BEST WEAPONS + How To Get Them FREE | Repeaters | Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR2)

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today we'll be continuing my series looking at the best weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2 and how to get them totally free I've already covered shotguns and sidearms in separate videos which I'll link in the description below however this time we're going to be checking out repeaters first of which is of course the Lancaster repeater which is one of my favorite guns in the whole game and one that I definitely recommend you get if you haven't acquired it already under normal conditions you can purchase it from any gunsmith but that's not really necessary considering you'll automatically get one for free when you complete an American pastoral scene late in chapter two that's the mission where you team up with old rap boy and rubber Stagecoach for everything that's worth but not before everything goes pear-shaped and your Escape gets abruptly brought to a stop after crashing the vehicle shortly before that happens though Michael will do the first useful thing that he's ever accomplished in his life and give you a free Lancaster repeater out of the kindness of his heart okay well In fairness it's probably not him being a good guy as much as him once again shamelessly recruiting Arthur's help to save his bacon after another one of his piss-poor plans goes to [ __ ] but I digress point being is if you're someone that wants to just smash out the story as quickly as possible you may as well wait to finish this Mission and just get the gun that way but if you want to get it earlier than that well I've got you covered there as well if you make your way over to the Rhodes gunsmith at any point throughout the story you can come across a truly disturbing random encounter it involves a captured boy that's been imprisoned in the basement after a series of tragic events it's implied that he's been down there for years and the story behind it is both twisted and also very sad if you take the time to listen to it to get access to both him and the free Lancaster repeater you'll need to go inside the gunsmith building and draw your gun on the owner that will give you the option of robbing the basement which is of course where we want to go he'll then lead you downstairs where if you want to you can choose to stick around and hear all the gruesome details before and inevitably setting the boy free and heading on your way it's a hugely misunderstood encounter and one that really hit me quite hard when I experienced it properly for the first time so yeah definitely check it out if you're interested either way before you get out of here just make sure that you inspect the weapon case located on the table to the side the owner won't put up any sort of a fight or try to stop you from taking the Lancaster so there's no need to put him down or do anything to subdue him but there's also not really any punishment for doing so so if you want to take out your own special brand of Justice before leaving well you go right ahead overall it's a really solid gun especially considering it's available so early on in the game not only does it do great for mid-range targets like this but if you prefer to get all up close and personal you can pretty much rapid fire the thing just like it's a pistol or a revolver so basically just smash the fire button when you're not aiming the gun and it'll absolutely shred through just about anything in its path with a 14 bullet capacity good range and some truly deadly accuracy this thing can not only do some serious damage but will also remain a trustworthy addition to Your Arsenal from start to finish the next one we'll be looking at is the Lichfield which is often compared alongside the Lancaster as one of the best repeaters in the game it's a good looking gun and it's got some truly amazing stopping power compared to the Lancaster though it does lose out when it comes to accuracy and fire rate but it makes up for it by being more powerful and having a slightly larger ammo capacity under normal circumstances you can purchase it from select gunsmiths late in chapter 6 for around 145 but if you want to save your money be sure to wait just a few missions longer until you get up to Mrs Sadie Adler widow part one that's the one where you storm hanging Dog Ranch and take out almost every remaining O'Driscoll left on the face of the planet it's a truly brutal firefight and one of my favorite missions in the game but to make it even better you can actually claim a free Litchfield repeater before you attack the ranch after speaking to Sadia Camp when triggering the mission you'll be given the option to either travel with her or go by yourself either way it goes down once you arrive at the mission marker you'll go over a few plans with Sadie before eventually making your approach on the property but before you do you're going to want to make sure that you double back towards the small campsite behind you where next to it shining in the sun will be a brand new Lichfield for you to claim for your very own and yeah it's as simple as that folks you don't have to spend a penny the only downside is is that you can't do it any earlier than chapter six but hey I'll never complain too much when it's free as for which one's better this or the Lancaster well it really just comes down to personal preference a lot of people do seem to prefer the Lancaster but the ones who swear by the Lichfield wouldn't have it any other way the stopping power is hard to pass up if you can slow your aim down and let the bloom retract before firing you'll find it almost feels like a rifle with some of the shots take personally I do prefer the Lancaster as I said before but try both of them out and see for yourself this is still a mighty fine gun for anyone on the market for a new repeater last on the list is the Lesser known but still very deadly gun known as the Evans repeater it was added to the game about a year after Red Dead 2 released and was originally reserved for the PC version where it was then added to all other platforms a few months later the stats on it are honestly a little bit lackluster when compared to the Lancaster and the Lichfield but one area where the Evans outshines both of them is ammo capacity where the Lancaster holds 14 and the Lichfield holds 16. the Evans here has a whopping capacity of up to 26 bullets if you plan on spamming the Dead Eye button when going on an all-out Rampage it's hard to pass up that kind of ammunition of course though it does come at a cost the reload time is terrible the accuracy isn't great and neither is the damage definitely go for Pure headshots on this one anything on the body is unlikely to drop an enemy with just one bullet on the plus side you can purchase this gun as early as chapter 3. after completing the mission Amer American distillation as for a way of getting them free though well I searched high and low and struggled to find something that was consistent I did find a few NPCs and police that dropped them insanity but not on a regular basis so as an alternative we'll go with the random encounter that presents itself several times throughout the game and involves you rescuing some poor sod that's been bitten by a snake in truly unrealistic fashion you save his life by sucking the snake venom out of his leg thus curing all of his woes and enabling him to stupidly get bitten over and over again throughout the course of the story I've seen him pop up in countless places all over the map but these three locations here seem to be the most consistent and reliable after saving his life and waiting a few in-game days he will then want to go to whatever gunsmith was closest to the encounter at the time where you'll then start Hooten and Holleran asking you to come over and talk to him he'll inform you that he is indeed very grateful and always pays his debts going as far to back it up by saying you can purchase something from the gunsmith completely free of charge by putting it on his tab so make your way over to the gunsmith and head inside and then when you pull up the catalog you'll quickly see that every gun in the store costs the vast sum of zero dollars unfortunately you can only get one but the dim bastard that hooked us up is pretty accident prone and you'll get another chance later in the game so I decided to modify the Evans A Little Bit And honestly I quite like it certainly not my first choice when compared to the other options but it still gets the job done and it certainly looks good doing it that will pretty much wrap things up for today though folks if you enjoyed the video a like really does go a long way and if you're new around here then definitely think about subscribing for all things Red Dead Redemption 2. I've covered just about every possible facet of story mode on my channel in the past and I'm sure you'll find all of my other videos very useful until we meet again new bunch of Legends I am Red Knight trades and I'll catch on the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: Red Nitrate
Views: 63,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: red dead redemption 2, rdr2, rdr2 best weapons, red dead redemption 2 free weapons, rdr 2, rdo, red nitrate rdr2, rdr 2 repeaters, red dead redemption 2 repeater, rdr2 repeater, red dead redemption 2 lancaster, red dead redemption 2 lancaster repeater, rdr2 litchfield repeater, red dead redemption 2 lancaster repeater location, rdr2 evans, rdr2 evans repeater location, red dead redemption 2 evans repeater, rdr2 litchfield, red dead redemption 2 litchfield repeater, rdr2 rampage
Id: DgJSvt_yQTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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