Mother Angelica Live Classics - Woman at the Well

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Mother: Thank you! Mother: Thank you! Well, we’re back tonight and Well, we’re back tonight and I, I’m so surprised that I, I’m so surprised that everybody, at least many, everybody, at least many, many, liked our little many, liked our little bedtime story which we’re bedtime story which we’re going to continue this going to continue this evening cause people have evening cause people have called and written and said, called and written and said, "What happened after man "What happened after man was created?" was created?" I sat down to the sister and I sat down to the sister and Rebecca said, "Tell them Rebecca said, "Tell them it was downhill." it was downhill." (all laugh) (all laugh) The animals did The animals did pretty good but man, pretty good but man, (makes noise). (makes noise). (all laugh) (all laugh) See, even the little ones See, even the little ones believe that. believe that. Anyway, before we began our Anyway, before we began our little story, I have a little story, I have a little, a little business little, a little business to do. to do. There is this magazine There is this magazine called<u> <i> Time</i></u> and there’s an called<u> <i> Time</i></u> and there’s an article in here about EWTN. article in here about EWTN. And when I turn the page, And when I turn the page, though, the very next page, though, the very next page, it has I think the most it has I think the most blasphemous thing I could, blasphemous thing I could, would ever believe could would ever believe could happen. happen. And the reason I’m going to And the reason I’m going to show you tonight is I want show you tonight is I want you and everybody else to you and everybody else to make reparation. make reparation. Because when people publish Because when people publish that this type of thing that this type of thing should be encouraged, then should be encouraged, then God help us all. God help us all. Because really in our Because really in our country, then, has gotten to country, then, has gotten to its lowest ebb. its lowest ebb. It’s bad enough to pick on It’s bad enough to pick on people and slander people people and slander people but how bad can they get? but how bad can they get? How proud and arrogant can How proud and arrogant can we be? we be? And how blasphemous can we And how blasphemous can we be when we do something like be when we do something like this and then advertise it this and then advertise it and talk about it as if it and talk about it as if it was a very wonderful thing. was a very wonderful thing. What I’m going to show you, What I’m going to show you, you won’t believe. you won’t believe. I hope you won’t believe and I hope you won’t believe and we’re going to say a little we’re going to say a little act of reparation before I act of reparation before I begin the rest of the begin the rest of the program. program. Here’s a picture of Our Here’s a picture of Our Dear Lord. Dear Lord. Can you all see this? Can you all see this? A crucifix in a bottle A crucifix in a bottle of urine. of urine. Did you hear what I said? Did you hear what I said? A crucifix in a bottle A crucifix in a bottle of urine. of urine. And they call this art. And they call this art. If the Father does not If the Father does not destroy and bring us down, destroy and bring us down, down here, until we get to down here, until we get to a point where we’re on our a point where we’re on our knees crying for help, knees crying for help, I will be very surprised. I will be very surprised. I want you to feel bad I want you to feel bad about this. about this. I want you to write to<u> <i> Time</i></u> I want you to write to<u> <i> Time</i></u> and say, "How dare you put and say, "How dare you put the God and the Savior I the God and the Savior I worship and adore, put a worship and adore, put a picture of that in a bottle picture of that in a bottle of urine! of urine! Do you know what you’re Do you know what you’re doing?" doing?" The title, I cannot even The title, I cannot even tell you on the air, the tell you on the air, the title of this picture title of this picture because it’s so blasphemous. because it’s so blasphemous. (heavy sigh) I just want to (heavy sigh) I just want to say a prayer of reparations. say a prayer of reparations. We need to pray for We need to pray for<i><u> Time</u></i> Magazine whose <i><u>Time</u></i> Magazine whose editors seem to care not editors seem to care not for God or anybody else. for God or anybody else. We need to pray for the We need to pray for the person who painted or person who painted or created this monstrosity, created this monstrosity, this blasphemous this blasphemous monstrosity. monstrosity. We need to pray for them We need to pray for them because God die for them, because God die for them, too, and they are so close too, and they are so close to ruining their souls, in to ruining their souls, in my humble opinion, as my my humble opinion, as my lawyer would tell me to say. lawyer would tell me to say. They need a lot of prayers They need a lot of prayers and those Christians who see and those Christians who see this and say nothing also this and say nothing also need a lot of prayers. need a lot of prayers. "Lord God, we live on an "Lord God, we live on an earth that has forgotten earth that has forgotten Thee, in many ways has Thee, in many ways has turned to other gods--the turned to other gods--the god of ambition, the god of god of ambition, the god of pleasure, the god of money, pleasure, the god of money, the god of personal glory, the god of personal glory, the god of self. the god of self. We have lost our way with We have lost our way with Our Merciful Lord. Our Merciful Lord. Look not upon this Look not upon this blasphemous picture. blasphemous picture. And though we need Thy And though we need Thy divine justice, have mercy divine justice, have mercy on us, have mercy on those on us, have mercy on those who printed it, on those who who printed it, on those who created it and give them created it and give them light to see and give all of light to see and give all of us that understanding that us that understanding that we may weep in our hearts, we may weep in our hearts, that Our Dear Lord who died that Our Dear Lord who died so painfully is so so painfully is so blasphemed." blasphemed." "Hail Mary, Full of Grace, "Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee." the Lord is with thee." All: "Blessed art Thou among All: "Blessed art Thou among woman and blessed is the woman and blessed is the uit of Thy Womb, Jesus. uit of Thy Womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. at the hour of our death. Amen." Amen." Mother: "Jesus and Mother: "Jesus and Mary, I love You, save Mary, I love You, save souls. souls. Amen." Amen." Well, tonight, with that out of the way, I finally found of the way, I finally found what I was looking for two what I was looking for two weeks ago. weeks ago. Do you remember I came here Do you remember I came here to talk about the Samaritan to talk about the Samaritan woman, couldn’t find her woman, couldn’t find her anywhere, I talked about anywhere, I talked about something else. something else. Tonight I got the smarts and Tonight I got the smarts and I said, "I’ll look for it I said, "I’ll look for it before I go down there," before I go down there," which I did. which I did. This event in Our Dear Lord’s This event in Our Dear Lord’s life, we’ve gone over before life, we’ve gone over before but Scripture isn’t but Scripture isn’t something you can read something you can read and then put aside. and then put aside. Scripture is something Scripture is something you’ve got to digest and you’ve got to digest and read it over and over and read it over and over and over. over. And so we’re going to go And so we’re going to go over some of this. over some of this. See if you can see yourself See if you can see yourself in it. in it. Will you do that? Will you do that? Well, "On the way, He came Well, "On the way, He came to a Samaritan call, town to a Samaritan call, town called Sicar, near the land called Sicar, near the land that Jacob gave to his son that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. Joseph. Joseph’s Well was there." Joseph’s Well was there." And this is what gets me, And this is what gets me, "Jesus, tired by the "Jesus, tired by the journey..." journey..." (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) Did you know Did you know that Our God loved us so that Our God loved us so much He wanted to feel what much He wanted to feel what we feel without sin? we feel without sin? I would never willfully want I would never willfully want to feel tired, would you? to feel tired, would you? Hah, anybody want to feel Hah, anybody want to feel tired? tired? Do you ever go to bed at Do you ever go to bed at night so tired you feel like night so tired you feel like your bones have just gone your bones have just gone through the mattress, huh? through the mattress, huh? (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) I mean, you can’t even I mean, you can’t even feel them you’re so tired. feel them you’re so tired. If I was, had unbelievable If I was, had unbelievable energy I would never will to energy I would never will to be tired! be tired! But see, the Lord loves us But see, the Lord loves us so much that He said, "No, I so much that He said, "No, I want to go down there and want to go down there and feel what they feel." feel what they feel." Well, He was tired and He Well, He was tired and He sat straight down by the sat straight down by the well. well. Did you ever do that? Did you ever do that? I used to do that when I was I used to do that when I was a kid. a kid. I think I was born tired. I think I was born tired. I don’t remember a day in my I don’t remember a day in my life I wasn’t tired. life I wasn’t tired. Watch me get a lot of herbs Watch me get a lot of herbs in the mail. in the mail. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) But anyway, did you ever But anyway, did you ever lean against a wall and lean against a wall and just slide all the way down? just slide all the way down? Did you ever do that? Did you ever do that? Kids do that. Kids do that. Well, that’s when you’re Well, that’s when you’re tired, tired. tired, tired. Well, "It was the 6th hour Well, "It was the 6th hour and a Samaritan woman came and a Samaritan woman came to draw water." to draw water." Now, a Samaritan, no woman Now, a Samaritan, no woman would draw water at would draw water at noontime. noontime. Why? Why? They didn’t. They didn’t. They went at night. They went at night. This woman had a problem. This woman had a problem. She didn’t want to be with She didn’t want to be with the other women. the other women. So Jesus said to her, "Give So Jesus said to her, "Give Me to drink." Me to drink." Well, this woman is Well, this woman is surprised and she says, surprised and she says, "What? "What? "You’re a Jew and You ask me, "You’re a Jew and You ask me, a Samaritan, for a drink?" a Samaritan, for a drink?" Well, if you’re wondering Well, if you’re wondering where the Apostles were, where the Apostles were, they went to get some food. they went to get some food. That’s what makes me think That’s what makes me think they were part Italian they were part Italian (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) because only Italians in because only Italians in the presence of God Himself the presence of God Himself would think of food! would think of food! (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) Nobody else would think Nobody else would think of food in the presence, of food in the presence, anybody else would sit there anybody else would sit there like Mary did and just like Mary did and just want to absorb the Lord want to absorb the Lord but not the Apostles. but not the Apostles. No way! No way! They went for food. They went for food. Well anyway, Jesus said, Well anyway, Jesus said, "If you only knew what God "If you only knew what God is offering and Who it is is offering and Who it is that says you, ’Give Me to that says you, ’Give Me to drink,’ you would have been drink,’ you would have been the one to ask and He would the one to ask and He would have given you living have given you living water." water." Do you know, my friends, Do you know, my friends, that this happens a lot that this happens a lot today, huh? today, huh? Do we even know what God is Do we even know what God is offering us in the offering us in the Eucharist? Eucharist? Do we know that when I go to Do we know that when I go to Communion... Communion... It struck me the other It struck me the other morning after I left the morning after I left the gate and turned around and gate and turned around and went back to my stall, it went back to my stall, it dawned on me that I have dawned on me that I have received a part of God received a part of God Himself. Himself. I received a part of all of I received a part of all of Him. Him. I receive His Body, His I receive His Body, His Blood, His Soul and His Blood, His Soul and His Divinity all in me, unworthy Divinity all in me, unworthy that I am! that I am! He came to me. He came to me. We don’t understand that We don’t understand that anymore! anymore! And that Jesus could say to And that Jesus could say to you and me, "If you only you and me, "If you only knew what God is offering knew what God is offering and Who it is that comes to and Who it is that comes to you!" you!" You see, we don’t know. You see, we don’t know. We don’t know. We don’t know. Well, this woman is not in Well, this woman is not in the mood for spirituality. the mood for spirituality. Do you know a lot of people Do you know a lot of people not in the mood for not in the mood for spirituality, hah? spirituality, hah? Talk about Jesus and they’re Talk about Jesus and they’re suddenly extremely busy. suddenly extremely busy. They’ve got to go. They’ve got to go. (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) And so she And so she changes the subject. changes the subject. She said, "You have no She said, "You have no bucket, sir." bucket, sir." Now, you think she would Now, you think she would have said, "Oh living water, have said, "Oh living water, well, well, well! well, well, well! What is that living water What is that living water business?" business?" No, no. No, no. She just said, "The man’s She just said, "The man’s got no bucket here and the got no bucket here and the well is very deep. well is very deep. "How could you get this "How could you get this living water?" living water?" Missed the entire point! Missed the entire point! You know, my friends, we You know, my friends, we miss the point today. miss the point today. Did you ever wonder, do we Did you ever wonder, do we ever see signs from God? ever see signs from God? I just read today that it’s I just read today that it’s as hot in Europe as it is as hot in Europe as it is here, 101, 102, 110. here, 101, 102, 110. I was downtown to the I was downtown to the dentist. dentist. I thought I’d never get out I thought I’d never get out of that place. of that place. I never had my mouth stuffed I never had my mouth stuffed with so much stuff in my with so much stuff in my life. life. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) And do And do you notice how they talk to you notice how they talk to you when it’s stuffed. you when it’s stuffed. "How are you, Mother?" "How are you, Mother?" (mumbles) (mumbles) (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) "Feels a little "Feels a little bulky in there." bulky in there." (mumbles) (mumbles) Anyway, my friends, we Anyway, my friends, we don’t get the point. don’t get the point. We don’t get the point that We don’t get the point that this weather, if it’s this weather, if it’s worldwide, so hot, is the worldwide, so hot, is the Lord telling us something? Lord telling us something? We won’t get the point. We won’t get the point. Do we get the point of this Do we get the point of this terrible, terrible blasphemy terrible, terrible blasphemy in a full page of an in a full page of an expensive magazine? expensive magazine? Do we get the point that Do we get the point that this is what the world is this is what the world is saying is art and that saying is art and that people should be allowed to people should be allowed to have the most gross art in have the most gross art in the world and it’s all right? the world and it’s all right? If you went to someone’s If you went to someone’s house for dinner and they house for dinner and they gave you the afternoon’s gave you the afternoon’s garbage on your plate, what garbage on your plate, what would you think? would you think? Well, you’d either think they Well, you’d either think they were mental or you would were mental or you would just walk out. just walk out. It’s the greatest insult. It’s the greatest insult. But garbage is fed to you But garbage is fed to you all day long--in radio, in all day long--in radio, in television, in the television, in the newsprint, everywhere. newsprint, everywhere. And now it’s fed even to And now it’s fed even to God. God. Well, can you be surprised Well, can you be surprised that this woman missed the that this woman missed the point? point? Jesus said, "Whoever drinks Jesus said, "Whoever drinks this water will get thirsty this water will get thirsty again, but anyone who drinks again, but anyone who drinks the water I shall give will the water I shall give will never be thirsty again." never be thirsty again." Now, you can tell that He’s Now, you can tell that He’s speaking about something speaking about something entirely different than H20. entirely different than H20. Well, He said, "The water I Well, He said, "The water I will give will turn into a will give will turn into a spring inside of him welling spring inside of him welling up to eternal life." up to eternal life." You see, that’s what happens You see, that’s what happens to you when you go to Mass to you when you go to Mass and you receive the and you receive the Eucharist. Eucharist. That Presence of God should That Presence of God should well up into you and onto well up into you and onto your neighbor. your neighbor. Your neighbor should drink Your neighbor should drink from the Presence of God in from the Presence of God in you, see. you, see. Well, what did the woman Well, what did the woman say? say? "Sir, give Me some of that "Sir, give Me some of that water and I won’t have to water and I won’t have to get thirsty and come to this get thirsty and come to this well again and draw water." well again and draw water." What she thinking of? What she thinking of? All the women that were All the women that were gossiping about her. gossiping about her. She thought, "Ah ha! She thought, "Ah ha! "I’ve got this secret thing. "I’ve got this secret thing. "Give it to me and I won’t "Give it to me and I won’t have to come to this place." have to come to this place." You know, blindness is You know, blindness is unbelievable, isn’t it? unbelievable, isn’t it? You’re saying one thing and You’re saying one thing and they get something entirely they get something entirely different out of it! different out of it! Did you ever talk to Did you ever talk to somebody like that hah? somebody like that hah? And they look at you like, And they look at you like, "What did you say?" "What did you say?" It’s clear to you, it’s It’s clear to you, it’s clear to you there is a God; clear to you there is a God; you’re going to have to die you’re going to have to die one day; you’re going to be one day; you’re going to be judged. judged. They don’t get it. They don’t get it. Well, the Lord began to Well, the Lord began to realize that this woman is realize that this woman is going to beat around the going to beat around the bush. bush. So He came to the point. So He came to the point. And He says, "Go call And He says, "Go call your husband your husband (chuckles) (chuckles) "and come back here." "and come back here." Well, now the woman is Well, now the woman is stuck. stuck. She said, "I have no She said, "I have no husband." husband." Did you notice suddenly she Did you notice suddenly she gets honest? gets honest? Did you notice that? Did you notice that? And Jesus said, "Oh, you’re And Jesus said, "Oh, you’re right to say I have no right to say I have no husband, for although you husband, for although you have had 5,"--boy, she have had 5,"--boy, she knocked them down--"the one knocked them down--"the one you have now," that’s number you have now," that’s number 6 coming up, "is not your 6 coming up, "is not your husband." husband." Oh, oh! Oh, oh! Now, what would you have Now, what would you have done have you been married 5 done have you been married 5 times? times? I do wonder what happened to I do wonder what happened to the poor men and the man the poor men and the man she’s living with, sounds she’s living with, sounds like today, you know. like today, you know. (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) What did she say? What did she say? Well, she gets a little Well, she gets a little smart-aleck and she says, smart-aleck and she says, "Oh, I see what a prophet." "Oh, I see what a prophet." Now, it’s time to change the Now, it’s time to change the subject entirely. subject entirely. Let’s forget this husband Let’s forget this husband business and who I’m living business and who I’m living with. with. Let’s just change the Let’s just change the subject. subject. And she changes the subject And she changes the subject to religion. to religion. What else! What else! "Our Fathers worship on this "Our Fathers worship on this mountain...," what has this mountain...," what has this to do with her 6 husbands or to do with her 6 husbands or 5 husbands? 5 husbands? "...and you say Jerusalem is "...and you say Jerusalem is the place to worship." the place to worship." You know, did you ever have You know, did you ever have a friend who really isn’t a friend who really isn’t doing the right thing and doing the right thing and you try to tell him and they you try to tell him and they change the subject? change the subject? "Oh, I heard you’re going on "Oh, I heard you’re going on vacation." vacation." "You didn’t hear me, "You didn’t hear me, sweetheart, you’re living in sweetheart, you’re living in adultery." adultery." "Oh, when are you leaving?" "Oh, when are you leaving?" "You didn’t hear me. "You didn’t hear me. I said, you’re living in I said, you’re living in adultery." adultery." "You know, they say Florida "You know, they say Florida is a great place to is a great place to vacation." vacation." Don’t want to hear. Don’t want to hear. But this is a good lesson But this is a good lesson for all of us because the for all of us because the Lord keeps on it. Lord keeps on it. He just keeps at it, keeps He just keeps at it, keeps at it and keeps at it. at it and keeps at it. He said, "Believe Me, woman, He said, "Believe Me, woman, the hour is coming when you the hour is coming when you will worship the Father will worship the Father neither on this mountain or neither on this mountain or in Jerusalem. in Jerusalem. "You worship what you do not "You worship what you do not know." know." We worship what we do know. We worship what we do know. "For salvation comes from "For salvation comes from the Jews. the Jews. "The hour will come and is "The hour will come and is here when true worshipers here when true worshipers will worship the Father in will worship the Father in Spirit and Truth, and that’s Spirit and Truth, and that’s the kind of worship the the kind of worship the Father wants. Father wants. "For God is spirit and those "For God is spirit and those who worship must worship in who worship must worship in Spirit and Truth." Spirit and Truth." What does that mean for you What does that mean for you and me, huh? and me, huh? What it means is that you What it means is that you and I must adhere to the and I must adhere to the truth! truth! You can’t soften it. You can’t soften it. You can’t cut it in half. You can’t cut it in half. You have to accept the whole You have to accept the whole truth. truth. And then, the spirit of God And then, the spirit of God within you must come forth within you must come forth in all the virtues, in love, in all the virtues, in love, in peace, in joy and in peace, in joy and compassion and that’s how we compassion and that’s how we prove we are children of the prove we are children of the Father. Father. Now, here she goes again. Now, here she goes again. What a woman, hah, the What a woman, hah, the eternal dodger. eternal dodger. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) Well, that’s a baseball Well, that’s a baseball club isn’t it, Dodgers? club isn’t it, Dodgers? (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) Are they still in existence, Are they still in existence, right, are they, huh? right, are they, huh? They are? They are? They’re not on strike They’re not on strike anymore? anymore? Well, she says, "I know that Well, she says, "I know that the Messiah, that is the the Messiah, that is the Christ, is coming and when Christ, is coming and when He comes He’ll tell us He comes He’ll tell us everything." everything." Now, I want to, this is Now, I want to, this is what’s so awesome, all you what’s so awesome, all you sinners out there, sinners out there, (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) Jesus never told any of Jesus never told any of the Apostles or any the Apostles or any disciples He was the Lord. disciples He was the Lord. He said to them, "Who do men He said to them, "Who do men say that I AM?" say that I AM?" They were fumbling. They were fumbling. One said, "Eli--, One said, "Eli--, Elias or John the Baptist Elias or John the Baptist come back to life." come back to life." You wonder where their You wonder where their theology was! theology was! But Peter said, "Thou art But Peter said, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the the Christ, the Son of the Living God!" Living God!" And what does Jesus say to And what does Jesus say to this poor adulteress sinner? this poor adulteress sinner? "I Who AM speaking to you, I "I Who AM speaking to you, I AM HE." AM HE." Wouldn’t you think He would Wouldn’t you think He would have told Peter or the have told Peter or the Apostles? Apostles? Wouldn’t He have said that Wouldn’t He have said that to them or John the Baptist? to them or John the Baptist? All you Bible scholars who All you Bible scholars who keep telling all these poor keep telling all these poor people that Jesus never knew people that Jesus never knew who HE was, please read who HE was, please read Chapter John 4: 26. Chapter John 4: 26. "I AM HE." "I AM HE." At this point, the disciples At this point, the disciples returned with all their returned with all their food. food. I’ve always wondered what I’ve always wondered what they had, kosher meat, they had, kosher meat, pickles, bread, gefilte pickles, bread, gefilte fish? fish? (all chuckle) (all chuckle) I bet they had I bet they had all that good stuff. all that good stuff. Now, none of the Apostles Now, none of the Apostles were brave enough to say, were brave enough to say, "What do you want from her "What do you want from her or why are you talking to or why are you talking to her?" her?" Well, the woman, what did Well, the woman, what did she do? she do? This is so exciting! This is so exciting! "She put down her jar, her "She put down her jar, her water jar and hurried back water jar and hurried back to the town to tell the to the town to tell the people, ’Come and see a Man people, ’Come and see a Man who has told me everything I who has told me everything I ever did. ever did. I wonder, is He the Christ?’" I wonder, is He the Christ?’" Once she began to know Once she began to know Jesus, she forgot everything Jesus, she forgot everything else. else. She forgot the human respect She forgot the human respect that pushed her there at that pushed her there at noon with her water jug. noon with her water jug. She forgot the jug and she She forgot the jug and she forgot the water! forgot the water! And the first thing she And the first thing she wanted to do was go tell wanted to do was go tell everybody! everybody! You and I have lost You and I have lost enthusiasm, zeal for God enthusiasm, zeal for God and His Church. and His Church. We have the Whole Truth! We have the Whole Truth! We’re like the man with a We’re like the man with a talent that buried it. talent that buried it. We don’t want to bother with We don’t want to bother with anybody. anybody. We don’t want to tell We don’t want to tell everybody. everybody. If you love someone, you’ve If you love someone, you’ve got to tell everybody about got to tell everybody about that one person. that one person. And if you love Jesus you And if you love Jesus you got to tell the world. got to tell the world. You’ve got to tell your You’ve got to tell your neighbor! neighbor! You’ve got to tell somebody! You’ve got to tell somebody! That’s what she did. That’s what she did. She became an evangelist! She became an evangelist! And the people came. And the people came. These poor Apostles, always These poor Apostles, always thinking of food. thinking of food. It never dawned on them. It never dawned on them. Wouldn’t you think they’d be Wouldn’t you think they’d be a little enthused and say, a little enthused and say, "Ah, do you know this woman "Ah, do you know this woman God converted? God converted? Wow!" Wow!" What did they say? What did they say? They see all these people They see all these people running towards him, what do running towards him, what do they say? they say? "Rabbi, here, have something "Rabbi, here, have something to eat." to eat." (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) And Jesus tries, you know. And Jesus tries, you know. He says, "I have Food to eat He says, "I have Food to eat that you do not know about." that you do not know about." I bet they all start walking I bet they all start walking around the well. around the well. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) "Do you see anything, Peter?" "Do you see anything, Peter?" "No." "No." "John?" "John?" "I don’t see anything." "I don’t see anything." (whistles) (whistles) When I get to Heaven When I get to Heaven I’m going to look in I’m going to look in the door this way and that the door this way and that way and see if any of the way and see if any of the Apostle are there and then Apostle are there and then I’m going to hide behind I’m going to hide behind Jesus because... Jesus because... (chuckles) (chuckles) So the disciples So the disciples asked one another--see, I asked one another--see, I told you! told you! "Has someone been bringing "Has someone been bringing Him food?" Him food?" Well, I’m going to have to Well, I’m going to have to end there. end there. Isn’t that interesting, hah? Isn’t that interesting, hah? We got to take a few calls We got to take a few calls before our bedtime story. before our bedtime story. Hello? Hello? Male Caller #1: Hello, Male Caller #1: Hello, Mother. Mother. Mother Angelica: Where are Mother Angelica: Where are you from? you from? Male Caller #1: I’m from (<i> inaudible</i> ) (<i> inaudible</i> ) Mother Angelica: Oh, Mother Angelica: Oh, wonderful. wonderful. What is your question? What is your question? Male Caller #1: Well, I’m a Male Caller #1: Well, I’m a newcomer to the Catholic newcomer to the Catholic faith and I’m wondering if faith and I’m wondering if in attending Church alone, in attending Church alone, is it possible to learn is it possible to learn everything I would need to everything I would need to know or would you recommend know or would you recommend attending the RCIA attending the RCIA instruction? instruction? Mother Angelica: How can I Mother Angelica: How can I be honest about this thing? be honest about this thing? (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) It all depends on what RCIA It all depends on what RCIA or whatever it’s called is. or whatever it’s called is. Some of them I don’t think Some of them I don’t think are even orthodox. are even orthodox. They don’t teach the truth. They don’t teach the truth. They don’t teach--not all They don’t teach--not all of them--but so many of of them--but so many of them don’t teach the truth them don’t teach the truth about the Eucharist or... about the Eucharist or... We’ve had some people, We’ve had some people, became members of the Church became members of the Church and they knew what they were and they knew what they were hearing was wrong. hearing was wrong. I would get some good books. I would get some good books. See if you can’t find the See if you can’t find the Fathers of the Early Church, Fathers of the Early Church, and read the Scriptures, and read the Scriptures, read the Encyclicals, and most read the Encyclicals, and most of all read the Catechism. of all read the Catechism. Anybody can understand the Anybody can understand the Catechism, anybody and I Catechism, anybody and I would do that. would do that. And welcome! And welcome! Welcome to the Church! Welcome to the Church! Welcome Home and we have Welcome Home and we have another call. another call. Hello? Hello? Female Caller #1: Hello. Female Caller #1: Hello. Mother Angelica: Where are Mother Angelica: Where are you from? you from? Female Caller #1: Illinois. Female Caller #1: Illinois. Mother Angelica: And what is Mother Angelica: And what is your question? your question? Female Caller #1: Mother, Female Caller #1: Mother, about 5 years ago, I was about 5 years ago, I was living with a man, well living with a man, well actually it was, I lived actually it was, I lived with that person for 5 with that person for 5 years. years. And it took me a year of And it took me a year of praying to Divine Mercy, to praying to Divine Mercy, to Our Lady and the Holy Spirit Our Lady and the Holy Spirit to get out of this to get out of this situation. situation. And I went back Church and And I went back Church and Communion and Confession but Communion and Confession but yet now I still feel guilty yet now I still feel guilty for those sins and feel that for those sins and feel that how can I possibly make how can I possibly make enough reparation to amend enough reparation to amend for all that I did? for all that I did? Mother Angelica: Well, Mother Angelica: Well, sweetheart, don’t worry sweetheart, don’t worry about what you did. about what you did. That’s a feeling and you That’s a feeling and you better be... better be... We need to be careful we don’t have, guilt is not a don’t have, guilt is not a good thing. good thing. Guilt is good sometimes Guilt is good sometimes because its’ kind of part of because its’ kind of part of our conscience but that kind our conscience but that kind of guilt you should put of guilt you should put away. away. You have been forgiven by You have been forgiven by God Himself in Confession. God Himself in Confession. You must forgive yourself, You must forgive yourself, see. see. If you take all the great If you take all the great sinners--St. Augustine sinners--St. Augustine supposedly did everything supposedly did everything you can think of, a lot you can think of, a lot more than you did--and more than you did--and we call him St. Augustine we call him St. Augustine now. now. I mean, he had a total I mean, he had a total change, a total change. change, a total change. He says, "Too late have I He says, "Too late have I known Thee, too late have I known Thee, too late have I loved Thee." loved Thee." I’m sure he was conscious of I’m sure he was conscious of his sinner condition and his his sinner condition and his past but it only fed his past but it only fed his humility. humility. You do the same. You do the same. Let your past feed your Let your past feed your humility. humility. Say, "Lord, I am not Say, "Lord, I am not worthy." worthy." Can you imagine Mary Can you imagine Mary Magdalene, a high class Magdalene, a high class prostitute? prostitute? She had to be pretty high She had to be pretty high class to break a year’s class to break a year’s wages of perfume in an wages of perfume in an alabaster jar. alabaster jar. You know what a whole year’s You know what a whole year’s wages was, denari a day, 360 wages was, denari a day, 360 denari, it should be about denari, it should be about $10,000. $10,000. Pretty much perfume! Pretty much perfume! But after she was forgiven, But after she was forgiven, all she could think of is all she could think of is gratitude and love. gratitude and love. The enemy will try to bring The enemy will try to bring you back and convince you you back and convince you that you’re not worthy and that you’re not worthy and that, it’s too late. that, it’s too late. Don’t pay any attention to Don’t pay any attention to that. that. Run to Our Lady. Run to Our Lady. Run to Our Lady. Run to Our Lady. She will protect you. She will protect you. You’re Home. You’re Home. You’re forgiven. You’re forgiven. Now, go out like this woman Now, go out like this woman did, 5 husbands, wow! did, 5 husbands, wow! But see, she forgot But see, she forgot everything. everything. And she went and told, "This And she went and told, "This Man told me everything I Man told me everything I ever did." ever did." If I were, if I had that If I were, if I had that gift--I’m glad I don’t--of gift--I’m glad I don’t--of Padre Pio, of telling Padre Pio, of telling everybody exactly what they everybody exactly what they did their entire life, how did their entire life, how many people would go around many people would go around and say, "Do you know Mother and say, "Do you know Mother told me everything I did my told me everything I did my whole life." whole life." You wouldn’t not say that! You wouldn’t not say that! You’d keep it buttoned up! You’d keep it buttoned up! (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) It would be bad enough It would be bad enough I knew what you did! I knew what you did! (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) So, it’s okay, honey. So, it’s okay, honey. It’s okay. It’s okay. Just know, that you’re not Just know, that you’re not going to do that anymore, going to do that anymore, that God loves you. that God loves you. He came. He came. He said, "I came for He said, "I came for sinners, not the virtuous." sinners, not the virtuous." He came for you. He came for you. Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hi. Hi. Female Caller #2: Hello, Female Caller #2: Hello, this is Charlotte. this is Charlotte. Mother Angelica: You’re a Mother Angelica: You’re a little, I can hardly little, I can hardly understand you. understand you. Where are you from? Where are you from? Female Caller #2: Pittsburg, Female Caller #2: Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania. Mother Angelica: And what is Mother Angelica: And what is your question? your question? Female Caller #2: Is it a Female Caller #2: Is it a sin to live together for 22 sin to live together for 22 years? years? Mother Angelica: Is it what? Mother Angelica: Is it what? Female Caller #2: A sin to Female Caller #2: A sin to live together for 22 years? live together for 22 years? Mother Angelica: It’s a big Mother Angelica: It’s a big sin, honey. sin, honey. It’s called fornication. It’s called fornication. You can not live--and I You can not live--and I know, sweetheart, that (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) some ministers and priests some ministers and priests say it’s okay. say it’s okay. But it’s not. But it’s not. It’s not okay. It’s not okay. It’s not. It’s not. You can’t do that. You can’t do that. (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) I know life can be lonely I know life can be lonely sometimes huh, and sometimes huh, and I know it’s hard. I know it’s hard. That’s your cross. That’s your cross. I have my cross. I have my cross. All these people have their All these people have their crosses. crosses. You’ve got your cross. You’ve got your cross. You cannot live-- You cannot live-- If you’re living with anyone If you’re living with anyone for a couple of years, you for a couple of years, you have to stop it right now, have to stop it right now, right now! right now! Because your soul was bought Because your soul was bought at a great price, a great at a great price, a great price. price. And your eternity is at And your eternity is at stake. stake. Your eternity is at stake. Your eternity is at stake. Your eternal happiness is at Your eternal happiness is at stake and you could lose stake and you could lose your souls, see. your souls, see. You don’t want to do that. You don’t want to do that. Jesus doesn’t want you to Jesus doesn’t want you to do that. do that. Mary doesn’t want you to do Mary doesn’t want you to do that. that. It is a sin. It is a sin. And all you people out there And all you people out there living with anybody, if living with anybody, if anybody told you it’s okay, anybody told you it’s okay, they’re lying. they’re lying. They have no love for you. They have no love for you. Because if they loved you, Because if they loved you, they would tell you the they would tell you the truth. truth. And what should she do? And what should she do? Well, you have to leave this Well, you have to leave this man. man. If you’re dependant upon If you’re dependant upon him, try to get a job and him, try to get a job and try to get on your own. try to get on your own. Jesus will help you. Jesus will help you. He will help you. We have another call. We have another call. Hello? Hello? Male Caller #2: Hello, Male Caller #2: Hello, Mother. Mother. Mother Angelica: Oh, wait a Mother Angelica: Oh, wait a minute! minute! The other woman, please go The other woman, please go to Confession. to Confession. Go to Confession and then Go to Confession and then try to find yourself a job. try to find yourself a job. Okay, hello? Okay, hello? Male Caller #3: Hello, Male Caller #3: Hello, Mother. Mother. Mother Angelica: Where are Mother Angelica: Where are you from? you from? Male Caller #2: Beaver Dam, Male Caller #2: Beaver Dam, Wisconsin. Wisconsin. Mother Angelica: And what is Mother Angelica: And what is your question? your question? Male Caller #2: first off, Male Caller #2: first off, I’d like to say thank you I’d like to say thank you and may God bless you and and may God bless you and protect you in ministry. protect you in ministry. And Mother, a month and a And Mother, a month and a half ago my nephew died. half ago my nephew died. He was 18. He was 18. He had 2 older brothers He had 2 older brothers which were 19. which were 19. My sister and brother-in-law My sister and brother-in-law are mourning, you know, as are mourning, you know, as we all are but they come up we all are but they come up with questions like... with questions like... Mother Angelica: What did he Mother Angelica: What did he die of? die of? Male Caller #2: He was in a Male Caller #2: He was in a car accident. car accident. Mother Angelica: Oh, Mother Angelica: Oh, terrible. terrible. Male Caller #2: And his name Male Caller #2: And his name was Jonathan and, especially was Jonathan and, especially his brothers, one of them, his brothers, one of them, he’s my God son. he’s my God son. And they’re saying, "Well, And they’re saying, "Well, will we see Jonathan as, you will we see Jonathan as, you know, how will we see him? know, how will we see him? Will we see him like the Will we see him like the last time we seen him. last time we seen him. How will he know us?" How will he know us?" You know, they want to be, You know, they want to be, you know, assured that you know, assured that they’ll be reunited as, you they’ll be reunited as, you know, almost like a family know, almost like a family of 5. of 5. Mother Angelica: Yes, well, Mother Angelica: Yes, well, let me say that God permits let me say that God permits many terrible things to many terrible things to happen. happen. He doesn’t ordain that He doesn’t ordain that people are drunk and they people are drunk and they hit somebody and kill them hit somebody and kill them or whatever way it happened. or whatever way it happened. But He does permit them. But He does permit them. We can be sure of one thing We can be sure of one thing when we deal with God--He when we deal with God--He takes us all at that time takes us all at that time we’re best prepared. we’re best prepared. We will never know why. We will never know why. We will know that in Heaven. We will know that in Heaven. But if his parents and you But if his parents and you and the family will just give him to Jesus like give him to Jesus like Abraham was going to give Abraham was going to give his son to the Lord. his son to the Lord. Say, "Lord, my son is a Say, "Lord, my son is a victim of somebody else’s victim of somebody else’s mistake, just as Your Son mistake, just as Your Son was a victim of many was a victim of many people’s great mistake," people’s great mistake," then give it to the Lord. then give it to the Lord. That’ number 1. That’ number 1. Will you see him in Heaven? Will you see him in Heaven? Yes. Yes. As he is now? As he is now? Well, he’ll be glorified. Well, he’ll be glorified. He’ll be glorified. He’ll be glorified. You know, there’s no, how do You know, there’s no, how do I say this? I say this? You know, on earth everybody You know, on earth everybody has a beautiful face, a has a beautiful face, a mediocre face, a mediocre face, a good-looking face, an ugly good-looking face, an ugly face, a skinny face, a fat face, a skinny face, a fat face. face. We’ve got all these kind of We’ve got all these kind of faces. faces. In Heaven, in Heaven we In Heaven, in Heaven we shall be glorified! shall be glorified! And each soul will have its And each soul will have its own beauty, its own beauty, own beauty, its own beauty, so unique that he and you so unique that he and you will be unlike any other will be unlike any other soul. soul. Will you recognize him? Will you recognize him? Oh yes, you will know, Oh yes, you will know, "There’s my son" and he will "There’s my son" and he will know you. know you. In Heaven we will know many In Heaven we will know many people we always wanted to people we always wanted to know. know. And we’ll pray for his soul, And we’ll pray for his soul, for God’s mercy. for God’s mercy. Every day, many times a day, Every day, many times a day, many times a day, I say a many times a day, I say a tiny little prayer, "Jesus tiny little prayer, "Jesus and Mary, I love You. and Mary, I love You. Save the souls of those who Save the souls of those who die suddenly or unprovided die suddenly or unprovided deaths." deaths." Your nephew was among those. Your nephew was among those. So you know that our nuns So you know that our nuns here pray for everybody-- here pray for everybody-- those that are sick and those that are sick and dying, those who die dying, those who die suddenly and those that suddenly and those that are ill. are ill. All of these we pray for All of these we pray for before Our Dear Lord’s Holy before Our Dear Lord’s Holy presence in the Eucharist. presence in the Eucharist. That’s their work for you. That’s their work for you. So be at peace, all of you. So be at peace, all of you. One day we shall know all One day we shall know all the why’s in our life and the why’s in our life and there it won’t really matter there it won’t really matter for we shall all see god for we shall all see god face-to-face. face-to-face. And then we shall see all And then we shall see all those we loved from way those we loved from way back. back. Well, now, Well, now, children, all of you and children, all of you and those that are here and those that are here and those that are out there. those that are out there. last week we spoke about the last week we spoke about the beginning, when God was all beginning, when God was all by my Himself and how He by my Himself and how He began to create. began to create. And He created all kinds of And He created all kinds of plants and the stars and the plants and the stars and the moon and then He created moon and then He created animals, huh, all kind of animals, huh, all kind of mammals. mammals. I told you how He made a I told you how He made a giraffe. giraffe. And then He decided after He And then He decided after He made the angels--at the made the angels--at the very beginning He made very beginning He made angels. angels. Do you know, children, that Do you know, children, that one of those angels He one of those angels He already picked out just for already picked out just for you? you? Did you know that? Did you know that? Long ago. Long ago. before He even made a blade before He even made a blade of grass or a tree or an of grass or a tree or an animal. animal. He made all of these angels. He made all of these angels. And He put some aside and He And He put some aside and He said, "You’re going to be said, "You’re going to be guardian angels and I have guardian angels and I have just the one for you to just the one for you to protect." protect." Century passed century and Century passed century and century passed century for century passed century for hundreds and thousands of hundreds and thousands of years and that angel’s been years and that angel’s been waiting in Heaven until you waiting in Heaven until you were born, until you were were born, until you were born. born. And God said to him, "I’ve And God said to him, "I’ve got one for you." got one for you." He said, "You do?" He said, "You do?" "Yeah. "Yeah. There’s a little boy and a There’s a little boy and a little girl going to be born little girl going to be born tomorrow at 8:00. tomorrow at 8:00. "You guard the boy and you, "You guard the boy and you, you guard the girl." you guard the girl." Oh, they were so happy! Oh, they were so happy! And that’s what happened And that’s what happened with you. with you. But now you’re interested in But now you’re interested in what happened to the man what happened to the man that God created. that God created. Well, he was made by the Well, he was made by the dirt of the earth. dirt of the earth. You know, one time in the You know, one time in the Gospel, Our Dear Lord, there Gospel, Our Dear Lord, there was a blind man and he was was a blind man and he was born without eyeballs. born without eyeballs. He didn’t have any eyeballs. He didn’t have any eyeballs. And the Lord took some dirt And the Lord took some dirt and He spit on it, then He and He spit on it, then He made like a little cake and made like a little cake and He put it on his eye. He put it on his eye. And then He said, "Go and And then He said, "Go and wash," and the man washed wash," and the man washed all the dirt and the mud and all the dirt and the mud and he opened his eyes and he he opened his eyes and he could see! could see! Well, that’s what happened Well, that’s what happened to Adam, Adam. to Adam, Adam. He formed him out of the He formed him out of the dirt. dirt. He formed a man. He formed a man. And the Word said to the And the Word said to the Father, "Father, he doesn’t Father, "Father, he doesn’t move. move. What will he be?" What will he be?" And the Father said, "I will And the Father said, "I will breathe into him and then he breathe into him and then he shall rise." shall rise." And so the Father went, And so the Father went, (breathes) (breathes) and suddenly eyes and suddenly eyes open and the hand went out open and the hand went out and the hand went like this. and the hand went like this. And the Father touched and And the Father touched and he rose. he rose. Oh, that was an awesome Oh, that was an awesome moment! moment! And that’s how, that’s how And that’s how, that’s how God began creation. God began creation. Adam was a very handsome Adam was a very handsome man. man. And he had all kind of fun And he had all kind of fun because the Lord said to because the Lord said to him, "Adam, I want you to him, "Adam, I want you to name all the animals." name all the animals." And here came a lion. And here came a lion. He said, "Oh!" He said, "Oh!" "Oh," He said, "Don’t be "Oh," He said, "Don’t be afraid. afraid. He won’t hurt you." He won’t hurt you." And the lion came up and just And the lion came up and just laid down in front of Adam. laid down in front of Adam. And He said, "What should we And He said, "What should we name him?" name him?" And he said, "Well, I don’t And he said, "Well, I don’t know." know." He looked and He said, He looked and He said, "Lion." "Lion." "Oh, okay." "Oh, okay." Then he walked through the Then he walked through the woods and there was a woods and there was a beautiful animal, beautiful beautiful animal, beautiful animal! animal! It had spots, brown and It had spots, brown and white. white. And He said, "Oh, what are And He said, "Oh, what are you going to call him?" you going to call him?" Don’t you think God was Don’t you think God was wonderful to let Adam call wonderful to let Adam call all the animals a name? all the animals a name? If I created them, I want to If I created them, I want to call them a name. call them a name. God is generous. God is generous. See, that teaches you now to See, that teaches you now to be generous. be generous. He said, "What are you going He said, "What are you going to call that one?" to call that one?" He said, "Oh, he’s He said, "Oh, he’s beautiful. beautiful. We’ll call him a deer." We’ll call him a deer." "Ah, that’s nice." "Ah, that’s nice." Then suddenly, out of the Then suddenly, out of the jungle came this boom! jungle came this boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) And Adam looked up and he And Adam looked up and he was scared to death! was scared to death! He started shivering. He started shivering. And God said, "Oh don’t And God said, "Oh don’t shiver. shiver. Look!" Look!" Adam went like that. Adam went like that. He never saw anything so He never saw anything so big. big. And this big animal--his And this big animal--his feet were that wide and he feet were that wide and he must have been 8 ft. must have been 8 ft. tall--and he went "Whew!" tall--and he went "Whew!" And God said, "What are you And God said, "What are you going to name him?" going to name him?" "Oh, I don’t know!" "Oh, I don’t know!" And the elephant had a trunk And the elephant had a trunk and went, and went, (makes noise) (makes noise) and he got some water and he got some water and he went and he went (makes noise) (makes noise) (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) all over Adam. all over Adam. Adams shook his head and the Adams shook his head and the elephant pulled up his trunk elephant pulled up his trunk and there was this big and there was this big mouth. mouth. And Adam looked inside and And Adam looked inside and he went, "Whew!" he went, "Whew!" And he looked and said, And he looked and said, "Elephant." "Elephant." (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) And the Father said, And the Father said, "Elephant!" "Elephant!" (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) "Yep!" He said, "Elephant." "Yep!" He said, "Elephant." And the Father said, "So be And the Father said, "So be it, elephant." it, elephant." Well, Adam went around with Well, Adam went around with all the animals and the all the animals and the birds and the bees birds and the bees (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) and he was not too and he was not too happy, not too happy. happy, not too happy. But the Father would come But the Father would come and walk with them at and walk with them at twilight, huh. twilight, huh. Just before the sun came Just before the sun came down Adam and God would walk down Adam and God would walk together in the cool of the together in the cool of the night. night. So one night God came and So one night God came and walked with Adam. walked with Adam. And God said, "Adam, are you And God said, "Adam, are you happy?" happy?" And he said, "Oh, yes, And he said, "Oh, yes, Father, I am happy. Father, I am happy. (heavy sigh) (heavy sigh) "But there’s something "But there’s something lacking." lacking." "Well, let me think about "Well, let me think about it." it." And so, the Trinity had a And so, the Trinity had a little meeting. little meeting. (audience chuckles) (audience chuckles) And they said to each other, And they said to each other, "What shall we do with Adam? "What shall we do with Adam? He’s lonely." He’s lonely." And they decided they would And they decided they would create a wo-man. create a wo-man. So they said, "How shall we So they said, "How shall we do that?" do that?" So They said, "Well, we So They said, "Well, we shall put Adam to sleep and shall put Adam to sleep and then we shall take one rib then we shall take one rib out and around that we shall out and around that we shall create a woman." create a woman." So, Adam fell sound asleep So, Adam fell sound asleep and he was snoring, and he was snoring, (snores) (snores) out of it, out of it, out of it, out of it, out of it. out of it. All of a sudden, the Lord All of a sudden, the Lord took a rib and He mixed it took a rib and He mixed it with the ground and from it with the ground and from it came the most beautiful came the most beautiful creature, a woman. creature, a woman. Oh! Oh! She was beautiful! She was beautiful! She had long hair. She had long hair. And then Adam woke up and it And then Adam woke up and it came time to walk with God. came time to walk with God. And so Adam went to meet And so Adam went to meet God and then he saw God and then he saw two people. two people. And he stopped and he said, And he stopped and he said, "Oh, who’s that?" "Oh, who’s that?" And God said to Adam, "Here! And God said to Adam, "Here! Here is your companion. Here is your companion. "She is woman. "She is woman. "Live and love and bear "Live and love and bear fruit." fruit." Well, we’ve got to go again. Well, we’ve got to go again. God bless you. God bless you. See you tomorrow night. See you tomorrow night. Bye now. (applause) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Channel: EWTN
Views: 10,192
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Keywords: ma9, ma902766, ytsync-en
Id: _uBn87OhkAs
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Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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