The Best of Game Grumps - Super Mario Sunshine

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Super Mario Sunshine it's getting saucy rocket so hard Ross's and NASA whoa it's all I had that was nice so yeah right this [ __ ] musician over here he's a good okay piggies cool with me my hands are too big for this guitar have you ever tried to make a G chord with one giant finger sucks like when I'm like super crusty old I can't wait to be like huh like no matter what anyone says to me even if I understood perfectly though you got it you got to do it was like it like a New England accent like hey what grandpa I just wanted to say that I love you and I know I don't get to see you often but it's just always a pleasure cuz you mean the world to me haha yeah I open the wall please so exquisite like hey Jen you've been working at this company a few years we think you're doing a good job and we just wanted to let you know you might be getting raised ha gaminess to you already I hope you enjoy your stay hey [ __ ] lips go [ __ ] yourself Barry please edit that out thank you yes you shouldn't be a don't by the way Barry yeah I'm gonna miss you have it I will [ __ ] kill you I've asked Barry to edit out things out like three times and you superseded it no Barry don't just do that but make a small wrap around it look at many visuals hey [ __ ] laughs hey [ __ ] laughs self good [ __ ] loving [ __ ] Barry edit that out no Barry in fact find a visual representation of a [ __ ] loving [ __ ] no one's no lady named Bianca she had an ace but was she - yeah fun fact about that game layin on me um my copy of it was stolen what yeah I so like a fun fact at all that's just a fact um for this am uh someone stole your wave race oh I stole the wave race what yes oh oh was that not clear yeah no you know like whoa pretty weak bud damn get in the party going get in the party don't you suck get the party going thanks oh I don't know holy [ __ ] oh yeah I am too bad if I had to choose three words to describe it a week but hey about you go [ __ ] yourself God have you ever interacted with horse track people on the train I have not I was going to comic-con on the train it's a pretty specific question also apparently they don't bury their heads in the sand oh yeah they don't yeah it says here this is like the least helpful answer it's like ostriches don't bury their heads in the sand they are scanning the [ __ ] does that mean the lighthouse uh-hum the eastern Galanos okay it has disappeared what what do the investigations are are now underway great where's the White House oh I guess it's disappeared ha I'll get help do need water I'll use my water jetpack to get help it reminds me of like Tony Hawk when you could grind on completely unwind able things Oh like your sister's face oh how very disgusting hey does anyone know a veterinarian coz these pythons are sick let's go to like hell I could go for a blow job right now but I can really go for some vaginal oh excuse me how much for vaginal what if she look across the way so yes no you can odd is it pronounced vagina I have a lot of questions you can fill out this comment question form yes that's yes/no and may be questions forget the maybe this is a standardized form I ever tell you I got invited to an orgy one time did I not tell you this I had two friends and they were a lesbian couple uh let's let's call them Michelle and Janine to protect the innocent okay and of course when you're a guy and you have a couple of like lesbian girlfriends even though you know they're not into dudes at all you're always secretly hoping like maybe I will be the guy who would be invited into the threesome like the threesome that they're not having and never will yeah of course so one day I was just hanging out at their place and the three of us are on the couch together and we're just playing video games or whatever and Janine uh puts her hand on my leg out of nowhere and she's like Dan we have a proposition for you I was like so what side your head there's like fireworks and [ __ ] go yeah late yeah outside I was like oh do tell but on the inside I'm like like you you keep applied to work at Starbucks and like one of the things he had to fill out to work at Starbucks was uh why do you want to work at Starbucks and so he wrote out because [ __ ] isn't working out the way I thought it would [ __ ] it's me [ __ ] can I go No whoa what's happening up there is an explosion of mentos oh yeah shack me lucky lectric yeah I don't even know the ramifications thanks man and the roller-coaster takes them into a Dungeons & Dragons dimension yes yeah yeah the Dungeon Master's there and it's like you're not ranger warrior magic user robot he just ran out of classes and like rope as you young black guy there's like two more it's just like um butcher table setter busboy monkey Butler peach you traitorous [ __ ] yes like play cool yeah cut that corner are you going for the shroom I wanted to save time but thanks everyone got a little too big for his britches if you ever like a shop lifted something which I guess would be the chapstick would you like I'm Steely dick whooping is one of my favorite things like all-time I've learned to really enjoy it too I guess if they're sparingly as you say it used to be a boring nuisance to me when I was younger and now I'm like I sure do like just being by myself and making things so like I'll eat food and then like minutes before she's supposed to show up I just have to poop oh yeah and she's quite a pretty girl too well that's that's irrelevant well I mean it's not a relevant in the sense that like having to poop is always more embarrassing someone attractive involved is away yeah I just got like it's looking like ugly slab going over ha dude you stay out there yeah hold on I'm gonna be pooping for the next 45 minutes you just remain ugly yeah maybe this [ __ ] can tell ah damn it this is instead of instead of talking I accidentally slid on the floor and fell a common mistake Winchell Metheny here is nailing with his ass that's not how you do it I feel like that's like it's lower it's like a lower level let's play joke look he's getting nailed in the ass hey like to comment and subscribe I remember the first grade one and like like okay so today we're gonna talk about sex and they're like do you have any questions off the bat and I just remember this kid Adam was like um yes so I know that I in order to have sex you pee on the girl but where do you pig and meanwhile I was like yeah where do you paint have you ever seen a live flower birth disgusting did you know that flowers eat their own placenta gross gross I've always wanted to meet you in person this is reason to make it out what are you gonna do about it [ __ ] ill panty Simo is that her that is yeah he's an [ __ ] yeah if ever there wasn't get off this is your [ __ ] Mario piece of [ __ ] alright damn it now lpgz mom's gonna beat me now you [ __ ] fantasy mom you pokey little flat biscuit oh yeah ah mother [ __ ] oh yeah stab him where it hurts yeah man is [ __ ] parents yeah whew whew ha you're pretty good you got some speed yeah I was kind of hoping you'd be more disappointed too buddy too bad I already killed your parents it's been reported the lone Yoshi egg has been spotted on a local every Osheaga spotted huh wait can we start at this episode over what about the game uh yeah dance say some bunny huh Yoshi eggs just [ __ ] [ __ ] well I'm trying to eat a dick for it oh wait wait oh we should start this episode over what about the game draw here and have you ever tried to eat a dick yes dammit [ __ ] I just learned how to I just learned how to do this check it out watch this I was thinking on how to invest in the black market you ever tried it I don't know I don't want to be a criminal I just want to help them along because they're never going away I got a couple of white babies I've been meaning semester couple next time on game grumps sexy Ross wham bam bam bam him almost get in there you just stand on top of it hope no one steals my [ __ ] hey hi you okay I'm okay are you okay do you need anything no well cocktail Oh what kind of uh strawberry daiquiri Oh what I thought you wanted like a like a tail of a rooster I thought you wanted a story about my dick are you seen Ringo's mspaint art I have not is it amazing oh my god get your laptop out I'm serious I want you to experience this so go to ringo starr art calm Oh he draws at all in ms paint oh are you impressed the easy way to look at it is if it has a hat on it will probably be called hat mess with like complete sincerity oh my god Barry just put up some Ringo Starr mspaint art ooh ah yeah most of the titles from my pieces arrived because on computer you have to call them something so I have welcome to the video hey buddy welcome to super mario sunshine you're happy yeah I'm feeling very super having a good mood I am I allowed to say why is that too personal in our lives we had sex yeah sorry yes very sorry you know what to do I mean no not bad ah why did you oh hell no each of us does one word from a sentence and we complete a sentence oh yeah that way back and forth as an example let's do one right now okay uh this away is the way to every heart in America and Ethiopia and Portugal my closet that's two words I'm sorry it's one concept again quick improv exercise okay ready go uh I am the person who will rock your soul and blow fix ah before we start this exercise haha I'm going to be talking about killing goats all right okay I like to kill goats dude it's like we share one minds it's amazing who when okay I already did you too funny yeah okay there you go don't ever say one single thing about my dick or I will put my dick into your scrotum Oh No can you give me out like all excited ah I can't you give me fat beautiful I agree but all of our fans are beautiful and not fat okay unless unless you are a fat language damn it lit his belly gets too big and he's like oh I'm so fat I should like comment subscribe if you have things living in your hair please like comment Miley to goo oh my god jinx one two three four five says internet ten no black magic no backsies a secret locking key whoa yeah oh I don't sing I remember all that [ __ ] dragon best dragon breath spell a broken mystical white witch dragon breath technically falls under black magic so I'm gonna have to take this up with the committee the roundtable committee of Yan jinx gentlemen please read back the minutes from our last meeting and two guys are like okay and then they have to be like damn it jinx what is it works is it black magic no backsies no black magic Allen and swears Wizards cane on a mountaintop raccoon ringlets everyone like offers helpful suggestions but then like blows it with the niceness at the end it's really funny it'll be like hey you should try hitting B and then sliding on your belly and you'll go a lot faster you dumb [ __ ] I don't want you niche in my game get out of here angels in general yeah what is this Bible study hahahaha my dad never hit me but he could yell he could yell but he you see y'all should empty all the time I just be like whatever pretend to like not be a bad but I was super mad and they think we like stay in your room and you're like I don't even care I'm not crying so goodbye tears on my Bella that's what I'm actually mad about I run a company Three's Company when I watch it alone and that's really I'll come and knock on your door Chrissy what the [ __ ] man come on I hate Mario would you just forgot star in second do what I tell you oh man we're having some good times all right okay continue with your Gator story no problem sorry to have interrupted it's cool uh [ __ ] um [ __ ] I'm sorry continuing Mario come on Mario get your [ __ ] gather Oh Mario I'm sorry would you please continue it against Troy I'm super sorry oh BeeZee the one thing about Gators no oops we lost no all right no I'm just gonna get that bottom purple hold on oh look I can't yes okay victory is mine oh we're back we're back if we're back it's like a thousand hours wait where did that everyone it's in the center oh go [ __ ] yourself no no it's okay I won't do this you can do this oh okay okay yes yes just fall yeah I'm out what happened out Oh what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] huh it's [ __ ] Becky pissing Mario Sunshine what happened oh my god Oh buddy come on oh they're all bad cut say okay like the polios [ __ ] up this [ __ ] is [ __ ] ah polio ain't [ __ ] compared to sunshine can I get a hell yeah Barry edit that out and I feel bad for anyone very evident twice Hey please even make a polio song can't kill my legs she knows this is more depressing better polio can't feel my legs getaway of a brace probably for the rest of my life I heard my mom won't say that I was a burden superfast just gonna roll through wrestle it mm-hmm muscled it down like a terrible cake that somebody who care about me that was all me that you did you did it okay here it comes I'll come back out again groans it comes out the don't you dare you [ __ ] all fat Jesus okay the nightmare is over Aaron yes I did you made it how we did it together [ __ ] together as a you and the unnamed third party named Barry yeah Barry came in and did the whole in like two seconds to secondly welcome back to cake parts I'm reading it on urban dictionary right now oh yeah Kate parts the act of getting naked and farting on a kid in order to be a true cake part the [ __ ] must come in contact [ __ ] yo [ __ ] the [ __ ] fruit oh my god got it holy [ __ ] that was almost a cake farce I want to get Oh come on Mario there's one thing about Mario that I can't stand he just doesn't know when to stop one Hallion wait what do the backflip Mario what do oh okay you okay there I thought he'd get skewered oh don't don't don't don't evil just uh-oh okay it's a pattern come on man Wow oh come on [ __ ] fight you want to go you want to throw down I'm fine with that piece of [ __ ] you get a blue coin blue coin okay whinnies whoa coin when you got a [ __ ] mental breakdown coming yes okay this is a new one guess we're gonna okay okay yeah Wow about this [ __ ] tree oh by the way uh whoever the lovely was that found that sent us the fact that the Prime Minister of Aruba's name is Mike Oh God that made us happy very you want to participate a little bit what's your favorite animal yeah oh that's interesting and what's your favorite color and then Oh mix those two and show us a picture of your favorite animal in that color whoa dang look at that and then throw on another picture of wolf job yeah wolf Joe oh wait is uh uh uh uh haunts my dreams open today wolf job in my brain I don't want it in my show I don't want it no no no I'm not wanted in this house I do not want it with a mouse this calls for more wolf job yeah Thank You Barry put a hat on that wolf oh man good-looking hat go ahead on the Hat and put a hat on a hat yep and put another wolf on the smallest hat put a smaller hat on the first hat not you kevin federline dammit ooh uh Britney Spears is ex-husband yeah should just end it on that oh yeah end it on the who Barry yeah you P for you Mario yeah [ __ ] do Whoopie goddamn [ __ ] hippie dippie ka Wow forty dicks wouldn't be enough to satiate your [ __ ] Oh have you ever seen red hot American summer no oh it's my favorite movie there's a part where like a girl comes over to like the tough like handsome dude she's like what are you doing he's like writing in my girdle she's like mean your journaling is like yeah whatever maybe I'm normal smart like you have you ever looked at beautiful lady uh-huh then gotten boner yeah like [ __ ] five minutes ago bra who oh wait that's a terrible thing to say cuz I've been in your house and Suzy got me girl I saw uh looking at the Internet oh yeah there you go I was looking at the Internet thank you for that out hey welcome back to game grumps I'm having a great time my favorite game Super Mario so could we trick you I mean ask for your help yeah all you do is hit him with another fruit when he's on fire in my opinion King Boo is one of the easiest bosses in the game it's fact you yeah go eat a dick [ __ ] like you what's his sweat name ironically the GG is hey what yeah but if this is from 2003 great job Aaron Aaron wins yay did you stay in one place yes oh no you're hitting me with water on this path of water under the fountains let me jump in this water for safety wash off some of that water ah water all you need to know if it comes out of the mouth of the yellow thing chances are probably net the yellow backpack duck oh you [ __ ] with my favorite duck don't you [ __ ] with my doc are you doc [ __ ] seriously I will not tolerate I swear to God I have a very low tolerance for that [ __ ] I made a quick buck [ __ ] ducks really no don't take that out of context that was good what others are never being I have [ __ ] 37 men in the ass please don't take that out of fun do I make this about dude [ __ ] that's crazy I've shred my penis between men ass cracks 20 times don't take that out of context yeah yeah it's all in the editing Barry 37 bucks to go back with 20 bucks lie on the ground lazy look is my favorite dog it's like one of those [ __ ] bases that's just way too loud so that's all you hear what drives by Barry if you're listening to this there's a special note just for you I'm gonna kill Erin hey no just kidding I'm [ __ ] saying [ __ ] from the mic I'm dead sir when you look down my shirt I have great large boobs way to take it home by it living every day to the fullest sounds like uh stupid dumb [ __ ] weird hippie dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] idea Mario is the coolest guy ever in the world because he never likes to [ __ ] women in order of hottest to sort of hottest Danny Sachs bangs middle name is you so his name can be enveloping you in a sensual manner did I never tell you that English people that jack off to like Bruce Springsteen's live performance in 1985 guilty ruined your PhD penis having degree pretty huge dick have you got another winner Peter hates deliveries oh yeah yeah telling lie I did it I did it yeah he's like no one appears fine and your dad so Rihanna Justin Oh Rio 'no is that like Paula Abdul nice Dan just told a joke off-camera and it was hilarious oh I may be like a Jonin child again okay okay I'm dead inside whoa Mountain sounds refreshing ah nothing like a hard drink oh no oh I'm burning alive in flavor I'm a big turtle no we do whatever we did Wow jump that [ __ ] take that shine [ __ ] you up and falling down sublime I don't know a thing the breath is isn't is that it yeah oh my god yeah I don't mind I I'm just glad I got to love you hmm how did you know mrs. mom a huge disgusting turtle Super Mario Sunshine it is now over we're was such a good time Ross is a [ __ ] awesome the way I'm playing this right out as well sorry we're ending on a strong note
Channel: BestOf LetsPlay
Views: 180,826
Rating: 4.8942485 out of 5
Keywords: let's play, game grumps, gamegrumps, super mario sunshine, mario, sunshine
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2015
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