The BEST Titanic Sinking Ship I've Ever Seen! - Stormworks: Build and Rescue Gameplay

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I love stormeorks! I havenโ€™t played in months since I got busy with college classes and working but Iโ€™ll have to get back into it soon! I love making my own sinking games on it. I definitely wanna try this titanic at some point!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/techhausinc ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I really want to play it but the way the game craps out into slow motion when you load a big ship is just annoying

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/barrydennen12 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
all right so electricity's gone out oh there goes it's snapping oh wow [Music] hello youtube commodogaming here bringing you guys another episode of stormworks build and rescue and yes folks we're back once again and today we are back with a brand new titanic so this is another one to one scale titanic but what makes this one a little bit different is the whole fact that there's actually quite a bit of interior to this ship so this took the creator 1100 hours to do it was actually started in april and yeah it's a beauty so it does run a little slow i think it'll get better once we get away from the dock here we are going to be doing a full sink here now the sink is really accurate it's just a little sped up it's like a 30 minute sink but just the way it goes down uh there's been a lot of time and effort put into this so definitely go check it out i'm gonna go ahead and try to say the name of the creator it's like jaykalin03 but i do have a link down in the description so if you guys want to check it out and uh maybe go show the creator some love here so here we are you can see i'm running in pretty much slow-mo right now that's uh how intense this ship is there are working lifeboats on the side here at least a couple that we can use and i think there's like a little like raft or something or like a collapsible raft i'll have to see what it means by that we'll probably try to use the lifeboat here but yeah uh this is probably one of the most intense ships that we're gonna attempt to use so i'm not gonna exactly call it sinking ship survival because we're gonna have to uh maybe endure the slowness and i think i'll be able to get away from it fairly easy but i still wanna see what it's like when this thing goes down so what i think we're going to do we're going to crank it up and we're going to get away from this oil rig because i think this platform is actually causing some of the lag and once we get out to sea we're going to go on a visual tour and we're going to go through some of the interior and show you guys just truly how detailed this thing is so we're going to go ahead and start this forward here i don't know if it's cranked up or if i need to be down in the boiler rooms but we're ready to go props and engines are fully forward yeah we might have to travel down to the engine room huh what's this back here is this like a like a little map or something huh let's go check this out real quick also by the way if you're enjoying stormworks on the channel and want to see more ships like this maybe hit that thumbs up button let me know what you guys think down in the comment section below what is this clothes watertight doors we don't want to do that there's a toggle button here oh it's the lights okay i need to figure out how to crank this thing up real quick okay so i just got noticed we don't have to crank it that telegraph that we had on the side that we just put forward it just takes it a second for it to get moving but we're actually moving right now all right so let's get at a helm that way hopefully this increases the the frames a bit it seems like it gets a little smoother once we get into one of these and uh let's try to get this thing away from the oil rig and hopefully it clears up all the lights are on everything looks good all right so we're away from the oil rig now and it feels quite a bit better i'm not saying it's perfect because i know it's not uh by the way we're not very deep either so we need to continue out to see that way uh once we start the sink we don't bottom out immediately but what i think we're gonna do here uh it runs a lot better in noclip mode so i think we're gonna do the tour that way and then we're gonna start the sync and see what this looks like so like i said the sync is extremely detailed so stay tuned for that because it is supposed to be fairly accurate uh compared to a lot of recreations so definitely check that out but let's go ahead and go through the interior so we have the room that was right behind us here i'm assuming is there captain's quarters up here and oh look at this so we have a little hall here and this actually goes to oh is this the grand staircase oh look at this this is really cool again holy man so you've got that there's holes here you know i never thought i would see uh an actual interior on one of these titanic's and storm works like i know there's been some really large ships with like a room or two but this is pretty impressive now the whole interior isn't here uh just like a little disclaimer but there's quite a bit here so it's cool to see so it looks like there's a little bit of each deck done this one's actually not lit up at the moment uh you got some of the stairwells going down here uh looks like it kind of stops right in this area and also i know there's a cabin on each deck that you can go explore all right so while uh no clipping through the ship i actually found something really cool so this thing actually has like boiler rooms which yeah they're frightening looking so we can go up here there's another one on this side here oh that is cool huh go down through here what is this there's button wait is there a scuttle button down here i know there's a scuttle button up up towards the top of course we're gonna be clicking that because this is not a sinking ship survival where we try to make the ship sink uh via environment this is gonna be a button sink but yeah this is cool looking all right what else is down here so i started to wonder up i think we made it into one of the lower class cabins here is this the front staircase that looks like it might be connected to the grand staircase there so if we go up through here i'm still looking for one of the cabins that we can go in uh there's a potential we might have just passed one there's a couple doors out here let me see if i can find one of them real quick oh by the way look at this there's a caged off area is this just where the crew is or is this some sort of i don't want to say it's a jail but yeah it's kind of odd looking also by the way i know there's water flowing through here but this looks like the engines these are absolutely massive oh that's so cool looking all right so i've actually located one of the cabins here uh let me pop off into this area we'll actually walk into it real quick uh these are pretty tight like i don't think i would have liked to have been on this ship i'm already admittedly a little bit claustrophobic like i'm not full blown to where i go crazy in small spaces but this this is pretty tight uh yeah so this is like one of the little cabins i'm assuming yeah look at this over here we have like a little bunk bed set up so i'm assuming this is one of the lower class cabins we're pretty far down in the ship by the way so i'm assuming that's what it is but yeah overall it's just really detailed i do really hope you guys jump into the ship and go check out the different details in it i couldn't possibly cover everything because i'm kind of getting lost in it there's just so much to go through so yeah definitely go check it out but i think it's time for a sink and you know what we're gonna set it up like the titanic we're gonna see what this looks like at night all right let's change it oh oh that actually looks nice i like that all right so there is a lot of light coming off this ship they did an excellent job in lighting this thing up so i think we're ready to go so we're looking at a total of about 30 minutes for the sink here so i'm gonna go ahead and activate it and as soon as i start to notice signs of it going down i'll kind of jump in and uh we'll kind of go over uh the different aspects of what's happening i'll probably have to do quite a bit of like free cam stuff so here let's unlock the scuttle gonna do that oh this is moving so slow yeah i'm sorry for the slow mode today folks but this creation is too epic not to check out so here we go and we are in full blown sinking mode so let's go and get at the helm here and uh we'll see what happens wait what was that oh wait does the scuttle have a little telegraph too that just went forward that was odd looking all right so going forward it seems like everything's pretty normal right now uh will say we've already struck the iceberg here but i'm curious as to what this is going to look like so this ship also does break apart the funnels fall off and i'm pretty sure it splits i don't know where the exact split point is but i'm excited to be aboard this while it happens uh we just gotta try not to die so i guess we could still call this somewhat sinking ship survival uh we'll see what happens i am not gonna get on the lifeboat immediately though like i of want to go down with the ship somewhat also i might readjust the timing i like the way this thing looks at night i know it's a lot more accurate doing it at night but i also want you guys to be able to see this a little bit better so i think i'm going to make the judgment called go ahead and add a little bit of light here let's see if we can find a time where it looks beautiful let's try this let's try sunrise oh this looks amazing during sunrise holy man all right so we're starting to see our first signs of trouble on the ship here you can see the water line in the front has gone up now it did say this could take upwards of 30 minutes to sink depending on performance but i'm gonna be curious once this water starts to flow in like places like the interior here are we going to see a bunch of water on the inside do we kind of want to go down there and check it out uh it sounds kind of crazy but i'm assuming right now the boiler rooms might actually have water flowing into them all right so here we are this is the boiler room look at this there is definitely water coming in so if we set here and set still look at the water line it is rising it's actually rising pretty fast uh that's scary all right so we know those are flooding all right we're ready for another progress update check this out it is really starting to go down here in the front so let's have a little look on the inside again at the interior let's go down oh buddy oh that looks horrible so you can see all the water flowing through it's now made it down to the lower decks all these cabins are starting to flood oh look at the water flowing through the hole here that is cool looking that's flowing through here obviously the boilers are all completely full now so it's starting to slowly go down what's really cool though is the whole fact if you go to the back of this deck you're actually out of the water but if you look down that's all you see right now that is creepy looking yeah it's so awesome that this one's got some interior to it all right we're just doing a sweep up the side here you can see the back starting to lift up the uh propellers are still underwater right now so it's still actually propelling itself forward i don't know at what point the engines are going to shut down that actually you know what it looks like they're slowing down potentially also i'm curious if the electricity is going to go off at some point i'm kind of hoping it does i will keep an eye on it but yeah you can see the water starting to rush over the front here and it's starting to lift over to the side this is cool looking all right let's get another status update on the deck here and oh look at that so that's the uh the main staircase is starting to flood now uh it's really starting to lift over to the side i'm kind of curious when the funnels are going to start going you can see the front of the ship is starting to really dig down into the water oh it's starting to speed up it's going down pretty quick so we can detach this lifeboat i think the creator actually changed it i think you used to be able to detach all of them but i think for lag purposes uh they actually made it to where you can only detach a couple now there is another safety thing you can detach are they with something called like a collapsible or something or maybe it's one of these rafts up here that you can detach these look like they have controls on them too all right we're starting to get to like a critical point here so the front is almost fully down the backs coming up here come the propellers out the back oh that looks cool all right so for the sink we're actually gonna be on the back here we're kind of floating so it looks a little weird i occasionally throw my hands up and i start to glide across but i think this is about where we want to be so we're going to go into photo mode and see if we can see the front start to uh collapse here but i think we're gonna be safe back here i'm not 100 sure oh how it accelerated though that's crazy looking haunts go down into one of the decks real quick so this deck here this is fully underwater this one's almost there it's starting to fill up to the back right now and oh we're speeding up the back section starting to go down we're probably gonna have to watch it from up here real quick because i think it's about to start to snap and i want to try to catch all the action on this one all right she's starting to tip up really fast waiting to see if some of the funnels start to go and waiting to see if it cracks in half here like this might be the most realistic titanic sink hey watching come on let's see if they detach here also curious where it's gonna break i think i see kind of a line here potentially i wonder if that's gonna be where it breaks i don't know let's go down here look at this is this funnel stolen oh it's shifted over it's starting to tip oh there it goes oh that's cool looking so yeah it's drifting over to the side i don't know if it's completely detached at the moment but it's definitely leaning over now all right the next funnel is starting to give out it's starting to tip over this one didn't quite detach all the way uh this one's leaning over now the backs really coming up out of the water though check that out oh look at that electricity's starting to go out oh that's cool looking all right so electricity's gone out oh there it goes it's snapping oh wow that's incredible so there it goes it snapping the funnels are falling off this might be one of the most impressive sinks i've ever seen in stormworks look at this down here there's actual like multiple parts breaking up i don't think i've ever seen that before the funnels are going back you have pieces flying off here uh here comes the back section the funnel is going down here and then i think it's gonna tip back up and then maybe go back down wow and look down here you can i know it's a little hard for you guys to see but the funnels have detached the whole front of the ship's going down after the snap you've got the little pieces up here and then here's the back part so it might take a second for this to go down too but i don't think i've ever seen a ship break apart like that like we've seen some pretty basic snaps in half and we've seen maybe the funnel come off but for it to do that that was impressive all right so you can see the back part of the titanic is slowly starting to go down it's actually tipping over so that's a thing has the front home we can kind of get the water to a little graphical glitch here all and see if we can do that again that way you guys can see so if you look you can see how far down the uh the ocean floor is but you can see where the uh the pieces have come to rest you know we can actually go down there like i feel like that's something we should do also the lag has gone down a lot uh which is pretty surprising you've got our poor little character just standing there trying to hold on for dear life real quick let's go down let's see if we can see this thing oh oh we can hear it hitting the uh the ocean floor i don't think we've ever done this thanks to noclip we can actually go down and somewhat look at the ship and see all the pieces there's the back parts can we see oh here's some of the decks and stuff underwater uh oh look at this this staircase that's so cool looking all right let's go see if we can see if this other piece is gonna go down it's taking it a second but yeah it's definitely starting to just go down now all right there it goes the back half's going i might want to jump off this real quick uh here we'll just we'll hop up here oh there goes the titanic's going down to its final resting spot at the bottom of the ocean i must say that was probably my favorite sink we've ever done now it wasn't really a sinking ship survival so i won't count it under that category as favorites but as far as just hitting the scuttle button that was impressive but anyways like i said check out the ship it's linked down in the description it is a mission you have to be at the custom oil base in order to spawn it uh definitely congrats to the creator that thing was awesome i did amazing work there but yeah we will see you guys next time in stormworks
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,919,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stormworks, stormworks build and rescue, sinking ship simulator, stormworks titanic, titanic tsunami, stormworks titanic tsunami, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks tsunami, stormworks ship, stormworks survival, stormworks ship survival, stormworks sinking ship camodo gaming, stormworks titanic mode, stormworks sinking ship titanic, stormworks camodo gaming titanic, camodo gaming, titanic, titanic sinking, titanic game, roblox, roblox sinking ship, sinking ship survival
Id: yNuehahAEvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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