The BEST WEAPONS & How to get them FREE | Sidearms | Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2)

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red dead redemption 2 is much like any other rockstar experience where you end up with a lot of money and weaponry by the end of the game when you're already tanked up and don't really need it but at the start of the game coming across some much needed funds and a good gun can actually be surprisingly difficult and because of that i thought it would be a good idea to make up a guide looking at what i consider to be the best pistols and revolvers in the game and how you can add them to your arsenal without ever dropping a dime if you do find the video useful please give it a helping hand and tap the thumbs up button down below the first weapon i'm going to be checking out is one that i get asked about a lot and that's the quick draw master right here the m1899 a pistol that's exclusive to story mode and one that's very close to my heart ever since it dropped in a dlc about a year after red dead redemption 2 was originally released it's been one of if not my favorite weapon in the entire game not only is it stunning and has a vast array of customization options available but this thing absolutely shreds as well with just about the fastest fire rates of any weapon currently available it almost feels like you're using a machine gun when you're dual wielding these bad boys if you're not too worried about your ammo account you don't even really have to worry about headshots in most situations just hip fire the enemy and blast him into another stratosphere rampaging with these pistols is just about the best fun you can have with your pants still on i highly recommend checking them out if you haven't had the pleasure already under normal circumstances you would have to purchase the m1899 from the sandini gunsmith from chapter 4 onwards where it comes in for a tidy sum of 315 making it one of the most expensive sidearms available however don't fret if you're down on funds i've got a couple of ways that you can get them for nothing the first method involves the cattle rustling with uncle side mission in chapter 4 which becomes available after completing angelo bronte a man of honor where you retrieve jack from angelo bronte's mansion in sandini you can find it on the outskirts of the shady bell gang camp and it's only available at night usually between midnight and 5 am it can be a little bit tricky to get it to spawn sometimes though so the best thing to do if you can't see it is to set up a camp away from your main base advance time by 24 hours and then check again to see if it's there then just rinse and repeat until you do see it when this little icon is up on your map you know it's ready to go but do not start it right away save your game first as that's going to be important for later once your game's been saved you can start the mission and make your way to hillhaven ranch to get things underway if you're not familiar with the mission it simply requires you to either scare or kill the cattle rustlers so that you can take the cattle instead for our purposes though you don't want to scare them off you will need to kill them any old way will do nothing fancy required here just make sure they're both taken care of once they are make your way over to their bodies and have a look on the ground that's surrounding them the guy that was standing off to the side will have dropped a springfield rifle but the guy that was trying to pick the lock on the gate however will have dropped one of two pistols one of which is the m1899 as you can see here and that's definitely the one that i recommend you go for not only is it my preferred gun but it's a hell of a lot more expensive than the other gun that he might drop which is a volcanic pistol and that's a really good weapon don't get me wrong but i'll be discussing the volcanic pistol later on in the video and showing you another method of getting one free just in the very next chapter so i highly recommend that you go with the m1899 for now it's nothing but pure luck as to which gun will spawn and that's why i told you to save the game before starting the mission because it can't be repeated if the m1899 doesn't spawn simply reload your game and try again for a reference this took me three tries before it popped up so just keep going until you get the right one the next method is a little bit simpler however according to my research it will only work if you already own one of the m1899s already which is why i showed you the other method first but hey this still potentially saves a cool 350 bucks so i thought i should definitely include it in the video make your way over to the angelo bronte mansion in sandini you probably remember it from various missions but if not you can find it here then what you're going to want to do is sneak around the back and jump over the fence keep things pretty quiet start with so you can get your bearings but you'll likely be spotted eventually at that point you can just let loose and take out whoever's in your immediate vicinity once you've done that it's simply a matter of searching around on the ground until you see one of the dropped guards that was carrying an m1899 and then all you have to do is tap the corresponding button and now it's my gun baby hell's yeah by the time you're done you've probably got a wanted level with the cops rolling in from a distance so it's best to make a timely escape out the same way that you came in and away you go easy peasy you might get a bit of a bounty but as long as you don't get embroiled in a big shootout with the cops it shouldn't hurt your back pocket too much okay so the next gun we're going to be looking at is the volcanic pistol which we were discussing earlier it's an absolute beast of a weapon while it might have a slow fire rate the sheer damage this thing can do especially when dual wielding is absolutely insane normally it can be purchased from the gunsmith for 135 or might even already be free if you own the ultimate edition of the game but if you're just running the standard copy and see a price here don't drop your coin just yet because you can definitely get this one without ever paying a cent if you've been following this guide i've already shown you one method of how to get the volcanic pistol but because it came at the cost of not being able to get a more expensive gun you'd probably grab that instead don't worry though i've got another super easy way that you can get your hands on one during chapter five you get stranded on an island called guama left with nothing but a double action revolver and the torn clothes on your back however even to this day some people still don't know that you can collect and use the volcanic pistol instead which will stay with you even when you return to the mainland after you've arrived at the main campsite for the first time all you need to do is make your way over to the table on the side here where you can see a couple of little gun icons on your mini-map one of which will be the double barrel shotgun and the other is of course the volcanic pistol definitely grab it because not only is free always nice but it's actually a very useful addition for the guam emissions where ammo is in short supply next sidearm on the agenda is the well-known scofield revolver another very powerful gun that is honestly a lot of fun to use it's one of those guns i actually don't use for missions that often but it's one of my go-to's when i'm going on a rampage it blasts away enemies with a good amount of force and it's just got such a solid feel to it normally purchasable from just about any gunsmith for the price of 75 it also comes with a pretty good selection of modifications that you can make but don't go spending that money just yet there's a couple of methods of getting this one for nothing the first involves a robbery side mission in valentine which becomes available early in chapter 2. in order to get it kicked off you will need to come over to my location on the map once you've arrived you'll see a suspicious looking door that seems to back onto one of the shops there's a little random encounter that can occur here that points you in the right direction but luckily you don't actually need that to get it to work once you've knocked on the door like i just did you'll be promptly told to go away and at that point you just need to make your way around to the shop front of the medical center on the main strip of valentine from there just head inside to have a friendly little chat with the shopkeeper once you trigger him if you've done everything right up until now you'll see an option to rob the back room after that it's all pretty straightforward he'll lead you in the back where there's a shady side business going on they'll let you in thinking that it's the owner and then all you need to do is blast them to the heavens when the enemies are no longer an issue you can make your way over to the table where you'll find a lockbox and inside you'll see a new nice addition to your arsenal the scofield revolver totally free of charge however the free part is assuming you don't kill too many cops during your escape and rack up a big bounty but if you have a stick of dynamite you can collect some extra money from the safe in the wall which should cover you pretty nicely one way or another the second method for the scofield revolver comes later on in the game in the final installment of the gunslinger stranger mission called noblest of men and a woman this is the one where jim boy calloway challenges arthur to a jewel and of course inevitably loses when he dies he drops a revolver just like all of the other legendary gunslingers only this one happens to be a very nicely decorated variant of the scofield technically speaking it's got lower stats than the regular scofield much like all of the other gunslinger weapons but it's only by a small margin and combine it with the one that you get from valentine and you'll be dual wielding these bad boys without having spent a penny last one on the list was actually one of my favorite guns for the longest time until the m1899 came along that is personally i prefer that but the mauser that i'm using now definitely has its perks as well what it lacks in impact it makes up for with fire rate this thing can unload its clip in a matter of seconds it really is very very quick some may even prefer it to the m1899 they are somewhat comparable and i mean you could always dual wield with one of each if you so desired normally it's purchasable from the sandini gunsmith for 250 but it doesn't unlock until chapter six which is actually quite a bummer fortunately though there is a couple of ways that you can get it early and free of charge if you're okay with taking a bit of a hit on the stats like i mentioned earlier with callaway's revolver you can get a mauser as early as chapter 2 by completing the first string of the legendary gunslinger stranger missions specifically the billy midnight encounter where you chase him down on a moving train and eventually engage in a duel once he hits the floor make sure you go over and grab his unique mauser pistol before jumping off the train and making your escape it's a really pretty gun and honestly it can't be beat this early on in the game another method for acquiring a free mauser is during the assault on angelo bronte's mansion in the chapter 4 mission revenge is a dish best eaten after working your way through the enemies in the garden and on the first floor of the mansion you will find yourself upstairs looking for angelo bronte himself when you eventually find him through process of elimination he will quickly throw his gun at you after it jams as a last-ditch effort of getting away but of course it's in vain as jon cleans his clock at that point do not pick up his body that will trigger the next part of the mission and cops will be all over you before you pick him up make sure you walk over to where he threw the gun on the floor and you'll find a tasty new mauser that you can team up with your billy midnight pistol for a bit of dual-wield goodness as always in this situation don't worry about the sidearm you're leaving behind you will always respawn on your horse if you drop it now i'd just like to give a special mention to the le mat revolver unfortunately i don't know any freebie methods but i simply had to give it a shout out anyway if for no other reason then i know you'd all be on my back if i didn't i'd love to be able to say that i've found a method of getting one without paying for it but alas i have not the only way i know of is to purchase it from the sound any gunsmith after it unlocks in chapter 4. if you do know a better method though please let me know and i'll pin it in the comments if it checks out and that pretty much brings us to the end of the video today if you did enjoy it please hit the like button down below and if you are new around here then also consider subscribing as well i've been covering story mode content in red dead redemption 2 for years now and i don't have plans of stopping anytime soon until we meet again you bunch of legends i'm red nitrate and i'll catch you on the next one [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Red Nitrate
Views: 623,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, rdr2, rdr2 best weapons, red dead redemption 2 free weapons, rdr2 free guns, red dead redemption 2 free guns location, rdr2 best guns early game, rdr2 sidearms, red dead redemption 2 m1899 pistol, rdr2 m1899, rdr2 schofield, red dead redemption 2 volcanic pistol, red dead redemption 2 mauser, red dead redemption 2 mauser customization, red dead redemption 2 lemat revolver, red dead redemption 2 lemat story mode, rdr 2, rdo, red dead 2, red nitrate rdr2
Id: CU2DigjQdaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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