The Oprah Winfrey Show: Caroline Myss on Discovering Why You Are Here | Full Episode | OWN

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[Music] hello fellow Seekers and happy Sunday to you you know over 25 years I had the privilege of speaking with some of the most influential spiritual thought leaders of our time Carolyn ma is one of those teachers who has devoted her life to expanding the way we all think about ourselves our souls our spiritual lives I first met Carolyn mace on the show in 1998 as we talked about Spirit now this is a time where I could see that the audience was not really tracking and that's the beauty of having an audience you can see how is this information Landing with our viewers so I could see people were like confused or feeling disoriented with what she was saying I stopped the show and we spent some time explaining what exactly we were talking about this is one of my favorite moments in television because I love it when somebody hears something or experiences experiences something in a way that they have never thought of it that way before favorite moment there's some part of all of us that knows that that this is true we are more than our physical body and when I was growing up you all think that how many of you how many of you think that how many of you are just not quite sure yet right who's not sure yet if you are you're not sure you're not sure what are you not sure of the concept that your mind body and spirit I've never thought of it that way I'm not sure of it oh I live for that moment when somebody says I never thought of it that way I live at that moment so you're the person I want to talk to so do you never thought of what I've really never thought of it being the three of it just body and mind just body and mind so spirit is a foreign concept here spirit is a foreign concept sort of to uh away from me or more religious spirit is religious to me so in 1998 there were a lot of people who didn't understand this concept that we all have a mind we have a body and we also have a Consciousness or a presence a spirit look how far we've come well I asked Carolyn to come back a few years later to talk about her then best-selling book sacred contracts Awakening Your Divine potential I asked her because I love the book and I just love the idea of knowing that we all have a sacred contract now Carolyn says there are patterns to all of our lives that move us forward or hold us back and that by recognizing these patterns we can begin to live more fully and on purpose it was so inspirational to me and life affirming to be able to sit with her because even before this conversation I had figured that out for myself that there is a pattern that when I first started speaking in the church as a little girl and loving to be in front of people in public and feeling validated by words that that was the beginning of this career it was the beginning of discovering what words meant to me books and now the book club so to be able to share that with you all I think can be life affirming for you too at some point in our lives we all want to understand why are we here why do some people know it and Live It While others struggle for a clue I sabotage myself all the time what am I meant to do am I just taking up space everything that is meant to come your way will you will be with the right people at the right moment doing what you are meant to do if you are listening it's got to do with becoming the fullest human being you can become you have to live from the point of view that everything I do has significance discover who you were born to be how to find your purpose in life when today's guest made an appearance on our show a few years ago she caused quite a sensation by demonstrating her skills as a medical intuitive Carolyn mace seemed to be able to identify psychological and physical problems in people's lives just by looking at them it is her gift even her mother says so now Carolyn says after doing thousands of readings she has discovered an epidemic people are so frustrated and actually stressed because they have no idea what they're meant to do in life uh that for a lot of people it's taking a toll on their health Absolut and their well-being so today she's going to tell us about a unique way we all can begin to discover the reason why you're here is't that good to hear I think so that is exactly that is exactly the topic of Carolyn's new book to great book I read it over the holidays sacred contracts Carolyn says that your sacred contract is what you are meant to do during your lifetime and she makes it very clear throughout the book that everybody has one absolutely everybody has one Carolyn says we all have contracts to meet certain people in our lives that they can be the people that you love as well as your adversaries so that's what's so fascinating that everything is all happening as it should as it should all the time based on the way you're thinking and utilizing the information that you've received absolutely and based on the choices you make and one word that you use all the time on your show and and it's associated with you is it's also based on how well you appreciate your life right when people say well what should I do in in my lifetime so often what blocks them from seeing their greater potential is that they don't appreciate what they have so far that's right they don't know how to be grateful that's right right that's right and when you when you look at your life without gratitude you cannot appreciate how everything is trying to come together right to help you get to the next place right it's the pieces are trying to fit together to see well now you see why you had these parents and you see why this person's coming in your life and you and you see why but when you don't appreciate your life the electricity can't happen okay and so in sacred contracts you talk about not having to look for people who you have need to connect with or have a contract with because they are going to find that's what you automatically are drawing absolutely so if you're in for example an adversarial relationship with your boss your spouse your children that's all sacred that is sacred absolutely because you resolve it with your spirit not your mind the Mind finds resolving crises Oprah very difficult because the mind's are very logical in you hurt me first right but if you let your spirit resolve it that's when you can look at someone and find an appreciate you can find how they have helped you grow because in order to resolve things you've got to grow as well as the person so it's always the sacred part of yourself that does the best negotiating how do you know when you have a sacred contract with someone the the word that I use is animation when you feel someone and there's a kind of an electric visiting and you think I've known you before I don't want to get to know you it's one of the two you've got an animation there are so many people you meet you don't have that animation they're nice people but you don't have that kind of buzz and so forcing a relationship isn't going to turn it into a sacred contract anyway a lot of people try to do that oh yeah you know what that's like it's like taking a an a cord from a lamp and trying to put it into the wall where there is no circuit or no Outlet you can't do it if you're not meant to be with someone or to work with someone there isn't a thing you can do to ignite that relationship cuz you say the things in your life that are most significant usually happen on their own they usually do is that weird how one because one thing will happen and then a phone call happen and that'll lead to that and then then somebody will see you and then that'll lead to that's amaz and don't they often how many times have you been surprised that the best things and I ask people this all the time how many people have had the experience that the most significant things in their life lives took them by surprise they just happened they didn't you know schedule them in time for something significant or that you yeah or you know or that you you try to arrange something you can't do it it either happens or it doesn't Okay so I think one of the message of sacred contracts is that every life every being that has come to the planet has something special to offer absolutely absolutely and that is your job a lot of people think their job is doing whatever your job is but your real job is to figure that out yes okay now you talk a lot in the book about archetypes which I think for a lot of people is confusing because we don't understand what what you mean by that and you know and it's funny because people speak archetype fluently and they don't even realize it an archetype is do you all know what it means all right now that's why she's here to explain it to you archetypes are patterns of behavior patterns of behavior everybody has them patterns of behavior you're with me so far right how you like the back of my head uh patterns of behavior that make up your personality and Carolyn says you already know many of these for example are you a diva are you you struck home yeah if you're Diva you would know it so all the people that are going I don't know okay if you a diva you know it are you a bully are you a martyr are you a gossip are you a damsel are you a goddess yes oh yes see get into that one are you a queen a king are you a leader are you a real you see are you a detective do you have that side to you okay well you see the the point that we're trying to make is you already actually know these patterns you just didn't realize perhaps that they had a multi- syllable word that described them because the word is so overwhelming right but the concepts as easy the archetypes have direct you all your life you tell me something like oh I know him he's a bully you don't have to say another thing I know exactly what you're talking about now it's interesting because uh carollyn says there are four archetypes that everyone has in common it was interesting when I was watching the tape because I want to do a show about this you hear a lot of women when they talk like this they're right out of the top of their voice where they haven't yet grounded themselves they haven't found themselves and you were saying That's the child archetype that's the child archetype and that's that part of you that that you you begin to sort of your voice goes this and you ask for permission and you talk like this say I really didn't mean that or can I do would you mind if we did that yeah and you ever didn't you ever say something to someone you are so childish over this yeah yeah and and and because they were that's right and that's exactly right and that I wasn't making it up okay so then the next next is the victim these are the common archetypes yeah and though the words might sound offputting all of these archetypes all these patterns are meant to make you feel secure about living your life to the fullest because the victim brings out in you the need to be able to develop self-esteem and take care of yourself and stand up for yourself so you're saying all of us have some of this totally every single one nobody's born with healthy self-esteem at least I don't think so and it takes so much to develop a respect for yourself and to be able to be someone who could draw boundaries in the maybe you born with it and it's drained out of you it's what whichever but it's very hard that and each of us has to get to the point where we can take care of ourselves and if you don't the chances are that you'll be victimized are pretty good okay and the next is what sabator the sabator and always people will think that life will sabotage him but it's not life presents you with your contracts your opportunities but if if you're frightened of your life if you're scared if you you will sabotage those opportunities by running running away from them or saying no when someone says speak up and the next is prostitute I don't get it oh yeah that's a good one well this The Prostitute archetype has to do with uh helping people face the part of themselves that will negotiate their selfworth their their opinion there it's much more than your body I mean that's just an is I get it it's the giving yourself away right it's giving yourself away or staying in marriages that you don't want to be in or keeping jobs you don't want to have because the Price Is Right got it I got it I got it I got that and so hear that Rumble yeah each has a healthy form and a shadow form totally totally the healthy form is the part of it that once once the archetype has built up your strength let's take the prostitute again then you think that said I will never prostitute myself again it becomes a it becomes like a mantra in you and it becomes a source of strength it becomes a reference point that says I will not let myself be used I will never be used again and that's when your prostitute becomes your sacred prostitute that sacred inner voice okay now I know you all want to know you're saying okay archetypes I just want to know what my purpose is I can feel it right there I know that's where going archetyp I just want to know what my purpose is but get to the purpose the bottom line bottom line is you want to know what your purpose is right coming up Carrie admits to sabotaging her career and her relationship and she worries every day about what she's supposed to be doing with her life next Carolyn explains how Carrie can begin to answer that question because I think a lot of people think purpose is something they're going to find or you have you ever wondered why some people get it while others struggle and feel stuck Carolyn says okay this is like church okay thank you Carolyn says you can figure out uh who you were born to be and it is the topic of her new book it's called sacred contracts there in the screen let's clarify something about archetypes or patterns of behavior how does your archetype connect to discovering why you are here is that you all are wondering what's that got to do with why I'm here okay that's why I'm trying to clear it up for you yes okay by discovering your your archetyp ypes they are guiding you know like someone say I'm a natural-born artist if you call yourself that you have to understand that means there's a part of you that simply has to express yourself as an artist in this lifetime or you are going to feel incomplete for the rest of your life right you already call yourselves by Inner names everyone does you can say I it's just so typical to me I'm am such a diva you know I mean when by finding out your archetypes it's it's a very rich like like candle in the night when I was teaching my students at Kellogg uh last year I to I I didn't call it archetypes I was just saying that purpose that a lot of people feel like a purpose is something that you're going to do but if you died today your life would have already had its purpose so it's not something that you're going to do you discover your purpose by following the patterns right yeah and let's you know to expand on that um the Western person does tend to think that the life purpose is a job so let's just stretch that and say that the life purpose has to include learning how to appreciate every part of your life the people in it the opportunities the talents you have the challenges and you start putting them together like a puzzle and suddenly a whole different perspective on your life begins to emerge and you realize I'm here for much more than a job I'm here to give something back to life I'm here to serve people I'm here to to learn I'm here but I'm here to create yeah it becomes much more dynamic in what you do okay what would you say yours is you're here too I think primarily I see myself as a teacher I am a teacher and I and I teach through everything that I do as a writer as as uh anyway but you know what I'm also a teacher in a larger sense because I see that that is I am I love to share that kind of knowledge I love to feel I feel that I'm an example I live in a very serious way like life is a classroom and it teaches me and everything is new every new year is a new semester I live in that metaphor so do I what university did you go this is it's true yeah this is Carrie who says she struggles with what her purpose is every single day as for her behavior pattern she says she constantly sabotages herself and that's the sabur archetype we just been men and Carolyn says that is what blocks so many people from figuring out what they're here for take a look sabotaging yourself I'm so consumed with what is my life's purpose and why am I here what am I meant to do and am I just taking up space I've always been more comfortable in Failure than success a prime example I really self-sabotaged myself in my career I've had seven jobs in seven years and I think the reason for that is because I set myself up to fail I was up for two different positions one was a vice president's level and one was a lower level position so I decided to go ahead and try the the vice president's position I felt uncomfortable I held back great ideas I held back all the positive things I had to offer and sat back and waited until I got laid off I have this little voice in my head and it's constantly telling me that I'm not worthy I'm not prepared you're not smart enough people are going to figure you out you don't know what you're talking about it's always there and it makes me feel inadequate unfocused I have a real fear around family and friends what will happen if I become successful will people not like me will I lose friends will they feel small because I'm big will my friends think I'm a or other people will think that I'm greedy in personal ways I sabotage myself all the time I've been married and now I'm divorced when I got married we had 50 people fly over to the Bahamas to attend the wedding it was perfect it was what every girl would dream of but I never stopped and thought what happens after this day and is this going to be the best thing for me but I knew that we weren't right for each other when I wake up in the morning I'm nervous and anxious to start the day my stomach hurts my mind is racing feels really bad to sabotage Everything feels physically bad mentally bad emotionally bad and I'm in a wonderful relationship and I'll potentially sabotage it good girl what I want for Carrie is is to be happy I want her to stop sabotaging herself her life her career um so she can stop searching when Carrie and I go to the bookstore I go off to my little section when I'm ready to go I know where to look car's always in the self-help section I knew I'd find you here hey what'd you get I believe on a spiritual level that my body is here as a shell for my soul to have experience and I am so afraid that I'm not giving my soul the experience at once so Carrie says she's afraid to find out what her passion is I know you have lots to say to car I'm going to jump in and tell you first of all that you're a perfect example of how to take a look at the sabur and think how does the sabur help me with my purpose in life all right I'm I need to tell you a little bit about yourself uh in as a reading and my my hit first of all is that your your conflict is that you want someone a male to guarantee your success and at the same time you cannot tolerate being controlled so you live don't don't fold up because see you're blocking things but you you live exactly in that so you're the cute little girl the baby the little innocent girl that's the innocent child on the one hand that's the child and on the other hand you get victimized and the whole thing about a victim is that allows you to back off from responsibility and this is Hardcore but now we have to apply it to finding your purpose purpose in life if you have a conflict with even taking responsibility for the choices you make how can you go one step further and say you know what my purpose in life is you have to start and stick with something and let it develop your character and as it gives you strength what happens is you become more and more inspired with what you could do in life because you develop the strength to be able to do something when opportunities come along now in your case let's go back to square one your conflict Carrie is that you have a lot of potential in you but the crisis is that for you to stay put is incredibly rough you you are disappointed within six weeks of a job six weeks you disappoint so easily and you just and you when you go in you get critical real fast and it's not this it's not that they don't have this I thought it was this so you really don't give things a chance I don't feel any of that kind of optimism around you it's like the pessimist archetype and if you were to realize you know what that's absolutely right I have a strong pessimist it also means right then you can choose The Optimist all right so you have a strong way of literally putting out fires before you get to fuel them and see how much you can cook in the kitchen but were you saying as we're looking at car's tape you were saying that she is like so many other people who fear success yes because they're afraid of how other people will feel about them once they get successful and one of the Carol just said because people aren't a lot of people aren't happy when you become successful and if you really allow yourself to go all the way you will lose some friends that's really it's one of those things very few people talk about which is let me tell you that's okay that's okay I hear you girl I hear you you will and so you saying that that is what holds a lot of people back they're so afraid afraid and living their life really based upon what other people are going to think about and that's why they ask permission do you mind if I get a little more empowered no it's not going to ruin my life but don't go this far because that's going to upset me that's right absolutely that's I'm telling you you people that's where the sabur comes in you you look over your shoulder and you realize I can't really take that opportunity cuz if it does it might turn my life into such a big success and then what will they think and it might not hold my marriage together and I just don't know what to do if I started to make more money than my partner and then so how do you break that get divorced no no um she doesn't mean it I'm teasing I'm teasing I'm teasing obviously I'm teasing the first place you go is to take a real good look at starting to say yes to the tiniest things that have to do with your self-esteem leave the big choices later first thing you start to do is to start feeling good about yourself even if you begin it with something like I'm going to say yes to just maybe a tiny makeover or maybe I'm going to stop being controlled by one person or better yet I'm going to stop needing your approval to do the things I need to do in my life I'm just not going to ask for approval anymore I'll just start there that's it start with never asking for approval and watch what happens in your life as simple as that that will bring your whole world down start with that start with that right there right there because if you don't need someone's approval here's the big thing here's the miracle of it next time you get this inspiration that says do this think that way say this you won't put the brakes on and think I can't afford to hear deep inspiration because they may not approve of my guidance and inspiration this time you're able to say I think I'm going to do it this way and if you don't approve well deal with it and also as long as you need other people's approval then you are owned by them you're here and slavery is dead honey it is way over coming up he was an architect at the top of his game but says down he felt like a fraud like he was prostituting himself next how he went from living a life devoid of meaning to discovering why he is really here we'll be right back many people struggle with the questions who am I and why am I here and today we're finding out how to begin to get answers with author Carolyn ma this is David Aken he says that after selling out and acquiring all the trappings of what he thought it meant to be successful uh he realized he had also sold his soul take a look at how David discovered why he is really here 12 years ago I was at the top of my professional career I Was An Architect I led a design team that built a landmark building in Vancouver it was a prize winner was well recognized it was a 50 $60 million building and at the opening I felt Hollow and it didn't bring me joy I was not passionate about being an architect in fact if I was very truthful I never really wanted to be an architect somehow I abandoned my own self I got away from who I really was I think I got swept up in the adrenaline and the Applause I felt like a prostitute I felt that I was doing something to please other people because I was good at it and I got paid a lot but in in fact I wasn't pleasing myself I had wanted a Porsche for 25 years since I was a young kid I finally got a Porsche drove it off the lot and all of a sudden I realized it didn't feel good I ate too much didn't get enough exercise and didn't sleep I was very stressed at that time and in an effort to try to sleep I took health food supplement that turned out to be tainted I became Gravely ill I was in bed at home most of the time for about 4 and 1 half to 5 months it was a wakeup call I son Jordy who at that time was 12 came into the room quite uptight angry at me crying at the same time and it was very emotional actually because he said how dare you die on me you're you're dying on me and from then on I said something has to change the perennial question is why am I here I said to myself as I was lying ill if I get to go around again if I do I would like to go around in a way that I have a felt sense sense of meaning and uh to answer the question of why I'm here we mortgaged the house we sold all the expensive toys including that extraordinary yacht that we were going to live aboard and we got out from underneath my wife Janie and I are closer together now today than we ever have been in our 25 years together The Prostitute archetype is still part of me but now I am very very Vigilant that I do not go back to selling my soul for gratification of money and accolades I won't do things that don't materially spiritually increase the value and the quality of my life I continually check myself why am I doing this why am I saying yes as opposed to no not a week goes by I am not thankful and full of gratitude for the wakeup call and the chances of starting my life again wow we'll talk to David and Carolyn when we come back [Music] so we just heard David talk about how he felt that he had prostituted himself by selling out Carolyn says David's story illustrates one of the most important points that she wants to make that your job your job is not your purpose and one of the things you were saying earlier is that in the western culture when you ask people about purpose most people in this country and on this side of the Equator we all think it means a job a job my purpose is a job to be productive produce produce produce if you say something to someone from an Eastern culture um and you say what's purpose in life they'll say it's a spiritual enlightenment it's a spiritual path they are more inclined to say inner Discovery than outer we say outer Discovery and if the outer Discovery doesn't work then we'll go find the inner discovery to find out what's wrong with getting our outer Discovery just where is my job but the East will say no it's that inner Tranquility it's to give up the need to have to control everything but to go with the flow and create from the soul so one of the things David says is that learning compassion led him to finding meaning in life that was a beautiful piece how long was that process for you the wakeup call hitting bottom about a year and a half about a year and a half and does everybody have to hit bottom to Fig f it out well get your attention yeah it gets your attention you know what it this is why uh The Prostitute sabator victim there those challenge patterns are like a safety net that says if you pay attention to why you're so afraid of life and do something about it before it hits bottom maybe the way to think of it is you either can take the woe path or the wisdom and the wisdom is always offered you before the woe right you would say that David right now I would say that absolutely that it was being offered to you all along I didn't pay attention I didn't hear the subtle whisperings and how was how was it whispering to you in your life when I was early 20s I knew I didn't want to be an architect right I took architecture to pass some exams that I thought I could pass yeah see that's so incredible I lived up to my father's expectations okay and David how long were you in as an architect how many 27 years 27 years so if you're in a job for 27 years or 10 years or 12 years or seven years that you know you're not supposed to be in what is that doing to your spirit every day Caroline well it what it does is it begins to drain it's almost it begins to drain it makes your spirit toxic but if I may may I talk yeah do what you want David the the AR go right ahe do that Carolyn mace thing you do on your show okay poof the architect is an archetype okay it's the the Builder the Constructor the being who lays the foundation and quite frankly I think that you do have that archetype architect archetype you know what I'm talking about that is an archetype of yours but the challenge came in is that you never were able able to explore it the way you wanted to you were told how to explore it and that's where you fought you were always involved with architecture and and organizing things and Building Things even down to organizing people's helping people to organize a better foundation in their life which is a higher form of the architect you see it's not just buildings then you find that you're good at architecting people's lives and helping them moving you would say to families when you come on how how do you want to feel it's it's good to be peaceful in these buildings we have to have Tranquility you would architect larger than you realize and this is where you begin to say you know my purpose is to make people feel spiritually comfortable in the room you begin to develop a higher perspective But first you have to make yourself feel that way and that's where you were betraying yourself yeah and I think the Betrayal was that the more successful I got the more money and the more Accolade so I was leaving outside myself and abandoning myself that's right yeah next how your dreams and your hunches can offer you Clues to your sacred contract back moment [Music] really who knows what you got there oh Carolyn Carolyn says your dreams and your hunches can offer you Clues to your sacred contract how so when I read that in the book I after reading that I pay more attention to my dreams now oh yeah I mean dreams are an incredible vessel that says go this way go that way you don't really want to do this uh how to deal with how to pull pull your spirit back out it lets you know when your spirit's traveling in places that scare you what do you think nightmares are about absolutely it's more than you know your aunt's cooking I mean it really can be very traumatic or very guiding well Carolyn says there is a Highest Potential in everything that you do I love this when you talk about this in the book from how you treat your Co colleagues listen to this there's The Highest Potential in everything that you do from how you treat your colleagues to how you care for yourself or react to any kind of ethical dilemma she says every decision you make either connects you to your sacred contract or blocks you from it I'm going to give you one tiny story that tra totally changed my life and inspired that I'm driving to the airport here in Chicago there's a photographer in the car we're chatting lives in New York blah blah blah blah he said to me you know I took a cab in New York I paid the cab driver I said thank you sir the the cab he says next thing I know the cab driver jumps out opens my door and I get out and I and I said what' you do that for cab driver says you're the first person in this country who's ever respected me enough to call me sir now wait now this photographers is telling me the story in my car passing along a story and then he said you know what I realized I realized that if my kids grow up only knowing the value of kindness and respecting others I will have done my job as I promis to do as a parent now he tells me that story I'm so touched I tell others it inspires this and that tiny one would say to him do you realize it's your con part of your contract to inspire kindness on this planet he would say what are you talking about but it's going everywhere my point being meaning you passed it on you passed it on so that would be a part of that photographer's contract and and point being is cuz you never know how you're affecting other people that's it you don't even know when you're doing things you're meant to be doing you've got to trust here comes the aspect of trust but also you have to live from the point of view that everything I do has significance everything I say everyone I'm with that is such a powerful thing because we all everybody's nodding your head because you know you have the opportunity and every moment to give your Highest Potential or something less that's right and you have no idea how that's spins or the gift of of Hope the gift of dignity who knows what became of that cab driver how do you know that he just didn't for the first day think you know what I am worthy of going to school and I'm going to go back to school and become how do you know you don't know that but if I if you have no idea if I said you know what your contract is to be a source of inspiration to humanity the Western person would say well give me the job to inspire where where what time do I show up it doesn't occur to you that it's got to do with becoming the fullest human being you can become and letting that shine in everything you do we'll be right back that's beautiful beautiful we have very little time left but this is one point we want to make again before we go Carolyn says without appreciating what you have in your life right now whatever that is you never realize what your purpose is absolutely it's it's impossible without appreciating you'll never become strong enough to respect yourself if you don't become strong enough to respect yourself how can you listen to that inner guidance that says come on I'm going to help you build up who you are because you'll continue to sabotage it and you'll continue to compromise all that you can be in life because at the end of the day you're afraid of your own power and how do you then begin to Define for yourself by looking at the patterns in your life yes the first thing you do is you begin to observe the patterns you begin to observe how come I always go for the always I always feel this way I always do anytime you find an always in your vocabulary or in your life then what you do is you start paying attention and find the vocabulary and you'll find that there'll be an archetype in there I always feel like a child and then follow that well how can you grow up if you feel like a child what's the first step toward growing up I'll tell you what the first step I'm going to lower my voice when I talk to people I will never up and a whole show on it because I'm so tired of women talking like this out of their voices absolutely because that means you can't ask for what you want because you're like afraid that somebody may not give it to you and then oh my God it well but that's where it starts you want to know where to start start with those four patterns the victim the child The Prostitute become aware of when you're sabotaging yourself when someone says give me your opinion become aware of whether or not you agree with somebody just so you don't upset them well I think the most important thing about I'll tell you what it is we'll be back thank you Carolyn we'll be right back I just love this I think it's just so so truly the word is wonderful and fascinating to ponder what is your own sacred contract what is that the contract you made with god with the force of the universe when you came into the world now what I know for sure is that if you can figure that out it's really our true job as Spiritual Beings having this physical experience on Earth to figure out what that contract is and begin to fulfill our divine connection and potential that's just the best thank you Carolyn mace one more time and thank you Super Soul Sunday Seekers for watching the best of the Oprah show here on [Music] own
Channel: OWN
Views: 130,322
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Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, season, episode, Caroline Myss, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Author Caroline Myss, Sacred Contracts, purpose in life, Full Episode, Winfrey Show, Discover, caroline myss oprah interview
Id: uIxH0nV12uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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