be see for me easter and resurrection is not just about saving my life as far as my destination but it's also about changing my life as far as my destiny it's not just about getting my soul saved and it is about that first but it's not just about getting my soul saved to get me to a place called heaven but it's also about getting my life right to get me into a purpose on earth we are called to live i feel like preaching in resurrection power i'ma say that one more time we are called to live in resurrection power and he got up so you could get up he got up so you could live up he got up so lift you up he got up to bring you up he got up to free you up and he got up to set you up to live on the power of resurrection and walk in the purpose of your life paul here is talking to the church which has been inundated with religious judaizers these were these were christians who believed their jewish formulation and their jewish foundation was more important than this new christian foundation they they were people they they they were like folk who say you ain't saved if you ain't baptist or you ain't saved if you ain't apostolic or you ain't saved if you uh you know you ain't got the holy ghost those were judaizers who said that you had to have a certain thing in order to be in the church judaizers were trying to convince people that they had to be circumcised especially men they were trying to convince the church that they had to keep certain judaic laws in order to be right with god namely circumcision they were people judaizers were people who wanted outward signs but paul is telling the church that it's not about outward signs but about inward transformation and inward transformation is manifested in outward signs see i don't know how nasty you are because of what you do i only see what you do because you nasty inside cause whatever is in you is manifested outside of you preach boy it's it's not just action but attitude as a matter of fact it's attitude first that translates into actions so you won't remember i don't know why they so mean yes you do because they mean inside i don't know why they're so nasty because they nasty inside paul is trying to tell them it's got to start with an inner transformation and in in his effort to get the church to trust his pastoral wisdom over those manipulative leaders who were judaizers he begins to compare his resume and portfolio to theirs and he said listen you decide who you won't listen to he said but before you decide let me tell you about me born on the eighth day i'm a hebrew of hebrews that means he's he's the baddest kind of jew he said if anybody knows the law don't nobody know it like me he starts running down his resume but then paul says put everything on there i'm a hebrew of hebrews i'm a pharisaic jew i was taught at the feet of gamalio the greatest grecian philosopher and educator you could find i'm a hebraic jew i'm on the sanhedrin council but then paul says but none of that was who i was born to be jesus he says when i met jesus some phrases just sound right don't they he said when i met jesus i discovered who i was meant to be and now my only aim is to be that and to know him i need you to get the juxtaposition in the story and in the chapter he said i'm a hebrew of hebrews i know the letter of the law i'm an educated jew who happens to also be a roman soldier i'm in the sanhedrin council here's what paul was saying i know a lot of things but i want to know him i know a lot of doctrine but i want to know him i know a lot of scripture but i want to know him i know a lot of church stuff but i want to know him and on this resurrection sunday that ought to be your testimony your goal and your expectation to get to know the you you were meant to be as you get to know him because in getting to know him i will get to know me and i will become the me that i was meant to be i don't want to get to no more church i want to get to know him i don't want to get to know more dogma i want to get to know him i don't want to get to know what it means to be baptist i want to get to know what it means to know him i want to know him and the power of his resurrection it becomes the defining central priority because y'all life is too complex to live by lists of priorities i got priority over here for this and priority in this area and prior to that no no paul paul said the one thing that ought to give definition to your life is getting to know him and the power of his resurrection and every other priority grows out of that central focus i see you all writing on there yeah i see you adonika i want to know him i see you i want to know him i see i see miss hannah up there with me i i want to know him i wonder is there anybody even in the sanctuary today that can say i ain't trying to learn all that other stuff i want to know him i want to know jesus and him crucified and live in the power of his resurrection to be who i'm supposed to be that once you meet jesus the old me no longer matters i'm over the old me now his was deep sometime the old me wasn't a bad me it just wasn't the right me preach boy see whenever we hear this stuff about the old me we always think about the sin in me the drinking me to holding me to cussing me to getting behind me yeah y'all got quite y'all i ain't changed in 14 months but every now and then the challenge is how do i change that me when that me wasn't a bad me it just wasn't the right me [Applause] i got to preach this because the enemy will spend all of his time trying to either take me back to the old me [Applause] or make me regret becoming the real me and the only way to fight that is resurrection power let me tell what paul says i ain't gonna keep you alone i know y'all got home get home and get your easter dinner here it is paul said when you when you live in resurrection power and when you become the you you were meant to be you develop forward thinking never looking backward [Applause] now we know the familiar phrase from this passage the most familiar phrase mr president forgetting those things that are behind me that's that's the one we know but when he says that a little later in this chapter that is simply a recapitulated summation of what he said in verse seven y'all like that that's really what that when he says forgetting those things that are behind me i press that is really simply him in a poetic prose that becomes a s a summation and recapitulation of what he's already said in verse 7. paul says verses 4 through 7 i thought i had the right life i thought i had the good life until i met jesus and discovered my best life let me say that one more time i thought i had a good life i thought i had a right life but when i met jesus living my best life and going back and forth with my old self living my best life y'all didn't know what i was gonna say did you paul says when you live in resurrection power after getting to know jesus you live knowing that what's in front of you is always better than what's behind you even when what's behind you wasn't bad see i'm trying to help some folk today who've had a pretty good life to know real success isn't about prizes but about purpose paul had prizes hebrew of hebrews circumcised on the eighth day sanhedrin council taught by gamalie which means he had not he had ivy league education paul had prizes but what paul tells us here is he doesn't get stuck wishing or reminiscing see be careful always talk about i wish i could go back i shall miss my college days i wish i could go back to so and so see some people won't move on and go higher because they don't believe god can outdo god's self in their future oh that was so good and so some folk are still stuck on the stuff they've done and what they have because they don't believe god can outdo himself in their future but can i tell you today the bible says god is able yes to do exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ask and oh you could you thought it couldn't get any better and i want to talk to some folk in here who after 50 your youngest days might be behind you but that don't mean your best days are behind you i want to talk to somebody who had a great life college life young adult like your young days might be behind you but that doesn't mean your best days are behind you and here's how you forget you wake up every day saying the best is yet y'all gonna make me preach see the enemy is trying to trick you into holding on to something in your past when god is getting ready to do greater in your future that means you cannot hold me hostage to my i don't care what you know about me i don't care what you heard about me i don't care if you think you got the facts about me my future is greater than my past you can't label me by my past because labels offer packages not for people so ain't no sense in you trying to label me i am not a slave to my past i am not enamored by my past here's what i want to tell somebody phew if you still in love with who you used to be if you still spend all your time recapitulating the folk all your accomplishments you are in love with your inferior self [Applause] cause i believe that when i live in resurrection power what's ahead of me god i wish i am it's better than what's behind me i i've seen you all in a long time but i i need somebody real quick to give god or what's ahead of me praise that god what ahead of me is greater than what's by i will not get stuck i will not get enamored i will not fall in love with my inferior self because greater is coming i see y'all waving your hands on zoom i see you i see i see you i see you walking yes i see you writing on facebook here's my second point here's the same point now y'all not gonna like this point but if y'all give me time to work it i promise you this is gonna be the shout out when i live in the power of resurrection i learn how to celebrate my sufferings i just look at what paul says paul says i want to know him and the power of his resurrection and fellowship jesus the new international version says and participate in his suffering and become like him in his death translation i want to go through what he went through to be like him i knew he wasn't going to shout see you yes you can't get to the resurrection i'm in my resurrection now i mean the new you the real you the meant to be you you you can't get to that real you without first going through the suffering and the crucifixion crucifying the old you and suffering because folk don't like the new you now here's what that means come on let me teach it here's what that means if i'm going to participate in his suffering that means y'all not going like this that means i have to live in the kind of faith that knows how to move in the direction of my obstacles i don't run from my obstacles because i know that in the suffering that comes with obstacles there is a pregnant potential for opportunity okay to get this i went too deep so let's make it real simple get this i need you to use your imagination to visualize jesus on the way to the cross and on the cross y'all got it the cross was his obstacle the cross was his suffering but jesus never blinked he never turned back from it knowing it was coming oh that's gonna get good his his suffering his suffering the fellowship of his suffering is not about just what went on on the cross no that's about the steps that led to the cross which eventuated in his death his suffering opposers haters destroyers betrayers misunderstanding disappointment all of that was his suffering even before the death so him was my question why would he go through all of that knowing it was coming it's one thing if i didn't know but if i know i'm gonna catch hell if i know it's going to be rough standing in my truth if i know i'm gonna have opposition and betrayers and haters and misunderstanding and disappointment and liars if i know that's gonna happen he knew evil men were coming for him he knew there would be shame in his arrest he knew there would be pain on the cross and he could have turned around at many points he could have turned around in the garden he could have turned around at the supper he could have even gotten down up off that cross but he moved towards the suffering why here it is because jesus knew there was something on the other side of it that made this side worth it see i know i wasn't expecting y'all to shout on this kind of stuff right here he saw the joy he saw the attainment he saw the fulfillment but he couldn't get to none of that without going through the suffering he saw the pleasure of god but he couldn't get to that without going through the suffering so he saw past the cross which allowed him to go to the cross and let him go through i came to tell somebody on stream or in the sanctuary resurrection power means i live through some things knowing that there's something on the other side can i preach to somebody today i don't care how bad it is right now i don't care how dark it is right now look to the other side because there is something after this it may be held right now but there's something on the other side you aren't going through something in order to get to something smaller you're going through something in order to get to something bigger than what you're going through i said it too fast helen wright put it this way there's a bright side somewhere yes i want you to look at somebody you can't take your mask off and just listen uh i'm gonna tell you what they saying to you because you can't see what they're saying to you just look at somebody with your ass gonna tell them don't quit don't quit yeah come on don't quit don't quit now now tell yourself don't quit now if you're watching me on zoom don't quit don't quit don't quit if you watch it on facebook don't quit don't quit don't quit come on just say it to yourself don't quit don't quit yeah yes there is something on the other side of what you've got to say here's the way the book of hebrews put it he went through it for the joy that was set before him see the fellowship of his suffering means i see my cross but i see the other side i want you to thank god real quick that some of y'all can testify i went through the suffering but because of what i got when i came out i don't just thank god for coming out i thank god for going through come on i don't need all y'all i just need about 19 of y'all who can say god i thank you for everything i had to go through because of what i got when i came on the other side i got joy i got peace i got sanity but i had to go through it i'm done i'm done i'm done i'm done here's the last thing it's going to get dark when i become the new me because i live in resurrection power i see exits as pathways to elevation okay exits become pathways to elevate um my laid home alleged professor dr miles jerome jones used to always tell us that resurrection is being that has no business being okay um it's it's it's living that has no business living um dr jones you say resurrection is a life on the other side of what should have ended my life church folk don't know when to shout that resurrection is the picture of possibility it is the existential testimony of god's ability to bring dead things back to life more specifically it is god's ability oh this is going to get good resurrection is god's ability to bring back what other people attempted to kill off but paul said the fellowship of his suffering being conformed to his death that i might attain the resurrection any time about going to heaven no not anybody talking about he's talking about going through the death to get to the elevation um let me tell y'all who should be shouting at home on your lanai at your kitchen counter in your living room in your car or in this sanctuary let me tell y'all who should have just given a good shot and i know you know you got to get your body back together i did a three week revive three night revival in houston this week and i'm so tired right now because it's been 15 16 months since i've done a three night revival and my body is burning back my body is weary i'm tired so i know it's been 14 months since you've been in the sanctuary and you've been used to sitting in your house chilling and not having to have a whole lot of energy but i i need y'all to get it back real quick cause let me tell you the folk that should be shouting there are two groups of people that should have shouted on what i just told y'all one group are the people who have some dead things they need god to bring back to life you should have been shouting because you know you serve a god that can bring it back the other group that should have shouted are those who have handsome things die but god raised it back up yeah i knew that would be the group that that's the other group that should have been shouting that had some stuff that died but god raised it back you thought you were done they thought you were done but somewhere between friday when they tried to kill you and sunday not only did god raise you but they found out about it because you weren't where they left you y'all didn't hear what i just said they knew jesus had risen because when they got where they left him he was no longer there see some of y'all were left in depression left in sadness left in fear left in quit but i dare you to wave your hand and say i am no longer there and folk can't figure out how they put you away but god brought you back out okay okay [Applause] let me tell you how i came to this point i came to this point i told y'all i was in houston right i was staying at at the westin post oak sits right in the galleria mall and right connected to the western is the cheesecake factory i was eating in cheesecake factory got the jamaican black pepper shrimp and uh you know i i wanted to go to the mall but i didn't want to have to because uh in houston cheesecake you enter you have to go up these steps then you sit i don't have to go back down the steps out cheesecake walk back over to the hotel because you can get into the mall from the second floor of the west and so i said to my waiter i said amen um is there a way to get into the mall from in here and he said yeah those of y'all that get preacher discernment gonna get this and it's gonna be over he said yeah he said the way to get out of here you see those exit signs he said those exit signs will get you out of here and over into where you want to be y'all didn't get it see it hit me pastor we have been short changing the resurrection story because really the resurrection story is about an exit [Applause] because quinn he didn't just get up but he got out after he got up y'all i'm i'm done you better go and get your own shout see resurrection power means i don't have to stay stagnant i don't have to stay stuck paul said i didn't just get up but i got out can i talk to y'all before i shut it down entrances into new seasons must be preceded by exits from all seasons because you can't walk into anything new being scared to walk out of something old and i say to somebody today as i close look for the exit size you want to walk into your resurrection power look for the resurrect exit sign it's time to get up and it's time to get out your three days are up being down on your back it's time to get up and it's time to get out i wonder do i have any saints watching me at home or in this sanctuary that can say god i thank you you didn't just get me up but you got me out you didn't just lift me up but then you took me out and brought me to a new life because that's what god does he gets you up and then he gets you out i'm reminded of a story that i think will help me get this right the old preacher said one day death and grave had a conversation and death told the grave death i kissed it grave can you hold it and grave said to death don't you see this cemetery nobody i got was able to get away from me so death you kissed him but i know i can hold him sanity came and death came knocking and death said grave i just want to make sure can you hold him because i heard him say if you tear down this temple i'll raise it up in three days grave said look around adam is still here joseph is still here jacob is still here esther is still here david is still here solomon is still here if you kissed him i got him and i can hold him but holy yes sunday moaning death showed back up and said grave are you sure you can hold him and grave said well something's happening down here something's shaking down here he said i don't know what's going on but something right he said this morning he didn't just get up but then he got out but graves said that ain't all he didn't get up and get out by himself he took adam he took joseph he took jacob he took abraham he took isaac he took moses he took joshua he took ruth he took gideon he took david he took solomon he took isaiah he took our backup he took everybody that belonged to him and one day when i met jesus he took me from where i used to be i got to go here i see y'all in 14 months can i just do it for myself good morning bethel may the lord god bless you real good but is there anybody in here that can help me close this siren stand on your feet if you know the lord booked you up and brought you out if you're watching on zoo get up off your chair if you know the lord got you up and brought you out i need somebody who ain't ashamed today to wave your hand if he got you up and brought you out i know you can't do it so i need your left hand and your right hand to act like you're all the neighbors your left hand is the neighbor to your right hand so do me a favor grab your neighbor's and tell your neighbor name neighbor he got me out come on that was the wrong take your left hand put it in your right hand touch your neighbor shake em and rock em rock a man shake em shake em and rock em up and tell em neighbor he got me out he picked me up he turned me around he made a way out of no way because that's what he specializes god specializes in getting folk up and getting folk out won't he do it won't he do it won't he do it won't he fight your battles won't he make your enemies your footstool won't he give you joy and sorrow won't he give you hope for tomorrow won't he dry your tears won't he won't he want it won't he want it because i know he gets me up because i know he brings me out i don't care how long it takes i know the lord will bring me out and i wish i had a shouting church that can say i'm down right now but give me three days and god will raise me up give me three days and god will lift me up and how do you know i won't die like this bishop how do you know i won't stay like this bishop how do you know it won't end like this because one friday they hung him high they stressed him wide he hung his head in the locks of his shoulders he died he died he died he died didn't he die he died all night friday he died all day saturday lord have mercy i said early i know if he got up i'll get up if he got out i'll get out and i came to tell somebody i don't care how long it takes to lay that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they'll mount up on wings like an eagle they'll run and not get weary they'll walk and not fade and i i know it for myself cause i came to jesus as i was i was weary wounded and said i found in him a resting place and he has made me glad i ain't preaching for y'all no more i just had a hell of a week i got to preach myself happy i need somebody who can help me close this sermon and declare i'm on my way to higher ground i'm on my way to my best life i'm on my way to my greater life i got to give god the praise because when i was sinking deep in sin from the peaceful shore very deeply staying within i was sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea he had my despairing cry from the water he lifted me now safe am i i don't know when i'll see you again i don't know when we'll get together again but i want to tell you be not dismayed whatever [Music] i got to let you go it's been 14 months i haven't seen you but until i see you again the lord bless you and keep you the lord making space to shine upon you bless me the tide that binds our hearts in christian love the fair loss ship the holy ghost i got to give god behind your mask wave your hand and say yeah yeah yeah [Music] amy all right hey [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] i'm done i'm done your healing is your exit [Music] your breakthrough is at the exit your restoration is at the exit your joy is at the exit but you got to go through the fellowship of your suffering so that you can attain and become the you you were meant to be you weren't born to be depressed you weren't born to be sick you weren't born to be discouraged you weren't born to be broke you weren't born to be alone resurrection power changes all of that [Music] i kept you a little longer today but it's easter sunday here [Music] you watching me on zoom you're watching me on facebook i speak it to you today yeah deborah i see your healing is the exit i see you writing it i see your patrice healing and restoration i i see you i see you celestine i see it your joy your peace keep looking for the exit signs yeah melody you weren't born to be alone i i see you're writing it [Music] i say to you this morning watching on zoom bernadette deshonda mia miss hannah lisha walter wanda daryl i say to all of you look for the exit sign cause the way out of here jesus is at the exit [Music] we gotta go [Music] i want to pray this morning if you're watching us on stream i want to pray for your salvation if you're saved i want to pray for your connection you might be in here this morning i'm not even gonna take that for granted i'm not gonna take that for granted even if you're in here this morning and if you're in here i want you to do what i'm telling everybody else to i'm not gonna ask you to come down i'm not gonna ask you to walk down i'm not gonna do any of that even if you're in here and i wanna give you these instructions and then i'm going to pray if you've never accepted jesus christ as your savior [Music] you know church but you've never had change because here's the deal you can change without church but you can't maintain change without church everybody didn't meet jesus in church some folk got witness to on the street you might be in here today and say i came to church because it was easter my family invited me but i won't change i need change i can't just do church i got to have change and and as we get ready to return to church i want to return changed you might be saying that you might be watching me on stream here's what i want you to do bishop i'm not saved i've never given jesus my life or bishop i am saved but i want to be a part of your church keep that on the screen for me or bishop i want to be part of your church but man i live in africa i live in england i live in south america i live in hawaii doesn't matter it's called the bethel experience everywhere where you can become a virtual member of this church if you're in the sanctuary i want you to do what's on that screen and if you're watching do what's on that screen text tbc decision to 40691 bishop i'm not saying bishop i want to be even if you're in the sanctuary i'm not asking you to walk down here you came with your family this morning i'm not i'm not asking you to come down here or anything i just want you to text tbc decision to 40691 watching on the screen and then i'm going to pray i'm going to pray if you haven't given your seed this morning i want you to go sow that seed 714 or 71.14 it's my declaration seed that i found the exit and he didn't just get me up he got me out and everything we prayed for this week bishop i believe it's already happened and so god this morning i thank you for change thank you for resurrection power thank you for reminding us that he didn't just get up but you got him out thank you this morning that we're forward-looking never backward thank you this morning that we don't run from suffering we won towards it because we know what's on the other side of it so god i pray for somebody who needs salvation in their life i pray for somebody this morning who is saved but over the last year and a half during this pandemic they just haven't been in the church and this morning they want to make a godly connection and i pray right now this morning that they will hit that tbc decision and text it to 40691 and let the change happen in their life we love you today and we thank you that not only did you raise your son but you raise us [Music] you help us live in resurrection power thank you for letting us gather so often we take it for granted but thank you that you let us come together hmm and i give your name to praise in jesus name very quickly listen don't forget midweek man of sunday i mean wednesday night at 7 pm that's bible study midweek manor at 7 pm did we do communion i'm so out of it i don't know did we do come here i ain't seen y'all in so long i'm you know i just i'm i'm like in another world right now the blessing of boundaries i'm going to conclude that series on wednesday night once again can you help me thank god first for our creative arts and worship ministry [Music] can you help me thank god for our production team our audio visual team and everything they've put together [Music] help me thank god for cynthia and her gifted hands volunteer ministry in our healthy bethel ministry who was out front and help me thank god for our baby jocelyn who is doing such an amazing job all those texts everything creative you see that she and her team ronald cj all of her team i've got the greatest team on the planet and i thank god and y'all thank god for my lover thank god for your pastor come on let's celebrate her this morning thank god for her now i can't i can't hug and kiss none of y'all except my family but i'll see them at dinner so far congresswoman i love you baby and i am so just just stand here for me i can't we can't do i've talked to her i've talked to her i was i i was in the secret when they went trying to find and they didn't know she was like jesus they weren't looking for her and she was not there let's celebrate our congresswoman [Music] uh-huh i love each and every one of you and thank god for you thank god for how you pray for me thank god for how you lift me and encourage me y'all keep that going i need it y'all gonna sing us out of here with that all the announcements gonna play for the so if you're watching stream all of our announcements are going hey we getting ready to start a new segment i'll tell you about it next sunday with our announcements choir's going to sing us out of here you can sit if you want but be safe don't be touching and hugging nobody and i think we get hand sanitizer outside you can get that as well y'all know what i do peace [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Bethel Church
Views: 4,966
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: rudolph mckissick sermons bethel baptist jacksonville bishop mckissick jr bbic, the bethel experience
Id: YcB4alLv1sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 36sec (8076 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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