Britannic Sinking Survival & Wreckage Exploration in Stormworks!

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so today we have a two-parter here in stormworks we've got the sinking of a brand new Britannic that is really detailed got a full interior on it and stay tuned because we get to actually go check out the wreckage afterward and folks it's absolutely breathtaking hit that thumbs up button and let's jump in so folks we're back in stormworks once again and today we're going to be checking out one of the most epic ships I've ever seen here this is the Britannic which we've checked out of Britannic before uh but this one is one of the first ones that actually has a full interior and plus as I told you guys from the intro there is a wrecked version of this that we are going to explore at the end so real quick I'll have this creation link down in the description it is by ice monster 360. so go check them out and yeah as many of you know as far as the uh the sinking here uh it hit a mine so it exploded and it tipped over it sank I think actually relatively quick but a lot of the people actually made it it off of this ship so we're gonna aim this thing I spawned in the recommended seed that the Creator said to I'm gonna point this thing out to where I know I can leave the bridge uh but yeah I actually really like this I like what they've done with the paint job they've actually made it look like it's weathered uh you can see off a lot of the uh say like the windows and a lot of the areas you see a little bit of rust build up uh where the Smoke Stacks are like it actually looks gorgeous I love it because it's not like super clean looking it definitely looks like it's seen some service here all right so I think we are lined up let's go check out the inside of this thing like I said first uh one to have a full interior I think the only thing that is not uh fully made is the engine room and that was for sinking purposes as far as that's what it said in the description so uh let's go ahead and hop in here oh my goodness this is one of those things when you first started playing stormworks like it was a bunch of basic ships but you never realize that you were gonna get stuff like this like full Interiors to these massive ships and uh boy this looks cool so yeah uh this thing was uh in service in World War one it was a a hospital ship so I'm assuming the interior here is actually a representative of uh the actual Hospital version I think if I'm not mistaken we've checked out a version of this that was I guess pre-hospital I could be wrong but yeah look at this uh you can see all the beds in here uh definitely it's been uh fitted to uh I guess transport a lot of people here so yeah going up and down here it's crazy looking like look at all the beds man that is that's nutty but yeah I mean you can still see like some of the original pieces of the ship like the uh the staircase is beautiful uh so yeah I bet it was actually A really lovely ship uh before it's Hospital days yeah we're going on a little bit of a photo mode tour here you can even see like the decks have beds on them like this thing was completely covered absolutely uh insane looking so here we are at the uh the back of the ship I kind of was curious like how much of this thing has been converted over uh there is like it looks like a dining hall in here I bet you this is the way it actually looked like uh before the conversion or I'm assuming this part was maybe left alone I mean because you still need like dining halls and stuff like that yeah we're kind of uh just hanging around in the back uh you can see let's go maybe Ford uh what is in here so yeah we're kind of back out to the main decks uh looks like we have some office space and if we wrap back through here I'm assuming it's gonna transform back into like Hospital mode on what does this look like no this looks fairly empty in here yeah it's definitely uh one of those things where oh here we go got a dining area in here yeah I've gone down several decks just looking to see what each area kind of holds there's a lot of dining space towards the back and then of course you go up towards the front you've got all the hospital beds uh I feel like we're kind of down would this have been like the lower class cabins uh potential that's what these are but yeah nonetheless uh really cool interior that actually looks like it heads down to like the boiler area so yeah I guess we're morally in like the maintenance a section of the ship uh but yeah there's a lot of just like emptiness down here uh man it's a shame that this thing actually went down would have been nice if it was able to be converted back to its original state after the war yeah folks we're back up here by the bridge I think we are ready for the Scuttle I'm kind of curious as to how this is gonna work I've seen some pictures of it it looks pretty close to the uh the actual sinking I've watched a couple animations I actually played a couple uh games based on this uh so let's go and hit Scuttle here so so we could say it got hit uh by the mine I don't know if it's gonna simulate an explosion let's go ahead and get up here and are we taking on okay we are taking on water so we can say we've already hit the mine I don't know if they I'm assuming they slowed up the ship and they got ready to get everybody off uh they were able to deploy actually quite a few of the lifeboats okay so she is currently going down uh maybe we should go down and I guess look in some of the lower areas of the ship I feel like once it really starts going give it like a couple minutes here like I think it once it gets past a certain point this is gonna speed up and it's gonna become really actually it already is aggressive look how much we're listing uh okay that's kind of crazy I'm kind of curious do the funnels stay on I feel like this is gonna be a cool one plus the whole fact that we're gonna be able to go back and go look at the wreckage of this thing uh that is gonna be awesome okay so as far as I could tell the lifeboats on the ship are static uh I'm assuming that was because of the whole fact of you know obviously lag maybe we can move these off there's some controls over here but I imagine if these were all loose that would probably not be good uh can I move the gantry oh we can move the Gantry but I'm not sure if it actually has wait does it have oh it's got something attached to it wait is it loose though hold on there's a chance we could actually deploy one of these uh oh wrong way yeah she's definitely listing uh feels like the the front end starting to go down uh is this loose on the ship right now uh do I need to actually there's a chance maybe I have to unbuckle or hit a button up here is that uh it might be a thing hold on there's like a magnet hold on let's get up here and we're gonna click this Lifeboat connectors are off oh my goodness all right so you can use the ones up here so that is a thing I wonder if these other ones are they all connected via connect no these look static so uh you can use some of the main ones which is pretty cool hold on let's get this thing over the side so Gantry up there it goes okay so that's up uh let's keep moving it over the side of the ship uh there we go and then we'll go again tree actually down and you can load in the water you'd have to actually undo the ropes uh inside of the Lifeboat yeah uh some of them do work though that is nice all right let's go back up here to the front yeah if I'm not mistaken uh water starts to come over the front end here and it starts to lift up I think some of the funnels actually snap off I'm not sure if that's gonna happen here I kind of hoping it is but oh man this is crazy this is a large ship all right there's the first signs of water starting to come over the side oh that's cool uh okay this is a hefty ship even my FPS isn't the greatest like it's not terrible but I could feel at times it definitely starts to go down oh let's go back in let's see if we see any water uh coming up uh let's maybe make our way to the staircase and go down it real quick all right have we sprung leaks inside of the ship uh I want to say no I don't think we have uh you kind of see some of the graphical glitches of the wall wait is that water coming up from the oh is that coming from the top dude we are listing hard hold on let's go down oh wow okay yep that what oh that is coming up fast okay uh-oh uh oh there is a chance I am halfway stuck here wait that water's coming up really fast that's already that side okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go uh all right we need to run uh let's get to the top of the boat this is not safe being in here right now uh uh oh uh okay that's closed off that way okay go this way dude we are trapped in this thing uh all right can we get back up the stairs uh okay go further up oh it is a Race Against Time oh my goodness okay go go go go go go go go go go go dude that is intense uh I want to get to the outside please oh we might have to actually use the water to lift this up a bit uh okay uh get to the deck uh where's the door to get out of this thing hey running down the Long Haul searching for a way to get to one of the decks uh that way I can get up top that is wait it's actually wait is it leveling out a bit I feel like it's leveling out all right here we go uh this will probably get us out of here by the way I think I found the main staircase absolutely beautiful all right open the door uh oh okay you know what I think we need to go into photo mode now the electricity is just cut holy man I did not realize that much of the ship has already gone down uh oh there it goes there goes the funnels dude that is intense all right also we are in an area here oh okay I'm gonna have to no clip out of this yeah we were about to die there goes the other funnel uh like I said folks once it decides to go it goes quick that is insane looking yeah having something that massive sink that fast and oh did it just hit the bottom I think it did but I think the back end's gonna come down here yeah I think we would have died there I had a no clip out of there uh it was extremely close yeah that flooding is so aggressive on the inside so oh there goes the back end it is starting to go down man if you'd have been holding on to the back there also there's another Lifeboat back there that works it looks like that is oh that is making some noises going down too uh starting to twist I think it's gonna go over maybe on its side I don't know when we load up the wreckage Mission we'll have to see how this thing's settled uh it's supposedly pretty realistic especially in a certain seed we'll have to reload the game but man that is that is something huh let's watch the back end go down it's just amazing how quick that was uh it was just really aggressive oh look at that you can see the funnel is actually tumbling off the ship uh it's twisting I think it's gonna end up on its side and it might get really laggy if it goes all the way down out of the sea floor but yep there goes the back end of the ship yeah that was uh that was extremely quick there and we gotta wait for it to disappear though I want to see if it actually goes all the way down I know it might have hit the bottom of the ocean there the front end but I think it's gonna go all the way here uh let's watch it disappear oh yeah it is over wow uh pretty intense also you can kind of see the the mainland there which this thing uh sank right off some islands so or at least right off I don't know if it's a an island or if it was just like the shore of a an area I have to look at the Wikipedia page again on it there it goes hey one of the lifeboats came back up is that still attached I don't think it's still attached oh there it goes yeah you've witnessed the sink you've witnessed how fast it goes down but let's go check out the wreckage of this thing all right folks we're out here with the sub we are ready to go uh locate this wreckage now for quick reference it's supposed to spawn in by the torn rocks I do have the suggested seed in that way we get uh I guess probably uh the best possible looking sink or wreckage I should say hey getting all our lights on here back lights on okay so uh we're gonna go I guess just straight down so let's go ahead and start to dip uh I believe I could see it it was a little over to the right of us uh if I'm not mistaken actually that might be the rocks on can't really tell until we get fully oh yeah there it is it's right in front of us oh dude that is cool all right let's go and head forward here all right well I might have to put a couple flares on it just to light it up so yeah we should be able to and I've got a diving suit here uh I don't think it's too deep I think we can get out uh I'd like to actually go inside of it uh I feel like that would be really really cool so uh oh yeah you can see where it's split open man that is that's cool looking that's really cool oh I haven't looked up any bit about like the status of the wreck as of today like I'm assuming it's still down there I don't know if they've tried to pull any a bit of it up uh let's just get a look at this oh man that that's impressive hey we're coming down here what's this look like from the front oh you can't even see it from the cockpit actually yeah you can all right we're gonna come straight down we'll uh Shine the uh the lights into it uh make sure all that's Set uh We're not gonna come down on top but no we're not okay let's keep dropping uh depth here I wonder if we could actually like climb through where it's split in the front I'm pretty sure we can it looks like it's fairly open like the compartments oh that is cool uh slowly drop it now do I have a ballast I can fill okay there we go I think it's going down further uh what button is that I don't have no clue uh oh okay we're coming a little close to it I don't want to just oh we might disturb it here oh and back it up back it up back it up I mean I guess we could just kind of place ourselves on it of course in real life I don't think they would be touching the wreckage up up up up okay let's just set right here do I have magnets on the bottom of this thing that kind of looks like there's a connector all right let's just park it here yeah we launch a flare uh kind of like this thing oh my goodness oh that gives you a much better uh look at it there uh we probably should do that to the front side hold on let's go up and do that oh never mind actually that lit up a lot of it towards the back all right let's get our suit on I just want to go for it here I want to really get on the inside of this while the flare is going hey here we are got our flashlight here um do we want to go to the front let's go to the front here and see if we can uh go down through actually we probably could go through over here oh don't burn out on me do I have any I should have probably grab like a flare actually can you fire the flare gun you should be able to fire it below the water I don't think hey flashlight's on all right uh Flare's still going uh pretty good there so we got a little bit of light but whatever uh flashlight as a backup here dude that is cool yeah you can fully go into this uh do we notice where we were compared to the tour uh I want to find maybe the the main staircase here uh does it look like oh that's actually uh that's a cool looking effect there I think parts of the ship the weights in the uh in the sand here like I think you can see some sand through it uh hold on let's go up through here oh okay not familiar where we're at right now let's keep trying to move back into the ship uh hold on let's use the stairs here where are we are we on the outside decks I can't really tell oh maybe this is where the cab or is this the decks here maybe this is where it's at honestly this would be the creepiest thing ever trying to go through a ship like this uh I think there's a reason they send robots in I don't think you typically get divers into these uh but we're doing it here today folks it's fine dude check this out all right so we've made it down even further into the ship I don't even notice what area we're in it kind of looks like a dining section but I I wasn't in here I wonder if they've removed all like the chairs and stuff that were originally in this ship well we're back on the outside can I go through these oh you can okay that's neat all right so anything that's open from the the top side of the ship you can go down through is there an opening down okay there's an opening down through here uh all right let's go through hey hold on can we go up there oh is this a staircase oh there's a fish in here uh this feels like one of the staircases right it looks okay there's the stairs okay so we're definitely buying it looks like there's pieces missing uh it does look like the ship's been edited a little bit where it looks like there's uh like missing sections uh I do really like this it's cool uh this is really cool all right let's go down see how much further back we can make it I'm kind of curious about this back section oh actually we're about to be there aren't we all right and we're gonna pop out here yeah this is cool just the way it's settled down it's not too deep actually uh so it's a pretty close I would imagine to real life uh oh there goes our flare flare is burned out uh we do have a little bit of the natural light too coming off of the uh the sun like I said we're not like extremely deep I kind of want to go look is there any damage on this side yeah it just really looks uh really rusted and stuff uh man that's cool I wonder like I wouldn't imagine this is what it looks like now but I wonder how long after this is supposed to represent like uh after the actual sink uh because I imagine now this thing is if it's still down there which I need to go back and look it is probably not in very good shape but it is awesome having these uh sinking ships and then having the ability to go back in and uh check them out afterward I really do like that very awesome creation
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 2,205,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sinking ship simulator, stormworks, stormworks build and rescue, britannic, britannic sinking, britannic sinking real time, britannic wreck, camodo gaming, kraken, kraken stormworks, camodo gaming stormworks, stormworks gameplay, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks ship, stormworks tsunami, stormworks ship survival, titanic, stormworks titanic, titanic wreck, titanic wreckage, stormworks titanic wreck, stormworks britannic, stormworks britannic sinking
Id: p8tI6m-M8cM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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