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oh this is bad yeah this is bad what do we do the ship's not supposed to sink like this no oh oh oh oh i'm falling no [Music] all right komodo check out this ship wait this this looks like a familiar ship that might have no no well yeah but this is the budget version what do you mean the budget version well they have to chop some stuff off it for it to work in stormworks oh so you're telling me this is multiplayer titanic survival yeah yeah budget so not literally the same but almost the same there might be some holes missing in the ship in some places that's why it's budget oh we couldn't afford everything for the whole ship you know that makes sense yeah yeah so we're just gonna drive this thing and oh man nothing bad is gonna happen now oh never all right so let's jump up in here it's a little slow at the moment but i think it's gonna speed up right yeah it's actually not horribly bad yeah we've we've dealt with much worse so i'm surprised this is even working all right we just got moon gravity that's all yeah just moon gravity so i'm gonna start the engines i sound a little sick it's fine okay so throttle up yeah throttle all of them up that left okay there we go all right and here we go we're moving this looks good yeah wait i think i know what the budget part might be what maybe the lights don't work the lights wait what there's a potential maybe the lights don't work on let me let me go in here okay just you're tough wait wait wait those look like lights uh are they turning on oh they do yeah there we go does that make it more laggy no not really oh that's actually pleasant okay okay all right so we just have to watch out for land masses uh-huh and things like that that could potentially sink this ship uh is that a bridge that's a bridge are we gonna go under it i'm sure we'll clear all right so i don't even know if we're gonna get over there you know you know what it doesn't matter what i've always wanted to do i want to go into like first class real quick first class see what kind of uh beverages they serve there yeah what kind of milk oh man milkshakes what i found the budget i found the budget it's painted on the walls oh they painted the doors on are you serious what does that mean i can't go into like a master suite i'm sure there's at least one somewhere dude check this out grand staircase oh wow oh wow this is really nice yeah this is actually quite impressive so where's the sweets oh this is called the vote dick what about the maybe a deck a oh yeah a okay that's where the vip class is i'm a vip i think i'm a i'm a i'm very important for people you're very yeah very important peoples um i'm not seeing any sweets i think everything's painted on yeah um this is bad i mean well i mean it's not bad it's just yeah it's great that it's running and everything's worth it and it's just bad that we don't get to have some relaxation time uh spy can you meet me out on the are you seeing this no there's like a two or three block gap in the uh ship here for me oh don't that's a visual bug can i fall on this i would not even try just jump it jump it oh no you can't pull it out where do you land pretty loud it's fine i hope no clip's on oh yeah it's on oh i almost lost him he almost sunk to the depths i was telling you i was thinking maybe that was actually there and it definitely was it was but i just couldn't see it yeah you couldn't see it it's just like a little visual bug it it's fine it's fine coming out no visual budget budget yeah here i am behind you oh hi so you know this is a budget titanic right uh-huh i'm curious does the lifeboats even work i think only a couple and you have to pay extra to use them so wait what yeah yeah no no no no are you trying to fall off too no i'm good i'm good by the way i'm gonna turn these lights off real quick because i do believe it's actually causing me a little bit of lag it's a budget right yeah yeah we don't need them oh i think i found one of the boats so we do have a working boat i think there's actually there's two okay i mean that's one two there's only two of us here so ah there we go this is much better geez wow i feel good now it's a little less laggy i don't think we're gonna make to that bridge it's quite a ways out there well uh what are we doing here are we supposed to test the ship test like test it wink wink test i don't have eyeballs you can't see me winking what kind of test are you winking at me i mean ah the test that is in the menu of the game also did we ask for likes yet no we didn't so like the video that like button if you want us to sing that's a good one i like how unashamed i am i'm like hey like the video hey like the video you gotta promise them something if you don't like the video i'm gonna cry threaten them you oh okay was that a threat no that wasn't a threat okay there you go all right we're good all right yeah let me start a test all right i didn't click that that we only have one left i'm not telling you where that one is i have a guess where it's at no you do not don't look behind me is it over here no it's not don't touch that one i'll save it because we might actually need it you know because the the test that's gonna happen i i already spawned them but you spawned the test them them them i don't see them where's them they're supposed to be coming after us well that's kind of scary huh i'm looking around for them have you ever thought what happened if a giant boat like this got attacked by megalodons that's them i mean it couldn't take a block of ice so i don't think that megalodons are gonna be any better okay i'm looking i don't see it i don't i don't think they're coming okay click the button again i clicked it like a billion times we could do test number two let's test number two this which way does it come from um it's somewhere i think it's the other side we need some wind we'll be able to tell i think it's gonna come right in front of us maybe in front of us no on captain it's coming to the rear yep okay do we angle this properly i don't know turn it or do something okay i'm gonna how do you counter a giant wave i think you gotta angle it right so i'm gonna turn this to the left uh i don't think you have enough time for that i'm turning it to the left it's fine i'm gonna go hang on to one of the funnels okay this doesn't seem like a very good idea but you should go in it actually wait can you go in oh wait don't go in it you might die i mean i've got the no clip thingy so i think potentially i can do that um yeah you going in it yeah sure i'm going up in the top one one of them is fake it's the one that isn't blowing steam is it this one no it's a very far back one okay uh oh oh our rear side we got a megalodon wait we do have megalodons on yet okay this doesn't seem very safe rear side oh geez okay it's fine okay i think i uh i should just keep angling this so there is megalodons in the water correct yes i don't know if they're coming for us they're probably afraid of a big wave this big wave is going to take like two years to get here by the way is it i mean it's same no never mind it's definitely picking up speed yeah look at the land behind us oh rip so if i turn off one of the propellers it should turn us that direction you do know if you don't turn in time it's gonna hit us on the side and we're gonna probably capsize right no turn that engine off and the other propeller should turn us more really what are you doing i don't know okay turn it back up turn it back up just do something i'm trying come on behind us i know it's kitchen it's literally no it's there's a mangle down behind us oh is there it's right behind us i think i gotta see this thing is it swimming next to us yeah it's probably trying to get the heck away from the tsunami too it's not attacking us is it oh it's turning oh i see it oh it's turning it's going for our rears uh oh is it gonna attack us i think it's attempting to i think we might be out running it slightly i think we are it's oh buddy whatever you do do not blow a hole in our ship we can't fail now i think it hit it it's grinding along it i don't know if it's doing damage or not but it's trying to do something wait there's a cool move where you jam on your brakes and it like flies forward and and it's like tokyo drift yeah yeah yeah do that hit the engine i don't know if they do that in tokyo drift but we'll try what is that doing it's like it's slicing the bottom of the ship up um is that a good sign is it i don't think it's attacking us i think it's using us as cover i mean is that is that a thing well yeah i mean like if you're in a giant tsunami you need something heavy to weigh you back down and sharks can't die from tsunamis can they can they i don't know they're fish i don't know i know this big wave's about to hit us uh oh how do you want to hold on oh it's definitely hitting us it just hit us we got a problem lab is when this capsizes us i don't know but we got a big hole in the side of the ship we do yep tomorrow we're taking our water really yep so it's no longer the iceberg that took down the titanic it's now big megalodon okay let's get on the lifeboat and then we'll reconvene with the titanic afterwards are we jumping off no i'm hopping on this okay set in a padded seat please buckle your seatbelt got it buckled on yeah oh yeah we're definitely sinking look at the water line um yep bobby r by the way i feel like the megalodon's out there just laughing at us going should i release no no no no you want to stay on with the titanic if you drop us now oh the titanic might land on us okay yeah if you drop the lifeboat it's going to be big ship crushing little bitty boat yeah so my voice correct there we're sinking so bad uh yeah i know wait this might actually help us is this tsunami gonna split us in half because there was that big thing in the middle well you fell through it doesn't do it the megalodon that's heading towards this might uh oh here it goes oh this is bad hold on to your butt cheeks okay the megalodon's doing a u-turn yeah he's like oh screw this here we go uh oh i can see all the damage it did jeez yeah uh oh um this wave is so big that i mean the ship is so big that the wave looks like it's small is there a chance that we should have maybe released it i don't know uh should i attempt that no no no no no no no no no no no no you want to click the jump button it scared me you probably want to stay in by the way the ship's starting to break in half for me and i think it's a visual thing yeah it's definitely started water in the middle oh no it's tearing itself apart from me oh dear um there's a chance something bad's gonna happen here oh here we go oh once we hit the water it might break oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh wait what's happening oh no i rather like boat yeah about it no those came off me neither wait they do work how about that means there was a couple that would work oh geez okay we're good um okay i'm hopping out going back on the ship oh wait it's hopping out a good idea okay you know this is fine oh just be careful just be really careful all right well we survived the tsunami and we survived getting uh oh all right bye i don't uh oh oh it's coming back and it's coming fast oh geez let's bust another hole and we're gonna sink faster what if it hits us right in the middle would it split it uh i'm curious but we can't really tell them to hit oh jeez that hurt okay we're moving yep oh he's gonna whack me with his tail okay oh this is bad yeah that this thing's going down pretty quick uh what do you want to do well we will go to the highest end of the ship and call for help right so we're going to climb up on the funnel and call for help and then if we have to we'll take our final lifeboat and attempt to just leave yeah that just sounds horrible but yeah it sounds great all right and what else do you do oh by the way our megalodon friend is making it a u-turn back this way yeah he's gonna smack yeah he's coming right for us okay let's go to the top it's fine okay die yeah this is it buddy this ain't looking good and we also have the shark that's still coming after us yeah that's that's the fun part about all this that this is what really sunk the titanic was the megalodon this is 100 true story really ah i mean that's what happened yeah sure that's what happened yeah it was that right there oh this is this is pretty so i don't want to miss this but yeah i don't i don't know what we're going to do here i think it's pretty much set up here is our only option now yeah we stopped that lifeboat but i think it sunk yeah yeah it's uh it's under it's uh well actually it flipped over so oh kind of doesn't work anymore so we're we're royally screwed all right this first stack is almost under oh something something's gonna happen uh oh totally just didn't take a picture of this while i was out here it's fine oh hold on look at the water rushing through the decks oh it's cool oh wait you can see it yeah if you photo mode into it look at it that's amazing you go inside oh what was that yeah something shifted uh oh oh wow we're really up there oh it's going fast oh we about to die oh no here it goes uh oh uh oh um oh it's going fast i don't think this would ever be possible multiplayer but we're doing it and we're about to die right oh we're at like a 45 degree oh oh oh white oh wait what wait what did it just hit the bottom of the ocean it hit the bottom of the ocean wait there's a chance we're saved oh no i just hit the bottom of the ocean no we're not saved what do you mean we're not we're look what hap look what's happening oh no okay oh no i thought this was going to split but i think it's going to tip over this looks so weird from this perspective yeah this doesn't look right i think we've broken stuff oh no i'm falling oh oh this is bad yeah this is bad what do we do the ship's not supposed to sink like this nope oh oh oh i'm i'm falling no it's gonna crush my nose coming back don't kill me sharks you know coming back i kind of feel like it's okay is it yeah like it's not gonna sink really any further like it's it's teeter-tottering on the thing um i think we say it's still sinking oh it is yeah oh really fast i thought we saved the titanic there for a second i was like oh that's impressive i don't think it's being in the water is saving it i mean it kind of is oh yeah i know it's it's definitely still sinking yeah i'm in a room wait i'm probably drowning in here yeah it's gonna drown it's probably not wait a minute you sure it's still sinking yeah slowly i it's rising up to my toes i think we saved it i think we should just walk away from the situation because i don't think it's gonna break anymore we saved it from breaking yeah that was kind of anti-climactic but you know we still sunk it somewhat somewhat kind of it's actually moving this way yeah i'm trying to outswim it and it's not happening like i feel like it's gliding across the water now like i don't think it's actually going down anymore yeah look i'm swimming backwards or it was all right to the lifeboat yeah to the light boat uh because the titanic apparently didn't sink all the way this is cool looking yeah this is cool so uh what do we accomplish though we did a new test the budget version the titanic is actually a lot better yeah uh it doesn't sink all the way and it doesn't break you got to make sure you uh don't you don't go as far into the ocean either yeah yeah yeah yeah you want to be able to let it hit the bottoms because exactly i can't swim up there's a megalodon down by i don't think it's doing anything it's fine
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 1,099,737
Rating: 4.9201255 out of 5
Keywords: camodo gaming, spycakes, stormworks, stormworks build and rescue, sinking ship simulator, stormworks titanic, stormworks titanic tsunami, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks tsunami, stormworks survival, stormworks ship survival, stormworks sinking ship camodo gaming, stormworks sinking ship titanic, stormworks camodo gaming titanic, titanic, titanic sinking, titanic game, roblox, roblox sinking ship, sinking ship survival, stormworks multiplayer, stormworks multiplayer titanic
Id: 3_ruDgbmrbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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