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hey what's up everyone welcome back to my channel recently on my live streams we've been talking a lot about new players and they are dramatic and sad experiences starting out in Lost Ark we've also had a lot of questions from new players so in today's video I thought I would help those of you who are new or returning to get you set up the right way in our version of the game and we're gonna talk about a lot of cool things such as the best classes for new players how to catch up to the current end game which content is actually important and which isn't and how to make gold also very important how to get your first free almost 100 000 gold and how to get to that point where you where you can achieve it right so to start off with the first advice um going all the way back to the beginning if you're playing on the European region I highly recommend you choose Europe Central simply because it's much more populated and that's a very good and important thing in Lost Ark as opposed to other games where you want to choose the less populated region for whatever in game reasons that's not the case in low Stark is actually the opposite next choosing your class I would like to talk a little bit about classes for new players and how the community sees classes in Lost Ark I'm gonna start off by saying that obviously the class Choice should be done with your heart having that said if I would go back to the beginning of Lost Ark I might be making a little bit different choices in terms of my classes than I did um as it stands right now Support classes such as The Bard or the Paladin are in very high demand in low Stark and if you play One You're Gonna most likely get invited instantly to any group that you that you apply to because of that it's one of my recommendations to you as a new player you can play a build that's based off swiftness which gives you extra movement speed or not to mention the fact that in terms of getting your accessories and having a proper acceptable setup of Engravings for your character Engravings which come from from your accessories is much easier as a support since you will get invited for every any content that's currently at the moment of this video in game with just a four engraving setup which means it's going to take very few gold to achieve to purchase these accessories for just four Engravings right so these are a couple of perks in terms of gems the situation is sort of the same when when a support applies to a group for endgame content in low Stark me personally and very many other people we don't even get to to look at the gym section we look here in the combat stats if these look clean enough maybe we can look at the Engravings but here nobody really reaches as for playing a DPS class there's a lot of criterias to keep in mind the most important as I've already mentioned is how you feel on that particular class however if you care there's classes that are maybe cheaper to build to a four or maybe four and a half engraving setup which is something that people look for there's classes that are just simply very survivable and easy to play in the hands of a new player so it depends if I would have to recommend you a couple of classes in terms of DPS I would definitely recommend you a destroyer I would recommend you a machinist in terms of being survivable and also cheap to build so that you would look decent when you apply to groups I keep talking about applying to groups looking decent the community but it's the most important thing when you wanna Play Lost Ark with other people it's what other people think about you it is how it is we cannot change that so we might as well just accept it and try to work around it towards being accepted other classes that I would like to recommend in terms of being sort of cheaper than the most expensive to build with your accessories are maybe a sharpshooter a dead eye um there are obviously squishier than the first two I mentioned Destroyer machinist but they work very well cool classes in the hands of a new player might be a Shadowhunter for example a really good feeling very easy to play but not that cheap in terms of building it up right people like to say that every class can finish any content in Lost Arc and that's absolutely true however there's so many nuances of gray to that statement so many things can go right or wrong depending on what class you play in terms of cost in terms of practice skill being accepted to the group what community thinks about your class or your build next is catching up to in-game this is a big topic of discussion amongst new players and I always get to ask this question like how am I supposed to catch up to you in game is it too late am I doomed is it over for me as a new player absolutely not catching up to end game in our version of Lost Ark and in general in an MMORPG such as lost Arc requires one simple thing a little bit of patience being invested in Lost Ark on a daily basis is the most important thing you can do to catch up as quickly as possible will you catch up to where I personally am right now after three thousand hours in the game in a couple of weeks absolutely not however in six weeks from now you could be with one character at the same spot as I am and we can play together first of all let's talk about boosting up a character and how you can get there fast at the beginning of the end game let's say that is by using a power pass a power passes are paid services like level up boosts from other MMOs you can find them at the character selection screen they cost them these Royal crystals that you get in exchange of real money 45 dollars or 45 Euros based on where you play from for a punika power pass which is the one that is the highest available at the moment takes you here in punika and also gives you a gear score of 1 3 e02 the End Game Gear score that you need to reach to play all of the content currently in game is 14.75 yeah having that said there is all sorts of other power passes lower tier one of them that takes you to fatal and one of them that takes you to North Van Etc so if you want to buy one that's a great investment otherwise you can just go naturally through the leveling up process and finish yourself all of this store requests all up until Pune can go through the honing process in tier one tier two all the way to tier three which starts at 1302 the place that the power pass leaves you at very important to note is that once you hit punika and finish all the purple quests there or once you purchase a power pass which automatically finishes you all the quests you get a second punika power pass for free so a second character can be boosted again to 1302 right away if you have created it you can take part in this particular event event that lasts until the 16th of November so you still have almost two weeks from the moment of this video to actually take part in this this is fantastic and this comes on a regular basis in Lost Ark to help people catch up at least on one character to a certain point this one right here takes you to 14 15 item level so one four one five yeah from 1302 very important to take part in this event it's a series of very simple tasks that you need to do and you do anyway like finish a dungeon finish a couple of weekly quests finish a few dailies Etc and as you progress through the tiers of this event it rewards you with a lot of honing materials which is super nice because on top of what you can Farm on a daily basis on that character this one gives you extras and at certain Milestones it gives you some other extras as well all the way to 1415 holding your hand so that you can get there faster now on top of this event we also have um The Arc pass Arc pass is another seasonal thing this one lasts until the 18th of January next year and there is a free track right here available to anyone and by just completing simple missions the same as with the event a couple of dailies a couple of dungeons finished three weeklies Etc you get experience for this particular Arc pass and as you get XP variants you're gonna go through all of these levels and select your reward I have a video Linked In the description below on the arc pass in which the words are important which aren't for you to take a look but obviously you as a new player you're gonna be choosing the honing materials whenever you're gonna see them you're gonna be choosing them so you can have more of them if you want to invest 15 dollars in low stock then a fantastic idea would be to invest them into unlocking the premium track of the arc pass because you get so much more value from your 15 dollars by receiving these rewards at the same time as you receive these so you finish the missions anyway then you can do with anything else with your 15 dollars this is the place where if you want to invest fifteen dollars this is the place where you want to do it another thing that I wanted to talk about is the current Halloween event it doesn't matter if you're watching this video now in November or in December or next year in January there's always going to be some sort of an event right now it's the Halloween before this it was something else after this it's going to be probably a Christmas event so there's always a place where you can get extra materials from extra books to increase your honing success chances extra honing materials it's super important as a new player to take advantage of everything that's being offered in Lost Ark and this should be emptied on a weekly basis most of these events give you materials for your roster for your account right so you cannot take them on multiple characters but you select your main character you take them and that's it used another sort of be here daily in Lost Ark kinda incentive is the login rewards these are actually super helpful in terms of honing materials yeah but also in terms of other things like for example silver or some card packs or some C tokens all of which help your character develop but in this video we're just interested in the holding materials which are really nice right definitely take advantage of the daily login rewards come here daily as I've mentioned that's the most important thing to just be here and play the game on a daily basis that's how you catch up the fastest now let's move on to content and which one is important which one isn't really that important from the perspective of a new player I want you to understand content and how it works so then you can combine it with the events because we're going to be talking about some numbers in terms of your gear score and how you reach their materials Etc so knowing content and events will help you understand the third part of this video which is going to be about the numbers so content that's super important is as I've mentioned being here on a daily basis being here on a daily basis means you're doing your daily content daily quests chaos dungeons Guardian raids very important because eventually in three weeks from now by the 1st of December you will be able to get from 1415 where this event leaves you at all the way to 1445 by just doing this very simple daily tasks chaos dungeons are super important content in my opinion the most important content in the game simply because not only they have good drops for you to hone your gear with but also chancy drops a wide palette of interesting things based on where you're at with your item level you can get engraving books if you're lucky these if you get a good one sells for a lot of gold you can get tickets to enter other types of content like the cube or the Boss Rush The Boss Rush being a super cool and important content that gives you gems gems are tradable and they are one of the biggest businesses in Lost Ark not only now but also in the near and distant future so it's super important to have a lot of these tickets and to be lucky and the more characters you have doing the daily content like chaos dungeons the more chances you have in the lottery of getting one of these right so it's super important this content you can do two of chaos dungeons per day and you can do them and you should do them solo not bother with queuing up with other people simply because they're a form of mobbing content that's very easy another piece of daily content are your guardian raids this is your one biggest source of tradable leapstones these ones right here not only you can use them yourself but you can also sell them later on for gold Guardian raids if you start at 1302 it's this one that you can do don't be discouraged if you're not gonna find any groups for this or if it's gonna take a long time before you can find your daily groups for this because not many people are at this item level and most likely neither will you be here for more than a day simply because you're gonna get past this to this quite soon after you've reached 1302 if you do the things we talk about in this video yeah if you take part in these events if you go to your pumpkin event Etc here is the place where it finally starts picking up in terms of people Guardian raids are a matchmaking content at best they find party content but you as a new player with your sort of badly set up character or mediocre setup character you're gonna be matchmaking and hoping that someone else that has a lot of knowledge in the game is going to match make at the same time like me on my old and sort of play together this particular content definitely doable with a bunch of new players but at the same time watching a video watching a guide on these Guardian raids goes a very very long way in terms of you knowing which consumables should you bring for a night foxyoho what are the patterns of the boss things that you need to look out for and avoid so that you wouldn't enter here blindly fail and leave the run and think that lost ark is dead or Lost Ark is just a bad game because I've died four times and consumed all the deaths later on you're gonna be doing this and once you hit 14 15 which is where this event takes you you're gonna start doing this kaluda and here things finally start picking up to you having easy runs fast runs because most people in game right now are either doing this kaluda or kundalanu before this it's all old it's worse builds worst characters new more people on those characters Etc so it gets better as you progress further as you are progressing through your gear you also have access to Abyssal dungeons Abyssal dungeons are another form of important group content which is a matchmaking content as well as in I'm recommending you to use the matchmaking feature for it simply because you as a new player same as with the guardian raids it's nice that you get me in your groups because I'm also here helping a friend or a guildy do this content these start at 1340 and the previous one 1325 so quite soon after you reach to 1302 and they're important for you to do even the normal modes uh for the gold that they give you these just give you gold in your pocket earning gold in Lost Ark is the most important thing we're gonna get to that in a second right um The Hard Mode versions of them is where things finally start picking up a little bit because everyone does them for these These are materials that you can use to request um some NPC to craft you your first set of legendary armor and weapon the same goes for oreja brevisa Hard Mode is 1370 you obviously get gold but you also get these that work in the same way very important to do this content as long as you are at an item level to do it when you hit 14 15 you cannot get the gold from here and there's no point of you coming back unless you want to help a friend right so Abyssal dungeons very important content in general this is a matchmaking or you can also just select to find the party it's really early in the morning right now on a Friday so nobody's here but yeah next piece of content that I want to talk about is the Abyssal rate same as we had the Abyssal dungeons we also have the Abyssal raid called Argos this is just an event so we're going to ignore it Argos is a Content that starts at 1370 and it has three gates 1370 is for Gate 1 to finish the first encounter with Argos 1385 for gate 2 and 1400 item level for gate number three this is not a matchmaking content this is a find party content or you can just create your own party as opposed to applying to join one it's very common that people are selling runs of Argos passing is a process when this guy and his friend are finishing the raid for you while you can just be dead this is very effective simply because you pay them a little bit of gold but you get much more in return even if you are item level 1370 they together will finish all three three gates which remember require 1385 and 1400 and you will get the rewards at the end for all three gates you get more gold than you pay them they're happy and you're really happy because by the time because in before you reach item level 1400 you can still do at least one run of being carried in Argos content if you don't want to take a bus that's perfectly fine you can just you know join um a group of people that are doing this on their alts for whatever gate you are item level ready for I highly recommend taking a bus you get all of the materials at the end of the Argos run you also get these which are same as with the Abyssal dungeons materials to craft your first set of legendary gear these eventually after you have finished your set these you can dismantle from your inventory in exchange of Greater honor deep Stones so doing Argos is by far the most important weekly content that you have to always do up until 1475 when you cannot get the gold from it and thus you're not really going to be joining Argos for no reason the way you pay these people is by purchasing a gem that they're gonna sell on the auction house at least that's how you do we do it on the European servers they're gonna tell you in chat after they finish the first two gates you buy this particular Gem and you're gonna go to the auction house and you're gonna go search for uh level one Whatever gem they told you in chat you're gonna see which class it's for because maybe it's not for The Bard it's for a gun Lancer because that's the gym they were selling and you're gonna purchase this particular Gem and this is how you pay them now that I've taught you what the bus is as well let's talk a little bit about more content daily content just to finish that up daily quests super important because the three daily quests that you should be doing are the ones for greater honor Leaf Stones you receive 12 greater honor leapstones per day and if we think about a road map for ourselves from now until the 1st of December that's a lot of leapstones that's 24 days of multiplied by 12. so it's super important and they're super easy the way you do daily quests as a new player is you if you have a premium membership for Lost Ark you get a lot of these bifrost slots these are instant teleports to a specific location that you you have set up and how I do mine is I've added these three dailies to favorites and I also have three bifrost slots right next to where I need to finish them it takes me about three minutes in total per day to finish my dailies weekly quests are also very important for you as a new player because just finishing two weekly quests gives you 20 greater honor deep stones untradable at that but it's important for our plan in the future only three pieces of content are left to talk about in terms of group content one of them are the legion rates the midnight circus rehearsal and the challenge content on a weekly basis let's start with the midnight circus rehearsal this is a practice mode of the actual will say Don Legion raid which comes available at item level 1475. it is super cool for you to get yourself into these raids when you are item level 1385 or above simply because it's a really easy form of content and not only that it rewards you with this Mayhem marks which we're going to talk about in a moment but also it teaches you the actual kakoseidon rate for when you're gonna get to 1475 so you wouldn't really struggle there and have a constant struggle as a character in low Stark those Mayhem marks can be exchanged with something super cool which are more honing materials and even a lot of gold I'm going to show you in a moment Legion raid exchange this is the merchant in Kalaya you go here to Mayhem Mark and there's a lot of things that you can exchange Mayhem marks for in my opinion the things that you should start off with are one of the two either you should save enough for you to purchase this you need item level 14 15 to buy it this is a satchel that gives you one legendary combat engraving book from it you will take this you will select the most expensive on your server by searching the marketplace for them most likely garage engraving and you will sell it a grudge engraving currently on Europe Central costs 20 000 gold that is a lot of gold for you to get at item level 14 15 after what two or three weeks of doing the rehearsal mode of the clown that is two or three runs of that because it's once per week and per character right um other important rewards are these this is a gigantic amount of ownership that you can definitely purchase Legion rates are something that um obviously are also important they are the bread and butter of end game content in Lost Ark you're gonna start them at item level 14 15 with um commander valtan in the normal mode and then you're gonna go from there this the legion raids is why you play Lost Ark this is why everyone plays Lost Ark to get to this point to to do the legion raids there's valtan there's vikas and there's kakoseidon based on different item levels that you need to reach we're gonna talk about them in a second they give you obviously gold very important reward a chance of legendary card packs a chance of class Engravings Etc and also accessories that can be either used or sold if you get something really really good they give you these tokens as well the the bones and then from bike as you get the wings which help you at item level 1445 craft your first set of Relic gear which is the set of gear that you're going to be using for a very long time legion raids are the place where you might start feeling gate kept depending on what class you play and what your current build in terms of Engravings and gems Etc you shouldn't really be matchmaking Legion raids you should just try to find a party if nobody wants you create your own if you're ready for a specific content then try it out like this they are not the easiest thing in Lost Ark they are quite difficult for new players because they have a lot of mechanics several One-Shot mechanics that require everyone in the group to know what they're doing so I highly recommend you watch videos about Legion raids and obviously I recommend that you watch videos about the carcos I don't the rehearsal mode lastly the challenge things challenge Abyss Dungeons and challenge Guardian raids which are right here this is one per week per roster one of each you should just match make for this content it requires you to have item level 460 to do the guardian raids and I believe 960 960 to do the abyss dungeons these divorce you with honing materials but also card packs and if you go inside here the Abyssal dungeons as a new player you might actually be meeting me or some other player who already is looking for card packs and we're gonna basically pay you two three thousand gold if a good card pack drops so we can have it and that's a lot of gold to have as an extra income if you get lucky on a weekly basis that's everything for Content I would like to quickly talk about other side content that's in the game such as for example chaos Gates absolutely do this because these are a great source of either gold or owner shards for your character to progress with their gear comes several times a day several days a week content that's not really that important are for example the Ghost Ship everything is important in Lost Ark like literally you can get something nice maybe possibly from everything that you do but in reality it you don't really need to get there you don't need to do this unless it's later on and you're bored you're done with honing you get accepted into groups let's just focus on that and afterwards waste your time on doing this Island's sort of the same as the Ghost Ship yeah they're important you get Collectibles through Collectibles you get roster level some people look at your roster level before inviting you to groups so it's important I get it but at the same same time you should maybe only really focus on the islands that actually give you gold as a reward as opposed to anything else and just go do those depends on your time right you can just do everything that the game offers you on a daily basis if you have that amount of time um sailing events really not that important at all for a new player uh field bosses gathering in Lost Ark is something that could potentially give you like maybe 4 000 gold maybe three two thousand gold per every two days which is really nice joining a guild very important for a new player to be in a guild because coming here daily getting your bloodstones supporting the guilds research or maybe just doing a quick donation is goes a long way because there is a merchant in every major town silmael Bloodstone exchange you can also search for it here that gives you a lot of goodies but the most important goodies are boxes of entrance tickets punica entrance ticket box you can buy three of them per week based on the guilds level and those have a chance of dropping you either silver Cube tickets or Boss Rush tickets and lastly the throne Spire this is a super important piece of solo content that you can start at item level 1325 so by the time you're 1370 14 15 you're gonna have an easier time in the throne Spire solo content waves of mobs with an elite at the end and the goal is to get to level 22 level 22 where you can get another Satchel that's actually two satchels of combat engraving books legendary quality these you do the same as the rehearsal ones you take two most likely two garage engraving books and you're gonna sell them on the auction house an easy 40 000 gold assuming you are at item level 1445. speaking of gold item level 1445 last thing I want to mention before we get into the numbers is an island underneath punika right here you finish the daily you get a couple of keys to enter the dungeon you finish the dungeon you get some tokens super easy dungeon and this Merchant right here sells you the same thing as we have here at level 22 um two satchels of a class legendary engraving book you also need to be item level 1445 to purchase them and those you do the same thing as with these take the most expensive one sell it on the auction house make an easy 30 000 gold from there this is a spreadsheet made by a fellow YouTuber and streamer called nabzi and it basically tells you everything that you need in order to get to the to your goal our goal is 1445 so we can unlock the satchels of Engravings that we discussed earlier to make a lot of gold from them we start at 14 15 as I have configured my spreadsheet here from 1415 goal is 1445. 14 15 simply because this event leaves you at 14 15 so that amount of this video it's quite acceptable to reach 14 15. the spreadsheet gives you a total amount of gold that you would need to purchase all of the materials that you need to reach your goal starting from this point I have selected that I already have saved these materials why simply because getting to level 19 thronespire is definitely doable so this is what you get from the thronespire in total now if we would do throw Inspire we would still need 120 000 gold obviously you don't have 120 000 gold and maybe you don't want to deposit 100 euros of real money to get them you want to play for them that will require three weeks of playing in order to get you from 14 15 to 1445. now if we add to just the Thrones buyer if we add for example The Arc pass and the most recent Halloween event the rewards from there then the situation it changes dramatically from 120 000 we get to 70 000 just by I taking the arc pass into consideration only the free track of the missions of the arc pass by the way if you have a premium that's a completely different story if on top of these we will also add our daily content daily quests daily two chaos dungeons Guardian raids your weekly quests your weekly Argos runs or taking a bus then the situation completely changes from 70 000 Gold by actually playing low Stark imagine you actually play the game and you get down to 26 000 gold needed and that's mostly because there is a gold cost in when you try to actually press the button to hone your gear and by the way this is just one character now 1475 assuming we are at 1445 and have absolutely no materials it's all zero it's going to cost you around 300K this is a little bit optimistic the spreadsheet because it takes in consideration the fact that you have all the stronghold research activated and you need to be 1460 to have all of the stronghold research activated for the spreadsheet so it's mostly somewhere most likely somewhere around 400 000 gold 400k might seem like a lot of gold and it definitely is however keep in mind that the moment you reach 1445 you have access to those juicy engraving satchels that you can sell on the auction house we total them up at 90 000 gold for the the three places you can get them from and that's a big chunk out of the 400k you need to simply just purchase your way to 1475. on top of that we haven't calculated at all you getting lucky throughout your three-week journey on one character doing your chaos dungeons Your Guardian raids your Argos whatever maybe you get a good engraving book again maybe you get a good accessory it can make you anywhere from 10K to 250 000 um gold so it it there's a lot of variables that we still haven't taken in consideration the your three times una's gold which I haven't even mentioned to my shame uh the reason to do dailies and weeklies is also the UNA tokens which you can exchange for sacks of gold at the gold shop in every major town this is also gold income that obviously adds up to you putting aside four hundred thousand for the next three weeks in order to to boost up to 14.75 right and there's other places like for example playing multiple characters this we haven't taken at all into consideration because I'm not assuming that you a new player would play multiple characters eventually you will because you're gonna get more of these events that boost up a character to 14 15 and you're gonna or 1445 even and you're gonna feel sorry for wasting them and letting them pass you're gonna create some I don't know whatever a Berserker and you're gonna boost him up and then you have two characters playing the lottery of chaos dungeons for these or for a good accessory Etc things can change right and your luck can change change being Lucky in Lost Ark is super super important not only for honing but also for getting drops I will see you in my next video if you have anything else that I haven't mentioned most likely there's a lot of things that I haven't mentioned because it's lost ark and it's such an in-depth and in detail and nuanced game that I'm very glad to answer your questions in the comments below if you're a seasoned player having some tips for new players to start off catch up and be part of the endgame Community please let them know also in the comments below I will see you really soon I wish you a lot of fun in Lost Ark I hope you have a great time until then take care stay safe
Channel: Sywo
Views: 97,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost ark new player guide 2022, lost ark new player guide, lost ark how to catch up quick, lost ark how to make gold, lost ark endgame content, lost ark best class, lost ark best class 2022, lost ark class tier list, lost ark BUS, lost ark how to get to endgame fast, lost ark gameplay 2022, lost ark gameplay, lost ark beginner guide, lost ark complete guide, lost ark starter guide
Id: b8E9u95s0dI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 27sec (2067 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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