The Best Rattle Can Car Paintjob!

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today we're gonna take this aftermarket black fender color match it and use rattle-can paint and other products that you can find online right at your local store now coolest thing about this video is we're gonna use real clear coat that's right clear coat that comes out of an aerosol can the same type of clear coat that would be in my paint gun is put into an actual pan then we have your regular plastic you can get from the store we're going to talk about why we shouldn't use this if we are going to use it we've got some newspaper to go with that plastic and then we've got the regular painters tape now we're gonna go ahead and tape up all of our areas that we don't want to stuff or we don't want paint we're gonna tape it up one time to kind of save you guys some money so tape it up good and make sure you have all your edges this is just your regular 3m painters tape it will work just fine so they'll tape up every single edge and then we'll start with our scuffing a pocket screwdriver if you need to kind of bend up that tape under the hood fold it under next up we have a room and scuff pad we're gonna lightly go over to service making sure we don't go down to bare metal we just really want to bond between the paint and a primer and go ahead and clean the surface off with wax and grease remover once you've stuffed it up the Treiber side is already done and ready to go into the booth but you guys don't need a paint booth to do this project this painter who has great lighting and I want this to be seen on camera so that's why we're in here okay so we got the car in a booth now let's talk about plastic because you know you think it's such a simple thing but if you use the wrong plastic and get yourself into trouble if you can spare go ahead and get yourself some automotive based plastic this stuff is treated on one side it'll actually say on one side spray this side and that way when the overspray hits it it holds the overspray and it doesn't flake but if you're just doing this job and maybe it's one job a year you do so you can go down and your local Walmart Lowe's whatever it might be and get yourself some plastic they're gonna be 0.5 or 1 mil it doesn't really matter it will do the job now what will happen though is when you paint out there you put the primer and base as that paint gets hit with air from the rattle can that paint can actually flake if you got your paper boy around he's going to go ahead and he's going to deliver you some newspaper that you can use now this newspaper that you can use is gonna be on the outer edge of your plastic and we'll show you that a little bit later to kind of keep that overspray from flaking right into your brand-new paint job [Music] so the same process is happening on both of the fenders butcher was using now is a water-based cleaner it removes any contaminants or oils from your fingers or skin now if you don't get water based cleaner you can use spray away glass cleaner that you can get Walmart Publix or any of those grocery stores next you want a tack cloth just to go over the surface to remove any sort of lint next we're going to use this perfect match primer we're going to apply it with about a 75% overlap and we're going to allow it to dry about 10 minutes in between coats first that's our pattern to make sure that there's no debris then you want to have a little bit of a paper towel to wipe it off every so often it so it doesn't splatter now we're gonna go ahead with this side and this fender did you notice how I was doing long sweeping motions that's gonna keep the paint nice and smooth and it's going to make sure we have even strokes okay so we let that primer dry for about a good 30 minutes so remember that maroon scuff pad from before we're gonna use this as a little bit of a sponge in between our 600 grit sandpaper and the reason why we're going to do this is it's because it's going to help us contour around the rough edges we don't want to sand it down too much we just want to smooth it out a little bit because sometimes the primer is not going to come out a hundred percent and if we have any little spine scratches this is going to help make sure that we have a nice smooth finish that's right for base coat I then go over with that water base or again that spray way glass cleaner now we're going to repeat that same step on the passenger fender now before we spray bass remember how I told you earlier how that plastic can kind of flake off when new paint comes on it and the pressure and the air from your new paint can just really lift up that old paint right into your fresh paint well here's what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and just cover it with newspaper around all of our edges that way this paper is going to hold the overspray a lot better so we got all the newspaper down check that out we're really protected it from flaking back into the paint we're really liking the look as well okay so we're ready for base once again tack rag over the whole surface picking up any sort of lint now we have our dupli-color perfect match key is keep it wet do not keep it at a far away distance maybe even trying to do this on a cooler hours of the day the paint is gonna be much much smoother now you're looking at the panel right here and it looks really streaky do not be scared it also looks like well Green doesn't cover that well so it's gonna take some few coats to even it out and get to the full color that it is here we go with our second coat it's dried off about ten minutes so we have our second coat down now it's a little bit streaky so originally with the first and second coat we wanted to go long passes but now we really really need to move quickly in a tighter area to make sure there's no streaks so when I paint I'm going to separate it into quadrants one two three four and when I spray I'm going to move really quick in each quadrant that way I can ensure that I'm really really utilizing the small fan that it has on here to get a nice uniform color then once I'm done with that I'm gonna stand back just like about eight inches and I'm just gonna dust it on to try to make sure that that paint is nice and smooth now we're gonna do that dust coat to make sure it's nice and even for regular pee he got your hardener and you got your clear coat so in here how it works is the top comes off it goes underneath and then all you're gonna do is pop it against the surface sub something hard and that's gonna release the hardener into the rest of the can and from here it's kind of like a ticking time bomb now some people say you get two or three days but you keep it in a cabinet you can get up to about seven days but most likely we're gonna use this whole can on the actual car okay so I'm going to follow that same routine with breaking the actual fender up into quadrants that's really going to keep it a lot smoother instead of those long strokes with the clear coat it just doesn't have the fan to be able to do that so let's watch what the clear is doing and we're going to put two coats on it clear and then we'll see if we need more and there you have it we took you through all the steps of how to use rattle cans to get a good paint job now do I recommend you do this on your whole entire car no you're gonna be into it a lot of spray cans and a lot of coats as well but for something you know you want to touch up or make it look nice there's a place for it and this is a place for it right here you dupli-color a perfect match it works pretty good and your cheek a clears from Eastwood or spray max you could tell it's got an amazing loss so I really hope that I can inspire you guys to get out there at least try a little bit of project but until the next one this is Brian from paint Society reminding you don't overthink it it's just painting let's check it out [Music]
Channel: Paint Society
Views: 3,929,071
Rating: 4.882772 out of 5
Keywords: refinish, diy, rattle cans, rattle, spray, paintjob, pro, paint, accident, crv, honda, acura, garage, clearcoat, eastwood, rebuild, copart, build
Id: tDnecjnpYMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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