TITANIC SINKING SHIP IN VR!? - Titanic VR Gameplay - Oculus Rift VR Game

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want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that Bell oh wow that is ridiculous looking [Music] hello YouTube moto gaming here bring you guys a brand new game here to the channel today we're gonna be trying out Titanic VR and yes folks this is a bit of an odd game for the channel we do a lot of stuff in a storm works like seeking ship simulator and stuff like that but this I thought would be cool because they have a brand new experience up here to where you could be on the Titanic I don't think as it goes down I do believe you escape maybe I'm not really sure but we're gonna try that out and then you can play the game and like explore the ship wreck of the Titanic and I thought this would be a pretty cool little experience to do here on the channel so probably gonna be just one episode of this because there isn't that much to the game but go ahead sit back and enjoy this and if you want to see more stuff like this on the channel let me know down in the comments section below and let's jump into this alright so we can do a rector what's all this I know there's like a little story mode here to where you go down you have to find some artifacts from the ship but I think we want to experience the actual sinking part so let's go to April 15th 1912 alright Titanic on deck a 110 a.m. alright so is this after Z okay the Titanic's hole is breached by a collision with an iceberg and is rapidly taking on water Captain Smith has ordered women and children to the lifeboats I don't know if I can actually interact with things in the experience portion I don't think I have like arms or anything or hands to touch stuff this is ridiculous looking alright I don't have hands I can't do anything here I guess we just have to listen to them talk and figure out I guess oh yeah they're loading the lifeboats right now so we are definitely going down at the moment this is ridiculous the scaling is just amazing was that a flare am I supposed to be paying attention to something okay I can't push anybody off the ship so women and children so do I get to go on the lifeboat gird I have to stay in here do I have my woman I don't know how I don't have a body that's where are you guys going it's women and children you Lisa please sir can't you see my wife needs help put the children up all your wife and your children get to go and apparently me I think whoa you know it might be a little dark for you guys but I can assure you like this is incredible in the VR headset like the scaling the darkness just the atmosphere all right is it my turn do I get to go on the boat or do I have to stay up here with you guys is that railing on the side of this oh I don't like Heights oh man I don't see really maybe that wasn't a thing or maybe they took them down all right I have to get on the boat I want to get on the boat too I don't want to be stuck up here I know what happens here actually this isn't one of these smokes are these stacks one of them's fake is it the back one I don't think I see steam coming out of that one come on no let's go move the line along please I don't want to be up here oh boy all right final call I guess we get to go on the boat now oh whoa hey everybody oh we're moving alright guess we're going I can't see flare or at least I see the reflections of flares I don't see where they're actually at man you really think we're coming back on board man I think we're going down hey what are you doing oh I guess they didn't have enough lifeboats for everybody so it's women two children first I guess everybody else goes down with the ship oh this thing is so huge I make sure I don't fall over here whoa sorry everybody I shifted the boat okay you know I think this is supposed to be a seeded experience and I'm standing right now and I feel like I'm gonna fall over come on hurry up and get us down place uh somebody's yelling at us I think swing over wait what are they doing oh okay so this guy's gonna help lower us down apparently now we probably should have thought about that beforehand shall we have Oh heard something else explode all right sound of the rope as skies beautiful you see everything the other side see uh elections there's flares going somewheres oh there it is I can see the flare okay okay I don't think we can help him just keep looking this way actually do think over in the water now all right just uh make ourselves comfortable here water stand on the plug stuck in to do anything I get to play at the wars or something I don't know I guess I just get get to sit here the whole time I don't get to actually interact with this all right there goes the other boat over there okay I think you see yeah the the front of the ship there it is tilted downward a little bit you can see the portholes in the bottom and they kind of start to disappear might be a little hard for you guys to see like I said I think it's just so effective we're literally in the middle the ocean the only light is the sky and the Titanic so the water does look pretty nice wow that ship is AB so that that fireworks sure was that a flare I couldn't see I think it was a flare Wow the boat is absolutely massive so apparently you know you can go back and actually go to the wreckage and it's the eye it's the full-scale ship and you know I see it start to go down pretty quick what are you guys talking about why how'd he get on it was easy guy that jumped her I don't know [Music] yep she's definitely going down you can see the front so it's not just like static it is actually going down as we roll out yes I'm watching we were over there in the portholes that were over there have disappeared already yes if I'm not mistaken the ship took like two hours to sink maybe a little over two hours I have to see the time but wow that is a I really puts that in perspective this is creepy like I would not want to be in this situation middle of the ocean in the lifeboat wait where did she get a puppy in where who had that you know I have not been paying attention to the dialogue I've been not too busy watching the ship sink lections yeah there's a puppy over here okay so apparently we're rolling towards the lights here is screaming there's maybe the lights on the horizon maybe they think there's another boat over there I tell you what the the ship looks like it's kicking up speed now look at the back side of it oh yeah it's definitely going what I should keep her afloat he's the guy just admit that it was gonna sink she found her it's just a matter of time oh man tell you what this would suck this is a incredible experience I highly recommend if you got the money you got a you got a VR headset this is something here all right there it goes I'll get the back end you can see via propellers in the back now whoa get back for what Oh oh why can't we hear everybody that loud we're way over here oh boy it's not good oh there's another flare that thing is going down I think it's gonna break oh wow that is ridiculous looking man all right I think it's gonna go here oh boy okay the first stack starting hit the water oh man well there goes a stack oh boy Oh start a flicker it goes the power dude just creepy oh okay it's back oh wow Oh geez well that's uh that's a sight in VR no there it goes and it break into three or just to nothing just to there happened how the back ends lifting up hopefully I can brighten this enough for you guys to be able to see that but wow that is crazy looking jeez Eric goes did it really go down that fast once it broke or is this sped up or something cuz if it went down that fast that is just wow that's study well there goes just us to the lifeboats now Wow that was insane well guess we're just here on the but I'm assuming that's it for the experience here geez that was crazy Titanic had 2,200 people on board and 14 or 1500 perish wow I didn't know the numbers for that big so the lifeboats were designed to hold 65 people but looks like they were half-full that would be crazy I know there it is approaching the because it was a ship that rescued them alright so we've done the experience I think the sandbox is basically you take the mini-sub and go wherever you want around the wreckage but I think we just need to go to play game here I believe all right on the 10th of April 1912 Titanic set sail from Southampton UK on her maiden voyage just giving a brief history took 2 hours and 40 minutes to sink that's a long time what'd you think about it for a ship that's a nutty and there it is that's probably our last photo and here it talks about how it was discovered in 1985 I guess rediscovered all right Titanic VR this is gonna be pretty cool because we do actually get to control like the mini sub and we get to actually go around the wreckage and if I'm correct the wreckage is like probably like 2.5 miles below the sea and that's pretty insane once you think about it so it started be interesting all right here we are they queer at the seafloor right now there is our mini sub oh it is dark in here this is actually uh it's fairly creepy alright I'm assuming that's our ride so let's go ahead and learn how to pilot this thing all right I've reached the seabed can't see much you're still a couple of hundred meters out I'm back to manual control so you ran an equipment test yes definitely doing equipment tests I don't know what I'm doing here so let's do this by the book okay so here's our controls here oh oh we can actually interact with all this okay so this moves us okay I can't really see it's a really foggy window there I guess this rotates us left right cool all right so I think we're ready to move here okay there's our map all right so apparently we need to reach the forecastle here this is a yeah if you're claustrophobic you might not like this but like assure you this is pretty cool again all right so we start to move like this there's our left and right we can ascend and descend okay it's a little hard to see anything here so I need to go oh that was dragging Bawden art so we're going forward here our objectives over there so we'll start to turn try to line that up with the mini-map okay hopefully you guys can see everything this is uh kind of the complex cockpit here there's a lot of a lot of gadgets here so we are moving right now and hopefully towards our destination right I should get my lights ready now that I'm getting close to the bow okay there's lights okay so got a spotlight here all right so we can actually turn that cool oh I think I see a fish over there I do okay all right keep moving here all right there's something something on the radar here oh we need to go up here she's a beauty whoa st. that's it right there with the Titanic society to place their commemorative plaque on the forecastle deck get yourself into position all right wait so we're placing a plaque on the shipwreck doesn't that seem a little wrong okay well I guess it's a thing all right so we need to go to the forecastle which i think is right here in the front all right so I can see we're moving to the side of it oh wow that is cool again all right I think we might just hear the Titanic okay we need a perennial V okay so all right so apparently we're supposed to place a plaque here I'm like Wally at the moment but okay so I guess these are the plaques from the other people that have been here this is kind of cool can we read these ah Murray family oh this is just like credit so actually some of these are plaques oh this is crazy all right so apparently we have our own plaque here so we need to get in close is a little awkward so we grabbed inventory so I grabbed that okay here's our plaque okay so we need to drop I'll take a photograph with a board camera for the society there we go take a photo with all the hands this is weird camera okay so get the camera here okay done I'll head back you said took it cool all right so we just get to return here it's kind of weird being out on deck I actually like this view better because you can actually see instead of looking out of the mini-subs little portholes there okay so we are looking for a breach in the the hole here and I might make a new one here with how many times I've hit the deck so we're looking for a they talk a lot can I turn you off yeah you know whatever alright so there's a little highlighted point here we're looking for a journal which I don't know how in the heck we know it's over here I guess somebody's buried okay so I don't think I could pull in here cashing Bacon's okay let's get close here all right yeah there's no way I'm fitting in this hole lady no less I make the hole bigger can I do that kind of run into the ship is that it's probably disrespectful I would think yeah we're not making it in there all right so someone we have to get the ROV up here get it taken care of so let's select it I think whoo dude we were in the ship right now okay let's go and go down alright there's my little wall-e clawless okay so we're looking for a briefcase in here oh dude this is cool this is uh slightly creepy alright so we're gonna turn here uh I think we have a coat the little pink thing on the mini-map down there's our objective so let's see if we can find this thing that's the whole can I fit through this this looks like a windowsill Can I grab it okay hon squeeze it suck it in second yeah okay we're not getting through that or if it's above us actually that's a door okay this is creepy huh is there another hole is there a hole up there oh there is I'm can we get up into this one okay gotta bounce into our mini sub here which I I've crashed into the Titanic we might need to move the sub alright so I don't think we can get to our objective from here alright so we moved the big sub let's go ahead and get up into here real quick okay that is a what is that okay artists I just need to pick a dude you can see all the way in there I kind of want to go back there do I have another lighters this only light I have dude this is a bit spooky we've only got a distance of I think 15 meters before what was that and we only have a distance of 15 meters before we can actually go any further it has like a recall thing I wonder if sandbox mode I wonder if all this is unlocked where we can go wherever we want we don't have a limit because I'd like to actually go inside the ship here but let's go ahead and grab that briefcase real quick all right here we go all right so here's our briefcase we're going for Yugi hate go I think this is it how could you our upside open it can I open it down here here assuming there's anything intact in there it'll start degrading as soon as I open the case I'll have to bring it back to the lap before we can take a peek wow if this is the last task for today I'll head back to the lab now okay I dropped it oh never mind it's in the inventory I thought I'd drop the briefcase how far are we away from the tight an ever little sub right now they're distancing on 7.5 dude look at this down here kind of Roo is this that is cool that's creepy but cool okay let's get back to the let's get back to the ship here okay so we're going back to the surface here let's go and recall the drone and looking for autopilot all right all right two hours well let's get back to the lab here all right here we are we're at the lab I'm assuming we're board like a research ship hey there's a person hello it's kind of cool all right do you want to control this tutorial I guess so cuz I haven't played this in the lab all right so we have a listed on the white board why tell us why board room and interacting with them okay open the suitcase okay plead mm next time well looks to be in good condition oh let's get this cleaned up okay so we got a brush here I'll need to wash this off that quickly you look great after being in the ocean this decay was covered in say that wash it in that over there gently wash this using a soft brush making sure I don't scratch the surface underneath go toss it in there yeah what else we got this girl is pretty special I get a journal for these banknotes are delegates and money or it's a cool salination bath they treat them in the fungicides you can clean for free from all right so here we are scrubbing some stuff here okay oh this is kind of cool this looks like it says come on I don't know what that is something okay let's just put it in here no no that's this goes in here cool okay we did it conserves uh conserve the comb I think that's what we're doing right there cool well we've got some more objectives but I think we're gonna wrap it up there I'm pretty sure we've been recording for a while this is pretty cool I mean you could continue because apparently this is a story mode to maybe would go back and do one more maybe sandbox mission that way we can actually see some more of the ship let me know what you guys think down in the comments section below I'll link the game down in the description pretty cool stuff here but I thought you guys might enjoy this since we do a lot of ship stuff on the channel not exactly like a seeking ship survival but I thought it was a pretty cool experience here in VR so anyways hope you guys have a great day and we will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 367,692
Rating: 4.8990669 out of 5
Keywords: titanic, titanic vr, titanic vr game, titanic vr gameplay, titanic game, titanic virtual reality, titanic vr sinking, titanic sinking ship survival, titanic sinking ship simulator, sinking ship, sinking ship survival, stormworks sinking ship survival, stormworks titanic, titanic survival, titanic game pc, titanic vr oculus, oculus rift, vr games, vr, vr gaming
Id: dAAcqi0JOaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 18 2018
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