The best way to cook TRI TIP!! Low and slow "Brisket Jr."

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the weekend good weather sunshine it's time to smoke some meat what's the pinnacle of smoked meat it's brisket except we didn't get one i don't know why we didn't think about that but what we're gonna do instead is some tri-tip brisket's one of those cuts where if you mess it up it's horrible and everyone knows that because all of us have cooked a bad brisket so let's just mess up a tri-tip instead how about that so tri-tip comes from right here in the bottom sirloin she's going to give us a couple things on that location it's got great marbling and flavor because we're right here next to the flank we're also going to get nice texture and a lot of tenderness because we're there in the soil back in the 50s tri-tip got immensely popular on the west coast because it's a fairly easy cut to cook as long as you do it properly once you go past medium though it gets pretty tough one of the things we figured out here at grill slingers is that if you treat this like a brisket and take it up into the 200s what you're going to get is a really nice bark on the outside and you're getting a nice tender cut that you really can't mess up on top of all that a tricep only costs about 20 to 30 dollars as opposed to a brisket that if you're lucky to find one here in california it's going to cost you 50 or more so let's jump right in let's take a look at how to actually trim that tri-tip you're going to find tri-tip one of two-way so you're going to find it trim and typically that's going to be around two to three pounds or you're gonna find it on trim uh in the four to five pound range or you're gonna be like me find yourself unlucky at bonds and you're gonna find an untrimmed one in the three pound range what we're going to start off with we're looking here on the fat couch this fat cap is usually about a half inch now if you're working on a brisket that's okay but on a tri-tip you want to take it down to about a quarter inch so grab a fillet knife if you don't have a fillet knife either go buy one or just use whatever knife you have to be as careful as possible and what we want to do is we want to shave that fat off to expose some of that fat underneath make sure you have your off hand club and you keep your other hand nice and clean why am i talking in that voice i don't know but we're just going to keep going so what you're going to get on the edges here is you're going to get a lot of the stringy fat right here you don't want that ended up in your mouth so we're going to go ahead and just cut that off put it over the side save that you can render that use it for beef tallow make all kinds of good stuff with that go ahead and just keep on trimming so what you're going to get is some silver skin coming in right here and we want to take that off so we're just going to shave very gently because that silver skins right against the meat and we just kind of want to gently take that off sometimes you can do this with a paring knife you can do this with a regular chef knife i just like using a fillet knife because i only get to flex about a couple things in my life and this is one of them take all of that off we also want to take off most of that on this side of the meat since this is where most of your bark is going to end up being the two motions you can make while you're actually carving through is you can saw through gently and i'll kind of bring this over here so you can see this you can either saw through the meat just like this you want to push and then pull what i like to do is come here and just make one motion through the meat save yourself a lot of time and effort and you're thinking yourself but eric trimming me is not that hard there's still people that can't do it why else would people make these videos well me personally it's because i have nothing better to do so right here in the tri-tip this is an important part this section right here you're going to have a lot of hard fat it's pretty nasty to eat and you want to get out as much as you can so i like to take the tip of my knife right here start right here on the tri-tip bring it down cut here then take that same tip push down cut through and what you're gonna get is most that fat right there if you have a good butcher he can take care of this for you but typically you want the end of the tri-tip looking like that we're smoking it for a long time so we don't want this skinny point right here we're just going to cut that straight off that's our end cut right there an important thing to remember when we're right here is pay attention to the grain of the meat before you cook it because when we get into slicing this is going to be very important typically on the skinnier side of your tri-tip it can be running long-wise but as you can see it goes from here and when you get to the thicker side it kind of switches if you don't cut across the grain in these sections you're going to be wondering why it's so chewy and dense so pay attention to the grain of your tri-tip while you're trimming it down okay now that we got this all trimmed up and ready to go we're gonna go ahead and get the seasoning so now that we got this all trimmed up let's jump right into seasoning what i've got here is my own personal rub it's a mix of salt pepper a little bit of garlic some other stuff in there you can use whatever beef rub you want whatever you might use for brisket or if you've never cooked a brisket before just find something that you think will taste good don't be shy feel free to be generous with it you know it's a relatively short cut compared to most other low and slow meats but anything you're putting on here is going to contribute to having a nice bark a lot of flavor and you really don't need a binder with it go ahead and just kind of shake that thing on there again i'm not looking for a lot but i'm still going to make sure that we get nice even coverage here make sure whatever you leave on the board you kind of want to rub that back into the meat sometimes you want to use your hand for the sides that way you can kind of press it back in tri-tip's got a lot of surfaces a lot of angles sometimes it's a little tough to season but just make sure you get a little bit on there okay so now we're going to do the back cop side now the fat cap because you're typically going to be cooking this down you don't need as much because this is where it's going to be facing most of the heat just nice even coverage is what we're looking for now we got this all seasoned up we're gonna go ahead and let this sit uh you don't need to go super long i would say max is about 30 minutes i typically let mine sit for about 10 to 15 minutes while that's sitting we're going to go ahead and start up our pellet smoker you can do this on a kettle you can do it on a kamado you can do it on an offset the temperature you want to aim for is about 250 to 275. so once that's set go ahead and drop it in there we're going to see a cook time of about 45 minutes to an hour per pound and being that it's not a large cut it should cut pretty fast so let's go ahead and jump right into that so now our smoker is getting all warmed up we're going to go ahead and get our thermometer set up now we got a couple options on how you want to track temperature what i like to use is a wireless thermometer my smoker has probes built into it but i like to have something that i can use remotely so that tends to be the meter setup right here so we're going to go ahead we're going to take the problem we're going to go thick side of the meat we want to make sure that we're hitting the middle of where this side and this side meets right here go ahead and press it in you can also check this periodically with an instant read thermometer i like to use thermopro it's cheap it's accurate tends to work well when you're checking temperature with the thermopro what you want to do is make sure you're just aiming right here for the middle that's all so now that our smoker has got everything going we're gonna get it thrown in and we're gonna get good to go but come here real quick i want to show you something there's a big argument rather about if you're supposed to wrap these or if you're supposed to let them go negative now personally i don't like the wrap i get a better bark out of it i feel like you get better flavor you can wrap it that tends to give you more a little bit more tender product you get some of the aju out of it it's up to you if you got extra time i'd say go on wraps but try it both ways you know if you get them on sale and you get them cheap try it out see what works best for you that's all that matters the most important thing is you want the fat going towards the source of your heat if you're on a pellet grill like we are you want to go fat side down if you're on an offset smoker you want that fat up so let's go ahead and let's get this thing on there so we got our tri-tip here on the grill and now we can do the fun part and that's weight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm trying to stretch my mouth we've been on for about five hours we just hit 201 internal so we're gonna go ahead and take our tri-tip off the smoker now we're gonna go ahead and tent it give me a minute so normally with the brisket you want to leave it wrapped and leave it in the cooler with a tri-tip because it's such a small cut and you're not dealing with as much connective tissue you can simply just tent it and typically you only want to tent it for about 30 minutes so you get some aluminum foil and go ahead and just kind of drape it loosely across in both directions and we're going to let this sit here for about 30 minutes so if you wanted to prep any sides or sauces at this point this is kind of your perfect time to do it so just let this sit here for about 30 minutes and after that's done we can go ahead and take the foil off and we'll be ready to slice and serve okay so we've been resting for about 30 minutes we're about ready to slice here so go ahead and just take your foil away now if you remember what i said earlier it's very important to slice this against the grain and to pay attention to the grain of the meat on the actual cut because they do not run the same way the easiest way to remember this come over here is lengthwise you're gonna cut this way on this side you're gonna cut this way so here's a little trick for you i take my slicer i just take a simple cut right here and go straight through here's the fun part you see that smoke ring right there tell me that doesn't look like a brisket so like i said we're gonna go against the grain so you can just nice even little slices you're gonna get a ton of juice coming out on the board but typically what i'll do is i'll really only slice this when i'm ready to serve but this passes a bend test just like a piece of brisket easily pulls apart we're ready to eat baby let's do this [Music] thanks for dropping by today if you'd like to see the recipe or check out what else we have cooking feel free to drop a like and subscribe you can find our recipes and tips on facebook instagram and other social media sites and also at if you have an idea for what we can do next or think you can beat us at cornhole drop a comment and name a date and time that's all for today we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Grillslingers
Views: 58,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tri Tip, tri tip recipe, tri tip steak, tri tip roast, tri tip sandwich, tri tip bbq, tri tip in air fryer, tri tip on weber kettle, tri tip steak recipe, tri tip sandwhich, pellet grill tri tip, pellet smoker tri tip, smoked tri tip, brisket jr, low and slow tri tip, beginner, smoked, meat
Id: _mnGx0AW72E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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