The Best of Mother Angelica Live - 2022-01-17 - Dr. Alice Von Hildebrand

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♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We’re all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don’t miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) (applause) Mother: Well, you know, Mother: Well, you know, one regret I have is that we one regret I have is that we just can’t reach everybody. just can’t reach everybody. Sometimes I wish we had one Sometimes I wish we had one of these revolving of these revolving audiences, you know, where audiences, you know, where you could reach everybody at you could reach everybody at one time, but we don’t have one time, but we don’t have that yet. that yet. (all laugh) (all laugh) That’s my next project, That’s my next project, but I don’t want to but I don’t want to tell anybody yet. tell anybody yet. But anyway, you know, through But anyway, you know, through the years once you begin the years once you begin to give up the Lord or you to give up the Lord or you begin to have your own kind begin to have your own kind of ethics and your own kind of ethics and your own kind of religion and your own of religion and your own kind of Scripture and all kind of Scripture and all the rest, you begin to lose the rest, you begin to lose ordinary virtues. ordinary virtues. And we don’t know anymore. And we don’t know anymore. If I would say, "What’s the If I would say, "What’s the definition of humility?" definition of humility?" You’d say, "Humility? You’d say, "Humility? "Is that one of those "Is that one of those old-fashioned things?" old-fashioned things?" Yeah, uh-huh. Yeah, uh-huh. What’s the definition What’s the definition of hypocrisy? of hypocrisy? We don’t know that one at We don’t know that one at all because--and today you all because--and today you can lie or cheat and as long can lie or cheat and as long as you get away with it, as you get away with it, you’re okay. you’re okay. See, it’s not a matter of See, it’s not a matter of doing something wrong--it’s doing something wrong--it’s getting caught. getting caught. Audience member: We can’t Audience member: We can’t hear you! hear you! Mother: You can’t hear me? Mother: You can’t hear me? Okay, all you in the control Okay, all you in the control room, they can’t hear me. room, they can’t hear me. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I’m all wired up, so I I’m all wired up, so I can’t do much about it. can’t do much about it. And so tonight our guest And so tonight our guest has been contemplating the has been contemplating the Age of Confusion--that’s what Age of Confusion--that’s what we live in now--and has we live in now--and has determined that some of the determined that some of the issues that contribute to issues that contribute to our lack of understanding of our lack of understanding of truth, just ordinary truth, truth, just ordinary truth, and especially morality, and especially morality, we’ve lost sight of. we’ve lost sight of. If we talk about prudence, If we talk about prudence, we don’t know anything about we don’t know anything about prudence. prudence. We don’t know much about We don’t know much about ordinary virtues like being ordinary virtues like being polite. polite. I told you about the kids I told you about the kids that kept me from getting that kept me from getting out of a revolving door. out of a revolving door. And that’s when I had And that’s when I had crutches and all the rest crutches and all the rest of it. of it. And you wonder, And you wonder, "What’s so funny?" "What’s so funny?" They had no idea this was They had no idea this was a gross, gross insult-- a gross, gross insult-- to anybody. to anybody. So when we get that far in So when we get that far in society, there’s something society, there’s something very wrong. very wrong. There’s a root somewhere. There’s a root somewhere. And so I want you to And so I want you to welcome Dr. Von Hildebrand, welcome Dr. Von Hildebrand, who is a dear friend. who is a dear friend. (applause) (applause) Alice, you know, Alice, you know, you and I have been friends you and I have been friends for some years now and you for some years now and you always seem to have the always seem to have the core issue. core issue. We all know what’s wrong We all know what’s wrong but we don’t know--really but we don’t know--really know--what’s wrong or we know--what’s wrong or we could maybe change our could maybe change our lives. lives. So what would you say--well, So what would you say--well, let’s start at the beginning let’s start at the beginning like I promised everybody. like I promised everybody. St. Teresa of Avila said St. Teresa of Avila said that humility is truth. that humility is truth. Well, I can buy that, Well, I can buy that, providing we’re not talking providing we’re not talking of human truth, because to of human truth, because to me, you’re to me a genius. me, you’re to me a genius. You write beautifully, You write beautifully, you’re a professor. you’re a professor. For someone like me who For someone like me who worked hard for her F’s, worked hard for her F’s, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I mean, she’s the epitome I mean, she’s the epitome of intelligence, you see. of intelligence, you see. And that I’m here talking And that I’m here talking and questioning her is one and questioning her is one of God’s massive miracles. of God’s massive miracles. So I know that, and yet So I know that, and yet supernatural humility supernatural humility seems to be so different. seems to be so different. We’ve got to know the Source We’ve got to know the Source of goodness and the Source of goodness and the Source of our talent and the Source of our talent and the Source of everything. of everything. When we lose sight of that, When we lose sight of that, we don’t even have a we don’t even have a foggiest idea of what foggiest idea of what humility is. humility is. What is humility to you? What is humility to you? Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, you know that is a you know that is a tremendously important tremendously important and deep question. and deep question. You’re perfectly right that You’re perfectly right that it is a virtue which is lost it is a virtue which is lost sight of today because of sight of today because of its caricature. its caricature. You know, I’m grateful to be on your show for, to be on your show for, of course, several reasons of course, several reasons and one of them is that and one of them is that it rejuvenates me. it rejuvenates me. Mother: Good! Mother: Good! Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, you don’t know why it rejuvenates me. rejuvenates me. (all laugh) (all laugh) Mother: (laughing) I don’t! Mother: (laughing) I don’t! Dr. von Hildebrand: I will Dr. von Hildebrand: I will explain to you in a moment. explain to you in a moment. I taught for 37 years at a I taught for 37 years at a city university in a city university in a fortress of secularism. fortress of secularism. And you can’t quite conceive And you can’t quite conceive of anybody more ill-prepared of anybody more ill-prepared to enter Hunter College to enter Hunter College as I did. as I did. I was a little foreign girl, I was a little foreign girl, a cradle Catholic, a very a cradle Catholic, a very protected background and protected background and then like Habakkuk, God took then like Habakkuk, God took me by the hair and placed me me by the hair and placed me in the lion’s den. in the lion’s den. And for 37 years when I And for 37 years when I entered the university, entered the university, every single day, I had every single day, I had the feeling of fear and the feeling of fear and trepidation, and that’s what trepidation, and that’s what I’m feeling tonight on your I’m feeling tonight on your show. show. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) So I say it rejuvenates me. So I say it rejuvenates me. Now. Now. Mother: Whoa, ho, ho, ho! Mother: Whoa, ho, ho, ho! (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I missed something here! I missed something here! Dr. von Hildebrand: A Dr. von Hildebrand: A feeling of trepidation to be feeling of trepidation to be on your show--have you ever on your show--have you ever been on Mother Angelica’s been on Mother Angelica’s show? show? Oh yes, you have! Oh yes, you have! But you are Mother Angelica But you are Mother Angelica and suppose that you’re just and suppose that you’re just me and you’re on Mother me and you’re on Mother Angelica’s show, then you Angelica’s show, then you have a feeling of have a feeling of trepidation. trepidation. And that’s what I’m And that’s what I’m feeling now. feeling now. Mother: I don’t have any Mother: I don’t have any feeling of trepidation feeling of trepidation in front of Alice von in front of Alice von Hildebrand! Hildebrand! Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, you shouldn’t. you shouldn’t. (all laugh) (all laugh) Mother: I don’t think that’s Mother: I don’t think that’s a definition of humility. a definition of humility. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Dr. von Hildebrand: No, that Dr. von Hildebrand: No, that would be lived humility! would be lived humility! (Mother coughs) (Mother coughs) When you praise yourself When you praise yourself about humility, you about humility, you immediately lose it. immediately lose it. That is a very tricky thing That is a very tricky thing about humility. about humility. But I taught for 37 years. But I taught for 37 years. I don’t know how much my I don’t know how much my students have learned from students have learned from me but I’ve learned a great me but I’ve learned a great deal from them. deal from them. And you know what they And you know what they taught me? taught me? Mother: What? Mother: What? Dr. von Hildebrand: They Dr. von Hildebrand: They taught me that we live in a taught me that we live in a world of total confusion. world of total confusion. And these kids, whom I loved And these kids, whom I loved and I tried to serve, these and I tried to serve, these kids were so confused about kids were so confused about the most essential issues the most essential issues that every single time that every single time I entered the classroom, I entered the classroom, I was ready for some sort I was ready for some sort of massive confusion. of massive confusion. One of them is, for example, One of them is, for example, the confusion between the confusion between saintliness and hypocrisy. saintliness and hypocrisy. Suppose that you try to lead Suppose that you try to lead a Christian life and a Christian life and obviously you aren’t always obviously you aren’t always conscious of the abyss conscious of the abyss between what you should be between what you should be and what you are. and what you are. But nevertheless, you try to But nevertheless, you try to fulfill your duties, fulfill your duties, you try to follow the you try to follow the Ten Commandments and Ten Commandments and so on and so on. so on and so on. Well, in our society, many Well, in our society, many of my students would say, of my students would say, "Oh, that’s sheer hypocrisy." "Oh, that’s sheer hypocrisy." In other words, that you In other words, that you don’t commit adultery, for don’t commit adultery, for example, or that you are example, or that you are still a virgin at 22--well, still a virgin at 22--well, this is something which is this is something which is so unusual and so abnormal so unusual and so abnormal that obviously you’re a that obviously you’re a hypocrite! hypocrite! Now, a hypocrite is someone Now, a hypocrite is someone who tries to ape a saint. who tries to ape a saint. You know, the saint is one You know, the saint is one thing and the hypocrite is thing and the hypocrite is someone who tries to ape the someone who tries to ape the saint--very much as we know saint--very much as we know the devil tries to ape God-- the devil tries to ape God-- and the hypocrite tries and the hypocrite tries to ape the saint. to ape the saint. And unfortunately, if a And unfortunately, if a hypocrite is a good hypocrite is a good hypocrite, which means to hypocrite, which means to say a good actor, his say a good actor, his exterior behavior is going exterior behavior is going to look very much like the to look very much like the behavior of a saint. behavior of a saint. For example, he would walk For example, he would walk down with his eyes down and down with his eyes down and then he would accept to be then he would accept to be humiliated in the name of humiliated in the name of humility. humility. And then he’s going to try And then he’s going to try to be very generous and to be very generous and very kind and very patient very kind and very patient and so on and so on. and so on and so on. And what he’s intending to And what he’s intending to do is to have people believe do is to have people believe that he’s saintly. that he’s saintly. But basically, his aim is But basically, his aim is to gain the reputation of to gain the reputation of holiness without being holy. holiness without being holy. You know, Mother, that is a You know, Mother, that is a whole trick--to have a whole trick--to have a reputation of being honest reputation of being honest and in fact you’re and in fact you’re dishonest, the reputation of dishonest, the reputation of being truthful and in fact being truthful and in fact you’re a liar, the you’re a liar, the reputation of being a reputation of being a faithful husband holding his faithful husband holding his wife’s hand and wife’s hand and simultaneously you play simultaneously you play tricks upon her. tricks upon her. The main thing is that you The main thing is that you appear to be good or you appear to be good or you appear to be kind or you appear to be kind or you appear to be just and so on appear to be just and so on and so on. and so on. And then what is And then what is the advantage? the advantage? People are likely to People are likely to respect you. respect you. The saint is the very The saint is the very opposite. opposite. The saint doesn’t make sure The saint doesn’t make sure of his virtues. of his virtues. As a matter of fact, it has As a matter of fact, it has always struck me in the life always struck me in the life of St. Therese of of St. Therese of Lisieux and because of Lisieux and because of my French background, I my French background, I already read her life when already read her life when I was, I don’t know, I was, I don’t know, 10 or 11. 10 or 11. And shortly before her And shortly before her death, one of the nuns said, death, one of the nuns said, "You know, that dear little "You know, that dear little sister is going to die soon. sister is going to die soon. "What are we going to say "What are we going to say about her? about her? "She’s never done anything "She’s never done anything extraordinary. extraordinary. "You know, she’s just a nice, "You know, she’s just a nice, friendly little thing but friendly little thing but what are we going to say what are we going to say about her?" about her?" And she turns out to be And she turns out to be such an extraordinary saint. such an extraordinary saint. And I mean, actually today, And I mean, actually today, you can truly see she’s one you can truly see she’s one of the lights that we have of the lights that we have in the dark world in which in the dark world in which we live. we live. You know, she hid her virtues You know, she hid her virtues so well that nobody noticed so well that nobody noticed that she was heroic from that she was heroic from morning to night because morning to night because she never missed one single she never missed one single opportunity of serving God opportunity of serving God in love and humility. in love and humility. Now, the hypocrite does the Now, the hypocrite does the very opposite and he tries very opposite and he tries to show his virtues. to show his virtues. I mean, for example, I mean, for example, if he mimics an act of if he mimics an act of generosity, he’s going to generosity, he’s going to make sure that you notice it make sure that you notice it because otherwise, because otherwise, it’s wasted his time. it’s wasted his time. So before, the whole So before, the whole question is to appear not to question is to appear not to be, whereas the saint is be, whereas the saint is doing the very opposite-- doing the very opposite-- he tries to be even though he tries to be even though he doesn’t appear so. he doesn’t appear so. Now, all of us--and I Now, all of us--and I believe it’s true for the believe it’s true for the overwhelming majority of us overwhelming majority of us --we don’t like when other --we don’t like when other people notice our weaknesses people notice our weaknesses and failures. and failures. You know, we’ve told a lie You know, we’ve told a lie or we’ve done something or we’ve done something which is not quite honest or which is not quite honest or we have said something very we have said something very unkind about another person. unkind about another person. We just hate when people We just hate when people notice it. notice it. The saint does the very The saint does the very opposite. opposite. Another great saint that I Another great saint that I love--and you know that is love--and you know that is one of the blessings of one of the blessings of being a cradle Catholic, being a cradle Catholic, that you are taught to love that you are taught to love saints when you’re a child saints when you’re a child and now always again I just and now always again I just said to myself, "Well, that said to myself, "Well, that is of course the greatest is of course the greatest thing. thing. "I’m far from it and I’ll "I’m far from it and I’ll never reach it but that is never reach it but that is the greatest." the greatest." You know, I never You know, I never considered that something considered that something could be greater than to be could be greater than to be a saint. a saint. You read the Confessions of You read the Confessions of St. Augustine, that St. Augustine, that my husband used to call my husband used to call the greatest book after the greatest book after the Bible. the Bible. Now, what is so amazing Now, what is so amazing about St. Augustine is about St. Augustine is that he’s talking to God. that he’s talking to God. It is a unique book in the It is a unique book in the history of mankind that it’s history of mankind that it’s addressed to God--not to addressed to God--not to you, not to me, but to God. you, not to me, but to God. And he constantly refers to And he constantly refers to his sins. his sins. "I did so-and-so, and when I "I did so-and-so, and when I was a child I lied and then was a child I lied and then I stole pears and then I I stole pears and then I committed this and this and committed this and this and this sin." this sin." And he tells us about it And he tells us about it from fear that we’re going from fear that we’re going to overestimate him because to overestimate him because of his extraordinary of his extraordinary accomplishment. accomplishment. It is the very reverse. It is the very reverse. And so I think we see And so I think we see in the society in which in the society in which we live, which is a strange we live, which is a strange society where there’s a lot society where there’s a lot of hypocrisy, but it is the of hypocrisy, but it is the non-hypocrites that I call non-hypocrites that I call hypocrites. hypocrites. You see, because for You see, because for example, if you make a example, if you make a judgment that sex judgment that sex perversions are perversions are offending God and are offending God and are immoral, immediately you’re immoral, immediately you’re treated as a hypocrite and treated as a hypocrite and you are called "judgmental". you are called "judgmental". Now, of course being trained Now, of course being trained as I’ve been for 37 years of as I’ve been for 37 years of finding answers--you know finding answers--you know this is what you learn when this is what you learn when you teach at Hunter College, you teach at Hunter College, and you fight for your life. and you fight for your life. And you just find out that And you just find out that there’s always a way of there’s always a way of refuting them. refuting them. For example, someone accuses For example, someone accuses me of being judgmental, I me of being judgmental, I will look very surprised and will look very surprised and say, "Why do you judge me? say, "Why do you judge me? "You know, you’re calling me "You know, you’re calling me judgmental by judging me. judgmental by judging me. "So if judgmental is bad, "So if judgmental is bad, for goodness sake, refrain for goodness sake, refrain from judging me." from judging me." And then you’re surprised And then you’re surprised that they no longer know that they no longer know what to say next. what to say next. It is always the one great It is always the one great victory that you achieve victory that you achieve in the classroom and suddenly in the classroom and suddenly you can bring your opponent you can bring your opponent to keep quiet. to keep quiet. And I mean, it’s an art, And I mean, it’s an art, it’s an art that I have it’s an art that I have learned, Mother. learned, Mother. And sometimes it’s very And sometimes it’s very funny. funny. I recall that I had a I recall that I had a student taking a course of student taking a course of Medieval Philosophy. Medieval Philosophy. And after a couple of weeks And after a couple of weeks she raised her hand and she she raised her hand and she said, "Why do you keep said, "Why do you keep talking about God?" talking about God?" And I said, "My dear And I said, "My dear friend, because when you friend, because when you teach medieval philosophy, teach medieval philosophy, you can’t escape it. you can’t escape it. "Because imagine, these people "Because imagine, these people happen to be interested in happen to be interested in the question of whether the question of whether there was a God and Who there was a God and Who God was. God was. "Whether they were Jewish or "Whether they were Jewish or Arab or Christian, they were Arab or Christian, they were interested about it. interested about it. So how do you want me So how do you want me to talk about medieval to talk about medieval philosophy and not philosophy and not mention God?" mention God?" She said, "Well, I object She said, "Well, I object to it because I’m an to it because I’m an atheist." atheist." "Are you an atheist? "Are you an atheist? Why are you an atheist?" Why are you an atheist?" She said "Because I’m She said "Because I’m scientifically minded." scientifically minded." Well, that’s very Well, that’s very impressive. impressive. And I said "Well, of course, And I said "Well, of course, scientifically minded. scientifically minded. "What do you mean you’re "What do you mean you’re scientifically minded?" scientifically minded?" She said, "You know, I She said, "You know, I don’t accept anything if it don’t accept anything if it is not verifiable." is not verifiable." And I said "That sounds And I said "That sounds very good indeed. very good indeed. "Could you explain to me what "Could you explain to me what you mean by it?" you mean by it?" She said, "Yes. She said, "Yes. "The day I see God under a "The day I see God under a microscope, then I will microscope, then I will believe." believe." Then I was silent for a Then I was silent for a moment, looked very moment, looked very concerned and I said, "You concerned and I said, "You know, life is so funny. know, life is so funny. "The day you discover God "The day you discover God under a microscope, I’ll be under a microscope, I’ll be the atheist." the atheist." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) And that took care of it! And that took care of it! (Mother laughs) (Mother laughs) I mean, just imagine you I mean, just imagine you have a microscope and have a microscope and you see the Trinity and you see the Trinity and you say, "That’s God." you say, "That’s God." Well, she was quiet. Well, she was quiet. She never disturbed me again. She never disturbed me again. And there was another one-- And there was another one-- oh, that was a funny one--who oh, that was a funny one--who was in love with evolution. was in love with evolution. Mother, don’t you understand Mother, don’t you understand evolution is something so evolution is something so magnificent--that we descend magnificent--that we descend from apes, I mean that is a from apes, I mean that is a great news. great news. And then, she sort of shook And then, she sort of shook at me and said, "You must at me and said, "You must admit that we descend from admit that we descend from animals." animals." And I said, "I truly don’t And I said, "I truly don’t know. know. "I’m too ignorant and as far "I’m too ignorant and as far as I know the missing link as I know the missing link hasn’t been found." hasn’t been found." But I said, "Just imagine But I said, "Just imagine that I have interest in my that I have interest in my genealogy and I go to genealogy and I go to Salt Lake City because the Salt Lake City because the Mormons have these marvelous Mormons have these marvelous genealogies and I work there genealogies and I work there for weeks and I found out for weeks and I found out that way back in the Middle that way back in the Middle Ages one of my ancestors Ages one of my ancestors was Louis IX of France, was Louis IX of France, the greatest king that ever the greatest king that ever existed, the saint." existed, the saint." You know I have some You know I have some French blood, so it’s not French blood, so it’s not impossible. impossible. Very much, it’s possible as Very much, it’s possible as you’re Italian that you you’re Italian that you descend from Danté. descend from Danté. Who knows? Who knows? (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I mean if you make sense.. I mean if you make sense.. Mother: He’s not my favorite Mother: He’s not my favorite man, you know. man, you know. Dr. von Hildebrand: Danté? Dr. von Hildebrand: Danté? Mother: I know Danté. Mother: I know Danté. Dr. von Hildebrand: I love Dr. von Hildebrand: I love him! him! Mother: You do? Mother: You do? Dr. von Hildebrand: Of course. Dr. von Hildebrand: Of course. Mother: That’s because Mother: That’s because you’re French and I’m you’re French and I’m Italian. Italian. (all laugh) (all laugh) Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, I Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, I said to her, "Now suppose said to her, "Now suppose that I discover that that I discover that actually I descend from a actually I descend from a French king and a saint." French king and a saint." Well, in some subtle way I Well, in some subtle way I will inform my students that will inform my students that I still have some blue blood I still have some blue blood running in my veins and then running in my veins and then they would respect me. they would respect me. Now, I said, "You claim that Now, I said, "You claim that your great-great-great- your great-great-great- great-great grandmother great-great grandmother jumped from tree to tree jumped from tree to tree in Africa." in Africa." (all laugh and applaud) (all laugh and applaud) Mother: On second thought, Mother: On second thought, I’ll take Danté. I’ll take Danté. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Dr. von Hildebrand: So I Dr. von Hildebrand: So I said, "Now, the day the said, "Now, the day the missing link is discovered, missing link is discovered, I will accept it, I will accept it, but I would not brag about but I would not brag about it as you do." it as you do." (all laugh) (all laugh) You see, Mother, I mean, You see, Mother, I mean, actually you have a actually you have a television show and you television show and you see animals. see animals. You see apes or chimpanzees You see apes or chimpanzees and they say, "These are our and they say, "These are our ancestors." ancestors." Now, what bothers me is Now, what bothers me is that people consider this that people consider this to be a fantastic news. to be a fantastic news. "Great news! "Great news! We descended from apes!" We descended from apes!" I say, "As a Christian, I I say, "As a Christian, I know that I’m made to God’s know that I’m made to God’s image and likeness and I image and likeness and I much prefer it to being an much prefer it to being an ape, don’t you?" ape, don’t you?" (all laugh) (all laugh) And I mean, why is it that And I mean, why is it that modern man rejoices about modern man rejoices about coming from apes and sort coming from apes and sort of pushes aside the idea of pushes aside the idea that he’s God child? that he’s God child? To me, it calls for To me, it calls for psychoanalysis. psychoanalysis. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) You know, I’m not in favor You know, I’m not in favor of psychology but these are of psychology but these are cases when you truly need cases when you truly need help because there’s some help because there’s some confusion in your mind. confusion in your mind. Now, once again, if you take Now, once again, if you take my students and I believe my students and I believe I read some place that the I read some place that the devil is the father of devil is the father of confusion. confusion. He’s very, very good at He’s very, very good at creating confusion and the creating confusion and the world in which we live is a world in which we live is a world of confusion. world of confusion. Now, we confuse saintliness Now, we confuse saintliness and hypocrisy. and hypocrisy. If you’re a saint, you’re If you’re a saint, you’re of course a disguised of course a disguised hypocrite. hypocrite. But one of the things that But one of the things that was also very striking in was also very striking in Hunter, and I had lots of Hunter, and I had lots of students coming and talking students coming and talking to me--I spent as much time to me--I spent as much time outside of the classroom as outside of the classroom as in the classroom--the in the classroom--the confusion between purity confusion between purity and prudery, prudishness, and prudery, prudishness, Puritanism. Puritanism. And I had a student who came And I had a student who came to me one day and told me to me one day and told me that she was a Catholic-- that she was a Catholic-- I didn’t have that many I didn’t have that many Catholics, at least Catholics, at least practicing Catholics--she was practicing Catholics--she was a Catholic, and imagine, she a Catholic, and imagine, she was 22 and she was a virgin. was 22 and she was a virgin. Oh Mother, that is, of Oh Mother, that is, of course, serious because it course, serious because it shows that she had a shows that she had a problem. problem. She had a very, very serious She had a very, very serious psychological problem and psychological problem and her friends were advising her friends were advising her to go to a psychiatrist. her to go to a psychiatrist. "You know, it is obvious "You know, it is obvious that you have a complex, that you have a complex, because otherwise why should because otherwise why should you be a virgin at 22?" you be a virgin at 22?" And if--well, I mean this And if--well, I mean this is, you know, the climate is, you know, the climate of the time, this is what of the time, this is what I hear constantly. I hear constantly. Now, these people confuse Now, these people confuse prudishness and purity. prudishness and purity. And prudishness, Mother, And prudishness, Mother, is not something very is not something very attractive. attractive. It was rampant in Great It was rampant in Great Britain in the 19th century Britain in the 19th century and sex or whatever was and sex or whatever was related to sex was dirty related to sex was dirty and shocking and you and shocking and you couldn’t mention it--it couldn’t mention it--it was bad manners. was bad manners. And no matter what you did, And no matter what you did, you know in the wings, that you know in the wings, that was another thing, but was another thing, but officially shocking. officially shocking. Don’t even mention it. Don’t even mention it. And then, because people are And then, because people are geniuses, are going from one geniuses, are going from one stupidity to another stupidity to another stupidity without ever stupidity without ever finding the truth--I mean, finding the truth--I mean, you find that constantly the you find that constantly the history of philosophy is history of philosophy is that people say "Everything that people say "Everything is matter." is matter." And then the next one is And then the next one is going to say, "Nonsense, going to say, "Nonsense, everything is mind." everything is mind." And both are wrong. And both are wrong. And I mean, some people say And I mean, some people say "Then let’s try to go in the "Then let’s try to go in the middle." middle." And my husband said so And my husband said so beautifully, "Truth is not beautifully, "Truth is not between two errors. between two errors. It is above." It is above." So what happened is So what happened is prudishness was condemned, prudishness was condemned, and then we had the blessing and then we had the blessing of having a great mind of having a great mind called Freud, and he called Freud, and he discovered that sex was discovered that sex was a key to everything. a key to everything. Everything! Everything! If you want happiness, If you want happiness, it’s sex. it’s sex. If you want a sense of If you want a sense of humor, it is sex. humor, it is sex. It’s sex and sex and sex. It’s sex and sex and sex. I mean, you find nothing but I mean, you find nothing but the word "sex" in his works. the word "sex" in his works. And then finally people say, And then finally people say, "What a liberation! "What a liberation! "Finally, we can talk about "Finally, we can talk about this fascinating topic this fascinating topic called sex." called sex." And then people started to And then people started to say, "Well, obviously, we say, "Well, obviously, we descend from apes and so on descend from apes and so on and so on, and we just have and so on, and we just have to live according to our to live according to our instincts." instincts." Now, today the mess is so Now, today the mess is so complete that we find out complete that we find out in our society young kids in our society young kids are totally hooked on sex. are totally hooked on sex. Mother, I had the blessing Mother, I had the blessing of a Catholic education and of a Catholic education and when I entered Hunter at the when I entered Hunter at the age of 24, there were lots age of 24, there were lots of things that I did not of things that I did not know, and it was a blessing. know, and it was a blessing. There are lots of things There are lots of things that we do not know and that we do not know and should not know because should not know because they are dirty, because they they are dirty, because they are low, because they are are low, because they are disgusting. disgusting. Now, therefore we went from Now, therefore we went from Puritanism to Freud. Puritanism to Freud. Where is purity? Where is purity? Neither in one nor in the Neither in one nor in the other. other. Puritanism was in no way Puritanism was in no way pure. pure. It was simply a sort of It was simply a sort of veiling the sexual sphere of veiling the sexual sphere of saying, you know, "This is saying, you know, "This is something which is dirty, something which is dirty, let us not talk about it." let us not talk about it." And Freud is going to say, And Freud is going to say, "Sex is everything." "Sex is everything." You know, this is... You know, this is... Mother: You know Alice, how Mother: You know Alice, how have we fallen so low? have we fallen so low? It’s everywhere you go, It’s everywhere you go, especially today. especially today. It’s in magazines, it’s It’s in magazines, it’s in.poor kids today are in.poor kids today are filled from the highest to filled from the highest to the lowest and it seems that the lowest and it seems that there’s a general obsession there’s a general obsession with sex, with pleasure, with sex, with pleasure, with just everything that’s with just everything that’s totally bereft of any kind totally bereft of any kind of discipline. of discipline. Dr. von Hildebrand: And not Dr. von Hildebrand: And not only that, you know, only that, you know, no understanding at all for no understanding at all for the message that God gives us the message that God gives us in His creation. in His creation. You know, very much as you You know, very much as you have instant coffee, have instant coffee, you have to have instant you have to have instant satisfaction, and that is a satisfaction, and that is a way of doing it. way of doing it. Now, I feel that since I Now, I feel that since I retired from Hunter, I feel retired from Hunter, I feel that it’s my very special that it’s my very special mission to illumine the mission of women in the mission of women in the world in which we live. world in which we live. Because I do believe, Because I do believe, following Cardinal following Cardinal Ratzinger, that feminism Ratzinger, that feminism is a tremendously harmful is a tremendously harmful movement which has destroyed marriage and the family and marriage and the family and society and is harming the society and is harming the Church. Church. Just imagine, all these Just imagine, all these feminists who would like feminists who would like to become pope! to become pope! I mean, you know, that’s I mean, you know, that’s quite a problem. quite a problem. And so it seems to me that And so it seems to me that it is of particular it is of particular importance to shed light importance to shed light on the beautiful mission on the beautiful mission of women. of women. And right now I’m working on And right now I’m working on a modest book that I call a modest book that I call<i><u> The Privilege of Being a</u></i> <i><u>The Privilege of Being a Woman.</u></i> <i><u>Woman.</u></i> Not that I want to give Not that I want to give inferiority complexes to men inferiority complexes to men but I still claim that it’s but I still claim that it’s a very, very great privilege a very, very great privilege to be a woman. to be a woman. And this sphere of purity And this sphere of purity is particularly confided is particularly confided to women and they have a to women and they have a tremendous responsibility tremendous responsibility in a society which is in a society which is immoral like ours because immoral like ours because they haven’t fulfilled they haven’t fulfilled their mission. their mission. Now, why do I say that in Now, why do I say that in some way the women should be some way the women should be the guardians of purity? the guardians of purity? This is something that I This is something that I never thought about for a never thought about for a long, long time and suddenly long, long time and suddenly it occurred to me that there it occurred to me that there is a deep symbolism in the is a deep symbolism in the fact that when a little girl fact that when a little girl is born the intimate organs is born the intimate organs are sealed. are sealed. There’s a veil which is There’s a veil which is beautifully called "the veil beautifully called "the veil of virginity". of virginity". And every single girl-- And every single girl-- whether she’s born of sin, whether she’s born of sin, she’s born from adultery or she’s born from adultery or rape or fornication--this rape or fornication--this little girl has a body little girl has a body which is sealed by God. which is sealed by God. This is the One Who has This is the One Who has simply chosen that it simply chosen that it should be so. should be so. And when you have a veil, And when you have a veil, Mother, it indicates Mother, it indicates sacredness. sacredness. When Moses came down from When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he veiled his Mount Sinai, he veiled his face because he had been in face because he had been in contact with God. contact with God. So if I had my say--I mean So if I had my say--I mean suppose that I were a suppose that I were a cardinal, let us imagine cardinal, let us imagine that--or I am a bishop and I that--or I am a bishop and I have a diocese, first thing have a diocese, first thing that I would say is, "Burn that I would say is, "Burn all the books on sex all the books on sex education. education. "Burn them all because "Burn them all because they’ve done more harm than they’ve done more harm than anything else." anything else." And what I’m going to do is And what I’m going to do is to replace this by telling to replace this by telling girls to realize that there girls to realize that there is something sacred in their is something sacred in their body. body. It is veiled, and because it It is veiled, and because it is veiled, it belongs to is veiled, it belongs to God. God. It is something which is His It is something which is His Own special property. Own special property. And we notice there is And we notice there is nothing similar in the nothing similar in the male body. male body. It is something which is It is something which is truly given to the girl, truly given to the girl, to the females. to the females. Now, there is this Now, there is this mysterious domain that mysterious domain that belongs to God. belongs to God. And the keys belong to Him. And the keys belong to Him. And I have no right to And I have no right to penetrate into this garden penetrate into this garden unless God gives me unless God gives me permission in a Christian permission in a Christian marriage which is a marriage which is a Sacrament. Sacrament. Just imagine how beautiful Just imagine how beautiful it is when a young girl on it is when a young girl on her wedding night can say her wedding night can say to her fiancé, her to her fiancé, her husband-to-be, "I give you husband-to-be, "I give you the keys to this garden the keys to this garden with God’s permission. with God’s permission. "And I know that you will "And I know that you will penetrate into it with penetrate into it with reverence and gratitude." reverence and gratitude." Now, in case we are called Now, in case we are called to virginity, which is the to virginity, which is the blessing that you have, blessing that you have, then it’s even still more then it’s even still more beautiful. beautiful. You decide this is going to You decide this is going to be sealed because it’s a be sealed because it’s a special donation to God. special donation to God. You know, virginity simply You know, virginity simply means the total, complete means the total, complete donation to God including donation to God including your body, which in marriage your body, which in marriage can be shared with your can be shared with your husband because you become husband because you become one flesh. one flesh. But you’ve given everything But you’ve given everything to God, including your body. to God, including your body. Now, the sacredness of a Now, the sacredness of a female body is further shown female body is further shown by the fact that when a by the fact that when a husband has embraced his husband has embraced his wife and she becomes wife and she becomes pregnant after a few hours, pregnant after a few hours, what the husband has given what the husband has given her is a living seed. her is a living seed. She has given an egg but She has given an egg but the soul is created by the soul is created by God alone. God alone. Neither husband nor wife can Neither husband nor wife can create a soul, but God does. create a soul, but God does. And where does He create And where does He create the soul? the soul? In the mystery of the female In the mystery of the female body. body. So in some way, you can say So in some way, you can say it is very much as if God it is very much as if God touched the female body touched the female body in creating a soul. in creating a soul. And if a young girl who is And if a young girl who is pregnant realizes the pregnant realizes the tremendous mystery which is tremendous mystery which is taking place in her, that taking place in her, that for nine months she’s going for nine months she’s going to carry two souls in her to carry two souls in her body, made to God’s image body, made to God’s image and likeness, a soul which and likeness, a soul which is immortal, believe me, is immortal, believe me, Mother, not one single woman Mother, not one single woman would commit abortion would commit abortion if she knew that. if she knew that. She doesn’t know it because She doesn’t know it because no one tells her. no one tells her. Mother: You know, I think Mother: You know, I think it’s a lack of faith. it’s a lack of faith. And the other day you were And the other day you were talking about the difference talking about the difference between faith and between faith and gullibility. gullibility. I don’t think too many I don’t think too many people even know the people even know the difference today. difference today. Could you explain that a Could you explain that a little bit? little bit? How are we gullible as How are we gullible as opposed to faith? opposed to faith? Dr. von Hildebrand: You’re Dr. von Hildebrand: You’re gullible when you’re a gullible when you’re a numbskull or feeble-minded. numbskull or feeble-minded. You know that’s what... You know that’s what... (Mother laughs) (Mother laughs) I had the very noble I had the very noble reputation in Hunter of reputation in Hunter of being gullible and stupid, being gullible and stupid, you know. you know. One of my colleagues said, One of my colleagues said, "She’s stuck in the "She’s stuck in the Middle Ages. Middle Ages. She never evolved." She never evolved." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) And it was true! And it was true! You know, I mean, instead of You know, I mean, instead of being offended, I thought it being offended, I thought it was a tremendous compliment was a tremendous compliment because I knew I preferred because I knew I preferred Thomas Aquinas and Thomas Aquinas and St. Bonaventure and St. Bonaventure and Duns Scotus and St. Anselm Duns Scotus and St. Anselm to Kant and to my particular to Kant and to my particular enemy called David Hume-- enemy called David Hume-- who was truly stupid, who was truly stupid, And for this reason had And for this reason had a tremendous success and a tremendous success and still does today, because still does today, because stupidity sells, Mother. stupidity sells, Mother. In our society you’re going In our society you’re going to find out any stupidity’s to find out any stupidity’s going to sell. going to sell. Now, you are gullible if you Now, you are gullible if you accept any nonsense without accept any nonsense without any sort of foundation or any sort of foundation or basis. basis. Suppose that I tell you Suppose that I tell you imagine the Empire State imagine the Empire State Building has been Building has been transported to the middle transported to the middle of Central Park. of Central Park. That was done last night That was done last night in 24 hours. in 24 hours. And you say, "Yes indeed?!" And you say, "Yes indeed?!" Well, you are gullible. Well, you are gullible. (Mother laughs) (Mother laughs) You know that I haven’t given You know that I haven’t given you any sort of proof and it you any sort of proof and it doesn’t show very sharp doesn’t show very sharp reasoning power. reasoning power. But faith is something But faith is something totally different. totally different. You know, there’s a word in You know, there’s a word in St. Paul that we should St. Paul that we should all meditate on, "I know all meditate on, "I know in Whom I have believed." in Whom I have believed." I know! I know! Now, in other words, faith Now, in other words, faith has a rational basis of has a rational basis of foundation. foundation. You take St. John You take St. John coming to the tomb of the coming to the tomb of the risen Christ, and he saw risen Christ, and he saw the linen placed there. the linen placed there. He saw and he believed. He saw and he believed. But he saw and then there’s But he saw and then there’s an act of belief. an act of belief. In other words, faith is an In other words, faith is an act of trust but before you act of trust but before you can trust, you must be can trust, you must be absolutely certain the absolutely certain the person that you trust is person that you trust is trustworthy. trustworthy. He must show his He must show his credentials. credentials. You know, I trust you You know, I trust you because I know that you love because I know that you love God and I know that you God and I know that you devote your life to His devote your life to His service. service. I trust you and I have I trust you and I have tested this. tested this. But suppose that I meet you But suppose that I meet you for the first time, there’s for the first time, there’s a nun called Mother Angelica a nun called Mother Angelica and I say, "Well, I’m just and I say, "Well, I’m just going to trust her going to trust her unconditionally." unconditionally." I know nothing about you. I know nothing about you. It would be very unwise. It would be very unwise. You know that was another You know that was another one of my amusing stories one of my amusing stories in Hunter. in Hunter. I have a whole series and I I have a whole series and I tell you some of them are tell you some of them are ludicrous and some of them ludicrous and some of them were very, very traumatic. were very, very traumatic. And I had this student who And I had this student who said to me--you know that said to me--you know that was at the end of my career was at the end of my career and feminism was gaining and feminism was gaining impetus from day to day-- impetus from day to day-- and then this student and then this student suddenly interrupted me in suddenly interrupted me in the middle of a sentence and the middle of a sentence and said, "You must admit that said, "You must admit that there’s a perfect identity there’s a perfect identity between men and women." between men and women." And I learned from the And I learned from the Gospel that there are Gospel that there are certain ways in which you certain ways in which you can evade a question. can evade a question. I said, "I will answer your I said, "I will answer your question if you answer mine," question if you answer mine," you know, as Christ said you know, as Christ said to the Pharisee when he to the Pharisee when he raised a question. raised a question. He said, "I will answer He said, "I will answer your question if you your question if you answer mine. answer mine. "Was the baptism of John "Was the baptism of John from God?" from God?" And so the Pharisees start And so the Pharisees start fighting and so on and so on, fighting and so on and so on, and finally He wins the and finally He wins the fight. fight. So I said "Well, you So I said "Well, you answer my question, answer my question, I will answer yours. I will answer yours. "What is superior, "What is superior, faith or reason?" faith or reason?" And I knew she was And I knew she was an atheist. an atheist. You know, you smell it. You know, you smell it. You develop a very You develop a very (audience laughs) (audience laughs) --oh, and when you teach for --oh, and when you teach for so long, I mean, there are so long, I mean, there are certain things you certain things you immediately smell it. immediately smell it. (Mother laughs) (Mother laughs) And so she shrugged And so she shrugged her shoulders and said, her shoulders and said, "Obviously, you see, faith is "Obviously, you see, faith is for primitive, uneducated, for primitive, uneducated, unintelligent people. unintelligent people. "But intelligent person bases "But intelligent person bases his life on reason." his life on reason." Then I always looked very Then I always looked very concerned and I said, concerned and I said, "But then, according to you, "But then, according to you, men and women are not equal." men and women are not equal." And she said, "I don’t get And she said, "I don’t get your point." your point." I said, "I didn’t expect I said, "I didn’t expect you to." you to." (Mother laughs) (Mother laughs) "But I will explain it "But I will explain it to you. to you. "You see, the mother knows "You see, the mother knows she’s the mother of the she’s the mother of the child. child. The father only believes it." The father only believes it." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Well, Mother, don’t you Well, Mother, don’t you agree with me? agree with me? I mean, there are fathers I mean, there are fathers here and they say, "That’s here and they say, "That’s my child." my child." I say "How do you know?" I say "How do you know?" (all chuckle) (all chuckle) Well, of course, he’s going Well, of course, he’s going to answer, "I trust her." to answer, "I trust her." And at the very moment, And at the very moment, every single time a father every single time a father says, "That’s my child," says, "That’s my child," he says to his wife, he says to his wife, "I trust you." "I trust you." And obviously--and then I And obviously--and then I said to the students, "You said to the students, "You see very clearly that faith see very clearly that faith is an act of trust. is an act of trust. "Now, how much more beautiful "Now, how much more beautiful if a husband can say to his if a husband can say to his wife, ’I trust you’ than he wife, ’I trust you’ than he wanted to have some sort of wanted to have some sort of blood analysis to make sure blood analysis to make sure that his child is his own?" that his child is his own?" Just imagine every time a Just imagine every time a child is born and the father child is born and the father would say, "Well, let us would say, "Well, let us examine his DNA to make sure examine his DNA to make sure that it’s my child." that it’s my child." It would be tremendous! It would be tremendous! No, there’s an act of trust. No, there’s an act of trust. And this is what faith is, And this is what faith is, that when you have the grace that when you have the grace of encountering the holiness of encountering the holiness of Christ and He speaks and of Christ and He speaks and the Apostles fell on their the Apostles fell on their knees and said, "I believe." knees and said, "I believe." That is faith. That is faith. Mother: But you know, Alice, Mother: But you know, Alice, we have so much today of we have so much today of misplaced or misguided misplaced or misguided compassion and even the compassion and even the Church is accused many times Church is accused many times of rash judging. of rash judging. The Church says this is a The Church says this is a sin or that’s a sin... sin or that’s a sin... Dr. von Hildebrand: Thank Dr. von Hildebrand: Thank God! God! Mother: Huh? Mother: Huh? Dr. von Hildebrand: Thank Dr. von Hildebrand: Thank God! God! Mother: Yeah, I do thank Mother: Yeah, I do thank God, but... God, but... Dr. von Hildebrand: I think Dr. von Hildebrand: I think we agree on that, don’t we? we agree on that, don’t we? Mother: Uh-huh, yeah, but in Mother: Uh-huh, yeah, but in the world today there’s a the world today there’s a lot of misplaced compassion. lot of misplaced compassion. They have compassion--I was They have compassion--I was saying to the people last saying to the people last night, this woman calls me night, this woman calls me up and she’s just all upset up and she’s just all upset and she said that her and she said that her husband’s living with his husband’s living with his mistress in her house. mistress in her house. Dr. von Hildebrand: Oh, how Dr. von Hildebrand: Oh, how nice. nice. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Mother: I said, Mother: I said, "You’re crazy! "You’re crazy! Throw him out!" Throw him out!" But oh, she said, But oh, she said, "Where will they go?" "Where will they go?" I said, "I could tell you I said, "I could tell you where they can go," where they can go," (audience laughs) (audience laughs) "real quick." "real quick." So you have a lot of this So you have a lot of this today. today. In all the papers today, in In all the papers today, in many of the newspapers today many of the newspapers today with all of the terrible with all of the terrible things that are going on, things that are going on, "Well, he’s only a man." "Well, he’s only a man." What does that mean? What does that mean? That you can do as you That you can do as you please? please? That you can commit every That you can commit every hideous sin there is? hideous sin there is? Where do get this kind of Where do get this kind of compassion? compassion? Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, it’s not compassion. it’s not compassion. It is a caricature of It is a caricature of compassion, and you see one compassion, and you see one thing which applies to the thing which applies to the world in which we live, and I world in which we live, and I re-read in Jeremiah a few re-read in Jeremiah a few days ago--"We no longer days ago--"We no longer know how to blush." know how to blush." We no longer know how to We no longer know how to blush because there are blush because there are things that call for things that call for blushing. blushing. There are things which are There are things which are dirty, there are things dirty, there are things which are immoral, there are which are immoral, there are things which are disgusting things which are disgusting and when I commit them, at and when I commit them, at least I should blush. least I should blush. Now, surprisingly enough-- Now, surprisingly enough-- and this is once again and this is once again something that my students something that my students have taught me--there are have taught me--there are things which are very things which are very dissimilar and look alike. dissimilar and look alike. There is also a holy There is also a holy blushing. blushing. I can sort of imagine-- I can sort of imagine-- and this is, of course, and this is, of course, my imagination. my imagination. You know, for goodness sake, You know, for goodness sake, don’t pin me down on this don’t pin me down on this because otherwise because otherwise theologians could simply theologians could simply say, "Well, you know, she say, "Well, you know, she borders on heresy," which I borders on heresy," which I don’t like to do. don’t like to do. But when the angel Gabriel But when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary in Nazareth appeared to Mary in Nazareth and offered Her to become and offered Her to become the Mother of the Savior, I the Mother of the Savior, I can imagine that She had a can imagine that She had a gentle, sweet blushing gentle, sweet blushing because it was so because it was so overwhelming! overwhelming! You know, in other words, we You know, in other words, we blush because certain things blush because certain things are so beautiful and so are so beautiful and so intimate. intimate. Or we blush because things Or we blush because things are disgusting and ugly. are disgusting and ugly. And in both cases, we blush And in both cases, we blush but one is holy blushing and but one is holy blushing and the other one is a blushing the other one is a blushing from shame. from shame. Now today, we’ve lost the Now today, we’ve lost the sense for shame. sense for shame. We can speak about things We can speak about things which are so low that which are so low that St. Paul says there are St. Paul says there are certain things that should not certain things that should not be mentioned among you. be mentioned among you. And we talk about it as if And we talk about it as if it were just bread and it were just bread and butter. butter. So I mean, in other words, So I mean, in other words, there’s something in our there’s something in our soul which has been soul which has been destroyed. destroyed. And this is something that And this is something that we must rebuild with God’s we must rebuild with God’s grace. grace. We cannot do it on our own. We cannot do it on our own. Society is so sick that God Society is so sick that God alone can save us. alone can save us. Of course, we have to Of course, we have to collaborate, but I mean, collaborate, but I mean, basically He alone can basically He alone can save us. save us. And I always think, And I always think, you know, once you gave a you know, once you gave a beautiful show on the beautiful show on the Apostles and the ship is Apostles and the ship is rocked by the waves and rocked by the waves and Christ is sleeping, and then Christ is sleeping, and then He wakes up and says one He wakes up and says one word and there came a great word and there came a great calm. calm. You know, the world in which You know, the world in which we live--and once again I we live--and once again I speak from experience with speak from experience with 10,000 students--these kids 10,000 students--these kids are so unhappy. are so unhappy. They are so unhappy, Mother. They are so unhappy, Mother. They run from one excess to They run from one excess to another and deep down they another and deep down they are starving and they don’t are starving and they don’t get the food that they get the food that they deserve. deserve. And you know I was so And you know I was so incredibly popular in Hunter incredibly popular in Hunter because I was giving them because I was giving them or trying to give them this or trying to give them this food of God and my food of God and my colleagues resented it. colleagues resented it. You see, I mentioned truth-- You see, I mentioned truth-- "Oh, she was spreading Roman "Oh, she was spreading Roman Catholicism in the Catholicism in the classroom!" classroom!" You mentioned God-- You mentioned God-- "How dare she do it! "How dare she do it! She has..." and so on She has..." and so on and so on. and so on. You see, I mean, in other You see, I mean, in other words, there is--you know, words, there is--you know, men fear the truth because men fear the truth because when you know it you’ve got when you know it you’ve got to live according to it, to live according to it, so they don’t want it. so they don’t want it. And we live in a society And we live in a society when the blind are leading when the blind are leading the blind and they are going the blind and they are going to fall into the ditch. to fall into the ditch. Mother: Well, and in this day Mother: Well, and in this day and age I think a lot of and age I think a lot of people are forming judgments people are forming judgments and opinions. and opinions. But what is the difference But what is the difference between vengeance and just between vengeance and just punishment? punishment? Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, it Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, it seems to me the difference seems to me the difference is fairly clear. is fairly clear. In just punishment, it’s a In just punishment, it’s a response to guilt. response to guilt. And you know, the surprising And you know, the surprising thing is, already a child thing is, already a child when he has done something when he has done something evil, he knows he deserves evil, he knows he deserves punishment. punishment. You know it. You know it. Deep down you know this is Deep down you know this is the price you have to pay the price you have to pay for it. for it. Whereas vengeance is the Whereas vengeance is the evil feeling that I have evil feeling that I have that because you have that because you have wounded me I want to wounded me I want to wound you. wound you. And not only do I want you And not only do I want you to be wounded but it has to be wounded but it has to be through me. to be through me. I get a much greater I get a much greater satisfaction if I can stab satisfaction if I can stab you because you have stabbed you because you have stabbed my child, that if a judge my child, that if a judge says you go to jail and says you go to jail and you’ll be punished, then you’ll be punished, then it’s not going to give me it’s not going to give me satisfaction. satisfaction. I want to do it. I want to do it. And therefore there is--you And therefore there is--you see, in some way you can see see, in some way you can see in vengeance, the person in vengeance, the person offended is so poisoned that offended is so poisoned that he becomes as evil as the he becomes as evil as the person who has offended him. person who has offended him. In the other case it is an In the other case it is an objective judgment. objective judgment. I mean, if you have murdered I mean, if you have murdered someone then you deserve to someone then you deserve to go to jail, that’s all there go to jail, that’s all there is to it. is to it. But today, today good people But today, today good people go to jail and rapists are go to jail and rapists are out on the street. out on the street. You know, in this audience You know, in this audience there are two very dear there are two very dear friends of mine whose friends of mine whose daughter was imprisoned in daughter was imprisoned in jail in Pittsburgh for one jail in Pittsburgh for one full year--a lovely girl of full year--a lovely girl of 20, because she had blocked 20, because she had blocked an abortion clinic. an abortion clinic. She hadn’t done anything She hadn’t done anything else, she just--and she’s not else, she just--and she’s not that fat or big, you know, that fat or big, you know, I mean, in other words, I mean, in other words, she couldn’t really block the she couldn’t really block the whole thing. whole thing. One year in jail. One year in jail. Now, this is justice in the Now, this is justice in the modern world. modern world. But if you’re a rapist, But if you’re a rapist, you go to jail for about you go to jail for about 3 months and then you can 3 months and then you can start all over again. start all over again. Therefore, may God have Therefore, may God have mercy on us because without mercy on us because without His help we are perishing. His help we are perishing. We just have to face. We just have to face. Mother: What do you see in Mother: What do you see in the future? the future? Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, that’s a question I wanted that’s a question I wanted to ask you. to ask you. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Mother: I’m interviewing Mother: I’m interviewing you! you! (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Dr. von Hildebrand: Yes, Dr. von Hildebrand: Yes, but having taught in Hunter but having taught in Hunter for a long time, I know how for a long time, I know how hit back, and I say, "Please hit back, and I say, "Please answer that question because answer that question because I think you know it a lot I think you know it a lot better than I do." better than I do." Mother: Well, I think, Mother: Well, I think, number 1, the future, number 1, the future, our future, the whole our future, the whole world’s future is in world’s future is in the hands of God, for the the hands of God, for the simple reason that we have simple reason that we have so strayed from His love, so strayed from His love, His mercy, His compassion, His mercy, His compassion, we no longer need a Savior. we no longer need a Savior. And when we come to the And when we come to the point where we no longer point where we no longer need a Savior, then only God need a Savior, then only God can save us for sure because can save us for sure because there is no one else. there is no one else. The very God we ignore is The very God we ignore is the Only One. the Only One. And I personally feel that And I personally feel that we’re not going to learn a we’re not going to learn a thing until the Lord gently thing until the Lord gently pulls every rug of idolatry pulls every rug of idolatry that we possess. that we possess. I think our quest for I think our quest for pleasure, our quest for pleasure, our quest for popularity, for riches, for popularity, for riches, for everything that goes against everything that goes against the law of God in excess-- the law of God in excess-- in excess--that has to be in excess--that has to be taken away from us. taken away from us. And I think the future is And I think the future is going to be God gently going to be God gently saying, "You don’t need saying, "You don’t need this," and "You don’t need this," and "You don’t need that." that." We have to get rid of We have to get rid of things--and I don’t mean give things--and I don’t mean give things away. things away. We have to get rid of things We have to get rid of things that are deep in our hearts that are deep in our hearts that don’t belong to God. that don’t belong to God. We’ve got to get rid of We’ve got to get rid of them. them. Dr. von Hildebrand: St. Dr. von Hildebrand: St. Augustine says every sin Augustine says every sin brings about its own brings about its own punishment. punishment. And the society in which And the society in which we live, which is a sinful we live, which is a sinful society, is dreadfully society, is dreadfully punished by the fact that punished by the fact that people keep running after people keep running after pleasure, and there’s a pleasure, and there’s a curse to pleasure, Mother. curse to pleasure, Mother. You crave for it, You crave for it, it promises a great deal, it promises a great deal, you get it, it’s over and you get it, it’s over and you have to start you have to start all over again. all over again. And I mean, you see this in And I mean, you see this in people that are promiscuous people that are promiscuous --they can go from one woman --they can go from one woman to another. to another. They will never find the They will never find the sweet happiness that you sweet happiness that you have in the donation to have in the donation to someone that you love in someone that you love in front of God. front of God. You see, you can enjoy You see, you can enjoy pleasure, you will never pleasure, you will never taste happiness. taste happiness. And this is, let us say, the And this is, let us say, the reward of those who try to reward of those who try to follow Christ, those who follow Christ, those who have freed themselves from have freed themselves from themselves. themselves. You know, because, basically You know, because, basically what is freedom? what is freedom? To give my freedom back to To give my freedom back to God because as long as I God because as long as I keep it in my own hands, keep it in my own hands, Mother, I make a mess of it. Mother, I make a mess of it. Mother: Yeah. Mother: Yeah. Well, I just.I think we Well, I just.I think we would love to hear Alice for would love to hear Alice for three or four hours but we three or four hours but we need to go for a break so need to go for a break so that you can at least get a that you can at least get a few questions in. few questions in. And I’ll be back in just a And I’ll be back in just a minute. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (applause) Mother: You know, one thing Mother: You know, one thing about being with Dr. Alice about being with Dr. Alice von Hildebrand is that you von Hildebrand is that you lose track of time, and that lose track of time, and that always equals a very good always equals a very good show. show. We have a call. We have a call. Hello? <i>Female Caller #1: Hello,</i> <i>Mother, good evening,</i> <i>and Doctor.</i> <i>My name is Mary.</i> <i>I’m calling from New Jersey.</i> <i>I’ve been taking care of my</i> <i>mother-in-law for almost</i> <i>three years now in my house</i> <i>and a sick brother-in-law</i> <i>who doesn’t live with me.</i> <i>I’ve been told I’m a</i> <i>caregiver or codependent</i> <i>and my question would be,</i> <i>"How would you know if</i> <i>you’re doing something</i> <i>for the right reason?"</i> <i>I pray that I do, that I</i> <i>am, but I also have doubts</i> <i>when I read what a</i> <i>definition of a</i> <i>caregiver/codependent is.</i> <i>And that’s my question.</i> <i>I just want to make sure</i> <i>that I’m doing it for</i> <i>the right reason.</i> Mother: When are acts of Mother: When are acts of charity genuine? charity genuine? I mean, how do you judge I mean, how do you judge your own motives? your own motives? You’re on television, You’re on television, Alice. Alice. Dr. von Hildebrand: Oh, of Dr. von Hildebrand: Oh, of course! course! (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Mother: Television and death Mother: Television and death wait for no man. wait for no man. Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, it is said in one of the it is said in one of the psalms, and I didn’t psalms, and I didn’t like it when I was 16, like it when I was 16, "Every man is a liar." "Every man is a liar." And I was revolted... And I was revolted... Mother: Every man is what? Mother: Every man is what? Dr. von Hildebrand: Is a Dr. von Hildebrand: Is a liar! liar! Mother: A liar? Mother: A liar? Dr. von Hildebrand: Yes! Dr. von Hildebrand: Yes!<i> Omnis homo mendax...</i> <i>Omnis homo mendax...</i> Mother: Notice how easy she Mother: Notice how easy she says that, says that, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) "Every man is a liar." "Every man is a liar." Dr. von Hildebrand: " a Dr. von Hildebrand: " a liar." liar." Now, of course, you know, Now, of course, you know, today you have to say today you have to say "Every man and every woman," "Every man and every woman," because otherwise the because otherwise the feminists are going to feminists are going to feel excluded, you see. feel excluded, you see. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) So every time you say So every time you say "every man is a liar," "every man is a liar," you have to say you have to say "including women." "including women." You know, this is You know, this is something that they forget. something that they forget. (Mother laughs) (Mother laughs) But I mean, at any rate, But I mean, at any rate, there is no doubt that there is no doubt that all of us are tempted to all of us are tempted to lie to ourselves-- lie to ourselves-- I do this out of generosity, I do this out of generosity, I do this out of charity-- I do this out of charity-- and there’s another motive. and there’s another motive. I mean, from this point of I mean, from this point of view it is a tremendous view it is a tremendous blessing when you know a blessing when you know a priest who can guide you priest who can guide you and help you to think and help you to think through your own soul. through your own soul. You know, I don’t know You know, I don’t know whether I know myself whether I know myself that well. that well. You know, officially I say, You know, officially I say, "Yes, I want to know myself, "Yes, I want to know myself, My Lord." My Lord." But when it comes to But when it comes to knowing myself, there is a knowing myself, there is a sort of mechanism saying, sort of mechanism saying, "Well, this is something "Well, this is something that I’d rather not look at that I’d rather not look at and this is something that I and this is something that I would rather keep in the would rather keep in the dark." dark." So therefore it seems to So therefore it seems to me the ideal is always, when me the ideal is always, when you know a good holy priest you know a good holy priest that you can turn to and that you can turn to and simply say, "Well, Father, simply say, "Well, Father, that is the situation. that is the situation. "Help me to see clearly "Help me to see clearly my soul." my soul." And then pray. And then pray. You know, pray that I become You know, pray that I become unified in the good. unified in the good. And we are not--we are And we are not--we are split. split. We are more or less We are more or less psychopaths, I mean in psychopaths, I mean in the sense of--well, sorry, the sense of--well, sorry, Mother, I simply mean to Mother, I simply mean to say we are pulled say we are pulled in different directions. in different directions. Mother: Yeah, sure, but... Mother: Yeah, sure, but... Dr. von Hildebrand: You Dr. von Hildebrand: You know, there is good and know, there is good and there is evil. there is evil. I mean, even St. Paul I mean, even St. Paul says, "I don’t do the says, "I don’t do the good that I want to do good that I want to do and the evil I do not want and the evil I do not want to do, that I do do." to do, that I do do." Well, if it applies to him, Well, if it applies to him, there’s a very good chance there’s a very good chance that it all applies to me. that it all applies to me. Mother: But don’t you think Mother: But don’t you think this woman, if she’s been this woman, if she’s been taking care of her taking care of her mother-in-law for a couple mother-in-law for a couple years and her brother-in-law years and her brother-in-law in another place, she has to in another place, she has to have some motive of love have some motive of love for them. for them. Dr. von Hildebrand: And even Dr. von Hildebrand: And even if you have a motive of if you have a motive of love, I think it’s necessary love, I think it’s necessary to pray for more and greater to pray for more and greater love. love. Mother: Yes. Mother: Yes. Dr. von Hildebrand: You Dr. von Hildebrand: You know, because I often say to know, because I often say to myself well I love and then myself well I love and then I discover that my love is I discover that my love is so imperfect. so imperfect. But if as the blind man But if as the blind man said, "I believe, O Lord, said, "I believe, O Lord, help my unbelief," I think help my unbelief," I think that a classical prayer that a classical prayer would be, "I love You, would be, "I love You, O Lord, help my lack O Lord, help my lack of love." of love." Because there’s still an Because there’s still an enormous discrepancy between enormous discrepancy between the amount of love that I the amount of love that I have and the one that I have and the one that I should have. should have. Mother: You know what amazes Mother: You know what amazes me about the great me about the great saints--well all of them, I saints--well all of them, I guess--is that they knew guess--is that they knew themselves and yet it did themselves and yet it did not distract them from not distract them from advancing in the love of God advancing in the love of God and appreciating His mercy. and appreciating His mercy. It seems that so often we It seems that so often we kind of go in a hole with kind of go in a hole with our imperfections and we our imperfections and we don’t come out of that hole don’t come out of that hole just kind of content with just kind of content with the mercy of God. the mercy of God. Is that possible to know Is that possible to know yourself and still rise yourself and still rise above? above? Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, I believe you cannot truly I believe you cannot truly know yourself unless you know yourself unless you stand naked in front of God. stand naked in front of God. Otherwise, I think it’s very Otherwise, I think it’s very difficult to know one’s difficult to know one’s self. self. Number 1, because my eyesight Number 1, because my eyesight is directed outward and not is directed outward and not inward and number 2, Mother, inward and number 2, Mother, because to know one’s self because to know one’s self is not easy because I’m is not easy because I’m going to discover lots of going to discover lots of things that I don’t like. things that I don’t like. And you know it’s such a And you know it’s such a marvelous feeling to say, marvelous feeling to say, "Well, I’m this and this "Well, I’m this and this and this and this." and this and this." I mean, this is what of course most people do. course most people do. "I have this quality and that "I have this quality and that quality and that one--maybe quality and that one--maybe I’m a little weak here and I’m a little weak here and there but on the whole I’m there but on the whole I’m doing beautifully." doing beautifully." Instead of just facing Instead of just facing myself and saying, "No, I’m myself and saying, "No, I’m an abyss of misery but the abyss of God’s mercy is abyss of God’s mercy is infinitely greater." infinitely greater." And therefore, the more I And therefore, the more I discover my imperfection, discover my imperfection, the greater my confidence the greater my confidence that he can heal me. that he can heal me. Mother: That’s what I wanted Mother: That’s what I wanted to hear! to hear! Dr. von Hildebrand: I see. Dr. von Hildebrand: I see. Well, I’m glad you got it Well, I’m glad you got it out of me. out of me. (Mother and audience laugh) (Mother and audience laugh) Mother: How do you feel Mother: How do you feel about the elderly? about the elderly? And I’m not saying that And I’m not saying that because we’re both in the because we’re both in the same boat... same boat... Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, I’m five weeks older. I’m five weeks older. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Mother: You’re what? Mother: You’re what? Dr. von Hildebrand: I’m five Dr. von Hildebrand: I’m five weeks older than you, so I’m weeks older than you, so I’m the elderly one, you see. the elderly one, you see. Mother: You’re older Mother: You’re older than I am? than I am? (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. Dr. von Hildebrand: Well Dr. von Hildebrand: Well maybe it doesn’t show, I do maybe it doesn’t show, I do not know not know (all laugh) (all laugh) but I can only tell you... but I can only tell you... (all laugh) (all laugh) I don’t know, Mother. I don’t know, Mother. I don’t know myself that I don’t know myself that well. well. But I know something which But I know something which is very sad. is very sad. I mean, I was born on the I mean, I was born on the same day as Jacinta of same day as Jacinta of Fatima. Fatima. Mother: Does that matter? Mother: Does that matter? Dr. von Hildebrand: Maybe. Dr. von Hildebrand: Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Mother: I hope not. Mother: I hope not. I was born on the same day I was born on the same day as Hitler. as Hitler. Dr. von Hildebrand: I know Dr. von Hildebrand: I know that! that! (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Mother: Why did I ask that Mother: Why did I ask that question? question? Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, I was the one who told I was the one who told you so! you so! You did not know it. You did not know it. I was the one who informed I was the one who informed you, but you know, quite a few you, but you know, quite a few years later. years later. It was not the same year. It was not the same year. There was quite a few years There was quite a few years between you and Hitler. between you and Hitler. Mother: Somewhere along the Mother: Somewhere along the line. line. I got one of the cards that I got one of the cards that people send you, you know, people send you, you know, on your birthday that on your birthday that "On the day you were born" "On the day you were born" all these things happened. all these things happened. There wasn’t one decent There wasn’t one decent happened the day I was born! happened the day I was born! (all laugh) (all laugh) Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, Dr. von Hildebrand: Well, you see, maybe God simply you see, maybe God simply said "That was a big said "That was a big mistake. mistake. I’m going to correct it." I’m going to correct it." And then you have someone And then you have someone else born on the same day else born on the same day correcting the mistake. correcting the mistake. You see, that’s a You see, that’s a possibility. possibility. Mother: You’re getting Mother: You’re getting better. better. Keep it up. Keep it up. (all laugh) (all laugh) But you know I do feel But you know I do feel in my heart that as bad as in my heart that as bad as things are--and they seem things are--and they seem to be getting worse in to be getting worse in every, every direction-- every, every direction-- I still have that I still have that confidence that God has it confidence that God has it all in His hand and somehow all in His hand and somehow He will make it right. He will make it right. Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, Dr. von Hildebrand: Mother, you know, by nature I tend you know, by nature I tend to be a pessimist. to be a pessimist. Shortly before his death, Shortly before his death, my husband said, "Only fools my husband said, "Only fools can be optimistic in the can be optimistic in the situation in which we live. situation in which we live. But we have hope." But we have hope." Mother: Yeah. Mother: Yeah. Dr. von Hildebrand: But Dr. von Hildebrand: But today it seems to me through today it seems to me through God’s grace that are signs God’s grace that are signs of a new Spring, you know, of a new Spring, you know, particularly in the United particularly in the United States. States. You know, there are new You know, there are new religious foundations. religious foundations. There is EWTN. There is EWTN. There is Human Life There is Human Life International. International. There is now the Fraternity There is now the Fraternity of St. Peter. of St. Peter. There is now a new order There is now a new order called the Institute of called the Institute of Christ the King. Christ the King. You know, they’re still You know, they’re still little known in the United little known in the United States but I can sort of States but I can sort of promise that it’s going to promise that it’s going to be a magnificent fruit. be a magnificent fruit. Wherever I go, I see that Wherever I go, I see that after all, people who after all, people who were sound asleep after were sound asleep after Vatican II, like the Apostles Vatican II, like the Apostles when Christ was sweating when Christ was sweating blood in Gethsemane, blood in Gethsemane, and people are waking up. and people are waking up. And so I simply say, And so I simply say, "There are signs of hope." "There are signs of hope." There are lots of people There are lots of people in this country who love God in this country who love God from the very end and simple from the very end and simple people--not theologians and people--not theologians and PhD’s, Mother. PhD’s, Mother. I mean, don’t overestimate I mean, don’t overestimate PhD’s. PhD’s. I have one and I know it I have one and I know it doesn’t mean very much. doesn’t mean very much. I mean, there are lots of I mean, there are lots of fools that have a PhD fools that have a PhD and you have lots of people and you have lots of people that have never completed that have never completed their education and they their education and they know what is black and know what is black and they know what is white! they know what is white! You know, I have a lovely You know, I have a lovely black woman who has cleaning black woman who has cleaning my apartment for quite a few my apartment for quite a few years, and now unfortunately years, and now unfortunately she’s too old to continue she’s too old to continue and she’s so sound. and she’s so sound. Sometimes I like to read my Sometimes I like to read my talks to her and she makes talks to her and she makes very intelligent remarks. very intelligent remarks. And I said "Alberta, where And I said "Alberta, where did you get all this wisdom?" did you get all this wisdom?" And she snapped back just And she snapped back just like that and said, "Oh, you like that and said, "Oh, you know, Mrs. von Hildebrand, know, Mrs. von Hildebrand, I wasn’t ruined by I wasn’t ruined by education, I left school education, I left school in the third grade." in the third grade." (Mother and audience laugh) (Mother and audience laugh) Mother: Well, I hope you Mother: Well, I hope you were not ruined by education were not ruined by education because in order to keep because in order to keep this network going I need you and I want you know I am grateful for all of you who keep this network going. But again, you know, this is a hard time for us. Why? I don’t know why. Everybody’s gone back to school and you’ve got a lot of places to put your money. So maybe this month you could put an extra dollar, whatever because this network was given to us by God just for you and we’d never be able, you would never be able, you would never be able to hear never be able to hear beautiful men and women like beautiful men and women like Alice here share their Alice here share their thoughts and their love and thoughts and their love and their knowledge with you, their knowledge with you, all of us here. all of us here. It’s a great gift from God. It’s a great gift from God. So please be generous, So please be generous, will you? will you? And you know I hate to ask And you know I hate to ask for money, but what can I do? for money, but what can I do? It means that we are It means that we are together in this great together in this great venture of educating the venture of educating the people in that wondrous people in that wondrous love, mercy and compassion. love, mercy and compassion. Thank you, Alice, and may you Thank you, Alice, and may you live a thousand years. live a thousand years. Dr. von Hildebrand: That’s Dr. von Hildebrand: That’s too long! too long! (Mother laughs) (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
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Keywords: mal, mal02797, ytsync-en
Id: wSCWo_WC5rQ
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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