The BEST Quality of Life Mods for Stardew Valley

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hello everybody and welcome back to another modding related video on the channel I do want to say before I like fully get into what this video is about which you guys obviously know from the title I always tend to load onto a farm and just sit down and do a little voiceover sort of thing and every now and then I'll like toss up between what farm I sort of go on what save I go on and everything and so I went on a save I haven't played for a while it was pretty far down my list and it's just very funny to see how bad I used to be at this game because why am on day 18 of spring in year 2 I haven't gotten my Greenhouse I haven't finished this bundle at all I haven't done the Friendship bundle I haven't got the glitter Boulder removed like how did I get this far have a girlfriend yeah honestly I don't know what I was playing at the time anyway as you can tell on today's video we are going to be covering some of the best quality of life mods so these are things that can help make your game a little bit easier some things like cheats just anything to really proove your game playay and how you want to play the game before we get further on into the video here is a quick disclaimer a little bit of information regarding all of our modding related content so first of all all of these mods are downloadable through Nexus mods Nexus mods is a really amazing site it also showcases and has most of the mods that you will find for staru Valley on there additionally as of March 2024 the 1.6 update is out this update has definitely affected mods and I know that a lot of creators are slowly working on getting some of these mods updated I cannot confirm or deny if the mods that that I'm showcasing in this video will work with 1.6 certainly because most of these mods will need a backing mod such as a Content Patcher the updated sppy or something like alternate textures to think because sometimes an old mod might work with an updated content Patcher and as much as I want to test all of these mods out my poor little computer cannot handle it so just make sure that when you download your mods and open them up in your sppy that you quickly check to see any mods highlighted in red and you can also check out this incredible website sppy which will show you a newer version version of The Mod if this one is no longer compatible and then also if you want to keep up to date with your mods just make sure to check out these purple ones here which means that you can update them and lastly I will be listing all of the mods that I Showcase in this video in the description below I've broken them up into time stamps of the categories and then time stamps for all of the mods as well if there was a particular one that you liked you can see where the time stamp is and then the link right next to it anyway now that's out of the way let's get back to the video as always I have broken these ones into a couple of different categories and we have a lot to cover today so first of all we starting off with our farming and foraging sort of category mods this also covers animals as well up next we are hitting our Mining and combat related mods we are then delving into our fishing mods and then we've got a couple of fun ones so we'll have a few mods covering shopping or shop sort of relation stuff in the game we then going to be doing Villages anything to do with sort of maps and buildings as well and then ending it off because there were just far too many that I really wanted to include but didn't know what to categorize them as so of course of course we have a miscellaneous category I will say in the miscellaneous category there are a couple of more so cheat mods but overall most of these mods are sort of things to just help improve Bas gameplay that's already there and I will say there are a ton more and still more coming out so I definitely hope to make another video on this but I feel like I've gone really Ham on how many mods I'm showcasing with you guys today but with that being said let's kick it off we're starting strong with our farming foraging mods category first on the list we have the faster trees mods so this adds in a user configurable chance each day to make all of the trees progress to the next stage of growth and the default is at 25% so for example with a perfect luck day your trees would go from a seed to a fully grown tree in 5 days this definitely a really fun mod and does utilize a couple of the base game features as well I do like the idea of using luck in a sense to sort of help us grow things quicker and when you're playing on a smaller Farm or anything like that trees can be a really scarce resource it can be really hard to get wood sometimes this is a very very fun mod that sort of gives you a perk when you've got a good luck day up next onto the list we have the auto water mod this one is just as it sounds and a little bit of a dream come true so this one automatically Waters your crops each day so you can focus all of your energy and time elsewhere I will say that this one does sort of bring a little bit more on the cheating side because it is a mechanic that they really try to sort of push in the game but I will say that sometimes watering crops and farming is not for everyone there are five different big things that you can be doing in the game which is your farming forage ing mining combat and fishing and at the end of the day some of these skills are just not what people want to spend their time on or just really what people want to do so why not go have fun and do something that you like more like mining but still be able to make a little bit of money within the game up next sort of similar to the last one we have the increased sprinkler range mod this one just as it sounds allows you to either increase or decrease the range of sprinklers so increase obviously is a little bit more helpful but if you want to make your life harder but still want to be sprinklers you could decrease them this is just a really fantastic mod that really improves the efficiency of all of your sprinklers it pretty much makes a quality sprinkler like an aridium sprinkler and then an aridium sprinkler well that's a whole another ballpark I love making crops I'm really big on sort of like the farming and growing stuff and then preserving things and doing all of that sort of part of the game but definitely watering everything is a bit of a nightmare and finding particular spaces and everything so I really love how this looks and this is also a really great mod if you want to utilize all of the space in your Greenhouse without having a sort of sprink not in line or perfectly centered how we like them up next I thought this was a really fun one this is the working Beach sprinklers mod so when you load up a brand new save you're given the option of a few different kind of farm types that you can pick and one of them is a beach farm and it is a really really cool farm especially if you're super big on fishing however the downside for this one is that sprinklers don't work on the beach Farm it means that it is a little bit of a less farming area and really just focusing on getting money from other places because who wants to to be watering their crops every single day so this way you can focus on other things but also still go really big on all of your farming a very very handy convenient mod up next we have the start with Greenhouse mod this one is just as it sounds you start the game with the greenhouse unlocked I Lov this because as I showed you guys at the start of the video I really used to struggle with getting the greenhouse unlocked I don't as much now because I figured out how to do it quickly but when you're starting a new save and you haven't been playing the game for as long as some others are it can be really hard to get that Greenhouse unlocked in the community center having the greenhouse is so convenient within the game so I really like that we can have it just ready to go from day one well that was it for our farming and foraging mods we are on to one of my favorite things that I've been doing a lot in Stu at the moment which is our Mining and combat category so let's get right into it starting us off strong we have the or increase mod so if you are really grinding on your materials you want like big buildings you want to make these different craftables and everything you need a lot of resources and a lot of those stuff comes from ores that you smelt into bars and sometimes going on a mining trip could be a little bit disappointing if you don't come home with as much ore as you need to so with this mod you can choose to increase the chances of ores being placed on the map this is super super handy especially if you only really need to grab a little bit or you really want to start a stockpile or again if you've got things like Community quests and everything it can be really easy to just be able to go and do those and focus on other things instead of grinding for days and days days on ends just to get these quests done and also or is so valuable we need more of it up next on our list we have the easier Monsters Mod again combat is one of those skills that can really be a hit or a Miss for a lot of players so this one decreases the health and attack of all other the monsters by 25% this is a really really great mod for anyone who's beginning in the game and is not a huge fan of combat it still gives you the ability to learn how to fight these monsters and how to like gain your combat but it just does it in a little bit more of an easier way that makes the game a bit more bearable sometimes up next I love this one we have ladder locator this one is a really really cool mod it marks the stones that are hiding a ladder within the mines and in these skull caves it marks a stone where there are shafts and it also forc shafts to appear rather than ladders so that you can go further down it also shows a list of ores that can be found on the current level so convenient so helpful and so handy this mod is especially if you're not big on mining or you just want a bit of an easier experience up next on our list we have the optional combat mod this is a really fun one again especially if you're not big on that combat side of things and this essentially lets you avoid killing monsters it changes recipes to avoid using monster Parts it renames and also res Sprites monster drops to be much less violent it adds in adventure Guild hats to certain shops and a small chain of letters the adventurers Guild send you that contains all of the recipes that you unlock via combating level this is really really fun and makes this part of the game sort of not necessar to do and you can still receive re the rewards that you get from leveling up your combat and lastly for this category we have the harmless Monsters Mod so this mod doesn't get rid of monsters but it essentially makes them harmless so if they're coming up to you they're not doing any damage at all it also decreases the health of all monsters to 10% of the original health value so it is a lot easier and quicker to kill them this is really great cuz I do enjoy the sort of process of combat but when you're doing the skull caves I get scared and die quite a lot so I do like that they can still be there however they're not going to do that much damage and they're a bit easier to kill that was it for our Mining and combat list up next we have one that I think a lot of people are going to benefit from and this is our fishing category fishing is very Hit or Miss for a lot of Star Valley players I love it but I know when I started I used to hate it so I hope that you guys enjoy this list but let's start off with our first one which is simple fishing so this mod aims to make the fishing miname as it sounds simple it makes all of the fish super easy to catch and you have to put in little to no effort to do so this is a nice just fun and simple mod that just changes a bit of fishing still giving you the process of being able to fish but making it a lot easier coming up next we have Auto fishing so this is a mod that automates the entire fishing process make it easier and more efficient to catch fish it automatically casts the line Hooks Fish and reels them in allowing you to focus on other aspects of the game so just to break down some of the features as I said you have automatic casting which you can set your Rod to cast automatically where conditions are ideal it'll automatically detect when fish bite and hook them without your manual input there is also a ton more features and just overall some really really really cool things that you can do with this mod if you hate fishing completely and utterly but need to do fishing for things like gifts and quests and all that sort of stuff then this my friend is the one for you and lastly we have let's start with fishing so in your first light up St you Valley you'll notice that you can't go fishing from day one and this mod changes that this mod provides the player with a fishing rod at the start of the game instead of you starting without one I this is really cool I like it especially if you're doing a big fishing objective for this save or in general you just enjoy fishing and want to spend your time doing that that was pretty much covering our sort of five skills that the farmer can get so now we're going into our last three categories which I think are really really fun so the first one is only a few mods to Showcase but this is our shopping mods and these are so convenient this first one is insane this is the self serve mod I hate that man is not there on the days that I needed to be just like that sometimes I need to get seeds on a Wednesday and I can't go to Pierre and sometimes I want to get stuff done in the morning as early as possible and I have to wait until 9:00 a.m. for Clint to open a shop well with this mod you can now access any shop Services even while the owner is not there you can go and process geod super early in the morning you can go and get yourself some new farm animals as well and just do everything that you need to do on your own terms it's a great mod I think this is very very convenient and lastly there was only two for this one but we have the cheaper materials mod so again if you're playing on a sort of Base game farm and you haven't really got any expansion mods it can be really difficult to get things like wood especially when you run out of trees you're waiting for them to grow you cut down all the trees in the neighborhood and even for stone like if you don't have time to go to the mines or you can't do that stuff where you run out of you know coal and ores and all these sorts of things this mod is super super incredible because it makes the prices a lot cheaper it also makes more materials a ailable for purchase and you can also adjust the price if you want to make it a bit cheaper super cheap all that sort of stuff I love this cuz again it can just be super hard to get all of the materials that you need and with so much limited time in the day and limited time within the months it can be really hard to prioritize spending a whole day cutting wood or a whole day in the mines just for stone I do like that we can go and grab all of these materials for a cheaper price as I said that was it for our little shopping category a little sad it was short but we are on to another one now which is our Villages our sort of maps and buildings NPCs all that sort of stuff which I think this is a very fun category but starting us off strong we have the all NPC loves every gift mod if you were a beginner this mod is so helpful and even if not it could be really annoying and long and tedious to get everyone's individually loved items and I also don't want to be checking the wiki every 2 seconds if I can't remember what someone's loved item is or if they don't like a dandelion or if they love a dandelion so so as it sounds it just makes that every NPC will love any gift you give them no matter what it is this is really really great especially if you're not a big gift giver and really struggle with those sort of connections with the NPCs and again you just don't know what to get them this is this is great cuz sometimes they just hate everything and I'm like why up next we have the Open Hearts mod this was a really interesting one I found so this just means that when you start a game all non datable NPCs will start with maximum friendship Hearts this allows for easier interactions and faster progressions in friendships the datable NPCs however do require a little bit of effort and they've got all their cutcenes and story lines to go through so they will begin with two hearts or less than the maximum I absolutely love all of the individual characters stories but again it can sometimes be really difficult to get to them to find where they are and just overall unlock those stories and all of the things what they like where they are Etc so I really like that you can come into the game you can have Max friendship with everybody and you can go through those stories and really achieve your game up next this is a really really cool one as well I've said that about everything but they're all pretty cool but we have the custom locks mod this one allows you to bypass locked doors locked stores locked rooms and so much more so as it says you can enter PS Store on Wednesdays you can enter places outside of the hours that you were normally allowed to you can enter homes as a stranger and enter bedrooms and the Wizard's basement as a stranger this is so great because there are some days in particular where characters will sort of stay in their room all day or stay in their house and if you haven't given them a gift or around friends with them yet how am I meant to progress our friendship level I think this is a very neat and Nifty mod and helps you to really maximize those friendships with those characters up next we have make friends fast this essentially gives a slight change to the universally loved items the villagers will love gifts you can easily get at the start of the game so things like green beans parps and blueberries are now all loved by every character it can be very useful early game if you do want to get a quick date for the flower dance or if you want to befriend the wizard so you can change your appearance this is very very cool because again sometimes you can only get particular loved gifts a little bit later in the game and I want to start building my friendships from day one so I love that we can now have this be a bit more accessible still put in the hard work of gifting and chatting with everyone but make it a bit easier to give them stuff that we already have and our last one for this category I thought this was a little bit neat this is becoming familiar so this essentially prevents friendship decay when you are in the same area as the NPC so essentially if you talk to a villager give them a few gifts and then ignore them for a few weeks your hearts are going to go down however sometimes you're doing stuff and just talking to an NPC is just too much so now if you're in the same area as them doing other things that friendship is not going to go down I like this cuz it takes out the stress of having to talk to everyone or give as many gifts as you can each week and just really enjoy the game on your own terms well that is it for sort of our villagers NPCs buildings category we're on to our final one and our I'm going to say funnest one this is our miscellaneous category and our last one for this video I'm very excited to share these with you guys and these are definitely ones that I want to install however let's start it off we have it's time to wake up so this as it sounds essentially allows you to configure a time when you can wake up this means you can wake up prior to the 6:00 a.m. alarm that goes off in your game and you can adjust it to give yourself as many hours in the day as you want you'll still pass out at 2: a.m. but you could be waking up at 2:30 probably not ideal in the real world but I'm a little pixelated character I can run on 30 minutes of sleep very convenient if you want to get more stuff done and within that same category our next one that we have is stay up late so essentially this one gives you a benefit but it charges you something else so this mod will let you stay up longer at night however this is in exchange for stamina if you run out of stamina then you pass out this is very convenient if you've been on the way home at 2:00 a.m. and you just so close to your bed you're the street over you're at the base of your bed or you're somewhere on your farm well this means that you can finally get home and go to sleep properly but once it hits 2: a.m. you will notice a decrease in your stamina I really like the idea of this mod cuz it does give you that little bit of extra time to do stuff however it still keeps with the original concept of go to bed before 2: a.m. up next on the list we have the sit and rest mod so this mod essentially allows you to sit down on a chair and recover your health than stamina if you've watched any of my playthroughs or you've seen me on stream you know that I like to do a lot of things in the morning I will go into my Hot Springs Farm cave that I have modded in there and I'll spend a little bit of time recovering so I can go and do more stuff with the day well why can I not just sit on a chair and utilize that now I love the idea of this cuz really chairs are just decorations and that's it so now we can just chill and recover our health and stamina up next on the list very convenient for a lot of people we have the time freezers at midnight mod again if you have stuff you need to do or you're like me and you just don't want to leave the mines it can be really annoying when that clock hits 1200 and it starts telling you that it's time for bed well now with this mod this changes so that when the clock strikes midnight it freezes with this one however though since the time actually freezes now machines also Hal their progress until the next day and the it's getting late message should only sh wants to this is great cuz I do like that we can test the waters with something like having extra time in our game but again it is a slight exchange for something else so you can go and do stuff while the time's Frozen but you can't really just fully cheat the game I love this it's very convenient and super handy and a really cool idea coming up next on this list we have the game speed mod this essentially allows you to change the real-time speed of your game and your character it helps you go faster helps you go slower you can change it and choose it all especially if you've started the coffee grind in the game and you have had your first coffee and that little speed boost is so helpful and so handy so now we can change it to constantly have that speed boost or just go super super fast and zoom across the game up next we're almost at the end of this list but we have the cjb item spawner mod so again this is where we're delving more into your sort of cheat territory but this allows you to spawn any item into your game this could be really great for things like Community Center if you have a quest but you've sold that item or you just want things for your farm I love the idea of this one it is is very convenient and also leads on to our next one which is our cjb cheats menu so this gives you an in-game cheats menu with so many different kinds of cheats you can change all of your skill levels what path you go down you can change the weather your relationships money time and so much more you can warp to places have infinite stamina Health overall it's just a really fun mod and can be really convenient if you just want to play the game how you want to or as well if you just want to add subtle cheats like sort of more stamina a little bit more money that sort of stuff again it's very clearly a sort of more cheats mod than quality of life but again people enjoy playing the game in various different ways and I feel like this is a way that some people enjoy the game and then lastly on this list but we are ending it off with just the overall balanced Valley mod s essentially is meant to make Sai Valley feel new and interesting Again by adding different play Styles challenges and balancing the game aspects all at the same time so for fun farming it gives three brand new farming styles that are all balanced but each has a unique way to play it so you have your deadline mode so it gives you a profitable Farm while slowing the progression in different ways you have your realistic mode this is best for people who really want the most realistic farming possible and then you have your vanilla mode so it's a balanced version of vanilla crops with no changes to the days or Seasons there are so many new farming features there are even changes to Pierre and jojamart with things like you now getting a 10% discount when you complete the Jojo out and Pierre giving discounts up to 30% when you have 10 hearts with him I think this just helps farming so much and is really cool but again that's not even the end of The Mod we're on to animals now so this one gives you two different kinds of modes for animals so you've got a realistic mode which gives you a New Concept for raising animals to make you feel like a real Rancher and then of course you've got your normal mode so it's a balanced version of all your vanilla animals with no changes to days or sale prices there's so many different animal features and gives you those subtle changes the animal style gaming that you can have anyway up next we have fishing so for this one again we have three different modes for you to choose from we start off with our easy modes this is best for people who just want an easier mini game for fishing you have your normal mode so it's a balanced version of vanilla without increasing or decreasing any of the difficulties and then for you guys out there who really really love fishing and want a bit more of a challenge you have hard mode again there are more fishing features like challenging legendary fish and balanced crab pots and just a couple of new features to change fishing but that's not all that we do with this game Mining and combat's next so again with Mining and combat there are two kinds of people people who enjoy it and people who don't so for your combat you now have four different modes which I think is so much fun we have the easy mode so this is best for people who want a very easy and peaceful combat system you have your normal mode which is the vanilla combat system for those who don't want any changes your hard mode if you're looking for a bit of an extra Challenge and then your nightmare mode so this is very much for those experts and has a lot of increases to all of those monsters this also does do some changes and balancing out to minerals and artifacts increases things like monster Loop prices and balancing your ore and bar prices so many more things for Mining and combat but again we have one last thing to go over and this is our building and crafting so again we've got four different building and crafting modes you can choose from to really choose the difficulty of your liking we have your easy mode your normal mode a hard mode and then ending off with the professional mode I think this is a really fun mod and I do like that we have the individual categories if you sort of only want to change to one particular style of the game or there's all of this one which changes so much to the game well besties that is it for this video I really hope that you guys liked all of these quality of life mods and as always please let me know if there are any that I missed down below and if there are any that you putting on your download list and what your favorite ones were as as always if you enjoy the video please make sure to leave a like And subscribe and then you know the drill if there are any sort of categories that you would like me to cover make sure to leave a comment down below if you do want to watch more modding related videos and there will be a playlist right over here but on that note I will catch all of you guys on the next one bye everybody
Channel: kitsu games
Views: 14,778
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, stardew valley, stardew valley modding, stardew valley mods, concerned ape, cooncernedape, stardew valley playthrough, stardew mods, stardew modding, stardew valley cheats, stardew valley quality of life mods, stardewvalley 1.6, stardew valley 1.6 mods, stardew valley nexus mods, nexus mods, stardew nexus mods, best stardew mods, best stardew valley mods
Id: LD91pjiahFM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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