Mother Angelica Live Classics - Odds and Ends

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♪ ♪ Man: "Mother Angelica Live!" brought to you from the Eternal Word Television Studios in Birmingham, Alabama. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ <i>Mother: See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus.</i> <i>The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom.</i> <i>Anyone moved by the Spirit...</i> <i>Anyone who lives in love,</i> <i>lives in God and God lives in Him.</i> ♪ ♪ <i>What a wonderful thing is our Church.</i> <i>This whole network is built on trust.</i> <i>The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody,</i> <i>"Jesus loves you!"</i> <i>We’re all called to be great saints.</i> <i>Don’t miss the opportunity!</i> (applause) Mother: Thank you Mother: Thank you very much. very much. Well, (sighs) we’re going Well, (sighs) we’re going to have Odds and Ends to have Odds and Ends tonight, how’s that? tonight, how’s that? It’s the Feast of the It’s the Feast of the Transfiguration. Transfiguration. I think we need to look at I think we need to look at that feast in a way, and I that feast in a way, and I want to read a little bit want to read a little bit what comes ahead of it and what comes ahead of it and what followed it, because what followed it, because our faith--our faith is our faith--our faith is something that is weak something that is weak today, and we need to look today, and we need to look at the Scriptures and find at the Scriptures and find out, find out what did the apostles believe? apostles believe? Was their faith greater Was their faith greater than ours? than ours? We’re going to find out We’re going to find out something tonight I think something tonight I think that you may be surprised. that you may be surprised. You know, Our Lord said, You know, Our Lord said, just before the just before the Transfiguration, He said to Transfiguration, He said to them, He made it clear that them, He made it clear that He was destined to go to He was destined to go to Jerusalem and suffer Jerusalem and suffer grievously, and that He grievously, and that He would be put to death and would be put to death and rise on the 3rd day, but do rise on the 3rd day, but do you know what Peter said? you know what Peter said? I don’t like to pick I don’t like to pick on him, you know. on him, you know. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I mean, I’m going to live I mean, I’m going to live with that man for with that man for all eternity. all eternity. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) You know what I mean? You know what I mean? I hate to pick on him, I hate to pick on him, but he’s a wonderful man but he’s a wonderful man to give you courage. to give you courage. Peter said, "Heaven Peter said, "Heaven preserve You Lord. preserve You Lord. This must not happen This must not happen to You." to You." And the Lord turned to Peter And the Lord turned to Peter and said, "Get behind Me, and said, "Get behind Me, satan. satan. You are an obstacle in my You are an obstacle in my path because the way you path because the way you think is not God’s way, but think is not God’s way, but the way of man." the way of man." (makes noise) (makes noise) Now, did you ever think Now, did you ever think that way, huh? that way, huh? Yeah, we all do. Yeah, we all do. We are not a group of We are not a group of people for suffering. people for suffering. We like the weather We like the weather the right temperature. the right temperature. Today I went up to see the Today I went up to see the dish, 1 of them, and it was dish, 1 of them, and it was a perfectly beautiful day, a perfectly beautiful day, and I thought, "Oh Lord, and I thought, "Oh Lord, it’s a beautiful day." it’s a beautiful day." I should not have opened I should not have opened my mouth. my mouth. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Out of nowhere came Out of nowhere came rain and hail. rain and hail. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I thought, "What happened I thought, "What happened Lord?" Lord?" I was soaked, and I was soaked, and everybody with me soaked, everybody with me soaked, and 1 of the engineers and 1 of the engineers hid under 1 of the dishes, hid under 1 of the dishes, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) but there we were. but there we were. Now there’s 2 things you Now there’s 2 things you could do--get really upset could do--get really upset or enjoy being soaking wet-- or enjoy being soaking wet-- (audience laughs) (audience laughs) 1 of the 2. 1 of the 2. You can’t figure out why it You can’t figure out why it happened because 5 minutes happened because 5 minutes before, it was a beautiful before, it was a beautiful day, and I wondered if the day, and I wondered if the Lord looked down and said, Lord looked down and said, a good dousing would do a good dousing would do her good. her good. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) (laughs) (laughs) So I came up and I sat in So I came up and I sat in my chair, oh, it was wet. my chair, oh, it was wet. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Now, that’s a little thing, Now, that’s a little thing, just a little thing just a little thing and we don’t enjoy that. and we don’t enjoy that. It’s not in our nature, It’s not in our nature, and I understand Peter, and I understand Peter, you know. you know. He loved the Lord, He loved the Lord, he loved the Lord. he loved the Lord. Many of you have mothers, Many of you have mothers, fathers, children, that have fathers, children, that have been ill for years, for been ill for years, for years, and we all say is years, and we all say is sometimes what Peter said, sometimes what Peter said, "Lord, this must not happen "Lord, this must not happen to You," or, "Why, Lord, to You," or, "Why, Lord, does this happen?" does this happen?" And we need to be careful, And we need to be careful, you see. you see. The Lord doesn’t ask us The Lord doesn’t ask us to understand. to understand. He asks us to accept, see, He asks us to accept, see, accept, and sometimes accept, and sometimes illness, especially in illness, especially in children, is so, seems children, is so, seems sometimes so unfair, sometimes so unfair, doesn’t it, huh? doesn’t it, huh? And even there we do all And even there we do all we can to make those that we can to make those that are ill comfortable, are ill comfortable, painless, whatever. painless, whatever. Be careful of the world Be careful of the world today. today. The world makes you think The world makes you think that this is not necessary. that this is not necessary. You shouldn’t have this. You shouldn’t have this. That’s where this assisted That’s where this assisted suicide and euthanasia suicide and euthanasia comes in. comes in. You see, total neglect and You see, total neglect and total unacceptance of the total unacceptance of the way God treats us all. way God treats us all. As we get older and more As we get older and more creaky--you know, my mother creaky--you know, my mother used to say, I used to get used to say, I used to get up from a chair, up from a chair, (snaps fingers) (snaps fingers) like that, see and my mother like that, see and my mother would look at me and she would look at me and she said to me 1 day, "Just wait said to me 1 day, "Just wait till you get up in your till you get up in your years. years. You’ve have to have 2 or 3 You’ve have to have 2 or 3 tries before you get out." tries before you get out." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) And I said, "Ah, come on." And I said, "Ah, come on." Well, I’m at the place Well, I’m at the place where I’ve got to have where I’ve got to have at least 2 tries before at least 2 tries before I get up. I get up. And see, we don’t even And see, we don’t even understand that because the understand that because the soul is as new and fresh and soul is as new and fresh and young as it was when the young as it was when the Lord put it in your little Lord put it in your little body. body. So our soul is always So our soul is always young. young. The old body doesn’t match The old body doesn’t match anymore, you know. anymore, you know. It’s gotten taller or It’s gotten taller or shorter or fatter or shorter or fatter or skinnier. skinnier. Did you ever look at a Did you ever look at a picture of yourself picture of yourself 20 years ago? 20 years ago? Ooh! Ooh! (audience laughs) (audience laughs) You wonder where all that You wonder where all that hair went. hair went. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) You never noticed it going. You never noticed it going. One day you looked in the One day you looked in the mirror and there was a spot mirror and there was a spot you’d never saw before. you’d never saw before. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Now you can put a wig on. Now you can put a wig on. Everybody knows ’cause it Everybody knows ’cause it don’t look like real hair, don’t look like real hair, you see. you see. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Now, some of you men, Now, some of you men, let me give you a tip-- let me give you a tip-- (audience laughs) (audience laughs) if you’re going to wear if you’re going to wear a wig, be sure your a wig, be sure your sideburns match, sideburns match, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) ’cause they’re going to ’cause they’re going to tell right off the bat. tell right off the bat. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) (laughs) (laughs) I met a man 1 time--I hate I met a man 1 time--I hate to say this, I almost died, to say this, I almost died, but I couldn’t laugh, but I couldn’t laugh, because it was such a because it was such a shock. shock. See, I was talking to him See, I was talking to him and all of a sudden I looked and all of a sudden I looked up and his whole head had up and his whole head had come down to here, come down to here, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) and I was going up and and I was going up and I went, (makes noise) I went, (makes noise) (audience laughs) (audience laughs) He said, "What’s the He said, "What’s the matter?" matter?" (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I said, (makes noise) I said, (makes noise) (audience laughs) (audience laughs) and, you know, he left, and, you know, he left, he never knew. he never knew. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I hope the wind pushed I hope the wind pushed it back, you know, it back, you know, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) but those, you know, (laugh) but those, you know, (laugh) even those kinds of things, even those kinds of things, and I said, I prayed, I said, and I said, I prayed, I said, "Lord, I hope the wind "Lord, I hope the wind pushes it back before he pushes it back before he looks in the mirror. " looks in the mirror. " (audience laughs) (audience laughs) You know, you’d be so You know, you’d be so embarrassed, and those are embarrassed, and those are little, little things, tiny little, little things, tiny things that happen to us all things that happen to us all day long, and then when day long, and then when big things come along-- tragedies, the poor people tragedies, the poor people in that terrible TWA in that terrible TWA accident, those kinds of accident, those kinds of things--we don’t understand things--we don’t understand any more than Peter did. any more than Peter did. This must not happen to you, This must not happen to you, but you see, the Lord has-- but you see, the Lord has-- see Peter, 1st thing he said see Peter, 1st thing he said wrong, "Heaven preserve You, wrong, "Heaven preserve You, Lord," but if Heaven had Lord," but if Heaven had preserved Jesus, none of us preserved Jesus, none of us would be redeemed, and see, would be redeemed, and see, none of us know that without none of us know that without this pain, this illness--and this pain, this illness--and I believe in doctors and I believe in doctors and nurses and medicine and nurses and medicine and everything you can get to everything you can get to help yourself, but the help yourself, but the ordinary trials of life ordinary trials of life doesn’t have to be doesn’t have to be something’s that physical. something’s that physical. We have to watch that we We have to watch that we don’t say, "Oh Lord, don’t say, "Oh Lord, preserve me," because my preserve me," because my degree of glory in the degree of glory in the Kingdom depends on that Kingdom depends on that willful adherence to either willful adherence to either the ordaining will of God or the ordaining will of God or the permitting will of God. the permitting will of God. Let’s see what happens here. Let’s see what happens here. The Lord is going to give The Lord is going to give them a teaching now, you them a teaching now, you see, and we all need this see, and we all need this teaching today because we’re teaching today because we’re not followers of Jesus. not followers of Jesus. We’re not followers of We’re not followers of the cross. (sighs) the cross. (sighs) "If anyone wants to be a "If anyone wants to be a follower of mine..." follower of mine..." Do you want to follow Jesus? Do you want to follow Jesus? "Then he must renounce "Then he must renounce himself and take up his himself and take up his cross and follow Me." cross and follow Me." He is our Leader, you see. The Leader of this network The Leader of this network is Jesus. is Jesus. It’s not me, it’s not Bill, It’s not me, it’s not Bill, it’s not the vice-president; it’s not the vice-president; it’s all of us as a family it’s all of us as a family and Jesus as our Leader, and Jesus as our Leader, see, and because He says, see, and because He says, "If anyone wants to save his "If anyone wants to save his life, he has to lose it." life, he has to lose it." Now, what does that mean? Now, what does that mean? Well, all of us have Well, all of us have different temperaments, different temperaments, different likes, different different likes, different dislikes, and some things dislikes, and some things are hard for some and not are hard for some and not hard at all for others, hard at all for others, you know. you know. Some things are very Some things are very difficult, and somebody difficult, and somebody will go through that like will go through that like nothing; almost makes you nothing; almost makes you mad, you know, ’cause you mad, you know, ’cause you didn’t take it too hot, but didn’t take it too hot, but that’s because we’re all that’s because we’re all different, and because of different, and because of that, each 1 of us is going that, each 1 of us is going to have a different mansion to have a different mansion in His Kingdom. in His Kingdom. Oh wow, and Jesus said, Oh wow, and Jesus said, "If it were not true, "If it were not true, I would have told you." I would have told you." Isn’t that sweet? Isn’t that sweet? He knew we’d have a hard He knew we’d have a hard time with it. time with it. I’m going to have a mansion I’m going to have a mansion and you’re going to have a and you’re going to have a mansion. mansion. One of the sisters said to me One of the sisters said to me last week, "Mother, will you last week, "Mother, will you visit me in my mansion?" visit me in my mansion?" I said, "Oh sure, and you I said, "Oh sure, and you can come and live in mine can come and live in mine if you want to," if you want to," (audience laughs) (audience laughs) because the Lord because the Lord said, "A mansion." said, "A mansion." Now, I know you liberals Now, I know you liberals are jumping up and down are jumping up and down out there. out there. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Well, just jump, Well, just jump, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) ’cause that’s the way it is. ’cause that’s the way it is. The Lord said, "I go," The Lord said, "I go," He said, "And I prepare." He said, "And I prepare." How is He going to How is He going to prepare a place? prepare a place? (sighs) I’ve got to love (sighs) I’ve got to love everybody in Heaven and everybody in Heaven and everybody has to love me. everybody has to love me. Now, you’re looking at me Now, you’re looking at me and saying, well, that’s and saying, well, that’s not hard, Mother. not hard, Mother. Well, you don’t live with Well, you don’t live with me, you see. me, you see. There’s the difference, There’s the difference, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) but we’re going to have but we’re going to have that kind of heart and that kind of heart and mind and soul that we mind and soul that we are really and truly are really and truly going to love everybody. going to love everybody. I know you’re thinking of I know you’re thinking of somebody you hate right now, somebody you hate right now, somebody that did you in. somebody that did you in. Even that person, if he Even that person, if he gets to Heaven, you’re gets to Heaven, you’re going to love. going to love. It’s going to be totally It’s going to be totally different. different. I firmly believe that my I firmly believe that my dear mother saw my father dear mother saw my father before she died, twice, before she died, twice, and there was no love loss and there was no love loss believe me, and I prayed, believe me, and I prayed, I prayed that she would I prayed that she would forgive my father before she forgive my father before she died, and 1 day she looked died, and 1 day she looked towards the door--I’ve told towards the door--I’ve told some of you this before, some of you this before, and I knew it was my and I knew it was my father because she said, father because she said, "What are you doing here? "What are you doing here? (audience laughs) (audience laughs) I said, "Ooh, uh-oh," I said, "Ooh, uh-oh," (audience laughs) (audience laughs) and then a few hours and then a few hours before she died, she before she died, she looked at that same door looked at that same door and she said, "Oh, you’re and she said, "Oh, you’re so beautiful. " so beautiful. " I thought, "wow." I thought, "wow." She began to forgive and She began to forgive and began to love, you see, began to love, you see, began to forgive and began began to forgive and began to love, and so in Heaven to love, and so in Heaven it’s going to be so awesome it’s going to be so awesome and beautiful. and beautiful. And there we will And there we will appreciate all the pain appreciate all the pain and all the suffering that and all the suffering that we wish had never had, but we wish had never had, but then we’ll know, we’ll know then we’ll know, we’ll know for sure what it meant. for sure what it meant. Well, I’m going to have to Well, I’m going to have to take a break for some take a break for some reason. reason. I think there’s some more I think there’s some more people coming in. people coming in. Don’t go away. Don’t go away. We’re going to tell you the We’re going to tell you the rest of it in just a minute. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (applause) Mother: This little, our Mother: This little, our little incident here little incident here reminded me of something reminded me of something that happened to me in that happened to me in an airplane. an airplane. During the program we had During the program we had kind of a loud sound, and we kind of a loud sound, and we thought it was my hearing thought it was my hearing aid, you know. aid, you know. Well, anyway, I was in a Well, anyway, I was in a plane going to Europe, and plane going to Europe, and they have these, the worst they have these, the worst movies you could possibly pick. (audience laughs) Here you are over the ocean, (audience laughs) your life is in God’s hands, (audience laughs) if you went down, there’s no way of going to confessions or even saying, "God help me," cause you’re probably so scared-- and they put the worst, the very worst movies on. So I looked at the title and a few of the little things, I said, "Oh Lord, can’t you do something with this thing, you know? Not the plane Lord, just the movie," (audience laughs) and so I went and put my blinders on, you know, so I could sleep, and somehow my hearing aid got on real high, (audience laughs) and the movie with, (makes noise) (audience laughs) I looked--black, there was nothing there. I mean, out. I said, "Oh, thank You Lord." (audience laughs) So I took off my blinders and went to sleep. (audience laughs) So the next, in the morning, I suppose is about 5 hours after that, and the stewardess came up to me and she said, "Were you watching the movie?" I said, "No. Those are the crummiest movies you could possibly put on." She said, "Well, we don’t know what happened." I said, "Oh, you don’t?" (laughs) (audience laughs) She said, (laughs) she says, "No," she said, "It just went off, like black, off," and I said, "Well, I think I did it." (audience laughs) She said, "You did it?" I said, "I think so." I said, "I put my hearing aid up real high and it went..." (makes noise) She said, "You’re kidding?" I said, "No." So she goes and tells the captain. (audience laughs) By that time I felt about this big, you know. (audience laughs) I thought she was going to make an announcement on the, (audience laughs) microphone. And he looked at me and he said, "Are you the 1 that shut off the movie?" I said, "Yes, and I’m glad I did it." (audience laughs) (laughs) And he said, "Well, I don’t think they’re too hot either." (laughs) (audience laughs) So I thought, well, I know how to turn them off now. (audience laughs) So if you have a crummy movie on a plane, turn it off with your hearing aid. (audience laughs) Anyway, so Jesus tells us that we have to be like that we have to be like Him, see. Him, see. If I’m patient, If I’m patient, I’m like Jesus. I’m like Jesus. I’m not like Angelica. I’m not like Angelica. If I’m compassionate, If I’m compassionate, I’m like Jesus. I’m like Jesus. I’m not like Angelica. I’m not like Angelica. If I trust in His If I trust in His providence, I’m going providence, I’m going to be like Jesus. to be like Jesus. I’m not going to be like I’m not going to be like Angelica, and that’s Angelica, and that’s what He means. what He means. Well, now, He said, "The Son Well, now, He said, "The Son of Man is going to come in of Man is going to come in glory, in the glory of His glory, in the glory of His Father with His angels." Father with His angels." I wish He’d come tomorrow. I wish He’d come tomorrow. Can’t you imagine the Lord Can’t you imagine the Lord coming with the Father and coming with the Father and all the angels, and what’s all the angels, and what’s He going to do? He going to do? He said, "When He does, He He said, "When He does, He will reward each 1 according will reward each 1 according to His behavior." to His behavior." Some of you need to go to Some of you need to go to confession, ’cause if the confession, ’cause if the Lord judged you now by your Lord judged you now by your behavior, you might not make behavior, you might not make it--and when I say that, it--and when I say that, I’m not being negative. I’m not being negative. I’m being very loving, ’cause I’m being very loving, ’cause I want you in Heaven. I want you in Heaven. Well, after all of that, it Well, after all of that, it said, "6 days later Jesus said, "6 days later Jesus took Peter, James, and his took Peter, James, and his brother John up a high brother John up a high mountain that we call mountain that we call Tabor." Tabor." And he said, "In His Presence And he said, "In His Presence He was Transfigured and His He was Transfigured and His face shone like the sun." face shone like the sun." Just look at the sun, and Just look at the sun, and it said here, "His clothes it said here, "His clothes were white as light." were white as light." Now that light in here is Now that light in here is very white and very bright. very white and very bright. That’s how His clothes were. That’s how His clothes were. Can you imagine these men? Can you imagine these men? I mean, they’ve been eating I mean, they’ve been eating with Jesus and walking with with Jesus and walking with Him and sleeping on the same Him and sleeping on the same ground and worshiping and ground and worshiping and praying with Him and all of praying with Him and all of a sudden He totally changed, a sudden He totally changed, totally changed. totally changed. Well, "And then all of a Well, "And then all of a sudden Moses and Elijah sudden Moses and Elijah come," and they’re talking come," and they’re talking to Jesus just like I’m to Jesus just like I’m talking to you. talking to you. Wouldn’t that scare you Wouldn’t that scare you to death, huh? to death, huh? Not Peter. Not Peter. Peter said, "Lord, it’s Peter said, "Lord, it’s wonderful to be here. wonderful to be here. If You wish, I’ll make 3 If You wish, I’ll make 3 tents; 1 for You, 1 for tents; 1 for You, 1 for Moses, and 1 for Elijah." Moses, and 1 for Elijah." Now why in the world would Now why in the world would he ever say that? he ever say that? Because all of us, when we Because all of us, when we have those moments of joy have those moments of joy and happiness, we never want and happiness, we never want it to end, do we, huh? it to end, do we, huh? People that come here and People that come here and they go back home, you never they go back home, you never believe so many will write believe so many will write and say, "Mother, I thought and say, "Mother, I thought I was in Heaven, then I came I was in Heaven, then I came home." home." (audience laughs) (audience laughs) Well, home--with all its Well, home--with all its trials, with all its trials, with all its heartaches--is that heartaches--is that preparation for Heaven. preparation for Heaven. You have to understand that. You have to understand that. Now, "He was still speaking Now, "He was still speaking when suddenly a bright cloud when suddenly a bright cloud covered them in shadow. " covered them in shadow. " Oh, that happened to Oh, that happened to Our Lady. Our Lady. Do you remember? Do you remember? When She said, "Be it done When She said, "Be it done to Me according to Thy to Me according to Thy will," it said, "The Spirit will," it said, "The Spirit covered Her in shadow." covered Her in shadow." Wow! Wow! "And they heard a voice. "And they heard a voice. It said, "This is My Son, It said, "This is My Son, the Beloved. the Beloved. "He enjoys My favor. "He enjoys My favor. Listen to Him." Listen to Him." If I was asked to say in 1 If I was asked to say in 1 word or 1 sentence, what word or 1 sentence, what I would want the people to I would want the people to know or to hear and what was know or to hear and what was important today, I would important today, I would say that, "listen to Him." say that, "listen to Him." Do you listen to Jesus? Do you listen to Jesus? I just read something in I just read something in a paper about a group of a paper about a group of Christian ministers decided Christian ministers decided that the Holy Father was a that the Holy Father was a detriment to unity. (sighs) detriment to unity. (sighs) (laughs) Well, my friend, (laughs) Well, my friend, I’ve got news for you, he I’ve got news for you, he is the source of unity. is the source of unity. You have to be united to You have to be united to him because he is the Vicar him because he is the Vicar of Christ and you must of Christ and you must understand that and you must understand that and you must know that, and then, "The know that, and then, "The cloud there, after that cloud there, after that voice, when they heard this, voice, when they heard this, they fell on their faces," they fell on their faces," scared, "overcome with fear." scared, "overcome with fear." You know, that happened to You know, that happened to my mother. my mother. The woman that where I was The woman that where I was healed, many years ago, healed, many years ago, called Mrs. Wise, and the called Mrs. Wise, and the Lord would appear to her Lord would appear to her every 28th of June, once a every 28th of June, once a year, and when He would year, and when He would come, the entire house, come, the entire house, little bitty, kind of a little bitty, kind of a shotgun house. shotgun house. You know, you come in the You know, you come in the front, you could see the front, you could see the back door, and that place back door, and that place became all kinds of colors. became all kinds of colors. The light was a small The light was a small little, oh, 50 watt bulb little, oh, 50 watt bulb in the room, and all of a in the room, and all of a sudden, there was gorgeous sudden, there was gorgeous colors that you never saw colors that you never saw before; gold and silver and before; gold and silver and rainbow colors and everybody rainbow colors and everybody would know the Lord was would know the Lord was there and immediately. there and immediately. It was an awesome thing It was an awesome thing to see. to see. Everybody was down on their Everybody was down on their knees with their face knees with their face on the ground. on the ground. They knew they were in They knew they were in the presence of God. the presence of God. How do you like that, huh? How do you like that, huh? And this is exactly what And this is exactly what the apostles did. the apostles did. "They fell on their faces "They fell on their faces overcome with fear, and overcome with fear, and Jesus came up and touched Jesus came up and touched them. them. "He said, ’Stand up. "He said, ’Stand up. Do not be afraid,’ and they Do not be afraid,’ and they raised their eyes," and the raised their eyes," and the next few words I want to next few words I want to imprint upon your mind and imprint upon your mind and heart, "They raised their heart, "They raised their eyes and they saw no one eyes and they saw no one but Jesus." but Jesus." You know, when I was a You know, when I was a young sister, I used to try young sister, I used to try and make up all kinds of and make up all kinds of pious schemes to keep my pious schemes to keep my mind on the right track, mind on the right track, you know, and if you’re not you know, and if you’re not Italian, you don’t realize Italian, you don’t realize how difficult that might be, how difficult that might be, because Italian minds don’t because Italian minds don’t stay on the same track stay on the same track very long, very long, (audience laughs) (audience laughs) and I remember for a long and I remember for a long time, for months I used time, for months I used to repeat this 1 little to repeat this 1 little sentence, "And looking up sentence, "And looking up they saw no one but Jesus." they saw no one but Jesus." If we would all do that, If we would all do that, when you’re ready to go when you’re ready to go somewhere and the sun is somewhere and the sun is shining and it pours, shining and it pours, see Jesus. see Jesus. When things are difficult When things are difficult for you in any way, look up, for you in any way, look up, and see Jesus. and see Jesus. When you have your aches When you have your aches and your pains, and we and your pains, and we all do, see Jesus. all do, see Jesus. In all circumstances, In all circumstances, look up and see Jesus. look up and see Jesus. If you and I did that, If you and I did that, in a year’s time we would in a year’s time we would be all saints. be all saints. Why? Why? ’Cause everything would ’Cause everything would look much different than look much different than it does now. it does now. Well, I have to go on Well, I have to go on but we have a call. but we have a call. Hello. Hello. Male caller 1: Mother Angelica, Male caller 1: Mother Angelica, good evening. good evening. Mother: Yeah, where are Mother: Yeah, where are you from? you from? Caller: I’m from Missouri. This is Vincent. This is Vincent. Mother: What is your Mother: What is your question? question? Caller: Well, I’ve got a Caller: Well, I’ve got a request from my daughter. request from my daughter. She’s 11 years old, going She’s 11 years old, going to be 12, and she wants to be 12, and she wants to ask you a question. to ask you a question. How can she get some How can she get some literature on your literature on your religious order, because religious order, because she wants to be a nun she wants to be a nun some day? some day? Mother: (laughs) Wonderful! Mother: (laughs) Wonderful! Caller: And she talks about Caller: And she talks about you all the time. you all the time. She talks about you and She talks about you and how wonderful you are. how wonderful you are. Mother: Well, thank you. Mother: Well, thank you. Well, you just write to me Well, you just write to me here at the network. here at the network. Put on the letter, Put on the letter, "Vocation," and then it will "Vocation," and then it will take a different turn. take a different turn. (audience laughs) (audience laughs) (laughs) (laughs) If you want to be a nun, If you want to be a nun, that’s what you want to be; that’s what you want to be; a lot of my sisters, 1 of a lot of my sisters, 1 of them wanted to be a nun them wanted to be a nun since she was 3. since she was 3. I said, "Three--wow!" I said, "Three--wow!" But some, God inspires But some, God inspires many children at a very many children at a very young age. young age. So what you need to do is to So what you need to do is to pray, give yourself to Jesus pray, give yourself to Jesus now, be loving, kind to your now, be loving, kind to your neighbor, thoughtful, think neighbor, thoughtful, think of others before yourself, of others before yourself, obedient to your parents, obedient to your parents, and God will slowly begin to and God will slowly begin to show you how to give all to show you how to give all to Jesus, but you can read the Jesus, but you can read the Scriptures. Scriptures. Read the lives of the Read the lives of the saints. saints. They’re so interesting and They’re so interesting and so encouraging. so encouraging. So I would do all of that. So I would do all of that. And we have another call. And we have another call. Hello. Hello. Male caller 2: Hello, Mother. Male caller 2: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are Mother: Where are you from? you from? Caller: My name is Gerald Caller: My name is Gerald . . I’m from Minnesota. I’m from Minnesota. July 2nd my 21 year-old July 2nd my 21 year-old daughter was killed in a daughter was killed in a car-train accident. car-train accident. Mother: I’m sorry. Mother: I’m sorry. Caller: And Mother, my wife Caller: And Mother, my wife and myself too just have and myself too just have a few questions to get a few questions to get us through this. us through this. One would be like, did God One would be like, did God cause this; and 2, how can cause this; and 2, how can He be Loving; and 3, if He He be Loving; and 3, if He did not cause this, why did not cause this, why didn’t He protect her and didn’t He protect her and her baby from harm, because her baby from harm, because she was also 9 months she was also 9 months pregnant too? pregnant too? Mother: Okay. Mother: Okay. That is a, (sighs) mystery That is a, (sighs) mystery and it’s difficult, very and it’s difficult, very difficult. difficult. God did not, did not God did not, did not cause it, no. I don’t know what happened, I don’t know what happened, if someone hit her or she if someone hit her or she his someone else or she his someone else or she slid, whatever it was; slid, whatever it was; a train accident, that’s a train accident, that’s even worse, whatever even worse, whatever happened, it could be happened, it could be caused by, perhaps she slid caused by, perhaps she slid in front of the train. in front of the train. We don’t know, but it did We don’t know, but it did happen, and your next happen, and your next question follows-- question follows-- why did God allow it? why did God allow it? In other words, why did In other words, why did God permit it? God permit it? We have to understand that We have to understand that God sees everything. God sees everything. He saw before time began He saw before time began when your daughter would when your daughter would be born, conceived, born, be born, conceived, born, lived. lived. He knew all of that for a He knew all of that for a reason we don’t understand reason we don’t understand here. here. There’s where our faith has There’s where our faith has to hold us up, hold us up. to hold us up, hold us up. Whatever reason, God allowed Whatever reason, God allowed this to happen. this to happen. We must bow to His infinite We must bow to His infinite permitting will and know it permitting will and know it was for the good of your was for the good of your daughter and her baby and we daughter and her baby and we rebel against that, because rebel against that, because Peter said the same thing, Peter said the same thing, you see. you see. He said, "Look, don’t go." He said, "Look, don’t go." See, don’t go if you’re See, don’t go if you’re going to be murdered, if going to be murdered, if you’re going to be, if you’re going to be, if you’re going to suffer you’re going to suffer so much, don’t go. so much, don’t go. Let’s look at how things Let’s look at how things are now, okay. are now, okay. Her baby is with her in the Her baby is with her in the Kingdom. Kingdom. That baby never saw pain, That baby never saw pain, never felt pain, never saw a never felt pain, never saw a jealous look, never saw an jealous look, never saw an angry look or heard an angry look or heard an angry voice, suddenly was angry voice, suddenly was conceived and then saw the conceived and then saw the face of God, ah, and had face of God, ah, and had total happiness, total happiness, unbelievable joy. unbelievable joy. Your daughter may be taken Your daughter may be taken out of her time. out of her time. Maybe her time was when she Maybe her time was when she was 80, had this accident was 80, had this accident not happened, but God in His not happened, but God in His infinite love and mercy is infinite love and mercy is So Generous, So Generous So Generous, So Generous that He would give her that He would give her greater glory, greater love, greater glory, greater love, greater compassion, greater greater compassion, greater everything in the Kingdom everything in the Kingdom because she was deprived of because she was deprived of the rest of her life, and the rest of her life, and so, now she has greater so, now she has greater glory than she would have glory than she would have ever had. ever had. She has a joy that you and I She has a joy that you and I cannot even imagine, and our cannot even imagine, and our faith has to bow before the faith has to bow before the Lord because He knows. Lord because He knows. When you die, you and your When you die, you and your wife, you will see her in wife, you will see her in all that glory, and then at all that glory, and then at that moment you will know that moment you will know why, but then, it won’t why, but then, it won’t matter, and that’s how you matter, and that’s how you and I have to be a witness and I have to be a witness to the world, that we can to the world, that we can accept this tragedy with accept this tragedy with faith, with faith. faith, with faith. That’s when our faith grows That’s when our faith grows in the time of tragedy and in the time of tragedy and heartache and disappointment heartache and disappointment and the unknowing, the and the unknowing, the unknowing. unknowing. That’s when your faith That’s when your faith is at its best. is at its best. It doesn’t take away the It doesn’t take away the pain or the grief of missing pain or the grief of missing her, or even the wonder why. her, or even the wonder why. It only says, "God, I trust It only says, "God, I trust You," and we’ll say a prayer You," and we’ll say a prayer for you. for you. I know you’re already I know you’re already handling it well. handling it well. We have another call. We have another call. Female caller 1: Hello, Mother. Female caller 1: Hello, Mother. Mother: Where are you from? Mother: Where are you from? Caller: From Michigan. Caller: From Michigan. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller: I have, was Caller: I have, was wondering if--1st of all, wondering if--1st of all, I believe in miracles now I believe in miracles now that I finally got through that I finally got through to you, and I was wondering, to you, and I was wondering, have you ever heard anybody have you ever heard anybody outside of the Catholic outside of the Catholic faith that has had an apparition of the Blessed apparition of the Blessed Mother? Mother? Mother: I think so, Mother: I think so, I think so. I think so. I can’t remember the I can’t remember the occasion that this woman occasion that this woman told me about. told me about. In fact, I think she had a hard time with Our Lady. hard time with Our Lady. You know, she thought we You know, she thought we just worshipped Her and, you just worshipped Her and, you know, she had the typical know, she had the typical hard time with the Mother hard time with the Mother of God. of God. I can’t understand that, but I can’t understand that, but she did, and 1 time, if I she did, and 1 time, if I remember correctly--it’s remember correctly--it’s been many years, she told me been many years, she told me that she was just in her that she was just in her living room and she was just living room and she was just sitting there griping about sitting there griping about Our Lady and she said, all Our Lady and she said, all of a sudden there was before of a sudden there was before her the Most Beautiful Woman her the Most Beautiful Woman she ever saw, and She smiled she ever saw, and She smiled at her, and that smile took at her, and that smile took away all of her fears, her away all of her fears, her anger, almost jealous I anger, almost jealous I guess, all her doubts, and guess, all her doubts, and then she began to take then she began to take instructions because she instructions because she knew, she knew, see. knew, she knew, see. So I don’t know how often So I don’t know how often it is, but Our Lady is it is, but Our Lady is Generous. She wants all of Her She wants all of Her children to get to Heaven, children to get to Heaven, and I, She’s appearing so and I, She’s appearing so many places today, you know, many places today, you know, that I know something’s just that I know something’s just round the corner. round the corner. We have another call. We have another call. Hello. Hello. Female caller 2: Hello, Mother. Female caller 2: Hello, Mother. Mother Angelica: Hey. Mother Angelica: Hey. Where are you from? Where are you from? Caller: I’m from Rhode Caller: I’m from Rhode Island. Island. Mother: And what is your Mother: And what is your question? question? Caller: I have a couple, Caller: I have a couple, Mother, dear Mother. Mother, dear Mother. Last year and the year Last year and the year before I lost young sons before I lost young sons who--I can go along with the who--I can go along with the man that just called; just man that just called; just be faithful, pray to the be faithful, pray to the Mother, he’ll get the relief Mother, he’ll get the relief he needs, but right now he needs, but right now Mother, we just buried Mother, we just buried another young brother; 59 another young brother; 59 years old, another sudden years old, another sudden death. death. It breaks our heart, because It breaks our heart, because we were a family of 12. we were a family of 12. Now we’re down to 6, all Now we’re down to 6, all sudden deaths. sudden deaths. Now my sister just called Now my sister just called me, dear Mother. me, dear Mother. She has a husband in the She has a husband in the nursing home who’s 80 years nursing home who’s 80 years old with Alzheimer’s old with Alzheimer’s disease. disease. She was really crying She was really crying tonight because he’s failing tonight because he’s failing so fast, and you know, so fast, and you know, sometimes it makes you sometimes it makes you wonder why she lost her wonder why she lost her brother, so full of life, brother, so full of life, and a husband who was 80. and a husband who was 80. Mother, I told her to turn Mother, I told her to turn your program on, because your program on, because you’ve always lifted my you’ve always lifted my spirits. spirits. Mother: Thank you. Mother: Thank you. Caller: I told her to Caller: I told her to listen to you because listen to you because I knew you would say a I knew you would say a prayer for her. prayer for her. Mother: Yeah. Mother: Yeah. Caller: Because we don’t Caller: Because we don’t know why. know why. Only God knows why. Only God knows why. So please, give her a So please, give her a special blessing and give special blessing and give him in the nursing home him in the nursing home 1 too, Mother. 1 too, Mother. Mother: Yeah. Mother: Yeah. Well, I think it’s natural Well, I think it’s natural for people when you have for people when you have someone young or middle-aged someone young or middle-aged die and then you see die and then you see somebody way up there or way somebody way up there or way down there; I don’t know down there; I don’t know which way it is that, you which way it is that, you say, "well, they’re old." But see, we’re thinking But see, we’re thinking the thoughts of man, see. the thoughts of man, see. All of us have a certain All of us have a certain degree of glory in Heaven, degree of glory in Heaven, been destined for us from been destined for us from all eternity. all eternity. I personally feel that, and I personally feel that, and every day I ask the Lord every day I ask the Lord to let me live a long life. to let me live a long life. Why? Why? Well, I’m not going to be Well, I’m not going to be too peppy after a certain too peppy after a certain amount of time, (sighs) amount of time, (sighs) but a long life is a but a long life is a blessing, a big blessing. blessing, a big blessing. Why? Why? Well, it’s a blessing Well, it’s a blessing because every minute, every because every minute, every minute that you’re alive minute that you’re alive you have the opportunity to you have the opportunity to change, to learn more about change, to learn more about God, to get a higher degree God, to get a higher degree of glory in His Kingdom, to of glory in His Kingdom, to know Him better in Heaven, know Him better in Heaven, to learn more about Him in to learn more about Him in Heaven, to be happier, to Heaven, to be happier, to understand more in Heaven. understand more in Heaven. It’s a blessing, a blessing, It’s a blessing, a blessing, and so, we don’t know a and so, we don’t know a person’s soul. person’s soul. A person may be working out A person may be working out their purgatory here. their purgatory here. That’s why suicide is so That’s why suicide is so bad, and this so-called bad, and this so-called assisted suicide. assisted suicide. Suicide is suicide. Suicide is suicide. You cannot determine your You cannot determine your birth and you cannot birth and you cannot determine your day of death, determine your day of death, and now we do both, see, and now we do both, see, and we can’t do that. and we can’t do that. This is the prerogative of This is the prerogative of God and if living longer God and if living longer will make me closer to God, will make me closer to God, I want to live longer. I want to live longer. So you say, well then, why So you say, well then, why is my brother in his 50s? is my brother in his 50s? Why did he go suddenly? Why did he go suddenly? Maybe that was the best time Maybe that was the best time for him to go, maybe that for him to go, maybe that was the greatest, the moment was the greatest, the moment he would have the greatest he would have the greatest glory in the Kingdom. glory in the Kingdom. How wonderful, how How wonderful, how wonderful, and there my wonderful, and there my friends, we have to trust. friends, we have to trust. We could imitate Peter We could imitate Peter in a lot of things. in a lot of things. We shouldn’t in some things, We shouldn’t in some things, because he said, you know, because he said, you know, "Why do you want to do this?" "Why do you want to do this?" We would give the Lord We would give the Lord great honor and glory if great honor and glory if we could say, "Lord, we could say, "Lord, I don’t know why, I don’t I don’t know why, I don’t understand, but I trust You." understand, but I trust You." Oh, He’s so happy when you Oh, He’s so happy when you say that. say that. You can trust the Lord You can trust the Lord whenever He calls, whatever whenever He calls, whatever time He calls, whoever He time He calls, whoever He calls, you can trust. calls, you can trust. You can’t trust doctors who You can’t trust doctors who go around assisting you to go around assisting you to end your own life. end your own life. I wouldn’t trust them at all. I wouldn’t trust them at all. I want to say a prayer. I want to say a prayer. We only have 2 minutes, that We only have 2 minutes, that Our Dear Lord will bless all Our Dear Lord will bless all of you out there. of you out there. "Lord, just bless everyone "Lord, just bless everyone Lord, let Your hand fall Lord, let Your hand fall upon them, and give them upon them, and give them that peace that only You can that peace that only You can give and that joy in Your give and that joy in Your holy will that we all know holy will that we all know Lord that we can rest in Lord that we can rest in Your will, we can trust Your Your will, we can trust Your will, and we ask Our Sweet will, and we ask Our Sweet Mother to comfort them. Mother to comfort them. For She stood beneath the For She stood beneath the cross. cross. She knew why Her Son died, She knew why Her Son died, and She suffered with Him. and She suffered with Him. Let us suffer with our loved Let us suffer with our loved ones and say to Him as She ones and say to Him as She said to Him, "Thy will be said to Him, "Thy will be done," and we say every day. done," and we say every day. Well, we’re about ready Well, we’re about ready to go. to go. I’ve enjoyed being with you. I’ve enjoyed being with you. Remember please, write Remember please, write to me. This network, that belongs to you, is doing great things everywhere, and when you get to Heaven, you’re not only going to know the why’s of all the problems in your life, you’re going to see thousands and millions of people running after you and saying, thank you. I’m here because of you. Well, I’m looking forward Well, I’m looking forward to that, and I hope you are. to that, and I hope you are. Remember, in our lives, trust Remember, in our lives, trust Jesus. Jesus. He loves you beyond any He loves you beyond any words you could express, words you could express, and He wants you to be and He wants you to be with Him forever. with Him forever. So remember, put us between So remember, put us between your gas and electric bill. your gas and electric bill. We need you and God needs We need you and God needs you to give His message you to give His message around the world. around the world. Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
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Keywords: ytsync-en, ma9, ma902659
Id: 3WUl9MlYUvI
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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