RMS Olympic Gets Hit with a SUPER TSUNAMI in Stormworks Sinking Ship Survival!

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so folks we're finally back here in stormworks and we're back with some more sinking ship survival we actually have the rms olympic here uh by ice monster 360. and folks this is a massive beast of a ship uh it's got pretty much a full interior in here and you know what uh we're gonna be trying to survive why is it bright under here um could that be an issue are my engines on fire hmm you know what hit the thumbs up button if you think the engines are on fire and hit the thumbs up button if you don't think they're on fire either way hit the thumbs up button we need to go below deck there's a chance that i might have started this ship up wrong um i'm sure this is fine uh do keep in mind i don't have any heaters on so if we see the heater icon that might actually show that there is a problem here okay looking for like a main stairwell i can see one over here so yeah um oh this is beautiful uh yeah this reminds me a lot of the uh the titanic so yeah the titanic was a little bit larger than this ship here uh also i believe on this one sync i believe it was a troop carrier i would assume that this is morally uh in the shape that it was in uh whenever it was actually transporting people and not troops i mean troops are people i'm actually really confused by what's going on right now also the ship is massive i can hear the engines uh they sound like they're just turning over um hold on how do we get down to the service areas i don't think it's on fire though because i would be getting the heat icons also this thing is so large i could totally get uh lost here now look at the cabins and stuff insane amount of details here okay we can go down even further oh look at this dining section also fine art uh i like that um okay how do we i guess we keep going further down how many like decks are there on this thing okay this is incredible all right so this is the bottom i'm assuming this is the lower class also this might take us to some sort of engine slash boiler room um i think the ship's okay i wanna say maybe i just was uh seeing things oh here we go okay this has gotta lead us down to the boiler rooms right no this is like the bathrooms uh not like the bathrooms like the bath house thingies uh or shower rooms they actually probably have a correct like term for it i'm just lost right now so we're just gonna look down here so there's like coal storage and then yeah there's all of these boilers and engines in here uh there's definitely a way down here i don't know why that red light's blinking oh these actually look like doors did they seal themselves uh okay hold on go into here wait so like the thing is completely sealed right now like each compartment i don't wonder if something did happen but i think everything's actually under control here this is just absolutely amazing though like there is so much detail to this ship also here are your lifeboats uh it's only one on each side the rest are not active uh that's obviously for lag reasons uh let's head towards the back of the ship so looking down into the ship you can see all sorts of like dining areas uh you got some nice little sun areas up here uh this is very very well done it looks like they've kind of minimized the doors because i'm actually like not getting a lot of lag but it seems like when you have a ship with a thousand different doors it starts to cause a tunnel lag uh here we go into the back is this where maybe the smoke areas would be and of course you can see on the back uh i would assume that maybe crew would be either way here in the back or maybe towards the front this could be like crew areas uh also might be more like smoke areas i know there was some designated areas on the ship for that then it looks like oh those are actually blocked off i wonder if there's anything down there it kind of looks like there is but there's a reason the cage is up uh but yeah absolutely stunning ship huh let's check the little decks on the side here okay so they just kind of empty back out into the main area there's the staircase is there a side like deck or like uh patty oh it's up here here you go yeah there's like a full patio area up here so yeah i think we're getting out too deep waters of course we've got to increase the waves kind of see how this thing handles it and uh see if maybe you can take some other things here pretty confident this ship is rather large but i don't think we're gonna have any problems with tipping okay here we go let's go ahead and start to fight all right so the waves are hitting us from the side let's go ahead and start to turn in there is a scuttle button on this ship too uh oh okay those waves are really pounding us from the side i'm trying to turn all right let's turn with the waves let's try to turn to the left here uh there's a chance we might capsize this thing it's pretty close no i think we're gonna be fine here oh you can see the doors for the sink uh oh uh right when komodo says we're fine we're almost completely on our side it's not going all the way though i think if i can just get this thing to turn we'll be firing an explosion i swear stuff's exploding in the ship also i don't know what the fish are doing here they're like oh they were flipping there for a second uh oh what is this in here oh this might be the actual engines back here we didn't get down to that compartment uh we're slowly but surely turning with the waves here we should hopefully go back up here in just a second that is insane how far it lifts over did they actually anchor stuff back then like tables and stuff to the floor i think that's probably always been a practice okay we've angled back waves are pretty intense i think we need to kick up a storm here to really see what this thing can take as soon as we get it even here come on i just need to come back up there it goes it's starting to slowly come back up nice okay here comes the rain on see those waves i mean the waves are absolutely gigantic right now it's just the whole fact that the ships are so gigantic so it doesn't make them look as big we'll see what happens when we get a little bit deeper out i think we're going away from pretty much all land masses right now oh yeah you can see how tall the waves are over there now this will work so the ship is leveled out we are going with the waves right now uh they're definitely getting bigger like look at the front here look at some of them uh they're definitely as tall as the front of the ship if not a little bit taller that lets me know that we're getting out to deeper waters uh we're gonna go ahead and go back down in the ship kind of right around the dining areas uh just to kind of experience what it would feel like in a storm uh in that area so i must say it's rather classy in here um looks awesome i would assume this is probably like the top of the class dining room uh i wonder if there's more like right below this yeah it goes out to another one here's the main staircase again here let's go down one uh yeah i don't know what those explosions were obviously there is no heat being generated here so i'm it's not on fire uh it's just kind of weird to hear that oh this is a nice dining area too okay let's go towards the rear we saw a couple of the cabins uh oh dear okay this is starting to lift a little bit i wonder if we're turning on let's open up the side here uh oh we're listing big time look at those waves those are ridiculous looking look up over there yep they're uh definitely a little bit taller than this deck um so i i think the ship's actually taking on water this is the front look how long it stays under i don't wonder if those explosions were causing some sort of damage okay you know what we gotta get moving oh geez okay get down wait a minute okay we're gonna get stuck under the water here uh did i see something no okay i think it's just the normal waves no that is okay that it okay no no get down that is definitely not a normal wave back there uh oh that's catching us quick okay you know what uh get in i didn't hear any sort of sirens or anything we might be out of range of them oh this thing is going down like that front end is sinking the scuttle button has not been activated uh oh i think we're going to hold on here han how can we get inside there's got to be a door over here okay look for an opening uh okay we can maybe go up on the next deck i don't know i'm gonna get stuck here it's gonna be really bad all right here we go top deck holy man that is massive okay we've gotta get inside uh we gotta make a run for it i can't get through these okay you know what go through the front okay there's gotta be an opening here dude that is just like a mountain of wave coming this way uh oh oh we almost flew off the boat that's completely fine uh okay there we go open that close that door oh we gotta watch this from the outside that is probably the biggest tsunami i've ever seen what in the heck spawned this also you can see the cabins are filling up down there oh oh this thing's going to be completely under the water here um okay i don't think i've ever that is just a wall that is the biggest tsunami i think i've ever seen in the game this is a massive ship it shouldn't look like this uh there's definitely water getting in okay oh here it goes uh look there's water in here oh there's a lot of water in here what the okay we're up against the door oh we're gonna get flung out of this thing hold on it's tipping over i think we're going to be fine though that was massive now where's the water coming in from it's got to be towards the front right i've sealed all the doors behind me is this water actually in here um this is what yeah this water's all in here on it's draining out uh am i underwater over here no it's it's covering it but i'm not sure it's actually going down you know just as i say that i look at the outside of it and you realize that it is truly going down right now okay so we're in the uh i guess the inner bridge here it is filling up quick there's the scuttle button it's off right now i think the wave something happened oh we're uh we're drowning right now let's get towards the back uh the bad thing is the lifeboats that were here they're towards the front they're probably covered look at this this is the grinch oh this thing is full okay uh get down towards the cabins uh we need to get to the back of the ship asap okay go go go go go so there was some sort of failure i don't know if it was overheating maybe that's what it was oh how do we get out of here uh we're trapped inside of this thing right now um there's got to be an exit here in the back there we go okay let's keep going okay those outside doors are sealed let's go towards the back we need to just get out towards the back of the ship and hold on for dear life oh look there's a fireplace over here how nice wait are these not sealed back here is this where the water's coming from yo this is like a not sealed area like completely like there is no door oh geez okay run to the back there's no door there uh i think we're in a race against time here so i think putting this thing into heavy waves i don't think it was an engine failure it's just the whole fact there aren't doors built into the back of this thing and it's like going down instantly oh we're getting trapped under it what the um okay that went down faster than i thought it would well no to self probably don't play with this one in high waves uh because i think the back was flooding which was weird because the front end went down first but definitely there was water pouring through that back well we did escape the ship i'll give it that so out of curiosity i think we're gonna sink it the normal way uh we're gonna use the scuttle here so i'm gonna go ahead and hit it i'm kind of curious like as to how this looks obviously you can see it pouring in water there oh it's pouring in water to the side so it's gonna i guess list over i don't know how quickly this is gonna happen so yeah i think definitely the uh the back ends being open uh helped flood this thing but let's see how long it lasts in its normal sync mode because i at least want to see that so as you can see from the normal sink it's definitely already uh starting to fill up pretty fast here there is about where the water line should be uh it's well above it it's going down almost similar to the way it looked earlier uh which is kind of weird but i think it's starting to list over a bit uh so we'll see kind of what happens here i'm curious as to if any of the funnels fall off i feel like that could be really cool as you can see there's like a big hole in the side uh so where are those actually filling into oh there's like a section inside of here i'm assuming it's gonna eventually get to the interior uh we'll see how fast it starts to move oh yeah look how fast this is moving so i'm gonna set my camera right here look at that oh it's accelerating okay so i think once it gets past a certain point like it's pretty much game on and it is flooding so fast now that is actually crazy looking is the back end now no it's not uh we might want to move for this one i think i'm moving over to the side you know what let's actually try to deploy one of these lifeboats i didn't get a chance to uh let's go down oh actually does this go up uh how do we do this oh we swing it up like oh wait it's already over the side of the boat okay um they're pretty much ready to go uh oh i might have screwed that one up haul let's use this one maybe um i was gonna say we can use that one uh that one's off hold on uh we might need to try to push this one real quick uh this is moving a lot faster than i anticipated come on come on i hate how sometimes these things get stuck on is this one attached to the deck uh okay it's like a spare one here hold on what happens if we just drop this thing i i feel like we pretty much have to at this point let's toggle the magnets um okay i kind of need you to fall off oh look at that the water's just going over the top here okay there goes so it is released uh the boat's still moving the uh aggressiveness of the sink though okay this thing's already pretty much gone it's gonna push itself down in the water uh it doesn't look like the funnels pop off or anything but yeah it looks almost eerily similar to the way it sank uh with the tsunami there uh there goes the top end we're gonna get away from the ship here i don't want to get caught under it there's a chance that lifeboat might still get hit here that is something all right she's going down yeah i think it actually pretty much stays intact uh from what i can tell it's definitely uh pitching up a little bit more than it did earlier though dude that is amazing how quick that actually happens and there she goes yeah i didn't lose any parts but it is like tipped straight up and there it goes all the way down to the bottom i don't know how deep we are here the chance it might stall out let's just watch it that's amazing up there she goes so if you guys want to download this i'll have it linked down in the description thank you guys for watching and we'll see you guys next time on sinking chip survival
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 217,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stormworks, stormworks build and rescue, sinking ship simulator, camodo gaming, camodo gaming stormworks, natural disaster, stormworks natural disasters, stormworks natural disasters update, stormworks hurricane, stormworks volcano, stormworks tornado, stormworks gameplay, stormworks sinking ship, stormworks ship, stormworks tsunami camodo, stormworks tsunami, stormworks ship survival, stormworks olympic, stormworks titanic, stormworks titanic sinking
Id: Lf1io8aWIow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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