Diana: In Her Own Words (Full Episode) | SPECIAL | National Geographic

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foreign of stopping him hunting and shooting your first memory after being born anything as a child I mean it was a very unhappy childhood I remember seeing my father slap my mother across the face I was hiding behind the door and she was crying oh [Music] the Press were being unbearable following my every move is it any possibility if any announcements was just your marriage and your future can you tell me he sat me down he said will you marry me I thought the whole thing was hysterical getting married it was so grown up and he was Diana kindergarten teacher I mean the whole thing was ridiculous I once heard him on the telephone saying whatever happens I'll Always Love You and I told him I'd listen to the door we had a filthy wow and I realized I'd take it on the enormous row but I had no idea that I was going into [Applause] no idea [Music] I remember him coming to all four to stay [Music] the Chinese Labrador my sister was all over him like a bad rash [Music] oh God he must really hate that and I kept out of the way I remember being fat podgy non-maker and smart lady but I made a lot of noise and you like that and he just came out to me after dinner we had a big dance and he said will you show me the gallery for a 16 year old for someone like that to show any attention was just so sort of amazed why would anyone let him be interested in me anyway that was it for about two years so I'm off along with Sarah so I've got a excited about the whole thing [Music] then she saw something different happening which I hadn't twigged onto when he had his 30th birthday dance I was asked to well why is Diana coming as well I said well I don't know but I'd like to come oh all right and had a very nice time dance fascinating [Music] and then um I was asked to stay with the departures in July by Philip to pass if you like to come because we've got principal staying and your young blood you're mighty music so I said okay the first night we sat down on the veil and I said you know you look so sad when you walked up the ah there's some pools with long mcbutton's funeral and I said my heartbread for I watched it I thought was wrong or lonely it used to be with somebody look after Etc and the next minute he left on me practically and it was very strange because it was almost as if like it wasn't a magnet effect I thought well this isn't very cool I thought men were supposed to not be so obvious but I had gotten to go by because I never had a boyfriend I'd always kept them away I thought they were all trouble and I couldn't handle it emotionally I was so screwed up I thought and he said oh you must come to London with me tomorrow I got to go and work at Buckingham Palace I thought this is too much I said no I can't I'm sorry I thought how would I explain my presence Buckingham Palace where I'm supposed to be staying with Philip and then it sort of built up from there Charles used to ring me up and say would you like to come for a walk would you like to come for barbecues so I said yes please I thought this was all wonderful Lady Diana was back at the Pimlico kindergarten where she teaches this morning but polite as ever she was saying nothing about her weekend with Prince Charles at Sandringham to the assembled press Corps she drove off in her brand new Mini Metro with a smile I managed to have a word with her later outside her Kensington flat possibilities if any announcements of your marriage and your future can you tell me [Music] can you tell me if there's any possibility I'm not gonna say anything babe but Prince Charles did give us a hint himself he said we wouldn't have to wait too long he said we wouldn't have to wait too long we'll see sorry I decided your theme when he said we wouldn't have to wait too long Prince Charles of Britain is perhaps the world's most eligible bachelor early 30s handsome rich and the heir to the British throne London was full of rumors this week that he may now be about to take a bride the photographers are trailing Lady Diana Spencer 19 years old daughter of the eighth Earl of Spencer she fits the qualifications aristocratic good looking and well healed [Music] she is said to be besotted by him and that in the queen's English means I presume that she's in love sweet kind nice and shy are all the terms used to describe her a girl born to be Queen ideal for the most eligible bachelor in the western world even the queen were told thinks she's delightful and that is as good as saying that mother approves her pedigree is perfect her father is the Aether Spencer a wealthy landowner who Farms fifteen thousand acres in the heart of the northamptonshire countryside children's parties do you remember any of that yeah I hate you down I've always hated parties that's why I don't have on my own Daddy loves parties right and organize it and took great pride in that but there were still none of the arms around the shoulder or the hugging yeah there's always the other things yeah which is probably what he had too I mean it was a very unhappy childhood parents are busy sorting themselves out obviously my mother crying daddy never spoke to us about it we could ever ask questions too many changeover of nannies very unstable the whole thing I just remember being generally unhappy I'm being very detached from everybody else how did you first learn about the divorce I remember seeing my father slap my mother across the face and I was hiding behind the door and she was crying and I remember mommy cried an awful lot every Saturday when we went up weekends every Saturday night we put a standard procedure she'd start crying on Saturday we both see a crime what's the matter mommy oh I don't want you to leave tomorrow which four uh nine year old was devastating no as a child any ideas of futures or ambitions always felt very different from everyone else very attached he was going somewhere different I have no idea where and said to my father when I was the age of 13 on the public eye I don't know which way yes thinking that our ambassador's wife actually what one since leaving school she's lived in a 100 000 pound flat in South Kensington given to her by her father it was nice being a fat with girls and I love that it's great laugh my head off there my three girls were wonderful star performers loyalty beyond belief I kept myself to myself I wasn't interested in having a full Diary how will you coping with all the presentation well as you can you can see you can tell are you bearing up with it quite well though because it must be quite a strain with all of us well it is naturally any chases involved in the media in the car and lots of them but I always made sure that I went through just as the light was going to red so they were very stuck sometimes I cycle some days I didn't really chased me everywhere we're talking about 30 off and we're not talking back to um [Music] Lady Diana yesterday that it may be coming soon have you any comment to make about that okay have a good weekend though okay [Music] Charles ran me up and chose to say I've got something to ask you Instinct in a female you know what's coming anyway I sat up all night at my girls saying what do I do what do I say by that time I had realized there was somebody else around [Music] I've been staying a bow hide with the park bows it's an awful lot I couldn't understand why Camilla kept saying to me do this don't do that she knew so much about what he was doing privately [Music] eventually I worked all out [Music] the next day I went to Windsor I arrived about to five o'clock he sat me down he said will you marry me and I laughed I remember thinking this is a joke let's ask you okay and he was deadly serious he says we do realize just one day you'll be Queen a voice said to me inside you won't be Queen but you'll have a toughra so I thought to myself okay so I suggest and I said I love you so much I love you so much he said whatever love means said it then so I thought that was great I hope we meant that yeah or not actually in my immaturity which was enormous I thought that he was very much in love with me which he knows if so I had the besotted look about him looking back at it but it wasn't the genuine sort you know who is this going so different but he couldn't understand it because he's immature which is quite good in that part and um I'm like Call for Duty really go and work with people before I knew what happened I was in Clarence House nobody there to welcome me like going to a hotel and then everyone said why clout house and I said because I was told that I was expected to be experience house so I left my fat for the last time and suddenly I had a policeman and my police were the Night board engagement had said to me I just want you to know that this is your last night of Freedom ever in the rest of your life to make the most of it and it's like a sword went in my heart I thought God Charles Phillip Arthur George Windsor heir to the British throne Prince of Wales Earl of Chester Duke of Cornwall and great Steward of Scotland has finally chosen his bride she is Lady Diana Spencer and their engagement is the news Britain has been waiting for foreign Prince Charles and Lady Diana appeared for the first time in public [Music] do you find it a daunting experience that yesterday you were a nanny looking after children now you're about to marry the Prince of Wales and and one day you would all they know likely would be Queen a tremendous change for someone for most say of 19 to make all of a sudden the transition it is but I've had a small run up to it all the last six months and next bit of Charles and I can't go wrong he's there with me I'm amazed that she's been brave enough to take me on and I suppose in love [Music] foreign the Gilded surroundings of the goldsmiths hall in the city of London were chosen quite deliberately by the palace in order to show Lady Diana off to the best Advantage for her first public appearance do you remember what your first ever memory was in this life yes yeah I remember my first engagement so well I remember being so excited I got this black dress from the emmanuels it was in Black tatheter it was off the shoulder and by normal Royal standards it was fairly revealing I thought it was okay because girls of my age wore this I hadn't appreciated that I was now seen as a royal lady although I'd only got a ring on my finger as opposed to two rings and I remember walking into my husband to be study and saying I'm ready you needed you're not going in that dress are you and I said yes I am he said it's black I said yes it's black only people in morning wear black messages but I'm not part of your family yet black to me was the smartest colleague of course we have at the age of 19 was a real grown-up dress she looked pretty relaxed considering this must have been something of an ordeal for her and I was quite big gestured then and everyone got frankly excited I learned Less on that night I remember meeting Princess Grace and one of the performers was Princess Grace of Monaco she of course is very experienced at this sort of occasion and the often tricky business of making small talk she also knows how to give a helping hand to a newcomer and how to pose for the cameras which Lady Diana is now learning I didn't know whether to get out the door first no their handbags should be carrying your left hand not your right hand everything was all over the place I remember that evening so well I was terrified he was sick when I arrived at Clarence house there was a letter on my birds from Camilla dated two days previous saying such exciting news about the engagement do let's have lunch soon when Rick Ross goes to Australia New Zealand and love to see the ring lots of love Camilla and that was wow you may recall seeing a picture of me sobbing in a red coat and he went off when did everything that was nothing to do with him Gary the most awful thing had happened before we went how's the new study talking to him about this trip telephone just before he's going five weeks so I thought should I be nice or should I just sit here so I thought it'd be nice I left them to it and just break my heart there so I organized badge we had lunch and very tricky very tricky indeed she said you're not going to untie you I said no just wanted to know that but as far as she was concerned that was her communication I was still too immature to understand all the messages coming my way and then someone in his office told me that my husband had a bracelet made for her I walked into this man's office one day and I said oh what's in that parcel oh he said you shouldn't look at that I said well I'm going to look at it so I opened it and there was a bracelet [Music] I was devastated and he said well he's going to give it to her tonight so rage rage rage you know why can't you be honest with me but no obviously cut me dead it's as if he'd made a decision if it wasn't going to work it wasn't going to work he found the Virgin sacrificial lamb and in a way he was obsessed with me but it's hot and cold hot cold you never knew what mood it was going to be up down up and down I went upstairs I had lunch with my sisters who were there and I said I can't no I can't do this this is absolutely unbelievable and they were wonderful and said well bad luck that's your face on the tea towel so you're too late to chicken out news of Lady Diana's visit spread quickly Shoppers waited in pouring rain while staff from nearby officers abandoned work for half an hour Lady Sarah Spencer was there to give her sister's opinion of the wedding dress it's been slightly altered the crowd saw that like most Brides Lady Diana has lost weight as the day approaches I believe you started the week after you got engaged my husband put his hand on my waistline and said oh a bit chubby here aren't we and that triggered off something in me and remember the first time I made myself say I'm so thrilled because I thought right this is the release tension first time I got measured for my wedding dress I was 29 around the waist the day I got married I was 23 and a half shrunk into nothing the public side was the age of novice from the perhaps had public side they wanted a fairy princess and then everything would turn into gold and all their worries would be forgotten actually did they realize that the individual was crucifying herself inside me why I always publicity we got married on Wednesday and on Monday we'd gone to support for our last rehearsal and that's when all the camera lights were on full and I saw my eyes out absolutely collapsed and it was collapsing because of all sorts of things will come in I think rearing its head the whole way through our engagement and I was desperately trying to be mature about the situation but I didn't have the foundation to do it I couldn't talk to anyone about it little Diana meeting so many people is still quite new to how have you reacted to this warmth and affection it's been a tremendous boost and just a mass of smiling faces it's wonderful quite emotional too oh very very nice one thing that I know some pools have done to make it from their point of view very personal they were telling me that where you're going to make your vows they've made a platform so that at least you can feel that you're together and alone because I think everyone would agree when you make your vows that's the most solemn the most precious and a very personal moment is it going to be that for you even though you know the eyes of the world are watching you at that very important moment I hope so yes but I'm more used to it I think probably now knowing for years the cameras poking at you from every quarter and recording every twitch you make so you can get used to a certain extent and on those occasions you accept that that's part of it I think if you don't try to work out in your own mind some kind of method for existing and surviving this kind of thing you you would get mad I think I don't know did you find that our last six months you're beginning to get used Jazz it is I suppose one of the most important things you're going to have to adjust to really isn't it and Prince Charles has been a great help to you and that's right the Tower of strength gracious I have to say that because you're sitting there I'm sure you would anyway I remember my husband sent me a very nice Signet room the night before to Clarence House with the Prince of Wales feathers on it and a very nice car that said I'm so proud of you I'll be there at the altar for you tomorrow just look them in the eye and look I'm dead I had a very bad fit of bulimia the night before I ate everything I could possibly find which amuse my sister because she was staying at Clarence House with me nobody understood what was going on there it was sort of hush-hush as sick as a parent that night and it was such an indication of what was going on next morning when we're getting up craft house I must have been awake about five and I was very very deathly calm deathly deathly calm I felt has allowed the slaughter and I knew it [Laughter] at the household Cavalry Barracks horses were awakened and mucking out began in preparation for a day for which both men and horses have been practicing for weeks along the Route both crowds and excitement were building by eight o'clock police estimated 900 000 people were already out in central London [Applause] before he left home Lord Spencer the proudest of men today wanted a few words I just like to say a word may I say a word the suspensers have through the centuries fought for their King and Country today Diana is vying to help her country for the rest of her life she will be following in the tradition of her ancestors and she will have at aside the man she loves and then just after half past 10 from Clarence House became the glass catch and our first chance to see Lady Diana dress Hopkins Veil tantalizing noulo the coach no you're so thrilled waved himself stupid we went past Martin's in the field and then you thought we were at St Paul so he's ready to get out it was wonderful that I don't think I was happy I think I was I never tried to call it off in the sense of really doing that but I think the worst day of my life [Music] [Music] oh [Music] I cried a lot on the Monday when we done the rehearsal because detention suddenly hit me but by Wednesday I was fine and I had to get my father basically up the yarn that's what I concentrated on [Music] and I remember being totally worried Curts into the queen walking down the aisle I spotted Camilla pale gray veiled hat pill box hat sorry door her son Tom standing on a chair to this day you know vivid memory and I thought well there we are that's that's it let's hope that's all over with Charles Philip Arthur George will thou have this woman to thy wedded wife to live together after God's ordinance in the holiest state of matrimony will thou love her comfort her honor and keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all other teeth they only unto her so long as you both shall live I will I Diana Francis hi Joanna Francis take the Charles Philip Arthur George to my wedding husband to my wedded husband to Heaven to Hell from this day forward this day forward for better for worse for better for us for richer for Potter richer in sickness and in health in sickness and in health to love and to cherish love and to cherish till death us too hard yeah is the stuff of which fairy tales are made the prince and princess on their wedding day and I remember being so in love with my husband that I couldn't take my eyes off and I just absolutely well as the luckiest girl in the world and you know he was going to look after me [Applause] [Music] the wonderful feeling of everybody hooray everybody happy and everybody happy because they thought we were happy and there was a big question mark in my mind and into the afternoon sunshine day came Prince Charles and the new Princess of Wales smiling and looking wonderfully relaxed I just had tremendous hope in me which was Slash by day two my husband took eight Lawrence fans possible novels Along on our honeymoon well now to read so every lunchtime or dinner time when we were allowed to be on our own we were supposed to read them through never on our own I remember crying my heart out on my honeymoon I was so tired for all the wrong reasons totally you can now say that the honeymoon has really started actually it gets more like a romantic novel as the minutes go on all the old cliches come to mind like and so we say farewell and at last We're Alone darling [Music] we're opening our diary to discuss various things out comes two pictures of Camilla and on our honeymoon Catholics arrive on his wrists two seas in twine like the Chanel sea got it in one knew exactly so I said Camilla gave you those didn't she you said yes so what's wrong they're present from a friend and boy do we have a row jealousy potato and it was such a good idea the two C's but it wasn't that clever by then the bulimia were appalling absolutely appalling it was Rife it's four times a day on the yacht anything I could find I would gobble up and be sick two minutes later we survived that all right okay we went off to balmore Straight From New York foreign set in my dreams were appalling at night I dreamed criminal the whole time everybody thought I'm getting thin and thinner and thinner I was being sicker and sick and sicker [Applause] basically if they thought I could adapt being princess a whale overnight we stayed up there from August to October by October I was about to cut my wrists I was in a very bad way a random range of rain and I came down early from balmor to seek treatments not because I hate about more but because I was in such a bad way couldn't sleep didn't eat a whole world was collapsing around me all the analysts psychiatrists never dreamed of came plodding in tried to sort me out put me on high doses of Valium it was me telling them what I needed they were telling me pills were going to keep them happy they could go to bed at night and sleep knowing the Princess of Wales was going to stab anyone but the Diana that was still very much there decided that it was just time patience and adapting all that was needed anyway a godsend William was conceived in October marvelous news occupied my mind Lady Diana Spencer became the Princess of Wales in a ceremony watched by the world at the end of July Buckingham Palace today said she's expecting the baby will be second in line to the British throne whether or not the baby is to be born here has yet to be decided that's largely a question for the Queen's gynecologist George Pinker who will be attending the princess throughout very very difficult pregnancy indeed sick the whole time bulimia and morning sickness and this family's never had anybody who's had morning sickness before so every time in my evening dress I had to go out of the fainted or I was sick so I was a problem and I registered Dan was a problem she's different she's doing everything that we never did why it was Charles's Choice when we first got married not to run around he wanted to try and have a home life of some sort but he didn't know how to do it he's never been taught so the whole thing just evaporated I threw myself down the stairs Charles Stars crying wolf and I said I just felt so desperate and I was crying my eyes out and he said I'm not going to listen you're always doing this to me he said I'm going riding now so I threw myself down the stairs bearing in mind I was carrying a child quite bruised around the stomach Queen comes out absolutely horrified or shaking she's so frightened and Charles went out riding and when he came back you know he was just dismissal where we had William we was trying to date the door that suited him he's Polo William had to be induced because I couldn't handle the Press pressure any longer it's becoming unbearable because as if everybody was monitoring every day for me and I was aware that the whole country was holding its breath went in very early and are sick as a parent the whole way through the labor Supreme anybody very bad labor they want caesarean um no one told me to still afterwards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] great excitement everyone's absolutely hard as a kite [Applause] I knew it was a boy I was just thrilled [Applause] and no he's lucky enough doctor how do you feel so difficult to tell at the moment how do you feel I'm obviously relieved and delighted it's marvelous it's rather grown-up thing I found my brother was shocked to my sister's form that's the baby yes is that a blondish it probably goes something else later on I've been singing uh well done Charlie let's have another one but he'll give us a chance who asked my wife I know they should be too please just yet have you thought of a name yet sir have you thought of a name yet there is order 102. bit of an argument about yourself William Arthur Philip Louis how about that that's so clearing yes you said Louie yeah are you happy with William yes King William Prince William you think Regal ring King William yes King bill [Applause] may we see your son your own highness [Applause] how good a dad was he with the children at the beginning we loved the nursery life and you just couldn't wait to get back and do the bottle [Music] came home and then personal Depression hit me hard and it wasn't so much a baby that was produced it was a baby that triggered off all else that was going on in my mind if Charles didn't come home when he said was coming home tears Panic all the rest of it he didn't see the panic I would just sit there can't leave boy was out of trouble [Music] Williams Christie was desperate because I literally had just given birth there's only six weeks old and it was all decided around me hence the ghostly pictures of somebody who was so am I believe that everything was out of control yeah everything I was treated like nobody else's business on the 4th of August [Music] anybody asked me when that was suitable for William 11 o'clock couldn't have been worse [Music] ends pictures of the queen Queen Mother Charles and William [Music] okay I was excluded totally in that day okay stop well with the amount of story is that there are in our newspapers and on television you could hardly fail to notice of The Prince and the Princess of Wales and of course Young Prince William are now well into the swing of their tour of Australia Brisbane was the place where they expected the biggest crowds of the tour and they got them the police estimated there were 80 000 people here but Wise Old locals reckon there were nearer a hundred thousand ladies and gentlemen the last time I was here was two years ago in 1981 shortly before we were married and at that time everybody was saying good luck and I hope everything goes well and how lucky you are to be engaged to such a lovely lady and my goodness I was lucky enough to marry her and we had many many messages amazing what ladies do in your back step thank you everybody always said when we were in the car oh we're on the wrong side we want to see home don't want to see him and that's all we could hear as we went down these crowds and obviously he wasn't used to that nor was I he took it out on me he was jealous I understood the jealousy but I couldn't explain that I didn't ask for it and I've come to the conclusion that really it would have been far easier to have had two wives to have covered both sides of the street and I could have walked down the middle directing the operation [Music] between William and Harry being born it's total darkness I can't remember much I've lost it out in such pain people for you to talk to yes did you have any choice Dr Mitchell came in every evening at six o'clock on how to explain to him about my conversation with my husband during the day and they weren't many conversations with small tears and anything else because on the outside people were saying I was giving my husband a hard time I was actually like a sports child but I knew that I was just needed rest and patience and time to adapt to all the roles that were acquired on me overnight by then there's immense jealousy because every single day I was on the front of the newspaper anyway I repaired by miracle Charles and I we were very very close to each other the six weeks we're home for places we've ever ever been and ever will have been [Music] and then somebody's Harry was born it just went Bang our marriage whole thing went down the drain good evening the princess of wales's new baby born at 20 past four this afternoon is another boy both are doing well the new Prince not yet named weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces he has pale blue eyes and according to his father indeterminate color hair I knew Harry was going to be a boy because I saw in the scan and Charles all he wanted was a girl who wants two children and he wanted to go I knew her as a boy and I didn't tell him [Applause] his name is Henry Charles Albert David but they're going to call him Harry who chose the name I did I chose William and Harry but Charles for the rest because he wanted Albert and Arthur and I said no too old no thank you Harry ride Harry was a boy first comment was oh God it's a boy is something inside me closed off and by then I knew he'd gone back to his lady but somehow we managed to have Harry and how is complete joy and he's actually closer to his father and perhaps brilliant [Music] yes Four Hands Two Princes and the piano [Music] he fell well now two questions that everybody will want to have answered what do you say when you read in the papers that you are a determined domineering woman I I don't always read that I'm I'm people very willing to tell me that but I I don't think I am I'm a perfectionist with myself but not necessarily with everybody else and that those stories arose long time ago and have kept coming out again and again but I don't think I'm you feel hurt by them well obviously one does you feel very wounded and if it comes out you think oh gosh I don't want to go out do my engagement this morning nobody wants to see me help panic but you've got to push yourself out and remember uh that some people hopefully won't believe everything they read about you because there's far too much about me in the newspapers far too much horrifies me when there's something more important like what goes on in the hospice or there's been a bomb or something so put me on the front page I feel underdressed the flesh well don't let junior might get a shot I've seen enough photos I know there's too many of those salted in the shop downstairs how much do you sell them for three pounds 10 that one's okay is that all but there is a natural and continuing interest in you for example have you actually tried to change Prince Charles in any way since you got married not at all I mean obviously the one or two things like maybe the they are Thai or something but nothing shoes we won't get any further but that that but but nothing dramatic well you both like skiing and yet every year it has become irregular you don't appear to hit it off exactly eye to eye on the slopes what is the secret of this YouTube I think I can help it I suspect most husbands and wives found that they often have arguments but we don't no no but occasionally we do because I mean I go on longer sometimes yes but I'm faster of course some people say that you're so slim you probably don't eat enough anyway when we go on an engagement if it's a lunchtime one we often have a buffy lunch so we can get around the normal Spanish people there sometimes are so it's impossible to talk and eat at the same time so you end up chasing a bit of chicken around the plate and they're never getting anything yourself and by the time you get home certainly there's no time you're rushing off somewhere else but I'm never on what's called a diet maybe I'm so scrawny it's because I take so much exercise I don't know in what way would the queen evolved she indicated to me that she thought that was a reason why our marriage had gone downhill it's because Charles was having such a difficult time with Donna's bulimia yes she hung the coat on the hook so to speak and it made me realize that they all saw that as the cause of their marriage not one of the symptoms of the marriage any wise heads during the whole thing that will help all right they saw that something was going wrong but nobody actually I never lent on anyone none of my family knew about this at all after five years of being married my sister Jane came out to see me and I had a v-neck on she said that's what's that marking on your chest and I said it's nothing so what is it and the night before I wanted to talk to Charles about something he wouldn't listen to me starts crying well so I picked up his pen knife off his dressing table and um scratched myself Heaven down my chest and my both eyes it was a lot of blood and it hadn't made any reaction whatsoever to him and she went for me she said I must let the side down and I turned on her and I said give me some credit that I haven't traveled any of you in my family for five years practice and obviously their perception is very different now they're annoyed by the lack of support from him it's a particular pleasure to be able to introduce my wife to this Great Pacific province and let us see and to let us see for herself and to find out for herself just what a warm Hearts he locked you all up then things got a bit tricky yes and the Expo the Expo where I passed out yeah I remember I never paid before in my life and we'd be walking around for four hours without any food I presume I hadn't eaten for days beforehandling when I say that I mean food's staying down and I remember walking around feeling really gassed and I didn't dare tell him what I felt gas because I thought they think I was whinge I put my arm on my husband's shell addresses I've done anything I'm about to disappear down the side of him my husband told me off he said I couldn't pass that quietly somewhere else and everyone was saying she can't go out to that she can't go out and actually she must have had some sleep so I said she must go out tonight otherwise there's going to be a sense for terrific drama they're gonna think there's something really awful wrong with it inside me I knew there was something wrong with me but it was too in the children's voice yet this afternoon the prince and princess said farewell to BC they're going to Tokyo to begin a royal tour that includes at least five 12-hour days and Royal officials say there are no plans to change the schedule and no they were running around they couldn't understand it was like sort of Marilyn Monroe publicity you know she only had to trick a hill and the whole world was just a feed it was very hard but I'm never comfortable in it never ever [Music] couldn't believe it [Music] [Music] [Applause] they all thoughts there's still lots of customers for doing all right but that summer is that why something has got one I remember saying to myself right down it's not good I'm gonna change it right now remember my conversation so well sitting by water I will sit by water to grow up you've got to be responsible you've got to understand but you can't do what other 26 27 year olds are doing you've been chosen to do a position so you must adapt to it and stop fighting it and I knew we could do it but I chose a different Channel the Princess of Wales felt not the slightest apprehension about her visit to the Middlesex Hospital and its AIDS Ward all the speculation had centered on whether she would wear gloves when shaking hands with the staff and patients welcome to the hug people in hospital bed in his prediction arms so ill so I think where Diana do it come on just do it so I gave my mom's hug and it was just so touchy counting and cried and he was wonderful we made me laugh in Britain The public's obsession with the royal family has reached New Heights or lows depending on how you look at it the cause of the latest flurry of excitement is the rumor that Prince Charles and Princess Diana may be on the verge of ending their marriage but whatever problems they may be having says Andrew Morton Royal reporter for the British newspaper the star there's no chance the two will get divorced they're as much likely to get divorced as I am to get pregnant I mistake my life on the fact that they will never ever ever divorce 24 hours before the royal visit parts of carmarthen were still under several feet of water today the floods had subsided as the lengthy job of clearing up was underway one of the worst things that ever happens when we went to Wales after flooding and there'd been a tremendous amount of press for us being apart and I burst into tears when he got in the plane he said oh God what's the matter I said I've had a very bad time with the Press because they had literally halted me and hunted me and he said well if you were in the right place none of this would happen indicating that Ashby I was gone it was a real Cry for Help I wasn't just blubbing because I just turned the Taps on it was just desperation it's only the couple's second public appearance together in over a month but tomorrow they'll go their separate ways again the princess stays in London Prince Charles goes to Scotland I said I choose to work that's my role in life [Music] what do you think actually I suddenly realized what I was going to lose if I let go and was it worth it so that's how I got involved with the foreign so I had myself say four times I asked all these questions and I was able to be completely honest things that are going to come and see once a week for an hour I'm just going to talk it through he said there's nothing wrong with you and when you said that a door opens I thought well maybe it's not me and he helped me get back my self-esteem for the first formal dinner of the visit the princess unveiled another new look her hair worn up with a tiara that clearly won the approval of State president Von viseker the cameras were concentrating on the princess interest in her clothes replacing speculation about the Royal marriage and she seemed relaxed enough to respond in informal manner when one photographer complimented her hairstyle one of the bravest moments of my entire team was was a 40th birthday party from nurses and noticed that she'd turn up but again the voice of Simon said just go for hello foreign [Music] I didn't bite but I was very very honored I walk into the house and I think she got over that [Music] we were all upstairs and I was chatting around I suddenly there was no child's upstairs so this disturbs me so I make my way to go downstairs again I know what I'm going to confront myself try and stop me from going downstairs no they don't go down there I'm just gonna find one husband I go downstairs it's a very happy little threesome going on downstairs with my left child this is your moment so I went and joining the conversation so we're best friends and I said uh come on I'd love to have a word and she got really uncomfortable for the headache oh yes that's too many okay boys and uh I'll be up in a minute and this shot upstairs like chickens with their heads and I could feel upstairs all hell breaking with what is she going to do so I said come on let's sit down and switch that time I was terrified of her and I said come and I just like to change I know it's actually what's going on I don't know and I said I know what's going on and she said to me very interesting she said to me we've got everything you've ever wanted all men in the world we've got two beautiful children and I haven't really watched it anyway so I said I want my husband and she said well shut down the whole time I said I'm sorry I'm in the way I don't see Adam in the way and it must be Health birthday but I didn't know what's going on rash I cried like I've never cried before it was anger it was seven years of Pentagon coming out cried cried I didn't see that night and the next one we woke up and I felt different shift tremendous I'd done something except what I felt story of jealous in here I go swimming around but it wasn't so deaf because it's been before nicer tune for the weekend three days I accidentally Giants coming up there's no secret you may ask her I just said I loved you there's nothing wrong in there six seven eight nine ten one two three four five oh nice it's been quite interesting bits and pieces in there now once you've got down here questions here we are what have been returning moments in life yeah what triggered enough I suppose last summer when Sam cut my hair differently let out something quite different and when my bulimic finished two years ago my son felt so much stronger mentally and physically so I was able to Soldier on [Music] I've got what my mother's got what however bloody you're feeling you can put on the most amazing show of happiness [Music] but what I couldn't COPE in those Dark Ages was people saying it's it's her fault and I got that everywhere everywhere and then the system and museums starting to stay out of my God and I was the Marilyn Monroe of the 1980s and that I was doing I've never ever sat down and said hooray how wonderful never it's the day I do that we're in trouble I am a former Duty as the Princess of Wales and my time as allocated and if I go anywhere else I go somewhere else if life changes it changes but at least when I finished my as I see it my 12 or 15 years as much as well so I don't see it any longer fine enough I know when I turn my light up and I did my best and you always knew I'd wanna be in next week put it that way and no one said that to me I just knew it foreign ers [Music] in what way s of Prince than I would have opted for a visit to the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort at Agra which I believe is where some at least of the greatest pundits of the press think I ought to be anyway rather than making a greater fool of myself here as the Princess of Wales delivered Prince Harry to his school this morning the author of the book which claims to expose the real state of her marriage said he left very strong material out of his account because it would have revealed the identity of several key sources the book due to go on sale tomorrow claims she made several attempts on her life not serious attempts but what it says were desperate cries for help the author Andrew Morton insisted today that close friends of the princess stand by the Integrity of the book and he came on itn's lunchtime news to make his first live defense of the book on television the motivation was to tell the truth for once forget the propaganda tell the truth about what's really going on because we do face a crisis in the house of winter it's obvious to everyone and make you and make you a rich man well if that's a corollary then so be it but hopefully people it struck a nerve because it is true it is a true story it's a sympathetic account of her life we are not in the business of hyping Publications was the only comment from Buckingham Palace this morning Palace officials refused to comment on whether they had a copy of the book or where the top libel lawyers were examining the text the secrecy surrounding one of the most publicized books ever is remarkable the bookshops have been straining at the bit for a glimpse of what is arguably the most talked about book of all time the hype behind this book is virtually unprecedented but according to Andrew Morton the story stands up he says Diana is a victim who became a princess before she became a woman and as a result she hit what she herself called the Dark Ages the book serialized in the Sunday Times today claims it was the prince's indifference to his wife that caused her chronic depression and five separate suicide attempts at the Queen's cup Polo tournament in Windsor Great Park this afternoon all attention was on Camilla Parker Bowles a longtime friend of Prince Charles a relationship which the book claims sparked off jealousy in the princess Buckingham Palace officials have denied once again today that the Princess of Wales cooperated in any way with the book and refuses to dignify its claims with any further comments but the repercussions are continuing and what about the role of of Prince Charles in in this rather sad if you say Cry for Help I think the Prince Charles has a tremendous responsibility towards the princess Wales and I think the Prince Charles is very sad that the princess should have seen said to air the problems in the marriage so publicly I am trying to bring some balance to this whole story I I think that we've had nothing but Diana's misery and Diana's loneliness and Diana's side of the story we've heard her say how Charles is a bad father how he's a bad husband he's uncaring he drove her to suicide attempt and I think the time has simply come to to adjust the balance Prince Charles is not a cold man he is not an uncaring man the fact of the matter is that because of Diana's illness everything has built up in her mind she has created situations she imagined situations Charles and Diana's storybook wedding has collapsed into a royal embarrassment Separate Lives public scrutiny Whispers of infidelity and there were signs today that it's all getting to be too much for the princess Royal composure collapsed as Princess Diana under extraordinary media attention broke down in tears red-faced and Confused this was a side of the prince's never seen in public and all that you do [Music] philosophy of tender loving care which is and always will be the Hallmark of this hospice Diana appeared near tears in her first public engagement since a book detailing her unhappiness was published last week [Applause] it began as a royal romance but quickly faded Britain's Prince Charles and Lady Diana in the latter years a troubled marriage and mostly Separate Lives she reportedly described it as a Loveless misalliance well today official word the union is over the couple will continue to carry out separate engagements and duties the Princess of Wales has already done much to establish herself as a solo operator whether or not the Princess of Wales will become Queen May finally be decided by Queen Elizabeth herself and when she chooses to abdicate a lot of people question whether she's entitled to wear the crown and it's very important for us that the dignity and the statue of the monarchy is protected and I think that might well reduce it rather than enhance it if I was able to write my own script I would say that I would hope my husband would go off with his lady and sort that out and leave me and the children to carry the Wales name through to the time when William sent the throne [Music] might be behind them all away and I can do this job so much better on my own [Music] little trapped good [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen a Royal Highness the Princess of Wales would like to make a short statement your Royal Highness thank you when I started my public life 12 years ago I understood the media might be interested in what I did I realized then their attention would inevitably focus on both our private and public lives [Music] but I was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become at the end of this year when I've completed my diary of official engagements I will be reducing the extent of the public life I've LED so far my first priority will continue to be our children William and Harry who deserve as much love and care and attention as I am able to give I couldn't stand here today and make this sort of statement without acknowledging the heartfelt support I've been given by the public in general your kindness and affection has carried me through some of the most difficult periods and always your love and care has eased that Journey and for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart [Applause] amid the chaos of Luanda airport a scheduled flight at the start of an unofficial visit for the newest and most high-profile Red Cross volunteer for the first time on her own stepping out into the third world reunited with the charity she deserted before her divorce from Prince Charles it's an enormous privilege for me to be invited here to Angola in order to assist the Red Cross in its campaign to ban once and for all anti-personal landmines has the reality of Angola been more shocking than you expected yes I knew the statistics but putting a face to those figures brought the reality home to me like when I met Sandra the 13 year old girl two days ago who had lost her leg for people like her you know the rest of her life will be very different we must stop the landmines if we can I would have thought that was the most important question out of the two I go for that one no no I mean the one saying I'm not a political figure surprised at the political Fury that came out as a result of your visit here to Angola it was merely a distraction and the fact is I'm a humanitarian figure not one who is a political political story can we do that again foreign I saw it merely as a distraction because I'm not a political figure I I am a humanitarian figure and always have been and always will be it is not the horror of land mines that is making the headlines back home but reports of the princess's romance with Dodie fiad I see myself one day living abroad and you once said to me last week she said to me you're gonna know someone who's far then I thought it was always interesting there confirmation of Princess Diana's first serious romance since her split with Charles will be shown in London Sunday Mirror tomorrow Paparazzi photographer Maria Brenner is set to become a millionaire from worldwide sales of the shots she wants this romance on the record and this is a story that's going to run and run until something wonderful or something ghastly happens I have been positive about it for some time I'm obviously that's endless question marks you're quite nice skin do things like a weekend in Paris I know one day I play the game of life I will be able to have those things which I've always pined for and they'll be that much more special because I'll be that much more older and be able to appreciate them that much more thank you we interrupt this film to tell you we are getting reports that Diana Princess of Wales has been badly injured in a car crash in France Stephen Jessel our correspondent in Paris what is your view of what is now happening at the hospital [Music] one wonders if one is being told the whole truth at the moment once heart goes out especially to the young princess William and Harry indeed William let's remind ourselves he particularly close to his mother a very sensitive young man hates photographers this is the irn news desk this message is I repeat is not for public broadcast Diana Princess of Wales has died I know that these pictures are being beamed around the world and maybe people in some parts of the world will think this is quite a normal scene little do they know in America I know for a fact people have got up early to watch live Transmissions from London in the Far East where it's well well into the day now late afternoon early evening they're sitting watching television schedules have been cleared around the world this is an extraordinary view we're seeing here we've never as far as I'm aware seen the royal family standing like this at the gates of Buckingham Palace could they be intending to walk behind the coffin anything is possible today the word Diana on a huge Banner on the gate and no one said that mustn't be there you don't put posters or banners on the gates of Buckingham Palace Diana of love Prince William Earl Spencer Prince Harry and the prince of Wales almost intolerable moment the two boys the Two Princes impossible to put into words as they take their place behind their mother's coffin of all the irony is about Diana perhaps the greatest was this a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was in the end the most hunted person of the Modern Age she would want us today to pledge ourselves to protecting her beloved boys William and Harry from a similar fate and I do this here Diana on your behalf Diana was the very essence of compassion of Duty of style of beauty all over the world she was a symbol of selfless Humanity a standard Bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden someone with a natural nobility who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic there is no doubt that she was looking for a new Direction in her life at this time she talked endlessly of getting away from England mainly because of the treatment that she received at the hands of the newspapers I don't think she ever understood why her genuinely good intentions were snared at by the media why there appeared to be a permanent Quest on their behalf to bring her down above all we give thanks for the life of a woman I'm so proud to be able to call my sister the unique the complex the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana whose Beauty both internal and external will never be extinguished from our minds [Music] foreign [Music] she affected everybody and that's everyone's way of showing it laying their flowers and writing their cards and their poems it's just amazing but she'll never know how much she meant to everybody really [Music] she was just so human she made so many mistakes and just exactly like we do and yet she Shone through it the public side was very different obviously perhaps had public side they wanted a pairing princess touched them and everything returned to gold and all their worries would be forgotten [Music] so did they realize that the individual was crucifying herself inside she was going off and why me why I always published it and when I first arrived on the cinema I put my head down now from that point do I interpreted yes it did look silky just so frightened of the attention I was getting head down which I can't remember is that he wants to do anything on my own you're fine tremors so I stuck with whatever Charles did and it included a wife I went with him all the way wherever I was just so desperate I knew what was wrong with me but nobody else around me understood me I needed rest and to be looked after inside my house I have people to understand the torment and the anguish going on in my head because I had a smile on my face nobody didn't touch me one time probably chose to think that they're happy of thinking that didn't get easier I just got used to what people would have cried from Princess of Wales what Diana thought wasn't going to come into it yet history fascinated me but I never anticipated I'd end up in the system history in the books as it is I am altering it for him but in a subtle way people aren't aware of it I am through William learning what I do and his father to a certain extent he has got an Insider what's coming his way he's not hidden upstairs for governors to not Bear Down depression you know not let all this chat disturb me took me 16 and set comfortable in the skin and now I'm ready to go bored I hug my children to death I get in bed with them at night and hug them and I always say who loves you most in the whole wide world and they always say mommy you know all right and it's always that I always feed them so important [Music] did you have any expectations looking forwards I have so many dreams as a young girl hopes that my husband look after me would be like a father figure you'd support me encourage me say Well done obviously no it wasn't good enough I knew somehow I had to keep myself very tidy for whatever will come in my way I was always different I had always a singing inside of me that I was going somewhere different I didn't know why I couldn't even talk about it was grandchild wasn't anything dramatic I'm blinking a little coldness [Music]
Channel: National Geographic
Views: 809,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: national geographic, nat geo, natgeo, animals, wildlife, science, explore, discover, survival, nature, culture, documentary, perpetual planet nat geo, photography, full episode, princess diana, royal family, in her own words, diana princess, diana royal, diana life story, diana lifestyle, diana, princess family, princess life, princess misty, princess, life of princess diana, life of diana, life story of princess diana
Id: xojJ39oaZEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 31sec (5311 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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