20 New Mind-Blowing AI Tools For 2023

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this remember the single most important video I ever make on this channel or at least so far a few weeks ago I made a video about six different businesses you can make using Ai and chat GPT and since then the number of ARS come into the spotlight has increased dramatically you see I've been Adam and the AI is must be one of the greatest opportunities to come out in our lifetime and the more and more I learn about it the more I'm convinced that it's going to be bigger than crypto nfts and the internet itself to help you understand why I think that today I'm going to be giving you 20 different AI technologies that I think can help you or your business get to that next level and with each piece of technology I'm going to suggest you a business that you can start or how an existing business could be improved by using it this one's going to be a fun one so sit back grab a coffee and let's get into this together so I'll split this into five different categories text image video code and well everything else and I'm going to start with the one that's been impressing me the most in this video but before I get into it I just want to let you know that every AI I talk about in this video is in the description below just in case you want to check it out for yourself let's go number one on my list comes from a company called Flawless AI their true sync technology is a visual dialogue translation model that allows you to alter the outcome of a video to whatever you'd like now we're stuck on this stupid Tower in the middle of nowhere stuck on this stupid freaking Tower in the middle of freaking nowhere is now that's pretty damn impressive if you're someone who works in that field right now I would adopt this very quickly YouTube's biggest Creator Mr Beast has been on many podcasts talking about how he has multiple channels in multiple languages so for all your content creators out there imagine how you could expand your audience using something like this I think this is a a piece technology that's going to revolutionize how we do things number two on my list is Maxine by Nvidia this is a clever piece of tech that redirects your eye contact back to the camera when you're in meetings and it uses machine learning AI technology uh to make it look as if I'm looking straight down the lens and I'm not you can also translate your output to someone else live in the meeting which is absolutely incredible so imagine you're speaking to someone in Spain whose English isn't very good you can speak in English and their output on there and they see you as speaking in Spanish I think this is a great tool for working with people all around the world this notion that the best talent is in First World countries it's just incorrect people in third world countries have a bit more hunger they'll probably give you a better service for for a much lower price so imagine speaking to someone in Brazil or Zimbabwe or whatever and maybe the English isn't great but using this Tech that could adjust that that language barrier there for you so they understand exactly what you want and give you results that are absolutely amazing at a much cheaper price on top of that I think it actually opens with customer base I think there's a lot of people who might need Services all around the world who maybe don't understand the language or you have that language barrier as a as a block for you but I think this kind of Technology will open that up so that you know we're all essentially all speak one language according to it it's one internet language that you know been being translated by this AI number three on my list is called Runway ml this is a ai-backed video editor that allows you to do motion tracking remove backgrounds or remove objects from your video using AI it also allows you to do a bunch of other things like image to image generation or color grading using just text which is absolutely incredible as a video creator myself I think this is something I'll be trying out definitely and I think for those who are content creators or agencies that need to make videos for a bunch of things this could streamline your video editing process and save you a lot of money number four on my list is an AI called Synthesia this is an ai-backed video creation tool that allows you to pick a host or a presenter and you can type in your script directly into the AI and it will read it out for you word for word in a natural human-like way text to video is the process of converting information from a text format into a video format usually done with AI I think this is very useful in a corporate sense if you're someone who makes videos or presentations on a regular basis to different companies all around the world I think this is something that you can really use to your advantage and from an entrepreneurs and business owners I think this is something you can really use to become the number one information Giver in your space so here's an example imagine you're a baker you love baking cakes and you you know want to get that business up and running a good thing you can do is create tutorials on YouTube using this and how to do different cakes and how to make them blah blah blah blah and you can become a supplier that people go to to get the ingredients for these cakes believe me it might sound simple that's a business model that could really kick off okay number five on my list is going to rephrase AI it's quite similar to Synthesia but it's more tailored towards marketing and Outreach you can use this AI to send out personalized Outreach to a bunch of clients and they won't even know that it's been tailored towards them hi ashrae do you want to create videos with rephrase hi Shivam do you want to create videos with rephrase hi Nasheed do you want to create videos with rephrase I was creating a video using rephrase you can send it out on WhatsApp or email to all your clients and I'm pretty sure this will turn the lead into a solid solid customer form I think this is a no-brainer to you marketing companies my smma guys something you can use to help you with Outreach whether you get clients with yourself or get clients for your clients it's a no-brainer and I think if you're a business owner and you don't want to pay the you know the thousands of of pounds or dollars a month that agencies might charge you this is something that you could use to get plans for yourself great great tool my next section is around text and text iteration and going into number six is called callgram callgram takes automatic notes for you in Virtual meetings and puts action items as a list down for you using AI you can get a full transcript or a summary of the meeting sent to you and this is something that's really useful in normal life whether that's team meetings or client meetings I think it's a perfect tool for all of that if you want to make somebody from this people will hire virtual assistants to do stuff like this all of the time why don't you plug in this AI get them to summarize meeting and stuff like that for you and if you get a list of a bunch of clients and charge them monthly per meeting whatever you could easily stack up the cash and get yourself a business that you didn't even know you could start number seven is Jasper AI it's quite popular you might have seen it out there but if you haven't this is an all-in-one marketing tool it's an AI driven copyright that gives you a crazy amount of copy with just simple prompts using templates so they have templates for a bunch of things LinkedIn email that kind of thing so you give it an idea of what you would like and it kind of generates a bunch of content around that topic for you and you can pick and choose which one you want to use or don't want to use where I think you can leverage this is that most marketing companies have maybe one two a Max three uh platforms that they really mark up well on and they focus on those and become good at those imagine being the marketing company that says listen I can write you a beautiful copy create amazing ads for any platform that you can think of and you can plug it into the AI and it helps you do 95 97 98 of the job I think this is absolutely a world beta okay number eight on my list is called postwise now this is a marketing tool but tailored more towards Twitter they can write a single post and threads and post them on Twitter for you you can automate messages and also make replies from people who comment on the posts this is a powerful tool if you really want to utilize Twitter to grow your personal profile or a business of yours if you've been on Twitter lately you've realized that a lot of people are creating personal Brands built on writing a bunch of threads to provide value to their followers and this is something that if you're a country Creator you could really utilize or even if even if you're a business and you want to become the expert in that field this is something you could really use and you know help build that audience build that trust you know become a leading voice in your category number nine is called Galactica this one's more for my researchers my academic type of people it's more than 360 million citations stored in this database and throws through all of them to find you the best citations or books and papers based on your subject matter you can also translate complex maths or code into simple English to help you understand if this is something that you're into or this is your field of work I think this is a no-brainer even if you're you know doing personal research to get your knowledge to the next level this might be a good place to you know find books that you didn't even know existed in in your your field of study on the business end you can create a company that charges researchers or students to find a bunch of citations and books around their subject matter and all you do is use the AI they wouldn't have to know they don't need to know the next area we're going to look into is images and why not kick it off with one of the most popular areas in the space and that's mid-journey mid-journey is a text to image generation AI tool that can be used with Discord it creates incredible art based on your prompts and it can be used for profile pictures logos even websites we use it for a bunch of different things I actually recently used this to create a logo for company I'm working on and it's absolutely incredible I think all those Boutique design companies that make logos and stuff like that for a living are Under Fire and I think it's something that you can use to really undermine them charge you know a more competitive price to the uh the client customer and give them a great product for for much less number 11 is dial E2 by open AI this comes from the company that made chat GPT so this might be really popular and I think this is an amazing tool it's really powerful it's quite similar to Mid Journey but not on Discord it's just on its own similar to before those companies that are charging for Logos picture alterations and that kind of thing are Under Fire here I think it's somewhere where you can use AI to step in and take a large chocolate business and make it yourself even nfts a lot of people making nfts uh you know a year or two ago and it will be back at some point I think this is a great way to really generate a bunch of high quality images that you might be able to sell now there's a lot of other image generation tools and AIS out there like stable diffusion or night Cafe but they're all kind of do the similar things so I didn't want to exhaust the list with image based um AIS so I'll leave it there and move on to the next section and that is coding so we'll kick it off for number 12 which is GitHub co-pilot it uses open eye codex to write functions and finish off code for you real time in your editor this is something that's very very powerful and I think if you're someone who doesn't know how to code or maybe doesn't like to code and wants to you know charge people for large-scale products or if you don't know how to call it you've always had an idea and you really want to bring it to life it's something that can really take you or help you get that idea onto another piece of paper but onto a a computer and really bring that to life number 13 is called tab 9 and it's quite similar to GitHub co-pilot but it works as an extension for your favorite IDE so your development environment it also does the same thing you can write what you're trying to achieve in comments and it will write a code or a function for you I mean this is also somewhere where you can you know charge people to review their code or adjust their code for them and really plug into the AI it might fix if you have the Ifrit already you might be able to adjust a couple of things and you know you can charge people a lot of money for for fixing uh whatever issues that they're having right now number 14 is for my game developers and maybe the nft guys too and it's called scenario.gg this is a pretty useful tool that uses AI to generate game assets for you so Vehicles characters locations can be generated or using a couple of simple different inputs and makes all of those for you you know in a few seconds I know a few friends who work in this place and I know this can be a tedious task so having something that can do it for you like that it could be very very helpful I've also seen a lot of people on the web 3 nft space start building games and back them with coins or nfts and I think this is really a good tool to kind of help you come along that Journey too my final category covers everything else that doesn't really fit in all of those other ones and we'll kick off for number 15 which is metaphor metaphor is an AI powered search engine that refines search results for you to give you a pinpoint answer it's going to challenge Google I mean the possibilities of this thing are endless it's basically Google and steroids and I think we've all been looking for a way to really refund on Google searches so something like this might really come and challenge that that search engine space and could really be useful for you number 16 is music LM it's a piece of tech from Google that generates music from text [Music] you can make sure all long form music based on a bunch of different things uh genres tones even use images to um to describe the kind of feel that you want from music which is quite incredible copyright is a pain for creators and companies so why not become the person who has a music library that you know charge less than normal or you put it for free and you have ads on your website and you generate money that way I think this is a really really useful tool okay number 17 is called do not pay and it's marketed as the world's first robot lawyer it covers a lot of aspects of law from firing parking tickets to accounting and free trials for you to more serious cases and this is something that's actually quite useful it's pretty incredible just going on the website this is very useful if you already work in the field but if you don't maybe you could be the one to break that mold lawyers are notorious they know for charging High fees even for simple things so why not be the one company or business that brings that that lawyer expertise for a cheap cheap price a very competitive price and you can make a lot of money doing that okay number 18 is called clickable into all-in-one ad creation AI it aims to replace designers and copyrighters and puts that all into one so literally a few prompts and you can have your ad copy a tagline or combined and looking good really really good um in a matter of seconds I think this is a no-brainer from smma or marketing crowd you know how you're going to use it this could also be very useful for my drop shippers imagine generating ads in a matter of seconds for as many products that you want to test out I think this is a very very useful tool okay number 19 is called super Creator Ai and it's an app that lets you create short form content very very quickly you can upload the videos into the app and you can pick up style font and colorful video and it will generate you a good short form content Style video ready for you to upload on to tick tock Instagram YouTube shorts that kind of thing I know it's a content creator that it takes a long time to create and curate um videos that are long form into short form for these platforms and there's a lot of big big time influences that pay people a lot of money to cut down their long videos or podcasts into short form videos so this is a an Avenue where you can make a lot of money and trust me this might have gone under the radar with people like a lot of money doing this last but not least number 20 on my list is called browse AI now I've left this one till the end because for you guys who have power through the video this this might be the best one yet this is a gem and I think you're going to enjoy it browser AI allows you to Monitor and scrape any information from any website in the world here's some ways that I think you can really utilize this you monitor a stock or a crypto or a Trader and follow their trades and whatever they make a trade you make a trade because it makes a lot of money how about creating an app that lists the creators properties in your area that are being listed and they can go directly to uh real estate agents and you can charge them for that for my flippers and drop shippers out there how about monitoring Amazon searches so you know when you know a new trend is coming up what people are searching action for a lot and it's coming up and up and up and up and you can be one of the first people to drop ship that product before anyone else gets to it I think the value from this piece of tech is absolutely incredible and I think this might be the best one yet okay and that's it that's 20 different tools that you could use for businesses or to get you to that next level I hope you enjoyed it anyway I thought it was a long one today but let me know what you think do you like this longer form videos you like shorter ones let me know which ARS you would or wouldn't use in the comments below as well I appreciate you and I'll see you next time stay safe my friends foreign [Music]
Channel: Trevor Foya
Views: 53,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, AI, artificial intelligence, chatbot, chatbot business, chatbot marketing, chatbot monetization, chatbot income, chatbot entrepreneurship, chatbot revenue, chatbot profits, chatbot business model, chatbot industry, chatbot trends, business, money, tech business, making money, how to make money
Id: 38AHP2YJtuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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