RDR2: Low Honor Arthur Changed My Life!

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I finally finished Red Dead Redemption 2 and I ended the game with low honor but I went back and helped John and the honor System made me rethink my life this is the only game that I've ever played that when I finished it I wasn't disappointed in the story I was disappointed in my actions within the [Music] game I started the game with one thing in mind something that somebody had told me that this game was the cowboy version of Grand Theft Auto and to be honest all I wanted was to get down from the mountains get out of the snowy intro and start my journey as a reckless Outlaw one sour son of a [ __ ] ain't you only when I see you still need more food Mr Morgan yeah you should try your luck again with that bow and I did just just that I started my game play like any other game seeing people and needing resources I scavenged the land but sooner or later I started to realize that there was a sound that just kept on coming up I had no idea what it was and I just ignored it at first but with my behavior it got pretty hard to escape hello John that sound of course was the sound of a bell speculated that rock games got the inspiration for this sound from the book For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway a phrase common in literature referencing death Nails which were often church bells signifying when somebody's death has come to [Music] pass and in this game it signifies when the player has done something [Music] wrong [Music] you see in every action of the game you have a choice you have a choice to pet the dog or to scold the dog you have a choice to help or rob somebody and the path may not ever be clear on what to do sometimes you have interesting choices that are Best Kept uh you know keep this between us you saved my life I owe you got that right one of the encounters that really stood out to me was the encounter with Jimmy Brooks he recognizes you in Valentine for being in Blackwater he calls you out and you go and chase him down until he reaches a cliff at the cliff you're confronted with an option you can either save Jimmy Brooks in which he promises to conceal your identity or you can let him fall to his death in which your honor level goes down what I find interesting about this encounter is if you go on to the other side of the map you can find a cabin this cabin belongs to a strange man who writes poems about Jimmy Brooks on his desk this poem changes depending on how you treat Jimmy Brooks and who is the strange man he's the one that you find in Red Dead Redemption a mysterious figure who knows a lot about you do I know you I hope so he also has this written on his wall but we'll get back to that later this game is filled with seemingly insignificant moments that pass by with a blink of Ane ey that turn out to be not just small things but huge impactful moments to the story line and once those decisions are made you can't go back and I found myself regretting a lot of my choices on the first playthrough I spent a lot of time just in Chapter 2 wandering around trying to make money and finding out hunting was not the fastest way to get money in fact the fastest way for me was to Rob trains and Rob people in general and boy was I a bad man because my honor level went through the depths of Hell brothers and sisters and I regretted it I wanted to go back but by the time I wanted to change I was too invested in the story and this story is like a black hole the closer you get to figuring out what's going on the further away you get from escaping and by the time I got to the last chapter my honor level was already sunk and gone and I accepted that this is the way that I was that I was a bad man and almost as a mirror reflecting on my my actions the story started to go south fast in a tragic way one by one characters I love started to die and I couldn't help but think were these because of my actions was Arthur getting tuberculosis because of me I was aware that the game would change depending on your honor level but I wasn't aware of how much it would change the ending of the game damn was my ending brutal remember that thing on the wall back at the cabin that read his final toll will sound my greatest coming and I think it's time to talk a little bit more about who this strange man is when you approach this man in Red Dead Redemption he says that he knows you but you don't know him I'm not going to go too far into who this man really is but it's speculated by the community that this man could be anything from God to the devil and everything in between but my theory is that he is just a representation of death I'll let the appropriate authorities judge my morality friend yes you will and they shall and one of his most impactful lines can be heard here do you remember Haddie mccort's face who she was a girl Dutch vanderlin shot in the head on that raid on the ferry a few years back same one you got shot on pretty girl until her eye was hanging out by a threat of tendon and her brain was plastered over a wall not really then why would you remember me friend you've forgotten far more important people than me the last decision of Morality In this game consists of a couple variables first of all how were you in the game do you have a high honor level do you have a medium honor level or were you like me all of that influences the outcome of the game however everyone gets the same two op you can either help John maren Escape or you can go back for the money and if you go back for the money one final Bell TOS Dutch I again come and get me you [Music] bastard get me you [Music] bastards you run back through the forest on a murderous rage that has been building up throughout the story you go back into the cave where the gang was set up you grab the cash and you are faced with none other than M Bell when you fight to the [Music] death that's some unfinished business [Music] dead oh [ __ ] look what I got and done look like you lost black long I didn't lose that winning I stopped you and I told everyone you were at that's winning enough me and at the end of the day I'm glad that I didn't choose this ending I chose to go help John at this point in the game all of my actions my stealing my robbing trains my murder ing sometimes for fun and my excessive drinking through the game came to a climax of just two choices I needed some light in the darkness and this heavily impacted how I think about my life now I've never had a video game do that to me where after playing it I've consciously thought about making better choices we are not [Music] criminals we are outlaws I see clearly that your world is not a world from which one can escape I said goodbye to my Steed one last time and that's when I realized my journey as an outlaw was nearing an end come on Arthur let's go but what about the money Abigail gave me the key I head down there I'm dead in 5 minutes I got a family that's more important ah maybe you're right but you want the money you head down I got to go to my family and even then I thought about it for a second thinking about if I take the money do I keep it in the end but I knew my ways have changed and I went to help [Music] John I'm coming with you I'm going to get you out of this [ __ ] if it's the last goddamn thing I do and I wanted to stay naive and think that I was going to go with John but somewhere deep inside me I knew what was about to happen at this point in my reconciliation I was willing to do whatever it took for this man I was willing to die for this man get the hell out of here and be a goddamn man you're my brother I know I [Music] know God damn you f Bard and if I didn't have regret before I got you now I had it now because mic Bell came and fought me under the Moonlight and I was determined to win against this rat you're pathetic and this being my first playthrough I could not imagine a world without Arthur Morgan I could not imagine me losing to an enemy but in the end I think I lost to something else [Music] a it is over now Arthur it's over a dut he's right you know it I know it he's sick he's dying he's talking crazy there up there on the ring I gave you all I had I'm dead I did this playthrough without knowledge of the ending and I have to tell you the surprise of seeing Dutch do what he was about to do left me with the coldest feeling that I've ever felt playing a video game and I still had hope that I could at least defeat Micah you're not better than me Morgan whatever you say you fool damn you damn us both [Music] h stand [Music] unen world may stand un Shen am amst the [Music] world
Channel: Premo
Views: 553,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RDR2, Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2
Id: xsuQiRUm1QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 45sec (765 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2024
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