Mother Angelica Live Classics - Seven Sorrows

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wtn or send your donation to ewtn 5817 old leeds road irondale alabama [Music] 35210 ewtn live truth live [Music] catholic mother angelica live brought to you from the eternal word television studios in [Music] birmingham [Music] so [Music] see in you the love the compassion of jesus glorious work of all to praise god in his kingdom moved by the spirit one who lives in love lives in god and god lives in what a wonderful thing is our church this whole network is built on trust the essence of evangelization is to tell everybody jesus loves you we're all called to be great saints don't miss the opportunity well we got one great crowd of family here this evening and i'm real happy over that i'm happy to see him i can't already shake hands with them because it's in the back but i send my heart over there okay and all over here i have a little something for you that's people been asking for and they say isn't there a simple little catechism yeah we got it right here and it's i don't know where is she i don't know how much it is now isn't that a funny thing huh well it looks like two dollars [Laughter] it could be deceiving though i tell you what you will do just to settle the whole thing it doesn't even have a price in here anyway same what you want that might be better with it okay but this is a very simple catechism and all it does is um ah says here a dollar fifty [Laughter] must be what we paid for it because don't know i just want you to have it all joking aside it's question and answer remember the old baltimore well it isn't the baltimore catechism but it's very similar i think it's one of those things you can keep in your pocket or your purse for the people who ask questions but you don't know the answer see and you can just zip through here and find any answer that you need all in this little book so what is it it says a down and a half can't be two dollars may make it why don't we settle for two and a half a little bit for me and a lot for you was it say something here no but that's okay it's worth it whatever you send you need this catechism in your hand in your pocket so when somebody says hey why do catholics believe this you say wait a minute i got it right here so you remember that huh now today is the feast of our lady sorrows and i would like very much to point out to you the sorrows of our lady first of all i don't think we know them and secondly i think that's one of the reasons so many of you have problems with our lady you don't understand why you should love her why isn't enough i love jesus of course but mary brings you to jesus and she increases the beauty of your soul so when you present yourself to jesus you know she's like let's see and if you had a fiance okay and um you didn't really have a nice dress to wear and what would happen how would you feel if the fiancee's mother or just maybe not a fian just your boyfriend if his mother said hey look you come over and i'll give you a beautiful dress to wear well what would you think of her huh but would you think of somebody like that well you would love her because she got you ready she gave you a beautiful dress to wear see well that's what our lady does she helps to clothe your soul so it looks more beautiful when you present yourself to jesus isn't that simple i would like to bring out one of the sisters typed it for me so i wouldn't have to roam through the bible to find all these things but the seventh sorrows the first is from saint luke if you want to write it down the second chapter 34th verse and it says and simeon blessed them and said to mary the child mother behold i would like you women to put yourself in this position at your son's baptism you got that huh your son is being baptized and the priest looks at you and says this behold this child is set for the fall and the rising of many in israel and for a sign that is spoken against a sign of contradiction and a sword will pierce through your own soul that the thoughts of many may be revealed let's see how would you feel as a mother if the priesthood you baptizing your baby said something like this to you huh how would you feel like that this child is for said for the fallen rise of many what does that mean it means that you're either going to believe in jesus or you're not and you look in the life of jesus the pharisees never believed in him did all they could to kill him and they finally did but our lady had to hear that this show would be a sign of contradiction [Music] and a sword would pierce her own soul well let's see if that's what happened huh and say matthew the second chapter 13th verse it says now when they had departed an angel of the lord appeared to joseph in a dream and said rise and take the child and his mother and flee into egypt and remain there till i tell you for herod is in search of the child to destroy him how would you feel how could you hate a woman called the mother of god because she is when she's gone through all of this oh we're not through our lady suffered for you and for me how would you think if if you were born say in new york okay and and suddenly an angel appeared to your husband and said take this child and go to chile south america what would you say say hey wait a minute what are you talking about i'm gonna follow a dream are you nuts i don't know many women were just taken up and gone just left with what nothing in a country they didn't know were not popular and where would he go how would he make a living and what language would he speak i'm sure the israelites were not popular in egypt for whatever reason now to put yourself in the scriptures before you criticize our sweet mother put yourself there what would you have done for you our lady was the perfect disciple of jesus first she's told that this side this child is a sign of contradiction and would be responsible for people being separated and now she has to run into egypt how can you not love such a woman well then the third sire was luke 2 43 49 and it says here when the feasts ended they were returning and the boy jesus stayed behind in jerusalem how many of you have lost your children i just didn't know where they were little children 10 maybe 10 years old 11 12. well here's what happened to our lady and his parents supposing him to be in the company of the other sought him among their kinsfolk and couldn't find him can you imagine as a woman and a man a father that you are responsible before the eternal word before the father himself for protecting his son and all of a sudden you you're going for a stop and he's nowhere around they look everywhere and joseph would say i thought he was with you and mary said i i thought i i saw him with you now they got to go back and for three days they looked and looked and looked can you imagine the agony you know every so often we get these little notices with pictures of the most beautiful children beautiful children they're gone and the parents have the slightest idea where they are not the slightest now if you're one of those parents you know what our lady went through huh so they keep looking they don't sleep they don't eat they have one thing in mind where is jesus and haven't you and i felt that way sometime huh when we pray and and we don't feel the lord's presence we think maybe he's angry with us and he went on a vacation somewhere no now you can put yourself in our lady's shoes [Music] well they found them in the temple sitting among the teachers listening to them and asking them questions they were made at his answers and when they saw him they were astonished and his mother said son why have you treated us so oh haven't you said that to our lord haven't you said i've heard people say this a hundred times i go to church every sunday i tithe i'm the first one to put something in that basket and all this happens to me lord why don't you love me anymore why'd you do this to me well she said behold your father and i have been looking for you anxiously you know i can see where you would lose a son or daughter but what would happen if you were signed by the eternal father to bear his son and then to keep him safe you you can't imagine the agony you can't and she said to her how is it you sought me did you not know i must be about my father's business you say well that doesn't relate to me doesn't it how many of you have sons and daughters that want to be religious they really feel called by god and what do you say to them why do you want to waste your life oh you're kidding you've got to be kidding you can waste your life serving god oh come on and our lord would say to you why do you ask am i not god the king of all have i not the right to ask your daughter or your son to be a priest or religious and you say ah those priests and religious they're all nuts look at them today it doesn't matter what they do today there are thousands of good priests and religious the hundreds of them not for you to judge what your son or daughter will be it's not your your your duty to do that how many lost vocations you know i had a woman come to me and she was in tears and she said and i hope i never hear it again she said i could handle my son when he's on drugs i could handle him when he was running around with every woman in this village but now he's going to be a priest i swear aren't you happy i can't handle a priest in my family it's a waste of mind and soul when time i said oh you would rather him be a dread addict she said yes how do you talk to somebody like that you'd rather your son be a drug addict then give his life to god and have every opportunity to become a saint we're not thinking right um well the fourth sorrow of our lady was and there followed him a great multitude of people and the women bewailed him you know you cannot imagine if you're a mother you can your son is being dragged he's been wounded he's been horribly beaten and you can't help him you don't have the strength to carry his cross you you don't have any water to give it he falls through three times the one of the worst pains is is is not being able to help someone that's suffering especially someone you love has to be the most frustrating thing this was his father's business you see and our lord was reminding our sweet mother that he has to be about his father's business even when it hurt her and joseph and how hurt she was here oh you don't know huh the fifth sorrow of our sweet mother is standing by the cross and you know what's so often about this she stood there she stood she didn't faint she didn't run away she stood only a strong woman can stand under that kind of torment she didn't want to miss one pain one sorrow of her son she was going to stay there that was his father's business and she was going to stay with him she was not going to move every blow every ache every pain every terrible terrible terrible terrible thirst she felt it all and no loving mother would not feel it off did that she didn't say to anybody tell me when it's over she didn't want to put him out of his agony she didn't want to pull a plug today we have false compassion but our lady didn't have false compassion she had real compassion for jesus she knew every pain every humiliation every insult and who did he save on the cross a thief beneath the cross for 33 years of being on this earth he had one friend john he had his mother he had an ex-prostitute and a thief batting average not too good but his humiliation and her humiliation was to the very end according to the world that's why don't believe the world the world lies the world lies to you to the very end she stayed with her son she knew the father's will and she was going to suffer with her son they would both both of them offer their sufferings to the father for your sins and my sins i don't know about you i'm grateful i'm grateful i was 18 before i knew jesus what a waste of life huh but maybe it wasn't maybe it wasn't my dear lord permitted it i'm sure so that i would know pain suffering humiliation and all the rest it comes with the poor the hungry the destitutes those in despair our lady and our lord didn't have to do that they have to but they did for you for me and that's why we must love them in return they we we don't do much for them it's a sorrow huh the fifth hour jesus saw his mother you know there's nothing more heart-rending uh then someone you love is dying and you suddenly see them face to face i to i you know they're dying you you want to hear that last word you want to tell them all the things you thought of but couldn't you want to say so much but you're like tongue-tied but he looks at his mother and and what's he say he saw his disciple that he loved but he says speaks first to his mother and he says woman behold your son i want to explain that a little bit do you remember what the father said to adam and eve in the book of genesis he told the serpent i will put enmity between thee and the woman our lord always called mary the woman he's trying to tell us something this is the woman that he promised would crush the head of satan there was no reason for him to say woman behold your son to the very last he's teaching us something woman the lord gave me a book years ago you can have it if you want call the promised woman and this woman was given a new son now all of you that think mary had other children come on it would be a first-class insult that if jesus had brothers that he she would say this this man here that you love is your son hey come on you don't know jewish history how can you say that with the son of god the holy one commit that insult no you're not thinking straight there was only one son of mary that was the son of god and so he had no one to give her to he said boomin behold your son and then he looked at john and he said behold your mother oh no you see we have we have to acknowledge whether you like it or not mary is your mother all of you that are such fundamentalists when it comes to the scriptures try this one and don't talk yourself out of it she is your mother given to you by jesus on the cross but that had to be a heartache you know there's no substitute for jesus and john was called son of thunder i always liked john because maybe he was a little bit italian you know he's he he had a temper a temper lord should we call down fire from heaven and swallow up this down what did he think he had the power to do that you know what i like that way you don't know what you're talking about i would have said a few more words but this is what mary has left i'm sure john was holy i'm sure john was a loving young man i'm sure he was a loving center but he was not jesus so married he had to give up everything for you why don't you love her yeah why i do hate her so much huh why some of you fallen away catholics you're falling away religious and you speak so terribly about your mother why you do that jesus gave her to young it wasn't something she made up and believe me we're no substitutes but she loves us because she was you and i are given to her by her son the sixth hour was again from saint john the 19th chapter since it was a day of preparation in order to prevent the bodies from remaining on the cross the pilot asked that their legs be broken you know why they did that huh well on the cross they used to suffocate those of you who have asthma understand what i'm saying because you can only breathe in you can't breathe out and i dear lord but the other they had to to press on that wood and lift themselves up but they can't stand the pain you see and then they just to get a breath just a tiny breath and then they'd fall back down again well when they broke their legs they couldn't come up so then they'd suffocate men they're so cool huh so cool but you see our lord had been crowned with thorns and scoured so badly that there's no way no way he could have lived and no way he could have spoken on the cross because here's what happened the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and the other who had been crucified with him when they came to jesus he was already dead they were surprised so they didn't break his legs but wouldn't you think they'd leave him alone wouldn't you think they'd leave him alone no no [Music] one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear can you imagine how mary felt you got a pretty hard heart if you don't know how how could she you know what happened it said at once there came out a little blood and water i just think our dear lord lost every ounce of blood and water now when he died and he commended himself for the to the father and the loud voice that it is finished he had a loud voice now how can you have a loud voice when there's only a tiny few drops of water a few drops of blood left you can't you can't joy dear lord once upheld by the power of the spirit by a special gift from god to speak in a loud voice father forgive them they don't know what they do into thy hands lord i commend my spirit it is finished all of that in a loud voice i don't know how many nurses are here or doctors listening you tell me how you could speak with a few drops of water and blood left all of it in the heart you can't see how our dear lord used his power just to tell you how much he loves you give you his mother but she's the one that had to suffer the last pain the last pain she also had her heart pierced nobody walked up to her with a sword or lance don't tell me though when she saw that soldier coming with a large a large lens a spear they were very long and very sharp can't you imagine her heart and her body shaking shuddering and he throws that lens in her son's heart is already dead what'd he do that he had to go through this well you know we're very cold people [Music] we have some sympathy and compassion for adulterers for people who are so lustful and boggle your mind or we have compassion on them but none none for the son of god and his mother aren't we strange people aren't we mixed up the seventh sorrow and this is this is awesome to me you know why i like at least i try to have trust in god than his providence and but you realize that mary was so dependent upon the father she knew he was dying she knew his fate she was told by simeon she was very versed in the scriptures and jesus spent 30 years educating his mother she knew she never bought a tomb she never said jesus you know you're going to die don't you think we need to buy a cave or a troop no no not her the lord would provide there he was with a big spear in his chest nobody around all the apostles left and the soldiers were gone they did their dirty work and there was her mary magdalene in one man john and maybe in the distance she saw one or two coming up she had them want to take him down in the worst way the worst well the scripture says that arimathea met at the council took courage he went to pilate and asked for the body and pilate wondered if he were already dead and summoned in the centurion he asked whether he was already dead and they said yes he's dead so then he granted the body to joseph well he brought a linen shroud and taking him down wrapped him in a linen shroud now see our lady didn't even have the shroud you know before you criticized our lady to criticize our lady ask yourself if you got the same trust she had you know our indian friends that you shouldn't criticize anybody until you walk in his his moccasins they got some pretty good sayings you know you gotta listen to him and so he wrapped him in a linen shroud and laid him in a tomb on a rock and then laid a big rock in front of it would you have wanted to go home then would you have not stayed no the law said you had to leave she was a disciple to the end that's why today we celebrate her sorrows and i love our lady and that's where i got my vocation i was telling alice the other day you know that's when i really found jesus and i knew finally in about 1819 that jesus loved me first of all there was a personal god they know that i knew the gatekism believed me i could recite this little thing cover to cover in fact when sister would ask me a question i repeat the question and the answer and i'd stand there waiting for more but you know i still didn't know jesus i knew a lot about it but i didn't know he loved me i bet you don't know either i think you you know he loves everybody you're kind of a little grain of sand is he short no no i knew for the first time he loved me and so every every night when i come home from work instead of going straight home i would go to my parish church and i'd make stations of the cross and then i go before lady of sorrows statue on the altar side altar and i do my thanksgiving and my uh indulgence prayers for holy father and one night i i uh i looked up at the lady of sorrow i knew i had a vocation i knew it i knew it in here and i knew it here i walked all the way home three miles thinking about it and i remember saying to her sweet mother i i know how to go i don't know how to get away but i'll go so please tonight i hope everybody listens here and everywhere else get a new love a new hope and new joy for your mother for my mother for god's mother and we have a call hello hello hey where are you from hi mother i'm from philadelphia my name is donna i got people here from philadelphia yay hey i just wanted to let you know that i pray this seven stars devotion every single day wonderful i make rosaries and i say the rosary every day thank you jesus and if it wasn't for the blessed virgin mary i wouldn't be here i really wouldn't she has got me through a lot especially with my mother so i'm so happy that you're letting everyone know about her sorrows and the devotion because i think it's great that everyone should know about it and pray the seven devotions yeah there's a rosary for the sake of those listening there's a seven sorrow rosary that has all that you say prayers over all of these sorrows and i it'd be good even if you don't know them you could read them in the scriptures all these are in scripture but i think you need to just say thank you sweet mother for all you suffered for me you cannot have a son that son of god and i have intense pain you can't we have a new call hello hi mother hello where are you from and i'm calling from maryland and i was watching last month um some brothers and some nuns take their vows of poverty chastity and obedience and i was wondering um when you take a vow of poverty how can you help the poor if you make your own cells poor and um i just wanted you to explain the vows and um how how taking your vows brings others to jesus yeah well that the vow is not about to make yourself poor the vow is to depend upon god's providence to be poor also in spirit to be poor in hearts to be poor in mind to to have first things first to know the one thing necessary in your life if i give up the whole if i had the whole world but i didn't have god what would it mean huh what would it matter you see if i i gave all my half to the poor place and have no love no love no hope would it matter it would matter nothing so we don't take a vow we myself and my sisters take what's known as a solemn bow we uh we can never own anything you see well it looks to me like you got quite a bit on there i know what you're thinking no it doesn't belong to us i work here i don't even get a salary in fact i beg money for the network but working without a salary is my duty that's i'm in that night god takes care of me people take care of us they're inspired by god money-wise we live off the gift shop small little place and it keeps the nuns going okay so we don't own this massive awesome wonderful network i found the lord allowed me to found it we try to keep it going the sisters open all your mail they listen to your problems every letter is opened by a nun and every letter is prayed over for you and we do that because i want consecrated hands handling the mail so they open it pray for you they don't get salary either see so poverty is at dependence we promise to depend upon the lord when he's generous we're grateful and what he's not we endure that's our life see it's not a man when our brothers took those vows they don't own anything now men to take a property or take a perpetual vow sisters who teach and nurse take perpetua we take solemn vows what does that mean that means if i had a relative that died and left me some money i i don't even see it going by you know the other day sister fidelis took her first vows you know and so she came up with an envelope and they had i think it was 25 dollars in it see and i i took it out and i counted it and i gave her the envelope [Laughter] i said now you thank this wonderful woman that gave you 25 and she looked at me she looked at the money and she went but see next time she won't take it as such a shock see but she's generous she'll do it next time she'll give me the money and the envelope but she only gets back the envelope that is not true with a perpetual vow they may they may possess but they have to ask permission to get rid of it our sisters don't even possess when we were madaya's young sister we would say our book this is our bible it was really mine but we never said that we said our one time i went to the dentist and i said we have such a bad toothache right here i never forget his faith he looked at me and he said how many are there and and i looked at him i thought what are you talking about i said what'd you say he said you said we haven't do thank you how many are here i said oh just me he said i don't understand all right i'm sorry i should have said i have to think it got us in trouble a lot so anyway but that was that was a constant reminder that i don't own anything this is our bible and if a sister would say to me can i have it then i would have to say yeah here so that's not always easy see always eating you know my my little thing for myself is i think if i don't know i have it then you can have it how many times do you i bet go home when you come home you're looking just pick out a drawer in your chester drawers i'll make a bet you don't know what's in there and if somebody asked you for it you say oh no i need that [Laughter] i'll make a bet you don't have the slightest idea what you have until somebody wants it and my theory is if you don't know you have it you don't need it you don't know listen nice a nice little meditation for you is think of yourself dying now they're all crying and they're be sure they buy you a nice gasket and and they bury you then they start going through this chest of drawers what do you want i don't know don't look like it's worth much what do i do with it isn't that the truth huh and and now if you were there you'd be having a fit that's my favorite medal where is it going i can just imagine somebody halfway to purgatory stopping while you rummage through their chest of drawers can't you imagine huh look what they're giving away my favorite statue oh god they're going to find the money i hate them [Laughter] [Music] i mean it's funny so why you why you hang on now huh why are we so possessed by things that they're going to go you know our lord that said what are you doing you you're building big barns who are they going to when you go seek first birds the kingdom of heaven and all these other things will be added to you see death is a real meditation for those that are left then you read the will oh what a disappointment that old stench pot didn't leave me a thing you were hugging her before she died giving her all these kisses wondering how much she left you we're not sincere see we don't know what honesty is anymore and which is funny we live in such corruption today such corruption we have misguided compassion uh the poor man what do you mean the poor man he offended god above the edge degree say well we're all weak misguided compassion stinks it does like the woman who called me i don't even forget it and i've told you about it she's moon around why i said what's the matter will you tell me oh she says my husband in there miss mistress they live with me i said what i said repeat that she's my husband and his mistress they live with me how are you nuts well where are they going to go i can tell you where they're going to go i can tell you real fast where they're going to go you're gone with them she's crying oh they don't have a place to go i said why don't you just throw them out where would they go whoa i said i don't care and you shouldn't care and i get rid of one of them i'll get rid of both of them but get rid of them she has false compassion because their sin doesn't bother you okay that's what's so bad today we don't wait but abortion doesn't bother us anymore see even partial birth abortion doesn't bother us anymore a person steals a person commits adultery nobody cares it's life all right a lot of people down there thought the same way it's life it's not through life where it's so hot and everlasting he's fired i think we ought to pray for our nation it's so degraded and women have never been at this low ebb in their whole history of the world women today are considered tools of pleasure that's all and a nation that manifests to the entire world to heaven to god and to angels into the earth that morality no longer exists it's a matter of pleasure well when you look at our lady and our sweet jesus what they had to suffer to open the gates of heaven and give you divine indwelling and the sacraments and the eucharists and then you tell me this is normal no it's a pit of hell and you're seeing hell all over today everywhere pray pray for the salvation of this country and the salvation of the world and you can trust jesus and mary bye now [Music] to order this episode of mother angelica live classics from the ewtn religious catalog web store log on to 24 hours a day seven days a week or call 1-800-854-6316 in these uncertain times catholics depend on ewtn's national 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off-beat catholic personality i think you're forgetting who the star is here the good doctor and his guests provide an upright perspective for today's upside down world every gift that we have has been given to us by god this doctor is sure to keep you in stitches make an appointment for living right with dr ray an all-new episode saturday at 10 pm eastern on ewtn
Channel: EWTN
Views: 20,851
Rating: 4.8655462 out of 5
Keywords: ytsync-en, ma9, ma902726
Id: Cum0NosMgno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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