9.19.21 Emmanuel Baptist Church Service

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] somebody come on get yourself to church wake up and get yourself to church okay [Music] [Music] somebody come on get yourself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wake up [Music] [Applause] [Music] get yeah [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] we sing praises praises to your name oh good morning good morning welcome to emmanuel baptist church where god is doing something special we are so glad that you decided to join us for worship this morning whether you're here in person at home with family or friends or wherever you might be but that you've decided to make emanuel your place of worship i ask at this time that you would just go with us to god in prayer as we come to the throne of grace let us bow our heads dear heavenly father we thank you for letting us see this another day lord these words don't ring any more true than they have ever in the past because of all that has been going on the lord things that we have taken for granted we've now come to a deeper appreciation remembering that it is your goodness your mercy and your grace that has allowed us to be here but god also knowing that our hearts and minds can easily wander help us to be focused on you this morning help us to think about the things dear lord that you would have us to dwell on let our minds on those things which are lovely which of good report if there be any virtue if there be any praise to lord that we think on these things i ask you lord that you move with the minister this morning as he breaks the bread of life that something would be said dear lord that would bring someone who does not know you into a saving knowledge of your son jesus christ and that those of us who do know you will be encouraged your lord will be edified that we might walk closer with you dear lord i do not know what's on the hearts and minds of everyone who's out there but i just asked that you would touch them that you would minister to them that you would be whatever they need you to be and god there's so many other requests so many other things that i cannot even begin to ask but i'm glad to say that you know so dear lord we ask this not because we're deserving not because we're special but because you are a loving father who sent your son to die on the cross and we ask this in your precious son's name and let us all say amen and amen again thank you for joining us as we continue in our worship this morning [Music] [Music] good morning good morning good morning it's a great day to sing praises to our god psalms 156 says let everything that had breath praise the lord i came with praise on my mind and i don't find that my night shine hey i came [Music] he's been good to me if you [Music] come on everybody clap your hands everybody come on everybody i don't mind letting my light oh [Applause] he's been good to me if you don't know oh taste and see the lord is i'm ready to drown here if you don't know the lord is good everybody i don't know i i don't know hi is never ever [Applause] oh and your mercy endureth forever i don't know what you came to do today hallelujah but i came to praise the lord he's been so good he's been so kind he blesses me all [Music] hallelujah the lord is so good to me i don't know what you come to do but i've come to praise the name of the lord because he is so good hallelujah so as we take this time this moment let us continue in the spirit of worship as we worship god through our giving here at emmanuel one of our core values is grace inspired giving which means we give to god for two reasons one because he has instructed us to in his word secondly because he has been like the song said so good to us we have to respond back in kind and give back to him so the link is in the comments you may use that to send in your gifts you may also mail them in however it is in your heart to give give has god has graced you no gift is too big no gift is too small but know that we will always use your gifts for the building and upkeep of god's kingdom so let's continue in worship together [Music] glory to god hallelujah romans 14 11 says at the mention of his name every knee must bow every tongue must confess that you are lord some call you lord some call you adonai [Music] some call you jehovah some call you yahweh some call you chief but just know at the mention of his name [Music] every knee must bow and every tongue must confess that you are lord glory to jesus [Music] at the mention of your name every knee will bow every tongue confess that you are you are [Music] on and help me say at the mention of your name every knee will bow every time [Music] every time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of your name say jesus you are lord jesus yes you are [Music] yes [Music] [Music] cause at the mention of your name the scales fall from their eyes once blinded eyes will see that you are you are lord yes you are cause at the mention of your name scales far from their eyes once blinded say jesus yes somebody call on jesus my hungry on jesus in the morning [Music] you know oh is on earth as it is deliver us from evil is jesus keep me is jesus is because you are when i need a can you call on jesus i bless your name jesus and i give you praise jesus his name jesus oh [Music] jesus oh [Music] not a friend like the lord like the lowly jesus no no no no no no no no not one no not one [Music] could heal [Music] all our souls no no when no one no not one because gee all about our struggles and he will guide until the time is done a friend like the lord like the lord [Music] no no no no no no [Music] not one hallelujah bless your name god lord you're worthy of the glory you're worthy of the praise god what a friend we have in jesus name all our sins and grief to bear hallelujah all because we do not care everything hallelujah everything that god is there bless your name jesus hallelujah [Music] maybe you are in your brave space right now i mentioned praise space all the time because although you're not here in the sanctuary there's a space that we get into and i wish you could feel oh i'm sure you can if you're in your brain space you'll feel the same presence that we have here and you will never understand the importance of a friend until you've ever needed one [Music] that's why we can say with confidence that there's not a friend [Music] like the lowly jesus [Music] no not one no not one can i have more to monitor this doc what really does it for me as i listen to that song [Music] they used the word at the mention [Music] of his name as i thought about that [Music] god reminded me of something i was at the mall one day [Music] while i was at the mall [Music] i heard somebody mentioned that a celebrity was in the mall and when they mentioned the celebrity i saw this person run by i saw this person run by i saw several people start looking around because they knew the name of the celebrity and they went to go see who it was they went to rally around the celebrity holy spirit reminded me that that was just at the mall the name that i want to mention here's the one that was in your hospital room the one the one that was that was at your house last night while you slumbered and slept i want to mention his name the one that kept your car on the road and kept you intact even when it went off the road i want to mention that man i want to mention the name of the one who is able to keep you from falling over and over again let's mention that name it's the name of jesus at the mention of his name your circumstances must change is there anybody here i'm not running to no celebrity i'm running to jesus [Applause] at the mention [Music] of his name [Music] have you ever called him i mean have you ever called him there's something sweet about the name of jesus [Music] every time i say it i can't help but to remember his sacrifice for me i cannot help but visualize what he did for me i can't help but be reminded of who he is in me death all around us but jesus is still jesus my god in heaven well god bless you today we bid you greetings the name [Music] jesus [Music] yes yes there's some thank yous going on in the room see when you mention his name when you mention his name and you know he's made ways that he didn't have to make when you mention his name and you know he's done miracles you've seen miracles in your lifetime miracles yet to be had he's still working jesus well if you have your bible today there is one verse that we're going to lift up out of the book of acts chapter 1 verse 8 acts chapter 1 verse 8 acts 1 and eight you will find these [Music] words if you're able to rest upon your feet that would give glory to the lord and if you don't i think you know by now what i'm gonna tell you acts one and eight reads this but you will receive power [Music] underline power highlight power if you got your highlight as you steal with the pages in the bible app highlight that line you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses telling people about me everywhere in jerusalem throughout judea in samaria and to the ends of the earth that is god's word for god's people take your seats in the presence of the lord [Music] pray with me master it is preaching time [Music] i avail myself to you [Music] there is nothing that i can do on my own power matter of fact i'm powerless at this moment but i believe master that it is with my powerlessness [Music] that your power actually activates best [Music] so use me today let your word be illuminated that it might be a light to someone who is in darkness may they have an encounter with you in your presence on this day may they come to a new knowledge or a saving grace only found through your son jesus is our prayer in jesus name amen i would that you would flank me with your prayers as we speak on this subject to preach from on this day the title simply click click c l i c k click i don't think we understand the importance of power anymore we use it every day in some way but we don't pay much attention to it we power something up all the time our cars our lights our ovens and air fryers for our air conditioners we power them on to beat hot summer days our computers tvs electronic devices all run on power if we don't pay our bills then the source of what powers these things or if we run out of gas the source of what powers our cars will be cut off i want us to understand the importance of the word power before we put it in context to the text power uncle ben told peter parker in spider-man that with great power comes great responsibility in cartoons he-man was just a nobody until he would put his sword in the air and say by the power of grayskull maybe that didn't catch you what about this they say this is a big rich town i just come from the poorest part bright light city life i gotta make it when you hear that song you know that showtime series power is on and the main character is a cat that goes by the name of ghost ghost and power i think you know we're getting warm to the text right you might remember other characters that worked on power remember underdog would pull out a pill out of his ring he'd pop it and get power he was just a regular shoe shine boy until he got something inside of him that made him bigger than who he was doesn't that sound like us still not there yet huh how about popeye as soon as oliver got into some trouble popeye kept something with him that could change his situation i remember this one time one episode that papa didn't have his spinach with him i think he looked in his pocket and the can was empty and so while he's getting ready to fight bluto y'all know he always fought bluto he fell into uh some look like some weeds but then he looked around and he read a sign that said spinach and he'd actually had fallen into a spinach patch so as he lay there he started eating and he got his power well beloved i don't have to fall into a patch of green spinach but my bible reads in psalms 23 that he maketh me to lie down in green pastures and he leads me beside still waters and he restores my soul and beloved soul restoration is another word for power here's a free premise for you isn't it interesting that everything that is man-made everything that is made by man to use power it turns always points up you never power up pointing down lights click up to power up and some lights glow right when they are clicked up to show you that the power within them has taken place isn't it interesting that an idea is not an idea until the light bulb comes on let it click let it click well as i narrow the corner to the text one of my favorite movies help bridge this title for us today is called click starred by adam sandler he was just a hard-working family man and in order to get promoted which is power he had to work harder and harder which meant he would see less of his family so one day while looking for a regular universal remote control for his tv one remote that connects to power all his entertainment devices he meets a repair man at a strange electric shop named morty played by christopher walken who gives him a magic remote that will give him the power to control his life instead of his tv he can mute situations he can fit fast forward and skip ahead he can edit out his own life which ultimately changed the course of his life family what if you had a remote control that gave you the power to turn things off and on in your life adam sandler's character used it to skip arguments with his wife with the click of the remote he skipped over all the hard work that he would have to do and he got right to the promotion he bypassed the work of raising his kids he just moved forward and sped through the movie of his life i love this movie because it teaches us some things about power see he skips around his life so much fast forwarding things that he missed all the events that would have made him stronger i'm almost to the text but here is your pretext shout if you're looking for one he used his power to skip ahead with shortcuts and miss all things painful boring waste of time so he missed his kids growing up he missed his parents aging he finds that he was actually not gaining any power but he was clicking the power off can i help you you see whether you know it or not family god has used every single bit of your life and every chapter to make you stronger you can't deny your tears turn off your emotions detach yourself from pain and think that you will be more powerful without it you're actually making yourself powerless if you erase those things that you had to go through it's almost like the fight for a a chick to get out of an egg as if if you open that egg up that chick that chick will not be able to grow strong the strength is made because the chick has to dig his way out from the egg and use its own power to open it up god has used every piece of your life he hasn't left out any details but oftentimes we want to skip ahead to things we want to bypass things in our life beloved i came to tell you that you can't keep clicking you can't keep clicking past events the pain that you have right now you've got to go all the way through it we have a lot in the midst of bereavement right now but it is in my bereavement that i found strength because without that going through that situation i don't understand that when i don't have power that's when god uses his power to have a witness in the house your pain has a purpose and the holy spirit doesn't turn on abilities that will power you through any storm until you're out of all your own power this is why the psalmist sings your peace you give me in times of the storm you are the source of my strength you are the strength of my life i lift my hands in total praise to you total praise is not a half praise ah i can stay there right there for a minute and work with that just alone because sometimes we tend to give god a half praise a partial praise a kind of praise but i want to talk to somebody who don't don't even care about who's around you right now don't even care about you want to give god a total praise i'm talking about somebody who's walking through walmart and remember how good god has been and in the middle of the aisle you're just gonna throw your hands up and say god you've been good to me and i don't care who sees me at that moment when i think about the goodness of jesus and all that he's done for me i cannot help but render a total praise [Applause] my hands up means my hands off i surrender and i ride shotgun as the lord leads it's his power switch clicking on within me when i need him the most and not me turning him off to think that i can click ahead to another chapter without knowing the power that i've been building up from the last time he put me on let me help you your car battery builds up power to recharge while you drive or your electric vehicle builds up power while it's charging in other words if you bypass the click from starting your car and turning on the alternator or if you're using your phone for another example and you don't you ignore the fact that you only got one bar of power left in either situation you're either going to sit in your driveway and go nowhere or you're going to talk on your phone until you're disconnected from the person you're speaking with without power i mean to tell you that you'll never move nor here without power you'll never move nor hear and this power that i speak of has a source that is to the text the holy spirit people powered by the spirit do powerful things i need that in the chat people powered by the holy spirit do powerful things because this source of power is not earthly or limited to our brains finite interpretation of power this is how you see and work things in your life that cannot be explained your doctor went to school he studied but he don't have no idea how while one visit you had it and the next visit you don't that somebody shout right there or why science says it is impossible but with god he says all things are possible how did you defy the very things that earth said you had no power to do i wait for somebody to say amen and wait for your shout you see it was the holy spirit that gives you jesus level access to miracles imma shout myself with that the holy spirit gives us jesus level access to miracles and i need to talk to somebody who knows what i'm talking about you have jesus level access to miracles this is the ability that you have to do things that defy every bit of nature everything that's natural everything that everybody ever said about you every place they said you couldn't be everything they said you never attained you've attained them because when you got down on your knees and prayed and you had the faith the size of a mustard seed is all you need to have mountains move because of your faith and that is only powered by means of the holy spirit do i got anybody in the place that knows that has evidence in your life of the power that you have you didn't get it by yourself you didn't do it on your own you didn't make it by your own hands or your own vices you didn't get there by how great your education was i want to tell somebody everything i got is because i know deep in my belly deep down in my soul that i've got jesus level access to his miracles that's why you see your family get saved time after time that's why when you lay hands on your children they might go through the storm but they come out all right is there anybody here i have jesus level access to miracles that is a whole another floor you want the limited power that we have down here that we think we understand and control or do you want the unlimited power from on heaven i'm at the text this text of acts is a sequel to the book of luke written by luke the doctor who was also a gentile which means he was not a jew it is said that he was traveling with paul during this time named acts as it would reference the acts of the apostle and remembering that luke about his experience with seeing christ after he was resurrected he's retelling these stories because by now there have been some times since christ as we reached the text has been gone they're starting to trip because what jesus said about sending a comforter has not happened yet and he writes acts luke had one main reason why he wrote the book the good news about jesus traveled from jerusalem to rome and luke wanted the record wanted to put it on record how those events happen rome was the most popular city in the world luke set out to show the gospel was for all people in every nation it was for the jews but it was also now for the gentiles so luke starts to give a recount of the events from his time with jesus and he reminds them as he hits the text with the words of jesus what he promised as if it wasn't clicking with them he wanted to make it click you will receive power look at your neighbor and give them the click to turn on the light sign but this click by use of the power of the holy spirit is not without a purpose the text is clear that the power's purpose is for you to be a witness witness here is one's ability to just be another beggar that can tell another beggar how they got their bread it is to testify that what you've seen through the power of god where is the witness can i get a witness someone who has seen his power and now we testify of that power this is why beloved we cannot keep our testimonies to ourself i cannot tell you how many times i've had an encounter with someone who was going through some troublesome times that they came out of it with the praise but then directly soon after they bumped into somebody who was powerless that needed only the power that needed the power that they had stored in them from the chapter they came out of to help turn them on to be a witness you cannot be a witness about how to overcome crack addiction if you ain't never had crack you can talk about what god has brought you from but there are some things that that the crack addict went through who came out the other side of that demon that only somebody with that demon that's dealing with that can trust the word of because you know the pain that that demon has caused i'm talking to somebody today because you know everything about that demon one you can recognize it clearly in a person who has it two you are being sent that way because you are to help turn them on to something that will get them out of their situation i'm just talking to somebody who's not afraid to share their testimony your testimony of what you've been through you cannot keep it to yourself it is for somebody god has enabled you to power through what you've been able to go through just so that you can now be a witness to somebody else of god saving and divine power do i have a witness in a place he's looking for a witness [Music] as we look at the text someone that has seen his power check the locations of witnessing that are relayed in the text from dr luke because he names out three particular locations but i don't think we understand the meaning that he relayed these three locations he first says be a witness to jerusalem throughout julia judea first of all this is the holy land so he's saying be a witness where all the saints are in our day being a witness where all the saints are are at church we are all a symbol here we we we know we have visitors but for the most part when we come to church we are amongst others who are with us so to be a witness among and beside one another does help strengthen us as christians because i don't care who you are none of us are perfect so we all have fallen short of the glory so sometimes you need somebody when your light is not shining the way it should you need a testimony or to stand next to somebody who can help make sure that you turn your light back on be witness at church second location is samaria samaritans this is in the middle of palestine where there are some saints but it is not organized church paganism was prevalent so not only is he saying in the text jerusalem and judea where the church where the saints are which is the church but he's saying samaria which would be the city be a witness in the city where there are not many saints we're called to be a witness in our city where there are not many saints and then it says the last location the ends of the earth and that is where there may not be no saints this would be the world the church city world that god may not have reached we are called to show forth the power of the holy spirit and be a witness in all three locations three simple facts to remember about power and the power of the holy spirit and our bid your good day and i pray it clicks first of all it activates secondly it illuminates thirdly it replicates that's three things right there it activates it illuminates then it replicates first it activates when you receive the holy spirit it's on at the moment you accept him the power is in you it's a shame to walk around without knowledge that you've been activated people like this walk around draining power because they don't have power of their own you haven't met a powerless person they are dependent on others blame the world for their circumstances and never start up the engine of their own faith so they make a living trying to figure out why you're so powerful and will either hate you for having power [Music] or leech power off you until you feel like them it's a shame to not know that god has given us a cheat code in the holy spirit activate it and however in your activation you have to remember that this cheat code is not to be used to cheat time movie click he was trying to fast forward and cheat time this activation that we have within us is not for us to skip past our battles beloved god wants you to fight it all the way through it would be easy for me to say that i've got the power on me i've got the magic remote and although i'm going through this situation in my life let me just go on and sit back see how it's going to play out not engage in it and get to the other side of it no no no beloved you gonna have to cry you're gonna have to go through hell would they try to take your house when they try to disgrace your name ruin your reputation you want to want to try to get out of it any way that you can and beloved many people without christ get out of it by means of suicide but i want to talk to somebody today that knows that you have the power if you activate it to be able to get through any storm and i know i've got some witnesses here there is no way that i can make it from where i was to where i am except in the midst of my tears in the midst of my groan and in my pain in the midst of my body wrapped with pain in the midst of my sleepless nights that somehow in the middle of all that i maintain the faith that [Applause] the lord giveth and the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the lord or i had the resolve of a job that says though he slayed me yet will i trust in him you've got to live to finally understand how that activation works and you've got to know why i i've lived long enough to understand why job can utter those words because in the midst of all he lost and in the midst of all he had he laid there in his pain with the swords on his body and he said to himself regardless of what i'm feeling and regardless of what i'm throwing going through something in me still says that god is still on the throne something in me says that he's never left me or forsaken me something in me says that no matter what comes my way i'm still going to give thanks unto the lord something within me says that i've still got a little light flashing inside of me something in me says that no matter what even if i never make it through the storm he's still god all by himself i don't care if he ever blesses me again is there anybody here knows that if he never gives me another thing he's already given me more than enough for me to thank him for a lifetime is there anybody here [Music] [Applause] [Music] it activates activates secondly it illuminates it turns on and it shines so others can see it the holy spirit puts all of us in places to shine your pain may lead to someone else's victory or them seeing the light before they wind up in trouble growing up we found out the power of lightning bugs we call them lightning bugs i think y'all might call them fireflies in california but it's an interesting story of the lightning bolt they are born being burrowed in dirt and they come out in the spring with the light that illuminates on their bodies i don't know how many of us understand that if it wasn't for the dirt there'd be no firefly hold your shout there if it wasn't for the dirt the fire the firefly would not be birthed and all i want to tell somebody is i don't care what kind of dirt you've had on you or dirt that you've been in it is only until you come out of that dirt does the light come on is there anybody here the lights already on and because it's a part of their bodies but the light doesn't turn on for all to see until they come out of the dirt all i want to do is tell somebody who's going through something right now that watch me when i come out of this thing god is going to place you in a position where you will illuminate so others can see you all i want to know is everything they tried to do to me on my job you should look at me now when they look at me and they know who i am and my reputation of who i am and who god made me those same folk can't look at me the same my razors got bigger my elevation got better my positioning got better all because of the dirt they tried to bury you in is there anybody here [Music] power power remember the power of the street light i think was many of our testimonies that we knew that the street lights came on and we didn't beat it home we were going to find out a different kind of power [Music] but sooner or later we learned the timing of the street light you see we didn't speed forward with our playing like adam sandler with the remote control we had to be very attentive to the time we knew that there was a certain time of day that we had to watch for so that we know that the street light is about to come on i don't know about you but we didn't wear watches back in the day and so we studied the elements we understood by viewing the elements that something was going to happen and we we measured it out by watching it you've got to watch time you've got to have your eyes engaged on it i don't care what you want to avoid many of us want to avoid chapters of our life that we didn't like no we want to we want to we want to forget about that matter of fact we avoid it so well that we don't want to tell nobody about it we bury it deep i'll never they'll never know about this one but beloved god still wants you to shine so that others can see you and the completion of you and why you went through that chapter is where god positions you to illuminate what happened he illuminates you aren't you glad that someone that has been through dirt and came out will lead you to the light and can lead you home before it's all over a light that will come on for you inside of you before you are out too late and too far to get back home third thing is so it activates it illuminates lastly it replicates let us not normalize the power of the holy spirit like it's nothing it's powerful the power of the holy spirit is powerful have you ever been in the presence of the holy spirit sometimes as a preacher and i i this this is what helped me in in preaching because when i was a director i was a director before i was a preacher i knew the power that we had in music that if i could get the choir to a level that they would worship god and show forth the illumination and the activation power of the holy spirit that when pastor gaines would walk up these steps and step into this power that that power would make it easy for him to preach you see the power is easy for the preacher when it activates it illuminates and then it replicates you see he had power on him and in him but it until he reached here and he walked into the power that was present there is now a replication of that power we can't dumb down the fact that it is music that goes before the word because it sets up the presence of god so that it can manifest the way that god wants to deliver it so there's no there's no mystery at how i can preach the way i preach because when i step up here the state of table is already set by the worship that went forth from people who are sold out to god and don't care but want to worship him there's a replication just like power power looks for conduits to keep going when power is connected to your house it runs through the lines of your house and puts power in every outlet this is your shout from the family tree it's no surprise that the one who lit my grandmother's way is the same one who lights my way and now lights the next generation's way it's because the same conduit that sparked for her is the same conduit that sparks for me and is the same conduit that sparks for my seed in other words the power that luke speaks of reaches to the highest mountains and flows to the lowest valleys it's the blood that gives me strength from day to day and the bible says and the psalmist says it better that it will never lose its power and it's this connection that we have in sharing jesus that creates new conduits wherever we unlock the power you know why you can't contain your shout when you think about jesus it's because when you own fool the only way to calm your power down is to use some of it that's why we shout when we get full it's because when you begin to think about as the choir said jesus over and over again all i see is the many times i called him [Music] all i see is the many ways he made all i see is like the people flocking to the celebrity in the mall they flock into somebody that's a nobody but i'd rather flock to somebody who i know is somebody in jesus we can't calm us down we'll use our power to praise god after all he's so worthy and i'm so full not to let me close with the scene from click surprise hey grandpa oh my god i'm so sorry i parched in i love you son see you later grandpa i love you dad [Music] i love you son [Music] i love you son [Music] i love you son [Music] i love you too dad [Music] i'll miss you [Music] beloved the very thing that you want to click through is the very thing that god through the holy spirit will use to upgrade you you don't know that one of the things what happens when you get upgraded is that your power gets better remember how short battery life was on the iphone 1 when it first came out look at the 13 now see between 1 and 13 was time and over time the engineers discovered during the watch study learned process how to make sure the battery provides more power but if they never watched studied or learned they would not advance the power if you skip past your failures if you skip past spending time with aging parents if you skip past loving and enjoying your children or understanding or paying attention to the hurt that your spouse may be in the heat bypassing an argument then you have denied the holy spirit or you never had it you're not going to grow and you're not going to have power in this movie he missed everything that was important and when morty finally showed him himself and he finally took a look back he was disgusted at the person he saw he missed he missed the time and he could not get back beloved we got to stop clicking and let life happen for when the holy spirit is upon you you will receive power and you get all that you need to make it through everything this life has thrown at you and you will be a minister to those in judea where the saints are in samaria where there are few saints and at the ends of the earth where there might not be no saints and let me tell you that you will be a beacon of light to them and you will flash and not flicker let me help you there are times in our life that the light goes on and off this is a flashing light a flickering light means there's something wrong on the inside of the device but a flashing light means that even when the light grows dark there is still a capacitor on the inside that even in darkness the light is still activated let me help you there are times in our life that we are in the midst of the storm as christians that it may look like you're flickering it may look like it's about to go out it may look like your time is done but all i want to tell somebody as i come to a close that that ain't me because i'm not a flickering light because i still got a light in me there's sometimes they don't all you know like it's always supposed to be sometimes it's just a flash and not a flicker what happens with the flashing light is as the light flashes it's turning off and on only because the capacity that is still on the inside is still giving off power even when it's dark i want somebody to know that jesus in you is still activated even at times you are in the middle of some darkness do i have a witness in this place this is why even in the midst of a dark situation we still have a high praise we have a high praise because i'm not a flickering light i'm still a flashing light even in the midst of my storm and do you know why you're flashing beloved you're flashing because you are to be an example for somebody to see a beacon of light for somebody to see somebody needs to look at the testimony called you and know that this is somebody that is drawing me closer to where i need to be he's drawn me closer to jesus through his testimony through his actions through his love he's drawn me closer to jesus i'm so glad i'm a flash not a flicker is there anybody here well you might not understand the flash or the flicker but on a hill far away stood an old rugged cross an emblem of suffering and shame they tried to put his lights out for good and i could see him there eyes flickering shut [Music] blood running down bible says darkness was all around him he died and i can see the light from the night go out as they closed him up in a borrowed grave but does anybody know the rest of the story i can hear the tune clicking as they open and as they open i see the clicking of an unseen strength that starts to move him i see the click and does anybody know that jesus got up with just one click [Music] and with all power in his hand and because he has power i have power because he has power he's given us that power and when he said he'd send us a comforter he said i my my spirit i'll leave with you when i'm gone and now luke relays the message that when the holy spirit comes upon you you will have power is there anybody here that my last shout i got for you today is all about power power is what we all need to have in christ in order to make it through from day to day you got to have power does anybody need a light that they can run to a billboard that illuminates their soul a lighted pathway to change their direction and allow them to land in a place called heaven the old folks said about this power and this light they said it this way walk in the light beautiful light come where the dew drops of mercy shine bright shine all around us by day and by night jesus is the light of the world and does anybody know that light so shines in us now when i was a little boy we said about this light a little differently we said this little light of mine i gotta let it shine this little light of mine i've got to let it shine the deacon said it this way shine on me shine on me let the light from the lighthouse shine on me is there anybody here you need to let it click today to understand power we must understand it like like a glove if i had a glove i showed you the glove glove has no power but when i put my hand in the glove the glove now has power let it click that with the holy spirit in us we have power let it click today let it click today pray with me master we thank you for this reminder from dr luke that we receive power when the holy spirit will come upon us [Music] this power activates this power illuminates us and as we show forth your son within us our job is to replicate everywhere we go god may we understand may we not look at time the same speeding through thinking we can bypass events in our life not paying attention to the things around us that keep us powerless but watch full of time one thing we've learned for sure lord during this covert time is that time is precious help us to recognize our time stop fast forwarding through our lives like we have a magic remote sometime let us just hit the pause button and enjoy the moment we have with our children many of them small now tomorrow they'll be grown off in college having their own life all that while we're aging getting older body's getting people [Music] but god we pray we always remember how precious each moment is help someone remember today let it click in them with every head about every eye closed if you repeat this prayer with me today you can be saved you repeat this prayer with me today you will receive power say dear jesus i admit i'm a sinner i admit i've fallen short of your glory but i believe in your son jesus i believe he came i believe he bled i believe he died but i also believe that he rose with all power from the grave just for me i confess him with my mouth and believe him in my heart he is lord he is mine and i am his thank you for saving me thank you for being my god in jesus name amen family if you said that prayer today you just hit the switch save the day now that he saved you your testimony is going to grow you're going to go through some things probably you know we cannot negate the fact that the devils run rampant but guess what you've got the power to defeat him so you can connect with us by means of calling us our numbers right there on the screen we're happy to speak with you about your decision or if you're in a city and you're looking for a church let us know what city you're in we've got saints all over that are willing in churches that we're connected with that we can connect you with about your decision so we praise god for that so right now we'd like to move into another part of our service that we love so well and it is our brag on god god bless you today good morning my name is uh deacon marshall beeler and i'm here this morning on this wonderful beautiful day to brag on god [Music] some time ago uh five years ago six years ago as a matter of fact uh i was feeling kind of sick and i talked to my wife and said you know i'm not feeling well and she said why don't we call the advice nurse for the va so we called the vice nurse and told her i told her how i was feeling she said um well go to the va in palo alto to the emergency room and tell them what you just told me when we got into the emergency room they come out and take my temperature and all the stuff they do for preliminaries and they said uh we're gonna do some tests on you and then we'll get right back with you so they did the test and not long after that they came back and said we're gonna be admitted and um in the next day or so hopefully we could do it tonight but the next day or so you're going to have to have heart surgery so to notify everybody you're having heart surgery do you have a directive yeah i got a director we finally got to the surgery that did the surgery was successful and you know had a triple bypass and uh everything went well so i go to recovery right okay and recovery uh i started developing what they call coronary edema uh into extreme measure which meant that my both legs were swollen it's about as big as two legs at the same time i was having some respiratory problems uh with chest um too much fluid in my chest and had to do the suction it was just a rough deal for about a week or so uh it looked like they were not making any progress and then they kept going into the next couple weeks well anyway i'm three weeks in after this i'm supposed to be out like in a couple days i'm in this three weeks later i'm still in the hospital and and in the meantime the surgical teams the doctors that operate on me will come by every day and they would look centered at my door in my room and they would talk and look at me and i knew that something was going on right but they never told me but i could tell by the body language and i could read their lips this went on for another week or so now i'm still hanging on and then they came and said we got more bad news for you uh you have what they call c difference infection you know and so and this i didn't know but it was that's a deadly infection but anyway they told me that they were going to work on that and so here i am with all these different things at the same time you know and it looks like there's no no end to all of this right then then about a week later and this was like four or five my fifth week i started having a dream or a vision and this dream of vision was a room sterile room full of light you know and quiet and as a benevolent spirit you know and it felt like i was getting closer and closer to you know peace and quiet but anyway i i told my wife i said i called her she had left the hospital that by that way i told her i said honey i i hate to tell you this but i think i need to see you tonight because i don't know if i'll be here tomorrow of course she came flying back out there you know and but then i had the same vision again that night and this time it was so it got so bright that i i i just couldn't distinguish light from solid you know and then i heard a voice small voice and somewhere in the distance like in my spirit or my soul and the voice was saying break every chain break every chain and i said that sounds like my sister sandra carter singing that song i started singing a song along with her and and i i heard the change falling i heard the change falling and and and then i just kind of phased out i don't know what about a couple days later the sea death was gone you know and then the edema the swelling started to go down you know and i was getting back to the point where i could uh you know start doing whatever i had to do physical for therapy uh i was coming back from each one of these things one at a time but i was having a real problem breathing and i had to suction all the time you know and so they came and gave me a pillow they said you know what hold this up like this and cough hard as you can and then suction and this was like a miracle this is what the va gave me you know it was a miracle it really worked so i said praise the lord you know god showed them something they saw me from where i came from to where i was then and they praised the lord with me you know so you know i thought you know all that suffering was not for nothing it wasn't in vain you know the lord had a long-range plan and i just praise him for that you know that's why i can brag on god and if you uh take the time to know him you'll be able to break on him too so have a blessed day and thank you very much for listening [Music] [Music] amen we praise god for the testimony of our own deacon dealer amen he had some situations where there could have been lights out but praise god that it wasn't a flicker it was just a flash amen he's got that capacitor inside of him and look at what god is doing through our brag on god amen what a perfect testimony to go with our service today so here are our announcements for today covet 19 vaccine testing emanuel is still in partnership with the santa clara county and continue to offer vaccination and testing for covet 19 no appointments required open to people 12 years of age and older vaccination clinic is open on tuesday through friday from 9 00 am to 6 pm check the church website or call the church office for more information amen our church reopening amen on sunday october 10th at 10 a.m and the following three sundays in october it is a limited attendance indoor service which will take place pre-registration pre-registration will be required for attending a service space is limited to 120 people and proof of vaccination is required the covet leadership team have developed safety protocols according to the cdc guidelines and the county of santa clara these protocols will be implemented and followed as we reopen the registration link is now open and will be posted on the church website or you can call the church office for more information so please start registering now so we can get our numbers we're going to do everything we can to make sure it's safe we've got a lot of things in place matter of fact we'll be meeting with the leadership team continually to ensure that we roll out a very smooth reopening amen god's going to do something great uh operation share the next operation shared distribution will be this coming saturday the 25th this will be the last drive through until further notice i want to make sure we make that clear the last drive through until further notice volunteers of all age groups are still needed please plan to come out and assist with the food drive you can register on the church's website or call the church office we need more volunteers volunteers can be here at 11 a.m prayer group anniversary the emanuel prayer ministry is extending an invitation to attend a special program as we celebrate our first anniversary there are 13 prayer groups now with over 270 members from across the united states coming together to pray each week monday through saturday please join us as we celebrate registration is required the zoom link is posted on the church website in the september church bulletin or you can call the church office for more information our prayer groups have been amazing god has done a great thing even in the midst of this pandemic getting it started and even until now they've been a pivotal and a lifeblood to our church and many people lastly but not leastly if you're in need please call the church office for any help or prayer during this time someone will get back to you 408 272-1360 amen well it's time to go down from this place amen you can get ready to click to your next program but don't click through life amen don't fast forward through your life watch everything that god is doing be in the moment with your families and watch what god will do with his testimony and with illuminating you putting you in position to show forth his strength amen and before we do that benediction we want to give our pfop and that is our prayer for our pastor so you know how it goes i'm going gonna pray and then you're gonna pray at the same time as we pray for our pastor and his return amen it's getting closer he's almost back amen amen let us pray god in heaven we thank you for our pastor jason reynolds thank you for his life thank you for his coming and it's going god we pray that as he comes to the final portion of his sabbatical that everything he has seen everything he has witnessed every bit of time with you has been precious and that you have done a new thing in him that you have given him rejuvenation restoration elevation and god we have the anticipation that he's going to come back and deliver those things that we need and we're going to continue to move forward as a church thank you for our pastor is our prayer in jesus name amen amen well let's say i've been addiction together may the road rise to meet you may the wind always be at your back may the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your field until we meet again may god hold you in the palm of his hand god bless you god loves you somebody [Music] you
Channel: Emmanuel Baptist Church
Views: 360
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ge9ctLRhv0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 34sec (5674 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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