The BEST START for NEW PLAYERS in LOST ARK. 2023 Beginner's Guide

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hey what's up welcome back to my channel in light of recent events and by that I mean all of the boosts and incentives for new players in Lost Ark I thought to myself hey I'm gonna create an entire series of videos for the two new players that are joining our game now if you're a new player to Lost Ark on a serious note nice to meet you in today's video we're gonna begin the series by talking about your very first steps in Lost Ark boost events and what is the best way for a new and returning player to start off in archesia the first time you launch the game you're gonna be asked to choose your region region choice is obviously based on where you live however you're not locked into one choice if you're a Brazilian living in Europe you can definitely choose South America assuming you want to play with like-minded people or people that speak your language and vice versa a quick note on the two European regions West and Central do not choose Europe West because that's quite dead and many of the players who started out on Europe West have slowly migrated over to Europe Central server choice is not as important simply because the economy the market the auction house is shared across all servers in a specific region but also the lfg the party matching the party finder system are all shared again across all of the servers in a region the only couple of things that are mildly important in Lost Ark and are server specific are the guild you join but every server will have a guilt to accommodate you and fighting World bosses however even the lowest populated server will still be able to kill a world boss is not the biggest of deals next is choosing your class and I really want to give you the no BS reality of what's happening in the western version in terms of classes so we're going to talk about that in just a couple of days from now but until then don't worry about it choosing your first character is not necessarily your only and last character that you're gonna have so if you make a mistake with your first class Choice it's okay you're gonna fix it down the road loading into the game is the first time when you can actually take part in one of the events designed for new players and that one is the story Express this one requires a character that has not yet finished the story in the first ever Zone called retramus if you're a brand new player you can just select the character that you have if you're a returning player chances are that on your main character you've already finished the very first Zone in terms of story so creating a new character if you want to take part in this is the way to go now this one offers you rewards as you finish the story in various maps all the way up until South Vern which marks the end of this event the end of the story The End Of The Zone rewards and also gives you the big batch of rewards for completing the whole event the next event and that I want to talk about is called The mokoko Challenge this one is available to any brand new player to the game but also returning players who have been offline for longer than 30 days it rewards you with a variety of interesting things helpful things so it's actually worth paying attention to you have this icon next to your name and also on top of your HP bar this is actually a buff that allows you to do 20 more damage to monsters and take 40 percent less damage as long as the buff is active if you're a new player the buff will stay active until one of your characters on that server reaches a gear score or an item level as we call it of 1370. the next event that I want to talk about is something that goes pretty good with the story Express this hyper Express holds your hand and gives you gear honing materials and all sorts of other goodies as you progress through item levels all the way up to 14 for 45 to be noted that the character you sign up with to the hyper Express event also receives four free Engravings you still need accessories with the correct combat stats that you want to use for your class this is cool for many reasons quite frankly I wish I would have had a system like this when I started Lost Ark but it's here for you now and not only it helps you test various builds both of the class builds but also relieves some of the gearing up pressure while the event is ongoing worth mentioning no matter when you watch this video that there's almost always some sort of extra event besides the ones that I've just talked about right now spring 2023 we have the naruni race event which is something that anyone can participate in earn tokens and you also earn tokens by just doing regular content in the game and eventually exchange them for a variety of goodies which further helps you to progress with your gear also worth mentioning are the login rewards which are almost always here at least one track of them the basic ones and then on top of that if you're a new player you also have a new player login reward track which adds even more sort of nice rewards and super helpful when you're at the beginning of your journey lastly in terms of events I would like to mention the new season of The Ark pass which is a battle pass system for low Stark comes around maybe three times every year and you get again a lot of really nice rewards that are very helpful for not only for progression but also for horizontal content which are all of the other things beside your gear in Lost Arc The Arc pass has three separate tracks the left hand side is for free and available to everyone the middle track costs 15 dollars to unlock and then the right hand side track costs 30 to unlock but it also includes the middle track so you get both of them basically each of them fifteen dollars right if I would be a brand new player but with my knowledge right now I would absolutely unlock the middle track if I would have fifteen dollars to just throw at low star because the items that you get from this middle track only are worth much more if you would just translate your real money this fifteen dollars into in-game gold and just buy these materials or these items separately from the auction house if you're a brand new player you might already be confused hearing about item level and so many different numbers in Lost Ark after reaching level 50 like in other MMORPGs further zones and progress is unlocked by enhancing or honing your gear as opposed to leveling up more right that's why we keep talking about it the the end game starts when you reach a gear score of 1302 and with that you're in punica to begin your South Van Story for example and with that get the last rewards from the story Express you need to end enhance or hone your gear to item level 1340 just for perspective item level 1445 which is where the hyper Express leaves you for example and you get the final reward for it means you're about 20 done with current Max content requirement and can take as few as two days to reach not only because of these boosts but also all of the changes that have been made to the success rate and material costs starting as early as level 50 and all the way to this week's changes up until item level 1445 everything has been made a lot more accessible now let's finish up with the power passes a power pass the equivalent of a level boost as I said and there are various for sale but there is also some for free the ones that are for sale at the character selection screen you click the power pass button and you see a list of available options depending on how much story you have already finished with specific character that is selected these are the power passes that are available to that character the first and the cheapest power pass the north van one takes a character and finishes all of the story for you up until include and including North Vern the second one takes you one zone further third one another Zone further Etc the last one is a South Van power pass which takes your character and finishes all of the story uh in the game for you and puts you at item level 1370. please remember what I said during the mokoko challenge segment if you are a brand new player then once a character on your server reaches item level 1370 you will lose access to the missions in the mokoko challenge and the whole system overall so this is not the best choice for a brand new player however the punika power pass is a fantastic choice because it takes you to punika gives you item level 1302 which as we discussed is at the very very beginning of the end game tier but at least your Indian game tier and farming those materials as opposed to something else which is previous year in terms of free Power passes the moment one of your characters gets to North Van and finishes the story there it receives a mail with a free North Vern power pass you take it from your mailbox right click it from your bag and it disappears it becomes bound to your account then back to character selection create a character select power pass right hand side menu this is the one that hosts the free Power passes and then when you go to South Van you're gonna have it available this one boosts your second character basically to the same level as your original one is because when you get the power pass you've just finished the villain Story the power pass does exactly that finishes the North Van Story and gives you an item level of 302. once a second character finishes the north van story that one receives a second free event power pass as well so basically if you've used your first free van power pass you're just gonna get another so that you can have a third character at the same spot as your previous two another free Power pass is right now an event and you get a punika power pass once one character on your server finishes the punika story and that is including a quest called bearver's friend which is a purple Quest that marks the completion of punika as a Zone the punika power pass that you get for free works exactly the same as the north vein power pass and it brings another character to item level 1340 in punika in case you for example wanna buy a paid punika power pass that One automatically marks all the story as complete so you're gonna have a punika power pass for free right away to use on a second class that you want to bring up to the beginning of tier 3 content now before we go I just wanna I just wanna put myself in your shoes pretend I'm a new player let's say something happens to my account but I still have my knowledge right but I start I start all over what I would do with all of these events and boost that we talked about create my favorite class apply to story Express get myself naturally to level 50. enjoy right the scenery and look at my skills and read and stuff like that I would play all of this myself because there is no one that actually spends time or stays there for so long that you would maybe get to meet them in a matchmaking it's a solo game all the way up until punika simply because there are so many incentives and changes to the way you enhance your gear that it's a hundred percent success rate basically and the materials that it costs are very few I would do that get to 50 I get a free Varan power pass I wouldn't even use it because maybe I don't know what class I want next so I'm just gonna keep it until I learn more about the game continuing on my main class I would uh start honing my gear getting better item level unlocking new zones to finish my story and in just a couple of days I would already be ready for punica in punika I would use my punica power pass after completing the story because that's one that sounds really exciting right I get another character to the same spot as my tier 3 early character is at here at the beginning of my journey in tier 3 I would start discovering the game and taking on purpose maybe two to three weeks during these two to three weeks I would absolutely join a guild and make some friends because the best way for a new player to get started with content in Lost Ark until you get to build a unacceptable looking character profile is by just playing with your friends with your guild is I would take my time to learn I would take my time to build my roster level I know that it matters later on for very many people so all of the rewards that I get from the daily login rewards the story Express The Arc pass if I have it Etc the not only event I would use those Rapport gifts that I get and go all the way back to the tramis start building rapport with NPCs as you go through stages and build up friendships you get a lot of roster XP which increases your roster level by a lot also those NPCs that are in those zones are part of the adventure Tome collection the map completion so nap completion plus the actual Rapport system will just give me a lot of roster level to begin with by simply delivering gifts that I get for free anyway that's what I would do obviously I would play the game both of my characters do the content I would try to look into playing the tower the tower also gives you both of the towers tier one and tier two gives you a lot of roster XP so I would do that on both of my characters to get even more a couple of weeks later when I'm a little bit more established I would just uh you know like to get into the game use the hyper Express end of mokoko Challenge and just become a normal player in Lost Ark my dad killed me I'll be fine doing the right man Dodge is there what the who actually thought is there what the it's like in tight huh what the oh and uh yeah I I wish you lots of fun in game try out these events if you're interested in next video in just a couple of days from now the reality on choosing your class as a new player in 2023 in the western low Stark until then stay safe and take it easy
Channel: Sywo
Views: 110,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark beginner guide, lost ark beginner guide 2023, lost ark is it worth playing 2023, lost ark new player guide 2023, lost ark how to get to endgame fast, lost ark new class, lost ark new events, lost ark endgame gameplay, lost ark powerpass, lost ark season pass, lost ark leveling guide, lost ark how to level up fast, lost ark news 2023
Id: Sf7hKEdwGUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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