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hello and welcome you see that delicious oh my goodness coated hot chicken well I'm about to show you today how to make a delicious Mexican style hot chicken why because a prince family already did an excellent job sharing this recipe with us now I had to make it comfortable for my home and my children's taste buds so whether you like a super spicy blend or a mild one I'm gonna have both of those in the description area for you and get ready because this is heaven not only am i showing you my Mexican style hot chicken I'm also gonna show you my very special way of making fries so oh you excited we're gonna do first is we're gonna get a nice marinade for our chicken yes yes okay so you're gonna add your buttermilk girl it's not ordinary chicken it's hot chicken girl it's the chicken hot it's life okay okay have milk you're gonna use your favorite hot sauce you like that but do you stuff up do you like red devil red hot Oh what do you recommend I'll take you and make this about the old you girl you would like you haven't had my fried chicken before well I'm just you said top I feel that scared me this one is Frank's redhot okay it has a nice vinegar or tangy flavor to it crystals crystals while I'm out okay we're gonna add our chicken bullion and I know you guys hate how I say it but you know I'm lucky I can barely speak English you're lucky she can communicate with you right now your nod your paprika now if you really want a good spice in there you can add cayenne or Hungarian paprika this would be the time this is a time yeah guys haven't had it good lord watch out all right so now you want to pick your containers that you're gonna be placing your chicken and I really like these containers they wash well they they've lasted a really long time yes you do link in the bio friends I mean link in the description area my bad so you can make it with whatever pieces of chicken you like I like to spoil my kids and I get the tenders going make sure you rinse and clean your chicken the best of your abilities because if I do it on here you're gonna be like that's not how you do it as I always say make it comfortable for your home you're so nice for doing the tenders for my babies they don't like digging through the bones okay and over here I'm gonna get my chicken breasts started all put cooking timeframes for you guys in the description area okay because I know some of you get scared when it comes to cooking chicken but you guys have you've seen my previous recipes I show you guys how to double fry and today is no different oh there's a big big piece of chicken look at that you don't have to put this skin down on that one um you can if you want it so I'm gonna pour the rest of the top so you're gonna work out hover it yeah so let me let me get these two lay on each other that's a looking chicken girl this is like heritage kroger brand let me show you it's like I haven't seen chicken breast like this since I was in Texas let me show you how big this one is this is grizzly worthy yeah I'm gonna marinate that one on the side that's not gonna fit in here so I'll put in a different little container um go that way just however they fit just like the part of making chicken I think that scares people is how thick the meat is when it's thick like that I think the tenders are easier to make but when it's that thick you don't know when that's done um I'll show you guys right now it's a foolproof way that I do it and you don't over burn your chicken and I think I've been waiting for me to make some fried chicken obviously this is a hot chicken a little different but very similar okay you guys get techniques in all my videos so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna refrigerate this overnight 24 hours ideal minimal ten hours would be great but if you're rushing with the tenders good two hours is a reasonable amount of time like I said before guys I love being in the kitchen I love cooking with you guys and showing you how I do it here it's definitely different than what you guys get on other like cooking shows and things like that because I make do I make it comfortable for my home so I'm gonna go ahead and refrigerate these and then let's get started on prepping our potatoes okay okay so what you're gonna do with your potatoes you're just gonna chop them up some are thick some are thin you see and the thinner ones taste really good because they fluff up when you fry them and don't feel pressure to use a Yukon Gold potatoes you can use a regular russet potato potatoes apparently our baby talked today and they both will work I like this one cuz it has that little creaminess when you bite into it so you want to get your desired amount of potatoes and chop them up oh this one came out a little bit I mean it was it was like thick thin slim pick okay and what we're gonna do now is we're going to prepare our our coating in here I have AP flour and corn starch again for those of you that love spice I'm gonna leave my recommendation in the description area and in my house I have to keep it a little light my kids like spicy but they're still little kids so be kind to your babies and to yourself and to your intestines okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and pour our flour coating you're just gonna mix this with your hands okay make sure it all gets coated I like to leave these overnight but if you're last-minute need this for your kids for whatever dinner you're preparing these are super easy all you got to do is coat them and then dust them off and fry them but I like the coating that they get when you leave them overnight like this penny it kind of develops that glue with the moisture that the potato releases and it absorbs all this deliciousness when I serve these potatoes with something that my kids usually would not be happy about for dinner like too many veggies for my punky they're more likely to eat because I have these potatoes on the side you have an incentive for them I sure do I sure do so just if you're making less potatoes just adjust the quantity of the seasoning and you'll be fine and all the all that I poured in that last one was a pepper and salt and go light on your salt okay okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna switch my potatoes over to another container I'm gonna leave them overnight and I'll see you guys tomorrow so that we can get ready to fry yeah I'm excited I'm already hungry mm-hmm this is messed up this is the worst part waiting yeah it's it's waiting so if you guys do this for example on Thursday night and then Friday night you end up cooking for your family everything's already ready that's gonna be a good weekend for you put them in a food coma or when you go out and you come home - all right I'll see you guys shortly it's gonna be delicious you're gonna need your all-purpose flour rice flour if for some reason you don't have rice flour it's okay this recipe will work with just the AP flour in the corn starch you guys know I can be extra at times especially when it comes to fried chicken I'm gonna use the rice flour what is that it just helps coat the crisp enos on the outside and making the Korean fried chicken for my husband I've learned a few techniques okay and this is optional I like to season it with a little bit of the seasoning blend that you use for the chili oil so that's what I'm gonna be adding and the amount is gonna be up to you guys smell that Oh Kevin yes to all of our friends I have their taco shops their taco trucks make sure you call it the views Mexican hot chicken yeah got the recipe ready for you guys just tell make something it'll before we get started on coating our chicken I want to tell you guys this try not to finger it too much with your hands because what happens when you coat it this way is you end up smearing the coating off so try to be gentle I know it's difficult and you're excited but just take it easy now is a PSA for me Goemon PSA the public service announcement yes so they get really crazy with the chicken do you so I'm just letting it drip right here a little bit just a tad a bit okay I'm gonna go ahead and place it down and friends I will not clean this area until I'm done coating all this chicken so bear with me if you need to scratch your nose I got you girl you know what I'm so happy you're here because it's those times when your body's like oh I'm itching everywhere what's up I know right right when your hands are dirty that's when things start to happen we got so just your hair you're itching mm-hmm you gonna give someone a hug okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna move it over here to the side on my wreck okay I know some of you're gonna say you can put it in a bag and shake it up guys I'm trying to do better for our environment and I'm trying not to you so much plastic you know and it's not easy it's not easy but we're working on it okay so you're mostly just padding right yeah gently saying when you see that little pieces of the flesh come out dress coat it okay there we go friends we do have a other channel it's called lasagnas it's my sister and I and we kind of do vlogging in the car and we eat mukbang style normal human no fancy setup on that one enter at your own race yes it is not rated so there's a variety for us you don't need a password to be there mm-hmm just show up show up with the dope in mind okay so for this step right here I'm gonna show you what you want to do okay you want to come back and that's if you like that extra crisp on your chicken you're gonna come back here and you're gonna coat it again excuse my huffing and puffing I have allergies friends okay I don't think you guys have ever seen me this messy here have you I have well you have but our friends have it so let's go ahead and get this started yes your clean cook now you've been around a lot of cooks and their family you're probably know you are the cleanest thank you thank you yeah I'm always wiping my counters I think I wipe them like three times out of a day I've never been sick with any of your food good well if you guys can see how long I upload it's cuz I haven't been sick and now that I said that somebody's gonna get me sick because I have a lot of errands to run around 200 so you guys see me all dolled up can't go out looking like a pajama some echinacea some vitamin C yeah and cooking at home actually keeps your gut bacteria is really healthy right yep honestly I'm grateful for this chicken because amazing and shuttle to all of our friends that don't offend me for for trying yes I love you guys well clouds been getting me to do a lot wanting me to do a lot of things for you guys on the channel but sometimes I just don't know what you're up to you guys ask me for stuff and then you guys don't show up so yeah thank you guys for voting on the pumpkin pie recipe we're at 85% you guys really want that one and they want fund my post well you guys gotta keep in mind that whatever you guys vote for is what I end up making for my family here at home so if you guys want to keep my kids happy you got to show up and you got to request a good stuff you did and you know what I got so many dm's and I'm trying on Instagram I'm really trying for you guys but sometimes it's just whoa the love is real and I appreciate it but if you guys tagged me directly Instagram is now showing me that you guys tagged me like on the main thing where I usually can see their comments so it makes it a lot easier for me to see and acknowledge your guys's cooking skills or you guys can tag me for the holidays if you don't have that many friends and you need somebody to tag you guys can tag me I think that's the coolest thing when people tag you for a contest yeah good luck yeah you got this at the beginning I didn't understand because you know I've been a slow learner here on social media but I've developed wonderful friends and you guys tagged me on there you know I love you don't be shy you guys I'll say good luck to you you got this and hopefully you win don't get mad at her she enters the same contest and wins if it has anything to do with cooking stuff watch out I don't shop a lot but I do shop a lot for a kitchen and cooking stuff it's my favorite thing to an outdoors type things you guys know I'm a cabin bear I'm gonna make it a thing I'm gonna continue doing the same process with the tenderloins and if you want them thicker on the outside just double dip them like I just showed you and if not just do a single one okay so good to me let me show you a few of them let's do it let's do if you guys aren't sure for cooking times for your for your chicken start with your tenderloins so they're super easy I don't want you guys to get scared over this and I already know that my friends that are scared of the raw chicken are not here what a seat those we still we do I do that's why you guys see warnings and when you guys tell me certain things trigger you things that I can change cuz obviously I'm a human and I can't change everything about myself I gotta be happy too but if it's within reason I will change it on the channel for you guys and help you out well someone in the comments said that they don't mind the foil sounds and I was like you were the only human that I know oh my goodness no when I when I did the Corinth on my list I felt so bad I'm like uh you know what's done is done they came for us on that one with the corn yeah they're like don't you dare girl rightly so you guys had every right yeah but if you guys notice my videos are long they are long for a reason we have a lot of kids we have a lot of new homemakers single dads that are trying to cook for their families and if I take that out what am i teaching you I wouldn't feel comfortable that way it's like teaching you buying you a car not teaching you how to drive mm-hmm I can't do that you guys have an option to fast forward so I can sound really funny and do your thing make it comfortable for your home friends just please be patient with the rest of our club members and then once everybody is on the same page then obviously we can make two minute style videos wealthy people understand I'm a I'm a foodie but I'm a super mommy too so that's how I love oh I see the coating on the chicken now okay Oh show show okay see like this one I can afford to sprinkle on the top because it got a little it absorbed the moisture and that's why when you let it let them sit here for while you're preparing it's gonna be like what ten minutes it starts absorbing and building that crust the chicken already absorbed the moisture and you can see it right here but those little parts I need extra just sprinkle a little bit on and it's gonna start developing that nice outer part that you that you like yeah I did I didn't know how you developed those little flaky things on the outside whatever they're called the cockiness girl when I first got married I don't know how to make fried chicken girl I still don't know how to make fried chicken the way you do I just know how to learn and my husband he's actually a huge motivation for me to cook well because his mama cooked well and he's a foodie girl our mother and our mother helped me too but with I'm talking about like the southern recipes I learned a lot for my mother-in-law mm-hmm so and you know one thing about Koreans they know how to find uh fly fry down and they are flying so I guess man this perfect girl he can fly - yeah he was like my own little Peter Pan girl yes grown up dude I know yes he is all man and if I meet you I know ladies you love the Grizzly - I don't get that jealous anymore okay hey the dudes a little beer is Lee doing yeah you guys do cuz you guys get good food I know the Grizzlies made a few friends from the channel as well yeah so that's all I'm doing guys you see the coding gets like that so if you decide to make these little tenders like this or your chicken you guys can freeze it let it sit once it absorbs all the flour you can put them in your whatever you use to freeze your container safe containers mm-hmm and take it that wrong so I'm gonna clean up my kitchen and finish this up and I'll see you guys when we're ready to fry sounds good yeah I have a fryer and I know some of you are gonna be frying on your pan okay so how I check my oil is I dip in a wooden spoon a wooden chopstick and it what starts bubbling around the spoon you're ready to fry no metal no plastic just a wood would work for that but if you guys need extra help on frying in the description I'll leave other recipes where I show detailed frying okay if you're using a fryer make sure to hold your chicken here for a little bitte so that way it doesn't stick to the bottom of your of your frame basket and I'm gonna be using my hands to drop the mints and it's a lot easier than removing all the coating with the tongs be very careful at home friends musical junior you get for rental assistance or an adult to help you okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna be double frying so I'm gonna fry my chicken for about five to six minutes because I do have a large piece of chicken breast what we're gonna do is we're gonna take them out after that time has elapsed and then we're gonna continue the process because we will be double frying so pay attention so you guys can learn this step yeah okay we're ready for our second fry ready we're ready [Music] all right our chicken is done friends what you want to do at this point you want to save some of your seasoning that I mentioned pour it over well nice and oily okay and for the children one I'm not gonna season it smart move I still have to fry this big old beast right now that chicken breast is gonna take a little bit longer because it's a massive chicken breast friends the rest are done yeah I got to keep them warm make sure you check the internal temperature for your chicken it's gonna be 165 that's still hot and warm the internal temperature is gonna be great continues to cook when you take it out so we're set with our chicken they're good you only see a few because some of my family members enjoy a crispy or chicken and whenever I put on the screen you're like I bet you burned the chicken no my mom likes a little bit the things a little bit more cooked she really does start with the potatoes whoa careful none of you who are not experienced frying do not drop them in with your fingers like that do not this is just a habit I drop it and push out that way you see all the moisture from the potato absorbed MA the outer parts sticky I learned that from my for my mother I need a shower you guys have secret recipe for her delicious Korean style french fries those are amazing you know what the frizzy and I always talk about them they're so good I'm gonna have to share it with you guys that like maybe though 500k celebration but I don't know I've been I've been very gigging with you so might come are there you guys are making this channel girl really fast that you get more goodies and recipes alright we're gonna continue to cook these here and I'll see you when they're ready I'll give you the this chicken deserves it lots of love alright our fries are ready it should take you about 10 to 12 minutes to fry them the thicker ones might take a little bit longer the thin ones super quick okay hight careful so you can season them with the Cajun seasoning that I gave you guys or you can just sprinkle some salt what yep we're gonna go with salt okay all right let's get ready to cook this ticket okay let me let me get in here when you make my recipe for the chili oil you're gonna see that all of your seasonings go to the bottom just stir it they are divine okay but apart hoarse them in here friends if for some reason you can't consume that much oil because I have a lot of you judging me for the oil it's okay get it you can melt some butter as long as you're gonna eat it that day if not you tend to spoil with butter so you ready let me get my little tongs girl get a good little soap okay you're gonna make a lot of this I would say make 2 to 3 portions of that chili oil okay honey okay clothes excited I don't know maybe clouds channeling you guys oh my goodness you can also cut the oily part cuz I know a lot of you guys have certain restrictions excuse me I don't think so yes certainly about the oil you can you can put half chicken broth and half oil oh that's that's a good blood bout that or you know watching your health your wine your healthier and have a lot of friends i watch their help so you know i thought we will say it and they it free oh and you want to put it on top of your bread or your french fries however you gonna be doing it I was gonna resign today but I take it back I think my letter back sorry oh my goodness girl it's all so long coming down for you which song is it did you ever know Oh My look at that place that nice to entice cloud I'm already thinking the window of my wing are you kidding me it must've been cold there in mascha girl now you got me going shout out all my friends that are sending me clips on IG you guys are giving me I think I get so happy what kind of cuts are you getting I'm getting musical clips nice you want that braid to soak up all of that juiciness and yes we're gonna just pile it on here there we go you guys ready to go taste this yes yes let me clear this out [Music] girl I am so excited to do this are you guys so excited to do okay so what I'm gonna do is how I usually eat my hot chicken I dip it into some delicious ranch and you guys have been giving me feedback that this is the best ranch you've ever had it tastes like ranch I know it's a lot of oil so good [Music] yes oh yeah this is it oh yeah that is a no yeah moment mm-hmm somebody wanted that piece I kind of feel like bridesmaid wouldn't she's like look away but don't girl you already know guys already had some off camera many times and it is divine it's my favorite food that my sister eats I'm telling you once so fun starts it doesn't stop this is my kryptonite hmm well we hate to eat and run but we have to eat and run no no I'm late to my appointment that's why I'm so happy then he told my nephews because imagine you come and you take care of kids and you get this meal leave more often girl need meeting with the kids Oh just indulge oh you guys don't make Thanksgiving dinner make this that's what my household everybody's happy oh yeah and on that note we'll see you guys on the next one you think so already you know but I want them to tell me when you come back I'm gonna have the link for the ranch the oil the macaroni and cheese it's all gonna be in the description ready for you guys to watch and get to it remember if you're gonna make a big portion made double or triple the amount of the of the views chili oil and don't forget to save some of the seasoning that you once you blend it save some on the side so that way you can sprinkle that on top of your chicken I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do I'm gonna get another quick bite before I have to help no Sam oh you guys are still gonna watch you know my mommy my mom used to say no my nose if I never get a Sat book what she knows like we're not they're not gonna return you like when you get married because you don't know how to clean or cook or a cook well mom I'm still doing well yeah I'm sorry to disappoint you but it wasn't becoming clear cook girl wagon come get another break I didn't say anything so what did you think you guys are excited as I am yes this is a delicious recipe and it's all thanks to you guys you know I tell you often that I love as a mother and when you ask a mom for something we'll go out of our way to give it to you at least that's how I mother I want to thank you all so much for your continuous request for having me and cloud here to hang out with you guys and on that one I'll see you guys tomorrow bye yes
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 72,951
Rating: 4.9482403 out of 5
Keywords: hot chicken, nashville hot chicken, LA hot chicken, views recipes, spicy fried chicken, spicy hot chicken recipe, hot and spicy fried chicken recipes easy, views simple recipes, nashville hot fried chicken mukbang, Views spicy hot fried chicken, food porn, spicy fried chicken recipe tasty, HOT CRIPSY FRIED CHICKEN WITH MEXICAN CHILI OIL, spicy fried chicken recipe, spicy chili oil recipe, easy recipes mexican food, homemade chili oil sauce
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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