The Best Stream Deck Tips And Tricks

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Hello and welcome back to the Meldj Gaming YouTube  channel! Today we're going to be taking a look at   the Elgato Stream Deck and I'm going to be trying  to give you a few ideas and ways that you can   utilize it that you might not have thought of yet.  Now the Elgato Stream Deck is a staple piece of   equipment that you will find on most streamers  desks. It's normally one of the first things   past a mic and a camera that a streamer will buy.  With the Stream Deck being so commonplace amongst   streamers, I figured it would be a good thing  to do a video on. What we're going to aim to do   is show you some of the more out of the box or  out there ways that you can utilize the stream   deck to your advantage. Hopefully you should know  by now I'm aiming to put out two videos a month   on YouTube aimed at giving growth and tech advice  to smaller and newer streamers, so if that sounds   like something that would be of interest to you  then please make sure that you subscribe and turn   on notifications to get notified when the new  videos go live but for now let's get into it.   Okay so let's start with the basics. You're  probably already using your stream deck to do this   but if you're not then you absolutely should  be and that is OBS control. So you can use your   stream deck to control different parts of OBS. One  of the main reasons that streamers tend to pick up   a stream deck is because it allows them to control  parts of OBS Studio without having to alt tab out   of their game, so they can change scenes at  the press of a button. They can go from their   gameplay scene to their just chatting scene and  all they have to do is just press one button on   the Stream Deck and you can use the Stream Deck  to do a lot inside of OBS. You're not limited to   just swapping scenes you can do things like mute  and unmute your mic at the press of a button,   or even make different sources visible so you  could have buttons programmed to play gifs or   play sound files as well. These commands are  included natively with the stream deck they will   work straight out of the box, all you need to do  is open up the stream deck application that is on   the desktop and go to the OBS Studio section  on the right and you'll see a drop down that   will give you lots of different options that you  can drag and assign to any button on the Stream   Deck. These commands are really really useful they  will save you loads of time and faffing around. If   you've not got them set up then definitely  get them set up ASAP! Now the second thing   that I want to talk to you about is using your  stream deck to send messages to your twitch chat   that will come directly from your twitch account,  not from a bot. So for example if you wanted to   make your viewers aware that you've got various  social medias out there you've got a couple of   options as to how you can approach this. You  can alt tab out of your game open your stream up   go to your stream chat and type in the links to  your social media ""   and do that for every social media. Obviously  really inefficient and just gonna break up the   flow of your stream, that's not gonna work very  well for you. The second option, which is a step   in the right direction, is to set up a bot command  so you go to a chat bot. I use MooBot but there's   NightBot and various other versions as well, it  really doesn't matter which one you're using.   But you go and you set up a command say "!socials"  so that all now you have to do is type "!socials"   into your chat and a bot will respond providing  links to all of your social media channels.   But we can do better than that. Using the Stream  Deck, you can craft a personalized message that   gets sent at the push of a button and when it gets  sent it's sent from your twitch account and not   from a bot. Obviously you're not limited to doing  this for just socials either you can do it for any   kind of message whether it's a welcome message  or a thank you message or a this is how you sub   this is how you follow message. They're all there  at the push of a button and they come from your   account and not from above and personally I think  that looks a bit better. Obviously you can still   have bots posting stuff into your chat on a timer  but when you need something dynamically ready at   your fingertips the Stream Deck will allow you  to send a message straight into the chat from   your twitch account. Again this is another one  that is natively included with the Stream Deck   it will work out the box you just need to open the  application on your desktop and go to the twitch   section and select twitch message. This next one  is a big one and it's a real massive time saver   for me if you're anything like me then you have a  ton of programs that you open before you stream.   To give you an example just some of  the ones that I use are RTX Voice,   OBS, Lumia Stream, Stream Labels, Snazz, Discord,  Chatty you get the idea the list goes on and on.   There's a lot of apps to open sometimes I  forget to open them and I like to have them   in the right place on the right monitor so I know  exactly where to look and I'm not wasting time   you know looking through my start bar while trying  to find the right program or app. Now this next   plugin really helps with that the plugin that I'm  talking about is called windows resizer and mover   and it does NOT come natively included with your  Stream Deck. You will need to download and install   it. To do that you need to open up the stream  deck application on your desktop. You'll need to   click more actions in the bottom right and search  for windows mover and resizer and then click to   install it. Once you've installed it you'll see a  new category on the right hand side called windows   mover. Now what we want to do is we want to  create a multi-action button and we're going to   drag multiple windows movers to that multi-action  button that's going to mean that we can press this   button just once and it will move all of our apps  to the right places on the right monitors for us.   So once you've dragged some windows movers over to  the multi-action button go ahead and click on one   of those windows movers. You will need to select  specific application and tell it which application   you want it to position. You'll need to then move  that app to where you want it to be on the screen   and you'll need to click the get current  coordinates button. That will then remember where   you've placed the app and then when you press this  multi action button it will move it back to that   exact same place. Now you repeat this for each  of the windows movers in your multi-action button   each one of those being a different application.  Now when you click your multi-action button   all of your apps will snap to their relevant  places even across multiple monitors.   It's a massive time saving tool you can just open  up all your apps hit the button and everything   goes where it should be whether it's maximized  half a screen whatever it will snap it to the   right place for you. Great tool, would highly  recommend. Now of course this next one was   always going to make an appearance in my list and  it is of course Lumia Stream. Lumia Stream is the   program that I use to let my viewers control  my room lights and my keyboard and mouse lights   through chat commands it's a great application  and it allows you to hook up things like   Philips hue lights like I've got in my room here  as well as things like Nanoleaf's, Li-FX lights,   Razer peripherals and more. It works with Twitch,  YouTube, Facebook Gaming and Glimesh as well   and there is a stream deck plug-in for it too. Now  with this plug-in I can trigger things like alerts   or reactions that are built within Lumia but are  triggered directly from my Stream Deck. I can turn   my lights on or off or start or stop Lumia just at  the press of a button so that's a a big time saver   for me. You can install the Lumia plug-in for the  stream deck in the same way that you did with the   windows mover and resizer so open up the stream  deck app go to the bottom right go to more actions   and look for the Lumia stream app and install it.  This last tool is extremely powerful and it's an   absolute must for streamers with a Stream  Deck. It's a suite of tools known as Twitch   Tools. This also does not come as standard with  your stream deck so you will need to install it,   so again open up your stream deck app go to the  bottom right hand corner click more actions and   search for Twitch Tools. Go ahead download and  install it. Twitch Tools comes with some really   really cool features one of the main ones that  I like is that it allows you to shout people   out from your Stream Deck. So you can set  up a shout out button and when you press it   your Stream Deck will change to show you the  profile pictures of all of your viewers at   the moment. You then select the profile picture  that you want to shout out and your stream deck   will send a shout out into your Twitch chat for  you, which I thought was amazing, really cool!   Twitch tools has a button called live streamers.  If you drag this across and assign it to a button   when you push it it will show you a list of all  the streamers that you follow that are currently   live, and to go one further if you then select a  channel by pushing the button with the relevant   profile picture on it it will initiate a raid  to that channel which I thought again was really   cool and a great time saver. Twitch Tools will  also let you host giveaways directly from your   stream deck which I think is great it means you  don't have to go to your chat bot to be setting   up giveaways and you can do it all at the push  of a few buttons. The giveaway function allows   you to set an entry command that your viewers need  to type into chat in order to enter the giveaway,   it will automatically send reminders to your chat,  it will post a message when it's selected a winner   and of course it will keep track of who has  entered and it will pick a winner for you as well.   Really handy to not have to go off to a chat  bot to be able to do a giveaway on the fly.   If I'm being honest with you Twitch Tools is so  powerful that I could probably do a whole video on   just Twitch Tools alone. Again I'd really really  recommend that you get this one installed on your   Stream Deck and start having a play around with it  and see what kind of features will work for you.   And that sums up my favourite Stream Deck plugins!  These ones are really useful I use all of them,   all of them are on my Stream Deck and they  all get used every stream and I would highly   recommend that you check all of these out. No  doubt there are some great plugins out there   that I haven't mentioned so please share with  us let us know in the comments what do you use   in your stream deck that works really well for  you. As always remember to like subscribe comment   and turn on notifications get notified when  future videos go live and thanks for watching!
Channel: Meldj Gaming
Views: 4,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream deck tips and tricks, stream deck mobile review, elgato stream deck setup obs, stream deck mobile, elgato stream deck setup, elgato stream deck review, elgato stream deck setup twitch, stream deck alternatives, stream deck mini, stream deck setup, stream deck review, stream deck xl, stream deck app, stream deck obs, stream deck ideas, stream deck, switch scenes, elgato, gaming, gamer, OBS, SLOBS, Streamlabs, Live Stream, stream, streaming, twitch, setup, set up, streamer tips
Id: VqBZ8NxYxss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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