Reverse Seared Tri Tip | Beef Tri Tip Recipe Smoked on Traeger and Grilled on PK 360

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today but buddy Kendall a dares back with me if you got a special recipe for me this is a comp recipe for a tri-tip right correct what are we gonna do well we're gonna take a light trim to it we're going to do a reverse sear and it's gonna be delicious hey Kendall beat me the last time we had a tri-tip competition so I want to know the secrets I'm gonna be on the other side of the table I know I got an awesome Matador prime steak tri-tip the meats gonna be great now I just got to learn the recipe that's right let's get to cooking we're actually gonna take kosher salt and do a real heavy coat of it all around we're gonna let it set for about 15 minutes as soon as 15 minutes marks up you want to rinse it pretty well to get all the sauce off there then we're gonna go in and season it again okay so the first part is this salt brine that's right and you're going heavy with kosher salt 15 minutes 15 minutes so that's the secret so you showed me something there now so the salts gonna tenderize and it's also gonna bring the color back out into it and when we rinse it off you'll see the difference and how it looks now and how to look then it's gonna make that prime beef taste good we've rinsed the salt brine off after about 15 minutes we just come through and we're just patting it off getting all the water off kind of cleaning up the edges here but it come through that your car and get it pretty nice and deep just to tenderize that's just to break it down a little more you're just making it soft right yes sir gonna go a light coat of the killer hogs AP now I know this is exactly what you use in the competition or all you give it 100% now hold up up believe that Kendall but I'm gonna trust you cuz I know that AP's good that's right killer hog hot of course I always say you can use any seasoned make this recipe your own I'm sure oh yeah 100% then why are you using the black pepper I just I put black pepper on everything man I'm just a black pepper fan I think it cooks nicely it also gives that just a little flake of black pepper in there and looks looks really good once it gets good and seasoned more heat mm-hmm matador tried to it still has a nice little fat cap on it and that's gonna help slow it down a little bit you know and I like I don't mind the extra fat on a lot of times you get tri-tip it's really long yeah no you don't you don't see that this one's got good marbling it's kind of like cooking a brisket well you know the whole brisket you leave a quarter inch trim on it little extra insurance on the grill and it tastes delicious we're gonna let the rub rest just for a few minutes once we get it all seasoned up here then we'll get it smoking or as you say we'll get to cooking yeah what are you gonna cook it on today I think we're going to use the Trager Timberline to do the reverse sear and then we're gonna use the PK 360 for the sear part the tri-tip has been hanging out here it's all seasoned up and ready to go on the trigger what are we looking at Kendall about well we set it at 275 we're gonna get the tri-tip on fat side down I'm gonna get the thermal works dot plugged in so we know it is about 115 degrees I'm gonna insert it there's a lot of fat right there I'm actually gonna insert right here on this backside and we're ready to go so just go to it hits about 115 yep and then we're gonna take it over and in Syria hit it with some grill marks and it'll be ready to serve so let's get the pique going for that part that's right to fire up the pique 360 we're just starting with some b-and-b lump charcoal in a chimney get it good and hot spread it out in the bottom of the pique put your grill grates in place it's ready to go timers going off let's look at this Trotter 15 degrees Kendall will it for you yeah right there nice so we're going to do the 90 degrees as I call them for this straight on there like that get a good push on it and Malcolm you feel set us about a two and a half to three minute timer on your phone there all right so we go in here it's gonna flip it straight over rather than doing the the turns first I'm gonna get both my sides and then I'll get my side marks because it'll cook a lot more even that way this time we're gonna go the opposite get a good push down on there make sure we're all good searing that fat I love it but you're gonna love the way this tastes even better I'll go ahead and tell you the same thing here beautiful perfect cross-eyed two more minutes and we're gonna be done right we'll be ready to eat look at that I'm calling this one no on that is it buddy no less perfect let's get that thing over here to the butcher paper get it wrapped up and let it chill out so we've pulled it at 125 I'm gonna put a light coat of finishing dust on here then I'm gonna wrap it up and let it rest for about ten minutes just a little more just a little more I peed little salt pepper garlic on there and we'll be ready to go to town on this fabulous just for the rest oh yeah that's right clipping the butcher cyclist right are you wrapping full and I mean I guess you could probably go ahead and slice it but I like I like for any models especially the larger cuts of meat to get a good rest on so Kendell this is a moment of truth man was rested in about ten minutes let's see how she's gonna unwrap it and I'm gonna get to try it right all right I want to see what this reversed seared tri-tip is all about well oh I think that is just absolutely beautiful that is beautiful show me what we're working with man we're gonna start on this log this bigger in here oh look at the juice running on that's what I'm talking about just go ahead and you get it going here looky there it smells delicious no y'all can't smell that but when you do it at your house who we are that's a beauty man so Kendall what do you think man is that exactly how you want to look I think that is about perfect you can see the medium rare medium rare you know back when I beat you in the competition I think that we had to do medium there but you know for us eaters at the house I mean look at that just gorgeous juices running I mean that's what I try to it's supposed to be good I love that reverse their technique I mean you can't hardly mess one up doing it that way I mean well I'm gonna take this thing right so you're gonna give me a bite so what we're doing what are we doing man yeah hang on they have ice for you I'll take this one oh man hello little salt the board salt man that'll do right there that matter what prime steak is good I might or beat man it is tender as it can be that your card I know helped a little but man that is flavortown and I like it and I even like little fetcher mom how did you I think that just made it right there that's something that I haven't had on the tri-tip before but it reminds you of a brisket like you were saying earlier that sounds good as any tri-tip I've ever right man I'm telling you right there well thank you sir it's not bad from a young man from Mississippi that is fantastic so kiddo I'm gonna make sure I got it down about a 3-pound tri-tip got to have that good prime Matador prime steak salt first kosher salt about 10-15 minutes wash it off AP hot rub throwing it on the smoker 275 degrees until he hits 115 internal fired up a good grill PK 360 did a job searing it about two minutes two minutes turn it two minutes two minutes that's all there is to it take it off when it's about medium-rare that's right one point five is where the mark will be cutted that today and then we served it up with a nice dish of lobster mac and cheese three different types of cheese and I tell you I think this right here is a meal for a son that's a meal for a king right sorry hey thanks for coming out being on the video today man you can find Kindle Instagram Facebook but app smoked in spice that's right y'all appreciate you checking out the YouTube video if you like them you can subscribe to our channel we'll be putting out more all year long you can also find us on Instagram Facebook and Twitter we'll see y'all next time I got to get me another pot of this man I'm gonna cut up some of this down there yeah go get me one too man you know I got to get my hands dirty in here put them on some meat I like it I think that one's for me good a little must get a little mop on there
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 695,645
Rating: 4.8603587 out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, reverse seared tri tip, tri tip, tri tip recipe, tri tip steak, tri tip roast, beef tri tip, smoked tri tip, best tri tip recipe, bbq tri tip
Id: kb9w3lBhWtw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 14sec (554 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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