3 Digital Product Ideas to Make Money Online using ChatGPT + Midjourney AI + Canva #chatgpt

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hi and welcome to the channel today we'll be looking at four digital product ideas you could create and sell online with the help of AI tools so in this video we'll be looking at a couple of things first some examples of this digital product the platforms they are sold on and how to create them using Cloud GPT me Journey Ai and one of my favorite design tools canva so sit back relax this will be so much fun and let's get started okay the first digital product we'll be talking about would be coloring books chlorine books is very popular because they can be created for a wide variety of audience from kids to adults so platforms you could find coloring books or Amazon and Etsy so let's visit amazon.com and type at the very top I've typed this before so let's type in coloring books for adults so specifically we typed in um fairies so it's important to note that when you choose a particular Niche to make coloring books for you need to do extensive research so for things like platforms like Amazon you could use jungle Scout or you could use a bookboat to do extensive research to know the niche you need to focus on but you want a niche that has a very low competition so now we have um coloring books so let's see the ones that I've been selling so far so we you could see this so let's click into this okay so this looks nice and has been sold quite a number of times though it was launched way back but that's not the problem okay so these are how they look like okay all right so let's quickly look at an example on Etsy before we go into the tool so here we'll type in coloring books or coloring pages for adults so let's just type this in okay so just by looking at 80 you could see this at the Forefront um you want to look at designs that stand out okay so you could see how this stands out so let's just click into this okay so this looks really good and we want to create something that when people are scrolling and they see your listing against other people's listing they can instantly be drawn to it so right now we have a bit of idea of how these joints look like and the coloring books and how we want them to look like let's go into um chat GPT to start pulling up our ideas together so we start using charge GPS and put them to understand what chart GPT is the job chat gbt is an open AI tool that was launched sometime in November 2022 that has gone viral um you type in on what you want and basically gives you an idea of whatever you have typed in so we're going to be using this to generate a bit of an eye all right because we have looked a bit in when we're doing our walkthrough in Amazon and we have a bit of an idea of what kind of coloring book we want to make we want to make coloring book that has to do with um fairies so we'll just say give us ideas of you know coloring books for fairies so just type this in okay and enter let's see what it's gonna do so he's saying coloring between different types of fairies such as flower fairies three fairies water fairies dressed in illustration of fairy houses and homes in various nature settings giving you ideas of what you could have in your coloring book specifically in relation to um fairies good so now that we have gotten a bit of an idea so let's use this we want to get different types of fairies and we'll use them in our coloring book so next thing is you go to a mid Journey AI The Links of this website will be in the description so me joining AI is another AI tool for generating um ads by typing in different um prompts so this particular tool has a free version but it has limited amount of pictures you could generate but it has paid version which allows you use these images commercially so next thing we'll do is we put in um a forward slash and select imagine so the Imagine prompt is where you typing information or instructions you want the um software to do so we have imagine prompt so we'll type in what we want so just get her prompt and put in so we want to have our okay a study Ferry for coloring books and Deco posts will start a station and let's enter okay sometimes it takes a bit of a second just to process depending on how fast um the engine is or what you are trying to generate sometimes if you're generating something very large it takes a bit of time and once you generate it gives you four versions and when you look at the four versions you get to choose which one you want then you can upscale or you want to make variations from that version you could do that as well or if you don't like um the four that was generated you can also regenerate it and I'll show you how to do that so it's still loading we have 62 percent so it's done so let's look at this okay so you could see how this is nice The Ledger generates another one okay an upscale the version um four and version two so this is like one two three four it says update version two okay okay so let's see right I have some cool ones like this so another thing you need to pay attention when you're using mid Journeys it's a bit one key when you want to um generate pictures I have hands sometimes it comes out right and sometimes it doesn't as you can see here um so let's just wait for the ones that have been upskilled less upscale the one two three the third one this really looks stunning nice okay so let's go into while these are loading I've builted some prior to the video so let's just go into um canva and start putting it together so once you come into canvas so it's important to note that if you are designing coloring books for the different platforms they have different requirements so if you're using Amazon KDP it has its own requirements for the dimensions for the books and if you're using Etsy depending um if it's a coloring pages or books you would you might still use the same Dimension but for our demo we'll just use the dimensions for um Amazon KDP so I've gone ahead to download this template this template is for the cover and I'm going to be using eight points um 5 by 11 for the inner pages of the coloring book so I'll just go to canva and for the inner Pages I'll just click on custom size I'm putting 8.5 by 11 inches and click create new design then it opens up a new page for me so this is specifically for the inner part of the book so if you want the entire cover so it's let's download the template okay so the entire dimension for the cover page is 17.309 by 11.250 so we use this in inches for the overall dimensions so we'll come here and um use 17309 by 11 250. okay then pretty new design okay so this opens up and I've gone ahead to upload all the um Dimensions so you see how this looks like so I'll just go to my upload and get the scroll down and go to the dimension so you could see this is it then you could expand it to the edge and start making your cover I'll be making in-depth video for some of these products so be sure to like this video subscribe and stay tuned when those videos go live so I'll just go straight to the ones that I've already generated because of time so I'll just go to the cover page that I've worked on so this is one I've worked on so let's go to the very top I have put in the dimension I'm putting a picture to showcase our cover now before you start making your cover it's important to pick up pictures of your competitors as a form of inspiration as also to know what it fell in so you could see some of the ones I have here and their back cover so you know what you put in yours so I've gone ahead to put in this to make sure it doesn't touch the pink boundaries and I've put in some pictures at the back so this is the final finished product I've put in the name of the coloring book coloring book magical fairy and then we have about us and some pictures you could add more detail as you choose now let's quickly look at the inner um cover so for the inner cover also you bring in the dimensionless let's quickly go to the base so you could see the dimension I've brought it in as well the size then you could bring in each of the pictures of the fairy so I've gone ahead to put couple of those so these are some of the ones I've put in and you can see how pretty and very different this looks like I'm sure when you are someone is scrolling through your listing on whether it's Amazon or it see it's going to definitely catch the attention and that is how you create coloring books just basically for Amazon KDP and once you're done you could use the share button and download as PDF and then upload to the Amazon um platform or Etsy um platform all right the next product that will be looking at would be wall art so in terms of wall art would let's go to it's the platform to see how the wall art look like so let's go to Itsy and say wall art so what art is a niche that is very popular and it see so like I said you have to do your research to know um the niche you need to focus on so if you look at Etsy you could see that the result is almost 65 000. this is a lot so you need to kind of narrow it down so I would just say it will add for nursery let's see foreign way better than this or you could make something different so you don't look like your competitors so once you do this the next thing we need to do is go about to our tool which is chat GPT so let's go back to 5gbt so we're gonna type in um to give us idea of what can be in what ad for nurseries so we could say 10 ideas so let's type this in unless what's going to tell us okay so he's saying we could have colorful items like animals like Lion elephant giraffe like we have seen in on Etsy would have bright colorful airplane cars trained this is really nice these are really nice ideas of what you can have in nursery for a kid's room okay so what we'll be doing um specifically would be let's just look at animals I'm just looking at just um African animals we're looking at these like woodland animals like the forks and raccoons and things like that so let's move over um once you have gotten your idea we'll move over to me Journey so in me Journey we still use the same forward slash then we choose imagine and then let's see what we're gonna type in and enter so generate forks with any rabbits and raccoon and just various couple then we move over to cover to set that in place okay it's loading okay hmm this looks good not bad this looks good this is another one so we just upskill them this is one of those killing three and four okay so while we also upskill them and get all the pictures let's move over to canva and start looking at the dimensions so in you come back to Canberra and you need to put in the size of the dimensions you want so for what are the different dimension has been offered on it see let's quickly look at that so so you could see what the frame size is are okay let's just scroll down okay so you could see something like this it gives you our 9 by 12 12 by 16 3x4 aspect ratio we have 8 by 12. so let's just do one of eight by twelve okay so inches so we come back to it to e um canva so we do 8 by 12 so we delete this eight and we type in 12 and say create design it's going to load and then you upload all the pictures do you have cotton let's just quickly check on me journey to see where it is okay so we have some good so just download them and upload okay so this we have a couple of ones that I've already done before so we'll just go ahead and upload them so we have one like this okay so this looks really really cute okay so let's look at some so we have um one that I've done this is a forks and we have wrap it so what you could do is um this is the size you are you know you're offering the eight by twelve so you could decide to change it to multiple sizes depending on the size you want to offer and for places like Etsy you can just display this the way it looks you have to put it in your mock-up so people could see how it could look in their you know kids room so let's look at one I've already created you could see how this really looks pretty in this kid's room so this is the forks here and this is the rabbit okay so the last digital products we're talking about is Children books The Children books is something that um you could find on Amazon so let's go to Amazon and type in during Books Okay so let's see all right so we have children books so you could see some here um so you can see that this was just launched um less than a year ago and it's made over 300 sales so um you could look into that let's have a look into it it's a bestseller okay and the dimension all right so once you get um an idea of the children's book you want to um write the next step is to go back to chat GPT now this is where it gets really interesting so in charge GPT we're going to tell it to write a story so let's let me put in a prompt so I'll save I'll save to charge GPT write me a children's story about learner adventure to find a missing emblem lesson never give up make it six pages and title each page make make sure is mind-blowing so let's see what it's gonna do okay so he's writing Quest begins good so it's breaking the stories into um different pages so you're so it's important to know that you can also expand on the pages and it will give you more information as well and the good thing is anytime you retype this it gives a different entire story it doesn't give you the same thing over and over again so you have um a plethora of stories to use and it's important to check for plagiarism and make sure that this is not coming from somewhere if it is you have to reword it okay so it has given us three stories so we go ahead and say describe so we type in and say to charge GPT we want to have the um adjectives and verbs so I could describe it to an illustrator because you want to get the characters from me Journey so you types in okay so he's writing out the adjectives curious adventurous this this okay all right so we want to add one more thing to it so we wanted to mention um people in the scenes at every given page so we say write it again but include what person should be in the picture so let's see so it's going to repeat it and add the person that's going to be in the picture it's really really interesting they say Lana the protagonist should be Illustrated as a young girl with a black pack wearing a hat and Boots wandering in the forest looking around with the curious and Adventure expression on her face this I don't know how to say this is really cool then at last video has a castle entrance looking up to gun just with a sense of wondering curiosity nice foreign opening the door and looking at the emblem with the surprise and assessment her face should be industry anyway that shows that just been hidden for a long time this is really cool okay so would want to add some prompts right away from here so we could use it in mid Journey so I'll just say add in the style of pixel watercolor to every page so this way I could just copy it and remove just adjectives verbs and in the picture and I have me Journey run some of this for me this is insane hmm wow saying in the picture that I should be Illustrated in the style of pixel using watercolor opening the door looking at the emblem nice this is so cool guys okay so you could take this and put it in me Journey um so first of all you could copy all this um stories and put it in canva where you have decided the size of the story of the dimension of the book you want and we will get pictures for this one after the other so let's just copy this for instance okay and go to me Journey so go to imagine paste so we remove the adjectives to dash so this is aspect ratio so as per ratio 2 by 3 so let's see what it's gonna do so this is a very long prompt okay it's almost done right yeah we can see what he generated then if you don't like this we could also generate another one of scale so just quickly show you the one that I had created okay so I had created one that has these are the stories you generated and these are the pictures I used in mid Journey I'm putting the dimension I wanted for the book and you could create this and this is it this is really incredible okay so there you have it I'll be doing in-depth videos of some of this product just to show you step by step of how I created some of them so be sure to like this video subscribe and um so you know when those videos um go live so thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next one bye
Channel: The Zinny Studio
Views: 34,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital product ideas, digital products to sell online, chatgpt, midjourney ai, canva tutorial, etsy digital products, amazon kdp
Id: diszzUmnkmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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