The Bethel Church Live Stream

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foreign [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] our children's choir king's kids is looking for new volunteers and new kids from ages four to twelve parents if you have children in that age group make sure you sign them up by texting children sing to five four two four four the leader miss orianna armstrong is eager to hear from you and can't wait to reach out our oasis children and preteen ministry meet every single day of the week yes every day so parents make sure you have your kids registered to kit check the link is below but definitely make sure you follow them on their social media every day of the week just to mention a few of my favorites i absolutely love tasty tuesdays with miss doris and i love character corner with miss deborah williams you have to sign on to see join us every morning for 714 prayer monday through friday as our intercessors pray for us we pray for unity peace wisdom and our protection and so many other things that are needed within this season of our lives dial the number below to join us remember 7 14 am every morning monday through friday so y'all already know what to do tag text and tell somebody that the bethel experience has begun [Music] so praise the lord everybody praise the lord we can do better than that praise the lord everybody god you are so worthy god we're grateful that you decided to tune in to the bethel experience on this morning go ahead and swipe and invite text tags and tell your friends to come on in because the worship experience has begun god is here we need you to check in and so that you can be here create your own space so that god can do what he wants to do in your life amen god is worthy to be praised can we give god a great praise i said can we give god a great [Music] we honor your praise god we bless you you're so worthy and we honor your name oh god and we just want to seek our song of praise to you so repeat that let me is [Music] [Music] king of kings is [Music] you know what to you forgave me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're worthy [Music] worthy [Music] [Music] forever lord i praise you lord i praise you lord i praise you all the glory [Music] listen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] now if you know that our god is worthy go ahead and lift up your praise god we love you and we thank you for being worthy so we want to send up our heart to you god we want to send about praise to you oh god to let you know god that we love you because you are worthy because you are our god there's no one like you there's no one even comes close that even compares to your glory oh god so we have a song you know it listens [Music] come on i want you to get it in your spirit [Music] [Music] for you [Music] and you [Music] [Music] you have wanted all for me [Music] and you're seated in majesty [Music] you have one you have one let's put our hearts and our minds on god hallelujah [Music] king you are [Music] you are the reason [Applause] you're seated in majesty [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah saying death good night hold it down lord we give you glory boy you are the reason we give you glory honor yes ain't deaf can't but you are the reason [Music] lord we give you glory now for the next 10 seconds everybody open up your mouth and let's give god glory for you are the risen king you are the risen king you are our savior that hell and the great couldn't hold you but god we honor you because you're seated in majesty above all names your name sits higher and god we thank you yeah say death manchester [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] could not hold you down [Music] [Music] that's what kind of god we serve so whatever your illness is whatever your mental stability is death can't hold him down and if he's keeping you it can't hold you down so i need you to type in the comments that i can make it because death couldn't hold him down [Music] [Music] you all stay right there for me you know one of the things i love about anybody that knows me knows that's that's my quinn probably knows this better than anybody especially before pandemic when we were really on the road that's my go-to song i i love that song because there are so many songs good songs this is not a negative that we saying about god or about the lord this is a song you saying to him it's not he is the risen king you are the risen king and here's here's my hope this morning for everybody watching us on facebook or on our website or uh on youtube that that you were not a spectator simply watching and listening the one thing that you should have discovered how many months has this been now 19 months by now you should have trained and disciplined your spirit for sacred space no matter where you are you by now you you should have discovered how how to worship no matter where you are and this song is so personal i think that's why you like dude so personally you are the rhythm i'm being a husband what's happening you got a piece of hair up in your beautiful makeup so in this moment this is what he does anyway so we can make it so personal and we want you all to make it personal you all may not be here the bishop has said carve out your sacrifice from your house that's right and begin to worship him we are you're not the building is not the church you are the church yes and so begin to worship him right where you are because you are the risen king hallelujah lord i'm singing you are the rhythmic so we're all making it personal as we're corporately saying it together so we're all making it personal so bishop can we just do it one more time and here's what everybody can do it from their own personal space and here's what i want us to do when we do it one more time i want you wherever you are watching i want you to get up i want you to get up get up get up out of your your recliner uh you're off your sofa if you're watching out on your lanai or your patio i want you to get up i surely want you to get about the bed cause i'm a believer you really cannot get in a worship posture cause sleep would be too easy to slip back into i want you to get up wherever you as much as we have sung this song through the years everybody ought to know you don't need lower thirds you don't need jeremy giving you the words or you can learn it right now i want you to get up and i want you to prepare holy ground right in your house holy ground right on your job let if you're working let your co-workers think you're crazy and just put your ears in and get up and lift your hands to the lord because this is the day the lord has made and we are going to rejoice and we are going to be glad in it and he is worthy of this kind of worship today you you ought to be thanking god today i read a statistic yesterday that said one out of every 400 florida residents that were alive in 2020 are dead now because of covet one out of every 400 and listen it is not that any of us who are yet alive are better than those that are now sleep it is not that you had some kind of favor on your life but the fact that you are still here having had covet for many of us having been exposed to covet for many of us having been around hundreds of people and never got it for many of us that ought to be enough for you to get up on your feet and lift up your hands and worship the lord in this moment because he has won the victory and i said god has won the victory i said god has won the victory and if death could not hold jesus down that means there is no power on earth strong enough to hold you down keep you back keep you from having victory in your life you ought to feel the presence of the lord like we feeling in this sanctuary right now so we gonna take it again from the top and i want you to worship with us wherever you are in the sanctuary come on come on jeremy come on praise thee come on man [Music] yes [Music] [Music] you are the reason you take it from the top for me take it from the top for me come on everybody from the top everybody so we say hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] could not hold you down [Music] you are [Music] for you are the reasons [Music] nothing but the blood of jesus and you [Music] when you are could not hold we're so glad that you got up we're so glad that you got up we're so glad that you got up we're so glad that you got up yes god we're so glad that you [Music] [Music] that you gotta [Music] is with all power in his hands we're so glad that [Music] we're so glad that you [Music] we're so glad that you got [Music] we're so glad that you got [Music] [Music] [Music] don't you have one [Music] [Music] and so god in this moment we adore you we worship you we lift you and we give your name to praise the glory and the honor we are so glad that you got up and you got up with all power in your hands thank you today [Music] that because god raised you from the dead we now know that we live in resurrection power that means we can get up from anything we can get up from sickness we can get up from setback we can get up from rejection we can get up from depression we can get up from discouragement we can get up from mental thinking bad thinking we can get up from suicidal thoughts we can get up from unemployment we're going to get up from covet we can get up from anything that is thrown our way we're so glad that you got up we're so glad death couldn't hold you down we are so glad you are the risen king and we worship you today we worship you in the beauty of holiness we thank you today oh god that there's nobody like you thank you that there's nobody on earth even nobody in heaven you are high and lifted up you are exalted your glory fills the temple and we give you praise thank you for worship thank you for sacred space thank you for holy ground we give your name to pray death could not [Music] go and make a choir all over the world [Music] you are the reason death could not hold you here's the shout outs [Music] and we're in heavenly places with him seeding and here's our declaration you are the rich king of kings you are you're lord of lords and you're king of kings [Music] you are the reason you are [Music] you are [Music] this is the day the lord has made we are rejoicing lord there's a sweet spirit in this room there is a sweet thank you praise team there is a sweet [Applause] [Music] thank you man there's a s there's a sweet spirit there's such a sweet spirit i hope you feel it wherever you're watching wherever you're no i'ma change my verbiage wherever you're worshiping this morning i'm reminded of daniel chapter three we gotta move on we got but one announcement daniel chapter three when they came to nebuchadnezzar and they said to nebuchadnezzar pastor they said to nebuchadnezzar king you called for an edict that when the music plays everybody is supposed to bow and we want to let you know that three men did not bow i've always wondered and i preached that before how would they know if everybody's bowing how do they know who's not and the holy spirit said to me because in every crowd you've got worshipers and you have watchers and so i'm changing my language i don't want watchers we want worshipers because you can watch and never worship you can watch and never engage and so wherever you are worshiping today we hope you feel the presence of the lord in this place pastor it's just good to be alive isn't it it's good to be seen and not viewed there's so much going on bishop guns we prayed together on friday and yesterday because he had something to deal with very tragic he had a funeral of three family members at the same time three at the same time and he sent a picture to our group chat that we have here pastors three open graves when he got to the cemetery all of covet all three doctor uh pastor john adolf now we're talking and he had a funeral yesterday with uh a mother that held her baby in her arms in the casket both of them did i we are living in unusual times and every morning that god gives you breath you ought to wake up giving god to praise intense worship times it ought to happen you're right because these are tumultuous times and everybody is feeling it in different ways but we're all feeling it this pandemic has gone on so much longer yes than we could ever imagine we're wearing masks everywhere we go we have to socially distance right jobs are being um taken and families are being taken and so we just this should also intensify our prayer life yes this season and so worship is our reasonable service worship is our obedience absolutely obedience stands to him and so this is so important this moment is so important we don't ever want to rush worship no no we don't ever want to rush worship wherever the spirit of the lord is there's liberty and we have liberty this morning because we worship in spirit and in truth and and you know we could so easily including the praise team including the band in all honesty including uh jerome and his team we could come in here on sundays and be depressed and look around and say my god how much longer is this going to go on but but i've discovered something i've discovered that god is the audience and we are the show so if there's only two or three that's what the bible says and that ought to be your posture even in your home in your home you know god is the audience you are the show and wherever you find yourself you ought to be in a worship posture it ought not take being in a crowd or you don't not take having a certain energy you ought to know you're the show if you're just in the house by yourself show off your worship to god that's what i mean by that show off your adoration to god show off your praise to god and we want to urge everybody this is our psa and we're moving on get vaccinated i i am now of the opinion that it's going to take compassion not coercion it's going to take compassion not condemnation and so my my whole mantra lately has been i'm not gonna judge anybody i'm just going to urge you to rethink but god gave me a phrase yesterday as i was typing a status and i want everybody let's hashtag it let's put it up because there's so many people saying you know uh it's my choice i don't want to get vaccinated i'm i'm doing research the only people i'm judging are the folk that are saying it's the mark of the beast because they just showed me they don't read the bible because if it's the mark of the beast that means the church missed the rapture that's the only people i'm judging i'm not judging anybody else but here's here's what the lord gave me when it comes to you saying i'm not gonna get vaccinated i understand you're right but understand our plight the plight of this country is that we are going down the plight of this city the plight of this state is that we are not able to do what we want to do because the plight p-l-i-g-h-t that's a fancy word for condition the plight of our country is because your right to not get vaccinated is keeping us where we are so i'm not judging but i am urging for you to rethink pastor i don't think we got but but what one announcement we have one very important announcement i need all of you all to lean in and get close to your speakers albert bishop's birthday is coming up y'all come on i know you're saying come on clap your hands we may not be able to see you but clap your hands our bishop's birthday is coming up and we're going to celebrate him big on next sunday yes so we do have an audience in the room thank you praise team so baby yeah hey so bishop now you all know when somebody turns a significant age you really have to do it up big so six oh bishop will be 60 next week hey and so we won't wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's my announcement this is my announcement this is my announcement this is my announcement this is my announcement it's my name there's my announcement cut it's my car cut it's mic off because it's my car so when he turns 60 because it's like oh when you turn 60 when you have a significant year you really have to do it up ain't that right john significant significant 60. i love it come on bow your heads we're ready for the word of god come on everybody so we need two things i'm come on y'all jesus joshua kim is asking for two things your girl does that your presence and your presence so this is what we're going to do y'all didn't get that did you we need your presents so we need you to pull up in your cars decorate your cars have your signs and all of that we need your presence and then we need your presence put something tangible in a man of god hands that's what you do when you come to a birthday party whether it's in person or virtually you come and put something in the manner come sister come on now y'all look at this flyer that says oh look at that oh in the glorious look at that flyer look at that picture y'all seeing it next sunday next sunday we need you all to pull up and drive through decorate your cars have your big posters do whatever you need to do we want to see your face bishop wants to see your face as we celebrate him as we honor him come on you all he's been standing strong and standing true and all these months and the pandemic feeding your souls and so we're so delighted um and that we can celebrate him i want y'all to come through big now y'all got a whole week to work on your posters working on your little speech that you can give in five seconds in the car as you driving by go out and get something your cars and everything for your bishop and let's be a tremendous blessing next sunday at 11 starting at 11 30 a.m 11 15 11 30 a.m we're going to drive through and celebrate our bishop as only the bethel experience can we're going to celebrate him beard and show him that we love him we appreciate him and we're so thankful that god placed him here amen come on let's give god a hand clap of praise for our bishop now look don't let me have to come to your house now y'all heard the message we need your presence and your presence y'all just take a drive if you've never been out of your house get in your car take a drive down to the bethel church and meet us as we celebrate our bishop amen here's the 60. now if i'm 60 that must mean i'm robbing the cradle yes because that means i'm 49. [Music] listen you know in the pandemic you learn to take even small things um that you maybe have taken for granted in the past you learned to be thankful for them i'm thankful to have a wife um that doesn't have to fake celebrating me that's something you know pre pandemic you may have taken for granted first of all i'm thankful that my wife and i are friends because i know many couples that been in the house for 18 19 months and they discovered they're not even friends so i'm thankful for her uh in sharing that my birthday is actually friday and i will be 56 the devil is a liar i'll be 56 like did y'all really think she was telling the truth that i was 60 y'all really thought that for real quinn that's what y'all gonna do may riverside high school win no football games this year that's that's what you y'all really thought i was 60 for real come on man well thank you yeah i appreciate you thank you jackie i just do the best i can but if it i got watch this shayna did you think i was 60 [Music] thank you so much i always got one witness got jerome over there clapping his hand that's good that's good but i'll be i'll be 56. on friday and i look forward i'm really excited for another reason y'all one of our daughters um spiritual daughters um that i am so godly proud of she she was a member of this church most of you probably of of the new bethel don't remember her because she's been gone for so long she accepted her call to ministry here and immediately went off to virginia union i don't know if we have do we have that flyer that we could put up yeah dr deborah martin deborah is out of this church y'all and accepted her call in this church and she has climbed the ranks so much that she is now the dean of graduate studies at virginia union university and she's a preacher i mean she has made a name for herself all across this country and she has never been back home to preach so this is full circle she is a daughter in whom i am well pleased and she she's gonna be here with us next weekend and i look forward to seeing all of you on next sunday right after church and i thank you for loving me enough to even want to celebrate me listen before we get into this word um giving is so important next next month i'm going to begin a series of teaching even in this series on getting back to the basics and the first sunday in october i'm going to make a huge huge announcement huge about something the lord has laid on my heart for us to do your giving is so important i as i can see through the uh the windows of the sanctuary i see cars driving up and people dropping off their tithes right now i don't want us to get lacks or slack concerning our giving it is more than important we can't do vision without your giving we can't we can't do what we need to do you know uh contrary to what you may believe just because the building is closed down doesn't mean nobody stops sending bills because the building is closed the building really isn't closed the worship team is up here during the week practicing uh some of our staff is up here doing the week doing some things audio visual comes during the week to check on things we have things going on but i want some ministry to go on as well we've got we're working on a plan right now that's going to cause every ministry to be re-engaged but your giving is important in this season it is important for the first reason because god requires it seed giving god requires it a part of seed giving is the tithe and then the offering and so i'm admonishing you this morning don't be slack concerning your giving give faithfully and give in faith the tithe and then the seed offering there are many seed offerings you could give as you see now the giving platforms are again on the screen there are many seed offerings you can give the again seed that is a seed you give when i'm preaching that something blessed you in the midst of the sermon and you give it there's the isaac seed the isaac seed is my faith seed that no matter how long it takes the thing god promised me is going to happen and i'm going to give this 22 seed every time telling god that i'm still in faith and i'm not in fear there's even a love offering seed on there if you just want to sow something to the bishop so it's sea time that involves your tithe and that involves your offerings and i want to admonish you to do that come on i'm ready to get into this this word this morning i'm so excited about this word i want everybody to go to luke chapter six oh i'm so excited about this word luke chapter six father now honor your word honor my preparation honor my meditation anoint my presentation in jesus name luke chapter six beginning at verse 27 this coming wednesday i'm so excited to share for midweek manna bishop senior is going to teach wednesday he's going to teach an overflow from what i am about to teach this morning it is on the subject that he feels convicted about teaching most in this season of purpose in his life and so don't miss seven o'clock wednesday night bishop will be teaching luke chapter six beginning at verse 27 y'all this is a hard word this morning i need y'all's attention and i don't need y'all to sign off for anything luke chapter six beginning at verse 27. i want you to hear the word of the lord but to you who are listening i say love your enemies do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you pray for those who mistreat you if someone slaps you on one sheet turn to them the other also lord have mercy if someone takes your coat don't withhold your shirt from them give to everyone who asks you and if anyone takes what belongs to you don't demand it back do to others as you would have them do to you if you love those who love you what credit is that to you even sinners love those who love them and if you do good to those who are good to you what credit is that to you even sinners do that and if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment what credit is that to you even sinners lend to sinners expecting to be repaid in full but love your enemies do good to them and lend to them without expecting to get anything back then your reward will be great and you will be children of the most high because god is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked amen we're in our series getting back to the basics and i to i want to tag this portion of the series i love you even if you don't like me i love you even if you don't like me if you are if you are a netflix fan facebook y'all give me the hearts and the thumbs up youtube y'all give them all to me if you are a netflix fan you have probably heard of if you have not watched the new limited series entitled click bait now for those of you who haven't haven't seen it i'm not going to give away the plot i'm not going to give away the plot twists but what i will say is this the underlying foundational premise of click bait is this um you you walk away uh from this series with with a profound sense of how far the need for affirmation will take you you walk away from clickbait saying that the desire to be affirmed can cause you to do crazy things and have crazy thoughts let let's let's let's be honest even as we start this lesson everyone everyone watching me whether it's on facebook youtube or the website everyone and everybody in here including me has a deep seated desire and longing bordering on necessity to be loved and affirmed that that's that that's one of the things that that makes this command from the lips of our lord so difficult to swallow y'all as as we are now into this series on getting back to the basics it crossed my mind that the most basic thing we can have and the most basic thing we need to have as disciples is love because you you can get back to all the basics i've been talking about you can get back to the basics of what it means to be a disciple you can get back to the basics of what it means to be a worshiper you can get back to the basics of what it means to be a part of community you can get back to all of that but without the foundational premise of love in the words of the apostle paul you are a loud gong and a noisy symbol here is the challenge of love agape style here's the challenge of love how do you love folk that don't like you when you are built to want and need to be liked and loved jesus the challenge is how do i when when i am built to be needed and when i am built to be loved how do i love folk that don't give me what i need that therein lies the struggle and the challenge of this command now i'm reading it and i read it from luke but this is a part of that sermon on the mount that jesus teaches and preaches this is a part of luke's version of matthew's story about the sermon on the mount so jesus gives this command to his disciples love your enemies that implies that please don't think because you in church saved and loved the lord that everybody likes you he says this to the disciples love your enemies let me tell you why why this sermon is needed and when it comes to getting back to the basics cause the current culture of our country needs a good dose of love we racism is at an all-time high sexism is not at all time misogyny is at an all-time high politics has turned violent where now if somebody disagrees with you you cuss them out now facebook has become a wall to threaten instead of a wall to socialize we argue over the vaccine and we call each other names because we have differing opinions gun violence is at an all-time high 14 year olders carrying guns and killing each other and even in the church where we backbite and we lie and we gossip and we talk about each other there needs to be a reality check and a dose of the love of god in this country and it's easy jesus said in these verses the reason i want to talk about it from this angle is because as jesus said it's easy to love the people you like [Applause] but what about the people you know don't like you and frankly you don't like them well the first thing before i get into the principles the first thing we've got to do y'all is answer the question what is an enemy y'all not gonna like this and i know i'm sorry uh this ain't this ain't one of those quinn ain't gonna jump on the oregon and it ain't gonna be one of them kind of days today um i found a definition of enemy pastor that blessed me it said that an enemy listen to this is someone we have defined as being against us in contrast to someone who is for us y'all didn't hear it again it is someone we have defined as against us lord have mercy so that a person is an enemy by how we have divided our world i don't mean this world global i mean your world you have divided your world into two groups those who are for you and those who are against you and based upon the choice we make to define them as such we define them as an enemy can i take this a little deeper um far too often help me teach this right our identity is even dependent on having enemies we we don't exist without an enemy in our mind we we jesus help me we get our daily energy from having enemies who we we define ourselves listen by what we are opposed to and who is opposed to us the problem with that is this y'all the problem with that is it is taking as a fact the illusion that we are what people say to us or what people do to us that that somehow our identity and our selfhood depends upon our friends and our in that i know who i am by who's against me and who you are is neither dependent on who's against you or who is for you here here's the other thing hating people costs us here's the reality hating you is hurting me oh we we we give people power over us we we give them uh power over our lives p people we don't like have power over us because we are always thinking about them they preoccupy and have control over our thinking we find ourselves in the spirit of jealousy and resentment i know y'all are quiet right now we wake up every morning thinking about them let me tell you something it will be your choice of having enemies that will destroy you but i won't tell somebody i want to tell you today yes you looking right at me yes you commenting on facebook yes you on youtube and the website i want to tell you today that loving your enemies is the best way of becoming free of them god let me say that again loving your enemies is the best way to become free of them we free ourselves by letting go and loving them and freedom is the core principle of the kingdom didn't jesus say whom the son sets free i need bible readers is free indeed which means when i love people that have been against me i get free from the power i've given to them i get free from enemies i even get free from friends defining me i get free to love every human being with the divine love that always forgives i get free from feelings of hatred feelings of racism feeling of bigotry feelings of xenophobia feelings of misogyny feelings of insecure i get free i mean bishop i know i'm supposed to let my light so shine that that the world will well will see my good works and glorify the lord but how do i do that how do i do that i know i'm supposed to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world but bishop how do i do that how do i know i'm supposed to let people see my good works and glorify you but how tell us how do i love people i want to give you three principles and i need you to get these this morning um oh god to authentically love people i have to get rid of self sabotaging neediness let me say that one more time to authentically love people i have to get rid lord have mercy of self sabotaging sabotaging neediness now somebody's already asking bishop what does this have to do with love well before we can do this command of loving those that we feel don't like us to be honest before we can do the command of loving anybody we have to first reconcile loving ourselves because jesus said in one version and in one other portion of scripture love your neighbor as in the same way with the same intensity with the same level of value that you love yourself jesus also said over in john chapter 13 and verse 34 a new commandment i give unto you that you love one another because i have loved you one of the problems one of the problems is we we have a very distorted view of what love is help me teach somebody holy ghost to even talk about loving your enemies we gotta first explore love now can we be honest this morning praise team can we be honest can everybody out in in virtual worship land can we be honest if i were to be honest about me and if you were to be really honest about you we would have to admit and maybe be amazed at how needy we are i am in need of affection i am in need of attention it ain't got nothing to do with me being an only child i am in need of affirmation i am in need of influence i am in need of success and sometimes we need those things so badly that we find ourselves listen setting up our lives to satisfy them we god help me say it right we say things to set up affirming comebacks from people we act in ways to get attention feedback our needs are are enormous i i sometimes it's true i sometimes find myself wondering if people like me and what i'm doing i find myself sometimes after preaching sermons wondering if people didn't respond in a certain way did they really like it because we are needy i know you're not going to say amen and and the question becomes why are we so needy i believe one of the main reasons we are needy is because we have experienced woundedness [Music] i want you i want you to write in the comments if you're if you're not if you're not uh too proud i want you to write in the comments if you're not too afraid and i don't want you to put the specific but i want you to just write because this is going to be the healing word for you today i am wounded that ain't everybody that might not be you but if you're watching me today on whatever platform it is i want you to write i am wounded jesus ah come on write it you you you who god help me teach it you you you can get wounded in such a way that you begin to question your own worth we we feel rejected we feel that we aren't acceptable and then we point to family or some friend or some person or some church hurt or some job hurting you begin to say things like i am so angry about what happened to me you you begin to say things like i'm struggling from how my mother or my father always dogged me my my parents liked my brothers and sisters more than me the church made me feel bad about myself i see you're writing in the comments yes this is going to be your healing word this morning this this is going to be your healing word and now because you are wounded you try to force people to love you and force people to tell you that you're okay can i tell you something prisons are full of people who committed crimes to get attention and when i try to force people to give me attention and when i try to force people to tell me i'm great when i force people i force them into being god for me and when we make other people into god we become demons ourselves jesus [Music] why do people why do we turn people into gods who sometimes listen why do we turn people into gods who have sometimes helped inflict the wound but can't heal the wound why are you giving somebody power over your worth who inflicted the wound that heard it why do i determine my self-love by somebody defining me who has self-hate for themselves why do i let somebody define my worth thus determining my self-love when they would never love me enough to die on a cross for my wrongs y'all didn't hear what i just said why am i gonna let you determine how to love me when you didn't get on a cross and die for me you got to stop living for validation and live in the victory here it is for everybody that wrote wounded here it is you got to live in the victory that i'm wounded but healing jesus i'm wounded but overcoming i'm wounded but day by day i'm getting better i'm wounded but i'm rediscovering my smile let me tell you something sometimes i have to love me just cause i'm proud of me y'all didn't hear what i just said with everything that has been done to me with everything that has been that has been raped of me sometimes not even physically with everything that i've gone through with everything people have dogged me in and i'm still here sometimes i gotta love me just cause i'm proud of me [Music] jesus help me teach this this morning and deliver somebody we live for validation because we ain't yet figured out validation is for parking not for people i ain't a car come on [Laughter] i don't need you to stamp me i can never learn to love people i'll never learn to love them that's that's the first principle i will never learn to love people until i first learned to love myself here's the next thing um your enemy remains your enemy as long as you have not seen fully the love of god when i fully understand the love of god an enemy can't stay in the enemy i'm gonna say that one more time when when i fully see the love of god teach it holy ghost an enemy cannot remain an enemy if it is in seeing the love of god and how god's love operates that i can free myself from having enemies and can then free myself and love people that i have defined as enemies i'll never forget the late g vincent lewis once said i don't have enemies i got confused friends and all of this starts with knowing god loves me jesus help me and knowing what that love looks like because see jesus wants you to be free he wants you to be free from the chains that have imprisoned you he wants you to be free by revealing that we are here it is here comes your shout for today i know this ain't one of them kind of sermons but here comes somebody today you may shout with your tears here it is god wants to reveal to you that you are loved and he wants to reveal that you are loved before you can give or receive love from anybody else that you're loved by him see jesus came to reveal first love the original love you you got to get in church in touch not with your first love but with the first love here it is you ready for your tears because this this put tears in my eyes when the holy spirit spoke this to me god loved you before you could love anyone else and god loved you before you could receive love from anyone else here it is god accepted you jesus before you were even born to be accepted y'all didn't hear what i just said before you were even born to be accepted god accepted you i'ma prove it in scripture what did god say to jeremiah he said jeremiah i knew you before you were in the womb y'all y'all didn't hear scripture god said before you were in your mama's womb i knew you you weren't your mama's idea you were my idea y'all didn't hear what i just said you you you you are loved today i'm talking directly to somebody i'm looking at you directly in the camera i'm looking right at you i'm looking right at you you are loved no matter what your mother no matter what your father no matter what your sister no matter what your brother no matter what church folk no matter what people on your job no matter what your friends no matter what your haters no matter what society says a dove you were born out of the love of god whether you are straight whether you are gay whether you are black whether you are white no matter where you are whether you were born in the ghetto whether you were born behind a gate you are born of the love of god [Applause] i know some of y'all can't handle this [Applause] you were born because of the love of god that's what some of you ought to tell your child and you've never introduced them to their father or maybe their father doesn't want anything to do with them you ought to tell them not that they're a mistake not that they're an accident that's why they grow up expressing their woundedness through violence and attention in school you ought to tell them you were born out of the love of god jesus you ought to write that somewhere i was born out of the love of god i wasn't born out of a sexual encounter i wasn't born out of a a midnight seduction i wasn't born out of a quiet storm teach holy ghost i was born out of the love of god i wasn't born because i i know i shouldn't say it i wasn't born because the condom broke or because he didn't wear a condom i wasn't born because he didn't pull out i was born out of the love of god [Music] [Applause] come on write it in the comments i know some of y'all can't handle this kind of talking i was born out of the love of god god breathes you out of god's love jesus god spoke you out of his love jesus who you are right that somewhere you you are the incarnation of god's love and in god there is no hatred there is no revenge there is no resentment so if i am the incarnation of god's love in which there is no hatred resentment or revenge why do you operate in things opposite of what you were created in god says understand that your first love is that i loved you before you were even born which means god says there is nothing in real love that wants to reject you jesus now here's the issue can you trust that love of god [Music] see here's where the church hurts us here's where the church hurts us the church hurts us uh tim pastor um the church hurts us because we love to talk about original sin because by and large the church has become a place of judgment not a place of healing the church has become a place of condemnation not a place of compassion the church has become a play a place of of critique and not a place of affirmation so we loved on the first sin original sin we love talking about original rejection because of original sin but can i tell you today before both of them before there was original sin before there was original rejection there was original love and original love is still more powerful than original sin or original rejection original love is the original blessing original love is the original acceptance you've got to come to be in touch with the first love and when you do that that god loved me before i got here i was born out of the choice of god's love when you come to be in touch with that when you do that you free yourself from the chains of needs and attention and you free yourself from the chains of wounds you can't hurt me because i am the choice of god's love you you can't stop me i am the choice of god's love and because i am the choice of god's love i choose to love you now now now let me help you um that don't mean i give you access to me i love you that don't mean see love restores but it restores me to freedom it don't necessarily always restore you to relationship with me in the way you had it [Music] see you begin to know when you understand god's love you begin to know you are loved without limits and without conditions you can then love as you are loved lord have mercy without asking for anything in return that's that's really what jesus says right here in this text he he says it right here that that to ask somebody for something in return that don't make you nobody that's what he said look look at what he says he says listen understand today that even sinners even sinners can love those that they know they're gonna get something back from you know what he said you're not doing anything because you love folk that love you and you love and you give to people who have given unto you jesus said that that don't make you anybody he said if you lend to those from where you expect payment god said don't expect me to give you credit for that that's what he said in verse 34 if you do good to those who are good to you god said don't expect me to give you credit for that lord have mercy he said this kind of love is a love you have without asking for anything in return see this is tough because the world's love is transactional i love you because you love me i love you because of what you did for me and when you didn't do what i thought you would do i stopped loving you when you don't give me what i thought you would give me i stopped loving you when we give something we expect something in return but when you understand the love of god god loved us when we had nothing worth giving back to him try to say two things you can only really love when you get rid of self-sabotaging neediness an enemy will remain an enemy as long as i don't fully understand the love of god here's the last thing i want to tell you and i hope this is helping deliver somebody love your enemies he said pray for those who curse you he said let me read it to you one more time he goes on he goes on to say um listen if somebody slaps you turn the other one to him somebody take your coat don't ask for your coat back you know they took your coat because maybe they needed it so give them your shirt let me stop there before i get the last one listen to it again if they take your coat don't judge them for taking your coat maybe understand why they took it and then give them your shirt also see one of the problems in the church is that we want to judge how people are so we want to judge the alcohol alcoholic we want to judge the lesbian we want to judge the homosexual we want to judge the whoremonger we want to judge y'all ain't talking to me we want to judge the drug user we want to judge the abuser and the principle of this scripture is instead of judging them maybe come to understand why they're making the choices they're making and then give them something else that can help them get beyond it show them their love [Music] here's the last principle don't wait to feel it before you do it god this word re read the text one more time um read it one more time so that you don't you don't miss it but i say to you who are listening love your enemies look at what he says do do good to those who hate you bless those who curse you pray for those who mistreat you [Music] see when you read the text it becomes obvious because he goes on to say love them do good do good do good do good do you see that do good loving is doing it ain't saying do you love me yeah i'll tell you i love you if you ask me loving is doing and i want you to notice the wording of the text y'all not going to like it bless those who who curse not who have cursed not who did curse bless those who mistreat not who have mistreated not who did mistreat what's the point the point is jesus is talking in present tense wording who hates you who curse you in other words even while they are doing what they are doing to you if you are my disciple here's what you do in response to what they are doing to you right now he doesn't say love them after they cursed you jesus he didn't say love them after they have mistreated you he doesn't say love them after you learn the lesson he doesn't say love them after you recover he doesn't say love them after you are healed he said while they're cursing you while they're mistreating you while they're dogging you if you are my disciple love them while they're doing it [Music] now loving them don't mean put up with it hello so if you're abusing me that don't mean i stay if you're molesting me that don't mean i keep quiet if you're disrespecting me that don't mean i stand there and take it it means i don't cuss you back jesus it means i love you see and i sometimes i love you enough to get away from you because if i don't i'm gonna kill you this is too rough for them to take this is jesus said while they're doing it to you [Music] while they're mistreating you while they're cursing you while they're stabbing you in the back while they're lying to you while they're trying to ruin your reputation while they're doing all of that don't respond in kind love them in other words um don't don't say well let me tell what i know about them because while they lying i got truth don't don't love them that means that means don't go around and say well i'ma get them back because of what they did to me jesus helped me today he says while they are in the midst of mistreating you here's what you do if you are my disciple do good to them and bless them [Music] huh then jesus goes on to give those examples i've already read to you he he said somebody slaps you on the cheek turn the other one to take your coat give him a shirt give to everybody who asked and if anyone takes what belongs to you don't demand it back do to others what you would have them do to do do do you if you love those who love you what credit is that to you here's the point of the principle and i'm about done don't wait until you feel better about things love them when you don't feel better do acts of kindness to them when you don't feel better act ahead of feelings and if you act ahead of feelings the holy spirit will accelerate the pace of your feelings and help your feelings catch up with your actions don't don't allow your emotions to decide what you are going to do see because if you now know that god loves that person just as much as god loves you then act pray bless them forgive and bless even when your feelings are ambivalent about them if you are going to practice this kind of love it has to start in the direction of your knowledge and not in the direction of your feelings feelings follow knowledge jesus and here are some things i know god loved me when i was unlovable [Music] god god god loves me even when i still act up god loves me even when i still mess up god loves me even when i still break his heart god loves me even when he rescues me and i go right back to it these are things i know god loves me even when he warns me but i still do it god loves me sometimes through the consequences of my choices god loves me through the consequences of my actions god still loves me he loves me and if i'm gonna love like god loves that means i can't do it on my feelings i gotta love you because he loves me how can you claim to love him in whom you have not seen that's the bible how can you claim to love him in whom you have never seen and do not love your brother and sister that you see every day jesus this starts with declaring i am the result of original love i am the choice of love and because god loves me i love god and because i love god i have to love you [Music] some of you are wounded and my prayer today is that you begin to get victory in the midst of your wounds and sometimes just say you know why i'm shouting today i'm shouting today because i'm proud of me i'm proud i'm proud of me i survived it i'm proud of me i didn't cuss them out i'm proud of me i didn't slap the hell out of them i'm proud of me i'm proud of me i'm proud of me i'm proud of me with everything they did to me you know i can speak to them today now i may walk away and say i still don't like them but i spoke to them it's a little step [Music] i'm proud of me with everything they did to me i wake up loving myself more and more every morning sometimes you gotta love yourself because you're proud of you [Music] jesus have mercy and so god i i've tried to be obedient to what you gave me today because the first basic we've got to get back to is that you loved us and you love us and you will never stop loving us the first basic we have to get back to is that we have a covenant love with you that while we were yet sinners breaking your heart rejecting your presence even rejecting your love while we were yet sinners you loved us and you demonstrated it to us help us to take the challenge to love our enemies matter of fact help us take up the challenge that i only have enemies because i choose to define them as such help me fall in love with me so i'm free from needing people to affirm me help me fall in love with me so i'm free from determining i'll love them by how they love me thank you for loving us thank you for helping us realize this morning that we are the choice of your love we are the benefit of your love we are the result of the breathed out presence of your love no matter how we were born no matter who we were born to we're loved we're accepted we're never rejected [Music] holy spirit breathe on somebody i feel it in my spirit god that somebody's crying somebody has tears racing down their cheek today heal them turn their mourning into dancing turn their tears into triumph [Music] help us to love our enemies help us to love one another because you loved us and because you loved us we love you [Music] i love you jesus [Music] lord i love you can you just join us in that this has been a worship atmosphere all day today can you join us in that come on i love you i worship and adore you [Music] jesus have mercy [Music] i just want to tell you [Music] come on let's say it just like that a sweet love song to the lord yeah come on [Music] lord have mercy pray steve you sound sweet just want to tell you that i love you lord i love you more come on can you join us wherever you are don't cut off yet come on just sing it to the lord i love you [Music] i worship and adore you just wanna tell you lord i love you more [Music] come on bracelet let's invert it let's take it up come on tell him love you come on tell him i was just want to tell you y'all sound good in here come on join us join us right here tell him i love you keep me right there keep me right there i love you jesus i can't make it without you i love you jesus come on tell him in your house i just wanna tell you listen we're gonna go out on that love oh [Music] we're gonna go out on that worship this morning but listen if you have never confessed jesus christ as your savior lord have mercy i want to tell you today god loves you and he demonstrated his love to you and that while you were yet a sinner he sent his son to die for you if you've never confessed jesus christ as your savior lord have mercy if you've never said jesus i confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that you died for my sins and that god raised you from the dead the bible says you make that confession you can be saved today not when you come back to church not when you get in the water of baptism contrary to popular opinion baptism is not needed for salvation baptism is the expression that i am saved talk holy ghost it's not needed to be saved i am baptized as the first evidence that i am saved god help me today oh bishop i'm saved i've given my life to the lord but i don't have a church where i am growing i go where i go virtually now especially but i'm not growing anywhere i'm not connected anywhere i'm not doing anything right now to be a part of a faith community you see it on the screen if you're in any of those categories right now i want you to do what you see on the screen just like you see it in caps i want you to text tbc decision to five four two four four tbc decision to 54244 you're going to receive a text back that has a link in it [Music] click that link and you'll see a video from us pastor and i and then you're going to receive a call from my congregational care pastor pastor reginald caldwell very soon i think this week i'm going to announce there's going to be a special live you're going to see uh with our new discipleship leaders the aim ministry the the demons dolores and daryl you're gonna hear about that that's gonna help every new member get acclimated to discipleship wednesday night lord have mercy i know he gonna have a lot to say bishop senior is going to teach he's going to continue this love theme on wednesday night it's going to be an absolute blessing unto the lord i hope you were blessed and challenged by this today if you haven't given or if you want to give again you all need to run back over to any of those giving platforms and do it one more time hey i hope to see every single i don't care if i gotta stand outside for two hours next sunday i wanna see your face i want you to drive back i want you to come because i want to see you haven't seen you in so long it would do my heart good next sunday that you would drive by and let's just load on each other virtually for a few minutes i love you come on jeremy go ahead and take us out [Music] love peace jesus i love you jesus [Music] [Music] now come on let's decree and let's declare this thing together we're talking to our savior saying i love you jesus [Music] lord i love you [Music] i love you jesus said i love you jesus [Music] i love you jesus [Music] one more time i love you jesus i love [Music] i adore you [Music] [Music] lord i thank you for all the things that you've done for me for all the ways that you made for me lord i thank you [Music] all the glory [Music] all the foreign lord i love you more than [Music] last time i promise you lord i love you [Music] don't they sound dope [Music] colors
Channel: The Bethel Church
Views: 2,003
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Keywords: rudolph mckissick sermons bethel baptist jacksonville bishop mckissick jr bbic, the bethel experience
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 43sec (6223 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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