Live Church Orlando Sunday Online Praise & Worship Experience with Pastor Tye Tribbett

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[Music] [Music] [Music] the lord turned it in your favor you woke up this morning in your right mind with the right mind to come give god praise i dare you for about 10 more seconds give god all you can right here he gave it for you he gave it for you so let it be a reasonable service to bless his name to honor his name [Music] give god praise in this place is he worthy is he worthy show me how worthy he is the bible says great is the lord and greatly to be praised i don't know your story you don't know mine but what we do have in common this breath let everything that hatched with us praise thee the lord let me see how great your god is about how great your praise is [Music] testify with your praise right here go go go go you know what he's done for you enter into his gates with thanksgiving and into his courts with praise hallelujah [Applause] you're ready to give god praise i don't even have to ask you i already seen it if you're ready can you cup your hands like this real loud clap your hands come on [Applause] [Music] his name [Music] forever glory and honor and wisdom [Music] my name is glory above us glory and honor and we're going to play you wanna it [Music] [Music] we we keep like section that i need to see we nobody i am nobody like i you are wow nobody oh i need you to cap your hands like y'all anybody else tried it on your own tried other things but they don't compare to your god my god icon we lift our hands to that king to the one king to the risen king when they traveled what i [Music] oh he's worthy of a little more than a hand clap [Music] a little more than a smile under your mask i tell you to shout out to god who is worthy from the rising of the sun to the coming days is [Music] is [Music] somebody we we declared [Music] he's alive [Music] [Applause] [Music] he said if you tear it down i can build it back up just three days he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive tell somebody tell somebody [Music] testify he came from heaven with no power [Music] we gotta go [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on praise your living savior your risen king come on let him hear your honorable worship your audible sound of glory come on lift it up to the savior [Music] calling me out [Music] and he is [Music] storms may collide but my soul is on fire with [Music] my lips big curse and he has never lost a battle so who are you great mountain that you should not bellow jesus defeated the darkness and he has never lost a battle [Music] and he never [Music] he is [Music] jesus defeated the curse so who are you oh already [Music] our great defenders [Music] he has never lost the battle he's never lost the battle a strong tower oh [Music] [Applause] jesus is who are you who i am bless him in this place [Music] jesus he has never lost a battle [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] wow [Music] [Music] you turn into glory you're the only one you care you say you turn more you turn born into death let's testify it's testimony time you turn shame into glory you turn season to high and kick on you turn crazy to god you translate into guardianship [Music] is i mean you can't do it you you can yeah for doing that only he things give him praise that nobody else can give by him say only you can do it are you kidding our god is alive let's go one there's nothing better than you there's nothing better than you there's nothing nothing is better than you take it with me y'all oh there's no nothing better than jesus better than you oh there's nothing and that's true for you as well sing it better nothing is better than you jesus nothing is better than you especially if you tried other things and you know this is true raise your voices come on how many of us tried other things and you realize that there's nothing better than last time this would be the third time come on say oh this time and [Applause] [Music] nothing is better yeah hallelujah glory to jesus glory to jesus oh he's alive he's alive give him praise that's alive this morning come on no dead praise no stale praise resurrected praise in the building he's alive he's alive and he lives in me father we thank you for another day this is the day you have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it we're grateful for your sacrifice on the cross we are grateful that you didn't only die but you rose again i said you rose again i said you rose again and because you rose we can rise out of poverty out of sickness out of disease out of depression out of sadness you rose and you live that we might live so today we live i said today we live clap your hands and say i'm living the day i'm living today be seated everybody whoa today is an awesome day i'm here with my beautiful wife shantae [Music] and we are delighted that you all have chosen live to come and worship today man behold how good and how pleasant it is for all of us to dwell together in unity we all have the same mind today worshiping the same god and we are excited that you are here to share and worship with us today anybody happy to be here today whoa come on clap your hands and make some noise for jesus everybody [Applause] we want to share a few things with you uh uh today so i'm going to get right into it love you did you want to greet you want to say anything are you good just blow a kiss there you go there you go we want to get right into a whole uh the things that we want to share today this is resurrection sunday this is yeah resurrection sunday i heard somebody say it's the believer super bowl this is our super bowl sunday this is the day that confirms our faith i say this day confirmed our faith his miracles were amazing we should follow him just for that his wisdom was amazing we should just follow him for that his love was overwhelming we should just follow him for that his mercy and his patience was like no other human we should just follow him for that but if that as if that wasn't enough he still proved that he not only loved us but he is god yeah and he rose from the dead confirming that he is in fact god in the flesh all kings have died only one has risen not this side let me try i'm trying to find the side i say all kings have died but only one rose again almost let me try this out one more time every king has lived every king has died but only one lived died and rose again and guess what you serve that king and his name is above every name his name is from athletics who everlasting his name is wonderful his name is counselor his name is mighty god his name is alpha his name is omega his name is beginning his name is the end his name is the first his name is the last he is everything he is god and his name is jesus [Music] and he's real and he's real [Music] as you can tell i'm a little excited [Applause] [Music] if there was no other sunday to be more excited this is the sunday that you should be barely able to keep your seat today should be more of a celebration for us i heard y'all already in here shouting and dancing because you know how to enter into his gates with thanksgiving and enter into his courts with praise live be thankful unto him where's the sound of gratitude in the house today [Applause] i'm grateful i said today's a celebration if i don't teach you nothing you should come in with enough celebration to fill this whole service but she's done so much for me i can't even sell it all so if the choir don't sing i've got enough praise to last this whole sermon because you don't know like cockroaches all right y'all y'all got me going old school y'all got me going old school y'all got me going old school look up and down your row and say i got enough praise for this whole row i got enough praise for the whole world if you don't want to praise them you can sit there i'll cover you with my praise don't you worry nothing about it our room is covered matter of fact your house is covered if there's a brazer in the house i said if there will praise them in the house is there a praiser in the building all right it's a celebration today we're grateful today [Applause] y'all got me i'm good is there appraiser in the house i just need to know where you are because i like to be close to praises where the praiser is there's liberty there y'all remember paul and silas they was locked up until they started praising you can be bound until you start praising once you start praising every chain that has you gotta let you go every door that was closing gotta open to you i dare somebody in fact never mind all right they got me going old school today i'm trying to talk i got my teachers mic trying to behave so i got my feet light [Applause] this morning i just want to know if i don't say nothing who got enough praise to cover this whole moment [Music] wow jesus jesus is jesus all right sit down let me share something [Applause] [Applause] trouble didn't give it world can't take it away this is i'm going to do like half the sermon now we're going to take an offer and then do the other half after that is that cool see when you have the spirit it doesn't have to be your style yeah style doesn't matter when it comes to spirit [Music] is he alive in anybody this morning hallelujah so let me explain something this is the season where we celebrate the god hey what's up y'all it's the season where we celebrate the god of the unfair trade trying to y'all scare me speak on it okay i thought i was no i love that i love a talk back this is the day to everyone online welcome thank you for joining us here at liv you are our family and we're glad you joined us this is the day we commemorate and celebrate the god of the unfair trade trade is not equal yet he made it just or fair because he's the judge he's the balancer of the scales he says what's enough so we the bible says all of us the first scripture like sheep have gone astray we've turned each one to his own way but the lord has caused the wickedness of us all our sin our injustice our wrongdoing he caused all of that to fall on him one person gets it all of our mess fell on him instead of us [Music] all of us have gone astray you might not have committed adultery you might not have murdered you might not have lied you might not be guilty of what you consider a sin but all of us have gone our own way that is essentially rebellion so what do you say i'm not as bad as them oh i will never do that can you believe a little nas oh my god i'll never go that far y'all okay oh my god you gotta talk about little i'm not but we can easily say i don't do that i have done that but we all have gone our own way well what i don't recognize when it's my way though how do you know when it's your way when it's not his isn't that calculus type stuff rocket science if it's not him and what he said you're doing things your own way so all of us are guilty of that rebellion but god put all of our sins on him instead of us in the old testament they would they would have uh oh man who can i get who can i get who cannot get bj i wanted you i know you you're with child you got your children staying here son jason since you're here come here yes sir yes sir i need a young lad i need a young lad i need a young lady come here hat yeah you look like boy y'all he ain't playing see he's not playing he said i don't know where y'all going this morning but i'm going to the house of the lord he woke up and said i was glad when they said unto me get on up here i ain't going to touch you because i don't want to get in trouble just okay come on come on up here i want to i want to hug you but just go up and stand over there socially this is yourself by them over there [Applause] [Music] what's your name my friend christian [Applause] [Music] he literally is christian stop playing we in church so listen leviticus tells it like this all of our sins was put on him instead of us leviticus puts it like this the law leviticus is the book of law if anyone sins you are to bring a sacrifice to the high priest to have your sins remitted or removed so the sinner or the offended offender will come you're the center sorry about that uh you can stand here normally you'll be together but because of socially distancing and you're so i don't want to do anything crazy okay cool so you're bringing the lamb because the center is to bring a sin offering to the high priest to have his sins covered okay so the center messed up i fell i lied i cheated whatever it is we did we now bring a sacrifice now y'all walk to the high priest come on walk one second come on so y'all come to the high priest you can stay right here okay you present your sacrifice to the high priest cause you're wrong the bible says the high priest then comes and it inspects the lamb go ahead the whole you gotta make sure it's without spot or blemish go ahead keep going uh-huh keep going keep keep circling him high priest make sure because this sacrifice is unto god so make sure it's pure he's checking out the high priestess checking out the sacrifice notice he is not inspecting the center [Applause] the center is no longer under investigation he's already guilty when people try to bring your sins up to you you can say listen i know i've sinned but check out my lamb too many people are checking you out they need to check out your lamb your lamb never stole your lamb never cheated your lamb never lied he's perfect and spotless look at your neighbor say check out my land i know i'm ratchet but my lamb is righteous i know i'm a mess but y'all are with me yet y'all ain't with me yeah look at y'all looking at me too much i know i'm a mess but look at my savior look at my lord look at my lamb [Applause] god i mean the high priest [Applause] inspects jesus i mean the lamb [Applause] the sinner will then put his hands on the head of the lamb you can do that on the hat thank you lord jesus what's it what's the symbolic of a transfer the sins that was on the man is now transferred to the lamb it's symbolic the purity of the spotless lamb is now imputed and imparted onto the spotted man so in essence the lamb becomes impure while the man becomes pure then the man will leave while the high priest kills the lamb and we ain't going to kill you because you got school tomorrow i'm sure [Laughter] the lamb is now no longer pure the lamb is now no longer clean the lamb is now heavy laden with the sins of the man that brought him so there was an unfair trade the lamb who did nothing has to die the man who caused it gets to go free go sit down christian thank y'all unfair tree well that's a good praise moment right there y'all in the good spot it's a good one next scripture says oh yeah we're still praising him right there only hold on hold on hold on real praises in this moment are not religious you know you got some stuff that he covered you know you got some mess that you hope nobody finds out you know you got some thoughts that if your neighbor knew it they would change their seat that's the praise that's rising up right now not that not the religious stuff but the ones that know if it had not been for the blood of jesus [Applause] he has made him to be sins for us who knew no sin jesus was human and he experienced everything but sin he has no clue what sin feels like to perform it he knows what it feels like to bear it [Applause] he made him sin that we might be made righteous in him so jesus was made sin for us that we may be made righteous that's a trait right there he became sin we become righteous so now you don't have to struggle and work hard to try to be right you don't have to do your best to try to be righteous just receive the righteousness of christ by faith everybody say i am the righteousness of god because i'm in christ [Applause] not because i'm cute not because i'm swag not because i pray i'm only his righteousness because i'm in christ i believe in jesus christ somebody say thank you jesus one more time say thank you jesus here's another unfair tree let's go i'm gonna do this really quick jesus took our griefs surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we considered him stricken and smitten of god and afflicted so he bore our griefs he bore our sorrows there's two ways to look at this he told me we can look at it as if he took our griefs we don't have to if he took our sorrows we won't have to sorrow or we could look at it as he's human he became human so he felt and absorbed our griefs and he felt and absorbed our sorrows so that when it hits us we can ask him to rescue us from grief and sorrows because he bore it he knows what it's like to grieve and to be sorry sorrowful and he conquered it i said he conquered it so and and he was bearing our griefs and our sorrows and everybody esteemed him as stricken or punished by god like nobody go through something like you're gonna be crucified like that he must we we deemed him stricken or smitten of god and afflicted but we don't understand he was wounded for our transgressions he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are here jesus was punished that we might be forgiven punished that we might be forgiven and wounded that we might be healed so spiritual and natural he was punished so we can be forgiven spiritually and he was wounded naturally so we can be healed naturally and spiritually are y'all with me i love that wounds wounds represent outward sins wounds are usually open open wounds so he died to cover our outward sins that everybody can see [Music] and he also died to cover the bruises inward the things that nobody knows the thoughts that we have the intentions and the motives when we get a little okay y'all pure never mind i'm sorry about that i'm sorry i'm sorry about that so that's another unfair trade he was punished everybody said he was punished that i might be forgiven and he was wounded that i might be healed here's another one christ next one has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us i need y'all to keep looking at these four us because that's what this whole day is about he became a curse for us for it is written cursed is everyone that hanging from the tree why that the blessing might come upon us jesus became a curse so we can become blessed that's another unfair all these like for for your for your for your tears you get joy yo he's a god of an unfair trade but it's in our favor i said but it's in our favor it's unfair but it's in your favor that's a good thank you jesus moment right there he became a curse now most curses are not individual most curses are for families or connected to larger communities and generally in scripture the assignment of a curse is both to is go to go from generation to generation unless something happens to interrupting the nature of curses and blessings are normally connected to communities or families right blood usually generational curses generational blessings the intention of these blessings and curses is to go from generation to generation to generation unless otherwise interrupted you could have been under a family curse okay but jesus came and became that curse [Applause] he didn't experience the curse he became it so he could kill it when he died he killed the curse of your life y'all didn't get it over here let me go over here he when he died he absorbed the curse over your life he killed the curse so that you might have a right to the blessings of god somebody say i'm blessed [Applause] it says curse is everyone that hangeth on a tree eth means continually so if it's connected to family it's like the family tree if you're still connected to the family tree you could be connected to a family curse that's where my aunt do it this is where my mom does this is where my aunt's doing okay you're hangeth you're hanging in this you are hanging them in this on a tree under the under the law of loyalty that's not in the bible by the way loyalty is not in the bible but that's a big thing amongst culture i don't know how that happened like you you will do wrong things in the name of loyalty you will be places you don't want to be in the name of loyalty you will endure atmospheres you can't stand in the name of loyalty and god never asks you to be loyal he said to be faithful okay never mind faithful faith comes by hearing hearing by the word be faithful to him and not your homies wondering why you're cursed cursed is not just a sickness or a disease i can't sleep i'm stressed i'm depressed yes it is sickness isn't headaches chronic headaches some people can't have birth child birth is connected to curses oh it's so much yo there's so much going on because we're hanging on trees it's time to sever yourself from the curse so you can be embraced by the blessing i'm talking to you all today i'm glad y'all shouted and did all that earlier because i'm talking today took our curse gave us his blessing took our sickness gave us his health took our wretchedness gave us his righteousness took our sins gave us his purity whoa this is all by faith without works none of us did anything this is his overwhelming love for us that he made arrangements never mind he made arrangements outside of you today today we made arrangements for the service the words on the screen the lights the seats the music the [Music] we made arrangements soon all you had to do was enter in you didn't have to set up the stage you didn't have to help with the lights you don't have to help make this arrangement suitable all you have to do is receive it there's nothing you could do to make yourself righteous just receive jesus all right one more one more unfair trade then i'm gonna get so here we go they crucified him so he he gave us his shame and we now have his glory right he took our shame gave us his glory check this out they crucified him and parted his garments casting lots that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet they parted my garments among them and upon my vesture did they cast lots watch this and sitting down they watched him so these are the soldiers here they took his garments he had four major pieces of garment they took it was four soldiers four roman soldiers they each took a piece of garment and cast lots and watched them he was buckhead naked there's no greater shame than public nudity he hung there while they watched him naked completely and bleeding as they mocked him the king of the jews look at that naked bare bloody embarrassing king he took all of that shame and i wish he was naked in a bed somewhere but he was lifted up everybody saw the shame so nobody has to see yours now i'm about to they won't call shotgun he looked hideous on screen so none of our sins will be up there he was completely naked and exposed the epitome of shame he embodied and absorbed it understand he didn't just become these things he died as these things so that means these things died oh i felt that in my left torso i said he died as these things so when he died it died what are you shamed for it died already what are you guilty for it died already what are you stressed for it died already what are you sick for it died already somebody thank god for i gotta don't because y'all don't know i got a lot of shameful things in my life that'll never be exposed because he was exposed for me never mind y'all too good i need a ratchet i need somebody who's been through some stuff i need somebody who got some sins in your life to be grateful for the fact that i never have to be exposed not only was he exposed he was mocked you got time to gamble and cast lots over my clothes as i'm hanging in there for my people you got time to do that y'all mocking me you don't even know who you crucify you got time to talk about me as i'm being exposed and we live in an era of exposure we live in an era where the gossip columnist we live in where the bloggers cannot wait to break a story on how somebody messed up or how stupid somebody looks we cannot wait for it to go viral in someone's shame what happened to people that covered people [Applause] when noah was naked [Music] when noah was naked and drunk y'all don't know that story ain't got time to go into that when noah was naked and drunk his sons came in and said oh look at daddy and they're drunk and naked got the older brothers the brothers i'm about to cry i'm about to cry oh god help me the brothers walked in with a garment and they walked in their father's presence backwards because i refused to see my father looking any other way but honorable i refuse to see my father looking any other way but the man i refuse to see him as anything else but righteous and they walked in backwards and they covered him where are the friends that are walking your life backwards where are the homies and the family members that'll walk into your trouble backwards walk until you made a mistake [Applause] backwards i just saved all of y'all on this boat and you want to expose me yo i got somewhere else to go i wish i could stay on there so he went through shame so we can experience his glory look how good y'all look today y'all about the post easter you're about to look good in public everybody about to look so good in public as if we earned the right to do that we didn't earn the right to look this good look at your neighbor and say you look so good but not cause of you oh but because he looks so bad two thousand years ago he looks so bad so you can look this good that should eliminate some swag [Applause] i know i look good but it ain't because of me it's cause jesus paid it ah oh to him i oh sin has left the crumbs that stayed sin has left the dirty stain sin attempted to leave a permanent stain since stain was almost permanent until he washed [Music] washed in wider snow so what can wash way my sins [Music] what else can make me if you know what's saying it nothing we're about to observe communion [Music] [Music] oh everybody's standing we're going to observe communion he took our shame so we can look this good he bore our grease so we don't have to stress out that's why the crown of thorns was on his head to redeem us from stress that's the first blood that was shed crown of thorns so that our thoughts and our minds won't be stressed and overwhelmed he redeemed you from being overwhelmed by taking the crown of thorns you don't have to receive stress you don't have to receive being overwhelmed you can receive the peace that passes all understanding [Music] one more thing he redeemed us from one more thing that's an unfair trade he took our rejection so that we may have acceptance ain't that good [Music] last scripture that the next one up there really quick about the ninth hour he cried with the loud voice eli elijah that is to say my god my god why have you forsaken me and some of them stood there when they heard them they said he calling for elijah and one of them said let's get a sponge and put it with vinegar and put it on the reed and give them to drink the rest said just let it be let's see whether elijah comes to save him or not jesus cried again with the loud voice that he lifted up the ghost he died and then the veil of the temple was rent into from top to bottom and the earth shook and the rocks ripped jesus says lord why have you forsaken me god for the first time in the history of existence jesus calls and cries out to the father with no response for the first time in all of existence god turns his back on the sun because god because at this point jesus became sin and god cannot accept sin i can't look upon sin with favor it's impossible my very nature is set against sin so i can't love sin even though i love my son it's impossible for me to love sin our natures are set against each other are y'all understanding that so what god is saying is since i am love god is love so any place he is is loved [Music] so if i stay here when my son is in sin it's me accepting it and loving it he turns his back [Music] and life without god is not life at all life without god is death which is why once he realized he was gone he gave up the ghost [Music] some say jesus died from heartbreak [Music] because the greatest the greatest torture of the heart is rejection studies studies say that the the worst thing that can wear on your heart is being rejected which is why we go through all these loops to be accepted by people because our very nature wants to be embraced and accepted that's why people who are born who don't know who their father is they say why did you give me up for adoption how did i get rejected before i had a chance to show you who i am and the child grows up with this feeling of reject and negligence it is the worst cavity in the human soul but even if you were adopted woe even if you don't know your father to this day jesus took your rejection oh god i hope you all feeling me right now so that you can be accepted jesus died after god turned his back on him and at the same time the veil in the temple ripped in the temple there was a big curtain separating humanity from the presence of god when you go beyond the curtain it was this huge smoke cloud of glory it was the presence of god but everybody didn't have access only the high priests and the ones who but when jesus died the curtain was ripped after he was after he was rejected there was a grand opening [Laughter] [Applause] and it says you got to understand the curtains was like this so see how high that is well y'all probably can't see but there are curtains up here that's very very high very high the bible says the curtain was ripped from top to bottom no man could do that essentially that's saying god has given you access to him not live church not past the time not this preacher god has given you access no man can rip the veil no man can give you access god himself says you are now welcome as my beloved child you are my child but i don't know my father yes you do i am your father so to everyone who has felt rejected abandonment god comes to set you free believe it and receive it and on that night he took the bread oh god oh god just take the little wafer off the top this symbolizes the bread that they ate and the bread symbolizes his body he said this is my body that was broken for you he said take it and eat it now watch i want y'all to make sure you break it before you eat it some people say break it because he was broken some people say he's whole now so eat it whole i like the broken part i like to remember that he was crushed like this not because of nothing he did because of everything i did he was crying like all he's crushed i like all that he was crushed so make sure you crush that thing because that represents what our sins did to him if your sins ain't that bad just fold it nice and neat but if you know it's a nasty disgusting demonic entity that you allow to perform through you for amount of time that you are now done with crush that thing and when you take this you're receiving christ himself he receive ye the lord and give him thanks and give him thanks and give him thanks and give him thanks [Music] he said i am the bread of life and in the same manner he took the wine he said this is my blood that was shot [Music] this is my blood that was shared with you there's nothing more precious to give somebody than blood he spilt his holy blood so we could live a holy life he was bruised and wounded for our healing this represents healing this represents a new life and wine represents joy so when you receive this you're receiving new life [Music] you could say amen today you're receiving healing let me say this when you're receiving health and you're receiving joy receive it and give him thanks right now [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you for your sacrifice thank you for your love thank you for your blood oh god what manner of love is this that a man will lay down his life for a friend be seated everybody thank you for your blood jesus were you gonna sing something to him are you good are you good you sing it sing in a minute all right let me get you all out of here oh one last thing i want us to prepare to give today he also did another unfair trade check this out oh y'all still getting you yeah let's give them thanks let's give them thanks for the lord is good and he's always been good give thanks give thanks for the lord is good and he's always been good so we'll forever praise the name of jesus christ [Music] all right let me do this we can get out of here i'm not trying to rush i wish we could sit in every moment but i want to give you all a lot in a little bit of time another thing that he traded look at this the next one really quickly really quickly as we prepare to give look for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ this is gracious and kind to do this though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor so that we might become rich look at that he was already rich but like coming to america he became poor so that we might become rich they said can anything good come out of nazareth nazareth was like a hood jesus grew up in a hood you know what it's like to grow up in pine hills he became poor that we might become rich next one really quickly and god is able to make all grace abound towards you that you always having all sufficiency in all things may abound look at all this that covers every area of your life you may abound look to every good work next scripture and i'm done for god is the one who provides seed to the sower and then bread to eat in the same way he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you i know we say it may be poor so that everybody might become rich but everybody ain't gonna have a rolls royce everybody ain't gonna live in a castle but i believe god's plan is to make us to supply all of our needs and so that all of us will have enough to give to somebody else i'm going to be so good to you i'm going to increase your resources so much that it produces a harvest not of money but of generosity god has been so good to me it's only right that i give and if it hasn't been that good to you then that's that's that's what you believe but how many of you can say in here that god has been good to me i may not have everything i want but trust me i got oh man everything i need [Music] those you know maybe some of you don't know where we're looking to purchase the holy land property this property right [Applause] here a little more noise a little more celebration a little more faith faith faith faith faith faith [Music] they shut down the production about a couple two years ago and we've been talking to the powers that be to see what we need to do and it is definitely beyond us in human capabilities not human but what we have now with man this is impossible but with god [Applause] all things are possible it's about well we're not going to discuss the price but we're looking to purchase this property your generosity will be a blessing to us this day and in weeks to come if you decide to continue to give but don't just give because we're trying to buy a building give because you understand that it's more blessed to give than to receive and the reason why god blesses you with enough to give to others because he knows he's more blessed to give and he doesn't want any of his children living on the lower level of blessings so i want you to prepare to give today could you put the information on the screen let's give it to the lord because he's been so good to us i'm not going to tell you an amount to give but you can give you can text to give you can give online or if you have physical cash there are two uh what are those called i say it every week when i don't know what rock box oh drop boxes you can give it drop boxes right here if you have five thousand dollars or more i wouldn't say do it in cash i would say just go ahead and put it on the uh y'all like five if that's a lot to you your faith is already in you your faith is in you if that's a lot but if you know your father has a cattle on a thousand years this is nothing to you all right let's give them to the lord tim you're gonna sing let's give and we'll come back with some announcements and we're going home together not just announcements i got some things to say and then go home born again we born again [Music] it is more blessed to give than to receive and here we live to give let's get ready to give here at live we have made giving as convenient as possible we have easy ways to give the first option is cash app you can use cash tag live orlando that's tag l-i-v-e-o-r-l-a-n-d live orlando the second option you can text to give by texting the word give to the number 321804 two six nine four that's three two one eight zero four two six nine four if this is your first time using text to give please take a brief moment to follow the prompts it's a one-time setup so follow the instructions in the message giving online is the third option you can do this simply by visiting www live [Music] and click on the giving tab and we would like to thank you for worshiping with us today [Music] oh [Music] forever oh we will fall we will be oh come on come on foreign let's play [Music] okay somebody give god praise in here say thank you jesus thank you jesus i be seated thank god for his sacrifice he died on the cross not just for our sins but as our sins he didn't just die for us he died as us suffered and absorbed the total penalty penalty for sin giving us eternal life making us born again right so we're born again if we believe on him anybody believe in jesus today put the first scripture up if you believe it on him scripture if you believe it's on him if you believeth on him after that the son of god you have the witness of yourself he that believeth the son of god if you don't believe you made him a liar because you don't believe that he gave his son so he that half the son of god have life and he that does not have the sun don't have life so this is a clear case of the haves and the have-nots if you have the sun you have the life if you don't have the sun you don't have a life when you receive jesus when you understand he died and you say you know what i receive i accept that i'm a sinner i accept that i can't save myself or make myself right no matter how nice i am or kind i am i need jesus once you say that you accept jesus not in the physical person because he's not here but you receive the spirit of the anointed one y'all with me so you receive his spirit and the spirit is the movement of god go to the next scripture look at this look at this y'all in the beginning god created the heavenly earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the earth here it is the spirit this is the first chapter the first verse of the first book of the bible second verse tells you what the spirit was doing and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the water the spirit is the movement of god the spirit always moves if you want to know your next move tap into the spirit the spirit always knows how you should move [Music] you trying to make a decision how should i move with my finances the spirit somebody offend you how should i move with spirit the spirit is the movement of god jesus is the word of god god is the creator and the father and initiator of everything so you have the purpose giver the father you have the way which is jesus and you got the movement which is the spirit thank you i'm glad you're here please come next week somebody say i need the spirit because i need to know how to move i need god's rhythm i need the timing you might not you might know what to do but not know when and you might know what to do and when to do it but not how the spirit is the rhythm of god it's nothing better than doing the right thing at the right time being in the rhythm of god everything you do is right when you're in you in that zone i'm telling you ain't nothing like being in the rhythm of god and when you're out of rhythm you're depressed you're confused you're wondering what's going on you're wondering why everything you need the spirit of god somebody say fill me up say fill me up you need the spirit of god not just the word of god you need the spirit of god a lot of people know the word we've been may endure for a night okay we know that you know it but when you're weeping you need the spirit to comfort you i know the scripture but i need an experience the spirit gives me the experience of what i know oh god okay the spirit is the movement of god you understand what i'm saying so the father is the initiator so now we have the children of israel jesus is now the way i'm bringing you out of egypt into the promised land i received that thank you jesus how do i do that the spirit leads you by pillar of cloud by day [Applause] pillar of fire by night we don't want to be led we just want to know where to go that's so good you want we want to know we just want to know we're hiding we just want to know what we need to do and we'll make our own way [Laughter] god is not interested in you getting to his destination your way because the reason why that is the destination is because there is something in process that's going to develop you so it's not just the place it's the way. [Applause] [Music] are y'all with me let me move quickly watch this the bible says it is the spirit who gives life the flesh conveys no benefit it is of no account the words i speak are spirit and life providing eternal life jesus said what i'm saying to you is spirit my word is spirit and it's the spirit that gives life the flesh has no benefit your flesh don't want to be here today you're probably getting hungry and hungrier every other scripture i put up you can sleep here and you get more time every time i say another you like oh my your flesh don't want to be here nothing in your flesh likes what's going on right now but the reason why you're in here cause the flesh is weak but the spirit is willing you gotta i'm getting too excited let me calm down and get on your level you're here for a reason and you you confuse yourself why is my it's like your spirit drags you here today your flesh never wants to pray your flesh never wants to praise god your flesh never wants to worship your flesh never wants to give but there's something deeper in you there's something greater on the inside of you why am i you you understand what i'm saying that's the spirit of god so those who think you don't have the spirit you do because you're here right now unless your mom and your parents brought you in you have to be here there's something in you that knows you are one with what's being said the spirit gives life watch this y'all words are spirit it's almost like god he told me this almost like god's saying man looking at his children like i know what you need i know what you i know what you need to do i wish i could just jump in your body and live your life for you have you ever thought that way about somebody why you keep letting people push you around and oh girl i wish i could just live you oh i would give me your body for a week i was nobody gonna mess with you you look at your kids if you wish you could just live their life for them for a day they come home complaining about school or something i wish i could just be you for a day god is looking at his children like i know exactly what you need and you just keep making a dumb decision you keep doing the same thing you keep doing it and i'm telling you obey my word read the word read the word oh my god i wish oh i wish i could just have your body for a minute the spirit is god living through you for you we can't jump in our kids body and live for them but god can when you receive the holy spirit essentially god is jumping into your body it ain't possession it's choice his choice he's jumping in your body living through you when i choose to obey his word essentially i am receiving his spirit when i choose to obey his word because his word is spirit the word i speak is spirit whoa so when i obey the word i'm walking in the spirit are y'all with that okay because i was taught in pentecostal church that when you get the holy ghost you have a couple of hoshi [Applause] you ain't got the holy spirit unless you're doing all that you don't have the holy spirit you got to be having be mean just a little bit because you deep praise him praise him you good no i'm not good i'm blessed and highly [Applause] get that good on my face i'm highly that's how you know you got the holy spirit that's a lie the fruit of the spirit is love how you speak in tongues and don't love that ain't the spirit say them tongues [Applause] joy i ain't seen a joyful usher all my days of being in a pentecostal church every usher man give me that gum give me that gum where your joy i thought you had the holy spirit i thought you had the holy spirit [Applause] two i got two up here two two that ain't joy that ain't joy but that usher speaks in tongues [Music] so you gotta respect her anointing because she spoke in tongues mess me with that demons speak in tongues i said demons do it demons do it god will never mark you as his child by something a demon can do i got to get out of here now but you know what a demon can do love y'all y'all not with me today i need y'all to do something demons can do demons can praise demons can worship demons know god oh but they can't love they got no joy they got no peace they can't suffer long gentleness goodness meekness patience do that [Applause] miss me on the tongues do that [Applause] a controlling parent forces you to obey a loving god gives you a choice to obey and our beat our obedience and my second closing thank y'all i love y'all so much we leaving our obedience should come from a place of gratitude and love when we love him we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous to us it's not a burden to us to do what he says because we know we're so loved by him he gave me an illustration it's almost like my dad was like a car i don't even know what to say he a car kind of he was into cars enthusiasts we were outside in the winter washing his pontiac bonneville with white walls we had brillo pass scrubbing the white walls of my dad's tires in the snow i'm like dad he said if you eat in this car you might as well get dressed for hell i don't even know what that means if y'all ate in my dad's car i'm telling you hell is your portion i mess around and snap i mean the barbecue or the buffalo wing i thought look at that i snuck that buffalo wing in that back seat he messed around boop it was four or five buffalo winged spots and the seats weren't left it was like these judge you to judge yourself and the car was bumping whatever's not it kind of landed under me so i'm smearing it and as i'm trying to catch it i'm smearing it in i was 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14. i don't know how old i was i was i was 17 come on i immediately oh my god [Applause] all the kids in the back my dad i'm praying to the god of abraham isaac and israel too i needed all of them my dad found out what i did in his precious vehicle wow he found out what i did in his body i mean car i stained the inside of the vehicle with the stain that i couldn't get out he stops the car takes his jacket off take off his suit jacket tells me to get out i just immediately got out and turned around i knew i was getting the beat you know i was like just go ahead just go ahead i ain't fighting you go ahead just have at it because i know you're gonna get me because i disobeyed you and i deserve it i disobeyed you and i deserve it i disobeyed you and i deserve it so i'm preparing for punishment not unbeknownst to me [Applause] he took his jacket off not to punish me but to take my place and clean it for me he had the correct cleaning materials he knew what it took to clean that stain i was using something i thought i could clean i had fig leaves to cover myself he said no i ain't the blood of bullocks it ain't the blood of goats that's gonna do it this time time you need the blood so as he walked by me almost ignoring me i'm free as he handles the issue we all stand by now as god handles the issue on the cross and if he's cleaning he said ty oh god go stand over there ty stand over there what you think ty going to do obey because of what he has done for me he removed the punishment i know i deserve and clean my mess so i can sit back in that seat anything you asked me to do i'll do it you are worth this obedience you have earned my allegiance because of your love so when we obey god it should come from that place of gratitude and love i'm done when you you could play yup last verse we need your spirits but the helper jesus said if i don't leave my successor can't come who's greater than jesus this is the extension of god himself but the helper the comforter the advocate the intercession the counselor the strengthener the one that stands by you the holy spirit it's not just the holy ghost he's the helper do you need help he is the comforter as crazy as this world is we need a comforter he's an intercessor he prays on our behalf he counsels us that's the biggest one we go to all types of people and youtube and google for counsel and advice we swipe for quotes that'll help us and not leaning on the counselor on the inside of us you have a wonderful counselor on the inside he is the holy spirit and he is your strength he'll send him in my name and in my place to represent me and act on my behalf he will teach you all things i don't even need to be up here i'm just a resource to the source you don't need to come to church another day in your life you ain't gonna be in this building this is a resource to the source because he will teach you all things somebody said i need the spirit and he will help you to remember everything i told you when you obey god you walk in his spirit you ever see somebody who looked just like they did you doing things just like your dad when my dad told me that when my mom when you do what somebody says you take on their spirit jesus said my words are spirit all words of spirit all words all words i remember we was in high school one time and somebody was getting jumped it was you know after school four o'clock we're gonna jump you know robber i'm like man jumping robert i got i got a revival tonight at my church i ain't got time to jump robert i gotta be i gotta be at revival rehearsal by three so i'm gonna miss this jump cause you know what i mean i'll miss the jump you feel me [Music] biggest church boy in there i ain't gonna make the jump you know what i'm saying with my suit all i got revival tonight i can't jump today walking home i saw them jumping them come on come on man you said you you said you went out of the house come on you said you i thought you was i was like all right and i went i got one little kick in and i hit him right in the temple and i was so scared because he started shaking and robert was my friend i mean not my friend but i knew him i didn't have no problem with him but since everybody was jumping him i took on their spirit when you follow somebody's words you take on their spirit so the way you grow in the spirit of god is by obeying the word of god oh my gosh not just praying more but praying more not just reading more but your obedience strengthens his spirit in you are you all hearing me i don't hear god i don't i want to walk in the spirit i want to i want to see this prophecy i don't know nothing about that start by obeying one scripture then you're gonna mess around on day two and three and four and forty four and then you know what he sounds like and you might not read and you'll still hear him and then you ain't gonna read and you still follow him and you ain't gonna read it you're gonna hear him and you're gonna sense him you gotta start by your obedience [Music] and as you go you'll be filled with the spirit of god everybody's standing thank you all for coming in hey jesus died to give you him you don't have to leave the day without the spirit of god you can receive him by faith right now anybody need the holy spirit today man look what you are it's too many people in here to choose to live by your own intuitions it is foolish to think you are wise enough to handle your life because you know what you think hold on joe two seconds you think you could think you're wise enough to handle your life but it's really probably one area in your life or you probably think you can handle like five areas of your life not understanding there are five million so you need the spirit just to give you a panoramic wisdom on your entire life because i guarantee if you think you got your life under control you missed a spot i guarantee it if you think you got it all together one spot you misses humility okay god wants you to be thank you joe perfect and entire lack of nothing babe join me please as i just pray and let the people go home this year we didn't have the typical easter service with all the eggs out there i'm sorry all the kids didn't have the bunny marshmallows they got me she said i look like a nice what i look like a easter egg okay thank you and you dip it in a diet the cute egg right we didn't have a typical one this year the pandemic and everything and we wanted it american culture has substantial sensationalized everything and turned every celebration to ourselves resurrection sunday ain't got nothing to do with us our kids having fun in the living room nothing to do with that [Applause] and it's the only sunday some of us come to church as if never mind because i don't really care about buildings and stuff like that but it's like yo we make every festival it's supposed to be like a celebration unto god and there's nothing wrong with the churches that do that i love the helicopters that drop the eggs and the jelly bear i love that i love we wouldn't we won't have a helicopter one day but yo [Music] we made christmas about us everything we turned to even balance never mind anything you going to somebody else birthday party making sure you look good and you and you and you christina's birthday party christina's and christine and none of your pictures this is everything is about that's the culture y'all so i stripped live of all sensationalism for a season we ain't got no signs outside welcome to church nothing wrong with that i love every church that do it and we might go back to doing it ain't about that it's about jesus and what this man chose to do for us he didn't die so we could have jelly beans and i love jelly beans and skittles too and swedish fish and boston baked beans but it's about jesus so we were stripped this year so we can focus on the essential one who is jesus the christ son of the living god lord jesus look at your children today we're all here covered under your blood and we choose you to be our lord and our savior today if you have not received jesus christ man this whole moment is for you this whole moment is for you to come out of darkness into the marvelous light is that you want to make a change today jesus didn't rise out of the grave he walked out he rolls inside [Applause] so you talking about resurrection life you're talking about him rising on the inside and if you read it he cleaned up the place he folded the clothes he rose inside the dark place cleaned it up and walked out so when you receive christ he rises in you in the darkness of your heart cleans it up so you can walk in the newness of life so if you want to allow him to clean you up today if that's you and you want to be saved just raise your hand we're going to pray with you right where you are i want to be saved i want i see you i see you i want to i see you i don't see everybody but i see you i see you i see you i see you i see you i love this i see you i see you i want to make a change today i want to give jesus my life he gave his life for me i see you i see you i see you everybody whose hands is up i see you and if your hand ain't not what your heart is god sees you i just want to pray with you today and understand you're choosing a journey not a moment you're choosing a journey not a moment you're choosing a journey not a moment you're saved in this moment but you're being sanctified as you go so father i thank you for every hand that please no walking we're about to all leave thank you all so much i appreciate it thank you thank you father i thank you for every hand that was raised and if they didn't raise their hands they rose their hearts saying this is the day i declare no longer i that lives but christ that lives in me if your hand was raised repeat after me lord jesus i make you lord of my life i believe you died and rose with all power in your hand i love it say it right now right now i surrender and i believe i've changed i'm healed i'm delivered and i am saved say it again i am saved say jesus i make you lord of my life in jesus name everybody clap your hands it's a good day it's the beginning it's not the end it's the beginning your journey starts now your new life starts now your joy starts now your peace starts now your provision starts now in jesus name liv we love you so much thank you for joining us today for our resurrection service i pray that it was a blessing to you anybody received something today you were blessed [Applause] okay um i was supposed to say something yeah really quickly plea yeah i'm not good with this stuff please do not forget [Music] um please do not forget april 30th everybody [Music] april 30th we are at the dr phillips center for the front yard festival that week leading up to that friday monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday liv is serving the city we're using that moment to celebrate our four year anniversary amen april 16th we'll be four years old and we're using that week to serve the city it's called live in the streets we have a partnership with senator bracey uh i don't know how to say all this kelvin you might have to come i don't i'm just i'm just i get nervous when people start walking i start rushing and i'm thinking i'm making everybody i'm wasting everybody's time i got all this anxiety and okay cool i'll take my time okay thank you so thank you thank you so april 30 at the front yard festival you can get your tickets at it's myself in concert and i might have a couple of surprises oh yeah so i'm very very excited about that i've been quarantined for a year and they let me out the house orlando is in trouble so if you go to front yard festival and use the promo code live oh we're saying this to everybody because i'm online too how y'all doing online y'all good okay cool if you use the promo code live you'll get a discount on the tickets to sign up for live in the streets the food drive text live 21 9 live 21-79-7979 to sign up for all that we're doing that we are partnering with meals on wheels to serve the seniors we are collecting ladies and gentlemen toiletries shampoo conditioner razors body lotions paper towels and toilet paper seniors who cannot afford to purchase these things lib is going to provide for them y'all can make a little more noise than that we live to give we live to give we need to give we need to give we live again we're also raising funds to provide meals and activities for the families of the orlando rescue mission and the new image youth center amen so we're providing funds for that so as you give to live church this is where your funds are going along with us uh saving up to buy this place and we will begin collecting items and donations next sunday okay let's live in the streets last but certainly not least the lib store is now on oh the live website is okay if you go to you can check out our store where all our cool clothes is and all that stuff and of course the trend boutique is open today [Music] the trend boutique is open today so immediately following service run across the street you'll see the live sign you'll see the trend sign my wife has started a boutique and it is absolutely amazing i love it it's always something fresh it's always something new you putting something in there every week i live with you and i see you going shopping i see you taking stuff you taking my clothes you taking all type of stuff so go to the trend boutique you'll find unique clothing that you ain't gonna find anywhere and also custom wear amen her book renovate is also out renovate purchase her book online on amazon or you can go next door and buy it as as well at the trend go to amazon y'all do me a favor go to amazon look up renovate and go give it five stars i don't care if you read it or not i ain't asked you did you read it i didn't say did you read it i said go to amazon look up renovate and put five stars on it i didn't say after you read it do it i said by faith because i already know it's going to be good how many of y'all have read renovated or reading it now has it blessed you come on let me hear you so go to amazon give it five stars support and we appreciate you i love you baby i got you don't you where i got you i got you we love you all permanently thank you all for coming all right i'm leaving i'll see you all across the street at the trend enjoy your day and the way you prove jesus is alive in you is by living just like him loving just like him serving just like him go out today and serve somebody go out love somebody go out with joy and peace father we thank you for your resurrected life in the name of jesus we walk in the newness of life because you died for us we are grateful and we praise you in jesus name live live live live the lord is with us therefore we will not fail god bless you i'll see you all across the street thank you all for joining us online we love you so very much thank you for your generosity and your giving you are helping us serve the city and the kingdom of god we love you permanently and we look to see you next week happy resurrection is [Applause] [Music] is let's go resurrection [Music] [Music] [Music] there his resurrecting resurrecting men [Music] [Music] is we're coming under the grave you say you're coming out of the way let's go hey we're coming but everybody's coming but everybody's coming up coming out of is jesus made history just my justine sing why's your grave wait where's your victory jesus where's your strength where's your great heart where's your victory jesus made jesus jesus christ yes is oh hungry that's not how the story is he rolls again that's is oh is again that's not how the story is oh i forgot that jesus with the camera let's do that and then i'll leave you all alone jesus here we go like is one more time longest that's not how the story is three wow there is no greater love there is no greater love there is no no no no no no no no no no no there is he loves us [Music] oh [Music] oh oh oh [Music] oh [Music] so loves us [Music] oh oh that's good father is just how beautiful you are god bless y'all i'm messing up everything oh oh that could not hold you down oh oh [Music] [Music] you are the reason you god bless y'all we can do this all day hey take this with you as you go god bless you we gotta go let everybody say [Music] foreign
Channel: LiVe Church
Views: 8,457
Rating: 4.9338841 out of 5
Keywords: Live Church Orlando, Tye Tribbett, Orlando Florida, Live, Elevation, Relentless, Transformation, Lakewood, Bethel, Hillsong, Deeper, Stephen Furtick, John Gray, Michael Todd, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Jesus, Christ, Music, Gospel, Christian, TBN, Covid19, NASA, Football, MLB, NBA, Counter Culture, GWE, 1045 The Beat, Tim Bush, Jovita Sheppard
Id: zkKH1ZpuwV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 59sec (8759 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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