Top 5 Weapons In RDR2 & How To Get Them! Red Dead Redemption 2 Best Weapons

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welcome back to Red Dead Redemption - today we're gonna be covering the top five weapons you should be using in this amazing game we're also going to be covering how to get these weapons early if available so I hope you guys all enjoy this episode feel free to leave a like if you do find yourselves enjoying it without further ado let's go ahead and get into this now we're gonna go ahead and start with revolvers the best revolvers you should be using is the glorious Scofield and you can get this right off the bat once you get to chapter 2 and we're gonna cover that right now once you get to Valentine you'll see the drugstore now if you go to the very back of the drugstore there's a window that you can look through to unlock this little side mission to rob the back business now this is how you're gonna get these skull filled revolver what you need to do is rob the back room and the storekeeper will take it onto the back this will open up you'll kill the three or four people in here and then that little chest on the back corner has the skull filled revolver in it this revolver has very high damage range fire rate reload speed and accuracy there are other revolvers that may have higher fire rate or reload speed but in general this has the best all-around stats and you can dual wield it if you so desire the high damage range and accuracy of this weapon make it ideal for close to mid-range combat the only way you can do a little bit better is maybe dual wielding these sawed-off shotgun with the high reload speed of this weapon you will be able to take out multiple enemies in quick succession without really having to worry about reloading in between because it goes so fast the next weapon in the list is the volcanic pistol you can buy this from any gunsmith once you get into chapter 2 although it is worse than these Schofield revolvers this is considered a pistol which makes it in a tier of its own although if I were to be using any handheld weapon like this I'd be using these Schofield revolvers over the volcanic pistol but this is the best pistol that you can get in the game currently now we're finally getting to the repeaters the best repeater you can get in the game currently is the land caster repeater and you can get this very early in the game by doing a little side quest which we'll cover right now now to start this side quest you're gonna need to go to the town of roads it is south east of Valentine down towards the bottom of the map and you're gonna need to go to the outside of the gun store in this town now that we're here in roads what we need to do is we need to go to the right side of the gunsmith as we walk over here we're gonna see somebody trapped underneath now this is going to initiate a conversation with this prisoner and just like the drug store is going to initiate a side quest where we need to rob the basement of this business now once the shop owner opens up the basement door and walks you down side you're gonna be greeted with a side story but to the left is going to be a gun case this case holds the Lancaster repeater now it highly recommends sticking out for this quest because it is quite interesting regardless this is the best repeater that you can get until the very very end of the game not only does this weapon have incredibly high damage range accuracy and reload speed but it also has a 14 round clip you can pretty much take out an entire town without even having to reload and when you do you can reload incredibly fast which put this weapon in it's here of its own as being pretty much godly this weapons massive ammo reserves makes it an absolute beast when you're horseback and needing to take out a ton of people and is certainly my go-to weapon for defending myself while on horseback because you could take out so many people especially if you have Deadeye available it's just incredibly deadly and I highly recommend it if you need to defend yourself while on horseback this next one was really difficult to decide the pump-action shotgun or the semi-auto shotgun I had to give the winner to the semi-auto because it does have more range fire rate and accuracy which I deem really important and the rest of these stents are incredibly close the pump action does have slightly more damage but it's offset by the lower fire rate now we also have increased accuracy on the semi-auto shotgun which I think makes it just a little bit better now there is one huge difference between these two weapons - and that is the hipfire fire rate now let's go ahead and start off with the pump action shotgun firing from the hip and you can see the difference really quick here when we switch to the semi-auto it is in sane so much faster when firing from the hip now the difference is almost unnoticeable when firing aiming down the sights but regardless if you're firing from the hip what you're doing a lot with a shotgun the semi-auto is a huge advantage to get these semiautomatic shotgun early in the game you need to go to a point west of Ballantyne and north of strawberry a little place called Watson's cabin once here you're gonna want to go ahead and head inside there's gonna be an old lady that will greet you and she recognizes you as somebody who is supposed to be here now you can go ahead and just wander on down to the back and she's got a basement in the back right corner of the house if you go ahead and head through here and down you're gonna be able to find the semi-automatic shotgun in a gun case on the shelf if you go ahead and open this up you'll be able to get the weapon now if you hang around the cabin for a while something interesting will happen so feel free to do so if your heart desires but regardless you've got yourself a pretty nice weapon this is great for close to medium-range combat although the Litchfield repeater is a little bit better depending on the quarters that you're fighting in but if you are in very close quarters the shotgun is truly amazing and is definitely gonna be something you want in your arsenal especially considering you can get it very early in the game now it is also amazing while horseback and is one of my go-to s depending on what we're doing but it's really great being able to just completely devastate an army of law enforcement coming after you with a shotgun and it works really really well now the Litchfield repeater is a little bit better in my opinion while on horseback mainly because the amount of ammo that you have you have to be a little bit more careful with your shots with the semi-automatic shotgun but all in all it's still a really great weapon [Music] [Music] now last weapon on the list is the bolt-action rifle you can't get this until chapter 3 during preaching forgiveness as he went it's also available at all gunsmiths after that particular quest but it is a particularly good rifle it was a bit of a hard decision going between the bolt-action rifle and the rolling block now I decided to go with the bolt-action rifle because both the rolling block and the bolt-action can kill with one bullet to the chest so the extra damage really doesn't matter all that much on the rolling block and Lester may be hunting large animals but the extra fire rate and reload speed on the bolt-action rifle makes it just a little bit better the full action rifle is definitely meant for long-range fights but it is actually pretty good in the medium to long range vicinities as well it's really high damage allows you to hit pretty much anywhere on the body at medium to close range and get a one-shot kill unfortunately the low clip amount and reload speed makes it particularly ineffective when compared to something like one of the repeaters handguns or shotguns one of my most favorite things to do with this rifle is run away with the horse and then come to a skidding stop turn around and murder everyone behind me it's particularly effective and at medium range this weapon is incredibly deadly now I will show you the fall off damaged as the range goes farther out and you will have to start aiming for headshots now about medium range you can shoot anyone in the chest for a one shot but even just a little bit farther a chest shot will not work you can even shoot him in the neck and it doesn't count I think if you get shot in the neck by anything it should be a one shot but regardless it's still a pretty darn good weapon but at long ranges the damage does fall along considerably so just keep that in mind be rolling block rifle may be better if you're going for chest shots at long range now aside from that that is all we've got for today's episode I hope you all enjoyed it thank you so much for watching if you're new to the channel and you want to see more Red Dead Redemption 2 content don't forget to subscribe and if you feel like doing me a kindness and you enjoyed the video don't forget to share it and smash that like button I will see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 6,195,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rdr2, red dead 2, red dead redemption 2, top 5, top 5 weapons rdr2, best weapons rdr2, tagbacktv, rdr2 weapons, red dead 2 weapons, red dead 2 best weapons, rdr2 how to unlock weapons, rdr2 how to get weapons, best, rdr2 how to, red dead redemption 2 gameplay, rdr2 online, red dead 2 online, red dead redemption 2 weapons, red dead redemption 2 best weapons, rdr2 online weapons, red dead 2 online weapons
Id: OWc4y3dW0EM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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