My Patriot Supply vs 4Patriots

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two max enter one mac leaves returning to the channel the one the only adventure girl [Music] hey everybody adventure dad here again with the family adventure i've got adventure girl with me today and we're gonna try out some products so we posted on facebook on our channel and was asking people what they thought about different emergency supplies different survival foods freeze-dried options different things and two of the ones we thought we would try out we purchased a my patriot supply ready hour 72 hour kit and a four patriots 72 hour survival food kit we're going to try to cook up something from each of these see what's in them try out the flavors on them see what the prep's like consistency of the food how it comes out it's a real fast adventure girl which one are you thinking for patriots for my patriot supply i'm thinking ready hour okay adventure girls expecting a ready hour for my patriot supply to be a better kid i'm gonna guess for patriots why because i'm gonna play devil's advocate i'm just gonna say the opposite thing on what she said so let's open these up and see what we got inside here adventure girl do you think all right well the ready hour comes over pretty easy resellable top on it adventure girl is getting her tour open also with a resealable tub i mean mine you got mine open i got yours open all right so we'll switch because this girl is right i did pick four patriots and she picked ready hour so let's see what we've got adventure girl first in my four patriots i have got america's finest mac and cheese now we're kind of expecting there to be mac and cheese in both of these that seems to be a pretty common item i have home style potato soup home style potato soup all right i have got creamy rice and vegetable dinner i have black bean soup white bean soup we got grammy sweet oatmeal i have mac and cheese there's the mac and cheese we were expecting that and i have creamy chicken flavored rice creamy chicken flavored rice okay so just right off we've got an extra pack in the ready hour as opposed to the three i've got and the four patriots i'm looking at a 15 and a half ounce eight serving thing of oatmeal which i'm not an oatmeal guy so that does not sound appeasing to me at all so adventure girl on the other hand she likes the oatmeal so does the venture bear both of them are oatmeal eaters yeah then my creamy rice and vegetable i've got a four serving 7.9 ounce and my america's finest mac and cheese is a nine and three quarter ounce for serving now let's compare that to what we're getting on the ready hour looks like we're not listing serving size but we will assume it's going to be about the same we've got a nine ounce homestyle potato soup six and a half ounce black bean soup almost a full 12 ounce on the mac and cheese about a 14 and three quarter ounce on the creamy chicken flavored rice so let's do some quick mat here we'll round these we'll call that eight ounce 17 and three quarter we're about 33 ounces versus combat none 15 and a half and a half to 42 ounces so we're looking at almost a full nine ounces more food on the ready hour which we can call that the 8.9 ounces of the home style potato soup so it's essentially getting three packets and a whole nother full serving for servings i'm guessing of the homestyle potato soup so just looking at the menu i would be more suited for the homestyle pita soup black bean soup mac and cheese creamy chicken flavored rice so i'm not big oatmeal eater there again it's substance you could eat it it'd be plenty filling i mean that's for sure creamy rice and vegetable i could go for that and the mac and cheese would be good but so i'd say on a variety of food and quantity of food adventure girls got me beat there with the ready hour in my patriot supply look at a little bit of the nutritional facts here we'll just do the mac and cheese since we've got one of those from each which is kind of what we were expecting we'll open up the mac and cheese in both prepare them and check it out see what we think on the food total fat for ready hour 4.5 grams total fat on my patrons there are four patriots that's three grams so you get a higher fat content 57 carbs versus 47 carbs you're getting a higher carbohydrate content same on fiber two more grams of protein per serving for the ready hour one thing i've heard a lot about is people talking about the sodium content in this food you are going to run a higher sodium content per serving on the ready hour 790 milligrams versus 730 milligrams so i would say off nutritional value you're getting a little more bang for your buck on the my patriot supply there too you've got higher protein higher carbs are fat so with that said let's try to open these packets up and see if we think adventure girl one thing i can tell here is you have resealable packaging on the ready hour that you don't have on the four patriots so if you don't want to cook all four servings at once at least you can break it down and reseal the ready hour you don't have that option with the four patriots you're gonna have to roll the package up keep it tight or put it into something else you took it off one time so let's move over to our cooktop and see what we've got all right so here we go got our pot set up we got our four patriots and our my patriot supply mac and cheese meals we're going to prepare these things first for patriots looks like we're going to need 3 and 2 3 cups boiling water simmer for 20 minutes stirring frequently remove from heat let stay in two to three minutes the ready hour for my patriot supply four and a half cups of water 15 to 20 minutes remove from heat three to four minutes it's a very similar uh difference in the amount of water you're needing is probably the difference in the weight nine and three quarter ounce almost 12 ounce so let's measure us up some water here and we'll get to cooking these things four and a half cups is that filling what that dropped it if anybody is wondering where we are filming from today it is such a messy day out here in god's country north carolina we've had some freezing rain everything was iced over this morning so me and adventure girl decided to come out to our home we take away from home we're going to test this food out from our travel trailer three and two thirds two cups three caps two thirds caps that was close careful adventures all right and as the saying goes a watch pot never boils we'll be back whenever this water starts boiling real fast while we're waiting for this water to start boiling if you're getting any value out of this video give us the like girl give us the like subscribe to the channel leave us some comments let us know what your favorite survival food is we're looking at this as more of a last-ditch effort this is food we don't ever plan on having to eat but is there to get us through we know that nutritional value is not there the sodium levels high blah blah blah blah everything that you hear about them but this was kits that we were looking at for simply what they are a 72-hour emergency we can take them with us on a trip power goes out things are shut down whatever we have a working pantry personally you might not we want to review the food and let you know all right so here we are we finally got a good boil going on both pots adventure girl is going to be making the my patriots supply ready our mac and cheese i'm doing the america's finest mac and cheese from four patriots so at the beginning of the video we picked which one we thought was going to win adventure girl went with the ready hour i went with the four patriots so far on the limited nutritional value and the serving sizes adventure girl is beating me here so hopefully taste test this america's finest lives up to its name when you open up your packs be sure you get your do not eats out of there i'm gonna go ahead and add mine adventure girl's getting hers open i might need some help you're gonna need some help getting to that where are you do not eat all the way in the bottom [Music] there it is all right it looks a little different it does say to stir these frequently we're whisking them together trying to get all the cheese broke apart we don't want to burn on the bottom that's what it looks like after a year that's what an empty pack looks like yes after you get all your mac and cheese and stuff out and we're gonna cook these for about 20 minutes here according to both packages so we'll set us a timer we'll say just from first appearance the four patriots does have a orange color to it looks more like a your typical craft mac and cheese or powdered mac and cheese mix and while we're whisking this mac and cheese here i will bring up you know just an honorable mention here to mountain house individual meals uh we took a poll on facebook to see which brand everybody recommended on freeze-dried food and by far mountain house took the lead and got the most votes we've tried mountain house we like mountain house but we want to try these 72-hour kits we see the advertisements for them all the time there's a lot of push out there on them we just want to try it out for ourselves and see what we thought about it so mountain house because it got such a high rate and didn't get compared to these others everybody seems to be at consensus that that is about the standard for what freeze-dried food should be like all right we're at the 10 minute mark so we're halfway through the 20-minute boil on the mac and cheeses you can see the four patriots is starting to reconstitute pretty good then noodles are boiling getting there in the ready hour we'll see how they come out here in the next 10 minutes starting to smell like macaroni in here all right we just passed the 15 minute mark most of the water has absorbed out of the four patriots then my patriot supply still has quite a bit in there it's still boiling on pretty good it's getting softer they definitely starting to cook through on these noodles we're gonna give it there's uh four and a half minutes left a little bit less we're gonna let them finish out we'll take them off the heat let them cool to thicken all right so we've had our 20 minute mark we've let them sit to thicken up here's the four patriots g over there's got the my patriot supply they both look like mac and cheese both came out pretty good so let's get these in some bowls taste test them we'll actually we're thinking on them all right my patriot supply for the ag it still looks pretty hot four patriots for adventure damn mine looks like a really good mac and cheese and that kind of looks all right adventure girl let's see what you think hot it's hot yes but well like hot like steam so the four patriots definitely tastes like macaroni and cheese tastes like you'd expect out of boxed mac and cheese a little bit blander i mean i'd say this doesn't even have the taste of like a craft it's not bad not great either me try a little bit of what you've got mine is very is a little cheesy it's cheesy um but i think it's pretty good i want to try this tell me which one you think has the better flavor i would think ready hour so you think that my patriot supply had the better flavor yeah i've got to agree with you and that surprised me because just from the color on it i figured you were going to get a lot more of the cheese flavor on the four patriots but you really get it more so in my patriot supply ready hour so that surprised me yeah i was actually expecting to have the better flavor on the choice i took with the four patriots but you get it on my patriot supply so that means i win adventure girl beat me on every category we tested more food for the money better tasting food higher nutritional values on everything so the winner is the ready hour 72 hour survival kit both of these so far have seemed good uh not great good we will try out some of the other menu options here the home style potato soup i'm kind of excited about trying and i'm curious about the creamy rice and vegetable dinner and there's black bean soup and creamy chicken and the creamy chicken flavor rice the grammy sweet oatmeal i'll probably let the bear and a.g here try that out i imagine it's just like any other oatmeal we'll try and find out there and we'll let you know we'll keep you updated price wise i don't remember what we ended up paying for these i know when we got to my patriot supply they were running a deal on facebook seems like it was shipping and i don't remember what we ended up with on the four patriots but check the description i'll link both of these i'll put pricing with it on what they're going for right now just a standard purchase price so me and adventure girl appreciate you watching hope you enjoyed it again if you took anything away from this give us the like hit that subscribe button to follow along with us on our adventures and other products we're trying out leave us a comment let us know what your experience with either these products was what we should try as i mentioned earlier we have tried the mountain house and it is the standard that we're competing against right now if you think you have something better than that let us know bulk supplies if you think you have something better on one of these let us know on that too as always we appreciate you watching we'll see you next time bye you
Channel: The Family Adventurer
Views: 8,021
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: My Patriot Supply, 4Patriots, Ready hour, 72 hour survival food, Prepping, Survival food, Freeze dried food, Survival, Shtf food, 72 hour emergency food kits, 72 hour emergency food, Emergency food, Emergency food kits, 72 hour food kits, My Patriot Supply review
Id: LBXIC3sC7go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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