Why Did Dutch Shoot Micah?

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at this time a countless number of videos have been made analyzing the personality and character of Dutch vanderin most of it centers around breaking his true intentions down whether if he was always the person he ended up becoming by the end of the game or if over time he just gradually started to change and this change being a cative results of Micah being in his ear instigating the more volatile habits he was starting to display a display of brutality and carelessness that was a result of constant stress and having to move from Camp to Camp desperately avoiding the law or having to deal with what he was seeing as increasing descent from within his own ranks most notably from Arthur John and even Hosea later during the events of beaver Hollow Arthur mentions Dutch may have always been like this and even John later admits a similar sentiment towards Sadie and he admits this during the epilogue when the two of them are writing to take care of a bounty that sad is heading and it's well on this ride to try and recover an outlaw that was robbed off of her the two of them start to talk about the gang and the old days you heard anything of Dutch nothing you no you'd think he's a colorful character word would get out that's one way of putting it look what happened with the gang changed everyone who was a part of it the Dutch who put a blanket around me after the o'driscolls that weren't the same man at Beaver Hollow and now he might not be so colorful no more more you see a man whose character changed I see a man who got found out for who he truly was we was fools to follow him I was a fool and I paid for it and I was one of the lucky ones MAA John MAA is the one who said it off I blame me for following Dutch for too long but I blame Micah for most everything else while the topic of Dutch always being the crazy lunatic we see towards the end of the game and starts to resemble more of the bloodthirsty Outlaw that is more than willing to kill people for what he just calmly describes as doing it for sport you and and and your friend there the professor we're going to kill the both of you why you want to do a thing like that I don't know sport I guess today we're going to tackle a little bit more of a complex issue a little bit of a two-parter and that is did Dutch somewhat redeem himself at the end of the game why did he shoot Micah and did this symbolize one good thing for the series of bad things that he's done and I'm not referring to bad things that he's done to people outside of the gang I'm referring to people that fell directly under his leadership that he led to destruction to death to in strauss's case possibly even torture it's to a degree they were willing participants it's not exactly like Dutch was holding them at gunpoint at least not in the beginning but throughout the entire game Dutch is constantly hammering home that he has has the power he is the key to the Future to making it out of this life to shaking the law the pink and any other stress and issues that they're going to be going through they just have to invest all of their faith all of their trust all of their money and ultimately all of their power within Dutch himself from various conversations throughout the game these people following Dutch all have their own stories their own experiences and firsthand accounts of witnessing Dutch be their Savior and slowly over time it's not just a feeling of sticking to Dutch's side out of pure love and trust and believing in his philosophy and his vision for the world how to live and how to conduct themselves but it becomes a battle of something similar more to obligation I think Jon's hesitancy to take Arthur's advice to take his wife and son and just run shows us that Arthur how you doing nervous but I've been nervous for a while I had a lot of time to thinking that J and feel like I just don't know Dutch no more you ain't the only one and this plan to get us out it just feels I don't know like he's stringing us along I know Killing In Cold Blood Revenge we all do bad things but he seems to enjoy it now it's like he just wants to create more enemies more chaos yeah I know I mean I love dutches he saved me a long time ago but feel like in Sande when I got arrested maybe he could have done something I feel like you should take your woman and child and get lost do you what reason you got to stick around at this point it's done I don't see no way out of any of this what about loyalty that's long been broken obviously this is just one specific example but John trying to rationalize it not just with Arthur but even himself I think is a good depiction of what lies at the core of everyone's problem here and it's even an angle that Dutch abuses most of the game what happens to all of you what's with all of you doubting me don't you trust me have I let any of you wrong before well he may be doing things or at the very least sharing ideas such as paying Leviticus Cornwall visit or dealing with colal Driscoll because he's always there to get them and they need to get him before he gets Dutch or any other members back first or having to take care of Angelo Bronte because he won't let them live or Escape because Dutch knows the type of man that he is and he's just someone that needs to be dealt with now rather than just let live these are a series of things that Dutch continues to use to try and suppress any individual thought any critical thinking Dutch and every single member is constantly going from problem to problem and when someone wisen up to it then Dutch reminds them everything that you've had everything that you are now I've helped you so can't you help me help me with this single problem and we can escape further west and hopefully land on this tropical island of Tahiti and live a life of leisure I just need you to stick by my side just a little while longer just one more score just one more take just one more problem and you'll no longer live a life of worry having to struggle or be afraid of the law or having to look over your shoulder terrified and a Driscoll will spot them or someone else will recognize them and that results in another fight leading to even more bloodshed shed I think this is a very important thing to understand before we go down the road of answering if Dutch redeemed himself because everyone has this idea of Dutch he was an adopted father he's a savior he's fighting for justice in an unjust World he's a Beacon of Hope in a world that's slowly pushing them towards the Flames of Extinction their way of life these quality of people they have no place in Civilization Dutch began to slowly destroy that image and then by the sixth chapter was destroying in an extremely Grand scale he was a polar opposite of what he once was at least on the surface in front of all these people that believed he cared for them whether if Dutch was always this person or not whether if it became a change in perception or it was just a series of mistakes that Dutch couldn't recover from and he just decided to give up even if he was always a bad man doing horrible things a silver lining at least in their eyes was he was at least putting a code of conduct that seemed different than any other gangs were doing and while it could be claimed that he manipulated Arthur and John who were children when he took them under his wing in their eyes he still saved them from a life that was probably much worse Hosea possibly had more of a hand in that than we give him credit for teaching the boys right from wrong and ensuring Dutch's more unsavory Tendencies stayed in check as to not upset his right-hand man but it was still an image that stayed in everyone's mind and as DCH began to betray the person that they all seen him as they all started to rationalize it by looking for other factors and sources to blame most notably of which Micah personally I don't think the intent to go to Tahiti or really escape this life was an option for Dutch if it ever was he abandoned that a long time ago he could have very well split up the gang members and used someone who's less likely to be known to have an affiliation with the gang to retrieve the money out in Blackwater or utilize the women better to Rob certain opportunities Hosea throughout the game was more for taking advantage of cons and tricking people that way I think if you really break the story down there might have been some key moments where they really could have escaped had that really been an option for Dutch whether if he was just addicted to the life of an outlaw or being the center of attention having others rely on him the way that they did always looking to him for guidance wanting that position of power or just having people he saw as disposable ponds that he can utilize to become this mythical Outlaw whatever the reason I believe at the end of the game we can see that ultimately Dutch is just out for himself now he still claims that they're all family and Arthur and John are his sons despite him blatantly leaving them both to die on separate occasions the concept of them being family and no one being left behind is just a shallow saying with the hope of evoking the emotions of past experiences making it easier to forget the clear betrayal Dutch John you left me you left me to die my boy I didn't have a choice John I didn't you I didn't have a choice left me I wish we got a little more insight as to how Dutch and Micah interact we get some instances here and there in Clement point and Horseshoe Overlook where Micah's sucking up to him telling him he's such a special man that he idolizes Dutch and even offers to go and retrieve the Blackwater money by himself don't get me wrong they are important interactions that provide insight as to how Micah possibly slowly weasel his ways and Dutch's good graces in such a very short period of time but these are interactions to provide us with the concrete information to definitively say that how Dutch ends up at the end of the game is how Dutch always was or if it genuinely was Micah pushing him in a direction that seemed easier and I think that's another element to all of this because then it can provide more insight as to whether if Dutch was always like this or if it was something that just happened over time but if you really want to cut it very black and white from everybody else's perspective there probably would be no Redemption for Dutch and that would be for two specific deaths that Dutch Witnesses deaths of two members that were the pillars of the vanderin gang two out of the four original founding members and the first one is Miss Grimshaw she outright gets shot by mic for no reason other than Micah being challenged by her and sighting with Arthur Micah sees an opening and just outright guns her down which Dutch Witnesses and he does nothing but just stand there he doesn't question Micah doesn't argue with him or reprimand him whatso whoever for killing a woman who has been the center of the entire gang's Camp upkeep she was the one that kept everything running smoothly and making sure everyone was working she's been here since day one and Micah guns her down in Cold Blood Dutch doesn't even bat an eye no betrayal she didn't snitch no breaking of loyalty whatsoever there was just no reason to just leave it be like he did then we have the death of Arthur Dutch's alleged son the man that gave him his entire life even if we just go the route of the honorable ending Micah doesn't completely kill Arthur Dutch still chooses to ignore Arthur's please to listen to him to at the very least acknowledge that he might have been the rat the entire time while he may walk off in a completely separate direction from Micah he still lets Micah live and that alone is damn near unforgivable it's an outright betrayal of Arthur and to go a little further it's a betrayal of Miss Grimshaw Hosea and everything the gang ever claimed to stand for loyalty being different and not forgetting about each other or just treating each other as a nameless gunman no different than how colem looks at his own disposable men no sense of caring for their well-being or having any personal connection to these people their one and only purpose is to die for the glory of their leader the entire concept of this being a family while it was hanging by the hinges for quite some time it was in this moment where it completely shattered in Arthur's eyes and anyone else who would have witnessed Dutch Walk Away In This Moment perhaps it was a reason why Dutch shot Micah years later on the hilltop if it was just Micah John and Dutch and S he had no part in it or at least Dutch was completely unaware of her presence I don't believe Dutch would have cided with John and took aim at Micah the way that he does I believe he either would have cited with Micah or left them to it and walked away the same way he did when it came down to Micah and Arthur all the years ago during the final moments of Arthur's life I believe between here and when Arthur was pleading and begging for him to see all the damage m is responsible for where at the bare minimum can be blamed for encouraging a plan of action that was never their way of doing things perhaps it was in the this moment staring down into the eyes of a Dying Arthur Dutch finally realized all the damage he was doing damaged those he once called a family the acknowledgement of pain and disappointment in Dutch's face is unmistaken maybe deep down he was aware of everything he was doing and the path he was taking losing sight of the fact these are genuine people that he Once Upon a Time may have genuinely cared for with him finally getting the time to look into the eyes of a sick Arthur on his deathbed something that he probably hasn't done in a very long time just made everything surreal it's easy to dispose of people or to paint them as the bad guys someone you could just cast off and convince yourself it's for the best they aren't helping anymore or are now more of a problem than someone who has good intentions and are looking out for your well-being it wouldn't be too farfetched to say this was a line of thought Dutch had subscribed to since he time and again said to Arthur he's always doubting him and and he no longer has any faith in him a sentiment that would only deepen upon the realization that Arthur was helping rains fall and the a is in direct opposition to Dutch's plans you help this fellow Arthur please what of it what else you've been doing behind Dutch's back what the wars are over we have lost these young men will be annihilated please oh see what I can do Charles who else will come with me oh all right Arthur who knows what other secrets I'll learn about say what you will but ultimately time and again Arthur's own actions during Beaver Hollow was solidifying a sentiment that he was more of an obstacle and was less time spent between the two of them strengthening that perception which was increased even more by Arthur's questioning The Dutch's plans and intentions every time they did work together only causing more of a headache however hearing Arthur's pleas and this once terrifying gunman that helped Dutch take the World by storm face down in the dirt struggling to breathe it humanized Arthur and help Dutch remember everything he stood for at a time while he decides to let Micah walk now I believe Arthur's final message to Dutch of not being able to trust Micah finally got through to him whether if it was shame embarrassment guilt the realization that he couldn't trust mic or the fact that the tattered Legacy of loyalty whatever remained of it within Dutch himself was reignited and he decided to walk away to not Venture off into the sunset with Micah come on [Music] Dutch come on it's a complicated issue from Dutch's point of view because on the one hand he may acknowledge his recent mistakes and wrongdoing but the chance to recover from it is long gone the gang is in a state of disarray with all the women in Jack long gone removing any sense of some type of Hope for the future Arthur is practically dead Dutch and Micah just chased Jon away as if that really meant anything I think Dutch long made up his mind against JN ultimately Dutch had three choices walk away way right off with Micah or kill Micah with a price on his own head and the huge number of Pon surrounding them the distraction of Micah was something that he needed while he may not escape with Micah by his side at least he can count on not having to deal with an entire Army of law on just him and him alone it may not be an actual step towards Redemption but by Dutch walking away from Micah it's more of a leaving well enough alone type of response there's no sense to betraying the legacy of his Fallen comrades more by mingling with someone who very well may have been the source of the gang's entire Misfortune by feeding the peton all the information that CHS have known there was a rat no matter what Micah was the one finally pinned as the source of the gang's Misfortune which hampered his plans for the future a little bit more because this is the guy that he's been planning everything out with it's best to just drop the whole situation it's a positive move to just move on now we don't know what Dutch gets into during the time between Beaver Hollow and the gamees epilog a few years later there's practically no word of Dutch or Micah until the very end of the gang's epilogue Micah's formed his own gang he's become more violent and much more unpredictable and it's with the intention of killing him that John and sad accidentally run into Dutch who claims he's here for the same reason as John what are you doing here Dutch same as you I suppose Dutch and I are teaming up once more we got money we got dreams join us John now John's been shouting all kinds of things towards Micah as he guns down his men left and right and the fact that John and Micah weren't exactly getting along the last time they were in Dutch's presence should make it clear enough that Dutch Knows Why Jon is here to not exactly to team up or to recuperate any lost money from all those years ago or maybe in Dutch's mind it might have been after all it's a little coincidental that all the money from blackwaters here in this cabin and out of all the times John could have come to pay Micah social call it's the day that he and Dutch is in the cabin with all this lost cash so I don't think Dutch ever came here to actually kill Micah he may have been referring to the money or in his usual enigmatic self he just kind of shrugged off J's question I just say that clearly because I've seen that proposed before but I don't think that's the case I don't think Dutch came here to kill Micah I think after some time of either trying to form his own gang from the ground up or maybe trying his own hand on living alone for some time he just decided to go the easy way returning to Micah and seeking him out and creating plans for a new future for the both of them M's got the Manpower and the resources and Dutch is getting older he's got the wisdom he still has that Charisma they can make it work this time there's nothing holding them back after all things are different as Micah says it's a new century with the time passing in between the years of the vanderland gang and Arthur's own death I believe Dutch came back to give this whole partnership with Micah a second go until John pays an unexpected visit and the memory of Arthur's brought up again let her go now I can't do that John Dutch Dutch come on now you shot at me son you started it you betrayed me I could say the same as you I was trying to do my best you you just cared for yourself I think differently join us join us [Music] John let her go she ain't well I don't want to kill you John Arthur saved my life more than once Arthur has been dead a long time this is a new century Dutch Dutch we all did our best for you ain't our fault things turned out the way they did Dutch killing me won't solve nothing put down your gun Mar say something Dutch say something I ain't got too much to say no more Dutch walks off and is visibly upset towards johon but facial expressions aside this time in Arthur's death are the only two moments where Dutch really has nothing left to say bringing Arthur's name up could have brought Dutch back to that night many years ago where with with his final breath Arthur musters the strength to inform Dutch Mike as a rat feeling as if it was a lifetime ago John summoning Arthur's name and the Valiant effort Arthur made to spare him and his family to get them out of this life could very well have reminded Dutch that he can escape his past he can escape the Betrayal that he partook in for harboring a rat for allowing so many people to die under his watch and do nothing I think if it wasn't for John mentioning Arthur's name taking them back taking them all back to that time I don't think Dutch would have turned on Micah he almost had no reason to if Arthur's name was buried in the past so was everyone else's misdeeds including dutches I mentioned earlier that if it wasn't for S being present Dutch may have cited with Micah but rethinking it now I don't think Sadi being present or not was really all that important I don't think it mattered unless it was all about Dutch still saving face and he cared about being seen as a noble charismatic person and he valued s perception of him then her being there or not I don't think would have changed anything Dutch didn't have the weight of having to carry on this facade to wear this mask to conduct himself and act in accordance with a law and a Creed that he wanted those underneath him to operate with him he had nobody like that anymore so he can do and say as he so pleased all this time passing made him a different man with different circumstances if it wasn't for Arthur's name coming up I don't think Micah would have been the victim of a gun shot from Dutch with that said I don't think Dutch did it out of avenging his friend his brother his son I believe he did it out of doing the right thing not morally I think that's a different topic but the right thing hasn't something that Micah had coming the thing that he possibly wanted to do in front of Arthur all those years ago but given the Law's presence and other members still looking to him for leadership and the plans he already had with Micah and everyone else those factors were no longer necessary to consider it was as simple as say is Micah going to finally get what's coming to him or am I going to spare him yet again in dut's head as he so likes to rationalize things and make himself appear to be so Noble I don't doubt he redeemed himself by betraying Micah he may well have convinced himself that he Avenged Arthur but the reason for putting Micah down I don't think it was a selfless act whatsoever and I think Dutch leaving all that money behind was a repeat of what he did with Arthur it's easier to just leave it be drop it all and walk away from the outside perspective there is no Redemption for Dutch in all that he's done for betraying Miss Grimshaw Arthur the legacy of Hosea and what the entire vanderin gang stood for we're succumbing to Reckless impulses and listening to someone that's has only been riding with the gang for 6 months over the Council of Hosea and even Arthur in his own head he may have redeemed himself to some degree by putting Micah down but that doesn't allow him to shake all that he's done and how easy it was for him to just shrug off everything that happened to those that look to him for guidance for a way out of this horrible life and he definitely didn't shoot Micah out of Vengeance for Arthur out of redemption for himself or doing the right thing I think it looked as if it was just a bunch of children fighting arguing and complaining and in Dutchess head it was much simpler to just shoot one and move on with Micah being a much easier Target because whether if Dutch wanted to accept it or admit it or not John Sadie Charles and everyone else that lived from the vanderlin gang will all attribute the downfall to Micah let me know what you think down in the comments section below do you agree with my take on this what's your variation of it better yet because I wanted to simplify it and use the honorable ending of Arthur's life some people don't like to accept whether if that is or isn't Canyon So based off the different death that Arthur is given and of course D's corresponding response and reaction to all of that why do you think Dutch shot Micah do you think it was ever on the table that he would have actually put the gun to Sadie or John or maybe even both of them do you agree with me or do you have a completely different stance let's talk down the comment section below I'd love to hear your thoughts your opinions and your take on this but like always my name is cynic thank you so much for watching and I will see you all in the next video
Channel: Cynic
Views: 504,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cynic, rdr2, red, dead, redemption, reddeadredemption, red dead redemption, red dead redemption 2, reddeadredemption2, whydiddutchshootmicah, why did dutch shoot micah, micahdeath, micah bell death, micah bell death rdr2, rdr2 micah bell, why did dutch shoot micah rdr2, dutch shot micah bell, red dead redemption 2 news, rdr2 news, micahbelldeathrdr2, micahdeathrdr2, whydutchshotmicah, why dutch shot micah, why dutch shot micah rdr, did dutch avenge arthur, red dead redemption gameplay
Id: mTOsUgxV3fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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