I Got Stuck in a SINKING Capsized Cruise Ship in Stormworks Sinking Ship Survival!

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so today in stormworks we are going to be testing out another awesome cruise ship and folks there are some really surprising results uh with these sinks so be sure to hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in all right so this is a glorious looking ship that you guys can download in the description i love these massive cruise ships so this is the uh the main bridge you've got plenty of visibility you've got a couple like cameras here these are i guess off to the sides these are like your little uh side mirrors that you would have in your car uh that's kind of neat so yeah this one's got a really really awesome design so we have all the cabins here which you can go inside of the cabins they're kind of nice looking uh is there a pooper in these um i think there's supposed to be a bathroom here so that's where you would maybe poop but i guess you have to poop in the corner i also like that this episode is now talking about pooping but anyways there is a really nice uh middle of the ship here i like this design i don't know if this is designed like off of a real cruise ship but you've got these big glass walls here uh that cover up the cabins and there's like a big open area in the middle of the ship so yeah uh we can go up and down the stairs here you can see there are a ton of rooms in the ship like and i think you could go into every one of them uh they're not like hugely detailed but i can imagine for lag reasons uh you definitely wouldn't be able to like fully detail each uh room with like tvs and bathrooms and stuff like that but yeah you've got that uh how do we get down to the next level the only thing that concerns me this is a really tall ship uh i hope the stabilization in it is really good because i feel like we might tip over uh are these the same cabins here they kind of look like they're just reversed uh we can go down to here so let's see what kind of amenities do we have it looks like potentially this is almost like a garden area i like this i like this a lot uh also you've got several uh wait is that even more rooms wait that's like a full-blown like mall setup or something down there that's cool okay hold on we got to go down there yeah you can go out get a little bit of fresh air uh might catch a little bit of a a tornado or you know a tsunami to the face uh we can go down into here and this leads into oh now this is luxurious looking this is like a shopping mall inside of here are these on do these actually work i think there's elevators here i think they're in the bottom uh we could take the stairs real quick oh there's like a nice dining set up in here dude like a big theater that is so cool looking all right so we go down here i want to go down to the little shopping mall oh is that like a miniature of the ship here oh that's awesome okay so we have like cafes in here there's a pizza place uh there is a club like a little comedy club or something uh there is a store here or this could be more dining there's a spa and gym somewhere maybe you have to jump down in the hole or something there's a lot to this this is a surprising and then you just got the different levels built into here uh very fantastic looking so we can walk all the way down here to the end and this goes into a corridor uh oh oh it's like a big theater dude but it's like built into the back of the ship so you could watch your movie and you've got like a big area or a big glass here that you can see out the back that is glorious looking like come on let's see this from the outside oh that's so cool also i would totally love to have one of the rooms on the back of the ship where you get your own little deck actually i think they all have a deck but i feel like the back it's like a little bit of a bigger one i like the way that looks and of course here at the top you've got tennis courts uh you've got a big glass dome that leads down into the rooms there and then looks like a couple of swimming pools and a lot of uh little chairs on the deck here and then there is potentially this is like a bar it looks like looks like you'd have a bunch of drinks and stuff up there yeah i like the design of this like if i was gonna go on a cruise liner i would totally go on this now there is one downside to the ship and i'm assuming it was four lag reasons the lifeboats uh they look like they would work you got like the propellers and stuff on the bottom but they are uh they're currently not active so we're gonna have to pretty much go down with the ship and try not to get stuck in it this will be fine all right so this is the ship in calm waters uh what do you say we kick it up uh maybe we'll do a couple of different disasters and see what we can survive against i really really want to use a meteorite strike i don't know is this ship in multiple pieces like i'm afraid if it gets hit the whole ship's just gonna disappear and i feel like that might be a mistake hmm well i guess there's only one way to figure out isn't there we might have to go rely on like the whirlpool or something uh towards the tail end of this okay we're just setting here this is fine um i don't see any meteorites hold on look up in the sky uh i spawned them in and i don't see them huh let's get out here oh oh they landed oh they're landing oh okay one just hit the ship oh wait did the ship actually hold up hold on we gotta respawn real quick can we get out to it oh geez the whole thing is shaking here uh okay uh huh let's get out there before the tsunami hits what the heck the ship survived wait what seriously okay come on let's get on the ship uh oh this might have been a mistake um we have already capsized the ship after getting hit by uh by meteorite uh can we climb into one of the rooms real quick uh that might be a what the heck uh okay there's instantly oh okay this thing is full of water hold on oh you know what it is it's the middle of the ship holy man that was so quick wait it actually survived the meteorite i wonder if they changed that uh well that was uh a very quick sink um is the ship gonna come back over uh oh uh so how would you i don't think you can rectify this situation man there would be tons of people trapped in here that would be a horrible death han can we get inside is it completely oh man let's go back up we got to find a way inside the ship real quick and see if we can actually uh get back in and maybe see if it's filling uh it's definitely leaning towards the front end yeah we're gonna have to set this up again that that's gonna be too quick of a sink so meteorites are not a good idea hold on let's see if we can get into the back of the ship somewheres okay we might have an opening here huh let's go down through here okay come on come on you gotta get in nope uh i still can't do it okay take a breath and let's go swim back down okay look for an opening here uh why can i not get through this this is an opening uh the character's stupid can't figure out how to swim okay so we have traveled into this ship and uh this is bad so we do have an air pocket right here but it is slowly filling you can see the water just pouring in pretty much all the guest cabins i think they were open so they all flooded immediately uh because i think they're open to the outside so you definitely couldn't have been in there while that happened actually i don't think he would have survived the meteorite impact um so yeah we're going down so we can go up this way we're using the stairs in a very wrong manner but i mean i guess it counts oh would we get stuck here no we can go up one more level uh this is so weird walking around in this while it's upside down um look for the water level is it rising up through here yet no we got a little bit of something going on here oh geez we just fell down uh i think maybe this pocket could be permanent obviously you see water moving around but i don't see it filling up in here uh oh never mind it slowly is look at these pillars down here yep that is water inside of this area it's slowly going up this thing would take a while to actually go down completely probably give you enough time to at least escape well that wasn't quite the way i was looking to do this is that a water spout over there i did not call that in it kind of looks like it's heading this way doesn't it hold on we have to watch this for a second i feel like that thing might be on its way over here do those track the player is that a thing okay so water spout has disappeared we're gonna reset this real quick and we're gonna test this against other disasters okay we are heading out once again let's go ahead and start up the next one i think the whirlpool might be one of our best options uh this thing does tip over it's fairly stable like i figured a whirlpool with the uh the waves here uh might be pretty fun to survive against so let's see what happens here is this thing hold up uh she's definitely listing but yeah it's pretty stable there's got to be some sort of stabilization down maybe in the hole somewheres uh but yeah that is amazing looking you know i was saying she was stable uh oh no we capsized again uh oh okay so we might wanna was that water uh there is water in here there's bowel thrusters can we uh maybe increase one of these and maybe try to flip it back over what the heck uh okay so survival number two we have died within the first like 30 seconds of the waves this is okay okay i can already tell you she does not like the big waves doesn't like it at all also did i mention that the ship itself has a scuttle button so if you just wanted to click it yourself uh but if you have big waves it doesn't matter all right here we go wait you've got to be kidding me did the whirlpool just spawn in right on us um well i guess we're gonna test this out against the whirlpool immediately okay for this one we might wanna oh you've gotta be kidding me how does the water go straight through here uh on let's get up in the ship potentially okay we're down here now yeah you can't survive in the bridge oh so oh you can see the water coming up through here uh this thing is not nice in a whirlpool oh we're floating right now uh uh oh how are you supposed to stay inside of this thing when it does this uh thankfully there's no loose objects they were really smart about this cruise ship and everything is uh buckled down okay uh we need to find a way what is the safest way to get out of here like i'm not even sure there's an escape right now oh it's just tossing the ship like it's gotten really laggy and i can feel it shifting uh are we gonna be okay in here by the way this is what it looks like on the outside this thing is wait this is a massive whirlpool what the heck i don't recall them ever being this big it actually completely took down the ship ah well that is something um okay where do we go it's actually i think dragging us across the bottom of the ocean right now i think that's why it's so laggy seriously this whirlpool is the biggest i've ever seen look how massive it is i didn't know they varied in size either they increased them because yeah you used to not be able to even swallow up a ship like this it is almost completely covered down here it's about to be completely covered it's flipping it over again okay we have uh there's sea life inside of here now okay let's try to walk up here i don't think we're springing too many leaks here i think this compartment is fairly sealed off which is nice okay oh oh is she tipping again okay hold on to it here uh where can we go is there a point to where we can actually get out of here what about the elevator shaft i don't think we actually want to be in that han let's go this way oh no no no no okay just crawl uh i'm looking for like an opening or somewhere is where we can get out okay i think we have to wait here and we'll see if the uh when the whirlpool lets this ship go where it ends up there's a chance it might actually come back from this and maybe it'll tip back over uh oh this is almost making me dizzy like looking up and watching everything just like slowly drift like i'm not doing any inputs here with the camera this is solely the ship doing this uh is it speeding up okay we've been here for about it seems like about five minutes uh i don't know if there's an end to this i'm getting dizzy staring at it though okay just look forward let's see if we can wait okay nope still spinning uh come on release us please okay there's a chance that we're sl okay i think we just stopped wait did we hold on can we can we get out now oh we're back in our standard position okay so yeah this ship cannot go down while capsizing at least i think it would have went down the first time when we had damage but here i think we have a perfectly uh sealed up compartment that's pretty awesome well i guess we got one last thing we can try with this uh it does have a standard scuttle uh let's check that out real quick that was awesome and i'm like i said slightly dizzy after that okay so your standard scuttle is now enabled uh i don't think it's gonna capsize or anything it doesn't look like the doors open up on one side it looks like it all just rushes towards the front here so at some point that water line in the front is just gonna go directly down and then i think we'll just uh maybe tip up i don't know how deep we are here but i i feel like this is gonna look pretty incredible okay well the ship is definitely taking on a lot of water uh i can't tell if it wants to capsize or not hold on let's go check some of the lower compartments uh don't see anything in the middle so i think it's all definitely spilling into the hole right now i don't know if the uh the middle floods though on check down there no uh we should probably try heading downstairs real quick just to see what it looks like okay huh let's go down here uh i'm pretty sure maybe those lower cabins are maybe under the water line right now okay do we dare go into the mall area is that flooded right now on check down in here no this all actually looks pretty good hold up there might be an area over here okay this should be the theater i believe sir oh okay there is a lot of water in there what is that is that the theater on the other side oh it is look at it it's completely flooded oh okay that's kind of cool looking not gonna lie okay we're gonna go look out the front of the boat real quick let's see what it looks like uh where did oh um i didn't call that in does it seem like the natural disasters happen a little too often uh because yeah between the water spout and the tsunami that's heading towards us or is this a rogue wave you know what i think this is actually a rogue wave that doesn't look quite as tall as the tsunami plus nothing has caused the tsunami like i didn't hear any uh meteorites or feel anything go off i think that's a rogue wave uh okay let's go let's maybe get up a little bit higher here uh this is gonna be a bit of an issue okay we are already running a little low here uh we're about to have to face off against a rogue wave in a ship that's already taken on a ton of water uh this will be fine i feel like we're gonna go right through it is it gonna actually raise it up oh uh oh okay it is okay we're starting to go up the wave i mean i don't yeah i don't think that's a tsunami i think it might be the rogue wave question is what caused this okay here we go oh geez oh geez don't tip over don't tip don't tip okay oh it's wanting to oh i think it's going down even faster now uh this is fine so i traveled down into the ship just to see what was going on and this is pretty much what i see right now uh that is frightening look at how fast that's going up okay time to get to the top of the ship all right uh is this gonna be a safe i mean i guess it's about as safe as you're gonna get here ideally you'd be jumping off right now and just trying to get as far away from the ship as possible since the lifeboats don't work uh yeah this is gonna be good we'll just sit here we'll have to try to watch for this and then we'll uh we'll wait until it rises up all the way and we'll jump over the side hey here it comes we're just gonna swim up with it here uh oh oh uh we're floating to the back okay we don't want to get sucked under the deck here okay just go straight up yeah we should be able to get over this little guard rail here there we go come on lunch i don't think i've ever seen a ship sink like this it's like sinking basically directly down yep there it goes yeah it didn't tip up it didn't do anything actually like you would think it would like it's going just almost directly down uh i don't know how to explain what i'm seeing here well uh say goodbye to the ship it is pretty deep there so it's gonna go all the way down it's still running too by the way like it hasn't died or anything and there she goes that was strange but anyways i think that's gonna wrap it up for this episode thank you guys for watching and uh if you want to check out the chips link down in the description we'll see you guys next time
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 765,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stormworks, stormworks build and rescue, sinking ship simulator, camodo gaming, camodo gaming stormworks, natural disaster, stormworks natural disasters, stormworks natural disasters update, stormworks hurricane, stormworks volcano, stormworks tornado, stormworks gameplay, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks ship, stormworks tsunami camodo, stormworks tsunami, stormworks tsunami shelter, stormworks mobile base, stormworks ship survival, stormworks whirlpool survival, whirlpool
Id: YR9UaR5G99s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 10 2022
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