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hey who's excited for Lost Ark fresh start tomorrow oh come on come on let's see who's excited who's excited okay I know at least three of you are excited and are going to join me tomorrow on the servers we need to find four more people for our static pre-made for Legion rates on the Fresh Start servers in today's video I'm gonna give you some down to earth advice on how to avoid making mistakes and or potentially ruin the fresh start for yourself and I would like to encourage those of you who are veteran players who have played Lost Ark before if you have any advice comment down below advice for new players players that are maybe returning after a very long time and I know I know I know stay away okay this is something that many of you are gonna say I've already said it for you so you don't have to repeat my repeat yourself you can give them actual proper advice if you have any on a serious note the first thing that comes to mind and can potentially ruin your Fresh Start experience is not being able to partake in content for whatever reason season and there are two main concerns that people have expressed in the past why people have quit or left the game Etc one of them being the harsh vertical progression right which feels unrewarding and bad and the gatekeeping AKA people don't want you in their groups okay so you cannot really play what everyone tells you to play so I want to speak from personal experience here and tell you that I too have suffered from both of these plenty of times the way I fixed my gatekeeping problem and something that I advise you also keep in mind for the Fresh Start servers was by making friends and this is especially important if you're not wailing or playing 17 hours a day so advice number one don't ruin your Fresh Start by always playing alone I know it sounds cliche you've heard it before I just make friends you know that's not a big deal no it is a big deal I'm serious friends in Lost Ark are the one single most important asset that you can have in game joining a guild is Mega important not just for friends for other things as well but it can potentially give you that batch of people who are there and they look at what you're typing because low Stark does a pissport job in general of promoting friendship amongst players it does the you know you have to try really hard otherwise but inside the guild it's much much easier or just simply being social right after you play with someone a guardian raid you like how they played or you like their attitude you know maybe you failed and they said let's start again take that guy hey buddy can add you to friends list maybe we can play again in the future right another thing that I wanted to mention is that there is a Discord there is a Discord that I remember someone told me about a Discord that another content creator has made his name is Stoops and it's called lfg it's called lfg I think and I'm gonna I'm gonna find it for you and Link It Down Below on this Discord apparently you can search for groups for a variety of content and people there are much nicer than your Bugatti Ferrari titled runs in in the lfg matchmaking naturally I apologize for spending three minutes on the friends topic I Know It comes naturally and it's obvious but I really wanted to highlight it I cannot stress enough how important this is but let's move on the other thing that you that can bite you in the ass is the vertical slope as we discussed right or basically falling behind not fun at all how I fix this is well I didn't fix it I patched it up but I was trying my best to be diligent with what's important um don't do map completion when everyone's going for the gold Island event don't take selfies in punika where every when when everyone's doing the chaos gate you know what I'm saying so diligence focusing on what's more important your daily activities for example three daily quests two chaos Dungeons and one Guardian raid are basically 20 minutes worth of content and the earlier you start the better off you're gonna be long term and grinding these out means very little short-term speaking but quite a lot in the long term another thing is not overdoing it with olds of course you should and will have some it's super fun but just remember that the best way to play alt is when they come for free or very cheap like through a power pass or a super Express or simply or simply playing them and going up with bound or leftover materials right minimal investment into alts is okay having them look clean and more fun to play with that is very okay but too many geared alts will make your main suffer and as a free-to-play player or a casual player you won't be able to afford them and it will probably in your fresh start again with more chores then you can manage fomo and eventually obviously stress right gear dolls AKA 236 Mains are a luxury one that you can get to it just takes quite some time to achieve it right start with one character that's my advice via the free southburn Power pass yes you can be a one character player in Lost Ark by the way assist for a week how it feels on one then boost two more right with the free northward Power passes do your dailies on all three get into the grind regardless of the tier you're in and assess again for a week or two now I would be an idiot to tell you hey take it as slow as you wish no rush at all so don't get that idea um because it's still low start we're talking about Fresh Start servers or not there's always some sort of a rush to keep up with your peers however small but consistent and smart and diligent steps will make you achieve that also instead of lazy now and pay 300 bucks later right or feel like you have to which brings me to another piece of advice don't slack on some of the side things because it will be easy to get carried away by all of the free goodies and forget you actually need to play the game right for example your stronghold there is some research you can do here that will help with honing and gaining experience past level 50. this works for your Olds right not your not the first character that goes through this ideally you would boost one character do stronghold research hone a couple of volts more research further Etc just just to get the better rate as you progress right to be more efficient there's also a farm feature in the stronghold that literally takes three clicks once every two days and you get bound gatherables that will help you craft your own consumables and honing materials and speaking of drafting a better way to spend this life energy than the stronghold Farm is gathering yourself out in the open world you can sell these gatherables for gold or just keep them for after the merge in case the price is too low on the Fresh Start servers having I'm just thinking that having four to five months of gatherables in your bag and after that getting merged will bring you a quite a large amount of gold at the end of the video a few mistakes that you can avoid the story Express character cannot be using the knowledge transfer system while being enrolled in that doing it will result in that zone and not counting towards your progress and the story Express being basically incomplete another thing is not watching several class videos before using the southburn pass or enrolling a character into the mokoko express notice the word several remember you only have one southburn pass to item level 1415 and it's very valuable because it's your two minute trip to end game luckily the super Express the super Moco Express has the option to change the character Midway if you change your mind however that's going to set you back anywhere from a few days to weeks depending on your current progress another mistake you can make is wasting resources on luxuries such as honing your weapon to Max for the white glow or gambling endless feelings gold and silver on bracelets I know it's cool I get that I'm also addicted to these things but again the focus should be on having more fun and more fun comes from doing more or different or better content and it and that implies you look clean and on par with the rest a white glow a four four or five five bracelet is never a requirement for any content but instead a bottomless pit of pain in general though wasting your gold on expensive is a bad idea investing your gold into cheap stuff is a great idea you cannot pretend that the merge isn't going to happen because it is right so you're basically playing in a on a temporary incubator so to say so paying attention to the prices on Legacy servers which you can do by using the website called lowstar Market Dot online will come in handy when deciding if something is overpriced or not and listen my intention with this advice is not to try and squeeze every bit of fun and joy out of your Lost Ark Fresh Start experience right indulging yourself and making some little mistakes is fine I completely get behind that playing it as if you would be playing it actively there taking it seriously it's also fine you're not there for the merge or because of the merge or expecting the merge any day just don't fomo over them that's my advice and since we just talked about fomo then fomo farming roster level or excessive nap completion and collectibles you're on a server where no one has that and it's probably not going to be anyone's direct Focus anyway plus the horizontal stuff is about to have a big change to how fast you get it maybe even before the merge we don't know yet yes you should get your 20 Island Souls yes you should get your 12 giant hearts and your six omium stars but further than that only do it if you have some down time not instead of things that matter more long term lastly some cash shop advice wasting money in Lost Ark is a bad idea generally speaking but hey if you're gonna hurt yourself anyway I might as well just tell you how not to make a bloody mess out of it don't waste your real money on buying gold from the currency exchange at horrible rates this is very important again take a look at your at your future on the Legacy servers and think about what you're spending on do you really need it now now or can it wait most thing things you wail for in Lost Ark are just not worth it spending money on mounts RNG card packs instant daily or extra daily tickets and pets is a waste of money spending money on a bikini skin is an absolutely fantastic idea though this pack of blue crystal is a great idea too you can buy it only once and it gives you enough blue crystals to buy six months worth of Premium membership for the price of one month unfortunately you will have to deposit 20 bucks to get it I know right it's a borderline predatory pricing method but hey you're going to be left with 11 000 Royal crystals that you can then spend on a pair of bikinis buying fiance is a bad idea and it means you're over extending if you need to purchase extra fuels on top of all of the fiance that the game gives you for free it's either you're changing your bill too often or your Mains your Olds your old builds or just gambling on stupid like bracelets or the perfect Soul Stone Etc so do try to keep an eye on that but listen at the end of the day and also at the end of the video if you've done all of this you've been patient you've made very few mistakes you try to be informed you took small steps you were diligent with your dailies weeklies important things and you know played it right and smart and the game is still not good enough for you the game is still not rewarding for you not fun enough at least you can leave with your head above your shoulders and without having thrown real money at the game for absolutely no reason and in case you will enjoy the game long term then you have a fantastic Head Start by having not made all of the mistakes that you could have having that said thank you so much for watching I will see you very soon tomorrow with another video and until then stay safe and take it easy
Channel: Sywo
Views: 28,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark 2023 gameplay, lost ark fresh start, lost ark guide 2023, lost ark jump start server, lost ark jump start, lost ark beginner guide, lost ark news, lost ark news 2023, lost ark new patch, lost ark new class 2023, lost ark sywo, lost ark jump start mistakes
Id: DFM22mQelGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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