The Best of Kevin Malone - The Office

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[ Telephone rings ] -Hello? -Hello, Mr. Halpert? I'm calling from the identity-theft departmen at Capitol One. We've detected some unusua activity on your credit card -Oh, man. Do you think it was stolen -First, would you mind verifying your home address? -Um...yes. Um... 383 Linden Ave., Scranton, PA. -And may I have the last four digits of your Social Security -6650. -Well, Mr. Halpert, you're obviously not in San Juan, Puerto Rico. -Wait a minute. Yes, I am. -I'm going to go ahead and put a hold on your card. -No, that -- I -- I think that we should let the criminal use the card a little longer -Very funny, sir. We'll get a new card out to you right away. -No -- -Have a nice day and thank you. [ Telephone clicks ] -[ Gasps ] Shoot. I kind of know what it's like to be in commercials. My nickname in high school used to be "Kool-Aid Man." -Whose butt is that? -Mine. -Oh, how did I not guess that? -Great. They stole my laptop. -Yeah, well, they stole my surge protector. -How does that even compare? -Oscar, I'm now going to be prone to surges. [ People yelling in background ] [ Yelling continues ] I just want to lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That's all I've ever wanted. I can't keep doing this forever. -It's been 20 seconds. -Call it. Please hold. Andy, phone call. -Nope, stay there. Kev, I thought we nailed the whole transfer thing earlier -Yeah, I wrote it on my hand but then I washed it. -It is "transfer," extension and then "transfer" again. -Okay. Andy, get ready. -"Transfer..." -Here we go. -...extension, "transfer." [ Telephone ringing ] -Ah! -Oh, man! -It is 134. -Kev? -Kev, come on. Hustle. -Hold it. -You are murdering the Nard-Dog! -This is Kevin. Please hold, and I will transfer you. [ Telephone ringing ] -You're bad at this, too. -Don't answer that call. -Just transfer the damn call -Your call is very important to us. Plea-- [ Telephone ringing ] -Hey! -Oh! [ Applause ] -Okay, okay. Way to go. -My maid died. -Angela's cats are cute -- so cute that you just want to eat them. But you can't eat cats. You can't eat cats, Kevin. [ Clears throat ] Nope, it's not Ashton Kutcher. It's Kevin Malone -- equally handsome, equally smart. At least once a year I like to bring in some of my Kevin's famous chili. The trick is to undercook the onions. Everybody is going to get to know each other in the pot. I'm serious about this stuff I'm up the night before, pressing garlic and dicing whole tomatoes. I toast my own ancho chilies Oh! It's a recipe passed down from Malones for generations Oh! It's probably the thing I do best. [ All laughing ] -That is so awesome! -Congratulations! -Congratulations! -Thank you. So, guys, guys, guys, guys We're moving to Colorado. -All of us? -[ Whispering ] Have you been introduced to Kevin? -Nope. Which one's Kevin? -[ Laughs ] -He's here on a special work program. He's slow, you know, in his brain. -Oh, good for you guys. -Yeah. [ Normal voice ] Accounting department, listen up. Holly, human resources. Angela, Oscar, and Kevin. -Hello, hello. Hi. -Hi. -What do you do? -I do the numbers. -Oh, good for you! -Do you want an M&M? -Oh, no, that is so sweet, but thank you, though. -Yeah, I keep them here at my desk so that everybody doesn't take them. -Well, that is a very safe place for them. -I am totally gonna bang Holly She is cute and helpful, and she really seems into me What an awesome party, the best wedding I've ever been to. I got six numbers. One more would have been a complete telephone number. I hear Angela's party will have double-fudge brownies. It will also have Angela. So, double fudge, Angela. Double fudge... Angela. Hmm... -I don't know if anyone else feels this way, and don't get me wrong, I love Michael and Holly. And maybe I'm being overly sensitive, but the PDA. -Yes, the freakin' PDA! -Huh? -Thank you! -Obviously, so happy for them both. -I don't know, guys. I, for one, enjoy watching the because -- -No, stop. Just don't. -Can I finish? Can I finish? Is that okay? I was saying... -[ Sighs ] -...I enjoy watching them because it makes me horny. [ All groan ] -Kevin! -Oh, I get it. Everybody knows about the ultimatum. -Yes, I told everyone. -Ha ha! Ha ha! -Hey, right back at you, bitch -What are you doing? -I wanted to eat a pig in a blanket... in a blanket. -Confession. I have done PDA in the office. -Thank you! -I've had intercourse in the office. -Alright. -As has Angela. -Dwight! As has Ryan, as has Kelly, as has Meredith, as has Phyllis, as has Darryl, as has Creed, as has Michael and as has Holly. -As has Kevin. -With who? -She goes to another school. [ Telephone rings in distance ] I always set it at 69. [ Giggles ] -This band is called "Scrantonicity." -Okay. -Let's take a look. Nice. -Oh, wait. That's Kevin on the drums. -What? -On the drums, on the drums! -Oh, my God, that's Kevin. -[ Laughs ] -Great song, Kev. Oh, my God. He's the drummer and the singer. -We really don't do a lot of weddings. We actually don't play in public very often. We are all really hoping that Pam's wedding works out This could be a turning point for the band. -Holly, you approved this? -Yes, I did. I think Todd's gonna make a great addition to the staff. -You did approve it. -Yeah. -What don't you understand about the word "approved"? It seems a couple of you don't know what the word "approved" means. I have very little patience for stupidity. -No, no, no, that's not fair What if Kevin wants to buy cookies from me? -I do! -See? -That doesn't mean anything. Kevin, do you want to buy cookies from me? -Oh, I definitely do. -Huh. Hit the road, Jack. -No, you hit the road, Jack. -Hey, guys, come on. Don't fight over me. -Yeah, why don't we split the order? It's only fair. -No, wait. No. I'm buying. I make the rules. I actually do want you to fight over me. I want to be wined and dined and 69'd. -Oh! -Metaphorically 69'd! Ew! Perverts! No offense, Oscar. -I knew the party was today, but nobody asked me to plan it so I didn't. Hmm. Funny how that works. -We're out there, sweating our balls off every day, busting our balls. We deserve a Christmas party -Well, then, why don't we just get some liquor and those mini cupcakes. -Mini cupcakes? As in the mini version of regular cupcakes, which is already a mini versio of cake? Honestly, where does it end with you people? -I can understand your pain and your rage, but you know what? Andy is an honorable man. Let us not question his choices. I'm sure he had his reasons. -We're not questioning his reasons. I just want to know what they are. -I know. You and me both, brother. It seemed kind of random to me but he was pretty clear on who he thought truly deserved this boondoggle of a lifetime. -Well, he nailed it because I do deserve a vacation. Sometimes Batman's got to take off his cape. -Let's go over some of these symptoms of marijuana use, shall we? You tell me who this sounds like. Slow-moving, inattentive, dull, constantly snacking, shows a lack of motivation -Hey. -I just wanted to say that just, my mom's coming in today -MMMILF. -Thanks, Kevin. -Hey. -Hey. -You want to go to the beach -Sure. -You want to get high? -No. -I think you do, mon. -Stop. -What are the odds that this is in any way real -I'd say, like, 10,000 to 1. -Okay, I'd like 10 bucks on those odds. If someone gives you 10,000 to 1 on anything, you take it. If John Mellencamp ever wins an Oscar, I am going to be a very rich dude. Oh, can I be... [ Australian accent ] Australian, mate? -Absolutely! -Hello, mate. -I like ice cream. I need a boyfriend. -I like ice cream, too, mate alligators and dingo babies. -Okay, great. Dermatitis. Thank you, Angela. I'll make sure that's covered. Okay, now, who wrote this -- this "hysterical" one? Anal fissures. -That's a real thing. -Yeah, but no one here has it. -Someone has it. After Stacy left, things.. did not go well for a while And it was hard to see... It's just nice to win one.
Channel: The Office
Views: 4,194,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best of kevin, kevin malone, kevin the office, brian baumgartner, kevin drops chili, the office, steve carell, john krasinski, rainn wilson, did i stutter, no god no, best office moments, theme song, funniest office, office michael, office clips, watch office, Entertainment, TV Series, Celebrities, Comedy, Funny, Hilarious, Comedian, office, nbc, full episodes, bloopers, cpr, funniest moments, pranks, theme, fire drill, parkour, best moments, scranton, dunder mifflin, jenna fischer
Id: KrsLyP4ArlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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