The Stardew Valley 1.6 Update: Year 1

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this video is brought to you by Squarespace the  place to go if you need a snazzy website you guys   the starting Valley 1.6 update came out it's here  it came out on March 19th of this year and uh you   know what my ass has been pretty much sat in this  chair ever since it has a ton of great new content   not like one big huge 1.5 Ginger Island update  type of content but it is spread out and sprinkled   all the way through early game to late game  concerned AP had been posting so many cute little   teasers on Twitter all leading up to the update it  was so hyped so exciting but I stayed pure I did   not look at the patch notes before my playthrough  all I knew was that there was a new Farm type so   I would probably need to start a new save I knew  that the wines and jellies are now the same color   of their fruit and I also knew that you could  drink mayonnaise hell yeah I actually got pretty   mad and started blocking some people on Twitter  that were posting spoilers okay if you were one of   those people I am sorry kind of this playthrough  is going to be a two-parter h I know I know but   in order to experience everything fully you really  got to go all the way through and pretty much get   Perfection especially if you want the new steam  achievement of getting Perfection the first year   has tons of new festivals and content in general  and you know me you know I like to be an efficient   player but I'm also like a really chill cool girl  and because I'm just like so chill I'm going to be   taking my time I want to stop and smell the roses  I want to really be able to appreciate everything   in the update and not be rushing through to be  as efficient as possible now I have made stardy   Valley videos and reach Perfection before on this  channel and in those videos I went into a lot of   detail about every single little thing that I was  doing this one uh-uh yeah we'll be talking about   things like the community center bundles but I am  mostly going to be focusing on what's new in the   update all right let's see how far I can get in  the first year of the stardy valley 1.6 update 1.6   more like 1 Point L am I right ladies I thought  that was pretty clever I named my farm metaland   farm I know wildly creative and my favorite  thing is indeed the 1.6 update it better be   my favorite thing cuz I'm going to spend the next  month playing this damn game so there's new cats   and dogs too I have to do black cat I mean come on  if this is all that's in the update I'd be a happy   girl I stuck with normal bundles and guaranteed  year 1 completion and chose to SP monsters on   the farm I wish I would have done remixed bundles  if we're being honest there's a few new remixed   bundles added in the update but since I didn't  read the patch notes I didn't know that might be   something to look into if you're what in the full  1.6 experience the intro cut scene all seemed the   same to me Grandpa did not get a comfy looking  deathbed in this update and the lip licking   Cowboy is still there you know he's my favorite  coworker but I had to leave him and my old life   behind to start a new one on meal land's Farm in  stardew Valley we of course with the new Farm get   to see a couple of new things on the very first  day instead of receiving parsnip seeds in our   welcome present we get hey and that's because with  meal lands Farm we start off with a coupe and two   baby chickens I've seen people post the names that  they're spawned with you know so cute but mine is   the cutest I mean come on they're mushroom themed  there's also this new blue grass on the meal lands   farm animals that eat Blue Grass gain friendship  two times times more than if they eat normal grass   and when cut with a scythe produces two times  more hay animals also eat Blue Grass slower but it   grows slower too I spent a good amount of my first  day cleaning up the farm I am noticing that this   Farm type has a huge amount of grass you know the  kind that you can't hoe and plant on but I plan   on being a little more animal oriented in this  save anyways yeah it's just an observation our   getting started Quest doesn't have anything to do  with parsnips no no instead our goal is to harvest   eggs from our little chickens that's about it for  new stuff on day one I got a few seeds planted a   chest crafted and even met mostly everybody that  I could besides Demetrius oh and there's some new   tabbit we now have a cute little animals tab where  you can see your hearts with them and instead of   having a wallet there's a new special items and  Powers tab I recognize some of these Silhouettes   but a lot of these are for sure new in 1.6 how  exciting the farmer type has some new information   as well well overall the UI just looks to have  a lot more information in general which you know   I can totally dig I imagine this will all be  fabulous for tracking progress because honey   we're going to be making a lot of it the next few  days were more or less the same I met Demetrius   and then Willie at the beach where he gave me  the fishing rod now if you remember my 100 days   challenge I did kind of a major badass thing where  I got all of the fish within year one it was kind   of major but I was really truly lucky in order to  do that you need to get your fishing level up to   10 in Spring of year 1 to catch the legend one of  the five legendary fish in the game that's kind of   insane so you can either get level six and also  somehow obtain a seafoam pudding or level seven   and get a fishing food that gives you a plus three  fishing book it depends on whether or not you can   get those Foods at all I got a dish of the sea  from the traveling cart so I was able to catch   the legend and everything else was you know easy  as pie after that will I be doing that this safe   well um I'm not going to try really really hard to  but we'll see how high I can get my fishing level   before the season ends and if I stumble across the  food I might need maybe but guys what happened to   being like chill cool girls you know why am I  going to stress myself out unnecessarily Wily   shop has some new things a fish smoker recipe oh  fancy and sardine bait increases your chance to   catch sardines I bought some and then I realized  that I don't even have a fishing rod you can put   bait onto so so epic guys I'm really good at  this another feature added in the 1.6 update   the game will tell you when you've gained enough  XP to gain a level overnight you've got some new   ideas to sleep on I love it I like to know things  and now I get to know things as they're happening   fishing is a pretty good money maker in the early  game I I would say I didn't used to think that   until you guys yelled at me when I said fishing  is lame but yeah I eat my words now it's great   for a quick book our chickens made eggs on day  three completing our getting started Quest and   now we need to build a silo it's day three chill  out I'm going to just keep doing my thing I'd like   to knock out as much of the fishing collections  tab as I can for spring and slowly start amassing   cash for when I'm ready to do stuff like that new  item alert though River jelly a rare jelly found   in fresh water I'm assuming there's going to be  other jellies this is very cool but I'm not sure   how I feel about using it or selling it until I  know if it's something I need for crafting I'll   save it our beautiful cat is finally here of  course since I picked the black cat I'm going   to name it tiny rip to Tiny my beautiful cat who  passed away last year this is for you big guy day   five is when the magic really starts happening we  can now enter the abandoned Community Center but   in order to start on the bundles we'll need the  help of the wizard to communicate with the junimos   you guys know how this goes our parsnips are in  as well so we'll Harvest and replant those I've   got everything I need planted for the spring crops  Community Center bundle our first traveling cart   visit is today as well there's one new thing in  stock here a book called wood cutters weekly read   this to gain some foraging experience I obviously  can't afford this but I bet that these books are   the big squares in our special items and Powers  tab the mines are open now too everything's the   same here Marlin gives us a sword and a quest  to get to level five I wish this update added   Marlin as a marriage candidate TBH that's my  Silver Fox right there getting to level five   is light work the quest updates and uh we found a  new item carrot seeds a new spring seed oh fun we   reached level 10 today claimed our reward and  now we are new boot goofing Friday nights are   Saloon nights I'm not sure who I'll be Romancing  just yet I want to make sure I get everyone's   relationships up before I make that decision  at this point I don't even know if anyone's got   different cutcenes or new cut scenes so you know  the thought of marriage is really truly pushed all   the way into a tiny little corner in the back  of my mind something that's in the Forefront   carrots let's get those puppies in the ground the  wizard has sent a letter inviting us to come drink   his strange junimo juice and now we get to start  contributing to the bundles I brought these spring   forage Ables with me to unlock the pantry and  fish tank we need to focus on the quality crops   bundle and get some gold star nips with level one  farming comes the quality fertilizer so we make as   much as we can and plant the parsnip seeds on top  Clint also gave us the blueprints to the furnace   thanks buddy well I would say we're pretty set up  here I'd like to think I'm making good progress   spring is about knocking out all those early  levels we're making some solid progress on the   mines I end up going at night most of the time  to knock out five levels or so at a time by the   end of my first spring I got down about halfway  into the mines around level 60 or so it's all very   much the same but I have noticed that monsters are  dropping Furniture items and clothing now we also   cracked open baby's first geod in Spring if we  want to get as close to Perfection as possible   we need to remember that the museum exists so  I got to remind myself to stay on top of that   it'd be nice to get the key to the sewers before  the year ends too but something else that's epic   you can now access Clint's shop and he'll crack  open geod for you even while he's working on your   tools we love a multitasking man this UPS Clint's  likeability major during spring we upgraded the   pickaxe the axe so we can start thinking about  getting that fiddlehead fern in the summer from   the secret woods and the watering can on the last  day of the Season lots of spring quests to get to   as well and I can't forget about the Help Wanted  quests the achievement you get from doing 40 of   those is always really gnarly for me but in 1.6 we  actually get even more incentive to do those what   the heck are these tickets well Harvey let me get  you your iron bar so we can find out prize tickets   can can be used on the little prize machine in  Lewis's house he set it up to promote a spirit   of Goodwill amongst the town folks he set it  up so I would do quests that's sweet and all   but I'm in it for the prizes it's one ticket per  item here and I can already spot something new in   the machine we're going to want to keep on those  Help Wanted quests not all of them reward tickets   but the ones that do I'm all over it now I like  to diversify my income streams even though I'd   like to focus on animals farming and fishing offer  more quick cash and serve other purposes as well   fishing is not only great for money but for mine  food so I'm out there quite a bit The Legend is   in the back of my mind and yeah I did end up  getting to level seven fishing but I did not   catch the legend to be honest I forgot oh well  there's always next spring the deluxe bait is a   little too expensive for me right now it increases  the size of the fishing bar and UPS the bite rate   but I did get to try it out when I got one in a  fishing chest also I got my first book through   a fishing chest jewels of the sea chests now have  a chance to yield row oh damn that is pretty epic   you guys I fished quite a bit mostly for the  collections Tab and bundles but also to stock up   for when I get a kitchen catch two of everything  you know I'm working ahead we did get around to   building our first Silo thank God because I was  running out of hay check out this Farm too damn   this is big oh hey here's my cave wow I would  have totally missed that we're free to cut our   grass now I'm trying to encourage more Blue Grass  growth near my Coupe for happier little chickes   and we need mayonnaise too of course so I crafted  some makers farming is where it's at in Spring   though my goal is to always grow some of every  crop I like to stock my kitchen before it's even   built not only that but we have bundles to think  about spring crops is easy but the quality crops   bundle is a little bit of a headache it took me a  couple rounds of planting nips in the fertilizer   before I got five gold stars another huge Money  Maker for me though the one I look forward to   the most because it's so good is tea saplings the  recipe for tea saplings requires spring seeds so   of course we want to be foraging and growing the  spring fora bles as much as possible but we also   need to get Caroline up to two hearts to obtain  said recipe I don't have any of her loved gifts   but I can spare a few daffodils for the cause  it wasn't until the 27th that I actually got   our relationship up high enough to trigger her  tea event but the next day I got that recipe and   went to town we sold 46 tea saplings and at 500  gold a pop um what the [ __ ] tea saplings were   nerfed in the 1.6 update to be worth 250 gold  each you're joking I was supposed to be rich   concerned ape giveth and he taketh away I suppose  [ __ ] well it's something at least but I'm sad   moving on to the last of my Big Spring focuses I  know I'm covering a lot but the first season is   a very big one for us doers and we still haven't  talked about the new stuff foraging is important   to raise quickly in my opinion because this girl  likes batteries oh yeah baby we need the juice I   like to have aridium sprinklers going into year 2  so raising foraging up to level six is crucial to   take advantage of the summer thunderstorms with  lightning rods and I mean who doesn't need wood   at level three we got the recipe for Moss soup now  I've seen this here Moss thing before the crafting   recipe for Speed grow now uses Moss so where the  heck do I get moss I actually didn't get any until   the last day of spring but it grows on trees duh  guys I don't know if it doesn't spawn until later   in the season or if I just didn't notice the Moss  this whole time but cool I'll take it there's not   a ton of new event stuff in spring of year 1 at  least you know the egg hunt was business as usual   I always forget to save money for strawberries  so I could only buy five pathetic little seeds   I absolutely nailed the egg hunt what's new and  demolished any children in my path and now we're   officially in straw hat season the flower dance  was also the same I didn't have high enough hearts   with any Honeys to dance with anyone but instead  of watching and stalking from the corner like we   usually do we watch from the front at least I  don't have to look at my sad pathetic little   face the biggest new event if you can call it that  is the book sellers visit where the hell is this   guy I thought oh let's go byy the traveling cart  maybe it's over there no I walked around the whole   godamn valley before I noticed the sign Jesus  Christ I should have just looked it up I wasted   half a day oh wait this is so cute he sells get  this books very expensive books and to be honest I   don't think I'll be making a purchase anytime soon  he does come two random days on every season so I   don't know really worried there's experience books  and other fun little quirks like run speed but   nothing is worth my goal just yet because I simply  just don't have much to spare wrapping up Spring   here we did a lot of major bundle work I got the  blacksmith bundle complete unlocked the final   bundles and contributed to a few on the bulletin  board the coolest thing by far was getting a red   cabbage fully grown by the way in the traveling  cart I had to go sell some random stuff but yeah   I bought that [ __ ] so quick along with bundles  we leveled up Farm pretty significantly going for   rancher for whatever reason uh once we got to  level five I guess I thought I was really going   to be a Rancher girl but I really should have  picked tiller so I could get the Artisan perk   at level 10 this cost me a lot of money towards  the end of this playthrough but it's fine I'm fine   we ended spring of year 1 with some pretty good  skillage A new barn in the works one bag upgrade   the Beach Bridge repaired a mushroom cave and pl  for a more aesthetic Farm layout we're trying to   keep it cute around here I also am trying to plan  around for when I get aridium sprinklers because   I'm a dreamer if anything we're so far away  from that I am so silly oh and I made sure to   drink some mayonnaise too because we can do that  now cheers to 1.6 friends now we're moving on to   Summer we're not very far on our bundles like at  all and we got a lot of work to do to get this   Farm looking good what is there a slime harassing  my chickens in broad daylight get out of here my   goal is to get all of my gold star melons in one  go I have a ton of quality fertilizer stocked up   so I'm hoping to get that out of the way as soon  as they grow in and thanks to our new upgraded   watering can we can water even faster so why not  have assloads of crops I ate a little bit of speed   grow which I used for blueberries and planted  some summer squash seeds that I had found in a   dick spot I'd really like more animals though my  my Barn's all ready to go but there's no Marne   in sight today I'll just do something else then  [ __ ] me right I need more wood for saplings yeah   they're less money now but all money is good  money here and I have quite a few more spring   seeds that I can use the earthquake happened the  next day giving us access to the railroad and Spa   I typically like to plant buttloads of trees up  here since it's out of the way and use it as my   wood supply and I actually utilize the spa quite  a bit it's nice to come visit Midway through the   day to replenish some energy to clean up the farm  F or whatever when Marne did finally clock in for   work I was able to purchase two brand new baby  cows and notice that she had some new stuff in   her Shop dog houses cat trees oh oh my gosh this  is so fun and even a birdhouse I love it I also   discovered the new Bobbers had no idea they were  here in willly shop I never saw this but you can   unlock and change your fishing bobber here guess  what I picked yeah you guessed right what else   is new oh I found some mix flower seeds which are  similar to mixed seeds but with flowers and yeah I   know I'm late to the party I could have entered  the adventurers Guild long ago but I totally   forgot about it my bad honestly it's better that  I waited because on my way home I got a new book   from an artifact spot so yeah it was meant to  be bundles start to really pop off in the summer   this is the time to put in work on the fishing  bundles for sure after catching the sturgeon we   got the night fishing bundle down and unlocked  the vault bundle summer foraging is done too a   good chunk of the dye bundle The Crab Pot bundle  is finished thanks to my One Singular Crab Pot   exotic foraging she's good there was a truffle  in my traveling cart which I did decide to buy   because historically I have missed completing the  community center bundles within year 1 because of   truffles I'm sure that won't be the case but I  fear mongered my way into making that purchase   the construction bundle's good we got ocean fish  out of the way after catching our red snapper and   our first yield of melons brought us all of the  gold star quality melons necessary for the quality   crops bundle oh and summer crops in general I'm  always scared to sell these even after doing the   bundles because what if I forgot it's fine it's  fine I can sell them I need money after completing   the adventurers bundle we just needed a singular  Fire Quartz to unlock mine carts I better go and   buy a new sword because I'm honestly having the  hardest time I like cannot get lower than 65 in   the mines because this piece of garbage so that's  something we have in the works new item alert   Deluxe worm bin it creates Deluxe bait also level  eight fishing I'm just so cool I'm just so good   at this speaking of levels though I'm wasting  precious thunderstorms by not having lightning   rods up at level five I chose gatherer and grinded  my way all the way to level six using trees that   were just around my farm lightning rods crafted  and placed Liss ready for battery also first time   checking the uh mushroom cave here totally forgot  in the update we get a brand spanking new machine   with the mushroom cave the dehydrator Place five  foods in here and Bam you got dried whatevers it's   also time for preserves jars since I've been  busy fishing I have a ton of row that I caught   from chests I'm so happy I stumbled across that  book this is just some very passive income and   I love it it was very easy for me to impress the  governor at the luau this year due to mayonnaise   is now having a star rating we're making tons of  gold star Mayo every single day easy mode farming   is going great since I have more money you know  practically rolling in it I'm able to grow a lot   more crops and I have more money to upgrade tools  and buildings now that we've got these silver axe   we're able to access these secret Woods for daily  hardwood spawns and that sweet sweet little head   fern I'm gaining levels and even have time to give  people gifts I typically don't even bother with   friendship until the kitchen is built but since  I have a few favorite gifts I can work it into   my schedule Museum's looking a lot less empty too  on the 15th I checked my TV as I usually do and   saw something very mysterious there appears to  be some kind of anomalous reading I don't know   what this means what do you mean you don't know  weather boy and why is the TV green I just want   to know if I can upgrade my watering can or not  I really debated on looking it up but thought no   I will wait and see see what happens business as  usual I guess I've got other things to worry about   like my first keg I'm not growing these hops for  nothing there's quests to do and mine floors to   be plundered but you know I'm excited and kind of  nervous oh my gosh 1.6 I woke up the next day and   the screen was covered in a green Haze a green  rain has descended upon the valley oh no and the   TV don't work is my farm [ __ ] up what is this  it looks like the weeds don't damage anything but   they grow in all the empty space okay I can handle  that also hell yeah fiber time saw the weather   report last night I'm not sure what will happen  but if anyone wants to take shelter in the saloon   I'll keep it open for all day Gus look guys we're  getting tons of fiber and Moss and the trays look   all funky there's beautiful fiber everywhere and  big viny trees that drop fiddlehead fern so much   for getting that steel ax as quick as possible  then there's no fiber growing in this town but   tons of the villagers are holed up in the saloon  with new dialogue this is so fun some villagers   opted to stay home poor Evelyn thinks she's  dying Demetrius is ready for this I am loving   the Hazmat suit friend lonus does not care like  at all but he says the weird trees will be gone   tomorrow as I was chopping weed I remembered a  new recipe I got a while back the mushroom log   it grows mushrooms and has more success when near  Wild trees these must be the wild trees because   yeah I didn't really know what that meant before  through my foraging I collected a few wild seeds   and just an assload of fiber and Moss there's not  like an insane amount of uses for Moss that I've   noticed yet but it's good to just have I suppose  and having a special fiber event is so goated I'm   always needing fiber the next day the valley was  back to normal Marne was finally working so I got   two new ducks and a new cow I collected what I  could for the fish tank puffer fish ghostfish   and the wood skip for the specialty fish bundle  all all we need now is the walleye tiger trout and   sandfish to complete the tank the fiddlehead fern  gets donated and we've got some artisan and animal   items too I finally got to upgrade my watering  can you know I guess I could have done it during   the green rain but I had no idea what was going to  happen so you know better late than ever but yeah   business as usual you know the next major thing  to happened was the mystery box cut scene after 50   days or completing two quests with prize tickets  mystery boxes can now be found in game we'll see   what all we can find o finally the Fire Quartz you  know what that means folks mine carts yep that's   the last thing I needed things are about to get  a lot more productive and efficient around here   with all these mine carts and steel watering can  and barn upgrade business when will she stop can   she be stopped she's a mad woman summer comes  with not only the green rain event but another   snazzy new shiny event the Trout Derby I had  noticed this sign in the forest advertising   in it a two-day fishing event and on the 20th  I went to go check it out people from all walks   of life are here in stardy Valley fishing for  trout where I come from they call me trout man   yeah well not around here buddy I'm the trout man  all right how do I play during this event rainbow   trout have a chance of carrying a golden tag that  can be traded in for prizes there's no limitations   on when the trout can be caught it can just be  caught all day on the 20th and 21st better start   fishing my first view trout didn't even have any  golden tags I literally was fishing until like 10:   p.m. and only got one my one tag did give me  a tent kit which is new and cool we can sleep   anywhere lus style I got out there the next day  ready for action my luck must have been better too   because the golden tags were a flowing and I even  got my first Mystery Box we had enough golden tags   to trade in for pretty much everything you can get  from the Trout Derby but I thought that was super   fun what a good little event I was having so much  fun that I got home way too late and passed out   right next to my bed yay Trout Derby it's time  for our bucket hat era and we've got a really   ramp up production on the animal products here I  need pigs pretty much ASAP our barn is big enough   for goats I did have to sell some random Beach  garbage to buy one but we got it the fence that   came with our farm is in shambles so I started to  plan out a better Farm layout this season 2 after   cleaning up a significant portion of the space I  was able to sort of carve out an animal section   near more of the grass can't move the greenhouse  until it's built but it's not going to stay there   also did you know you can move your house this is  news to me I've also been collecting lots and lots   of hardwood for a stable so I can get a horse seat  mystery boxes are full of all kinds of fun stuff   like more mystery boxes now it seems to just be  a random assortment of items which is great I got   a prismatic Shard from an omni geod though you  know can't beat that you're going right in the   chest for now mister the traveling C part that  came a while back had a sandfish in it which of   course I bought and donated I am still a little  ways away from unlocking the desert so if I can   buy a little bit of my way into completion I'll  do it when I'm super short on cash I can still   rely on tea saplings at 1.6 they're not like op  anymore they're just fine now I need money to   buy apple and pomegranate saplings both of which  are in community center bundles I wish I didn't   get the mushroom cave I don't even really go in  there since it's in the corner of my farm silly   I know but that's just how my brain operates just  doesn't exist if I can't see it the idium rod is   necessary for the octopus and puffer fish I don't  care what anybody says I need a trap bobber for   some of these feisty little ones the summer fish  are crazy and I think we needed the rod to catch   the Crimson fish to be honest it was very hard  level 9 fishing damn and I've gotten all the   summer fish damn wrapping up Summer here farming's  going great we're getting around to Tool upgrades   as much as we can and even making our very first  purchase from the book seller I got the cheapest   one sure but it shows an item sell price when  you hover over it which I love I'm excited to   see what the other books are going to be not sure  how I feel about skill books yet they're pretty   expensive so I'm not sure who is buying those this  early on but yeah our levels just keep getting too   high I just don't know if I see the purpose yet  I was grabbing a rare seed for fall and ended up   getting a rabbit's foot from the traveling cart  for a bundle and cracked open a mystery box with   a fried egg in it holy bundle stuff other than  that we still have a ways to go I really debated   on whether I was going to upgrade the house or the  barn because yeah I want pigs for truffles before   winter and more space since I'm getting more  animals but cooking seems like a necessity at   this point I ended up scaming up money to upgrade  the house doing this led me to realize that oh   [ __ ] I just spent all my money right before fall  is about to be here so I did an emergency sapling   haul sold some animal products and hit the mines  for some cash level 100 baby also baby's first   star drop M 1.6 EMP and that's it for my first  summer too what a season Deluxe speed grow for   the rare seed and fall crops fertilizer for  all the crops and some mystery seeds [ __ ]   it you know how we do while exploring I found two  things what is this a mystery and then Robin and   Lewis's special orders board is now ready for  me you guys know how I feel about these puppies   I'll accept one even though I know I can't do it  right now I know it's wild but I'm done with the   quality crops bundle yeah I got just enough gold  star corn from the summer so this and the summer   foraging are all dunzo my house is also big now  and has a kitchen we can finally eat I mean I'm   familiar with eating no I'm mostly saving all of  those goodies for cooking I'm going to need a lot   more space though I have tons of fish for recipes  crops that I've been saving for recipes but now I   can start thinking about cooking all recipes for  Perfection if we even get that far no we're we're   going to have to get that far pretty early on  into fall here I set aside some time to reach   the bottom of the mines also our Enchanted weapon  monster drops new that's epic but yeah one more   little gold rock okay you know level 120 we got  the skull key and got the hell out of Dodge and   since I bought that sandfish I only need two more  fishies for the fish tank bundles both of which   can be obtained in Fall boom done glittering  Boulder demolished and now we have the copper   pan and we're done with the chef's bundle too see  this is where the game starts to get significantly   easier for me at least sure there's harder more  late game stuff introduced but I'm finally able   to go out and give gifts to people since I can  make more gifts in general using the kitchen   it becomes more worth it to go out and do gifting  because you have more things to give if that makes   sense that's how I view it anyways opportunity  cost or whatever nerd [ __ ] blah blah blah   blah blah I gave it my all for Robin's resource  rush but ended falling short of the 1,000 Stone   gathered at least I got a book and a prismatic  Shard out of it I also went and said hi to the   dwarf for the first time sorry you know it's  taking me a while to get here in the downtime   between tending to crops and animals I'm also  knocking out some of the random Quests for various   people which also gives a little bit of money most  of the time or friendship I think I'm not like   super rich but I'm making decent money I'd like  to make more money and I think pigs are really   going to do that for me but I have to get them  like now I have a choice either wait until I had 42.5kg grade the deluxe Barn using 25k I figured  I'd do the barn now and the money will come it'll   just take a little more time for the desert just  waiting on apples for the fodder bundle since the   fall crops are complete I just need something  anything for the Artisan bundle The Vault a   pomegranate for the wizard nautilus shell for  field research duck feather for Emily yeah I'm   still waiting on that I'm really mad at myself  we missing out on winter foraging I know for a   fact that I had a snow yam in the traveling cart  and didn't buy it and now there's this thing and   I'm just mad I checked the predictor no more snow  yams are coming so I will have to wait for winter   W wamp we did get around to the animal bundle  though so yeah you know just waiting on stuff   and things just from Mystery Boxes and geod I got  my first aridium so my first aridium sprinkler is   placed Hallelujah I hate watering and yeah I  also bought an aridium bar sorry that I'm lazy   and want big sprinklers really bad we finally  got pigs though too on the 13th so almost too   late in 10 days they'll hopefully be clocking in  to give us some truff and we'll have a couple days   of truffle yield remember how I said I'm bad  at special orders Well turns out I'm very very   smart aquatic overpopulation fish up 10 salmon  you know I remember that I got the recipe for   this snazzy new little thing called The Bait  maker you can stuff any old fish in there and   it'll make bait for that specific fish oh this  would have slayed during the Trout Derby but I   was able to fish up 10 salmon in one day because  yeah the specific fish bait Works super well most   of the time I should have just brought it with me  to make more bait but yeah this one is super easy   so now we have the recipe for the farm computer  and that now sits in my house and special orders   give prize tickets now too fabulous pretty much  everything is the same as before the update in   Fall the book seller still comes twice a month  so that's like the biggest new thing and the new   fall seed is broccoli I'm a fan love the broccoli  representation as I am indeed a broccol lover I   did notice that some of those weird looking  trees stuck around after the green rain like   the existing Drees that converted I think not  sure but I did try to chop some down to see if   I could get more wild seeds but didn't really work  for me I'm amping up my animal products and wine   production here cranberry wine is hopefully going  to be my main Money Maker for a while along with   cheese and Mayo after selling my first batch of  pumpkins I had almost enough money to repair the   bus so I ran back sold some other animal products  and then went to pay off that bundle and since   I'm broke I'll plant fall SE seeds in the pumpkins  place the bus was repaired overnight but the next   day was the stardy Valley Fair which I kind of  need to go to so the desert can wait one more day   I had a good amount of stuff for the fair Grange  display and using the stardo fair calculator I   managed to score first place of course the goal  is to double my star tokens and get that star drop   I'm not concerned about the rare Crow or even the  Fedora this year I know the Fedora is pretty swag   but I'm enjoying the bucket hat right now the best  way to double our money is to throw it on green   baby oh [ __ ] I hope the odds still favor green  okay okay we're good I played it safe because I'm   scared and did two 500 token bets but yeah we did  it second star drop acquired I said hi to everyone   just to rub it in desert time baby first stop meet  Sandy and give her a gift and then buy some beet   seeds I forgot my Prismatic Shard that's a bummer  well how bad can the skull Cavern be this skull   guy is new I wonder what that's for anyways I just  took a little toe dip into the skull Cavern just   to get the vibe you know and I ended up getting  the Prismatic jelly for the wizard special order   I made it to level 29 before heading home fun  times and gave him the jelly the next day Key's   Quest didn't trigger until the day after that but  hey free 10K Golds can't complain and we got the   monster musk recipe in the mail the goal of this  fall was to essentially prep for winter I wanted   to build up a few silos and cut some grass so my  little animals don't starve we caught the anger   our second legendary fish and grew the sweet gem  Berry for our third star drop along with upgrading   the pickaxe to Gold we upgraded the backpack  fully and got our galaxy sword so we'll stand   a way better chance in the skull Cavern I mean I  hope damn I was like 2 days away from potentially   getting truffles from my own pigs but I saw one  in the traveling car and I bought it all I needed   was the last item from The Artisan bundle to  unlock the greenhouse and you know what I'm   happy I did it truffle oil is one of those items  so I'm perfectly fine with my decision I did get   a truffle like 2 days later so hm whatever all we  have left to complete the community center is the   winter foraging bundle Emily's bundle demetrius's  the Wizards and Mary the pomegranate apples and   duck feather all came eventually leaving us with  just two items that nautilus shell and the snow   yam both winter exclusives and not coming to a  traveling cart near us anytime soon the fishing   collections tab is looking great I caught all  the fall fish cooked as many dishes as I could   and even went down into the mines to search for  the last dwarf scroll I needed no not that one   oh my God why did I get so many of that one being  able to buy bombs from the dwarf's store is super   great for doing the skull Cavern and if I want  to get to level 100 I'm going to need to get that   set up ASAP a slime in the secret Woods ended up  dropping it rad hey why are bombs more expensive   you've got to be kidding me they used to be  600 gold oh no we had it so good God damn it   some things I noticed that are new the mushroom  cave mushrooms now only spawn every other day   as opposed to every day yet another reason why I  should have chosen the fruit bags the new seeds   for winter started appearing in dig spots powder  melons and then this event uh there was a strong   Windstorm during the night along with the sound  of a tree falling hey I heard that I was looking   around my farm like okay did one of my trees fall  down and then I asked my friend like hey what the   heck is this and they said oh look for a stump I'm  like okay look at this very thorough searching I'm   doing there is no stump on my farm and then the  next day my dumbass went down to the forest and   saw the big glaring huge very large stump right  in front of my eyes so yeah 100 hardwood to fix   the tree h Jesus okay I'll work on it we're pretty  much done with fall the coupe was upgraded before   The Season's end so we now have one Deluxe  barn and one Deluxe Coupe some babies were   born I got some sheep and a rabbit and went to  town on crops and tea saplings we raised a ton   of levels and upgraded the watering can the  hoe and the axe the spirits Eve Festival was   the same I bought the rare Crow and did the maze  claimed my golden pumpkin and look there's a mine   cart to take you back oh I love it our levels  are looking good farming level 10 damn who is   she I'm looking forward to seeing what these  stars are I'm assuming all of the squares are   books but what does all this other stuff mean the  collections tab is slowly filling up I'd like to   focus on that next season probably along with the  museum I've been making a lot of Museum donations   though truly it's looking fabulous like let's be  honest but you know a lot of the museum progress   happens in the winter I feel and God we still have  so many achievements left also lucky us we get to   start on Ancient fruit our one true Money Maker  gifting is going to be all the rage in the winter   too H I love it we all know winter is typically  pretty slow this one's not [ __ ] we got a sewer   key day one after getting the magnifying glass we  also went around to get the snow yam and finish   the craft room bundles but I also noticed that all  of the villagers have cute seasonal outfits oh my   gosh this is adorable it took a while and a lot of  hoen but we acquired the yam and donated it now we   just have that silly little nautilus shell I also  went to the desert to buy starf fruit seeds for   my new Greenhouse I'd like to make some starfruit  wine money and screw it let's plant these powder   melon seeds and winter seeds sewer time we're a  ways away from buying the star drop but I also   noticed a new Wizard catalog and butterfly powder  in the shop the powder gets rid of your pet um how   awful is that oh my God that night the bridge was  repaired and I got to visit the Corey which had   a new type of coal Rock and the Cory mine after  getting the golden Scythe I noticed that there was   a new little section in here hey what's going on  there's coal rocks and blue skeletons in this side   and it connects back to the main area in a loop we  love new stuff while I wait on this damn nautilus   shell to spawn I might as I'll make myself useful  firstly the fishing collections we've got to catch   one of every winter fish and then some for cooking  except the Night Market Fish we obviously have to   wait on those I decided to take on the Mine Fish  too because I had the community cleanup special   order and you get a lot of trash while fishing  down here the glacier fish was giving me a lot of   grief this little stinker I had to come back over  the course of a few days to catch it most annoying   fish in the game maybe for me we got level 10  fishing out of it so you know I can't be too mad   started collecting secret notes with quests and  I've been prepared okay I had that battery I had   that sumers shell the beats the solar Essence  yeah I did that I can now access the casino but   I'm not going to do all that right now I haven't  even been very serious about rare crows there are   some new things available for purchase however  fireworks oh how fun and these stats are cool   apparently I hate recycling the bear in The secret  Woods got his scissor and I now have his special   knowledge we've also collected enough hardwood  to fix the broken stump which I'm pissed because   I was saving that to unlock Ginger Island but I  digress when I checked on the new house a few days   later a little guy went ahead and made himself  at home he's hungry need fish smoked fish okay   this raccoon has expensive taste I had to fish up  a bullhead by the crafting recipe for the smoker   take it home craft it and bring over the fish you  know it was a lot he rewarded us with powder melon   seeds and his new mission is to find a wife good  luck out there champ I'm still working on that   myself who am I going to marry well you know it's  not going to happen anytime soon I don't have a   mermaid's pendant I just really am bad at getting  married in the first year I'll be honest I don't   even really start doing gift runs until the fall  and winter I'm just grinding too hard doing other   things you know but going around and giving gifts  has been paying off everyone's been so nice to me   and sending me recipes for my cooking achievements  a giving gifts is definitely great I have a stupid   amount of prize tickets okay I have five but I got  a star drop tea from the prize machine which is a   great gift if you give it to someone it gives them  one heart and on a birthday or the Feast of the   winter star it gives three this will definitely  come in handy someday the first week of winter   went all right I did notice that the trees in  the town have lights at night that has to be new   right right cute the witch hasn't come around  to curse my chicken Co yet so I bought a void   egg from kobis and threw it in the incubator my  powder melons and winter seeds came in we've been   leveling on up in the worlds and then we went to  the Festival of ice which is pretty much the same   you can catch a wider variety of fish in the  festival now not like you can take them home   or anything but yeah I won naturally but I didn't  feel like a true winner until I went to the beach   that night and finally Nautilus shells oh my  God every day has been so painful until this   one the time has come on the e8th of winter we  completed the community center and on the ninth   it was restored Morris got his butt whooped and  we're finally done with that chapter so what's   the next big thing well you know let's be honest  the late game has really just begun because we   now get to unlock Ginger Island that damn raccoon  stole all my hardwood for his house that bastard   so it's going to take me quite a long time to  build that stock up to repair the boat for ginger   Island and aian bars too I haven't got many  of those to spare at the moment we can get 12   hardwood a day from the secret woods but luckily  I've been saving up these mahogany seeds and with   some tree fertilizer oh baby we're in business  new content alert squid Fest no Splatoon here   folks squid Fest operates similarly to the Trout  Derby but rather than trading in Gold tags for   prizes you catch squid of certain quality and  present them for prizes all The Usual Suspects are   here from out of town and I tried my my hand at  squiding for a bit before I realized girl I have   a bait maker why am I not using squid bait much  easier I spent all night squid fishing and got   all the prizes you can get including a new book  where crab pots have a 25% chance to yield double   but squid Fest goes on for 2 days and the second  day has a special prize the squid hat I need her   same method squid bait and boom we're now entering  squid hat season baby squid Fest is the only new   event in winter this year next up we have the  night market which is the same as usual the   addition of squid Fest is perfect too it helps  fill out the low of winter a little bit you know   at the night market I bought a discount orange  sapling and a copy of mining monthly I got the   Pearl from the mermaid show and went fishing for  the night market fishies I really only have a   few more fish to catch most that I know of and one  mystery new fish that I have yet to discover I got   all of the Night Market Fish over the course of  two nights went grabbed the other fish that I knew   of and now it's just the legend Ginger Island fish  and the Mystery little guy I want to try to find   that one on my own before looking it up but let's  be honest I'll probably have to look it up someday   after doing the Wizards wife witch Quest we  unlocked the Wizards farm buildings book thing and   it kind of got me thinking more about like ooh are  we going to be going for Perfection it'd be super   cool to get all the achievements and everything  especially since there's new ones that sort of   involve Perfection and one that is is straight up  about perfection H you know I'll never be tired   of this game and you know I I feel like I could do  it on this Farm you know I've been miss in stardy   Valley I haven't been playing a lot lately but  if that's something that we're thinking about we   really really got to ramp up our money making like  all the ancient fruit you know let's make all the   wines I just want to experience it all you know I  think we're doing it you know not right the second   and not in this video but you know we're going to  get to it so jumping off from that I have three   major goals for winter this year I want to reach  level 100 in the skull Cavern with no staircases   unlock Ginger Island and be super rich it's going  to take a while before I have the supplies for   ginger Island so skull Cavern it is and hopefully  we'll magically just get rich the skull Cavern   ended up being a lot harder for me this go around  I've been slowly building up and preparing to go   with triple shot espressos spicy eel bombs and  zero staircases I've done it before and I'll do   it again again no staircases throughout winter  I have been going down into the skull Cavern for   some not so serious attempts but I have made it to  about level 50 or so with little to no effort so I   don't think any of us expected my first run to be  absolutely brutal it was a good luck day winter 19   I grabbed all my stuff and warped on over to the  desert traded in some quartz for bombs and got   started blowing the place up the thing is I was  bombing quite a lot and was really only getting   ladders until like level 12 that doesn't sound  like good luck to me I kept on pushing getting a   lot a lot of ladders but some hole here and there  and had pretty much used all my bombs before level   50 there was a good streak of holes for a minute  there I ended up using pretty much all of my Iron   Coal and solar Essence to craft my own bombs level  77 at 10:30 you know I can still do it level 88 at   130 no not so great I was so upset we got super  close but I need to really tighten it up and do   zero dilly-dallying on my next run the haul was  so good that I just didn't feel like resetting   so you know I'll just be patient it's going to  take a minute before I have enough supplies to   go at it again so we have some other things we  can talk about I got a new book from a mystery   box that gives me a slightly higher chance of  finding mystery boxes who could be mad at that   a new shed is in the works I like to have a shed  dedicated to crafting and storage so that's what   this one's going to be sent us a letter informing  us that she's now allowing pet adoptions we could   get more than one pet oh my gosh oh this is  so exciting holy [ __ ] never mind I do not   have the money for that you know maybe next year  loving the option though lots of gifts were given   in my downtime it doesn't take long to tend to my  animals and I don't have a lot of farming going on   so this is taking up a huge part of my day I will  say I know that there's been dialogue updates and   such I've noticed noticed a little bit but I'm  not going to be the type of person who is going   to notice everything I just don't know everyone's  dialogue by heart so like I'm I'm glad there's   improvements I feel like it's noticeable but I'm  not like going to be able to point everything out   if that makes sense I did notice that Shane now  moves from his spot in the saloon to look at a   cactus in another spot sometimes that's different  I finally built up an arsenal of supplies but my   luck is just abysmal every day I ch and it's just  not getting higher than neutral tomorrow is the   winter star I have to try even if it's a neutral  day cool cool cool cool cool cool monster floor   on level four first hole at 10:00 a.m. I did get a  rain totem on this run that's great to have things   were picking up and I was at level 50 before  5:00 p.m. but truthfully not enough supplies   level 73 at 8:20 it's still possible but I have  no bombs M got to whip out the old pick we're   wasting time it's like the stardew gods heard  my plea and gave me five Mega bombs at 75 oh we   can maybe do it [ __ ] [ __ ] we got so close I'm  actually really really [ __ ] mad I passed out at   95 Merry [ __ ] Christmas my winter star person  was Jess so I gave her a fairy Rose which she   loved and then Marne gave me 12 eggs perfect for  Gus's special order honestly very epic gift since   there's only a few days left in in Winter and  we're winding down this first part I got around   to fixing up the boat truthfully I've had the  supplies for it for a while I just really wanted   to do the skull Cavern first in my mind certain  things need to happen before other things you know   but the boat was fixed on the 27th the spirits  were annoyed so I waited and I went on the 28th   back to the skull Cavern the last day of winter  I am going to get this done in the first year   no matter what it takes the spirits were in good  humor and boy did I feel feel their Good Humor all   over me today we were at level 89 by 10 p.m. like  who does that just one more hole and boom level   100 I got my special dialogue no staircases like  a boss and drank ke weird milk for an HP boost I'm   out of here and that's all she wrote ladies and  gentlemen in the next part we'll be making our   very first visit to Ginger Island and finishing  up everything we need to reach Perfection we   haven't even covered all the new content in the  1.6 update here there's more festivals in year   2 year two changes and even new late game content  what are the stars find out in the next video I'll   be releasing the second part in a few weeks so  hang tight thanks for watching though you know I   want to know how you feel about the update share  your tips your tricks and um things that I might   have missed in the first year share anything  because I've actually already already completed   my playthrough we just needed like a little bit  more time with the edit so you're not going to be   spoiling anything for me don't worry I won't block  you like I blocked those people on Twitter maybe   just kidding no I really won't but hey this video  would not be possible without the help of today's   sponsor Squarespace thanks to Squarespace I have  a website where I put all of my preferred stardy   Valley mods I have my Animal Crossing codes  on there I have a cutesy little blog where I   talk about my video making process but having  a website is crucial for me you know it is so   much more professional and nice looking than just  throwing all my information on a random document   link I look mad professional you too can look  like a professional with a Squarespace website   I'm just a silly gaming YouTuber but if you're  trying to build a brand online it is important   to have a clean and efficient website choose  from any of squarespace's gorgeous templates   and customize it with ease Squarespace has loads  of templates tailored to any kind of business and   if you're looking for something more custom check  out Squarespace blueprint you can customize your   template even easier tell Squarespace exactly  what you want from your website down to the   exact pages and Squarespace blueprint will set  it all up for you and it looks so good like I   can't think of anything more userfriendly online  retailers thrive on Squarespace with their easy to   use in abundance e-commerce tools and thirdparty  extension integration if you're selling services   you can have your clients make appointments and  invoice them directly through Squarespace go to for free trial and then when  you're ready to launch head to   listthe last or you can just use my code listthe  last and you'll get 10% off of your very first   purchase of a website or domain thank you guys so  much for watching if you're not familiar I do have   a second Channel called list pilled if you're  looking for more like casual kind of stuff you   know and if you have video ideas for that Channel  please let me know I'm thinking about doing some   Let's Plays you know I was also thinking like  a cute little like skin care hair tutorial that   kind of stuff I don't know I don't know if you  liked this video you would probably like the video   where I did the jojamart route oh yeah baby and  there's a little special surprise in that one I   hope you're having a great day and you continued  to do so and I will see you in the next one
Channel: liss the lass
Views: 251,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liss the lass, liss the lass lets play, liss the lass stardew valley, stardew valley 1.6, stardew update, concerned ape, green rain stardew, bookseller stardew, new content stardew valley, mystery boxes, qi quests, raccoon bundles, 1.6 play through, 1.6 lets play
Id: iFHyx6hDvlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 41sec (3281 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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